Bible App For Kids Curriculum: About The Videos Bible App For Kids Curriculum: About The Videos
Bible App For Kids Curriculum: About The Videos Bible App For Kids Curriculum: About The Videos
Bible App For Kids Curriculum: About The Videos Bible App For Kids Curriculum: About The Videos
Welcome to the Bible App for Kids curriculum training videos! We’d like to tell you about what we’ve
created for you and address some questions you may have.
Who are these kids, and why are there 2-year-olds in the same room as Kindergarteners?
The videos include kids from every Bible App for Kids Curriculum age range in the same room to show
you the curriculum in action, no matter what age group you usually work with.
There are cameras strapped on some of the leaders—is that a LifeKids procedure?
No. We tried to capture as much interaction with kids as possible for these videos, so we strapped
cameras on a few leaders.
Why are the kids reciting every line during some parts of the Movie and Music time?
The video shoot fell on the calendar the Monday after the five-week unit, “Two by Two,” completed.
To simplify the process, we didn’t change out the curriculum, so most kids had seen the material five
times. Some kids had seen it even more often because their parents serve on weekends and their
children attend two services instead of just one. This video shows what it’s like when kids have
watched the video many times before and have mastered the concept we’re teaching. They still had a
ton of fun and took pride in being subject matter experts!
A final note: We didn’t want this to be an overly polished video. We didn’t choose all-veteran, formally
educated childcare workers to be the room leaders. We wanted to show how real, everyday volunteers
can work with real, everyday kids who are new to church, new to our rooms, having struggles, etc. We
hope you’ll come away with an understanding that God honors every attempt we make to teach His
kids. We believe it honors God that you’re interested in learning more about how to effectively teach
His little ones. He loves them even more than we do! With His help, everyone can help lead His kids to
become fully devoted followers of Christ.