Course Outline Database Systems

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University of Lahore

Department of Computer Science & IT

CS1116 – Database Systems



Course Instructor Toqir Ahmad Rana

E-mail Room M-208

Prerequisites None

Objectives The main aim of this course is to introduce the fundamental concepts
necessary for designing, using, and implementing database systems
and applications. The presentation stresses the fundamentals of
database modeling and design, the languages and facilities provided
by database management systems, and system implementation

Recommended Book Fundamentals of Database Systems (Fourth Edition)

by Ramez Elmasri & Shamkant B. Navathe
Reference Books Database Systems Principles, Design and Implementation
by Catherine Ricardo & Maxwell Macmillan
Modern Database Management ( Fourth Edition)
by James F. Kurose & Keith W. Rose
Database Management Systems (Third Edition)
by Raghu Ramakrishnan & Johannes Gehrke

Expected Output Participants will have a sound understanding of database management

system and techniques to develop database on some tool.
Academic Dishonesty Maximum punishment for academic dishonesty (cheating or using
Policy unfair means) can be an F grade in the course and case will be sent to
the disciplinary committee.
Attendance Policy Students missing more than 20% of the lectures will receive an “F”
grade in the course.

Grading Policy Evaluations Description Contribution

to Final Grade
Assignments 2-4 Assignments 10 %
Quizzes Will be announced later 10 %
Sessional Numerical problems, short answers 5%
and longer descriptive answers.
Project Students will be given a practical 10 %
nature problem to inculcate
analytical and design skills in
problem solving. The project will be
evaluated in the phases i.e. Analysis,
Design, Implementation, code
reusability and Security Provided
etc. At the end each group will make
a presentation of his work and/or
give a demo of the project.
Mid-term Numerical problems, short answers 25 %
Exam and longer descriptive answers.
Final Exam Exam period; numerical problems, 40 %
short answers and longer descriptive

Week Lecture Material

1 Introduction about Database, Characteristics of the database

approach, Actors on the scene, Workers behind the scene,
Advantages of using a DBMS, Implications of the database
approach, When not to use a DBMS
2 Data models, schemas, and Instances, DBMS Architecture and Data

3 Database language and Interfaces, The database system environment

4 Classification of DBMSs, Data modeling using the Entity-

relationship model(ER)
5 Using high-level conceptual data models for DB design, An
example database application

6 Entity types and entity sets, Attributes and keys, Relationships and
relationship types.

7 Roles and structural constraints, Week entity types

8 Refining the ER design for the company database, ER diagrams,

naming conventions, ER diagrams and designs Issues.

9 Midterm
10 Subclasses, super classes, and Inheritance, Specialization and
Generalization, Constraints and characteristics of specialization and
11 Modeling of Union Types using categories, An example University
EER schema and formal definitions for the EER model, Conceptual
object modeling using UML class diagrams.

12 Relationship types, Relationship types of a degree higher than two,

Data abstraction and knowledge representation concepts

13 Relational model concepts, Relational constraints, and relational

database schemas

14 Update operations, Dealing with constraint violations, Additional

relational operations

15 Examples of queries in relational algebra, SQL- The relational

database standard, Data definition, constraints.

16 Basic Queries in SQL, Schemas changes in SQL2, Normal forms

17 Presentations

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