Formulating A Problem As An LP Model
Formulating A Problem As An LP Model
Formulating A Problem As An LP Model
Predictive Analysis
General Representation of LP model is given as follows:
Maximize or Minimize
Z = c1x1+ c2x2………………cnxn
► Subject to constraints,
► Phase II
Phase I:
a) Define the decision variables that are relevant to the problem and, as
is often important, ensure that their units of measurement are
explicitly stated. Failure to do so may well lead to difficulty in
formulating appropriate constraints and in interpreting the solution
b) Identify the contribution coefficients (the Cj’s) associated with each
c) Formulate the objective function quantitatively and express it as a
linear function of decision variables
d) Identify the physical rate of substitution coefficients (aij’s).
e) Identify the available resources or requirements, i.e., the right-hand-
side coefficients (the bi’s)
f) Formulate suitable mathematical constraints related to each
respective resource or requirement as linear equalities/inequalities in
terms of decision variables.
g) Mention the non-negativity condition associated with the decision