Molecular Composition: Chemical Properties Ascertained

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Molecular Composition

Sodium bicarbonate is a mixture of carbon, sodium, hydrogen and

oxygen. One molecule contains one carbon, sodium and hydrogen
atom and three oxygen atoms for a formula of NaHCO3 or CHNaO3.

Chemical Properties Ascertained

The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A pH less

than 7 indicates an acid, a value of 7 is neutral
and a value greater than 7 is considered
alkaline. A percent molar solution of baking
Some of the physical and chemical properties of sodium
soda in water has a pH of 8.3. This indicates
that baking soda is alkaline, which accounts for bicarbonate have useful application. Baking soda’s alkalinity causes
its bitter taste. it to react with acids. This property makes sodium bicarbonate
useful for baking, cleaning and deodorizing.

When heated to a temperature greater than

50 degrees C (122 degrees F), sodium
bicarbonate decomposes, or splits apart to
form carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O).

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