Normal Shutdown Procedure: Chanar Energy Limited Tandlianwala Faisalabad

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Chanar Energy Limited Tandlianwala

Operation Department
1x22 MW Cogeneration
Chanar Energy Limited

Normal Shutdown Procedure


1. Inform NPCC for STG shutdown 2 hours earlier and revise DAC.
2. Inform Mills side representative for stopping extraction supply.
3. Start decreasing STG load & extraction steam pressure gradually.
4. Decrease drum extractor speed and maintain steam pressure & temperature.
5. Keep watch on STG bearing vibration & differential expansion.
6. Decrease FD RPM as per curve.
7. Decrease baggase feeding as per requirement.
8. When steam flow decreases below 50% MCR, Close upper Left & Right OFA from 80% to 50%
(2 holes).
9. Maintain steam temperature by manual adjustment of attemperator TCVs.
10. When STG load reaches to 15MW, DISABLE third extraction.
11. Stop 3rd running boiler feed water pump (during season).
12. Put drum level controller on MAN & maintain drum level.
13. Close MOV 1003 (During Season).
14. Change Ejector/Gland steam supply from TG bleed to 110/10 Bar Auxiliary PRDS.
15. When STG load reaches 12MW, close QCNRV-2351, 2352 & 2353 (1 st, 2nd bleed & 3rd
16. Open APH bypass dampers MD-2001/2002 and maintain ESP inlet temperature 140⁰C.
17. Close HP heater bleed steam supply valves (PCV 1010 & MOV-1005).
18. Open HP heaters bleed steam line drain valves.
19. Stop 2nd running Boiler feed pump.
20. Discharge ESP fields when ESP inlet temp decreases 130⁰C.
21. Close SCAPH drain valve near condenser.
22. Open boiler start-up vent PCV-2009 and maintain steam temperature/pressure.
23. Reduce TG load to 2MW and desynchronize as below:

Desynchronize STG from grid:

24.OPEN GCB manually from syhronization panel.

Prepared By: Shift Manager Page 1 of 3
Approved By: General Manager
Operation Department
1x22 MW Cogeneration
Chanar Energy Limited

Normal Shutdown Procedure


25. STOP turbine by Emergency trip on DCS or panel.

26. Open TG casing and balancing line drain valves.
27. Check TG warm-up vent 1003 and drain valve 1002are open.
28. Open steam line manual drain valves near deaerator and TG hall.
29. Stop one CEP pump.
30. Stop all drum extractors one by one.
31. Stop all screw feeders.
32. Stop RAD-1 & RAD-2.

If boiler silos are required to be empty, then first close RPG gates and stop drum extractors after
emptying silo.

If other unit is in shut down condition, STOP Slot chain and other BCs.

33. Stop SA Fan.

34. After complete burning of baggase on travelling grate, stop FD & ID fan.
35. Close ID, FD and SA fans inlet & outlet dampers.
36. Close start-up vent.
37. Close TG inlet Steam Stop Valve.
38. Check/close CBD.
39. Stop LP & HP dosing pumps with consulting shift chemist.
40. Engage barring gear when RPM reaches to zero and start barring gear motor.
41. Stop gland sealing steam and ejector steam Supply.
42. Open Gland steam header drain valves.
43. Close ACW supply valves of generator cooler.
44. Switch ON generator space heaters and Exciter space heaters.
45. Close Boiler outlet steam stop valve GVM-2003.

Prepared By: Shift Manager Page 2 of 3

Approved By: General Manager
Operation Department
1x22 MW Cogeneration
Chanar Energy Limited

Normal Shutdown Procedure

46. Throttle lube oil cooler ACW discharge valve to maintain lube oil temperature between 37 to
47. Stop boiler feed water pump & maintain drum level by BFP operation.
48. Stop travelling grate motor after 2 hours of shutdown.
49. Stop SAC.
50. Stop CEP pump, GSVC fan after 4 hours of shutdown.
51. Stop MCW pump when TG exhaust temperature decreases 50⁰C.
52. Stop ash handling system 8 hour after shutdown.
53. When steam pressure decreases to 2bar, open super heaters vents & drains and boiler drum
54. Stop one service air compressor.

Stop all service air compressors & instrument air compressors if other unit is in shutdown condition.

Prepared By: Shift Manager Page 3 of 3

Approved By: General Manager

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