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LEADER Bible Study

Jesus’ death and resurrection should not have surprised the disciples.
Sometimes Jesus spoke metaphorically about His death and resurrection.
(See Matt. 12:39; Mark 14:58; John 2:19; 3:14-15.) Other times, Jesus
plainly told the disciples that He would be betrayed, crucified, buried,
and resurrected on the third day. (Matt. 17:12; Mark 8:31; Luke 9:22)
In fact, Jesus had spoken so frequently of His death and resurrection, the
chief priests and Pharisees asked Pilate to place guards at the tomb in case
the disciples stole Jesus’ body. (See Matt. 27:62-66.)

On resurrection morning, the angel at Jesus’ tomb asked the women,

“Why are you looking for the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5). Even
when Peter and John ran to the empty tomb to see it for themselves, Peter
was amazed but uncertain (Luke 24:12), while John believed (John 20:8).

That same day, two disciples were walking to Emmaus, arguing about
recent events. Jesus began walking next to them, but God prevented them
from recognizing Him. (Luke 24:16) Jesus simply asked them what they
were arguing about. They stopped walking. How could He not have heard 4
about what happened over the last three days?

The two disciples had hoped Jesus was the Redeemer of Israel. Their hopes
were crushed when Jesus died. Now Jesus explained to them why the
Messiah had to die, starting with Moses and the Prophets. Jesus showed
how the Scriptures point to Him. (Luke 24:27; John 5:39)

Remind preschoolers that the Bible is not a collection of unrelated

stories. The whole Bible is about Jesus. When Adam and Eve sinned,
God began working out His plan to send Jesus to rescue people from sin.
(Gen. 3:15) All of the Old Testament points forward to Jesus’ life, death,
and resurrection—the time when Jesus would bring God’s promised
salvation for sinners.


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ble The BIBLE Story
The Emmaus Disciples
Luke 24

On the day Jesus rose from the dead, two of His friends were
ent walking down the road to a village called Emmaus (eh MAY uhs).
They were talking about everything that had happened. As they talked,
Jesus came up and began walking with them. Jesus’
friends did not know that the man was
“What are you talking about?”
Jesus asked.
The friends stopped walking.
They looked sad. One of them
said, “Are You the only person
who doesn’t know what has
The friends told Him
about Jesus: Jesus had said
and done many powerful
things. The religious leaders
had killed Him. They had
hoped Jesus was the Messiah
God had promised to send.
Of course, Jesus already knew
everything they were telling Him.
The friends explained that some of the
women from their group went to Jesus’
tomb but it was empty. They saw angels who
told them Jesus is alive.
“Don’t you believe what the prophets said?” Jesus asked. “They
said this is what had to happen to the Messiah.” Then, starting with
the words Moses and all the prophets wrote long ago, Jesus helped

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His friends understand what God’s Word taught about Bible
Himself. Storytelling Tips
Jesus went to the village with the men and stayed with • Pantomime
them. When they sat around a table to eat, Jesus took it: Choose three
bread and thanked God for it. Then He broke the bread volunteers to portray
the two disciples
into pieces and gave it to them. Then the men knew! This and Jesus. Guide the
was Jesus! children to walk in
All of a sudden, Jesus disappeared. The friends said place, sit down to
eat together, and act
to each other, “Didn’t we feel warm inside when He was
out talking together
talking with us on the road and explaining God’s Word to as you read the Bible
us?” story.
Jesus’ friends went home right away. They found the
• Draw it out: Draw
others who had followed Jesus and told them what had images from the Bible
happened. Jesus is alive! story as you tell it or
enlist an adult helper
to do so. You may also
Christ Connection: The whole Bible is about Jesus. All along, consider drawing the
God had a plan to send His Son to rescue people from sin. No images in advance,
matter what part of the Bible we read, it all points to what Jesus cutting them out,
did for us in His living, dying, and coming alive again. and then making your
own flannel graph
with adhesive hook-
and-loop fasteners
attached. Include
in your picture two
disciples and Jesus.
You may also add the
details of the road
they walked on and
the table where they
shared bread.


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g” is INTRODUCE the Story
SESSION TITLE: The Emmaus Disciples
STORY POINT: Jesus taught that all the Scriptures point to Him.
KEY PASSAGE: Romans 10:9
BIG PICTURE QUESTION: Who saves us from our sin? Jesus saves us from sin.

Welcome time
• upbeat worship music Play upbeat worship music in the background as you greet
• offering basket preschoolers and follow your church’s security procedures.
• Allergy Alert
• favorite toys related Set an offering basket near the door to collect at an
to the Bible story appropriate time. Post an allergy alert, if necessary. Set out a
theme few favorite theme-related toys, such as puzzles and blocks.

Activity page
• “The Road to Guide preschoolers to complete the maze to get Jesus and
Emmaus” activity
His friends to the village of Emmaus.
page, 1 per child
• crayons or markers SAY • As they walked from the city of Jerusalem to the
village of Emmaus, Jesus’ friends learned something
very important about God’s Word: the Bible is all
about Jesus!

Silly walks
Invite preschoolers to suggest silly walking styles as the
on is group walks around the room. Examples include duck walk
lect (walking in a squat), bear crawl (walking on hands and
nd paste feet, facing the floor), crab walk (walking on hands and
on if feet, facing the ceiling), high knees (walking while bringing
knees up to the chest), and so forth.
SAY • In today’s Bible story, two of Jesus’ friends were
walking down the road to a village called Emmaus.

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They probably walked normally instead of silly like
we were. The friends were talking about everything
that had happened with Jesus. Listen to our Bible
story to hear who joined them on their walk.

Play “Who do you know?”

Before the session, gather photographs of people • photos of people
preschoolers in your class will recognize. You may include preschoolers will
pictures of the adult leaders in the class, children in the recognize
• electronic tablet
class, church staff members, and so forth. You may also
make a slide show of photos to display on a tablet or other
electronic screen. Tip: Follow your
Gather preschoolers together and show the photos one at church’s security
a time. Encourage preschoolers to put their finger on their regarding photos of
nose if they recognize the person in the photograph. Call minors.
on a preschooler to name the person. Continue until all the
photos have been displayed and identified.
SAY • You recognized the people in the photographs
because you know them. In today’s Bible story, Jesus
joined some of His friends as they were walking.
Even though the friends knew Jesus, they did not
recognize Him. Listen to our Bible story to hear
what the friends did when they realized they had
been with Jesus.

Transition to tell the story

To gain the attention of all the preschoolers to move them • countdown video
to Bible study, show the countdown video, turn the lights (optional)
off and on, or clap a simple rhythm for the children to copy.
Invite preschoolers to walk two-by-two to Bible study.


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g” is TEACH the Story
SESSION TITLE: The Emmaus Disciples
STORY POINT: Jesus taught that all the Scriptures point to Him.
KEY PASSAGE: Romans 10:9
BIG PICTURE QUESTION: Who saves us from our sin? Jesus saves us from sin.

Introduce the Bible story

• Bible Place a bookmark at Luke 24 in your Bible. Invite a
• bookmark preschooler to open it. Reverently display the open Bible.
• Giant Timeline
SAY • The Bible is a true book. God tells us everything we
need to know about Him and His Son, Jesus, in the
Bible. Today’s Bible story is from the Book of Luke.
Point to the Bible story picture on the giant timeline.
Remind children that all the stories in the Bible fit together
to tell an even bigger story. The Bible tells us the big story of
how God rescues sinners through His Son, Jesus.

Watch or tell the Bible story

• Story Point Poster Show the video or tell the Bible story using the provided
• “The Emmaus storytelling tips. Use the bolded version of the Bible story
Disciples” video
for young preschoolers.
• Bible Story Picture SAY • Jesus’ friends did not understand what was
Poster happening because they did not understand what
God had said in the Scriptures. Jesus explained
to His friends how everything that had happened
was part of God’s plan. Jesus taught that all the
Scriptures point to Him.

Practice the key passage

• Key Passage Marker Place the key passage marker at Romans 10:9. Invite a child
• Key Passage Poster

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to open your Bible to the key passage. Read the key passage
aloud. Allow preschoolers to take turns holding up the Bible
while the rest of the group recites the key passage using the
motions you created in earlier sessions.
SAY • Our key passage says we will be saved if we confess
Jesus is Lord and believe God raised Him from the
dead. After seeing Jesus alive, His friends believed.
We can’t see Jesus with our eyes, but we can believe
what God says about Jesus in the Bible. God raised
Jesus from the dead to rescue us from sin.

Learn the big picture question

SAY • Can you answer our big picture question? Who saves • Big Picture Question
us from our sin? Jesus saves us from sin. All along, Poster
• worship songs
God had a plan to send His Son to rescue people
from sin. The whole Bible points to what Jesus did
for us in His living, dying, and coming alive again.
Lead children in singing worship songs that glorify Jesus.

Missions moment
SAY• After the friends realized they had been with Places to mention:
Jesus, they hurried back to the city of Jerusalem to • home
• park
tell their other friends that Jesus was alive. We have • grocery store
been hearing about the Dye family, missionaries • school
in the city of Atlanta. The Dye family often prays • church
for their city. Let’s pray for the city where God has
placed us!
Say the name of a place preschoolers may go this week.
Ask children to share something they could pray for in that
place. Pray for the requests together.

Pray and transition to experience the story


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SESSION TITLE: The Emmaus Disciples
STORY POINT: Jesus taught that all the Scriptures point to Him.
KEY PASSAGE: Romans 10:9
BIG PICTURE QUESTION: Who saves us from our sin? Jesus saves us from sin.

Find Jesus’ name in Bibles

Write Jesus on a sheet of a paper. Display the paper where
• Bibles preschoolers can see. Provide a Bible for each preschooler.
• paper Help them to find Jesus’ name in the Bible. Challenge older
• marker preschoolers to count how many times they find Jesus’
Tip: If your Bibles name.
feature Jesus’ SAY • Jesus taught that all the Scriptures point to Him.
words in red, The whole Bible is about Jesus. All along, God had a
explain to children
that all of the Bible plan to send His Son to rescue people from sin. No
points to Jesus, matter what part of the Bible we read, it all points
but it also includes to what Jesus did for us in His living, dying, and
words Jesus spoke
coming alive again.

Walk a relay
Designate one area of the room to be Jerusalem. Designate
another area on the opposite side of the room to be
• Bibles
Emmaus. Place a Bible in the Emmaus area.
Form two lines in the Jerusalem area. Explain that the
first preschooler in each line will walk at a normal pace to
the Emmaus area and touch the Bible. Then she will walk
quickly back to the Jerusalem area and will say to the next
child in line, “Jesus is alive!” before moving to the back
of the line. The next child in line will perform the same
actions. The team who has each member complete the

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actions first is the winner. Play again as time allows.
SAY • Jesus’ friends had just traveled from Jerusalem to
Emmaus. When they realized they had been with
Jesus, they turned right around and went back to
Jerusalem. They had to tell others the good news
that Jesus is alive! Jesus helped His friends see that
what had happened to Him was God’s plan all along.
Jesus taught that all the Scriptures point to Him.

Make Jesus bookmarks

Print the “Jesus Bookmark” printable on heavyweight paper. • “Jesus Bookmark”
Cut out a bookmark for each child. Invite preschoolers printable
• heavyweight paper
to color their bookmarks with markers or crayons. Help
• markers or crayons
preschoolers seal their bookmark between clear contact • clear contact plastic
plastic and trim the excess. Punch a hole in the top of each • scissors (adult use)
bookmark and loop a red ribbon through the hole. Show • hole punch
• red ribbon
preschoolers how to place the bookmark in the Bible. • Bibles
SAY • When you look at your Bible bookmark, you can
remember that no matter what part of the Bible
we read, it all points to what Jesus did for us in His
living, dying, and coming alive again. Jesus taught
that all the Scriptures point to Him. The Bible tells
about God’s plan to send His Son to rescue people
from sin. The whole Bible is about Jesus.

Play out teaching Bible stories

Set out Bibles, books, clipboards, small chalkboards, and • Bibles
chalk. Choose a preschooler to be the teacher while the • books
• clipboards
other children are the students. Invite preschoolers to play
• small chalkboards
out teaching Bible stories. Guide preschoolers to take turns • chalk
being the teacher.
SAY • Jesus taught that all the Scriptures point to Him.


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g” is

Jesus was a Teacher, but He was so much more than

that. Jesus is our Savior. He took the punishment
for our sin by dying on the cross. The whole Bible
is about God’s plan to save people from sin through
Jesus. As we learn what the Bible says, we see that
it all points to what Jesus did for us in His living,
dying, and coming alive again.

Mark your place

Display a map on the wall or a show a globe. Give
• “Map It” printable
• map or globe each preschooler a “Map It” printable. Read each statement
• sticky note or and fill in the answers for preschoolers. Consider writing
thumbtack the answers on index cards for older preschoolers to copy.
• markers
• star stickers
Point to each location mentioned on the map. Place a
• index cards (optional) sticky note or thumbtack at your location map. Guide
preschoolers to color the map on their paper and put a star
sticker on their location.
SAY • Jesus’ friends were walking from Jerusalem to
Emmaus when Jesus joined them. Jesus taught that
all the Scriptures point to Him. Jesus showed His
friends how God planned all along to send His Son
to rescue people from sin. God has also planned all
along that you would live in this exact place! You can
make a big difference for God in this place by telling
others about Jesus and His living, dying, and coming
alive again.

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Snack and review
Play the countdown video to signal the end of activities. • countdown video
Wash hands and gather preschoolers for snack time. Pray, (optional)
• Allergy Alert
thanking God for the snack. • paper cups and
Serve an unsliced loaf of bread for snack. Use clean napkins
hands to break the bread into pieces. Talk about how the • snack food
• Bible Story Picture
friends knew they were with Jesus after He broke the bread
and gave it to them. The friends said to each other, “Didn’t • Big Picture Question
we feel warm inside when He was talking with us on the Poster
road and explaining God’s Word to us?” Jesus taught that • unsliced loaf of
bread (optional)
all the Scriptures point to Him.
Show the Bible story picture as you ask the following
questions. Retell parts of the Bible story as needed.
1. Did Jesus’ friends know the man walking with them
was Jesus? (no)
2. Jesus helped His friends understand the Bible teaches
about whom? (Himself)
3. What did Jesus do after the friends realized who He
was? (Jesus disappeared.)
4. What did the friends do after they realized they had
been with Jesus? (went to tell the other friends that
Jesus was alive)
5. Who saves us from our sin? Jesus saves us from sin.

Transition • Bible Story Coloring

When preschoolers finish their snack, they may color the Page
Bible story coloring page or play a simple game to practice • crayons
• Key Passage Poster
the key passage or big picture question.
• Big Picture Question
If parents are picking up their children at this time, tell Poster
them something that their child enjoyed doing or did well • Big Picture Cards
during the session. Distribute the preschool big picture for Families: Babies,
Toddlers, and
cards for families. Preschoolers


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