Daimler Process Signoff Document
Daimler Process Signoff Document
Daimler Process Signoff Document
Fifth Edition
Fifth Edition
December 2004
The purpose of this manual is to define the requirements for Process Sign-Off (PSO) and
detail the documentation required to verify conformance to DaimlerChrysler's Quality
System Standards. This document includes requirements identified in the Product
Assurance Planning (PAP4CDS 5.0) and the Quality System Requirements (ISO/TS-16949)
manuals. A Supplier’s certification to TS-16949 alone is not sufficient to pass PSO. All PSO
requirements shall be met for PSO approval. The PSO, TS-16949 and PAP manuals will
form the foundation for Supplier readiness to assure proactive Advanced Product Quality
Planning. Where the word “Supplier” is used in this manual, it is intended to indicate both
external and internal Suppliers. To assure conformance to dimensional, material,
functional, and (where required) appearance requirement of a part, it is important to
understand the relationship between PSO and the Production Part Approval Process. It
should be noted that every external Supplier of production parts to DaimlerChrysler shall
be ISO/TS-16949:2002 third party registered. All the requirements stated in this document
also apply to the sub-tier Suppliers, including Suppliers directed by DaimlerChrysler.
In order to achieve an appreciable improvement in part quality this manual has been
modified to reflect DaimlerChrysler Corporation’s current PSO philosophy and emphasize
the importance of adhering to our Product Creation Process, called Chrysler Development
System (CDS). This manual should be reviewed carefully and in its entirety to assure that
all the PSO requirements are known and understood. The twenty-two PSO Process
Elements identified in the PSO 4th Edition, were revaluated and in some cases expanded
into separate elements. In addition, the Continuing Conformance Section was added which
explains the Layer Process Layer (LPA) requirement for all organizations supplying
components to DaimlerChrysler.
For questions or comments concerning the Process Sign-Off manual, please contact your
DaimlerChrysler Supplier Quality representative.
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
SCOPE: Process Sign-Off shall be performed on all new or modified parts, parts which
have been out of production for 12 months or more, parts with historical high
warranty or quality problems, new/additional production lines (e.g. capacity
increases) , and production line moves for Directed AQP risked parts. All parts
that have a Directed AQP Activity Level (AAL) shall have a DaimlerChrysler led
PSO and Product Assurance Plan (PAP). Parts with a Collaborative AAL shall
have a DaimlerChrysler led PSO and a Supplier led APQP (Advanced Product
Quality Plan, refer to APQP manual). Parts with a Self Directed AAL shall have
a Supplier led PSO and Supplier led APQP to establish production readiness.
Any product or process change that occurs during the lifecycle of a part or
system shall be reviewed by the PSO Team to determine whether re-PSO is
required based on the Risk Drivers. For further information on Risk Drivers see
Appendix B Tables and Examples.
It should be noted that all supplier manufacturing locations that produce end-
items for DaimlerChrysler shall be registered with the DaimlerChrysler eAPQP
system (e.g. Powerway.com) and hold at least one seat on the system prior to
receiving a Purchase Order.
Process Sign-Off is a systematic and sequential review of the Supplier's
planned and actual manufacturing process at the quoted peak daily line rate,
including manpower, facilities, equipment, material, methods, procedures,
software level, and tooling. The DaimlerChrysler PSO is composed of four
phases, which collectively ensure that the Supplier’s system is acceptable and
results in quality products.
4. Continuous Conformance
Adherence to on-going requirements and Supplier support for the life of the
program is the final phase of the PSO process. Warranty, Layered Process
Audits, Forever Requirements, Problem Solving and Annual Validation are
key activities which ensure on-going quality and drive continuous
improvement for both the Supplier and DaimlerChrysler.
The Supplier shall also identify a Supplier PSO team. These individuals shall
be trained (at a minimum) in the DaimlerChrysler PSO process, PPAP, PSO 5th
Edition, Interim Approval Authorization (IAA), CDS (Chrysler Development
System), and the DaimlerChrysler’s eAPQP system (e.g. Powerway). The
Supplier PSO team shall include those individuals from the Supplier
manufacturing facility responsible for PSO preparation as well as any corporate
quality and/or engineering support. The Supplier shall identify a team for
DaimlerChrysler led PSO’s as well as for Supplier led PSO’s.
Confirm Optimize Verify Validate
Establish Identify Product &
Product & Product & Product & Facilities &
Potential Process &
Process Process Process Launch
Program Verify
Design Design Design Ramp-up
I H G1 G2 EF D1 D2 C B A Z
Figure 1
The PSO Team shall review the PSO documentation including the Supplier
Readiness Evaluation prior to scheduling the PSO On-Site Visit. The
acceptable method for presenting documentation to the DaimlerChrysler PSO
Team is to upload all required documentation into the DaimlerChrysler
eAPQP system (e.g. Powerway). Documentation required for each element
shall be uploaded in the appropriate Gate from Gate G1 through Gate C.
English is the official corporate language of DaimlerChrysler.
PSO verifies the dimensional, material, performance, and production capability of the
component. When appearance approval is required, a separate approval and warrant is
required. Refer to the AIAG PPAP manual for further guidance.
PSO “Z” Approval: The “Z” Approval is an internal code within the DaimlerChrysler eAPQP
System (e.g. Powerway). This code in conjunction with the submission of a dimensional
PSW indicates that the first 22 PSO elements have been completed and approved and
confirms the dimensional requirements are met; the Supplier is then eligible for partial
tooling payment. The Supplier Quality Specialist is responsible for entering the “Z” approval
into the eAPQP system.
PSO “A” Approval: The “A” Approval is an internal code within the DaimlerChrysler eAPQP
system (e.g. Powerway). This code in conjunction with the submission of a material/
functional PSW and an Appearance Approval Report (in the case of designated appearance
items) confirms that all PSO and PPAP requirements are met, and therefore the Supplier is
eligible for full tooling payment. The Supplier Quality Specialist is responsible for entering
the “A” approval for PSO’s with Directed and Collaborative AQP part risk. The Supplier is
responsible for “A” approving PSO’s for parts which have a Self Directive AQP risk.
The PSO date and an “A” disposition is required to be entered into the eAPQP system prior
to the Supplier submitting the Part Submission Warrant (PSW), and entering the PPAP date
and PPAP “A” disposition. This requirement is true for all parts, regardless of AQP part
NOTE: Even with “Z” Approval, an IAA is required for any PSO deficiencies beginning with
material supplied for S2 Build.
Figure 3
Self Directed AQP INITIAL RISK Collaborative/Directed AQP
3A 5
SYSTEM (e.g.. Powerway) SUPPLIER
7A 7
8 9
a b c d
Figure 4.1
Part enters
RESPONSIBILITY (e.g. Powerway)
S = SUPPORT TO 2 Initial Risk P S L S
Supplier led PSO P S P S L
P/S = DEPENDS ON DaimlerChrysler
4 P S P L S
5 Requirements P S P L S
Supplier prepares
6 P S P S L
and readiness
7& P/ P/
Documentation S L S
7(A) S S
Supplier modifies
8 and submits P S P S L
Schedule PSO on-
9 P S P L S
Supplier finalizes
line and approves
10 P S P S L
12A NO 12
13 SYSTEM (e.g. Powerway)
19A 17
SYSTEM (e.g. Powerway) 16 NO
Figure 4.2
P/ P/
11 PSO on-site visit S L S
12(A) S L P
S = SUPPORT TO Elements 1-22 S S
INFORMATION Supplier conducts
corrective action
and submits
COMPOSITION OF documentation
"Z" code entered
14 into eAPQP (e.g. S L
Supplier conducts
15 P S P L L
Element 23-25
Acceptance of P/ P/
16 S L P
Elements 23-25 S S
Investigate reason
17 for failure and root P S P L L
cause elimination
Repetition of P/ P/
18 S L P
elements 23-25 S S
PSO "A" disposition
& date entered into P/ P/
19 S L P
(e.g. Powerway)
Supplier conducts
PSO and enters “A”
P/ P/
19A disposition & date S S L
into eAPQP
(e.g. Powerway)
Supplier submits Refer to
PPAP warrant and
20 P S P L L Manual for
date into eAPQP further
(e.g. Powerway) details
This section explains the PSO Element Requirements, the process expectations and the
The DaimlerChrysler PSO is a culmination of PAP activities; without such activities the PSO
will not be successful. All documents reviewed during the Pre- PSO Meeting should have
been previously verified during scheduled PAP meetings. The Pre-PSO Documentation
Review should not take the place of periodic PAP/APQP meetings with the Supplier.
To reduce the time spent at the Supplier's facility, the PSO Team shall review and approve
all applicable PSO element documentation with the Supplier prior to the PSO On-Site Visit.
It is important to remember that the PSO is a team effort to verify production readiness
and process capability.
NOTE: It is strongly recommended that for new suppliers and/or new processes, the
PSO team perform a Pre-PSO on-site visit to ensure a successful Process Sign-Off.
The Supplier shall have an acceptable change notice procedure capable of cascading
changes down through their Extended Enterprise. All customer change notices shall be
The Supplier shall have a process for obtaining the latest specifications and
standards for all DaimlerChrysler, governmental, safety, and other product related
Rolling Top 20 Rule: Using the RPN, Pareto the failure mechanisms and address the top
20% regardless of RPN value. (i.e. 80/20 rule). & 4.2.19 In general practice when the severity is a “9” or “10”, special
attention must be given to assure that the risk is addressed through existing
design controls or preventive/corrective action(s), regardless of the RPN. In all
cases where the effect of an identified potential failure mode could be a hazard to
the end-user, preventive/corrective actions should be considered to avoid the
failure mode by eliminating, mitigating, or controlling the cause(s).
III. Detection = 10. (The potential defect is allowed to leave the plant and reach the
The PSO team shall verify the DFMEA contains any design changes incorporated due to DV
The PSO team shall ensure all failure modes observed during the Production
Demonstration Run are captured on the PFMEA.
The PSO team shall ensure the occurrence of failures and the detection ability of these
failures observed during Production Demonstration Run correlate with the occurrence and
detection numbers documented on the PFMEA.
Engineering leads this activity by approving both the DV and PV test plans prior to start of
each test phase. Engineering shall also approve the completed DVP&R test results for both
DV and PV testing. Both the test plans and the completed DVP&R’s shall be signed by the
responsible Product Engineer.
Supplier quality supports this activity by ensuring all failures are addressed with a
corresponding DaimlerChrysler 7-step Corrective Action form; all test deviations are
documented on the DVP&R; test plans are signed prior to start of test and completed
DVP&R’s are signed prior to PSO “A” approval.
All production equipment appearing on the manufacturing floor plan shall be verified by the
PSO team. Stations measuring critical characteristics are clearly identified on the flow
The PSO team shall verify all process and product controls identified in the Control Plan are
present on the primary production line as well as any off-line process (e.g. repair/rework).
The team shall also verify that measurements and inspections are done at the appropriate
frequencies according to the Control Plan.
The PSO team shall ensure that for Collaborative AQP risked programs, the Supplier has a
current APQP timeline.
The PSO team shall ensure the Supplier has a process which monitors and
documents the quality of all sub-tiers.
Note 2: For source packages that reflect proprietary document exclusions, those
documents sited for exclusion are not required to be uploaded into the eAPQP system
(e.g. Powerway). However, these documents shall be available for review at the
request of the DaimlerChrysler Supplier Quality Specialist. A cover page with the
documents title block, revision level and date is required to be uploaded in place of
the actual document.
Note 3: In the event of DaimlerChrysler directed sub-tiers, joint meetings with all
directed tiers and responsible DaimlerChrysler Supplier Quality Specialists and
Engineers are required to discuss program status, issues, concerns and
requirements, etc. prior to sub-tier Pre-PSO Documentation Review.
A minimum of two SID’s (Supplier I.D.’s) shall be obtained for the DaimlerChrysler
problem solving eSystems (e.g. eCIMS, PRAS).
The PSO team shall verify that all incoming product is verified per an internal Supplier
Qualification/Certification Plan. The plan shall prevent non-conforming incoming product
from entering the manufacturing floor.
The PSO team shall confirm that parts are properly segregated and identified
throughout the different stages of the manufacturing process.
A copy of the completed Supplier Tool Record (STR) shall be provided from the
DaimlerChrysler STR system. The PSO team shall verify that all tooling. Gages, and/or
fixtures listed on the STR are present at the Supplier’s manufacturing location during the
PSO on-site visit.
Note: Special Product and Process Characteristics are those characteristics identified by the
Supplier and/or the PSO team, along with any governmental, safety, environmental, etc.
Each product where DaimlerChrysler leads the PSO shall have a First Production Shipment
Certification (FPSC) plan. The process/part characteristics to be measured for the FPSC
plan shall be reviewed in detail with the Supplier's plant personnel prior to the Pre-PSO
Documentation Review. The proposed FPSC plan shall be reviewed during the Pre-PSO
Documentation Review and the completed FPSC form shall be reviewed by the PSO team
once completed by the Supplier.
FPSC requires the Supplier to measure and record characteristic data on the first 2000
parts shipped to each DaimlerChrysler assembly plant (e.g. 3 DaimlerChrysler assembly
plants = 6000 parts measured). A high or medium risked directed sub-tier shall abide
by the same FPSC requirements as the DaimlerChrysler Tier 1. FPSC quantity shall
depend upon the number of DaimlerChrysler assembly plants Tier 1 product is
shipped to. DaimlerChrysler FPSC blank forms along with instructions for their completion
per procedure PSSP0106 may be found internally on the DaimlerChrysler Extended
Enterprise™ Network. Externally, the document may be found on the COVISINT website.
The PSO team shall verify that SPC is performed for both customer and Supplier identified
characteristics agreed to by the PSO team.
SPC shall be used to monitor and measure the characteristics of the product and/or
process to verify that the product and/or process requirements have been met. This shall
be carried out at the appropriate stages of the process in accordance with the Control Plan.
Evidence of conformity with the acceptance criteria shall be maintained.
A system of process monitoring shall exist which shall demonstrate the ability of the
processes to achieve planned results. When planned results are not achieved, correction
and corrective action shall be taken, as appropriate, to ensure conformity of the product
per TS-16949, section 8.2.3 Monitoring and measurement of processes.
Error Proofing” and “Mistake Proofing” approaches used to improve the production process
shall be verified during the PSO On-Site Visit.
Management must physically perform the audit; this is not a desk audit.
Supplier Quality Specialist shall review and approve LPA Plan with supplier (Required only
for Directed and Collaborative AQP risked parts). For Self Directed AQP risked parts
suppliers will approve their own LPA plan.
The PSO team shall witness a complete LPA by all management levels. For PSO visits for
multiple parts, the LPA review must include every process not necessarily every part. PSO
“Z” approval will be dependent upon successful LPA Plan approval and demonstration.
The Supplier shall demonstrate to the PSO Team that they are capable of producing quality
parts at the Daily Capacity Planning Volume based on the Net Operating Time for
DaimlerChrysler Parts.
Note: Refer to the DaimlerChrysler Packaging and Shipping Instructions manual for
detailed information. Manual is available internally through eShop. Externally, see your
corporate Material Handling Engineer.
All Supplier designed packaging used for part shipment shall be approved by
DaimlerChrysler Corporate Material Handling Engineering using the Unit Load Data (ULD)
sheet (example in Appendix B). Expendable dunnage shall be monitored, maintained and
cleaned per an approved Container Management Plan.
All gages and test equipment shall be calibrated, reflect the last calibration date and
expiration date. Calibrations shall be traceable to a known source/standard.
Process performance studies (Pp and Ppk) shall be performed for all special characteristics
and other dimensions selected by the PSO Team, using part data from the Production
Demonstration Run.
Institutionalize LPA:
• Cascade audit to all processes and operations.
• Complete all LPA action plan items.
• Continue LPA team meetings less frequently.
• Link LPA to other activities: APQP, Continual Improvement…
• Develop action plans to address non-compliances.
• Modify LPA questions. LPA should be a living document.
• Validate effectiveness of follow-up actions.
• Feedback follow-up actions and results to LPA plan.
• Suppliers shall monitor/measure impact of LPA on business metrics.
• Suppliers shall upload in Powerway Quality Gate Z the deliverable “Layered
Process Audit Results” and provide supplier opinion(s). (Red, Yellow, Green)
Results shall be updated monthly.
• Supplier Quality Specialist shall review LPA as part of corrective action(s) for
quality spills.
• Chrysler Group’s specific TS-16949 LPA requirements reference multiple levels of
management. Please note that the following two slides only reflect two levels of
plant management.
Reinforce to Supplier plant personnel that they cannot change the approved process
without prior notification and written approval by DaimlerChrysler Engineering, Purchasing
and Supplier Quality. This includes continuous improvement workshop floor exercises,
sub-source changes, and sub-source process changes. See the “Forever Requirements”.
Process performance calculations (Pp and Ppk) are required for each machine and
operation as well as the overall process. In the case of multiple production lines/tools,
process performance calculations are required for each line. These performance values will
be used as numeric requirements for FTC, yield, Pp or Ppk are imposed at this time.
Note: In the event of extenuating circumstances (e.g. late sourcing, late design freeze, etc.),
the Supplier shall utilize every opportunity to exercise the production line to prepare for the
Production Demonstration Run.
All information shall be recorded on the SUPPLIER READINESS EVALUATION form and
submitted into the DaimlerChrysler eAPQP system (e.g. Powerway).
After reviewing all documentation including the Supplier Readiness Evaluation, the PSO
team shall decide whether the Supplier is ready for the on-site PSO visit. If the PSO team is
satisfied with the documentation submitted, the team along with the Supplier shall
establish a date for the PSO on-site visit.
All PSO deviations, issues, and concerns shall be documented on the PSO COMMENTS
SHEET. Once the team has documented all issues and concerns, the Supplier is
responsible for identifying the responsible individual for each issue and the target due date
in which the issue/concern is expected to be resolved.
1.3.1 The Supplier shall not PPAP until all affected documents
are updated.
2.2 Supplier shall understand 1st, 2nd & 3rd failure mode
occurrences, and implement “Robust Designs” to exceed
5.3.4 A work station layout shall exist which identifies all work
stations and operators per station.
5.4 The flow diagram, manufacturing floor plan and/or the work
station layout shall include each unique machine number
Element Requirements Documentation
6.1 The Control Plan shall describe each step of the manufacturing • Control Plan
process including: receiving, material handling and storage, in-
process operations, testing, inspections, rework/repair, and
8.3 The plan shall include incoming acceptance sampling plans, for
both attribute and variable data. Two or more of the methods
described in element of TS-16949 shall be used;
otherwise, the minimum requirements found in the Lot
Acceptance Sampling Table in Appendix B.
8.4 All parts require lot control and traceability, within the
organization’s manufacturing facility, which shall be
described in detail and verified (elements 7.5.3 & of TS-
8.5 For lot traceability, the lot size shall be no more than one shift
or one production run, whichever is smaller.
8.8 The plan shall address part handling and part identification for
nonconforming product.
8.11 The lot acceptance date (or date the lot was inspected) shall
be identified by the year, month, day and numeric sequence.
10.4 Key <D>, safety <S>, noise <N>, emissions <E>, theft <T>,
and homologation <H> characteristic parameters shall be
addressed in the instructions. The instructions shall enable
any adequately trained person to perform the described
Element Requirements Documentation
11.1 The Supplier shall establish a tooling list which shall include • Tooling list
all production, interim, and/or temporary tooling and Supplier Tool
equipment used in the production process. Record (STR)
12.3 Special product and process characteristics and all Key <D>,
emissions <E>, noise <N>, theft <T>, safety <S>, and
homologation <H> characteristics shall be noted on all
applicable quality documents (e.g. Control Plan, DFMEA,
PFMEA, DVP&R, set-up sheets, and operator instruction
12.8.1 The Supplier shall provide the FPSC plan for PSO team
13.7 The DaimlerChrysler PSO team shall approve all rework and
repair operations, procedures and work instructions.
Note: Mistake proofing shall verify that the final state assembly is
complete and correct. Verifying the component is in the machine
prior to assembly, and then assuming it is on the finished product
after the machine cycle is not acceptable.
15.6 The LPA plan shall require top management reviews of LPA
• Stock thickness for a stamped part
• Moisture content, mold pressure or temperature for a molded
• Solderability, dimensional checks or reflow oven profile for an
electronic printed wiring assembly
16.2.5 The PSO team shall take the results from the
and compare the Ppk’s to those of the SRE.
Element Requirements Documentation
17.1 The Production Demonstration Run shall be on the all • Line speed
production lines of record, using production tools, calculation
production processes, and trained operators. • Process
constraints and
17.1.1 The Production Demonstration Run consists of 300 contingency
pieces or two hours of production whichever is more plans
stringent. For multiple production lines or tools this
requirement applies for each production line/tool.
17.2.1 The PSO Team will also indicate on the form whether
the production line is a "shared" line with additional
production requirements for other DaimlerChrysler
(or other customers') products and will enter the
DaimlerChrysler Tooling Capacity as well as the
Total Tooling Capacity. If it is a shared line they will
additionally enter Other Customer Capacity
and Excess Capacity.
17.3 Process studies shall be performed using part data from the
Production Demonstration build.
18.4 All parts shall be marked with Supplier Code, Part Number
and Manufacturing Dates based on Engineering Standard
PS- 4480, if applicable.
18.5 For lot traceability, the lot size shall be no more than one
shift or one production run, whichever is smaller.
18.7 The plan shall address part handling and part identification
for nonconforming product.
18.8 The lot acceptance date (or date the lot was inspected) shall
be identified by the year, month, day and numeric sequence.
20.4 The Supplier shall refer to the Design and/or Process FMEA
to determine what is the appropriate gage to be used
(attribute vs. variable).
20.9 All gages and test equipment shall be calibrated and reflect
the last calibration date and expiration date. Calibrations
shall be traceable to a known source/standard.
22.3.2 When Line Speed is met but the FTC percentage does
not meet the requirement, the PSO team shall mark
“unaccept” for FTC on the PSO SUMMARY REPORT.
25.1.3 The team members shall include but not be limited to:
Designated Supplier Quality Representative(s);
DaimlerChrysler System Representative(s); and
Warranty Supplier Quality Representative(s).
The PSO Summary Matrix located in the PSO forms section of this manual is one of the
required Process Sign-off documents for Body & White. Below is a brief description of the
Purpose: Confirm that all processes are capable of manufacturing a quality part at the
required volume, and that the plant has the support plans, documentation & procedures in
place to function on a continuous basis
Φ Reference: Part Quality: Plant SPIR status per MP90-67 and MP90-57
Φ Process Performance: FTC, Throughput, Downtime, Scrap Rate, Pp/Ppk, etc..
Φ PSO Documentation Assessment
• All electrical connections shall have a positive detent that can be positively identified through audio,
tactile or visual feedback.
• All connections shall have continuity check with automated line stop/lockout if the continuity is not
achieved to verify integrity of the connection.
• All electrical components shall be verified for continuity and function. Specific care shall be taken to
ensure female electrical terminal contacts are not violated or damaged prior to mating of connectors at the
vehicle assembly plant. When making terminal contact for in process manufacturing (harness assembly,
engine testing, device testing, etc.) the following criteria shall be followed:
o It is preferred to provide spring loaded pogo pin access to the terminals through the front of the connector.
The pogo pins shall not violate the contact area of the terminal(s) being tested.
o Pogo pins shall be properly maintained, i.e. cleaned and inspected regularly. Care shall be taken to use a
solvent/lubricant that will not damage or reduce the functionality of the terminal or contact housing.
o The test fixture shall provide features to properly align the connector to the test fixture prior to
engagement of the pogo pins.
o When pogo pin access is not provided, and spring member contact is the only option, the following
requirements shall be followed:
It is absolutely critical that the terminal spring member is not overstressed under any circumstance.
The probe being used to contact the terminal spring member shall be smaller in thickness than the
minimum blade (including tolerances) applicable to the terminal being tested. If round pin terminals
are being tested, the male pin probe shall be smaller than the minimum diameter (including tolerances)
than the applicable male pin.
The depth of insertion of the probe shall be limited to the minimum depth required to make electrical
contact for testing. The contact interface of the spring member shall not be violated.
Pre-Move Activities:
1.Provide a timing schedule, by DaimlerChrysler part number, for each affected part/line. The schedule
shall contain the following:
a. Start and completion ‘planned’ and ‘actual’ dates for each part/line.
b. Finished part ‘banking’ plans to provide safety net during line transfer/start-up time. Bank quantities
require Buyer approval.
c. PV test timing. Test requirements are at the discretion of DaimlerChrysler Engineering and Supplier
d. Production line capability measurement timing. Process and/or product parameters and quantities to
be measured will be determined by DaimlerChrysler Supplier Quality, DaimlerChrysler Engineering and
the Supplier.
e. Production subassembly/subcomponent tooling capability measurement timing (if tooling is to be
moved). Process and/or product parameters and quantities to be measured will be determined by
DaimlerChrysler Engineering, DaimlerChrysler Supplier Quality and the Supplier.
f. Operator training timing (required if new operators are to be used).
2.Provide information on where and how the part bank will be stored (e.g. temperature controlled
environment, bank location, etc.)
3.Provide a list of which PV tests will be conducted.
4.Provide a list of which production line process parameters and quantities will be measured.
5.Provide a list of which production subassembly/subcomponent tooling dimensions and quantities will be
6.Provide information of how the operators will be trained. Ideally, operators will be trained on the
production line prior to the line move.
7.Provide a detailed list of all tooling and equipment that is to be moved. Include tool numbers on the list.
8.Provide a list of the tool transportation method and the protective measures to prevent damage that will be
9.Provide updated documentation for the part being moved (process flowchart, control plan, PFMEA, etc.).
10.Provide a 2000 piece First Production Shipment Certification (FPSC) form. These quantities shall be agreed
upon by DaimlerChrysler Supplier Quality and DaimlerChrysler Engineering and the Supplier.
Post-Move Activities:
1.Report results of the production line/subassembly tooling/subcomponent tooling capability studies to
DaimlerChrysler Supplier Quality and Engineering.
2.Complete PV testing and supply a copy of the completed DVP&R to DaimlerChrysler Engineering and
Supplier Quality.
3.Upon successful completion of step 2 and approval from DaimlerChrysler, PPAP part per the
DaimlerChrysler Forever Requirements process, then resume production.
4.Provide an updated timing schedule.
5.Complete the FPSC measurements and supply a copy of the form to DaimlerChrysler Supplier Quality and
The Supplier shall actively support the DaimlerChrysler Craftsmanship Studio Process and Program
requirements through participation and information sharing, follows the steps for appearance approval and
maintain the process through the life of the vehicle. If selected as the Key Supplier, Supplier shall also provide
a qualified, dedicated individual to work closely with DaimlerChrysler Craftsmanship Studio to help
administer, manage, and facilitate the program.
• Color and gloss of “designated appearance items” will be controlled throughout the life of the program with
visual and mechanical measurement technology (as per CS9022).
This Manufacturing Quality Assurance System procedure applies to all corporate produced in-house stamped
parts including closure panels (doors, hood, deck-lid), body-in-white, sub assemblies and chassis
components. The respective technical responsibilities of both DaimlerChrysler and Suppliers are included in
this procedure while contractual requirements are in the Purchase Order.
This procedure specifies dimension, sampling, and data submission requirements for upgrading stamped
parts in each stage of the die/tool development in a timely manner to meet tolerances specified in the CATIA
math data in a continual improvement manner leading to volume production.
For further information concerning this MQAS procedure and the requirements there in please see your
DaimlerChrysler Quality Representative.
• DC Guns and Controllers: Utilize at all threaded fastener processes and control the following:
• Torque Limits
• Angle of Rotation
• Count Per Station
• Each “Reverse” operation will subtract one torque count (on already counted torques)
• A “check fixture/pallet” containing all fastener torque scenarios is to be run through each line at the
beginning of each shift (“white rabbit” / “red herring”), ensuring the proper function of DC guns and
• Spatial control
• Critical and Safety related assembly operations which utilize screws and bolts must have DC Guns and
Controllers which maintain a record of characteristics ensuring clamp pressure and screw presence
(torque and turn profile and count) that cannot be turned off by the supplier's management
• CMM gages must be manufactured and approved per the DCX gage standards identified on the following
web site: http://ame.ctc.chrysler.com/gages/.
BSR: Buzz – Squeak – Rattle are objectionable vehicle attributes. All BSR issues are tracked
by Vehicle Development and subsequently assigned to the most responsible party for
resolution, be it Engineering, Manufacturing, or the Supplier. Although somewhat
subjective, BSR issues shall be eliminated in order to achieve customer satisfaction.
COMPLIANCE REPORT RANDOM AUDIT: is an audit performed during a PSO On-Site Visit
to determine whether arbitrarily selected characteristic(s) of a part or process meet their
specification requirements. The part or process samples shall be randomly selected.
CONTINUING CONFORMANCE TESTS (CC): are tests and evaluations performed during
production to monitor the effects of processing and to assure continued conformance to
engineering requirements.
CONTROL PLANS: Control Plans are written descriptions of the systems for controlling
parts and processes. They are written by Suppliers to address the important characteristics
and engineering requirements of the product. Each part shall have a Control Plan, but in
many cases, “family” Control Plans can cover a number of parts produced using a common
process. Customer approval of Control Plans may be required prior to production part
COVISINT: A web based system that grants qualified Supplier users access to selected
portions of the DaimlerChrysler Network
quantifying the risk associated with identified potential design failure modes. It is used to
identify corrective actions required to prevent failures from reaching the customer. The
DFMEA is a living document that will be updated as the design changes and progresses
through design verification and production. The first iteration shall be done before program
DESIGN VERIFICATION PLAN AND REPORT (DVP&R): is a formalized test planning and
reporting tool. It itemizes all testing necessary to assure that functional and reliability
criteria and target requirements are defined in specific measurable terms. It provides a
convenient reporting format for Engineering Development (ED), Design Verification (DV),
Production Validation (PV) and Continuing Conformance (CC) testing.
DESIGN VERIFICATION TESTS (DV): demonstrates that the final released component or
assembly meets design intent. The tests, sample sizes, and performance requirements are
detailed in Engineering Performance Standards.
ENGINEERING CHANGE LEVEL, DCL: the Drawing Change Level (DCL) is the latest design
level of the released drawing. It is a two digit alpha field that can be accessed on ODCICS2
through screen ENAA or ENJA.
ENGINEERING CHANGE LEVEL, PCL: the Part Change Level (PCL) is the latest design level
of the part (not necessarily the drawing). It is a two digit alpha field that can be found on
ODCICS2 through screens ECCE or ENCZ.
ERROR AND MISTAKE PROOFING: are defined separately. Error proofing is a method used
to identify potential process errors and either design them out of the product or process, or
eliminate the possibility that the error could produce a defect. Mistake proofing is an
approach used to develop methods to clearly identify errors that may occur and prevent
them from becoming non-conformances.
FIRST TIER: is a term used for a Supplier who is responsible for providing components,
services, or raw material directly to DaimlerChrysler.
HOME LINE: Supplier’s assembly line located in the manufacturing facility where volume
production of the part(s) takes place using production tooling and processes.
LAUNCH VEHICLES (V1): the start of volume production and assembly of vehicles. V1 shall
result in quality vehicles that meet all customer requirements and corporate objectives. All
regulatory requirements and approvals will have been obtained. Part Supplier and assembly
plant facilities will be complete and ready for full volume production.
LINE SPEED: is the contracted maximum tool capacity rate determined by dividing the
Quoted DaimlerChrysler Tooling Capacity (Pieces per Hour) by the Supplier’s Quoted Net
Operating Time for DaimlerChrysler Parts (Hours/Day). The Line Speed shall be verified
during the Production Demonstration Run while process performance studies are
maintained at a level greater than or equal to 1.67 PPK.
LOT: is not to exceed eight hours or one day’s production, whichever is smaller.
MAPPING: a method used to look at the complexity of the extended enterprise value chain.
Mapping details the manufacturing process, transportation and other factors that go into
component production.
NVH: Noise – Vibration – Harshness are measurable perceptions of vehicle attributes. These
items are usually discovered and measured by DaimlerChrysler’s NVH laboratory facilities.
NVH attributes are typically tuned to a certain frequency and amplitude in order to achieve
an overall vehicle signature frequency. This signature is optimized by vehicle development
for the best customer responses.
OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS: are lists of steps that may contain inspection requirements,
required tools and gages, SPC applications, sample size and frequency, and
acceptance/rejection criteria. They shall communicate all requirements involved in the
process. These shall be readily available to the operator.
PACKAGING: is material that is used to store and ship parts. It provides protection and
containment of parts. It affects ease of handling by manual or mechanical means.
Packaging may consist of returnable or non-returnable items including dunnage.
PART NUMBER: a ten digit alphanumeric number which represents a production part
number that is assigned to a commodity or part. These numbers are assembled to describe
the DaimlerChrysler Engineering Bill of Materials used in building a vehicle.
PERISHABLE TOOLS: are tools which are consumed in the process of producing a product,
and are usually a cost item, e.g., drill bits, cutters, sockets, driver tips, inserts, hobs,
broaches, welding tips, etc.
PROBLEM SOLVING TECHNIQUES (PST): are methods used to identify the “root cause” of
a problem. The most common forms of PST are corrective action teams, Quality Circles,
Multi-Vari Charts & Analysis, Design Of Experiments (DOE), Benchmarking, Root Cause
Analysis, Fishbone Diagramming, Quality Function Deployment (QFD) teams, Shainan
Consultants Inc.’s, trademarked PST techniques (Isoplot, Red”X”, Rank Order ANOVA, etc.),
Pareto charts, & many more. The most successful techniques have employee teams
contributing in some special way to perform “root cause analysis” and then permanently
solve the issue or problem.
PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM/CHART: illustrates the flow of materials through the process.
Usually starting at receiving, material in process, through shipping including any special
processing which may result from a nonconformance requiring disposition, rework or repair
are defined in the Statistical Process Control manual.
PRODUCTION PART APPROVAL PROCESS (PPAP): process for ensuring that production
parts are manufactured at the production site using the production tooling, gaging,
process, materials, operators, environment, and process settings, (e.g., feed, speed, cycle
time, pressure, temperature). Parts for production part approval shall be taken from a
significant production run. DaimlerChrysler requires that this run is a minimum of two (2)
hours or 300 pieces, whichever is more stringent, unless otherwise stated in writing by the
customer. Parts from each position of a multiple cavity die, mold, tool or pattern are to be
measured and representative parts tested.
ROOT CAUSE: is the assignable source of variation that affects all the individual values of
the process output/phenomenon being studied. Root cause is the reason for the primary
nonconformance, which has induced other failures and for which effective permanent
corrective action can be implemented.
S0 VEHICLES: Prototype vehicles built to provide verification that the production design
and the intended production process for components, systems and vehicles meet objectives.
“Production” means that the product and process design release is complete for the Product
and Process Design Complete (PPDC) milestone. These components may be built using hard
or soft tools, as determined to be appropriate based on part or process knowledge required.
Design verification testing shall be successfully completed before parts are submitted for S0
Build. PPSR’s are required for all non-PPAP approved parts.
S1 VEHICLES: are vehicles built to confirm production design intent, validate parts, and
prove out vehicle and assembly processes (at the assembly plants when feasible). S1
vehicles provide early detection, identification and resolution of production process issues
prior to S2 vehicle build. Production Control Systems are used to order, track and supply
parts. Production intent containers/racks shall be tested using S1 level parts. Grained and
new color mastered materials are required and shall be accompanied by a part inspection
report for each Supplier shipment.
SAMPLING PLAN: defines the minimum number of parts that shall be inspected from a
given population (see DaimlerChrysler’s Lot Acceptance Sampling Table Plan in this
STATISTICAL CONTROL: is the condition describing a process from which special causes
of variation have been eliminated. Only common causes remain; e.g., observed variation
could be attributed to chance causes. On a control chart, statistical control is evident by
the absence of points beyond the control limits and by the absence of non-random patterns
or trends within the control limits.
STATISTICAL PROBLEM SOLVING (SPS): is the organized use of special problem solving
tools (e.g. Fishbone Diagrams, Pareto Charts, ANOVA, etc.), to better understand problems,
their causes and determine solutions.
STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL (SPC): is the use of statistical techniques such as
control charts to analyze a process or its outputs to take appropriate actions to achieve and
maintain a state of statistical control and to improve the process capability.
SUPPLIER READINESS EVALUATION RUN: the first documented build attempt by the
Supplier following installation, setup, and tryout of the production equipment and tools.
The Supplier, with the concurrence of the DaimlerChrysler Supplier Quality Specialist, will
determine the quantity of parts that are completed during this run, but 30 pieces is a
typical build size. The purpose of this run is to provide pre-production data that confirms
the proper set-up, operation, and performance of the installed production line. Data
collected during this run typically include measurement data, machine cycle times,
operation times, quantity attempted, quantity accepted, etc. From this data, estimated
production rates, FTC, yields, and PP and PPK for special characteristics are calculated.
There are no minimum requirements for process performance, FTC, yields, or other
indicators at this time. The DaimlerChrysler PSO Team will evaluate the analysis of this
run when deciding whether to schedule the PSO On-Site Visit.
SUPPLIER TOOL RECORD (STR): A form generated by the creation of a new TPO (Tool
Purchase Order) requiring the identification of Supplier, or DaimlerChrysler owned tooling,
affected by the TPO.
SUPPLY CHAIN: includes all Suppliers used in producing a given part; from tier one to the
source of production materials.
TAKT TIME: The time in which one vehicle, assembly, or part (the item of interest) is to be
UNIT LOAD DATA (ULD) SHEET: Loading and unloading instructions for a specific
NOTE: It is recommended that prior to performing a PSO, new Specialist accompany at a minimum 2
mentored PSO’s.
Recommended Training
Suppliers may schedule PSO training at the DaimlerChrysler Technical Center or via the Consortium for
Supplier training by calling the DaimlerChrysler Registration Center at (248) 512-4350.
o 25.4 - Warranty
Warranty team member list
Warranty process flow diagram
Warranty procedures
Test Methodology and/or test flow for returned products
1. Quantity Determined by Supplier and DaimlerChrysler PSO Team: Number of parts agreed by
DaimlerChrysler and the Supplier prior to the SRE run.
2. SRE Line Rate: The calculated line rate for the Supplier Readiness Evaluation run = SRE Part Quantity
Accepted ÷ Duration of SRE run.
3. Shift: The manufacturing shift the SRE was performed. Record shift # and hours. (e.g. 1st shift, 6am-3pm)
4. Process Feature/Part Characteristic: The process feature or part characteristic that is being measured.
6. Meas. Freq.: Measurement Frequency. Record the number of part/process measurements taken per time
7. USL: Upper Specification Limit. The upper limit of the part or process specification per the part drawing or
process standard.
8. UCL: Upper Control Limit: The upper limit established by the Supplier for process/part control. NOTE: This
number should be less than the USL.
9. Part/Proc. Avg.: Part/Process Average. The average of all measured process features/part characteristics.
10. LCL: Lower Control Limit. The lower limit established by the Supplier for process/part control. NOTE: This
number should be less than the LSL.
11. LSL: Lower Specification Limit. The lower limit of the part or process specification per the part drawing or
process standard.
12. Pp: The calculated Pp for all measured process features/part characteristics.
13. Ppk: The calculated Ppk for all measured process features/part characteristics.
15. Quantity Accepted: The total number of part/process measurements acceptable per the established
controls (within the LCL-UCL).
16. FTC percent (without repairs): Calculated First Time Capability. For further details, please see Appendix C
17. % GR&R: Calculated percentage of Gage R&R for gage used for part/process measurement.
18. Acc/Unacc: Has the PSO team determined the supplier’s data to be acceptable (acc) or unacceptable
[i.e. LCL <Proc Avg < UCL;
Ppk ≥ Ppk matrix requirement (see Initial Process Study element); FTC ≥ 90%;
GR&R < 10% ; 10< GR&R < 30 – PSO team decision].
16 Control Plan
( Control Plan ) = Quality Plan ( MQAS Procedures and Work Instructions )
50 % Carry Over Quality Plan
50 % Updated to Revised MQAS Procedures ( 90 Series, CPG's, SSP level 2, 3, 4 and
Quality Records ETC. )
YES: Means that all PSO elements are acceptable for both DOCUMENTATION and PROCESS. The PSO is
NO: Means that at least one PSO element is unacceptable. The PSO is NOT APPROVED.
NOTE: If an element does not apply, e.g. BSR/NVH for a spark plug, the PSO Team will mark the
“Yes” and “No” box “N/A” and explain on the COMMENTS SHEET.
YES: When the Supplier has presented documentation to support the line element requirements,
check the appropriate YES box under Documentation.
NO: Supporting data and documentation shall be sufficient to meet the line element requirements.
If any supporting documentation is insufficient or inadequate, then check the appropriate NO
box under Documentation.
ACCEPT: When all documentation presented for the element is acceptable, signified by all “Yes” boxes
checked (or N/A), then the element is considered acceptable. The ACCEPT box shall be
checked for that element under Documentation.
UNACCEPT: When at least one piece of documentation is insufficient, signified by the “No” box checked,
and then the element is considered unacceptable. The UNACCEPT box shall be checked for
that element under Documentation.
NOTE: If an element does not apply, e.g. BSR/NVH for a spark plug, the PSO Team will mark the box
“N/A” and explain on the COMMENTS SHEET.
YES: When the PSO Team witnesses the production process and agrees that the line element
requirements have been met and are effectively implemented, check the appropriate YES box
under Process.
NO: When the PSO Team witnesses the production process and agrees that the element
requirements have not been met, or have not been effectively implemented, check the
appropriate NO box under Process.
ACCEPT: When all process requirements for that element have been satisfied, signified by all “Yes”
boxes checked (or N/A), then the element is considered acceptable. The ACCEPT box shall be
checked for that element under Process.
UNACCEPT: When at least one process requirement is insufficient, signified by a “No” box checked, then
the element is considered unacceptable. The UNACCEPT box shall be checked for that element
under Process.
NOTE: An UNACCEPT for Line Speed or First Time Capability (under Initial Process Study) shall require a
DaimlerChrysler PSO revisit.
Re-visits require a new PSO SUMMARY REPORT be initiated. Previously accepted elements need not be
repeated. Only those elements that were originally judged unacceptable need be reviewed and rated. A copy of
the prior PSO forms shall be uploaded into the DaimlerChrysler eAPQP system (e.g. Powerway) to document
the previously accepted elements.
The DaimlerChrysler PSO Team members and the Supplier representatives shall print their names in the
appropriate fields, then sign and date the PSO SUMMARY REPORT. Doing so indicates the signers’ approval of
all documented PSO information.
The COMMENTS SHEET shall be used to record all deficiencies or comments by PSO element number. These
may be favorable comments or discrepancies, but discrepancies requiring corrective action or a re-visit prior
to PSO approval shall be described in detail. In the case of multiple production lines or multiple tools,
comments or discrepancies regarding each one should be described separately. Use additional copies of the
form or attach additional pages as needed to accommodate more comments.
For each discrepant PSO element, describe the present condition or discrepancy that was found during the
PSO On-Site Visit or Production Demonstration Run. Include actions required to improve or correct the
Enter the name, department, and location of the person responsible to take action. Include the phone
number, email address, or other contact method. Action can be required of the Supplier, Sub-Supplier, or a
DaimlerChrysler team member.
Enter the target date for issue resolution or action completion. This date shall occur before a re-visit can be
scheduled. The date of the last corrective action will be repeated on the PSO SUMMARY REPORT in the
1. Number of parts witnessed: The number of parts the PSO has personally witnessed the supplier measure
2. Witnessed by: The names of all the DaimlerChrysler PSO team members who witnessed the measurement
4. Specification: The documented specification of the characteristics as identified on the part drawing.
5. Method of Measurement: The gage, fixture, or equipment used to measure the identified characteristics.
6. Quantity Attempted: The total number of parts chosen to be measured by the team (this may exceed the
number of parts witnessed by the PSO team members).
7. Quantity Accepted: The number of parts which whose characteristic was within the specification.
8. FTC percentage (without repair): Calculated First Time Capability. For further details, please see
Appendix C.
10. Process Acc/Unacc: Has the PSO team determined the supplier’s measurement process to be acceptable
(acc) or unacceptable (unacc)?
11. Comments: Any waivers/deviations should be recorded here for documentation purposes.
A dimensional PSW (Part Submission Warrant, refer to PPAP manual) required for tool payment can not
be submitted until elements 1 through 23 are complete and all requirements of dimensional PPAP have
been met.
Note: When requesting approval for multiple manufacturing lines, a PDR form shall be completed for
each manufacturing line requesting approval.
Line Speed
1. CPV Daily: The Capacity Planning Volume as found on the ODCICS2 on the 3270 mainframe. The Part
Volume System (PVSJ screen). See page 152 for screen shot example.
2. Quoted Net Operating Time: The supplier’s quoted net operating time for DaimlerChrysler parts for the
identified manufacturing line. (e.g. 7 hours/day)
4. Part Quantity Ran: The total number of parts attempted, including reworked/repaired and scrapped parts.
5. Part Quantity Accepted: The total number of parts completing and passing all operations which are
packaged as final assemblies. This may include rework/repair (for rework/repair
processes agreed to by the PSO team) but excludes scrap.
6. Duration of Run: The total time for the part quantity accepted to complete the entire manufacturing
process. (e.g. 2 hours)
7. Pieces per hour: The number of accepted parts produced per hour =
Part Quantity Accepted ÷ Duration of Run. NOTE: This quantity shall be greater than or
equal to Line Speed Required (3).
8. FTC: Calculated First Time Capability. For further details, please see Appendix C.
9. % of DaimlerChrysler Capacity: The percentage of capacity of the manufacturing line that this product
10. Line Shared (Y/N): Is this line shared with another DaimlerChrysler or non DaimlerChrysler owned
product? (Y=yes or N=no).
11. Number of shifts: How many shifts are scheduled to produce this part per 24 hour day?
13. Days/Week (DY): The number of days scheduled for production of this part.
14. Other Customer Capacity: The percentage of capacity of the manufacturing line that other customers
15. Excess Capacity Available: The percentage of remaining capacity of the manufacturing line minus
DaimlerChrysler and other customer usage.
16. Comments: Any waivers/deviations should be recorded here for documentation purposes.
17. Process Feature/Part Characteristic: The process feature or part characteristic that is being measured.
19. Meas. Freq.: Measurement Frequency. Record the number of part/process measurements taken per time
20. USL: Upper Specification Limit. The upper limit of the part or process specification per the part drawing or
process standard.
21. UCL: Upper Control Limit: The upper limit established by the Supplier for process/part control. NOTE:
This number should be less than the USL.
22. Part/Proc. Avg.: Part/Process Average. The average of all measured process features/part characteristics.
23. LCL: Lower Control Limit. The lower limit established by the Supplier for process/part control. NOTE: This
number should be less than the LSL.
24. LSL: Lower Specification Limit. The lower limit of the part or process specification per the part drawing or
process standard.
25. Pp: The calculated Pp for all measured process features/part characteristics.
26. Ppk: The calculated Ppk for all measured process features/part characteristics.
28. Quantity Accepted: The total number of part/process measurements acceptable per the established
controls (within the LCL-UCL).
29. FTC percent (without repairs): Calculated First Time Capability. For further details, please see Appendix
30. % GR&R: Calculated percentage of Gage R&R for gage used for part/process measurement.
31. Acc/Unacc: Has the PSO team determined the supplier’s data to be acceptable (acc) or unacceptable
[i.e. LCL <Proc Avg < UCL;
Ppk ≥ Ppk matrix requirement (see Initial Process Study element); FTC ≥ 90%;
GR&R < 10% ; 10< GR&R < 30 – PSO team decision].
AQP Activity
Part Risk Level
Determination Determination
Logic Logic
Low Risk (L) Self Directed (SD)
Medium Risk (M) Collaborative ( C)
High Risk (H) Directed (D)
51-75 50
76-125 75 65
126-225 90 75
226-425 100 85
426-1300 110 90
Characteristics Definition
KEY <D>: A characteristic that is key to part function and has particular quality, reliability, and
durability significance (Refer to Engineering Process Standard PS-7300).
* Sample size shall be based upon the normal production lot size. If the lot size is temporarily reduced
due to material shortages or production problems, the sample size will not change. If the temporarily
reduced lot size is smaller than the required, production sample size, inspect 100%. A lot is not to
exceed one shift or one-day's production whichever is smaller.
One or more Find Root Cause(s) and Sort 100% since last
Nonconforming units Correct Process conforming lot
There are two risks inherent in every decision, either (1) we have accepted "bad" parts (consumer's risk), or
(2) we have rejected "good" parts (producer's risk). Tests plans seek to balance these risks by specifying sample
size and/or acceptance criteria so that neither the consumer nor the producer carries the higher proportion of risk.
Sometimes, for business or other reasons, it may be important to hold one risk constant and allow the other
risk to "float" based on sample size. Such is the case for Pp and Ppk. DaimlerChrysler wants to minimize its
risk of accepting a population below 1.33.
The following table presents the sample size and acceptance criteria that keeps the risk of accepting a "bad"
population (<=1.33) at 6.4% (96.4% that a population > 1.33 Ppk will be accepted). Depending upon sample size,
the risk of rejecting a "good" population (=>1.67) could be very high. The table allows for trade-offs between
sample size and producer's risk to be identified.
Department A
Department B
Department C
Department D
Department E
Department F
Assigned Assigned
Management Management
Category Personnel Audit
(example) (example) Assignment
1st Layer of
Management 1 per 1 per
Supervisors Supervisor 1 Own Department shift shift
1 per 1 per
Supervisor 2 Own Department shift shift
1 per 1 per
Supervisor 3 Own Department shift shift
2nd Layer of
Management Area 2 per 2 per 2 per 2 per
Managers Area Manager 1 Own Area week week week week
2 per 2 per
Area Manager 2 Own Area week week
3rd Layer of Plant Staff
Management and Plant
Manager Engrng Mgr Rotate Depts. 1 per week
Process Control Audit Example
(done once per shift by Supervisor)
Lead Off - Load Case to Pallet: Verfiy the operator is visually inspecting
2 the case for chips and damage defects (Chip in transmission or damage 1
across a machined face can result in field failure for the customer)
Lead Off - Install Hat Plug: Verify the hat plug is being installed flush with
3 the case as shown in SWI (failure to install hat plug flush may result in 1
rejects at final air decay or field failures)
L/R Ball and Stake: Verify presence of L/R circuit ball and proper stake.
Note: "proper stake" will show three point movement of aluminum in hole.
(If stake is not secure, the ball could come out causing a failure of the L/R
Bar Code Tags: Verify that the bar code tag and the pinstamp match each
5 other on two consectutive transmissions (Duplicate tags will create a reject 2
for our customer - the car plant.)
Remove -Ring from transfer shaft bearing retainer cup. Does 8
system give "Red"
With Vision system showing "Red" - hit foot pedal. Does pallet
6 8
(stay) in - until proper parts are
= 1,600 Pieces/Day
"Net Operating Time for DaimlerChrysler Parts" = Normal Supplier work pattern
(16 Hours/Day) less time used for other
customers/excess capacity (0 Hours/Day) and less
non-productive time, e.g. down-time for maintenance
(1 Hour/Day)
= 15 Hours/Day
Line Speed Required = (1,600 Pcs / Day) ÷ (15 Hours / Day) = 107 Pcs / Hour
Select the appropriate Production Demonstration Run, a or b.
a) If Line Speed Required < 150 Pcs/Hr, Run 300 Pieces.
b) If Line Speed Required ≥ 150 Pcs/Hr, Run for 2 Hours.
The required Line Speed is 107 Pcs / Hr. Since this is less than 150 Pcs / Hour, the Supplier must
run at least 300 Pieces.
1) Rejects must be deducted from the Supplier's Line Speed.
For example: If 10% of the final product were non-conforming, the Supplier's effective
production rate would be
110 ( 0.1× 110) Pcs = 99 Pcs
Hr Hr Hr
Since the Supplier is quoted 107 Pcs/Hr, this Production Demonstration Run
would fail the required Line Speed.
2) Down-time for maintenance or change-over affects the Supplier's Line Speed if it reduces the
number of hours available for producing DaimlerChrysler Parts during the Supplier's normal
work pattern. Therefore the Quoted Net Operating Time for DaimlerChrysler Parts is used for
the Line Speed calculation.
= 1,600 Pieces/Day
"Net Operating Time for DaimlerChrysler Parts" = Normal Supplier work pattern
(16 Hours/Day) less time used for other
customers/excess capacity (8 Hours/Day) and less
non-productive time, e.g. down-time for
maintenance (1 Hour/Day)
= 7 Hours/Day
Line Speed Required = (1,600 Pcs / Day) ÷ (7 Hours / Day) = 229 Pcs / Hour
Select the appropriate Production Demonstration Run, a or b.
a) If Line Speed Required < 150 Pcs/Hr, Run 300 Pieces.
b) If Line Speed Required ≥ 150 Pcs/Hr, Run for 2 Hours.
The required Line Speed is 229 Pcs / Hr. Since this is greater than 150 Pcs / Hour, the Supplier
must run for at least 2 Hours.
1) Rejects must be deducted from the Supplier's Line Speed.
For example: If 3% of the final product were non-conforming, the Supplier's effective
production rate would be
230 ( 0.03 × 230) Pcs = 230 Pcs 7
= 223
Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr
Since the Supplier is quoted 229 Pcs/Hr, this Production Demonstration Run
would fail the required Line Speed.
2) This is a shared line. Down-time for maintenance or change-over affects the Supplier's Line
Speed if it reduces the number of hours available for producing DaimlerChrysler Parts during
the Supplier's normal work pattern. Therefore the Quoted Net Operating Time for
DaimlerChrysler Parts is used for the Line Speed calculation.
First Time Capability (FTC) is part of a process capability study that identifies how well it produces quality
parts. For multiple assembly lines or tools, FTC studies shall be conducted on each one. FTC can be an
important measure, because generally the lower the value, the greater the amount of rework required. As
defects and rework increase, there is a greater possibility that the Supplier will ship non-conforming parts.
DaimlerChrysler does not impose any numerical requirement for FTC. Generally, a Supplier manufacturing a
part similar to one already in production will demonstrate high FTC values, while a Supplier manufacturing a
totally new component or system (new technology or new process) will tend to have low FTC values. Following
the Production Demonstration Run, the Team shall review the FTC values for each operation and the overall
process. The Team shall take product and process technology, complexity, Supplier experience, and the
effectiveness of defect containment actions into account when deciding whether the demonstrated FTC values
are acceptable.
FTC can be used to prioritize product and process improvement. If a Supplier encounters a situation where,
despite their best efforts, they cannot find a solution to an inherently low FTC, DaimlerChrysler can assist in
the improvement effort by supplementing the Supplier's team with experienced engineering and
manufacturing specialists from a wide variety of disciplines.
FTC is measured as the number of items processed correctly divided by the total number of items processed.
Correctly processed items means no repairs are required or allowed. Therefore, in a multi-operation process, a
higher FTC is expected for an operation or zone than for an entire process.
1. Create a block diagram for the process showing each operation. The flow diagram or floor layout provided
by the plant can also be used.
3. Calculate the operation and process FTC using the examples as a guide.
Using the three-step, data collection procedure outlined above, the following processed and rejected quantity
data were collected during the Production Demonstration Run. The data are shown on the process block
300 Pcs
Begin by calculating the FTC for each operation. Operation 1 is shown here with its respective PSO Production
Demonstration Run data
Operation 1
270 Pcs Divide the quantity completed at Operation 1, 270 units, by the quantity
attempted at the operation, 300 units. The result is the operation FTC.
300 Pcs
Qty Completed 270
30 Pcs FTCOp 1 = = = 0.90 or 90%
Rejected Qty Attempted 300
Figure 1A
In a similar manner, calculate the FTC for each operation in the process using Equation 1. The general
operation model is shown in Figure 1B. Table 1 shows a summary of the quantities and FTC’s for the process
in Example 1.
Quantity Number Quantity
Attempted Completed Qty Completed
Qty Attempted
Equation 1
Figure 1B
Quantities and FTC’s for Example 1
Enter the calculated operation FTC’s in their respective operation blocks of the process diagram. Calculate
the process FTC by dividing the quantity completed for the process, 217 units, by the quantity attempted 300
Enter the FTCPROCESS value on the process diagram. The completed Example 1 process diagram is shown in
Figure 2. The diagram can be included with the final PSO documents as a record of the process capability.
Figure 2
Example 1 - Series Process With Operation and Process FTC's Shown
Operation 3
96 Pcs 94 Pcs
2 Pcs
Operation 1 Operation 2 Operation 4 Operation 6
288 Pcs 265 Pcs 242 Pcs
218 Pcs
91 Pcs 81 Pcs
300 Pcs
10 Pcs
12 Pcs 23 Pcs Rejected 24 Pcs
Rejected Rejected Rejected
Operation 5
78 Pcs 67 Pcs
11 Pcs
Figure 3
Example 2 - Series / Parallel Process Flow Diagram with Demonstration Data
Calculate the FTC for each operation in the process using Equation 1 and the operation model shown in
Figure 1B on page 2. Table 2 shows a summary of the quantities and FTC’s for the operations in Example 2.
3 96 94 0.98
4 91 81 0.89
5 78 67 0.86
Add the process FTC to the process diagram. The completed diagram for Example 2 is shown in Figure 4. The
diagram can be included with the Production Demonstration Run report to document the initial process
Operation 3
96 Pcs 94 Pcs
2 Pcs
Operation 1 Operation 2 Operation 4 Operation 6
FTC 288 Pcs FTC 265 Pcs FTC 242 Pcs FTC 218 Pcs
96% 92% 89% 90% FTC = 72.6%
91 Pcs 81 Pcs
300 Pcs
10 Pcs
12 Pcs 23 Pcs Rejected 24 Pcs
Rejected Rejected Rejected
Operation 5
78 Pcs 67 Pcs
11 Pcs
Figure 4
Example 2 – Series / Parallel Process with Operation and Process FTC’s shown SECTION II
Bilateral Tolerances:
For bilateral tolerances, the typical situation, use the formulas below.
USL - x
PPK = the smaller of... (2)
USL - LSL 3s
PP = (1)
6s x - LSL
or... (3)
Where, USL = Upper Specification Limit
LSL = Lower Specification Limit
x = Average of the sample measurements
s = Sample Standard Deviation
NOTE: If a unilateral tolerance is specified, PP is undefined because when one specification limit is omitted, a
PP value cannot be calculated. For these situations PPK can be used. Choose the PPK formula that contains the
appropriate specification limit.
Example 1
A drilled hole has a diametrical specification and tolerance of 6.0 ± 0.2 mm. Data from a sample of 300 parts
yields x = 5.9 mm and s = 0.04 mm. What is the process performance?
PPK is the smaller result from either equation (2) or (3). In this example, the mean is closest to the lower limit
so we will use equation (3) to calculate PPK.
The process performance for the drilled hole is PP = 1.67 and PPK = 0.833.
Example 2
A machined part has a 1 mm maximum radius specified at the intersection of two perpendicular surfaces. A
sample of several parts yields an average value of 0.63 mm and a sample standard deviation of 0.1 mm. What
is the process performance?
In this example, a maximum is specified so only PPK can be calculated. Again, with only a maximum specified,
the appropriate formula is (2).
In this example, only a minimum value is specified so PP is undefined and only a PPK value can be calculated.
Equation (3) is the appropriate choice for a minimum specification.
Note: There are instances when you can assume a value for the second limit. Frequently these assumptions
are made simply to enable a PP calculation. An example is flatness. A flatness callout of 0.2 mm is a
maximum or upper specification limit. The implied minimum or lower specification limit is 0.0 mm. However,
this assumption may confuse the issue.
Assume for our 0.2 mm maximum flatness example that the measured flatness mean is 0.07 and standard
deviation is 0.01. Which are the correct set of indices to report: PP = 3.33, PPK = 4.33; PP = undefined, PPK =
4.33; or PP = 3.33, PPK = 2.33?
The first choice, PP = 3.33, PPK = 4.33, cannot be correct because PPK cannot exceed PP. The last choice, PP =
3.33, PPK = 2.33, cannot be correct because 0.0 was used to calculate PPK and 0.0 is an assumed limit not the
specified limit. That leaves only the middle choice, PP = undefined, PPK = 4.33, which is a correct statement for
a one-sided specification. In this example, the use of an assumed limit for the purpose of determining a value
of PP would confuse the process information conveyed by the indices rather than clarify it.
If the process distribution is severely skewed or non-normal, the data can be transformed to obtain a more
normal distribution enabling calculation of PP and PPK. There are various methods for determining an
appropriate transformation that are beyond the scope of this response. However, one generally assumes that
process performance indices are based on normal process distributions. When process performance indices
are reported following transformation of non-normal data, one can easily be misled to assume the data was
normally distributed and make invalid inferences regarding the process. Therefore, transformation methods
should be used sparingly, only where fully understood by the parties involved, and only if the capability
analysis clearly shows the transform that was used.
Figure 1
It is important for the PSO Team to decide the type of PSO Extended Run that will be accomplished and the
timing, so it can be integrated into the PSO planning process. In some cases there will be additional pieces
built or multiple shifts exercised during the Production Demonstration Run and in other cases there will be
additional visits made at later dates to ensure readiness as launch approaches. The timeline shown below
depicts the PSO Extended Run activities in relation to the CDS milestones and identifies responsibilities (see
Figure 2).
Results reported to
Figure 2 Platform Quality
Due to the variety of manufacturing processes utilized at Suppliers, the final details of a PSO Extended Run
for a particular part are decided by the PSO Team. The following reference options (1-5) have historically been
used but other, more applicable, options may be developed as indicated in option number 6.
Table 1
0 – No
1 – Supplier has assisted when told to help
2 – Supplier assists on all requests
3 – Supplier requests that these things be done and submits drafts for DaimlerChrysler information
22 Does the supplier’s AQP/Product Development Process incorporate lessons learned from warranty
0 – No
1 – Lessons learned are sometimes incorporated into the APQP documents
2 – Lessons learned are incorporated into the APQP documents most of the time
3 – Lessons learned are always incorporated into the APQP documents, and a Lessons learned data base is
C - Test Equipment
23 Does the supplier have sufficient inspection and test equipment available to meet PRAS timing
0 - Supplier is less than 60% on time with PRAS requirements
1 - Supplier is at least 60% on time with PRAS requirements
2 - Supplier is 100% on time with PRAS requirements
3 - Supplier is actively working to improve DVP&R tests
24 Does the supplier use a test facility in the U.S. or within one day shipping time of the QEC?
0 - No test facility in the US or within one day shipping
1 - Can ship parts to test facility within 5 days
2 - Can ship parts to test facility within 1 days
3 - Supplier is actively working to improve test equipment and test facility.
25 Does the supplier test warranty return parts in the vehicle environment, simulating customer
0 – No
1 - Done only on a limited basis
2 - Done on a routine basis
3 - Supplier is actively working to improve DVP&R tests
26 Does the supplier incorporate any new tests developed, changes to specifications, or any new
characteristics measured, as a result of a warranty issue into their Quality Documents (Work
Instructions, Control Plan, PFMEA, DFMEA, QFD)?
0 – No
1 - DaimlerChrysler initiates the new test, change to specification or the measurement of a new
characteristic to solve a warranty issue. The supplier does not always update their Quality Documents
with the new requirements.
2 – DaimlerChrysler initiates the new test, change to specification or the measurement of a new
characteristic to solve a warranty issue. The supplier updates their Quality Documents with the new
3 - The supplier initiates the new test, change to specification or the measurement of a new characteristic
to solve a warranty issue. These updates are added to Lessons Learned database
2. What should our reaction plan be if Suppliers refuse to conduct PSO's on their sub-Suppliers?
PSO is part of DaimlerChrysler's Supplier evaluation and Production Part Approval Process.
According to TS-16949, Suppliers are responsible for evaluation and Production Part Approval
of their subcontractors. All DaimlerChrysler Suppliers were required to be TS-16949 certified.
Failure to conduct evaluations and Production Part Approval of subcontractors is a failure to
meet TS-16949 requirements and may result in the loss of DaimlerChrysler business. Notify
the Buyer and P&S Management of any occurrence of this situation.
3. Suppliers don't follow the Lot Acceptance Sampling Table. They always inspect about 5
parts/lot, lot size is 1,000 pcs. Should we force them to inspect as many as the table says?
For attribute sampling, two or more of the inspection criteria in TS-16949 shall be used,
otherwise the guidelines in the Lot Acceptance Sampling Table shall be followed. For variable
sampling, the Supplier shall be consistent with the Statistical Process Control manual
4. "This Lot Acceptance Sampling Table is the minimum attribute sampling requirement. Methods
used that are superior to attribute sampling are acceptable." What does this mean? Is the table
for both attribute & variable? If subjective, all will do differently.
The table is for attribute sampling only. This is the minimum requirement. SPC is superior and
if used, the sampling quantities in the Lot Acceptance Sampling Table need not be followed.
5. Need a better explanation of the timing of PSO and PPAP relative to key program milestones
such as S0, S1, S2, V1, etc.
Timing for starting the PSO relative to CDS would be useful.
A generic timing diagram, Figure 1, is included in PSO manual. For actual dates contact the
PSO Team because program milestone timing varies from platform to platform.
6. Where is the program "road map" which defines AQP, APQP, PSO, PPAP, and other
The "roadmap" is TS-16949. You will find reference to Statistical Process Control (SPC),
Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA), Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP), Production
Part Approval Process (PPAP), Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA), and so forth contained in
this document.
Yes. All Self Directed products shall have a Supplier internally led PSO that documents and
establishes their production readiness. The Supplier's PSO documentation shall be uploaded
into the DaimlerChrysler eAPQP system (e.g. Powerway).
All Directed AQP risked products will have both a DaimlerChrysler led PAP and PSO. All
Collaborative risked products will have a DaimlerChrysler led PSO and a Supplier led PAP or
APQP. The PSO team shall determine the risk of the product.
8. Since AAR is a requirement for PPAP, shouldn’t AAR be required for PSO approval if the process
appreciably affects color?
AAR is not a requirement of PSO. Refer to the AIAG PPAP manual for an explanation of the
relationship between PSO and PPAP.
9. If a Supplier changes a process, where does the Supplier go to start the PSO process, the
Responsible Design Engineer or the Supplier Quality Specialist? We've been told both.
Before a Supplier makes any changes to their assembly process they shall notify the
responsible Product Releasing Engineer (PRE), Supplier Quality Specialist and Purchasing
Agent to obtain approval for the change.
10. Most Suppliers use CMM printout for inspection documentation. Do we need to transfer this
data to the appropriate form?
No, a copy can be attached or a statement provided on the COMMENTS SHEET that the PSO
Team verified the measurement.
11. Can Suppliers copy these forms or create their own electronic masters even though it says
Yes, Suppliers can copy these forms or create electronic masters as long as the forms are not
12. In a multi-cavity tool, should parts come from all cavities to calculate PP and PPK?
Parts should come from all cavities, however each cavity (process stream) should be calculated
individually as stated in the Statistical Process Control (SPC) manual published by AIAG.
13. Our forms do not have a control number or issue date. This is a TS-16949 requirement. What
should be done?
The forms are part of the manual, and they are identified in DaimlerChrysler’s Master Record
Greater quantities of rejects increase the potential for greater quantities of non-conforming
parts shipped. DaimlerChrysler PSO Teams will review FTC at each Supplier to confirm that
defects have been minimized. If rework were included in the FTC calculation, it wouldn't be a
measure of First Time Capability. While we recognize that rework of in-process rejects is
common, we want to measure the true First Time Capability of the process in order to quantify
the quality potential.
Appendix C, provides a standard method and examples for calculating FTC for a new process
with no rework.
15. Can the PSO Team accept a Production Demonstration Run which is less than 300 pieces/2
17. You don't have to have PSO approval prior to V1 if you have an IAA. Explain the system of tool
payment after PSO elements 1-23 without an approved PSW.
IAA is not an alternative to PSO. An IAA indicates failure to meet program requirements. It
enables shipments on an interim basis to support vehicle development timing until corrective
action (PSO approval) can be completed.
After a Supplier successfully completes the first 23 elements for both documentation and
process, the Supplier Quality Specialist enters a “Z” disposition into the eAPQP system (e.g.
Powerway) which, following the submission of a dimensional warrant, allows tool payment at
the discretion of the Purchasing Agent.
Information regarding current interim approval requirements and procedures can be found in
the latest revision of PPSP0108. Contact your Supplier Quality Specialist or Buyer if you do not
have access to procedure PSSP0108.
18. Can parts used for PV testing be selected from a non-successful Production
Demonstration Run?
In general, parts for PV testing shall be selected from a successful Production Demonstration
Run, however, there are exceptions. The PSO Team will review any deficiencies. A non-
successful Demonstration Run can only be used for PV testing if the deficiencies are due to
documentation discrepancies or appearance (non-functional) issues not involving finish
Yes, however, any deviation from the 2000 minimum shall be explained using the PSO
20. If the PSO is not approved does this imply that there is no FPSC?
No, FPSC is still required, but it will probably extend the time period and quantity of the FPSC.
21. Who gets the FPSC form in the plant? Is there an organization to handle this?
The Supplier shall review the completed form with the PSO team and shall retain the original
form for up to one year following the launch. DaimlerChrysler may request a copy of FPSC data
at any time during this retention period.
22. Regarding FPSC, what if we take a truck frame with 400 dimensions, for example. How many
frames do we need to measure? All 2000?
The PSO Team, working with the Supplier, will determine what shall be an adequate plan to
satisfy the FPSC requirements.
23. It's critical to know where parts are going - if there are 3 truck plants, it could mean 6000 parts
for FPSC.
FPSC requires that the first 2000 parts shipped to each customer facility be certified. If there
are 3 truck plants, then 6000 parts will require FPSC.
24. Expand the FPSC explanation. Add examples for attendees to follow. Include a slide that
explains a statistical analysis of the first 2,000 pieces is required which is different than the
300 piece PSO capability study.
The 300 piece Production Demonstration Run that is part of the PSO, satisfies the component
requirements for PV testing, other testing, S1 vehicles, and S2 vehicles. These components are
not intended to satisfy the FPSC requirements. However, under certain circumstances, the PSO
Team may allow the remainder of these PSO parts, if any, to be included with production parts
shipped to the Assembly Plant. Refer to the DaimlerChrysler FPSC procedure PSSP0106.
25. If an offshore DaimlerChrysler employee performs a PSO in his/her local country, this manual
requires them to use English for the master documentation. This should be a team decision.
A Supplier shall demonstrate an FTC of 90% or greater. Deviation from this requirement
requires Commodity Management approval.
Supplier designed packaging shall be signed off by DaimlerChrysler Corporate and the
receiving Assembly Plant Material Handling Engineering prior to “Z” approval of the PSO using
the Unit Load Data (ULD) sheet. Actual packaging shipping test shall be signed off by
DaimlerChrysler Assembly Plant Material Handling Engineering prior to PSO “A” approval.
Packaging shipping simulation testing shall be signed off by Corporate Material Handling
Engineering prior to PSO “A” approval.
FPSC is a PSO requirement and any additional manpower or tooling needed to fulfill this
requirement is the sole responsibility of the Supplier.
DaimlerChrysler Manuals:
Other Manuals:
NOTE: DaimlerChrysler personnel can obtain copies of the manuals through DaimlerChrysler's on-line
Internal Registration Information System (IRIS).
Comments Sheet .......................................... 5, 12, 24, 38, 47, 50, 127-129, 135-142, 199-201
Control Plan ................................................................... 15, 17, 32-33, 48, 55, 59, 114, 125,
Corrective Action Required .......................................................................................... 136-137
Design FMEA & Process FMEA .............................. 13-14, 28-32, 43, 51, 53, 59, 114, 118, 125
DVP&R ............................................................................ 14, 21, 30, 33, 59-60, 115, 125, 128,
Element Description.......................................................................................................... 12-23
Error and Mistake Proofing ..................................... 18-19, 31, 39, 43-47, 78, 84, 115, 127, 169
First Time Capability ..................................... 2, 25, 57, 116, 131, 136, 139, 141-142, 175, 200
Forever Requirements ........................................................................2, 23, 33, 37, 44, 63, 128
FPSC ................................................................................................ 17, 41, 116, 126, 201-202
Glossary …….................................................................................................................... .. 113
IAA …………………………………………………… ............................................... 3, 20, 57, 116, 200
Initial Process Study …………………………………….....................20-21, 25, 56-58, 128, 136, 142
Instructions ………………………………………………… ............................................... …….129-143
Line Speed …………………… .. …15, 19, 24-25, 34, 49-50, 58, 117, 125, 127, 136, 141, 172-174
Lot Acceptance Sampling Table ………………………… ...................... ……… 37, 51, 120, 165, 198
Measurement System Verification Report ........................................ 12, 19, 24, 41, 49, 127, 139
Most Frequently Asked Questions …………………… ........................................................ ….. 197
Pp, Ppk ......................................... 21, 24, 48-50, 56-57, 76, 117-119, 131, 142, 166, 180-181
PPAP ……………....………………23, 28, 33-34, 58, 63, 79, 116, 119-120, 125, 135, 141, 198-199
Pre-PSO Documentation Review …………………………… 2-4, 12, 14-15, 17, 19, 48, 53, 118, 135
Process Sign-Off Element Requirements …………… ....................................... …. . 27-63, 73-111
Process Sign-Off Flowchart …………………………………… .................................................... 8, 10
Process Sign-Off Responsibilities …………………………….................................................. …9, 11
Process Sign-Off Strategy …………………………………… ............................................................ 7
Product Creation Process ………………………………………..............................................…………4
Production Demonstration Run 14, 21, 23-25, 49-50, 58, 117-119, 136, 141,175-176, 184, 200
PSO Extended Run................................................................................................... 4, 183-184
Production Validation Testing ….……………………… ................................... 21, 59-60, 119, 128,
Reference Manuals ………………………………… .......................................................…………. 203
Risk Drivers …………………………………………………………… .....................................………. 166
Scope ……………………………………………………………………............................................………1
Supplier Readiness Evaluation Run ……………………… 3-4, 12, 19, 23-24, 48, 53, 121, 127, 131
Z approval ……………………………………………….................................................................. …..5