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Apocalypse World - Random Crap

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Apocalypse World - Random Crap

Most of the stuff listed here is meant to represent 2D6 Old World Curiosities 2D6 Sports Gear
random crap worth roughly 1-barter. In some of the 02 Bundle of paper money 02 Ski jacket
lists there are things more valuable. These are 03 Fondue fork 03 Snorkel and mask
taggeg appropriately. 04 Portable fruit/vegetable juicer 04 Rollerskates
05 Dashboard hula girl 05
There are some crap tables, which are not listed in 06 Golden age memorabilia (postcards, etc.) 06 D6 Pub darts
the crap master table. If you roll a 12 on the crap 07 Really cool sunglasses (one lens busted) 07 Ball (soccer-, rugby-, basketball, etc.)
master table you may pick one of them anyway. 08 Dog whistle 08 Bat (baseball, cricket, hockey, etc.)
09 Glowcube 09 Adamantium golf club (driver)
When you rummage around to find crap, roll 10 Suitcase 10 Helmet (hockey, football, etc.)
+sharp. On a 10+ you may roll on a crap table
11 Old World maps 11 Protectors (hockey, football, etc.)
appropriate to your location. On a 7-9 you may roll
12 Pick one 12 Pick one
on a crap table appropriate to your location, but
there are strings attached. On a miss you get zilch.

Crap Master Table 2D6 Fashion 2D6 Consumables

2D6 Table 02 Wellies 02 Foil packet dried cephalopod crunchies
02 Old World Curiosities 03 Fingerless gloves 03 Bag of assorted blowpops
03 Fashion 04 Catchy t-shirt 04 Can of dog food (Dinki-Di or pick)
04 Entertainment 05 Large neon green purse 05 Foil packet beef jerky ('gator or 'roo)
05 Sports Gear 06 Sunglasses 06 Canned food (3 days worth)
06 Consumables 07 Hat or cap 07 Pack of Goon (Golden Oak or pick)
07 Supplies 08 Bandana 08 Jar of instant coffee
08 Parts 09 Leather boots 09 Slab of beer (Victoria or pick)
09 Tools 10 Heavy furs and hides 10 Bottle of liquor (Bundy or pick)
10 Meds 11 Leather jacket 11 Carton of cigarettes (Kool Mild or pick)
11 Survival Gear 12 Pick one 12 Pick one
12 Pick one
2D6 Entertainment 2D6 Supplies
02 Vinyl records 02 Bags (garbage bags/zip-close bags)
03 Spring-assisted yo-yo 03 Sanitary products (toilet paper/diapers)
04 Wind-up chatter or barky toy 04 Pack of disposable razors and blades
05 Spiky ball 05 Three pack glow-in-the-dark condoms
06 Two six-sided dice, vegas style 06 Hairspray
07 07 Candles
08 08 Pencils & paper
09 09 Jar of lubricant
10 Complete pack of playing cards 10 Sewing and mending needles and yarn
11 Music box 11 Vinegar and baking soda
12 Pick one 12 Pick one
12 Pick one
2D6 Parts
02 Spool of 100ft. Coaxial Cable 2D6 Survival Gear
03 10ft. Heavy Chain 02 Metal spork 2D6 Military Gear
04 Heavy plastic sheets and tarps 03 Can opener 02 Night Vision Goggles
05 Batteries 04 Fishing gear (line, hooks, lures) 03 Spool of 100ft. barbed wire
06 Bag of assorted nails or screws 05 Firestarters (lighter, matches, flint & steel) 04 Parachute
07 Miscelaneous metal bits 06 Mylar blanket 05 Gas mask
08 Tie wraps or duct tape 07 30ft. Rope 06 Canteen
09 Mechanical parts (valves, gears, bearings 08 Compass 07 Handcuffs
10 Electronics parts (chips, wiring, diodes) 09 Portable water filter 08 Binoculars
11 Vehicle parts (alternator, axle, gearbox) 10 Tent 09 Radsuit
12 Pick one 11 Bear trap 10 Kevlar Vest
12 Pick one 11 Grenade
12 Pick one
2D6 Tools
02 Hand pump for both air and liquids 2D6 Weapons
03 Flashlight 02 High heels with hidden hypodermic 2D6 Valuables
04 Empty spray- or squirt bottles 03 2D6 caltrops 02 Suitcase full of 100 $ bills (good for
05 Rusty meat cleaver or butcher knife 04 Roadsign shield starting fire; actual valuable is suitcase)
06 Hand tools (hammer, saw, screwdriver) 05 Net 03 Bottle of champaign (only worth
07 Rusty machete or hatchet 06 Pepper spray something until opened)
08 Crowbar 07 Knife 04
09 Lockpicking tools 08 2D6 bullets 05
10 Mechanic's toolkit 09 Spiked glove 06 Gardening seeds
11 Stick of dynamite 10 Harpoon gun (1 shot) [] 07 Canister of gasoline
12 Pick one 11 Light crossbow (4D6 bolts) 08 Precious gems ()
12 Pick one 09 Precious metals (gold or silver)
10 Suitcase full of Heroin
2D6 Meds 11
02 Prescription drugs 2D6 Electronics 12 Pick one
03 Topical pain relievers 02 Sonic toothbrush
04 Recreational drugs (marihuana, shrooms) 03 Handheld video game
05 Med supplies (syringes, bandages, tubes) 04 Electronic keyboard
06 Remedies (cough syrup, cortisone cream) 05 Guitar
07 Reading glasses 06 Lightbulbs, intact and unused
08 First aid kit, sealed 07 Rechargable batteries
09 Antibiotics 08 Walkie Talkie
10 Painkillers 09 Solar battery charger
11 Hallucinogens (LSD, MDMA) 10 Small electric generator
12 Pick one 11 Drained but intact portable computer
•   Latex or Nitrile gloves in a variety of sizes (**)

•   Paracord

Tools and Parts

•   4ft. of Rusty Chain
•   Scavenged teflon

•   Paperback books on a variety of subjects (mostly technical)
•   Paperback book (light fiction or classic)
•   Stack of crossword puzzles or sudokus
•   Collection of National Geographic
•   Book on improvised explosive devices
•   D6 issues of Cosmopolitan
Tech Levels

When you try to figure out crap, let thing speak, or open your brain to determine the function of an object, or make use of a certain object, you may modify the roll
according to the technology level of the object.

+1 for From Scratch

0 for Tinker
-2 for Golden Age
-3 for Pre-Collapse

From Scratch (Neolithic)

If your access to salvage is totally cut off, or your salvage has run out, and you're living off the land, you're basically in the stone age. Much of daily life is at this level,
particularly agriculture, which in many places involves a lot of hunter-gatherer activity.

Tinker (medieval through early 20th c)

This is salvage which you can understand without special insight or complex knowledge: analog stuff. A sharp tinkerer who finds a record player and some LPs is probably
at some point going to figure out how it works; she may have to bypass the electrical system and crank it by hand, but simply running the needle through the grooves and
amplifying that sound (eg by means of a gramophone bell) is going to produce a recognizable sound. It's discoverable. (Try that with a CD.) You can't blow glass or smelt
iron or make tubing, so you need salvage to create a still or a blacksmith's forge or a plow or a barbed wire fence, but if you have one of those around, you can pretty much
inspect it and figure out how to make another one out of salvaged raw materials.

Golden Age (late twentieth to early twenty-first century)

This is the stuff we have today, and, in my imagination, it's relatively common in Apocalypse World, more common than the subsequent category. Of course the functional
categories don't necessarily map to time periods; a ballpoint pen is Tinker even though it's a modern item, because you could probably make a second one by inspection
(using anything staining for ink). But cars, guns, and iPhones are in this category because nobody's really up to making them (there are no examples of front-loading
muskets and black powder lying around to copy from -- so Tinker armament is limited to the bow, knife, etc) or even, really, fixing them without Savvyhead weird insight or
some painstakingly preserved pre-Apocalypse tradition.

Pre-Collapse (future tech)

This is the freaky stuff in the rulebook -- painwave projectors, violation gloves, temporal transmitters, and so on. Clearly, the Apocalypse happened sometime after now,
because Pre-Collapse civilization had a chance to make this suff. You may wonder, then, why I say this stuff is rarer than the Golden Age stuff. I offer one out-of-game
reason and one in-game reasons.

The out-of-game reason is that I think that the game is more concrete, vivid, and interesting when most of the stuff the characters are using is stuff we all have the same
image of. When someone pulls out a sawed-off shotgun we have an instant common image, set of associations, etc. Pain wave projectors are also cool, but it's good, I
think, for me to insert them a bit sparingly, as spice to the meat. Since they're freaky and awesome to us, it doesn't hurt if they're also freaky and awesome to the

The first in-game reason -- and this is, at this point, just a guess, a suggestion I glean from the backstory -- is that AW is set in the United States of America, and in late
Pre-Collapse times the USA may not have been at the leading edge of tech. If the collapse happened in 2013 and the campaign was set in a remote area of Gambia or
Pakistan, there'd be plenty of stuff lying around that was 10, 20, 30, 50 years behind the current technological standard (as well as some stuff, like some of the cell phones,
that was cutting edge). The US was perhaps in decline long before the Apocalypse hit, and so most of the pain wave projectors and brainer violation gloves are import --
and sometimes the instructions are in Cambodian, Javanese and Estonian, another barrier to the non-Savvyhead tinker.
The second in-game reason that the backstory suggests is this: a lot of these pre-Collapse technological items actually use "the world's psychic maelstrom". They are
connected to it, designed for it. That says to me that the maelstrom wasn't something that just showed up one day and boom, the next day society collapsed. There was a
period of coexistence. Whether the maelstrom, including its apocalyptic effects, came from the outside but not everywhere at once, so that some areas adapted to it and
produced goods exploiting it before succumbing -- or whether the causal relationship is the other way around, and human experimentation with something which was,
produced, or presaged the world's psychic maelstrom was the cause of the Apocalypse, isn't clear. (Though it's suggestive that an apocalypse that happened in 1960
would have been an Atomic Age apocalypse, leaving radioactivity as its calling card, and the apocalypse we expect today would be all about climate change; of course, in
AW the climate may be screwed up and there may even be radioactive traces of small-scale tactical nukage, but those are secondary effects of the real Bad Thing That
Happened -- our descendant's chickens, as opposed to ours, coming home to roost). In any event, pre-Collapse tech, as opposed to Golden Age tech, is from a time when
limited areas of humanity were producing maelstrom-ready goods, while many other places were already reverting to wilderness.

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