Ndipes: Undipes K.Koch)
Ndipes: Undipes K.Koch)
Ndipes: Undipes K.Koch)
A research was aimed to know differences of fertility rates and physical chemistry
on the type of talas beneng that grow wild and cultivated. This research was
conducted from March until October 2015 in the village of Juhut, Pandeglang
District, Banten Province. The research used survey and experiment methods. The
results showed that the chemical characteristics of the soil on site conditions of
wild talas beneng were: soil acidity was slightly sour, C-organic was low, total
phosphorus was low to moderate, and potassium total was moderate. The physical
properties and genesis of land had a silty loam texture. The soil structure had glob
rounded, moist consistency was loose and without sticky. At cultivation growing
conditions in the village of Juhut, Pandeglang in cultivation had status chemical
properties of soil: soil acidity was neutral, C-organic content was low, total
phosphorus was low to moderate, and total potassium was high. The physical
properties and genesis was a silty clay loam soil, with a crumb structure, relatively
moist crumbly consistency, with rather sticky.
Tabel 2. Kesuburan fisik dan genesis tanah pada tanaman talas beneng yang
tumbuh liar dan dibudidayakan di Desa Juhut, Kabupaten Pandeglang,
Propinsi Banten
Kode Sampel Tekstur Struktur Kelekatan/Plastisitas
Gumpal Tidak lekat/tidak
J1 SL Gembur
membulat plastis
Agak lekat/agak
J2 SCL Remah Gembur
Keterangan : SL: Silt Loam; SCL: Silty Clay Loam, J1 : Juhut Liar; J2 : Juhut
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