Evaluacion 10 - 1 Theme A
Evaluacion 10 - 1 Theme A
Evaluacion 10 - 1 Theme A
without exception, gave Britain moral
THE COMMONWEALTH support during the Falklands crisis.
The Russian leader, Stalin, is The Commonwealth has seen much
supposed to have asked how many disunity as well, and a number of
divisions the Pope had. Like the countries have ceased to be members,
Roman Catholic church, the British usually for political reasons. In 1948,
Commonwealth does not operate in the Palestine became Israel. In 1949, the
realms of realpolitik. It is closer, Republic of Ireland, neutral during the
perhaps, to the world of Lewis Carroll *39-*45 war, also left. In 1972, after
than to that of Bismarck. war with India, and the creation of
As an idea, the Commonwealth dates Bangladesh, Pakistan also departed.
from the year of Queen Elizabeth*s But the most significant departure has
birth, 1926. It was to be an association been that of South Africa, in 1961.
of “autonomous communities within the The key issue of the Commonwealth
Empire”, unified in one respect only: by is, of course, race, and in particular
their allegiance to the sovereign as the hostility to racism as practiced by white
head of state. Even this requirement people. For the past 15 years the focus
was dropped in 1949 when India asked of attention has been upon South
to remain a member of the Africa, especially upon the severing of
Commonwealth even though, as a sporting links with that country. The
newly-independent republic, it had refusal of the former Thatcher
ended its allegiance to the crown. Still, government to impose economic
even today, Elizabeth is Queen not sanctions on the apartheid-ridden
only of the United Kingdom, but of 17 country has caused tension not only
other countries as well. Of the other between Britain and other
nation states in the Commonwealth, 26 Commonwealth countries, but also
are republics which recognize her only between the Queen and her Prime
as head of the Commonwealth, and the Minister.
other five (Brunei, Lesotho, Malaysia, The Queen has to remain above all the
Tonga and Swaziland) have monarchs issues, all the arguments. That she
of their own. The 49 countries have a does so is one of the wonders of
population of around one billion. modern politics. The very looseness of
The Commonwealth has one unifying the Commonwealth may be its greatest
factor: the Queen as its head. It is virtue, given the number of one-party
noteworthy, if not miraculous, that states, military dictatorships, and
there has been this continuity, that the personal regimes within it. Each
monarch of the imperialist nation member takes or gives what the
should be accepted with affection and realpolitik of its own government
respect by the newly independent requires. Through the Commonwealth,
sovereign states. The reason lies in the for example, Canada has attained a
status the Commonwealth offers, and degree of influence among Third World
in the framework it provides for useful countries which otherwise would never
work to be done. It is remarkable, for have been possible. But the
example, that all Commonwealth Commonwealth is also limited: for
countries, military help in a domestic crisis,
14. It is surprising how little known, 16. A well written essay should be
even today, about memory is. This unified; _____ The first requirement
is largely due to the fact that we for unity is that the main idea should
have no way of watching the be clear. The second requirement is
memory function. _____ Hopefully, that there are no unrelated parts.
with the advances in high
technology, the secrets of the A. the selection of an interesting
mechanism of the memory will soon subject is therefore of vital importance.
be revealed. B. even so, essays may vary
considerably in length.
A. The harder people try to remember C. that is, everything in it should be
something the less they are able to related to the main idea.
remember. D. essay competitions have recently
B. When people get older-their become quite popular
memory often fails them.
C. In the past many books were written
on medicine.
D. Still, a great deal of research on the
subject is being carried out.
A. Where does Pete usually go in his
Find the appropriate questions for free time?
the following answers. B. How long does it take him to get to
17. Cinderella is sitting alone by the C. Is it difficult for Pete to get to the
fire-place in her old dress. She is stadium?
unhappy. Her stepmother and her D. How long and how does he get to
sisters have gone to the King's the place?
palace. The guests are dancing and
listening to the beautiful music. 20. George Stephenson was an
They are happy. Cinderella wants to outstanding English engineer and
be at the party too, inventor. He is a man whose name is
but she is not allowed. connected with the first railway in
Great Britain. He built a new engine
A. Why is Cinderella unhappy? for a steam locomotive and replaced
B. What is Cinderella going to do? wooden rails by metal ones.
C. Where have her relatives gone?
D. Is Cinderella happy? A. Was G.Stephenson a famous
18.Charlie worked for a year in his B. Where did outstanding inventor live?
father's business. He worked very C. Whose name is connected with the
hard. He had no time for first locomotive
entertainments. His father decided D. What was the famous engineer's
to sent him to Paris for a short invention?
Choose the right order to make up a
A. Why did Charlie decide to go to story.
B. Why did his father decide to send 21. 1. Much of them are exported.
him to Paris? 2. In the Middle West very much grain
C. How long did Charlie work in his is grown.
father's 3. American agriculture produces more
D. Did he like his father's business? food products than any other capitalist
19. It is not difficult for Pete to get to 4. Poultry - farming and vegetable -
the stadium. He walks down the growing are concentrated in the
street as far as the corner, then he country-side near all the big cities.
takes bus number 3 and goes to the 5. Fresh fruit and vegetables come all
cinema. When he gets off he the year round from the southern
crosses the street. The stadium is regions, especially Florida, from
not far from the bus stop. It takes California and south- western States.
him 25 minutes to get to the stadium 6. The highlands in the west of the
by bus. country are famous for their cattle-
A often
A. 1,3,2,4,6,5 B. frequently
B. 6,5,4,1,2,3 C. regularly
C. 3,1,2,5,4,6 D. rarely
D. 1,2,6,5,4,3
Complete the sentences
22. 1. A man spent his whole Sunday
in front of the TV set watching football 27. There is real concern that food
matches. supplies will not be ________ to
2. In the morning his wife saw that her feed the increasing world
husband was still asleep in his population.
3. A little later he fell asleep in his A. sufficient
armchair. B. satisfactory
4. The man woke up at once and C. equal
asked: "Five to seven? And who is D. measured
5. She went to wake him up and said
that it was five to seven. 28. He must give us more time
________ we will not be able to
A. 1,2,3,4,5 make a good Job of it.
B. 1,3,5,4,2
C. 1,3,2,5,4 A consequently
D.1,3,2,4,5 B. otherwise
C. whether
VOCABULARY D. doubtless
Find the synonym of the following 29. He lost his ________ when the
words policeman stopped him.
23.Goods A. temper
A. legacy B. language
B. heritage C. spirit
C. possessions D. character
D. patrimony
24. Classify 30. The company ___ some new
A. tie up equipment before the strike ___ .
B. sort out
C. stir up A. have ordered / begin
D. tear up B. had ordered / began
C. ordered / begins
25. Take away D. will order / had begun
A. whose wife got very angry with him 47. He did his medical training at a
B. his wife had booked yesterday hospital _______.
C. where his wife wanted to see
D.Which annoyed his wife very muchA.who is very famous as a surgeon
B. of which is located just beside a
43. Water is a compound river
_______molecule consists of two C. which specializes in heart surgery
atoms of hydrogen and one atom of D. whose patients are treated very
oxygen. carefully
A. which
B.whom 48. I can’t imagine _______.
D.of which A. why did he recommend him
B. who recommended him for training
C. when will he recommend me
44. The boys _______ are having D .how will he recommend him
special lessons.