tgp2018 2020 03 Leader Guide Páginas 41 51
tgp2018 2020 03 Leader Guide Páginas 41 51
tgp2018 2020 03 Leader Guide Páginas 41 51
Jesus’ death and resurrection should not have surprised the disciples.
Sometimes Jesus spoke metaphorically about His death and resurrection.
(See Matt. 12:39; Mark 14:58; John 2:19; 3:14-15.) Other times, Jesus
plainly told the disciples that He would be betrayed, crucified, buried,
and resurrected on the third day. (Matt. 17:12; Mark 8:31; Luke 9:22)
In fact, Jesus had spoken so frequently of His death and resurrection, the
chief priests and Pharisees asked Pilate to place guards at the tomb in case
the disciples stole Jesus’ body. (See Matt. 27:62-66.)
That same day, two disciples were walking to Emmaus, arguing about
recent events. Jesus began walking next to them, but God prevented them
from recognizing Him. (Luke 24:16) Jesus simply asked them what they
were arguing about. They stopped walking. How could He not have heard 4
about what happened over the last three days?
The two disciples had hoped Jesus was the Redeemer of Israel. Their hopes
were crushed when Jesus died. Now Jesus explained to them why the
Messiah had to die, starting with Moses and the Prophets. Jesus showed
how the Scriptures point to Him. (Luke 24:27; John 5:39)
On the day Jesus rose from the dead, two of His friends were
ent walking down the road to a village called Emmaus (eh MAY uhs).
They were talking about everything that had happened. As they talked,
Jesus came up and began walking with them. Jesus’
friends did not know that the man was
“What are you talking about?”
Jesus asked.
The friends stopped walking.
They looked sad. One of them
said, “Are You the only person
who doesn’t know what has
The friends told Him
about Jesus: Jesus had said
and done many powerful
things. The religious leaders
had killed Him. They had
hoped Jesus was the Messiah
God had promised to send.
Of course, Jesus already knew
everything they were telling Him.
The friends explained that some of the
women from their group went to Jesus’
tomb but it was empty. They saw angels who
told them Jesus is alive.
“Don’t you believe what the prophets said?” Jesus asked. “They
said this is what had to happen to the Messiah.” Then, starting with
the words Moses and all the prophets wrote long ago, Jesus helped
Welcome time
• upbeat worship music Play upbeat worship music in the background as you greet
• offering basket preschoolers and follow your church’s security procedures.
• Allergy Alert
• favorite toys related Set an offering basket near the door to collect at an
to the Bible story appropriate time. Post an allergy alert, if necessary. Set out a
theme few favorite theme-related toys, such as puzzles and blocks.
Activity page
• “The Road to Guide preschoolers to complete the maze to get Jesus and
Emmaus” activity
His friends to the village of Emmaus.
page, 1 per child
• crayons or markers SAY • As they walked from the city of Jerusalem to the
village of Emmaus, Jesus’ friends learned something
very important about God’s Word: the Bible is all
about Jesus!
Silly walks
Invite preschoolers to suggest silly walking styles as the
on is group walks around the room. Examples include duck walk
lect (walking in a squat), bear crawl (walking on hands and
nd paste feet, facing the floor), crab walk (walking on hands and
on if feet, facing the ceiling), high knees (walking while bringing
knees up to the chest), and so forth.
SAY • In today’s Bible story, two of Jesus’ friends were
walking down the road to a village called Emmaus.
Missions moment
SAY• After the friends realized they had been with Places to mention:
Jesus, they hurried back to the city of Jerusalem to • home
• park
tell their other friends that Jesus was alive. We have • grocery store
been hearing about the Dye family, missionaries • school
in the city of Atlanta. The Dye family often prays • church
for their city. Let’s pray for the city where God has
placed us!
Say the name of a place preschoolers may go this week.
Ask children to share something they could pray for in that
place. Pray for the requests together.
Walk a relay
Designate one area of the room to be Jerusalem. Designate
another area on the opposite side of the room to be
• Bibles
Emmaus. Place a Bible in the Emmaus area.
Form two lines in the Jerusalem area. Explain that the
first preschooler in each line will walk at a normal pace to
the Emmaus area and touch the Bible. Then she will walk
quickly back to the Jerusalem area and will say to the next
child in line, “Jesus is alive!” before moving to the back
of the line. The next child in line will perform the same
actions. The team who has each member complete the