Park Avenue Transcript
Park Avenue Transcript
Park Avenue Transcript
Track Transcript
01:00:37:22 Narrator: This stretch of Park Avenue on the Upper East Side
of Manhattan is the wealthiest neighborhood in New York
City. This is where the people at the top of the ladder live.
The upper crust. The ultra rich. But this street is about a lot
more than money. It’s about political power. The rich here
haven’t just used their money to buy fancy cars, private jets
and mansions. They’ve also used it to rig the game in their
favor. Over the last 30 years, they’ve enjoyed unprecedented
prosperity from a system that they increasingly control. But
if you head north for about ten minutes this Park Avenue
comes to an end at the Harlem River. On the other side of the
water, there is another Park Avenue. This is the South Bronx,
home to America’s poorest congressional district. There are
700,000 people in this district. Almost forty percent of them
live in poverty, making less than 40 dollars a day.
From here the last thirty years have looked very different
than the view from Manhattan’s Park Avenue. People here
have seen their wages fall and the cost of almost everything
else go through the roof. They’ve lost their jobs in the
recession caused by bankers across the river. They’ve
watched their children struggle in failing schools. And
they’ve ended up even worse off than they were a generation
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Avenue will end up living on this Park Avenue?
01:02:40:05 Title: Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream
01:02:52:07 Paul Piff: Let’s imagine that you’re invited to a game of monopoly
and you arrive at this game to find out that all of the properties
have been divided up, all of the money has already been handed
out but you’re told, “Hey, go ahead and sit down. Play the game.
We’re going to give you a chance to play just like everyone
else.” There are some in society that have a lot of access, a lot
of social mobility, a lot of resources to do the things that they
want. As opposed to other people who are more disadvantaged,
more underprivileged don’t have the same levels of resources but
are still…
01:04:14:15 Paul Piff: So there are two players, they don’t know each other.
You flip a coin to determine your position. So it’s random. Almost
like your emergence into the world is random. Whether you land
in this family or this other family. If you were the rich person you
got a lot more money. You got two times as much money. When
you passed go you collect $200, you would get to roll both dice
so you are allowed to move around the board quicker.
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01:04:41:14 Player 2: Just one
01:04:42:11 Player 1: Are you serious? (Player 2: yeah) I have three. (laughs)
01:04:45:13 Paul Piff: Now if you are on the low end, we really hit you hard.
You got half the money, when you passed go you collected half
the salary, (Player 2: I’m going to lose pretty soon.) you only got
to roll 1 die, so you’re moving around the board very very slowly
as the other person is just wizzing around you collecting 200
dollars every couple of turns.
01:05:35:03 Paul Piff: The idea of the American dream is that every one’s got
an equal opportunity. You’ve just gotta decide to play. But in fact,
there are large groups of people that experience the game as
unfair. The opportunity’s not there. All the rules have been
decided. The property’s already been bought up and the money
is already in the hands of the other players.
01:06:01:00 Kids: Woo! You rebound. Wo Ho! Oh! I’m Michael Jordan. Aight
Aight I’m Kobe. I’m Kobe I am Ray Allen. I’m Ray Allen.
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01:06:08:14 Anne Rueth: Almost all families start out with wanting the same
things for their children. They want them to be safe. They want
them to be happy and they want them to be successful and
healthy. But even before birth so many kids start that race behind.
They come into a neighborhood that’s unsafe, maybe they are in
a overcrowded apartment. They don’t have healthy nutrition.
They might have medical issues that aren’t being addressed. And
I would say their number one challenge is just a lack of
opportunities in general.
01:07:01:02 Colin Dunkley: I like helping people. I like serving the people. I
like helping the people. If there’s something we can do to bless
them that’s what we’re gonna do.
01:07:10:11 April Dunkley: You typically get the vegetables in the can, beans
in the can, bags of rice. Sometimes we get the get the little sippy
Capri Sun juices. We’ll put those in the bag for the kids.
01:07:20:10 Narrator: But they don’t have nearly enough to meet the
demand. When we visited, they ran out of food in 15 minutes.
01:07:42:07 Tim Noah: It is very, very hard to pull yourself out of extreme
poverty in the United States. It almost never happens. This runs
completely counter to what people’s notion of America has been
for a very long time. We think of ourselves as the land of
opportunity. Mobility in the United States lags most other
advanced industrial democracies. (TITLE: Upward Mobility of
Developed Nations: Denmark, Norway, Finland, Canada,
Australia, Sweden, New Zealand, Germany, Japan, Spain,
France, Switzerland, United States)
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01:08:06:01 Jeffrey Sachs: When I was growing up, the image of America, the
self-image, was of a vast middle class country. Of course, there
was a small rich group and there were some poor, but America
prided itself and understood that its health was because of a vast
middle class. We’re not that kind of society anymore.
01:08:45:01 Bruce Bartlett: The incomes of people at the lower end stagnated.
And, and disproportionate amount of the, the growth in the
economy has accrued to those at the upper end.
01:09:48:12 Michael Gross: There is a little tiny group and it’s probably 1% of
the 1%. Those people are concentrated in a very small number of
places. New York has been one of those places since the early
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19 century. It has been a world city with world-class fortunes and
it has been a magnet for people who live in the 1% of the 1%. I
was in a taxi going down Fifth Avenue looking for the richest
apartment building in New York and there were about ten
buildings that were on the initial list. 740 Park became the
epicenter for people who ruled the world. Truly the masters of the
universe. They all lived at 740 Park.
01:12:09:09 Former Doorman (740 Park Avenue): To work at 740 you really
need to know somebody within the business. You know, you’re
working at the top building in the world. It’s only 31 units, it’s not a
lot of residents but they’re high-tempered and, you know, you
have to have thick skin to work there. You’re going to be dealing
with detestable people and you’re going to be dealing with
billionaires. You need to know everything about the residents—
what time they wake up to go down to Wall Street, whose car is
which, who likes to get their own door, who gets in the passenger
seat, who gets in the back seat. You know, these things don’t
seem like a big thing to me and you but even a minor mishap and
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you’ll be fired straight away.
01:12:54:09 Title (and VO): Who are some of the key tenants in the
building now?
01:12:57:03 Michael Gross: You’ve got John Thain; the CEO who presided
over the downfall of Merrill Lynch. Ezra Merkin, who was the
feeder to Bernie Madoff; David Koch, who is the richest person in
the building; and of course, Steve Schwarzman, the poster child
of capitalistic greed in the last 10 years.
01:13:36:25 Former Doorman (740 Park Avenue): He was a strange guy, Mr.
birthday party, he had Rod Stewart play and it was all over the
papers. And he had a replica of his apartment built in this hotel
and it was just completely ridiculous. He’d have his annual
Christmas party and he’d have 25 Christmas trees come in, these
massive Christmas trees. Yeah. I mean every room would get a
Christmas tree and be fully decorated.
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Title: $5,000,000,000 (01:14:29:13)
01:14:46:27 Alex Gibney: If a few people do really well, why is that such a big
deal? Isn’t that just proof of the American dream, you work hard,
and you’re successful?
01:15:27:14 Jacob Hacker: There’s been a reinforcing cycle. Those at the top
have done well. They’ve invested in policies that are favorable to
them, and they’ve done even better, and then they’ve churned a
lot of that money back into politics.
01:16:02:26 Jack Abramoff: I wish I could tell you that in the midst of all of my
lobbying activity I came to an epiphany, but I didn’t. It
unfortunately for me required my demise.
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overall picture. And realized that the system itself was really badly
in disrepair. The lobbyists will bring in the exact draft of what they
want because they want to make it sure it is exactly what they
need. You know, the staff are busy, the congressman busy, and
so they frequently in the past, and still, avail themselves of the
services, let’s call them, from the lobbyists to write these bills.
01:16:51:12 Alex Gibney: Now as a lobbyist, what was your leverage in terms
of getting members to sponsor the bills that you had written?
01:16:56:23 Jack Abramoff: A lobbyist needs to get to the decision maker, the
congressman and the staff and that involves unfortunately
financial conveyances.
01:17:08:10 Robert Kaiser: One of the dirty little secrets in Washington today
is how much time members of the House and Senate spend
every week, not just in the elections season, but all the time,
year-round, on the telephone, asking people for money. It’s
begging for money. It’s a sad spectacle.
01:17:25:10 Jack Abramoff: When you have campaigns that are costing tens
of millions of dollars, the people who have the money want
something back. Money is being used to buy results. That is the
problem. That’s how I used money. I know what I was doing.
01:18:03:15 Narrator: Our civics books tell us that the President is the
most powerful person in the world and that special interests
must go to Washington to petition the government. But when
it comes time to raise money, our presidents go hat in hand
to the people who really have the power. In 2007, President
George W. Bush made a pilgrimage to Steve Schwarzman’s
apartment to ask for money for the Republican National
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01:18:29:15 Doorman: The secret service were coming for I would say 3-4
months before the actual visit. And they would come every week
just to check up, look around the building, they did background
checks on us for sure. They had the sharp shooters out. They
brought Mr. Bush to Mr. Schwarzman’s apartment, he spent
maybe 15 minutes, out and that’s it.
01:18:50:16 Title: George W. Bush raised 1.2 million dollars in fifteen minutes
at Steve Schwarzman’s fundraiser.
01:18:55:22 Michael Gross: Why did John Dillinger rob banks? That’s where
the money is. Well 740 Park is where the money is and in this
day and age, any candidate who didn’t go to 740 Park would
probably be foolish.
01:19:07:05 Mitt Romney: I’m Mitt Romney, I believe in America and I’m
running for president of the United States.
01:19:13:14 ABC anchor: Romney has a private meeting on Park Avenue with
prominent CEOs eager for change in Washington
01:19:20:05 Michael Gross: Mitt Romney went to kiss Mr. Schwarzman’s ring
and meet some of his friends and no doubt collect a few checks.
01:19:26:01 Bloomberg Interviewer: What makes him good for the country?
01:19:35:12 Bloomberg Interviewer: And what are you telling him about what
needs to be done?
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01:19:50:14 Jacob Hacker: They can influence the writing of laws, the
implementation of regulation, the degree to which the tax code
tilts towards business and those at the top versus ordinary
working Americans.
01:20:22:23 Jacob Hacker: When it’s explained to people, they think it’s crazy.
The most highly paid financial executives get taxed at a rate
lower than your mom and pop grocery. It is in the tax code
because of the incredibly effective lobbying of the financial
01:21:10:14 Jacob Hacker: From 2006 on, every democratic leader and
president, in the case of president Obama, has said “we’re gonna
get rid of this.”
01:21:18:16 Barack Obama: Let’s ask hedge fund managers to stop paying
taxes that are lower on their rates than their secretaries.
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01:21:37:02 Narrator: Even when the democrats controlled both houses
of Congress, they couldn’t close the carried interest
loophole. The question is why?
01:21:45:14 Robert Kaiser: It passed the house, twice! But in the senate, the
hedge funds had a pal in Charles Schumer of New York. The
senator from Wall Street, as he was known for many years.
01:22:05:22 Jacob Hacker: Schumer became famous for his ability to gain
wall street dollars. That’s why he was elevated within the
democratic leadership. It was because he was such an effective
01:22:15:02 Robert Kaiser: Schumer in that period was the chairman of the
Senate democratic campaign committee, which, you gotta give
the guy credit, he turned this into an absolute money machine.
01:22:49:07 Robert Kaiser: Schumer just buried the idea. It never came up for
a vote in a committee or on the floor of the Senate. It just
01:22:56:14 Jacob Hacker: And that I think is a perfect example of the way in
which money talks in American politics today.
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companies in the world. They make things like Dixie Cups,
Brawny paper towels, Lycra, and Stainmaster Carpet. But
their most profitable business is oil and gas, which helps
Koch Industries bring in over one hundred billion dollar in
annual revenues (Title: $100,000,000,000). Together, the Koch
brothers may have spent more money to influence American
politics than anyone else in the country.
1:24:18:29 Title: Koch money gone to over half of the current House of
Representatives and Senate.
01:24:33:01 Jane Mayer: In 1980, David Koch actually ran for Vice President
on the Libertarian ticket.
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01:24:38:06 Unknown NBC Newscaster: They count on growing sympathy for
their party’s single goal—freedom from government.
01:24:43:19 Jane Mayer: He did abysmally. The libertarian ticket got one
percent of the vote in America in 1980. What they learned from
that is that they had to figure out another way to get their ideas to
become influential.
01:25:17:04 Cato Institute (Daniel J. Mitchell): Government’s too big, and it’s
getting bigger, and we don’t want to encourage bigger
government. Take the keys to the liquor cabinet away from the
01:25:32:23 Jane Mayer: Their free-market ideology, they argue, is just about
principle. But there are many, many areas in which their business
interests butt into regulations.
01:26:11:12 Tim Phillips: When you make business less competitive because
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they are having to deal with regulations from the Environmental
Protection Agency and other unelected bureaucracies instead of
creating jobs and instead of being able to compete with our
foreign competitors. We know it kills jobs.
01:26:24:24 Narrator: This is Tim Phillips, the head of the Koch brothers’
latest venture, called Americans for Prosperity.
01:27:02:05 Jane Mayer: People were looking at the Tea Party movement as
this sort of spontaneous combustion, this grassroots thing that
just exploded and what it really was, was something that was
being fed by Libertarian billionaires.
01:27:38:13 Jane Mayer: They have this ideology of the free market and how
it’s making money equals freedom and if you listen to the Tea
Party rhetoric, you hear exactly the same phrases.
01:27:49:27 Unknown Tea Party Speaker: Our side, and the side you’re on
today is the side, frankly, of freedom. (Cheers)
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01:27:56:20 Unknown News reporter: They’re chanting ‘Liberty!’ and chanting
‘No more taxes!’
01:28:00:05 Unknown Tea Party female: Freedom, liberty, and people waking
up to the fact that this is our country and it’s up to us to take it
01:28:05:25 Unknown Tea Party male: Our rights are being taken away. Little
by little.
01:28:42:01 Mike Wallace: Here in the United States, perhaps the most
challenging and unusual new philosophy has been forged by a
novelist- Ayn Rand. Ms. Rand’s point of view is still comparatively
unknown in America but if it ever did take hold, it would
revolutionize our lives.
01:29:07:15 Jacob Hacker: Ayn Rand wrote a series of novels that have
become a kind of touchstone for contemporary Republican
politicians, most notably, “Atlas Shrugged.”
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government tries to help the middle class and the poor. In
other words, a doomsday scenario. In Rand’s world, anyone
who needs a little help in life is a moocher or a parasite. And
anyone who wants to help others is a villain. Her heroes are
proud to be as selfish as possible.
01:30:10:09 Narrator: Finally the CEOs of America get sick and tired of
living under a government that no longer caters to them. And
they decide to go on strike.
01:30:24:08 Narrator: They head off into the mountains and start a new
society, one where there is no government. Atlas Shrugged
is told as a horror story, a nightmarish vision of what would
happen to our country if wealthy Americans like David Koch
and Steve Schwarzman just left us to fend for ourselves.
(Woman Screaming)
01:30:45:12 Tim Phillips: Yeah, we support it. We had screenings around the
country. We like that story to be out there and we like the ideas to
be out there. We certainly believe and share many of the
principles and values that that book was based on. The inherent
morality of capitalism.
01:31:06:06 Ayn Rand: Well, you see, I don’t like is too weak a word. I
consider it evil.
01:31:11:11 Jane Mayer: The appeal of Ayn Rand is that, um, you know, it’s
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basically the Gordon Gecko message - greed is good. That
ideology is appealing, I suppose, if you have a tremendous
amount of money. You might feel guilty otherwise.
01:31:24:00 Wallace: How does your philosophy translate itself into the world
of politics?
01:31:34:02 Narrator: Paul Ryan receives more money from the Koch
Brothers than any other member of Congress. He is also the
country’s most powerful politician to publicly embrace the
philosophy of Ayn Rand. By running on his anti-government
views, this republican from Wisconsin became a Tea Party
favorite, a powerful member of congress, and a candidate for
high office.
01:32:04:29 Paul Ryan: We will restore the greatness of this country. It is our
duty to save the American Dream for our children. What kind of
people do we want to be? [(Crowd: Free! Free! Free!) (Title: Free!
Free! Free!)]
01:32:21:00 Narrator: With his rise to prominence, Ryan has denied his
affection for Ayn Rand. But history tells a different story.
01:32:28:13 Paul Ryan: I grew up reading Ayn Rand, and it taught me quite a
bit about who I am, and what my value systems are, and what my
beliefs are. The reason I got involved in public service, by and
large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person it would be Ayn
01:32:42:13 Mike Wallace: You believe that there should be no right by the
government to tax. You believe that there should be no such thing
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as welfare legislation, unemployment compensation.
01:33:03:23 Ayn Rand: I believe in private roads, private post offices, private
01:33:08:22 Paul Ryan: It’s so important that we go back to our roots, to look
at Ayn Rand’s vision, her writings, to see what our girding
undergrounding principles are, we have to go back to Ayn Rand.
01:33:20:06 Paul Ryan: Our plan takes power away from Washington and
gives it back to the individual.
01:33:41:07 John Boehner: I think that The Path to Prosperity that Chairman
Ryan and his committee have put together is a blueprint for
America’s Future.
01:33:58:11 Paul Ryan: Mitt Romney and I will take the right steps, in the right
time, to get us back on the right track.
01:34:08:08 Bruce Bartlett: Oh. I think it’s ridiculous on the face of it. He’s
proposing a ten trillion dollar tax cut as part of his deficit reduction
plan and obviously if you’re going to cut taxes by ten trillion
dollars, you’ve got to cut spending by even more than ten trillion
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dollars Every program you could think of - roads, education,
energy - would be more or less abolished if you’re going to take
seriously the numbers he has put forward.
01:34:35:09 Jeffrey Sachs: The idea that there’s legitimate economics behind
this is absurd. Conservatives throughout the ages have never
spoken like Paul Ryan. Milton Friedman talked about a negative
income tax and guaranteed incomes for the poor. Freidrich
Hayek, who was one of the acmes of free market economics,
talked about the need of societies to guarantee minimum
standards and provide health care.
01:35:03:17 Bruce Bartlett: So, there’s clearly an ideology involved here. They
actually want to use tax policy to eviscerate government
01:35:13:02 Paul Ryan: If we try to go down the path where we had put the
government in the place to equalize the results of peoples’ lives.
Where we try to equalize outcomes. We’ll all be more equally
miserable. Rather, let’s focus on equality of opportunity.
01:35:31:24 Tim Phillips: My mom used to say to me, ‘Son, it don’t matter
where you begin, what matters is where you end. You live in the
United States of America.’ And that’s something that, I think, is an
inherently moral thing about America- it gives you a chance to
make it.
01:35:44:15 Jane Mayer: Much of what they say is about providing opportunity
to make money to everybody equally, that’s what they would
argue about, and, um, it doesn’t seem to accept the possibility
that if you’re poor enough and your schooling is bad enough that
you don’t really have an opportunity to compete.
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aren’t enough qualified workers to fill those jobs. Even with
12 million Americans unable to find work, training and
education programs are being slashed by both parties in
favor of tax cuts for the rich.
01:37:40:23 April Dunkley: For the people that think ok they don’t need
anything, they don’t need a handout, they should just go get a job
– yes – as soon as they create jobs for people to get them, then
great, I’m pretty sure they’ll be there. There’s nothing. So what do
you do when there’s nothing? That’s where the safety net comes
01:38:01:15 Narrator: Yet Paul Ryan’s budget proposal would cut the
food stamp program by 134 billion dollars over the next ten
years, which could shred the safety net for 8 million people.
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they should be made to government subsidies for rich
agricultural companies, instead of taking food from hungry
children, poor families, and vulnerable seniors.
01:39:19:20 Tim Smeeding: You can hear Paul Ryan talk about his hammock.
This hammock, the average benefit in Wisconsin was 246 dollars
a month last year for two people, about 350 for four.
01:39:30:09 Title: This amounts to less than 3 dollars per person per day.
01:39:34:15 Tim Smeeding: Is that enough for you to say. “Ah! Put my feet up
on a hammock, you know, I got these food stamps. Feeding
people is something that this country can afford to do and should
be able to do. That’s not a hammock.
01:40:03:20 Jeffrey Sachs: The government has been starved of funds, we’re
at about the lowest tax collection as a share of national income,
in our modern history. We can’t even pay for the most basic
public services right now. We can’t keep our schools functioning;
we can’t keep our roads intact. Taxes are the price you pay for
civilization. And if you don’t pay taxes, you don’t get civilization,
it’s as simple as that!
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corporations actually pay is at an all time low. The same
thing is true for personal income taxes, especially for the
ultra rich. Tax rates for millionaires have dropped more than
25% in the last two decades. And for a handful of extremely
wealthy individuals at the top, taxes have fallen by almost
50%. A big part of the dip is because of the tax cuts signed
into law by President George W. Bush. Bush slashed the
capital gains rate on investments to 15% nearly half what the
rate was under Ronald Reagan.
01:41:36:24 Bruce Bartlett: The Republicans made all these arguments back
in 2003, that if we cut taxes on dividends and capital gains and
reduce the top tax rate on the wealthy, we’ll get this explosion of
investment and growth and jobs. You can look up the data for
yourselves, but I certainly don’t remember any big increase in
growth after 2003. There was essentially no economic impact at
all except that it increased the deficit
[Graph: Average GDP Growth in the US]
Narrator: The Bush Tax cuts have added over $2.9 trillion to
01:42:03:08 the national debt. Paul Ryan’s proposed tax cuts would add
another 4.6 trillion in debt over the next ten years. What’s
hard to understand about this relentless push to cut the
taxes for the rich is that they already have so much more
than the rest of us. In 1965, CEOs made about twenty times
as much as the average worker. Today, by the most
conservative estimates, that number is 231. So what’s going
on here? Are CEO’s getting paid more because they deserve
it? Meet another resident of 740 Park: John Thain, the
highest paid CEO in 2007.
Graph: 2187: CEOs pay compared to Worker’s Wages
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dollar office renovation.
01:43:21:00 Maria Bartiromo: You spent more than a million dollars renovating
your office. Is this true?
01:43:25:04 John Thain: It was my office. It was two conference rooms and it
was a reception area. But it is clear to me, in today’s world, that it
was a mistake. I apologize for spending that money on those
01:43:38:25 Narrator: While Thain was busy picking chairs, rugs and
wastebaskets, Merrill and the other investment banks helped
bring down the global economy.
01:43:46:22 News Anchor: Wall Street has been turned upside down.
01:43:49:13 News Anchor: The collapse of one investment bank, the take over
of another.
01:43:54:19 News Anchor: 85 billion dollars to bail out the insurance giant AIG
01:43:58:19 Narrator: Wall Street was rescued by US tax payers, not only
through bailouts, but also through government loans that
carried virtually no interest.
01:44:05:23 George W. Bush: I’m confident that this rescue plan, along with
other measures taken by the treasury department and the federal
reserve, will begin to restore strength and stability to America’s
financial system and overall economy.
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01:44:44:10 NBC Narrator: Bonuses were paid even as Merrill suffered 15
billion dollars in losses.
01:44:50:11 Michael Gross: If you live in a world where everyone you know is
chasing huge sums of money everyday, and their morality is
determined by what it’s necessary to do to get richer and richer
and richer, you’re not going to have the same moral constructs
affecting your behavior.
01:45:15:02 Doorman:. When I started at 740 I was like, “this is great,” you
know. Come around to Christmas time, I’m going to get a
thousand from each resident, you know, because they are multi-
billionaires. But it’s not that way. These guys are businessmen.
They know what the going rate is. They’re not going to give you
any more than that. The cheapest person overall was David
Koch. We would load up his trucks, two vans usually, every
weekend for the Hamptons. I mean multiple trips, multiple guys.
In and out, in and out. Heavy bags. We would never get a tip from
Mr. Koch. We would never get a smile from Mr. Koch. Fifty-dollar
check for Christmas. (Interviewer: A check?) A check, too. I mean,
at least you could give us cash.
01:46:01:19 Michael Gross: just because you’re rich doesn’t make you smart.
Just because you’re rich doesn’t make you cultured, just because
you’re rich doesn’t make you refined. Being rich means you’re
rich. Some rich people are just dicks.
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01:46:49:04 Pundit: Back to the old populist “demonize the rich.”
01:46:56:19 Pundit: The Democratic party’s gonna have to stop bashing the
01:46:59:14 Bruce Bartlett: But they do it themselves by, for example, they’re
always quick to point out that something like half of all people
who file individual income tax returns have either a zero or a
negative tax liability.
01:47:23:11 John Thain: Over 45% of the people in the country don’t pay
income taxes at all, and we have to question whether that’s fair.
01:47:31:14 Tim Smeeding: Those are people who don’t pay income taxes.
Ok? It includes all elderly women living alone who just have
enough social security, they don’t even declare it. It includes
disabled people who don’t have earnings. All of those people pay
payroll taxes, sales taxes, property taxes.
01:47:49:20 Bruce Bartlett: State and local taxes, gasoline taxes, liquor taxes,
01:48:16:28 Paul Ryan: I think we’re reaching a tipping point; we’re coming
close to a tipping point in America, where we might have a net
majority of takers versus makers in society.
01:48:17:00 Bruce Bartlett: It’s really, you know, like a magician, you know,
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trying to point people in the opposite direction so they won’t
notice what’s really going on.
01:48:26:15 Jane Mayer: If you can take the resentment of the middle class
and point it downward, rather than having it point upward to the
people on the top of the one percent who are really walking away
richer than ever, then you can succeed politically. And I think
they’ve been very good at that.
01:48:43:01 Bruce Barlett: You know the poor are not very well represented in
our system of government I’m afraid.
01:48:51:20 Bruce Bartlett: Well, I think one reason, I think has a lot to do with
the decline of the unions. Throughout the 30s and 40s and 50s
the unions were the vanguard of pushing for social legislation that
would help the lower classes in general.
01:49:42:16 Jane Mayer: If you, like David Koch and Charles Koch, want to
take over American politics, you’re going to want to knock out
whatever the organized forces are on the other side.
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01:50:05:00 Marc Pocan: The national conservative movement wanted a Petri
dish and we were that and he was more than willing to do what
they wanted not the people of Wisconsin
01:50:22:10 Tim Smeeding: The governor came in and he said look, you
know, you guys got a great deal on your pension, you don’t pay
anything for your pension and it’s a good pension so you should
pay 5%.
01:50:34:15 Tim Smeeding: OK. Compared to other places that I see? OK. He
said you should pay more for your healthcare.
01:50:53:24 Tim Smeeding: Then he said wait a minute now we don’t want
any more collective bargaining. Well you know and we went
“Whoa wait a minute! Stop, you can’t do that!”
01:50:08:19 Mahlon Mitchell: Take away collective bargaining and what does
a person that’s making lets say 7-9 dollars an hour at University
of Wisconsin hospital serving lunch, what voice will they have in
the workplace?
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01:51:20:07 Narrator: Within days, the largest unions announced that
they were willing to make sacrifices that would help save the
state money, but they wouldn’t give up their collective
bargaining rights.
01:51:29:17 ABC News Anchor: The unions and the democrats have said
they’re willing to take the concessions on wage and health
benefits. They’re willing to take about an 8% pay cut but they
simply don’t want you to take away their collective bargaining
01:51:41:06 Scott Walker: What we’re asking for realistically is something that
nearly every other person in this state and every other person
across this country’s paying a whole lot more for when it comes
to retirement.
01:51:51:04 ABC News Anchor: But they already said they’re ready to give
that up—Governor, they already said they’re willing to give up on
the pensions and healthcare. (Scott Walker: But that’s not) They
already said that—They’ve already made those concessions
01:51:59:06 Scott Walker: But that’s a red herring. But… You can say anything
in the midst of the debate.
01:52:04:04 Liz Wingert: Then we really knew it was not about fixing a budget
at all. It was about breaking unions and breaking the political
power that unions have.
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support Scott Walker. (Title: $10,000,000)
01:53:01:10 Tim Phillips: Today we have more activists in our Wisconsin AFP
chapter than there are members of the Wisconsin Teacher’s
Union. We have a very strong, vibrant operation there.
01:53:10:01 Liz Wingert: Walker has painted teacher’s and other public union
employees as the haves and the private sector as the have nots.
01:53:20:26 Jeff Wingert: What they are trying to do is really squash you so
that they can have that much more power and you can have that
much less voice.
01:53:31:12 Liz Wingert: It’s teachers whose pay has been reduced against
the Koch brothers. It’s not a really fair fight.
01:53:38:00 [Phone ringing]
01:53:46:25 Title: On February 24, 2011 Scott Walker received a prank call
from someone posing as David Koch.
01:53:52:13 Man’s Voice: Little disheartened by the situation there but what’s
the latest?
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eight years cause we don’t budge.
01:54:17:12 David Koch: God damn right. But uh, what we’re thinking about
the crowds was planting some troublemakers.
01:54:25:21 Scott Walker: You know, we thought about that. My only gut
reaction to that would be let them protest all they want. Sooner or
later the media stops finding them interesting. The next question,
I talk to Kasich every day, you know, John’s got to stand firm in
Ohio. I think we can do the same thing with Rick Scott in Florida, I
think Snyder if he got a little more support probably could do that
in Michigan. You start going down the list, a lot of those new
governors who got elected could do something big.
01:54:57:04 Scott Walker: Yup. This is our moment. This is our time to change
the course of history.
01:55:05:28 Title: Governor Walker signed the budget repair bill on March 11,
2011, eliminating almost all collective bargaining rights for public
sector unions.
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individuals who are suffering.
01:56:39:26 Protestor: I’m from Michigan. This is where our money is. People
lost their homes in the banking and mortgage crisis, and it went
01:56:49:13 Colin Dunkley: There’s nothing wrong with being rich. God wants
all his children to be rich. But don’t be rich and at a place where
you ain’t thinking about anybody else.
01:56:59:16 Jeffrey Sachs: They feel they need, not ten billion dollars, but
twenty billion dollars of wealth. They get that extra wealth by
twisting politics, buying politicians. America became a place
where money buys everything.
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