Unesco - Eolss Sample Chapters: Milk and Milk Products
Unesco - Eolss Sample Chapters: Milk and Milk Products
Unesco - Eolss Sample Chapters: Milk and Milk Products
1. Introduction
2. Quality of Raw Milk
2.1. Microbial Aspects of Raw Milk
2.2. Safety of Raw Milk
2.3. Organoleptic Properties of Raw Milk
2.4. Chemical Composition and Chemical Standards for Raw Milk
2.5. Physical Properties of Raw Milk
3. Pasteurized Milk
4. Flavored Milks
5. Cream
6. Manufactured Milk Products
7. Butter
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8. Cheese
8.1. Flavor of Cheese
Biographical Sketch
Although, in the broadest sense, milk is defined as the normal secretion of the mammary
gland of mammals, the term milk is generally used for cow’s milk, because, in the
majority of countries, mainly cow’s milk is produced. All other milk is qualified by
some adjective such as human milk, buffalo milk, and so on. In some countries, sheep
and goat milk are also used extensively, and in Asia buffalo milk may be as important
as cow’s milk. Dairy products may be defined as all foods and other commodities
derived from milk.
About 75% of the milk produced in animal husbandry is used in its liquid form, and
most consumer milk is pasteurized. Usually, milk is also homogenized.
• absence of pathogens
• absence of post-pasteurization contamination
• absence of the consequences of mastitis
• standard chemical composition (protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and
• absence of any chemical contaminants (pesticide residue, veterinary drug
residue, mycotoxin residue or its metabolites).
and, depending on the type of dairy product, some other components (e.g., the salt
content in cheese).
Milk and dairy products are more rigidly controlled by legislation and standards than
any other class of food. This concerns primarily microbiological control, but
preservatives are either absolutely forbidden or rigidly controlled, and specific rules
regulate the storage and distribution of dairy products.
1. Introduction
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About 75% of milk produced in animal husbandry is used as liquid, and the
pasteurization, the amount of commercially distributed raw milk is low for safety
A great variety of dairy products are known worldwide. In the framework of this
chapter it is not possible to give a full overview of quality indices for these products.
Thus, primarily, the quality-determining factors of raw and pasteurized milks will be
treated, and only for some dairy products.
Because of the specific status of milk and dairy products with regard to public health,
and the importance of microbiology in the manufacture of dairy products, mostly the
microbiological and safety aspects of quality evaluation and the sensory properties will
be discussed. Chemical composition and its role will be treated only briefly.
The first step in the quality control system of milk is the quality evaluation of raw,
untreated milk. It is universally accepted that a good quality raw milk supply is essential
for the production of different, high quality dairy products. The term quality in relation
to raw milk includes the following characteristics:
• safety (freedom from pathogenic organisms and other contaminants that may
constitute health hazards)
• sensory properties (freedom from unusual odor, taste, color, and so on)
• purity (freedom from any extraneous matter)
• chemical composition (normal content of nutrients and minor components)
• physical properties (structure, viscosity, density, size of fat globules)
Each type of food has its own structure, chemical composition, moisture content,
acidity, and oxygen tension. These factors decide the predominant microflora of the
normal product, the vulnerability to certain microorganisms, and the potential danger of
the food to humans.
The numbers of microorganisms in milk are always changing, unless the milk is kept at
low temperatures, or has been sterilized. To understand potential changes concerning
the microbiological status of milk, it should be mentioned that under optimum
conditions at 37 °C, one bacterial cell can become two in 20 min, and 1 million in about
7 h. The rate of proliferation is usually much slower than this, but the population may
easily increase 1000-fold overnight in warm weather. A rigid standard on count is
therefore unjustifiable, and it is preferable to think in terms of satisfactory, doubtful, and
unsatisfactory. Although there are significant differences concerning microbiological
standards of freshly produced raw milk, it may be stated that raw milk of satisfactory
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quality should contain less than 10 000 microbial cells per ml, and a total count of more
There is always some deterioration between production and receipt at the depot, and this
It should be noted that only count standards are given for farm milk as produced. At a
dairy factory, generally the dye reduction test (resazurin test, methylene blue test) or
titratable acidity (lactic acid) measuring is used for quality control.
Among the potential contaminants influencing the safety of raw milk, the biological
(microbial) and chemical contaminants are the most important. As mentioned
previously, a high total microorganism count makes milk unsatisfactory for human
consumption. Among the common microbial problems concerning the safety of raw
milk, mastitis should be mentioned first. Mastitis is a common inflammatory condition
of the udder, and exists in two forms. In clinical mastitis, blood is present, or the milk is
watery or discolored, and such milk obviously should not be mixed with the rest, and
should be rejected by the dairy factory. In subclinical mastitis, no visible signs are
present. Bulk milk always contains a small proportion of milk from cows suffering from
sub-clinical mastitis, but the effect on the composition and behavior of the bulk milk is
small. The treatment of cows for mastitis is the concern of veterinarians, and human
health aspects of milk are the concern of the local health officer. Good hygienic practice
in cow barns, treatment with antibiotics, care in handling and treating the tracts, and the
correct operation of milking machines are factors of outstanding importance.
For quality control of raw milk, a microscopic examination of the centrifugal deposit
using the Gram stain is quick and convenient for a large number of samples, especially
if an automated method is available. This test gives the number of the cells and the
number and types of bacteria (staphylococci, coliforms, yeast, molds, and so on).
Among potential chemical contaminants, the presence of detergents and sterilants may
occur only at mismanaged farms, as a consequence of failure to rinse equipment and
reservoirs. Inclusion of milk too soon after treatment of a cow for mastitis may result in
the presence of antibiotic residues in raw milk. Feeding cows with silage or compound
feed contaminated with pesticides or mycotoxins may cause the residue of these
compounds to be present in milk. Residues may be detected by sophisticated analytical
techniques, primarily by chromatographic procedures (see Food Quality and
Concerning the safety of milk, lactose intolerance should be also mentioned. A rather
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high percentage of African and Asian populations produce less intestinal beta-
malabsorption are diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal cramps. For consumers suffering
from lactose intolerance, the lactose of milk is hydrolyzed before consumption using an
immobilized lactase preparation in the dairy factory. Cultured milk products, such as
yoghurt, where the lactose is fermented to lactic acid, may be freely consumed by
lactose-intolerant people.
When drawn from a healthy udder, cow’s milk has a characteristic flavor (odor and
taste). This is a complex property associated with trace amounts of many substances,
including carbon dioxide, ketones, aldehydes, fatty acids, sulfhydryl compounds, and so
on. The flavor and attractiveness of milk is controlled by smoothness, “body” on the
tongue, and by color. Skim milk tastes thinner than whole milk, and is in general less
attractive. Moreover, the yellow color comes from fat and so is absent in skim milk.
Rancid or soapy flavors. Free fatty acids in milk, whether derived by naturally
occurring lipases of milk or by the activity of microorganisms, are important from the
point of view of flavor, giving rise to rancid or soapy taints.
Oxidized, metallic flavors. Oxidized, metallic, and fishy flavors have certain features
in common. They tend to occur in milk of low bacterial count contaminated with copper
and/or iron and exposed to light. The naturally present concentrations of iron and copper
in milk are small (0.1 ppm to 0.5 ppm), and being bound to proteins are not active
catalysts of oxidation. Higher concentrations (more than 1 ppm) are the result of
contamination. The compounds responsible for oxidized flavor appear to be
unconjugated, unsaturated carbonyl compounds formed by oxidation of milk lipids.
Weed taints of milk. Taints due to weeds, certain crops, and silage are well-recognized
hazards of milk production, as the odoriferous substances may pass into the milk, and
such feeds should be given only immediately after milking. Weed taints are often due to
particular chemical compounds in the milk. For example, bitter cress (Coronopus
didymus) can give a burning taste and a sharp odor in milk, which is due to
benzylthiocianate. As little as 0.16 ppm produces a detectable taint. When the taint
substance is soluble in fat, as most are, it cannot be removed from the cream or butter,
and so such taints are a serious menace to the industry.
Absorbed flavors. The natural fat of milk and cream, due to the large surface of fat
emulsion and the strongly adsorbing protein-lipid layer on the globules, is one of the
most effective materials known for absorbing odors. Extreme care must therefore be
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Concerning identification of the cause of taint in raw milk, it may be mentioned that if
the taint is strong directly after milking, the cause is probably in the feed, or the
accidental addition of detergents, sterilants, and so on, to the milk. If the taint becomes
progressively worse over the 24 h before bottling, the cause is probably bacterial or
enzymatic and only rarely chemical (e.g., oxidation catalyzed by copper). Further
Fennema O.R. (1985). Food Chemistry. New York/Basel: Marcel Dekker. [Detailed information about
the composition of foods and their constituents.]
Herschdoerfer S.M. (1968). Quality Control in the Food Industry, Vol. 2. Oxford/New York: Academic
Press. [A book reviewing food quality of different commodities, easy to follow by nonspecialists in this
Saxby M.J. (1993). Food Taints and Off Flavors. [An excellent and unique book in this field.]
Biographical Sketch
Radomir Lásztity, D.Sc., Professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Food Technology at
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, was born in 1929 in Deszk, Hungary, and completed
his studies in 1951 at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of the Technical University of Budapest. Dr.
Lásztity received his M.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering in 1951 and his D.Sc. degree in Chemical
Science in 1968.
Dr. Lásztity is honorary president of ICC (International Association for Cereal Science and Technology).
He was Chairman of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling of the FAO/WHO
Food Standard Program in the period 1975–1988. Dr. Lásztity is a member of the Food Division of the
Federation of European Chemical Societies, and a member of the editorial boards of several international
scientific journals. He was Vice-Rector of the Technical University from 1970 to 1976.
Among other awards, he has received the Bailey and Schweitzer Medal of the ICC, the State Prize of the
Hungarian Republic, and the Golden Medal of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Lásztity’s main research activities are the chemistry and biochemistry of food proteins, food analysis,
and food control. The results of his research work were published in more than 700 papers in foreign and
Hungarian journals. He is the author of more than 20 books and textbooks (among them: Chemistry of
Cereal Proteins, First Edition and Second Edition, in 1984 and 1996, respectively; Amino Acid
Composition and Biological Value of Cereal Proteins, 1985; Use of Yeast Biomass in Food Production,
1991; Gluten Proteins, 1987; and Cereal Chemistry, 1999.)
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