Formulating A Problem As An LP Model

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LP Formulation

Predictive Analysis
General Representation of LP model is given as follows:

Maximize or Minimize
Z = c1x1+ c2x2………………cnxn
► Subject to constraints,

a11x1+ a12x2………………a1nxn ≤or = or ≥ b1………………(i)

a21x1+ a22x2………………anxn ≤or = or ≥b2 ………………(ii)
am1x1+ am2x2………………amnxn ≤or = ≥bm………………(iii)
► Non-negativity constraint,

xi≥0 (where i = 1,2,3 …..n)


While both recognition and formulation of LP problems tend to

become intuitive after we gain experience, in the beginning a method
to follow helps us to more effectively formulate them. A two-phase
can be employed in formulating a problem:
1. Verbalize the problem and its structure
2. Develop the mathematical structure
Expressed more explicitly, the following steps should be employed:
► Phase I

► Phase II
Phase I:

a) Provide a detailed verbal description of the problem under

consideration, ensuring that related information is unambiguous
and sufficiently precise. It is essential that we have a clear and
adequate understanding of the problem under investigation before
we seek to apply the technique itself
b) Determine the overall objective that appears to be relevant. It will
usually(not as always) be clear whether the objective relates to
some maximization or minimization, to cost or profit, and so on.
An adequate understanding of the overall objective can be of
considerable assistance in unravelling other aspects of the
c) Determine the factors(constraints) that appear to restrict in some
way the attainment of the objective identified in the previous
stage. These stages together will provide a detailed verbal
exposition of the complete problem under investigation
Phase II: (Transform the verbal description into
proper mathematical structure)

a) Define the decision variables that are relevant to the problem and, as
is often important, ensure that their units of measurement are
explicitly stated. Failure to do so may well lead to difficulty in
formulating appropriate constraints and in interpreting the solution
b) Identify the contribution coefficients (the Cj’s) associated with each
c) Formulate the objective function quantitatively and express it as a
linear function of decision variables
d) Identify the physical rate of substitution coefficients (aij’s).
e) Identify the available resources or requirements, i.e., the right-hand-
side coefficients (the bi’s)
f) Formulate suitable mathematical constraints related to each
respective resource or requirement as linear equalities/inequalities in
terms of decision variables.
g) Mention the non-negativity condition associated with the decision

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