Mastertop 1205: Two Component Solvent Free High Build Epoxy Floor Coating
Mastertop 1205: Two Component Solvent Free High Build Epoxy Floor Coating
Mastertop 1205: Two Component Solvent Free High Build Epoxy Floor Coating
Mastertop 1205 is a pigmented, solvent-free, high- • Food and beverage production areas.
build epoxy floor coating system designed to offer • Vehicle movement areas.
seamless, durable floor protection at applied
thicknesses between 0.2 to 0.50mm. Advantages
• Excellent wear and abrasion resistance.
With the addition of Mastertop SRA No3 (slip • Superior chemical resistance.
resistant aggregates) between coats, anti-slip • Smooth high gloss finish for hygienic
resistant applications can be achieved in system applications.
build-up thicknesses between 0.50 to 2.0mm. • Slip resistant finish in trafficable applications.
• Easy application by brush, roller or squeegee.
Available in SA as a 2 part component kit.
Primary uses ®
Mastertop 1205 is supplied in 4 litre packs.
Mastertop 1205 exhibits excellent wear, abrasion
and chemical resistance and is suitable for use in a Colours
wide variety of industrial and commercial Available in standard colours. Contact BASF
applications. It can be used to provide a surface Construction Chemicals SA.
coating with a high gloss hygienic finish or a slip
resistant coating system.
Typical properties∗
Laboratory tests carried out at 25°C
Mastertop 1205 provides impermeable protection Pot Life Approx. 35 mins
against common oils, greases, lubricants, aviation Initial Cure 24 hours
fuels and hydraulic oils such as Skydrol. As in all Max. overcoating time 36 hours
Final cure 7 days
corrosive situations, a full analysis of operating and
Full chemical 7 days
exposure conditions is required, followed by resistance
reference to chemical resistance data to ensure Mixed density 1.6 approx.
product suitability. Max. service temp. 60°C
Flexural strength 40 N/mm²
® Tensile strength 20 N/mm²
Mastertop 1205 can be used extensively in, but is
Bond strength Greater than cohesive strength of
not limited to the following areas of application: quality concrete
• Chemical manufacturing plants. ∗
Properties listed are only for guidance and are not a guarantee
• Pharmaceutical and other medical facilities. of performance
Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is given or
implied with any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the competence of any
labour involved in the application are beyond our control.
As all BASF’s technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.
BASF Construction Chemicals So uth Africa (Pty) Ltd
P.O. Box 420, Westonaria, 1780 852 Sixteenth Road, Midrand
11 Pullinger Street, Westonaria, 1779 PO Box 2801, Halfway House, 1685
Tel: +27 11 754 1343 Tel: +27 11 203 2405
Fax: +27 11 754 1105
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