Attempt All The Questions

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Registration No.

1st Mid Term Examination –September 2019
Database Management System (MBA224A)
MBA III Semester

Time: 1hr 15min Maximum marks: 50

Attempt all the questions.
1. CO1: Describe the fundamental elements of database management systems •
2. CO2: Explain the basic concepts of relational data model, entity-relationship model, relational database
design, relational algebra and SQL.
3. CO3: Improve the database design by normalization.
4. CO4: Familiar with basic database storage structures and access techniques

Section A
Questions (1-10): Answer ten Questions each carrying 1 mark each. Each part may have multiple choice question,
one word answer; fill in the blanks and/or true/false type of questions: (10*1= 10 Marks)

1. [CO1] DBMS is software. True / False

2. [CO1] DBMS manages the interaction between __________ and database. (clients / end users)
3. [CO1] Which of the following is not involved in DBMS?
a. end users b. data c. application request d. HTML
4. [CO1] Database is generally __________ (System-centered / User-centered / Data-centered)
5. [CO1] DBA stands for ………………..
6. [CO2] Constraint is a characteristic of an entity. True / False
7. [CO2] A view of database that appears to an application program is known as ……………………..
8. [CO2] A top-to-bottom relationship among the items in a database is established by a ……………… schema.
9. [CO1] Authorizing access to database is not a responsibility of DBA. True / False
10. [CO1] This process of hiding irrelevant details from user is called data abstraction. True / False

Section B
Questions (11-14): Answer given Questions each carrying 2 mark each. (5*2=10)
11. [CO1] Define database management system.
12. [CO2] What do you understand by data redundancy?
13. [CO1] Differentiate data and information.
14. [CO2] Define schema.

Section C (2*6=12)
15. [CO1] Differentiate file system and database management system.
16. [CO1] What are the characteristics of database management system?

Section D (2*10=20)
17. [CO1] Describe the advantages and disadvantages of DBMS.
18. [CO2] Explain the three level architecture of DBMS

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