Assignment # 1: Submitted To
Assignment # 1: Submitted To
Assignment # 1: Submitted To
Submitted to:
Sir Tahir Abbas
Submitted by:
Ahsan Ali
Inspection and quality control
Types of inspection gauges
Roll no:
5th (B)
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Some calipers are integrated with a measuring scale; hence there is no need of other measuring
instruments to check the measured length. Other types are odd leg and divider caliper
2.3 Micrometer:
It is an excellent precision tool which is used to measure small parameters and is much more
accurate than the vernier caliper. The micrometer size can vary from small to large. The large
micrometer caliper is used to measure large outside diameter or distance. E.g. Large
micrometer is used as a special mechanical measuring tool for main engine to record the outer
diameter of the piston rod.
They are available in two types- Inside micrometer (to measure inside diameter) and Outside
micrometer (for measuring outside diameter).
[ CITATION Figure4 \l
1033 ]
A tool to accurately measure the diameter of any hole is known as bore gauge, It can be a scale,
dial or digital type instrument. The most common type which is used on the ship is dial type
bore gauge, which comes with a dial gauge which is attached to the shaft and replacement
rods, also known as measuring sleds, of different size to measure different hole dimensions. It
is usually calibrated in 0.001 inch (0.0025 cm) or 0.0001 inch (0.00025 cm).
[ CITATION Figure5 \l 1033 ]
A depth gauge is used to measure the depth of a slot, hole or any other surface of an object. It
can be of scale, dial or digital type. The depth gauge can be a micrometer style type, a dial
indicator type, or modified Vernier type tool, which means the measuring base is fitted on the
reading scale of a micrometer, dial indicator or the Vernier scale.
A telescopic gauge is a hand-held measuring device which has retractable rods to provide a
precise measurement. It is used by mechanics to measure the size of a bore in an engine. A
bore refers to the diameter measurement of the cylinder where the pistons are positioned. A
telescopic gauge has no measurement increments of its own, so it must be used in conjunction
with either a micrometer or a vernier caliper.
They are shaped specifically so the GO gauge passes in the machined area, whilst the NO GO
gauge does not.
CITATION Figure7 \l 1033 ]
2.9 Dial Gauge:
The dial gauge is utilised in different tools as stated above and can be separately used to
measure the trueness of the circular object, jumping off an object, etc. It consists of an
indicator with the dial, which is connected to the plunger carrying the contact point. Once the
contact point is kept in touch with an object (to be measured), any unevenness or jumping will
cause the plunger to move.
The plunger is connected to the pointed in the dial. The dial is such attached that it does not
retract but swings in an arc around its hinge point to show the reading in the indicator.
CITATION Figure10 \l 1033 ]
A temperature gauge is a device used to indicate the temperature of an item being monitored.
The display can be an analogue dial, an analogue range or a digital readout. Common methods
of measuring temperature include bimetallic strip (the bending of which increases with
temperature) and the thermocouple which produces an electronic voltage that depends on the
Wire gauge is a measurement of a wire, either its diameter or cross-sectional area. The gauge
of a wire determines how much current can flow through the wire. The gauge also determines
the resistance of the wire and its weight per unit of length.
When dealing with wire gauge, the characteristics of a wire usually specified on a chart is
the wire's size (specified in AWG), diameter, area, feet per pound, ohms per 1000ft, and current
capacity (in amps).