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CICE 2010 - The 5th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering

September 27-29, 2010, Beijing, China

Study on the Flexural Capacity of Concrete Beam Hybrid

Reinforced with FRP Bars and Steel Bars
Jiwen Zhang (jwzhang@vip.163.com), Wenjie Ge, Hang Dai & Yongming Tu
College of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
Key Laboratory of Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Structure of Ministry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing, China

ABSTRACT Two Nominal reinforcement ratios and three failure modes were put forward according to the
characteristic of FRP bar and the criterion of appropriate hybrid reinforcement beam was given. Flexural capacity of
appropriate hybrid reinforcement beam was analyzed according to the theory of reinforcement concrete and flexural
capacities simplified calculate formula of appropriate hybrid reinforcement beam was proposed. three different area
ratio of FRP bar to steel bar hybrid reinforced concrete beams, one FRP reinforced concrete beam and one reinforced
concrete beam static flexural test were made and the tested results show that the flexural capacities calculate by
proposed simplified formula was close to the tested value.

1 INSTUCTION 2) The bars and concrete has good bond behavior, the
The fiber reinforced polymer tendons (FRP tendons) as strain of steel bar was the same with FRP bar in the
a substitute for steel bars used in concrete structure is an same place.
effective method which could resolve the problem of 3) Neglect concrete tensile force after crack.
concrete durability aroused by corrupt of steel bars and 4) Constitutive relationships were simplified.
meet the requirement of special structure such as Constitutive relationships of steel bar was simplified
protecting electromagnetic interference. Recent years, as two line model, when İs<İy, ıs=Esİs, when İy”İs”İu,
researching about the capability of FRP tendons and ıs=fy. fy yield strength of steel bars, Es elastic modulus of
concrete structures reinforced with FRP tendons are steel bars, İu ultimate tensile strain of steel bar and it
focus of the civil engineering, new structures are widely was consider as 0.001.
used in the coastal structures and the subway engineering.
But FRP tendons have characteristics of high strength,
low elasticity modulus and linear deformation, these
characteristics lead to the phenomenon of brittle failure,
larger crack width and deflection which restrict the
application of FRP structure in civil engineering.
The hybrid reinforced concrete structure combine the
advantages of reinforced concrete structure and FRP
structure together, it could resolve the problem of the
durability of RC structure and brittle failure of FRP
structure by laying the FRP tendons in the corner area
where concrete easy corrupted, and it still need to keep Figure 1 Stress-strain curve of steel bar
on loading to up to the ultimate load after the steel bars
yield and shows certain safety factor and good ductility. Constitutive relationship of concrete was simplified
So it is a goodish reinforced format. as follows:
İc”İ0, ıc = fc(1–(1– İc/İ0)n) (1)
2 BASIC ASSUMPTION İc>İ0, ıc=fc (2)
1) Plane section assumption, the section keep plane İ0=0.002+0.5 (fcu,k –50)×10 (3)
under load and the strain of concrete and bars were İcu=0.0033–(fcu,k –50)×10 –5
linear to its distance to neutral axis.
n=2–(fcu,k–50)/60 (5)

L. Ye et al. (eds.), Advances in FRP Composites in Civil Engineering

© Tsinghua University Press, Beijing and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
September 27–29, 2010, Beijing, China 305

İc compressive strain of concrete, ıc concrete compressive 4 FAILURE MODES OF NORMAL

stress corresponding to İc, fc axis compressive strength SECTION
of concrete, İ0 concrete compressive strain while the Failure modes of normal section could divide into three
stress up to fc, consider it as 0.002 while the calculate kinds as following according to the constitutive
value less than 0.002, İcu ultimate compressive strain of relationships of steel bar and FRP bar.
concrete, consider it as 0.0033 while it calculate more
than 0.0033, fcu,k, characteristic value of compressive
strength of concrete cube, n coefficient, consider it as
2.0 while it calculate value more than 2.0.

Figure 4 Failure modes of normal section

1) İc=İcu, 0<İs=İf<İy
Figure 2 Stress-strain curve of concrete Failure characteristics: the steel bar has not yield and
the stress of FRP bar is small while the concrete up to the
The stress-curve of FRP keep linear, ıf=Efİf, Ef elastic ultimate compressive strain, this situation similar to the
modulus of FRP bars, İfu ultimate strain of FRP bar, ffu over bar of concrete beam and it was not allowed for its
ultimate strength of FRP bar, İfd design strain of FRP brittle failure.
bar , ffd design strength of FRP bar. 2) İc=İcu, İy <İs=İf<İfd
Failure characteristics: the steel bar had yield and the
stress of FRP bar is just a little small than or equal to
design stress while the concrete up to the ultimate
compressive strain, this situation was expected for its
ductile failure.
3) İc<İcu, İfd <İs=İf
Failure characteristics: the steel bar had yield and the
stress of FRP bar is more than design stress or the concrete
up to the maximum compressive strain, this situation
was not allowed for its brittle failure.
Boundary relative neutral axis height could define
Figure 3 Stress-strain curve of FRP bar
according to plane section assumption and the given value
of İcu.
Boundary failure 1:
ȟnb1=xn1/h0=İcu/(İcu+İy)=1/(1+fy /(Es0.0033)) (9)
Three kinds of reinforcement ratio were put ward for the
Boundary failure 2:
different elastic modulus and ultimate strength between
steel bar and FRP bar ȟnb2=xn2/h0=İcu/(İcu+İfd)=1/(1+İfd /0.0033) (10)
1) Practical reinforcement ratio: ȡ
ȡ=ȡs+ȡf (6)
ȡs =As /(bh0), ȡf =Af /(bh0), As area of steel bars, Af area
of FRP bars, b section width, h0 section effective height.
2) Nominal reinforcement ratio conversion by
strength: ȡ1.
ȡ1=ȡs+ȡf ffd / fy (7)
3) Nominal reinforcement ratio conversion by elastic
modulus: ȡ2. (a) boundary state 1 (b) boundary state2
ȡ2=ȡs+ȡf Ef /Es (8) Figure 5 Boundary state

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