Final Strat Web

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Fidget items Live binders


Review time
Assigned seating Nearpod
Mini assignments
Google classroom
Bellwork Activities Kahoot
Vocabulary enhancement Technology Strategies
Standing room in back Google classroom
Quick write
Specific placement Quizlet
Arrangement Strategies
Flexible seating Popplet

Small group seating do not be fake

Reading time
Graphic organizers/note taking give choices
Autobiography posters
never punish the whole class
Four corners
Lexile level adjustments
Introduction Strategies
anticipate problems
Name placards
Management Strategies
Activate prior knowledge minimize consequences venn diagram
Over the line
Reading Strategies
Close read rehearse transitions This or that
pros and cons
Sentence creation with terms Annotations positive home phone calls

Infer content related anticipation

establish routines journaling

give praise/rewards
Quizzes 5 Ws and 1 H
Graphic organizers

Graphic organizers


Strategies Web
Cooperative learning groups outlining

free writing
Word stems
Supplementary materials Prewriting Strategies
Varied prompts
Flexible seating
Flashcards Differentiation Strategies looping
Vocabulary Strategies Reach out

Picture notes Microsoft teams

Leveled questioning
Self paced learning
Online Strategies
Hot seat Office hours
Paired readings

Gallery walk Outline notes Google classroom

Small group Fill in the blank notes Clear expectations

Group dialogues
Note Taking Strategies Prompt feedback
Games Think pair share Underline key points

Socratic seminar Cornell notes

Discussion Strategies
Speed dating Graphic organizers

Debate Print outs Homework options

Philosophocal chairs UDL

Snowball discussions PBL

Use images/videos

Pause rather than "Umm" QR codes

Board games
Challenging/Engaging Students Strategies
Improvise Inquiry based Learning

Show you personality Peer teaching

Reciprocal teaching
Cooperative leanring
Google Slides
Presentation Strategies


Don't read off slides

Use your hands

Eye contact

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