A powdered admixture for the production of non-shrink, high strength grouts for post-
tensioned cables and fixing anchors or bolts in concrete or rock
(1) Flow-Cone Test (conforming to CRD-C-79) after varying times of continuous mixing.
(2) Test conforming to ASTM C-232.
(3) Testing conforming to ASTM C-91: the value was taken after 5 minutes.
(4) Test conforming to ASTM C-878: no length changes were observed at later times.
Table 2 - Examples of strength and bond to steel of cement pastes containing 6% of Flowcable
Type of cement Strengths (kg/cm²) Bond to steel (1) (kg/cm²)
1 day 7 days 28 days 7 days 28 days
525 PTL 323 42 528 50 619 52 180 185
425 PTL (A) 274 38 524 47 671 50 184 188
425 PTL (B) 231 40 534 65 632 70 200 209
425 PTL (C) 234 43 429 47 553 52 158 178
325 PTL (A) 222 42 372 50 531 55 170 188
325 PTL (B) 205 34 412 51 561 56 170 178
325 Pozz 168 32 428 60 570 63 183 190
325 Slag 160 30 410 55 580 65 165 175
(1) Pull-out test conforming to the standard prescribed by the RILEM-CEB-FIP Committee (1970)
C = Compressive strength; F = Flexural strength.
• Absence of shrinkage, and expansion ranging Start the mixer and add Flowcable (6% by the
from 200 to 800 µm/m depending upon the type weight of cement) followed by the cement.
of cement used. Mix for 3 minutes until a plastic and homogeneous
• Initial setting time in excess of 3 hours at +30°C. mixture is obtained. Add approximately 7 litres of
• High early and ultimate strengths: depending on water and mix for a further 2 minutes until the grout
the type of Portland cement used, strengths can is flowable, without lumps and the flow cone empties
range from 20 to 40 N/mm² at 1 day and from 50 in approximately 20 seconds. If a high speed mixer
to 70 N/mm² at 28 days. Slightly lower values is used (about 1500 r.p.m.) the total mixing time can
are obtained if pozzolanic or slag cements are be reduced from 5 to 3 minutes. The amount of
used. mixing water necessary by weight of cement and
• High bond to steel: after 7 days the value is in Flowcable is approximately 34% but can range from
excess of 15 N/mm². a minimum of 30% to a maximum of 38% depending
upon the cement used. Finely ground cement
Owing to its high flowability, a grout made with usually requires a higher amount of water. The grout
cement (95%) and Flowcable (6%) assures the thus obtained can generally be pumped for at least 2
complete filling of sheaths, especially among the hours, unless the cement used shows a rapid or
strands of cables. This ensures maximum false set.
protection of steel against corrosion caused by
aggressive agents. As this high flowability is Yield
obtained with a low water / cement ratio, the Approximately 68 litres of highly flowable grout are
hardened cement paste is dense, compact, obtained by mixing 100 kg of cement, 6 kg of
impermeable and, therefore, highly durable. On the Flowcable and 34 litres of water.
other hand, the high cohesion and fluidity of the
fresh mix, together with freedom from shrinkage, Precautions
prevents the formation of voids which are often The temperature of walls and spaces where the grout
responsible for the penetration of aggressive agents. is to be pumped should be between +5 and +40°C
for optimum results. If the temperature is outside
Fig. 2 shows a representative section of a sheath this range, consult your BASF CC SA
filled with a grout containing Flowcable. representative.
Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is
given or implied with any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the
competence of any labour involved in the application are beyond our control.
As all BASF’s technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.
BASF Construction Chemicals South Africa (Pty) Ltd
P.O. Box 420, Westonaria, 1780 61 Brunton Circle, Founders Hill, Modderfontein, 1645
11 Pullinger Street, Westonaria, 1779 P O Box 75845, Garden View, 2047
Tel: +27 11 754 1343 Phone +27-11-452 6557
Fax: +27 11 754 1105 Fax +27-11-452 3595
e-mail: basfcc@mweb.co.za e-mail: bas f cc@mweb.co.za