Pelor: The Shining One

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The Shining One

Greater Deity
Symbol: Sun face
Home Plane: Elysium
Alignment: Neutral good
Portfolio: Sun, light, strength,
Worshipers: Bards, rangers,
druids, healers, commoners
Cleric Alignments: GG, LG, NG

Domains: Good, Healing,


Strength, Sun
Favored Weapon: Mace

Pelor (pay-lore), deity of the sun, is depicted as an older man in white,

with wild hair and a beard of shining gold. Pelor is the creator of
many good things, a supporter of those in need, and an adversary of
all that is evil. He is the most commonly worshiped deity among ordi-
nary humans, and his priests are well received wherever they go.

Though widely revered as a peaceful and gentle deity who allevi-
ates suffering, Pelor also has more martial aspects. He brings his
wrath to bear on darkness and evil, and he invigorates and heals
those who champion the cause of good.
Pelor teaches that the energy of life originates from the sun. This
light brings strength to the weak and health to the injured, while
Illus. by D. Cramer & K. Anderson

destroying darkness and evil. He urges his followers to challenge

the forces of corruption aggressively, but also to remember that
just as staring at the sun can cause blindness of the eyes, relentless
attention to the destruction of negative forces can blind the heart
to the true essentials of life: kindness, mercy, and compassion.

Clergy and Temples

Pelor’s clerics favor yellow garb. They are usually kindly people
with backbones of steel. They are primarily nurturers and protec-
tors, but when the time comes to bear arms they are not afraid to do
so. They use their powers to heal, nourish, and otherwise aid the
needy, while practicing the skills needed to protect their charges
should they be threatened. Many clerics of Pelor leave their pas- Special Qualities: Divine immunities, fire immunity, DR 52/+4,
toral duties and go to explore far lands in an effort to drive off fast healing 37, spontaneous casting of divine spells, understand,
harmful beings and spread their deity’s gifts to all who need them. speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings
Temples to Pelor tend to be tall, airy, and blindingly white. They within 19 miles, remote communication, godly realm, teleport
are usually placed so the sun shines into most of their rooms without error at will, plane shift at will, nature sense, resist nature’s
throughout the day. They often feature open, sunny courtyards as lure, trackless step, venom immunity, wild shape (Small,
well. Pelor’s temples are always kept scrupulously clean, and many Medium-size, or Large 4/day), woodland stride, SR 49, divine
of them of have wings that house hospitals. aura (19 miles, DC 36).
Saves*: Fort +58, Ref +56, Will +64. *Always receives a 20 on saves.
PELOR Abilities: Str 34, Dex 24, Con 28, Int 32, Wis 40, Cha 29.
Cleric 20/Druid 10/Fighter 10 Skills*: Animal Empathy +39, Concentration +85, Craft (glass-
Medium-Size Outsider making) +91, Craft (metalworking) +91, Diplomacy +57, Handle
Divine Rank: 17 Animal +72, Heal +70, Intuit Direction +38, Knowledge (arcana)
Hit Dice: 20d8+180 (outsider) plus 20d8+180 (Clr) plus 10d8+90 +79, Knowledge (nature) +69, Knowledge (religion) +62,
(Drd) plus 10d10+90 (Ftr) (1,040 hp) Knowledge (undead) +39, Listen +60, Perform +49, Profession
Initiative: +11 (+7 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) (farmer) +95, Profession (herbalist) +95, Profession (sailor) +95,
Speed: 60 ft. Ride (horse) +63, Scry +61, Search +51, Sense Motive +55,
AC: 73 (+7 Dex, +17 divine, +30 natural, +9 deflection) Spellcraft +71, Spot +60, Wilderness Lore +55. *Always receives a
Attacks*: +5 disruption flaming heavy mace +79/+74/+69/+64 melee; 20 on checks.
or spell +69 melee touch or +64 ranged touch *Always receives a Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Divine Might, Divine Vengeance,
20 on attack rolls; roll die to check for critical hit. Dodge, Empower Spell, Expertise, Extend Spell, Extra Turning
Damage*: +5 disruption flaming heavy mace 1d8+42/19–20; or by (×3), Great Cleave, Improved Critical (heavy mace), Improved
spell *Always does maximum damage (mace 50 points). Initiative, Mobility, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Reach
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell, Ride-By Attack, Sacred Spell, Spirited Charge, Spring
Special Attacks: Turn undead 24/day, domain powers, salient Attack, Superior Expertise, Weapon Focus (heavy mace),
divine abilities, spell-like abilities. Weapon Specialization (heavy mace), Whirlwind Attack.

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