ME-601 (TEGd
ME-601 (TEGd
ME-601 (TEGd
In steam turbines, the overall transformation of heat energy of steam into mechanical work takes
place in two stages. The available energy of steam is first converted into kinetic energy and then
this kinetic energy is transformed into mechanical work. The first step is accomplished with
devices called steam nozzles.
A steam nozzle is a duct or passage of smoothly varying cross sectional area which converts heat
energy of steam into kinetic energy. The shape of nozzle is designed such that it will perform this
conversion of energy with minimum loss.
When steam flows through a nozzle, expansion of steam takes place. During this expansion, the
pressure of steam decreases and also the heat content (Enthalpy). With the expenditure of
enthalpy, the velocity and specific volume increase. Also, with the expansion of steam, there will
be condensation of steam with varying dryness fraction.
The mass of steam passing through any section of nozzle remains constant. So, the variation of
pressure and the cross section of nozzle depend upon the velocity, specific volume and dryness
fraction of steam. The velocity increases continuously from entrance to exit of the nozzle.
The cross section of the nozzles may be circular, rectangular, elliptical or square. The smallest
section in the nozzle is known as throat. The nozzles are used in steam and gas turbines, jet
engines, for propulsion of rocket motors, flow measurements, in injectors for pumping water, in
ejectors for removing air from condensers etc. The major function of nozzles is to produce a jet
of steam or gas with high velocity to drive steam or gas turbines. So, the nozzles are located just
before the steam or gas turbines. When the nozzles velocity gas is produced and there will be no
question of condensation and hence dryness fraction.
When the nozzles are used with steam turbines, they perform the following functions.
1. They convert part of heat energy of steam (obtained from boiler) into kinetic energy.
2. In case of impulse turbines (details of steam turbines are given in the chapter – steam
turbines), the nozzles direct the jet of high velocity steam against the blades of rotor which then
convert the kinetic energy of steam into mechanical (shaft) work.
In case of reaction turbines, the nozzles discharge high velocity steam on to the rotor blades. The
reactive force of steam against the nozzle produces motion of rotor and work is obtained. When a
fluid is decelerated in a duct or passage (velocity decreases) causing a rise in pressure during the
travel along the stream, then the duct or passage is known as - Diffuser. Diffusers are extensively
used in centrifugal, axial flow compressors, ramjets and combustion chambers etc.,
We study about steam nozzles only - Nozzles in which the working fluid is steam.
1. Convergent nozzie.
2. Divergent nozzle.
If the cross section of the nozzle decreases continuously from entrance to exit; then it is called
convergent nozzle.
If the cross section of a nozzle increases continuously from entrance to exit then it is called
Divergent nozzle.
If the cross section of a nozzle decreases first upto certain length and then increases up to exit;
then it is called - Convergent - Divergent nozzle. This is used mostly in various types of steam
In most of the cases, the steam enters the nozzle with low velocity compared to exit velocity, and
it is generally neglected. As already mentioned, the function of a nozzle is to convert internal
energy of steam into kinetic energy and this is done by expanding the steam from a high
pressurep1 to a low pressurep2.
The flow of steam through nozzles may be regarded as adiabatic expansion because in nozzles,
the velocity of steam is so high that there will be no time available for heat exchange with
surroundings and so heat is neither supplied nor rejected. However, work is performed by
increasing the kinetic energy of steam. Also, in a nozzle, the change of potential energy is
negligible and no work is done on or by the fluid.
The expansion of steam in a nozzle is not a free expansion and the steam is not throttled because
it has a very high velocity at the end of expansion and the pressure as well as enthalpy decrease
as expansion takes place. The pressure at which steam leaves the nozzle is known as Back
In actual practice, always some friction is produced between steam and the walls of the nozzle;
this friction causes resistance for the flow of steam, which is converted into heat. This heat tends
to dry the steam. So, for the design of a nozzle, the effect of friction has to be considered.
There is a phenomenon known as - super saturation that occurs in the flow of steam through
nozzles. This is due to time lag in the condensation of steam during expansion. This super
saturated flow affects mass and condition of the steam discharged. So, the flow of steam through
a nozzle may be regarded as either :
The point in the nozzle where area is minimum is called throat and the pressure at the throat is
called - critical pressure. At this section; the mass flow per unit area is maximum.
The velocity of fluid at the throat of a nozzle operating at its designed pressure ratio (when the
flow rate is maximum) is equal to velocity of sound, and it is called - Sonic velocity. The flow up
to throat is sub sonic and the flow after throat is supersonic (greater than velocity of sound).
In nozzles, accelerated flow takes place - the velocity increases and pressure decreases with the
flow of fluid. If the fluid velocity is less than the sound or sonic velocity, then the area of the
nozzle must decreases; i.e., the nozzle must converge which results in converging portion.
As we know, the velocity increases continuously in a nozzle from inlet to exit. After throat, the
fluid velocity becomes greater than sonic velocity and to accelerate flow; the area must increase
or the nozzle must diverge resulting in diverging portion of nozzle. The ratio of fluid velocity to
local sound velocity is known as - Mach number.
As already mentioned, the velocity of steam at inlet to a nozzle is very small compared to exit
velocity. Low velocity implies large inlet area and most nozzles are shaped in such as way that
the inlet area is large and converges rapidly to throat area.
Note : A ventruimeter which is used for flow measurement of fluids is also convergent divergent
in shape. But, in it, there is no continuous rise or fall of pressure. So, it is neither a complete
nozzle nor a diffuser. In its convergent portion, the pressure is decreasing, velocity is rising and
this portion acts as a sub sonic nozzle. In the divergent portion, pressure is rising, velocity is
falling and this portion acts as subsonic diffuser. The pressure at throat may not necessarily
imply sonic velocity.
The ratio of critical pressure to initial pressure is called - critical pressure ratio (p2/p1)- At the
throat, the pressure is critical (velocity of fluid equals to sound velocity), area is minimum and
mass flow per unit area is maximum.
With liquids, convergent - divergent shape is never used because the sonic velocity in liquids is
very high (About 1500 m/sec compare to about 330 m/sec in air) which is out of the limit of
practical velocities used.
For a steady flow process (without any accumulation of the fluid between inlet and exit), by
Work done in forcing 1kg of steam into nozzle+ initial internal energy + initial kinetic energy
+ initial potential energy + heat supplied if any from the surroundings= work done in sending out
1 kg of steam from nozzle+ final internal energy + final kinetic energy + final potential energy +
work done if any to the surroundings.
z1 = z2
If no heat is supplied from surroundings; then q = 0. If no work is done to the surroundings, then
w = 0.
This is the steady flow energy equation of a nozzle. In this equation; the effect of friction is not
In the converging portion 1-2 (From inlet to throat), there is a drop in steam pressure with a rise
in its velocity. Also, there is a drop in the enthalpy of the steam. This drop of enthalpy is not
utilised in doing external work but converted into kinetic energy. In the divergent portion 2-3
(From throat to exit), there is further drop of steam pressure with a further rise in its velocity.
Again, there is a drop in the enthalpy which is converted into kinetic energy. Now, at the outlet,
steam leaves the nozzles with high velocity and low pressure.
When steam flows through a nozzle, for a given pressure drop, the final velocity of steam gets
reduced because of the following losses :
1. The friction between steam and walls of nozzle.
2. Internal friction of steam itself.
3. Shock losses.
Most of the friction in a convergent divergent nozzle occurs in the divergent portion -between
throat and exit. Due to the effect of friction, the actual flow through a nozzle is not isentropic
but still approximately adiabatic. The effects of friction are :
1. The enthalpy drop is reduced and hence the final velocity.
2. The kinetic energy gets converted into heat due to friction and is absorbed by the steam.
Due to this, the final dryness fraction of steam increases.
3. Steam becomes more dry due to increased dryness fraction and hence specific volume of
steam increases and mass flow rate decreases.
The effect of friction is shown on the h-s diagram or Mother chart in fig.3.8.
The efficiency of a nozzle generally varies from 0.85 to 0.95. The efficiency of a nozzle depends
upon the following factors :
1. Material of the nozzle.
2. Size and shape of the nozzle.
3. Finish of the nozzle.
4. Angle of divergence.
5. Nature of the fluid and its state,
6. Friction.
7. Fluid velocity.
8. Turbulence in the flow passages.
In the problems of nozzles, sometimes, the term velocity coefficient is used for accounting the
effects of friction.
Velocity coefficient is defined as the ratio of actual exit velocity to exit velocity when the flow is
isentropic for the same pressure drop.
Velocity coefficient=
The velocity coefficient depends upon the dimensions of the nozzle, roughness of the nozzle
walls, velocity of flow, friction etc.
Steam enters the nozzle with high pressure and low velocity and leaves the nozzle with high
velocity and low pressure. The initial velocity compared to exit velocity is so small and is
generally neglected. Let
V1 = Velocity of steam at entrance of nozzle - m/sec.
V2 = Velocity of steam at any section - m/sec
h1 = Enthalpy of entering steam - J/kg
h2 = Enthalpy of steam at the section considered - J/kg
For unit mass flow of steam, we have the steady flow energy equation :
The gain in kinetic energy between any two sections is equal to loss of enthalpy. Enthalpy
drop hd = (hl - h2)
In actual practice, always certain amount of friction exits between steam and the surfaces of the
nozzle. This reduces the enthalpy drop by 10-15 percent and hence the exit velocity of steam is
also reduced correspondingly.
The mass flow per unit are has maximum value at 'throat' which has minimum area. The value of
pressure ratio (p2/p1) at throat can be calculated from equation (5) corresponding to maximum
value of m/A. Except the ratio (p2/p1), all other terms in this equation are constant. So, m/A will
be maximum when
is maximum.
Differentiating the above expression with respect to (p2/p1) and equating to zero for a maximum
discharge per unit area.
The ratio (p2/p1) is known as - Critical pressure ratio and its value depends upon the value of
index n. The pressure at throat is known as - Critical pressure and the ratio of pressure at
minimum cross section i.e., throat (p2) to initial pressure - pressure at entrance (p1) is known as
—critical pressure ratio. The area of throat of all steam nozzles should be designed on this ratio.
Normally, a nozzle is designed for maximum discharge by designing a certain throat pressure
(p2) which produces this condition. For only one value of pressure ratio (p2/p1) the discharge
will be maximum. That ratio is Critical pressure ratio - Ratio of throat pressure to inlet pressure
(p2/p1) For maximum discharge;
This condition should be met to obtain maximum discharge from a nozzle. This equation gives
pressure ratio for a maximum discharge per unit area through the nozzle.
When this condition is met and the discharge is maximum, then the flow through the nozzle is
called choking flow. Nozzles are always designed for choked flow.
We know that mass of steam discharged through a nozzle.
By substituting the value of critical pressure ratio in the above equation; we obtain maximum
value of discharge / sec.
So, in a nozzle, the maximum mass flow depends only on initial conditions of steam (p1, v1) and
the throat area and is independent of the exit conditions of steam. The mass flow being constant
at all sections of the nozzle, maximum discharge per unit area occurs at throat which has
minimum area. In a convergent - divergent nozzle, the discharge remains constant after throat.
The divergent portion doesn't affect the discharge of steam, passing through the nozzle but it
only accelerates the steam leaving the nozzle. When the initial pressure p1 is constant, the
discharge through the nozzle increases as the pressure p2 at throat decreases during the
expansion process. Once the throat pressure p2 reaches the value given by equation (6); the
discharge reaches a maximum value and it remains constant after throat.
When a super heated vapour expands adiabatically or isentropically, the vapour begins to
condense when saturated vapour line is reached. As expansion continues below this line into wet
region, condensation proceeds gradually and steam becomes more and more wet. There is always
a stable mixture of steam and condensate (liquid) at any point during expansion. This type of
expansion is in thermal equilibrium and is shown in Fig. 3.13 on T-S and H-S diagrams.
The point S in expansion lies on saturation line and represents the point at which condensation
within the vapour just begins. The condensation of steam occurs when steam passes through
certain distance in the nozzle and after certain short interval of time.
When steam flows through the nozzle, the discharge of steam through the nozzle will be slightly
less than the theoretical discharge due to the effect of friction. But, during the flow of wet steam
through the nozzle, the measured discharge is slightly greater than the theoretical discharge even
though we consider the effect of friction.
Normally, condensation starts around tiny dust particles which are always present in commercial
steam plants in sufficient quantity. When steam is free of foreign particles, condensation process
is delayed and the temperature of the steam continues to fall. This is known as - super saturation.
When certain degree of super saturation is reached, the presence of dust particles has no effect on
condensation and equilibrium between vapours and liquid phases is attained completely and also
In normal condensation, the random kinetic energy of the molecules fall to a level which is
insufficient to overcome the attractive forces of the molecules and some of the slower moving
molecules join together to form tiny droplets of water. A certain time interval is essential for
the collection of these molecules to form droplets.
In actual practice, the velocity of steam in sonic or even super sonic and the convergent portion
of the nozzle is so short the molecules of steam find no sufficient time to collect and form
droplets and steam doesn't condense at the saturation temperature corresponding to the pressure
but continues to expand with fall in temperature but without condensation. As a result,
equilibiurm between liquid and vapour phases is delayed. The expansion takes place very rapidly
and condensation can't keep pace with expansion and lags behind. Due to this, the steam remains
in an unnatural dry or super heated state.
The steam in such conditions is said to be 'super - saturated' or ' meta - stable'. It is also called -
Super cooled steam and its temperature at any pressure is less than the saturation temperature;
corresponding to that pressure. The flow of super saturated steam through the nozzle is called -
super saturated or meta stable or non - equilibrium flow. Super saturation means that steam
doesn't condense at the saturation temperature corresponding to the pressure as it occurs in case
of equilibrium pressure as it occurs in case of equilibrium flow.
In the state of 'super saturation', the steam is under cooled to a temperature less than that
corresponding to its pressure; hence, the density of steam increases and hence the measured
discharge increases than the calculated theoretical discharge. Experiments showed that in the
absence of dust; dry saturated steam when suddenly expanded, doesn't condense until its density
is about 8 times that of saturated vapour of the same pressure.
When meta stable conditions exist in the nozzle; Mollier chart (H-S chart) should not be used
and the expansion must be considered to follow the law pv1.3 = C i.e., with index of
expansion for super heated steam. The problems on super saturated flow can't be solved by
Mollier chart unless Wilson line is drawn on it.
Generally, there is a limit upto which super saturated flow is possible. This limit of super saturation
is represented by a curve known as - Wilson line, on the Mollier diagram. Above
this curve, steam is super saturated and super heated. Beyond Wilson line, there is no super
saturation. At Wilson line condensation occurs suddenly and irreversibly at constant enthalpy and
then remains in stable condition. The result is to reduce heat drop slightly during expansion
causing corresponding reduction in exit velocity and final dryness fraction increases slightly.
The limiting condition of under cooling at which condensation begins and restores the
conditions of thermal equilibrium is called Wilson line.
Generally, Wilson line closely follows 0.96 dryness fraction line.
In nozzles, this limit may be within the nozzle or after the vapour leaves the nozzle.
It is the difference between super saturated steam temperature and saturation temperature at that
The temperature T2 ' is less than the normal temperature of steam at pressure p2. The state C is known
as - Under cooled as the temperature of steam is lesser than the saturation temperature at pressure p2'.
The amount of under cooling (Difference in temperatures) is known as - Degree of under cooling.
Degree of under cooling = T2 – T2 '
There is a limit to the degree of under cooling possible and the limit to which the super saturated
flow is possible is given by - Wilson line. The region between the Wilson line and the dry saturated
line is called - Super saturated zone.
When Wilson line is reached, condensation begins at constant enthalpy and pressure remains
The ratio of pressures corresponding to temperature of super saturated steam and saturation
temperature is known as - Degree of super saturation.
A steam turbine is a key unit in a steam power plant from which we get power. A steam turbine
is a turbo-machine and a prime mover in which potential energy of steam is transformed into
kinetic energy and this kinetic energy is then transformed into mechanical energy of rotation of
shaft of turbine.
In reciprocating steam engines, the pressure energy of steam is utilised and dynamic action of
Steam is negligible. In steam engines, steam acts on piston as a load or weight and so, the action
of steam is - static. Steam engines may be operated without any expansion or drop of pressure in
the cylinder. The expansive property of steam is not utilised to fullest extent even in the best
types of multi expansion steam engines.
Steam turbines can't be operated as that of steam engines. The turbine depends wholly upon the
dynamic action of steam. The turbine utilises the kinetic or velocity energy of steam instead of
pressure energy only. The expansive property of steam is almost utilised in the turbine either in
admission nozzles or in the turbine blading.
The steam is caused to fall in pressure in a nozzle during admission to the turbine, due to this fall
in pressure; certain amount of heat energy is converted into kinetic energy. A steam turbine
consists of a number of curved blades fixed uniformly on the rim of a wheel which is fastened to
a shaft and we obtain power from this shaft.
The high velocity steam from nozzles impinges on the blades of turbine, suffers a change in the
direction of motion and thus gives rise to change in momentum and so a force. This constitutes
the driving force of the turbine. The blades obtain no motive force from the static pressure of
steam or from any impact of steam jet because blades are designed and curved in such a ways
that steam enters the blades without any shock and will glide ON and OFF the blades.
According to Newton's second law of motion, the force is proportional to rate of change of
momentum (Mass x velocity). If the rate of change of momentum is caused by allowing a high
velocity steam jet to pass over a curved blade, then, steam will impart a force to the blade. If the
blade is free, then it will move (rotate) in the direction of force.