Chapter 38 Magnetism and Electromagnetism: EXERCISE 177, Page 401
Chapter 38 Magnetism and Electromagnetism: EXERCISE 177, Page 401
Chapter 38 Magnetism and Electromagnetism: EXERCISE 177, Page 401
1. What is the flux density in a magnetic field of cross-sectional area 20 cm2 having a flux of
3 mWb?
3 103 Wb
Flux density, B = = 1.5 T
A 20 104 m 2
2. Determine the total flux emerging from a magnetic pole face having dimensions 5 cm by 6 cm, if
B from which, flux, B A 0.9 5 6 104 = 2.7 mWb
3. The maximum working flux density of a lifting electromagnet is 1.9 T and the effective area of a
pole face is circular in cross-section. If the total magnetic flux produced is 611 mWb determine
611 103
B 2 from which, r 2 and radius, r = = 0.32 m or 32 cm
A r B B 1.9
4. An electromagnet of square cross-section produces a flux density of 0.45 T. If the magnetic flux is
720 106
B from which, area, A 1.6 103 m 2
A B 0.45
© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis
i.e. the dimensions of the electromagnet cross-section = 4 cm by 4 cm
© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis
EXERCISE 178, Page 404
of 1.5 T. if the length of the conductor in the field is 200 mm calculate the force acting on the
conductor. What is the force when the conductor and field are at an angle of 45?
2. Calculate the current required in a 240 mm length of conductor of a d.c. motor when the conductor
is situated at right-angles to the magnetic field of flux density 1.25 T, if a force of 1.20 N is to be
from which, current, I = = 4.0 A
1.25 240 103 sin 90
3. A conductor 30 cm long is situated at right-angles to a magnetic field. Calculate the flux density
F 3.6
Force, F = B I l sin from which, flux density, B = = 0.80 T
I l sin 15 0.30 sin 90
between two circular pole faces, each of diameter 80 mm. If the total flux between the pole faces
When conductor and field are at right angles, force, F = B I l where B =
© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis
0.75 103
Hence, force, F = Il 13 300 103 = 0.582 N
40 10 6
magnetic field between two poles of an electric motor. The poles have a circular cross-section. If
the force exerted on the conductor is 80 N and the total flux between the pole faces is 1.27 mWb,
(b) If the conductor in part (a) is vertical, the current flowing downwards and the direction of the
magnetic field is from left to right, what is the direction of the 80 N force?
(a) Force, F = B I l = I l 2 I l
A r
(b) By Fleming’s left hand rule, the direction of the force is towards the viewer.
© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis
EXERCISE 179, Page 405
1. Calculate the force exerted on a charge of 2 1018 C travelling at 2 106 m/s perpendicular to a
2. Determine the speed of a 1019 C charge travelling perpendicular to a field of flux density 107 T,
F 1020
Force, F = Q v B from which, speed, v = 19 = 106 m/s
Q B 10 107
Answers found from within the text of the chapter, pages 395 to 405.
1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (a) 11. (c) 12. (c)
© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis