FM Global 1-55 Weak Construction and Design
FM Global 1-55 Weak Construction and Design
FM Global 1-55 Weak Construction and Design
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Fig. 1. Buckled columns. ................................................................................................................................ 6
Fig. 2. Column splice (welded connection) (smaller column bearing on larger one). ................................... 7
Fig. 3. Beam splice (welded connection). ...................................................................................................... 7
Fig. 4. Typical bolted column splices. ............................................................................................................ 8
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1-55 Weak Construction and Design
Page 2 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets
Collapses, both partial and complete, occur each year from excessive loading and various other causes.
Rarely is the collapse of a structure instantaneous, without any indication of a weakness. This data sheet
discusses criteria by which types of weak or deteriorated construction can be recognized.
This data sheet does not discuss analysis of rain and snow load (see Data Sheet 1-54, Roof Loads For New
Construction) or seismic considerations see (Data Sheet 1-2, Earthquakes), nor does it outline specific
recommendations to resolve problems of weak construction or design. For locations within FM Global 50-year
through 500-year earthquake zones, refer to Data Sheet 1-2, Earthquakes.
This data sheet is designed to aid in recognizing weak construction. This data sheet can be used during a
regular building inspection, when weak construction is suspected and as an aid to determining the cause of
a loss.
1.1 Changes
September 2004. References to FM Global earthquake zones have been modified for consistency with Data
Sheet 1-2, Earthquakes.
enough to carry at least 25% of the stresses involved. This can be roughly estimated by comparing the
cross-sectional area of the splice plates with that of the member, provided they are the same material.
2.1.8 Foundations When new construction is to be located in close proximity to existing foundations upon soils subject
to heave or dragdown, construction practices and foundation design should be investigated by a geotechnical
engineer to minimize potential damage to the existing structure. Consider lateral movement for its effect on existing foundations whenever excavation, demolition or
saturation is to be conducted in the vicinity of existing buildings. The analysis should be conducted by a
geotechnical engineer. Prior to construction in areas suspected or known to be prone to sinkholes, consult a geologist or geo-
technical engineer to investigate the subsurface earth layers and assist the structural engineer if necessary
(See Section
2.2 Occupancy
2.3.2 Corrosion When rusting involves only the surface of the member, and has not proceeded to substantially diminish
the cross sectional area of the member, remove the corrosion and paint the member with a protective coat-
ing. When rusting is severe and has diminished the cross sectional area of the member, consult a struc-
tural engineer to determine the advisability of replacing the member. When reinforcing steel in reinforced concrete construction is discovered to be corroding or exposed,
clean the reinforcing steel and patch the concrete surface to prevent further damage. If corrosion appears
severe, consult a structural engineer. If rotting is extensive, consult a structural engineer to determine the extent of repairs. Consult quali-
fied personnel to determine the cause of the rotting and recommend corrective action. Repair or replace members with excessive splitting and those with splits through bolt holes.
2.3.5 Foundations When signs of settlement such as cracks in foundations and walls, columns out of plumb and tilted
floors are present, consult a structural engineer. If continuous pumping from deep wells or other means of possibly lowering groundwater elevations
are present, an investigation by a geotechnical engineer into the effects on foundations may be warranted.
Recognition. Buckling of steel columns from ramming and overloading may appear as a slight bowing. A
4-ft (1.2 m) level or straight edge may be helpful to determine if a column is bowed and what the deflec-
tion is. Since both forms of damage may look the same, it is often difficult in determining the exact cause. In
extreme cases, overloading will cause the member to form two opposite arcs displaced on either side of
the original vertical line similar to an elongated ‘‘S’’, while ramming will result in a sharper angle or even a
crimp (See Figure 1). In less extreme cases there may be localized web or flange buckling. If neither of these
extreme cases are present, it may be necessary to take into account the loadings involved, the type of mobile
equipment used and testimony from plant personnel in order to draw a logical conclusion.
Reinforced concrete columns also show signs of buckling from either overloading or physical damage. An
overloaded reinforced concrete column will crack outward along inclined planes and horizontally. The cracks
will incline at an angle near 45° in compression zones and there may be horizontal cracks in tension zones.
The effects of physical damage such as ramming are fairly obvious. The concrete will appear chipped or
spalled and the reinforcing steel may be visible.
Fig. 2. Column splice (welded connection) (smaller column bearing on larger one).
Recognition. If the splices in a particular bay appear to be at a random, nonuniform spacing, bending stresses
in the beam may not have been considered. If splice plates are cracked, deformed or show other obvious
signs of distress, the splice may have been considerably weakened.
domino-type failure could then result. This framing method is not a cause of collapse in itself, but it results
in much more damage should a partial collapse occur. When beams are continuous over the top of col-
umns, the beam web often needs reinforcement to prevent web buckling (see Fig. 6).
Recognition. Beams running across column tops are readily apparent during a visual inspection. A visual
inspection of the beam web should be made to determine the extent, if any, of web buckling and for the pres-
ence of web stiffeners.
designed. The load that the connection cannot carry, if it does not cause sudden collapse, will be distrib-
uted to other members and thus other connections. This will add additional stress to these members and
The installation of high strength bolts American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) A325 and A49 call
for the bolts to be tightened to a certain percentage of their specified minimum tensile stress in slipcritical con-
nections, connections subject to direct tension, and fully pre-tensioned bearing connections. This high initial
tension increases joint rigidity, improves fatigue life, increases slip resistance and reduces the probability
of nut loosening. In connections not within the slip-critical category nor subject to direct tension nor required
to be fully pretensioned bearing connections; the bolts need only to be tightened to the snug tight condition.
Recognition. Fatigue manifests itself as a series of small cracks perpendicular to the line of stress. Holes
drilled at the crack front are an attempt to arrest the crack propagation.
Loose connections may feel tight when tried by hand, but spot checking a few bolts with a wrench will pro-
vide more reliable information. There are bolts called ‘‘load indicating bolts’’ (see Fig. 7) that are installed
with a special tool that twists off the splined end when the proper tension is achieved. Any connection made
with this type of bolt where the splined end remains may be loose. The snug-tight condition is defined as
the tightness that exists when all plies of a connection are in firm contact. This can be obtained by the full
effort of a person using an ordinary spud wrench.
Fig. 8. Trusses.
3.1.9 Corrosion
Corrosion can be defined as the deterioration of a material by chemical or electrochemical interaction with
the environment. This data sheet is limited to the corrosion of structural steel and reinforcing steel in con-
crete members. Steel (and other structural metals) exposed to oxygen and moisture will rust and be con-
tinuously reduced in cross-section. A reduction in area directly relates to a reduction in the load-carrying
capability of a member.
Corrosion is accelerated in environments containing acids, chlorides, hydrogen and organic matter in con-
tact with the steel.
There are certain high-strength, low-alloy steels called ‘‘weathering steel,’’ that are less susceptible to con-
tinuous corrosion. ASTM A588 steel is generally used for weathering steel in buildings and ASTM A709 for
weathering steel in bridges. These steels do not pit as severely as carbon steel. The weathering steel cor-
rodes to a certain depth after which the rust acts as a protective coating to prevent further deterioration.
These steels can be identified as having a uniformly dense corroded surface that is a deep reddish brown
color (sometimes looking almost purple).
Reinforcing steel embedded in concrete is also subject to corrosion. Cracking or spalling of the concrete
can allow moisture to reach the steel. The oxidation reactions cause an expansion of the steel and these
expansive forces will create more cracking or spalling. Corrosive liquids in contact with the concrete sur-
face can permeate the concrete and reach the reinforcing steel.
Recognition. Clean steel surfaces do not readily retain moisture. When the member is allowed to collect
dirt, the dirt will trap moisture and accelerate corrosion. Pockets in channels or box beams and contact sur-
faces between members are most susceptible.
When portions of steel are imbedded in concrete and exposed to the atmosphere, moisture can enter at
the junction and lead to corrosion in the covered steel. Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete is evident
when rust weeps from cracks. Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete can be easily recognized as red-
dish brown pits or scales on the surface of members.
Particular attention should be paid to possible corrosion of structural members in the following locations or
• Lumber mills (particularly drying kilns and pressure treatment)
• Pulp and paper mills
• Coastal areas
• Processes involving acids
• Processes involving chlorine or chlorides
• Processes involving sulfur, sulfides, sulfates
• Rayon spinning plants
• Parking garages Rotting
Where humidity is high or when wooden members have been exposed to roof leakage (water), rotting may
occur. Where the faces of the wood member are exposed to air, signs of rotting may not be evident. Rotting
generally begins where the faces of two or more members come in contact. The moisture is retained in these
areas and may cause large portions of the entire timber to be rotted away internally while the exterior appears
to be sound.
Recognition. Close examination of the faces of timbers as near as possible to abutting members will often
reveal signs of rotting.
If rotting is suspected, such as in extremely humid areas or areas subjected to roof leakage, but examina-
tion of the faces does not reveal it, the timbers may be sounded with a hammer. If rotting is fairly exten-
sive, a hollow sound will be evident. Often a pocket knife can be used to check for rot. If the knife enters
easily, rot is present. In advanced stages, softening, discoloration and even a cotton-like appearance becomes
readily apparent.
and a loosening of connections. When connections are loosened, deflection of the members may result,
thereby redistributing forces throughout the members in a manner for which they may not have been designed.
Some degree of splitting or checking (extending mainly in the axial direction of the member) is expected
and is taken into account in the design specifications for wood. The degree of allowable splitting is depen-
dent upon the type and grade of lumber. If splitting appears to be excessive, the manufacturer’s specifica-
tions should be consulted. Splits that occur at bolt holes in line with the line of bearing greatly reduce the
strength of the connection.
Recognition. Unless bolts were tightened after the first heating season and a few times thereafter, their tight-
ness may be suspect. To determine the tightness by visual inspection, check to see if the bolts have been
torqued to a point where the washers have begun to embed themselves in the wood.
If the bolts were originally tightened, but the members have since seasoned and shrunk, the washer will
still be embedded, but there will be a space between the washer and bolt head or the bolt may be loose
enough to back off by hand. Splicing
Proper maintenance of timber structures often necessitates the repair of columns and beams by splicing. If
this is done in an acceptable manner, the structure will not be weakened. There have been many cases, how-
ever, where this was done by plant personnel or others who were not aware of the proper technique and the
structures were weakened instead of strengthened.
Recognition. In order to splice a member, it is necessary to drill holes in it, thereby reducing its strength.
Since the bolts will fill these holes, the member is not affected very much in compression, but it may become
overstressed in tension. Therefore, spliced tension members will not develop the strength in the range of
the original member.
For a compression member to be properly spliced, splice plates should be provided on all four sides with
throughbolts connecting them. The cross-sectional area of the plates should be large enough to allow them
to carry 25% of the axial load themselves. This can be roughly determined by comparing the cross-
sectional area of the four plates with that of the member (provided the splice plates are roughly the same mate-
rial as the member to be spliced).
Wooden beams should be spliced only over supports. In addition, splices in adjacent members should be stag-
gered over different supports. Spalling
Spalling of concrete structural members reduces the cross-sectional area of the member and thereby reduces
its load carrying capability. It may also cause reinforcing steel to become exposed. This will result in corro-
sion of the steel. As it rusts, the steel increases in volume; the increased volume causes more spalling.
Spalling will also result in the reduction of bond strength between the concrete and the reinforcing steel.
Recognition. Spalling and exposed reinforcing bars are easily recognized by visual inspection. When
reinforcing bars have corroded, a series of parallel cracks or spalled areas will be evident. Cracking
Cracking appears to some degree in most concrete structures. Often, these cracks are dormant and do not
require repair, but there are times when active cracks may affect the strength of the member. Diagonal cracks
in shallow beams (span depth ratio of eight or more) can be very serious and result in sudden collapse of
the beam.
Recognition. While cracking is easily recognized it may be difficult to determine if it is active and if struc-
tural integrity is affected. Generally, cracks that occur as a pattern are dormant.
If the crack is isolated, and especially if it involves a tension member or results in exposure of reinforcing
steel, it may require further analysis. (Reminder: generally the bottom half of beams are in tension.) Additions
Additions are sometimes made to buildings without giving proper attention to roof drainage. In some instances,
the additions have been placed adjacent to the lower side of an essentially flat roof and the roof drains have
been eliminated because they would be draining to the interior of the building. As a result, pockets that
greatly encourage ponding are formed and the roof is exposed to the possibility of collapse.
Recognition. This can be found by inspecting the roof area near the common wall. The slope of the roofs
and the water marks from previous ponding should provide adequate proof. Specific details on roof drain-
age are discussed further in Data Sheet 1-54, Roof Loads for New Construction.
3.1.14 Foundations
To the layperson the importance of a proper foundation to support the structure is so strikingly obvious it
almost becomes an afterthought. All loads on a structure are transferred to the foundation and eventually to
the underlying soils. The transfer of these loads needs to be done in such a manner that the resulting settle-
ments can be tolerated by the structure. The objective of foundation design is to provide stability over the
life of the structure.
Most buildings are expected to settle to some extent, but when settling becomes excessive or uneven, the
structural integrity of the building may be affected. Excessive settling is usually the result of shrinkage or con-
solidation of soil beneath the structure. Soils composed primarily of clay have the ability to absorb and retain
great quantities of water. When the weight of a structure is placed on clay, the water is slowly forced out
of it and the soil ‘‘shrinks.’’ This process may continue for an extended time. If it is allowed to continue indefi-
nitely, columns and load bearing walls may begin to tilt and large cracks may develop in the foundation walls.
The structure may eventually collapse.
Clays are not the only soil type affected by the amount of water saturation. Most soils will undergo a change
in dimensions with changes in water content. Fluctuation in the ground water elevation can seriously affect
the supporting soil. Pumping from deep wells either on site or from adjacent properties can affect the sta-
bility of foundations. When the groundwater elevation is lowered, the soil above the new elevation begins to
shrink and consolidate. As the soil volume decreases, settlement of foundations can occur over a fairly large
Heave can also cause substantial damage to foundations. Clays, plastic soils and liquid soils are subject
to settlement and heave. Plastic and liquid soils are nearly incompressible; therefore, every settlement must
be accompanied by an equal volume of heave. If a new structure is not separated from an existing one with
enough space to allow for heave, the new load can affect the stability of the existing structure. Similarly,
since the foundation is not supported solely by the soil directly beneath it but also by fringe areas, a new
load can, by internal shear strength, cause the existing structure to have additional settlement called
Excavations adjacent to existing structures can induce yet another factor that can cause damage to founda-
tions. Lateral movement of soil, and thus foundations, occurs when an excavation results in unbalanced hori-
zontal pressures. Lateral movement can be alleviated by providing temporary or permanent corresponding
added resistance.
Recognition. Wide diagonal cracks in foundation walls, columns that are out of plumb and tilted floors are
sometimes signs of settlement. If the building is on soil composed primarily of clay and the above-
mentioned signs are present, the possibility of settlement should be considered. Sinkholes
Sinkhole is a general term for a depression in the land’s surface caused by the sagging or complete col-
lapse of subsurface layers. Sinkholes generally occur in areas with one or more of the following criteria:
1. Thick layers of subsurface limestone.
2. History of underground mining.
3. History of large fluctuations in the water table.
Water (ground water or surface water) percolating into the limestone dissolves the calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
along the joints and bedding layers of the limestone. Over time, the joints and cracks become larger and
may become interconnected caves. As the caverns get larger the pressure from the layers of earth above
may overcome the strength of the supporting material and the sinkhole is formed. The surcharge on the soil
provided by any aboveground structures can accelerate the process.
For more information, please refer to the following data sheets as cited in the text.
Data Sheet 1-2, Earthquakes
Data Sheet 1-9, Roof Anchorage
Data Sheet 1-14, Construction Systems
1. Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-89) and Commentary (ACI 318R-89),
Chapter 14, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1989.
2. Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures and Specifications for Masonry Structures, Chapter
9, ASCE Masonry Structures Standards Committee and ACI Committee 530, American Society of Civil
Engineers, New York, NY, 1988.
3. Construction Failure, Feld, Jacob, New York: Wiley, 1968.
4. Manual of Steel Construction, 9th ed., American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc., Chicago, 1989.