Controlled Fast Cooling Down of Kwu Steam Turbines

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Presented by:
Gaurav Kumar
Emp No.-900023

Table of Contents:

 Superseded Document
 Scope
 Review
 Unit History & Operational Problems
 Stage-I: Parameter Reduction on Load
 Stage-II: Controlled fast cooling of Turbine

Superseded Document
OGN/OPS/MECH/042 Rev 1, July

 This LMI recommends procedures for controlled fast cooling

of KWU design turbines during shut down for turbine
overhaul or for carrying out any maintenance work in TG
system without stressing turbine internals and components.
For other Make & Model of Steam Turbines, OEM
Recommendations on controlled fast cooling .
2 yearly basis, or as and when
required, whichever is earlier
This document aims to provide guidance and
procedure for controlled fast cooling of KWU design
turbines during shut down for turbine overhaul without
stressing turbine internals and components. This will
result in reduction of the cooling period and thereby
permit early commencement of maintenance work
after the stoppage of barring gear. In KWU machine,
the average time to stop barring gear usually takes 5
to 6 days in old generation 500 MW units & 8 to 9 days
in new generation 500 MW units (Vindhyachal-II
onwards) after taking out machine from bar. Any work
on Turo-Generator or Bearings can be done only after
stopping of barring gear. By controlled fast cooling of
steam turbine, barring gear can be stopped on an
average within 74 hours after taking out machine of
bar to start maintenance/overhaul work
Clause no. 4.3.1 & 4.3.2 were
modified. Procedures to be
followed during natural cooling of
Steam Turbine was modified
based on COS-ST IOM dated
29.12.2013. The above OGN was
re-drafted in the revised format.
The responsibilities of carrying
out different activities are also
included in this document.
Itis recommended that controlled fast cooling
of turbine may be done in two stages. In first
stage unit parameters are to be lowered by
reducing load and steam parameters. In the
second stage after desynchronisation of the
machine, turbine is to be cooled by natural
cooling till HP casing temperature drops to
300˚C. Thereafter turbine is to be cooled by
entering filtered air through before HPCV and
temperature drop rate is to be maintained at
5- 6 ˚C per hour by adjusting vacuum and /or
HP control valve modulation or modulating HP
Evacuation valve.
Unit History & Operational
 Before deciding on forced cooling following
should be analyzed:
- History of the unit, trouble shootings,
problems, operational parameters, & turning gear
problems if any should be logged.
- If any deviation in parameters such as high
diff. top/ bottom temp., differential expansions,
axial shift, bearing temperature, bearing & shaft
vibrations is observed during operation, reasons
of such deviations are to be established and must
be rectified.
- If the above deviations are beyond
rectification, then this process should not be
carried out.
Stage-I: Parameter Reduction
on Load:
 a) Ensure all auto loops are in service and no protection is bypassed.

 b) Ensure all SLCs & SGCs of AOP, JOP, EOP, turning gear, turbine drain, and lub oil temp.
Controller etc. are in auto.
 c) Start parameter reduction six hours before planned shut down time as given below.
 d) Reduce load by 5% and then reduce main steam temperature as per TSE lower margins/
turbine cooling curves in steps, till HP casing temperature comes to 480 ˚C and load to 70
%. Relative expansions & differential temperature HP/IP should not reach alarm limits.
 e) The rate of reduction of main steam temperature should not exceed 1.5 to
 3 ˚C per minute.
 f) Reduce the load up to the lowest possible allowed as per the unit operating parameters.
 Do not reduce load & temperature at the same time because of the danger of exceeding the
permissible relative expansion and the lower margin of the TSE/TSC as well as possibility of
developing transient vibrations.
 Always take care that the HP exhaust temperature is not reduced to saturation temperature
corresponding to the HP exhaust pressure.
 g) After reducing the HP casing temperature to 480˚C, operate turbine with reduced load
and steam temperatures until the lower margin of TSE/TSC does not change significantly &
then desynchronize the machine.
 h) Ensure Opening all MAL drains of HP cylinder, stop/control valves and extraction valves
one by one as per logic, in order to drain out the flushing condensate which may be formed
during parameter reduction.
 i) Ensure start of AOP, JOP & opening of gate valve gearing as per logic.
 j) Ensure that the turbine comes on turning gear and record coasting down time.
Stage-II: Controlled Fast Cooling
of turbine
 4.3.1 Natural Cooling of Turbine
 a) After depressurization of Main Steam line, ensure that Boiler Stop Valves (MS-1, MS-2) & their bypass valves
are closed and isolated.
 b) Ensure all MAL drains, extraction drains in auto and opened as per logic.

 c) Ensure all LP & HP heaters, TDBFP and D/A extraction valves are closed and alternate drip valves are open so
that there is no drip level.
 d) Ensure that HP bypass spray valves are closed & isolated. Ensure closing of HPBP Spray Block Valve &
Manual Isolating Valve.
 e) Keep condenser charged from CW side and run one CEP and monitor LP Exhaust hood temperature.
 f) For spring mounted TG decks/condenser, both CW pumps are to be kept in service initially. One CW pump
can be stopped once HP casing / rotor temperature comes below 325 Deg C and 2nd CW pump may be stopped
after stoppage of barring gear. For other make/model steam turbines, recommendations of OEM is to be followed.
 g) Ensure running of minimum one CEP during the entire process of controlled fast cooling of turbine. Running
CEP can be stopped only after stoppage of TG barring gear.
 h) Kill condenser vacuum and stop turbine gland seal steam supply to turbine & stop gland steam exhauster fan
within 2 hours of unit outage as per COS-ST IOM (Ref No. OS/ST/MT/COND VAC Dated 29.12.2013). Observe rate
of Fall in HPT Casing / Shaft Temperature (acceptable rate of temperature drop is 5˚C - 6˚C per hour) and allow
natural cooling till HP shaft & HP casing temperature comes down to 300 ˚C.
 i) Ensure opening of atmospheric drains of MS/HRH/CRH header and also ensure closing of the above drains
connected to flask tank/condenser. Please ensure no wet steam entry into condenser.
 j) In case there is significant change in Rate of Temperature drop (Deviation from the acceptable rate of 5˚C -
6˚C per hour), keep condenser vacuum pulled and seal steam supply in charged condition & gland steam
exhauster in service to maintain desired rate of cooling of HP shaft till HP shaft & HP casing temperature comes
down to 300 ˚C by Natural Cooling. In case there is no improvement in temperature drop deviations, then
vacuum may be killed & seal steam may be isolated.
 k) If seal steam parameters could not be maintained (seal steam temperature of at least 280 Deg C for Group-
2/3/4/5/6 machines and 240 Deg C for Group-1 machines) then Kill condenser vacuum, stop turbine gland seal
steam supply to turbine and stop gland steam exhauster fan.
 l) Fill the hourly log sheet attached in ANNEXURE-1.
Controlled Fast Cooling maintaining Cooling
Rate of 5˚~6 Deg C per Hour by Admitting Air:

 a) Once HP casing temperature has reached 300 ˚C by natural

cooling, we can
 proceed to go for Controlled Fast Cooling.
 b) Ensure that the turbine is on turning gear and all Turbine stop and
control valves are closed
 c) Ensure that all MAL drain lines are properly drained (by means like
measuring the drain pipe temperature through infrared laser
temperature gun, if online values are not available, etc).
 d) Open air inlet sockets that exist in Valve body of Combined HP Stop
and Control Valve between main steam stop valve and control valve of
HP turbine by removing Cap nuts and Cover Flange.
 e) Cover the opening completely with fine wire mesh to avoid any
foreign material entering in side.
 Note: It is to be ensured that the air entering through the socket must
be dry. Adequate precaution is to be taken so that water ingress is
prevented through this opening.
f) Set test valves of all stop valves in closed
g) Open HP control valves and keep IP control
valves in closed position with the help of test motor/by
isolating IP secondary oil.
h) Ensure cleanliness of turbine gland area and pull
vacuum without charging gland steam to turbine. (keep
vacuum breaker closed). No insulation removal work
should be carried out during fast cooling
i) Ensure HP casing drain and all MAL drains in
opened condition in local and their manual isolating
valves are opened. (SLC drains to be kept in manual)
j) Maintain condenser vacuum - 0.2 kg /cm2
initially and observe turbovisory readings and TSE/TSC
k) Maintain condenser Vacuum and control air entry
to turbi
l) ne in such a way so that all the turbovisory
readings and relative expansion of HP, IP & LP turbines
and lower margin of TSE/TSC remain within limits.
m) Maintain temperature drop rate of 5 to 6 ˚C per
 n) If the cooling rate is observed to be less than 5˚C per hour, increase/ improve
condenser vacuum gradually (maximum up to – 0.4 kg /cm2) and maintain the drop
rate at 5˚C /hr by modulating HP control valves. If required HPT Evacuation valve to
be modulated in order to maintain temperature drop rate of 5 to 6 ˚C per hour.
 o) In case any of the parameters such as:
 - Relative expansion of HP/IP/LP turbines
 - Lower margin of TSE
 - HP casing top/bottom differential temperature
 are observed near the limiting values, reduce the condenser vacuum (kill if
required). Normally this situation does not arise if vacuum is maintained
 between – 0.2 to -0.4 kg /cm2 and drop rate is maintained around 5˚C to
 6˚C /hr.
 p) Turbine insulation can be removed at casing temperature of 150 Deg C only
after stopping controlled fast cooling.
 q) Continue this procedure till the casing and shaft temperature comes down to
110 ˚C. It has been observed that after 74 hrs of controlled fast cooling from de-
synchronization with a drop rate of 5 ˚C /hr, the turbine metal temperature, HP
casing and HP shaft temperature comes down to 110 ˚C.
 r) At this stage kill condenser vacuum and stop turning gear.
 s) After completing controlled fast cooling process plot curves of cooling time vs.
turbine metal temperature (HP casing & HP shaft), from the collected data in the log
Controlled Fast Cooling maintaining Cooling Rate of
5˚~6 Deg C per Hour by Admitting Air during TG barring
gear stalling and during any exigency for carrying out
any work in TG set (except planned OH)

 a)Once HP casing temperatures have reached 400 ˚C by natural

cooling, we can proceed to go for Controlled Fast Cooling.
 b)Avoid stat/stop of CW system and draining of condenser water
box during TG barring gear stalling.
 c)The other steps as mentioned in Sl no. 4.3.2 shall be followed.
 d)Once the machine came on barring gear, then machine shall be
kept on barring gear for min 4 hours before going for turbine rolling.
 Records must be kept for all controlled fast cooling as per
Annexure 3A & 3B.
 Responsibility of carrying out different activities shall be
with Operation Department. However, opening of air inlet
sockets & covering of the opening with fine wire mesh
between Main steam stop valve and control valve of HP
turbine to enable operation to start controlled fast cooling
shall be carried by TMD.
YOU !!

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