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Mba - Old Syllubus

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MBA (Full Time)

(Applicable from July-06)

Total Number of units: 42

Core Courses- 24 units
Functional Specialization Courses- 12 units
Sectoral Spl. Courses- 4 units
Projects -2 Units
No. Of classroom session per course: 28-32
1st Year (All Core Courses)

Trimester 1

MB 601 Management Principles and Practices

MB 602 Managerial Accounting
MB 603 Business Communication
MB 604 Organizational Behaviour I
MB 605 Quantitative Management
MB 606 Computer Skills in Management
MB 607 Managerial Economics
Trimester II

MB 608 Marketing Management-I

MB 609 Human Resource Management
MB 610 Financial Management
MB 626 Systems Management
MB 612 Organizational Behaviour II
MB 613 Research Methodology
MB 614 Operations Management

Trimester III
MB 615 Materials Management
MB 616 Marketing Management II
MB 617 Strategic Management
MB 618 E-Commerce
MB 619 Management Information System
MB 620 International Business Environment
MB 621 Operations Research

2nd year

Trimester IV

Functional Specialization Courses- 6 Units

Sect oral specialization Course- 1 Unit

Trimester V

Functional Specialization Courses- 6 Units

Core Course - 1 Unit

Trimester VI

Core Courses - 2 units (Including Foreign language)

Sectoral Courses- 3 Units
Project – 2 Units

A) Core Courses

MB 622 Business Ethics

MB 623 Foreign Language*
MB 624 Business Law

*Classes to be held during 4th and 5th trimester

B) Functional Specialisation. Students will opt for specialization in any two

functional areas. They will study 6 courses in any 2 areas of specialization

Finanancial Management Area

MB 627 Management of Finanacial Institutions

MB 628 Investment and Portfolio Management
MB 629 Corporate Accounting
MB 630 Financial Planning and Control
MB 631 International Finance
MB 632 Corporate Finance
MB 633 Advanced Cost Management
MB 634 Strategic Financial Management
Human resource Management area

MB 637 Manpower Planning

MB 638 Industrial Relations
MB 639 Wage and Salary Administration
MB 640 Labour Legislations
MB 641 Training and Development
MB 642 Management of Employment Functions
MB 643 Human Resource Development
MB 644 Performance Appraisal and Career Development

System Management Area

MB 648 Business Data Communication
MB 649 Programming Technology – I (C++)
MB 650 System Analysis and Design
MB 651 Enterprise Resource Planning
MB 652 Programming Technology – II (Java Applications)
MB 653 Strategic Information Systems Planning
MB 654 Management Support Systems
MB 655 Operating systems

Marketing Management Area

MB 657 B2B Marketing

MB 658 Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communication
MB 659 Sales and Distribution management
MB 660 Marketing Research
MB 661 Consumer Behaviour
MB 662 International Marketing
MB 663 Services Marketing
MB 664 Brand Management
MB 665 Retail Management

Sectoral Specialisation

Students will opt for any one of the following sets of 4 courses each.

i) Health Care Management

MB 667 Management of medical and Health services

MB 668 Hospital Planning
MB 669 Hospital Management and Law
MB 670 Operations Materials and Marketing Management of Hospitals
ii) Operations and Manufacturing Management

MB 671 Technology Management

MB 672 Quality Management
MB 673 Supply Chain Management
MB 674 Manufacturing Planning and Control

iii) Agro Business Management

MB 675 Cooperative Management’

MB 676 Economics for Rural managers
MB 677 Agro Products Marketing
MB 678 Farm Management

iv) Safety Management

MB 679 Safety Organisation and Management

MB 680 Accident Prevention and Safety Acts
MB 681 Safety practices
MB 682 Safety Systems

v) Hospitality Management

MB 683 Hotel Management

MB 684 Tourism Management
MB 685 Accomodation Operations
MB 686 Front Office Operations

vi) Insurance and Bank Management

MB 687 Bank Management

MB 688 Insurance Management
MB 689 Risk management
MB 690 International Banking

C) Project : Students will undertake 1 project in their functional area of

specialization and 1 in their sectoral specialization

MB 695 Project I
MB 696 Project 2
- Nature of management
Definition and importance of management, management process, planning, organizing,
staffing, leading and motivating, controlling
Managerial levels, managerial skills
- Management schools
Classical School, Behavioral school, Integration and Contingency school
- Planning
- Concept, definition and importance, types of plans, essential features of planning,
principles of planning, steps in planning process, barriers in planning
- Organizing
- Definition, principles of organization, Formal and informal organization, Line structure,
Line and staff structure, Functional structure, Matrix structure, Committees
Authority, responsibility, accountability, delegation of authority, departmentation,
- Staffing and Directing
Overview of Staffing, Leading, Motivating and Communication
- Controlling
Definition, importance of controlling, characteristics of control, control process, types of
control system, essentials of good control systems, and techniques of control, Budgetary
and non-budgetary control

Management-Stoner and Freeman
Essentials of management – Koontz and Odonell
Management - Robbins
Management -Gilbert
Management Today – Principles and practice-Gene Burton & Manab Thakur


Finance Function: Concept and Importance of Finance Function:

Double Entry:
Books of original Entries, Accounts and Preparation of Financial Statement,
Basic Accounting postulates and principles, Nature and Importance, Balance
Sheet as per Company's Act 1956, Analysis of Financial Position.

An introduction to:
(a) Ratio Analysis,
(b) Cash Flow Statement,
(c) Fund Flow Statement.

Costing Function:
Nature and importance of cost accounts: Cost Sheet , Cost center concept.

Classification of costs

Reconciliation of cost, Financial accounting,

Relevant costs for Decision Making,
Cost Control Techniques,
Standard costing & variance analysis (Material and Labor)
Concept of Budget and Budgetary control.
Marginal cost - Concept and Applications.
CVP analysis.


Financial Management: I.M. Pandey (7th Edn.)

Cost Accounting: Horrngren
Cost Accounting: Rajudu
Advanced Accountancy: A.N. Agrawal
Modern Accountancy: Khan
Cost Accounting: N.K. Prasad


- Group discussion
- Etiquettes
- Extempore
- Debate
- Speech contest
- Pronunciation drills
- Describing an event
- Presenting view
- Asking questions
- Vocabulary
- Effective reading
Continuous Evaluation- 50 marks
External Viva – 50 marks

Note: -Theory paper on Business communication may be offered by the centres

as a non credit course

MB 604 Organization Behaviour I

- Organizational Behaviour : definition, relevance and scope
- Attitudes & values: Theories of attitude formation and change
- Perception: Perceptual process Perceptual selectivity, Managing Perception.
- Learning: Definition, Theories of Learning, Tools for shaping behaviour
- Personality: Definition, Determinants of personality, Theories of Personality
- Motivation : Definition, theories-Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, Vroom’s Theory, Equity
Theory and Contemporary Theories
- Leadership: Concept, Theories, and Styles of Leadership.
- Communication: The process, barriers to effective communication and their remedies.
Organisational behaviour- Robbins and Sanghi
Organizational behaviour-F Luthans
Organizational behaviour- Uma Shekharan


- Presentation of business data: Classification, frequency, distribution,
diagrammatic presentation and graphic presentation.
- Measure of central tendency: Arithmetic mean, geometric mean and harmonic
mean; median and mode.
- Measure of variation
Standard deviation, coefficient of variation.
- Correlation and Regression analysis
Karl Pearson’s co-efficient of correlation, Regression lines and Regression
- Business Forecasting
Methods of forecasting; time series analysis
- Probability: Meaning, addition law, multiplication law, conditional probability
and Bayes theorem.
- Sampling distribution and test of hypothesis
Central limit theorem, sampling distribution of mean and difference of two
means. Procedure of testing hypothesis, Type I& II errors and one tailed and
two-tailed test
- Chi square test and students ‘t’ test
- Analysis of variances: Computation and ANOVA tables, one-way and two-
way classification.
Note:-The treatment of the subject matter is to be application oriented.The proof
of the theorem and derivation of formula is not required .

Business Statistics - Gupta & Gupta
Statistics for Management - Richard I Levin
Quantitative Analysis for Management - Render
Mathematical Statistics - Sharma & Goyal
Quantitative Analysis for Management –Render,
Quantitative Techniques-P.C.Tulsion And Vishal pandey


- Computer basics – Model of a computer, characteristics and problem solving

- Need of Computers in Management
- Data representation – representation of characters and integers in
hexadecimal and binary.
- Input/output units – Computer input/output units and methods
- Computer memory – Memory cell, organization, ROM, RAM, Secondary
storage devices – Floppy disk, Hard disk, CDROM
- Computer architecture – Interconnection of units, processor to memory
communication, I/O to processor communication, Interrupt structures,
Multiprogramming, RISC and virtual memory.
- Computer language – Machine language, Assembly language, High level
programming languages, example of high level language - C & C++
- Computer and communications – Need for computer communication,
Computer network topologies, LAN, WAN and TCP/IP
- Lab assignments in MS Word, MS Excel and MS Power Point
o MS Word
Creating document, save, print, print preview, Basic editing features,
formatting features,header, footer, footnote, Spell check, Grammar
check, character spacing, line spacing, Auto text, Auto Correct, Basic
tool bars, Case change, drop cap, arrangement of windows, table, mail
merge, standard and formatting toolbar
o MS Excel
Basic editing and formatting features, Inserting & deleting rows-
columns-worksheet, renaming worksheet, comments, goal-seek,
scenario, charts, sort, filter – autofilter & advanced filter, freeze panes,
split, functions – sum, min, max, count, if, average
o MS PowerPoint
Creating a new presentation – Autocontent wizard, Design template,
Blank Presentation, views in powerpoint, master slide, cliparts, basic
editing and formatting features, background formatting, custom
animation, slide transition
Fundamentals of computers - V. Rajaraman
Computers Concepts and Uses - Summer
Computers - Long L
Application of Computers in Management
Introduction to Information Technology-ITL,ESL;Pearson


- Introduction to Managerial Economics, nature, scope, role and responsibilities
- Cost analysis, different types of costs for managerial use, cost function, cost output
relationship, internal economies and diseconomies, external economies and
diseconomies. Break-even analysis.
- Demand function, determinants of demand, elasticity of demand, demand forecasting,
product line policy
- Product function: producer’s equilibrium
Market: different types of market, equilibrium of firm under different markets, price
determination under perfect competition, imperfect competition oligopoly and monopoly.
- Economic fluctuations – effect of business cycle on business decisions
Varshney & Maheshwari - Managerial Economics
D.N.Diwedi - Managerial Economics
J.L.Pappas &E.P.Briglam Managerial Economics
H. Craig Peterson, W. C. Lewis
Roy, Udipto- Managerial Economics- Asian Book Pvt. Ltd.


- Nature and scope of marketing management

- Core concepts of marketing management and corporate orientations towards
the market place.
- Delivering Customer value and satisfaction: value Chain, attracting and
retaining customers, Concept of Relationship marketing.
- The Marketing Process, Contents of a Marketing Plan.
- The marketing environment: Macro environment forces and factors in the
micro environment
- Market segmentation, targeting and positioning
- Consumer markets and consumer buying behaviour, factors affecting
consumer buying behaviour and consumer buying decision process
- Product management: Product mix, Product line decisions, Branding decision,
Packaging and Labelling decision, new product planning
- Concept of Product life cycle, Marketing Strategies for Introduction, growth
maturity and decline Phases
- Pricing objectives, Price determination, Basic methods of setting price
- Channel management – channel selection, co-operation, and channel conflict,
vertical marketing Systems.
- Integrated Marketing Communication, Meaning and role of the elements of
promotion mix
- Contemporary issues in marketing – consumer protection, green marketing

Marketing Management: Analysis, Plannning and Control - Philip Kotler
Marketing Management - Ramaswami & Nainakumari
Marketing Management – Rajan Saxena
Marketing in India: Cases and Readings - S. Neelamegham
Fundamentals of Marketing - Stanton, William J.

MB 609 Human Resource Management

- Concepts and objectives of HRM

- Evolution of HRM, The 3 growth stages of HRM
- The functions of HRM
- Quality of work life: Participation; The essence of QWL
- Job Analysis and Job evaluation, Job Design, Job enlargement, Job rotation,
Job enrichment,
- Manpower planning: The Concept, Factors affecting Manpower planning
- Recruitment, The Concept, Methods of external and internal recruitment
- Selection, An overview of selection process
- Training and Development
- Performance Appraisal

Human Resource Management - Monappa and Saiyadrin

HRM - Leap and Crino

Personnel Management - Monappa and Saiyadin


Financial Management: Meaning and role.

Contribution of economics, behavioural science, accounting and quantitative methods to

financial management.

Analysis of finani\cial statement for managerial decision making

-Ratio Analysis
-Funds-flow Analysis
-Cash-flow Analysis
-Sensitivity Analysis
Investment decisions - project appraisal
Financing decisions - cost of Capital, capital structure and capitalization

Working capital Management: Methods of determining working capital requirement,

working capital financing; basic concept of management of working capital components.
Leverage: Meaning, types and significance.
Dividend policy: theory of relevance and irrelevance (Waltor’s and Gordon’s model)


Van Horne - Financial Management & Policy

Soloman Ezra - The theory of Financial Management
Soloman Ezra - Management of Corporated Capital
Kuchhal S. C. - Corporate Finance
Dewing A. S. - Financial Policy of Corporation

MB-626 Systems Management

System Management and Computer Application

General System Model:- Introduction, models, types of models-physical, narrative ,
graphic, mathematical , general system model-physical system, conceptual system,

System for business application-: Introduction to typical info system-HR subsystem,

Material sub-system, Accounting information system, inventory control subsystem,
Client relation subsystem, system integration.

Database management system (DBMS) – Introduction to DBMS, benefits of

DBMS, Role of DBA, Concept of SQL – Create, Insert and Select

Data processing & flow charting - Models of computer data processing, flow
charting technique-principles of flow charting, symbols used in flow charts,
Benefits & limitations of flow chart ,examples

Introduction to Programming Concepts through ‘C’

Elements of C Programming: Constants, variables, data types, operators,
Decision-making and branching: goto, if-else, switch statements.
Decision Making and Looping: while, do - while and for loop
Info system concepts for management-H.C.Lucas
Management info system-Mudric Ross,elaggelt
Introduction to system analysis & design-Elias Award
Programming in ‘C’-e.Balaguruswamy.
Info system methodologies-M.N.Maddison.
Database concepts-Korth.
MB-612 Organisational Behaviour II

- Group dynamics – Types of groups, Formation of groups, Group Behaviour

Patterns, participation, discussion, conformity, group consensus, group
polarization, group problem solving
- Effective interpersonal relationship – T A, OK and not OK influencing styles
- Stress Management Definition of Stress, Sources of Stress, Coping
- Power and Conflict in Organization, Sources of Conflict, Intraindividual conflict
and conflict management
- Organizational Culture and Organisational Climate
- Organizational Change and Development, OD Techniques
Organisational Behaviour - S. Robbins
Organisational Behaviour - F. Luthans
Organisational Behaviour – Uday Pareek


Scientific Method of research.
Nature and importance of research methodology.
Problem formulation & development of hypothesis.
Value and cost of information – Bayesian Decision theory.
Research designs – exploratory, descriptive and experimental research.
Methods of data collection – observation and survey methods.
Questionnaire design.
Scaling Techniques
Data Tabulation and analysis.
Bivariate & Multivariate tools of data analysis.
Report Writing
Research methods for Business students - Saunders
Management Research – Bennet, Roger
Survey Methods – Fowli, Floyol
Exploring Research – Solkind Niel
Research Methodology – Goodday & Hack.


- Nature and scope of operations management
- Planning and controlling the operations, line balancing
- Capacity planning management and operations scheduling, dealing with
capacity change
- Reliability engineering, failure, measures of reliability, the bath-tub curve,
system reliability
- Learning curves
- Purchasing objectives and policies, organizing purchasing
- Manufacturing resources planning (MRP II) optimized production technology
(OPT),Service Resource Planning, Distributors requirement planning
- Just-in-Time manufacturing, JIT philosophy, implementing Just-In-Time
systems, Lean Systems
- Work study fundamentals, productivity concepts, measurement of productivity
- Principles of ergonomics, human factors engineering
- Introduction to SCM
Theory and Problems in Production and Operations Management - S. N. Chary
Production and Operations Management - Alan Muhlemann, John Oakland &
Keith Lockyer
Production and Operations Management - concepts, models and behavior
Everette E Adan, Jr. and Ronald J. Ebert
Production/Operations Management- Roger W Schmenner


- Nature, scope and importance of Materials Management in Business world.
- Importance and advantages of an integrated system of Materials
- Materials requirement planning.
- Purchasing functions and purchasing systems.
- Concepts of inventory management, EOQ, ROP, safety stock, ABC and XYZ
- Make or buy decision, value engineering.
- Stores functions, systems and procedures.
- Classification, codification, standardization and variety reduction.
- Application of computers in Materials Management.
- KAN BAN system of Materials Management and Push and Pull Systems

Materials Management – An integrated approach
P. Gopalakrishnan and M. Sudersan
Purchasing and Materials Management - Lamas Lee Jr and David N. Burt
Key areas on Materials Management - Sen S. L. and Rathi
Introduction to Material Management - Arnold


- Market Oriented Strategic Planning, Business portfolio Evaluation,

- Analysis of competitor’s strategies and estimating their reaction pattern and
competitive position
- Dealing with the Competition: Identifying Competitors, Analysing Competitors
- Market leader strategies: Expanding the total market, Protecting market
share, expanding market share
- Market challenger strategies, Market follower strategies, Market Nicher
strategies, Balancing customer and competitor orientations
- Industry segmentation
- Competitive market strategy for Emerging industries, Declining industries and
Fragmented industries
Competitive strategy; Techniques for analyzing industry competition - Porter, M E
Competitive advantage; Creating, Sustaining superior performance -
Porter, M E
Marketing Management: Analysis Planning, Implementation and control - Philip
Strategic Marketing - Cravens, D W


- Introduction to strategic management Definition of strategy, levels of strategy,
types of planning systems, strategic planning to strategic management
- An overview of strategic management
Nature of strategic decision making, issues in strategic decision making,
approaches to strategic decision making, process of strategic management
- Strategy formulation
Mission and purpose, business definition, dimensions of business, objectives,
goals, procedures and Programmes
- SWOT Analysis
- Environmental appraisal
Concept of environment, characteristics of environment, components of
external environment, ETOP Profile and its applications on strategy
- Organizational appraisal -Assessment of internal strengths & Weaknesses ,
preparation of strategic advantages profile, matching ETOP with SAP.
- Strategic alternatives
Stability, Growth (Expansion, Diversification, Vertical Integration, Merger,
takeover, Joint Venture Strategies. and Joint Venture strategies),
Retrenchment (Turn around, divestment and liquidation strategies)
- Strategic choice - Hoffer Analysis, BCG Matrix, G E nine cell matrix ,
Directional Policy matrix
- Strategic implementation, evaluation and control, functional, structural and
behavioural implementation, techniques of strategic evaluation and control
Business Policy - Azhar Kazmi
William F. Glueck -Strategic Management & Business Policy
S.B.Budhiraja & Atheya- Cases in Strategic Management
Wheelen and Rangarajan- Concepts in Strategic management and Business

MB 618 E-Commerce
Introduction: - Conceptual Framework of E-Commerce
Emergence of E-Commerce: - E-Commerce on private networks, Forces
affecting E-Commerce
E.D.I.- Its nature, data and information flow in E.D.I. enabled business
transactions, public standards for E.D.I. (E.D.I.F.A.C.T), Applications of E.D.I.
Types of E-Commerce: -Inter Organizational (B2B) E-Commerce, Intra-
Organization E-Commerce, Business to Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce,
Consumer to Consumer (C2C) E-commerce, Government to Business (G2B),
Government to Consumer (G2C)
Building on E-Commerce Enterprise: -Ascertain the need for E-Commerce,
Setting up a Website.
Security Issues in E-Commerce: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Authenticity,
and Non Repudiability, Audit ability
Security Solutions: - Cryptographic Techniques, Digital Signatures and
Certification Authorities (CA), Virtual private Network (VPN), Secure Socket layer
(SSL), Secure Electronic transaction (SET), Intrusion Detection Systems,
biometric devices firewalls Proxy servers, tunnels, Operating system control, anti-
virus software
Electronic Payment Systems - Electronic or Digital cash, Online credit card based
Legal Issues-Laws for E-Commerce, Trademark, Copyright, and Domain Name
issue, Defamation, Linking and framing, Jurisdiction issues, problems of multiple
currencies, taxation in Cyberspace.

Frontiers of Electronic Commerce - kalakota

E-Commerce-Agarwala & Agarwala
E-Commerce :business, technology, society, Laudon Kenneth C. & C.G. Traver
Krishnamurthy Sandeep, “E-Commerce Management Text and cases”
E-Commerce E-Business, C.S. Rayudu,
Basics of E-Commerce – Legal and Security Issues


Introduction to the MIS: The Technical and Business Perspective

Organization Structure and the Role of IS in an Organization
Organizational Systems and Application of Information Technology: Types of
Organizational Systems, Transaction Processing Systems, Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) – Introduction to ERP, Implementation of ERP, ERP in IT
Data Warehousing, Customer Relationship Management (CRM)-
Introduction to CRM, CRM technology – Types of CRM Technology, Need of
CRM – Operational CRM, Analytical CRM, Collborative CRM, CRM and eCRM
Managerial Support Systems: Decision Support Systems, Data Mining, Group
Systems, Geographic Information Systems, Executive Information Systems,
Intelligence, including Expert Systems and Neural Networks, Virtual Reality

Systems Development Approaches: Traditional life cycle approach (Systems

Development Life Cycle, or SDLC), Prototyping, Systems integration
(outsourcing), End user development.
Security, and control Issues in IS Management


Turban, Rainer, and Potter, Introduction to Information Technology

E. W. Martin, C. V. Brown, D. W. DeHayes, J. A. Hoffer, and W. C. Perkins,
Managing Information Technology
Handbook of IS Management, Edited by Robert E. Umbaugh
Mudric R. G. & Ross J-.E. Information System for Modem Management
Babb George: Computers and Information System in Business
Management Information System:Laudon & Laudon

MB 620 International Business Environment

- International Business an overview-Types of International Business

- The external environment; The economic and political environment; the
human cultural environment
- Government influence on Trade Investments; Determination of Trader’s
Partner’s independence, interdependence and dependence
- Tariff and Non Tariff trade barriers
- Foreign Exchange market mechanism, Determinants of exchange rates,
Euro currency market, offshore financial centres. International Banks
- World Economic Growth and the environment
- Multinational Corporations – Definition and meaning, Importance and
Dominance of MNCs.
- WTO, Regional Blocks

International Business Environment and Business: Bhalla V.K. and S. Shivaramu
International Business: Daniel John and Radebangh, Lee H.
International Economy: Liberalization Process, Bhalla VK
International Business Environment – Text and Cases, F. Cherunilam


 Introduction of theory of optimization.

 Linear Programming: Formulation of problems, Graphical methods,
Simplex method, Maximization and minimization of L.P.P. Duality in linear
programming, Dual simplex method. Degeneracy in L.P.P.
 Sensitivity analysis applied to linear programming problems.
 Transportation Problems: Balanced and unbalanced problems. The N-W
corner rule, Vogel’s approximation method. Modi method. Degeneracy.
 Assignment Problems: Balanced and unbalanced Assignment Problems.
 Game Theory-Two person zero sum games,some basic terms.The
maximin-Minimax principle,Game without saddle point(Mixed
Strategies)Graphical solutions of 2*n and m*2 games
 Introduction to Networking concepts-PERT & CPM
Operating Research - By Kanti Swarup, P.K. Gupta, Man Mohan
Management Operating Research - M. Satyanarayana Lalitha Raman,
Quantitative Techniques in Management - N.D. Vohra.
Operations Research - By Sharma
Introduction to operation Research-Frederic Hill & Geraldlieberman Stanford


- Introduction to Business Ethics

- Ethical principles in business: Utilitarianism, Justice and Fairness
- Ingraining ethical process in life & work
- Relevance of ethics in the marketplace
- Social responsibility of business organizations
- Introduction to Corporate governance
- Board of Governors; Role and responsibilities
- Ethics and Environment
- The ethics of Consumer protection and environment
- Business and its Internal constituencies: Employee issues.
- The individual in the organization
- Indian Ethics: Self and conciuosness
- Ethical leadership
- The description of a highly ethical organization.

Business Ethics: Concepts &Cases - Velasquez

Ethics & the conduct of Business – Boatright
Ethics in Management – S. K. Chakraborty
Organisational behavioud - Robbins
MB 623 Foreign Language

Any one of the following languages :

A) German
German Alphabet and punctuation, Repeat and Grammatical Terms
Past/ Imperfect Tense,The Define Article
Case Nominative/Accusative,Perfect Tense, Auxiliary Verbs
Native Case, Trregular Verbs – Imperfect Tense
Past Participle-Irregular Verbs, Plural = noun (=accusative or Native propositions)
Forms of questions (Interrogative), Adjective, Genetive case
Interrogative pronouns, Word Order (Grammatical)
Relative Pronoun , Familiar Persons in conversations
Separable Verbs, Auxiliary VerbWERDEN and it’s use, Verbs used with direct object in
German, Prefix showing movement
Subjunctive mood, Conditioned form – with subjunctive words to be said
Impersonal; verbs

Each Unit shall be followed by exercises/assignments, New Viocabulary/New Words,

Conversational Practice.

German in three months - Hugo

B) French

The verbs etre, avoir , habiter, s’appeler

L’apostrophe, Masculin / Feminin, Plural forms
Days of the Week
Adjectifs possessifs
Numbers, Negation, Indicators of tenses, Interrogation
Pre’sent, passe’ compose’, Si / non plus / aussi, etc.
Adjectifs Demonstratifs, Telling the time, Presenting oneself, others.
The verbs: Comprendre, apprendre, aller, venin, etc.


Note:-Classes will be held during 4th & 5th trimester.


- Contract Act 1872

General Rules of contract, remedies for breech of contract, indemnity and
guarantee, pledge and bailment
- Companies Act 1956
Promotion, incorporation, floatation
- Negotiable Instruments Act 1881
- The Indian Partnership Act 1932
- Patent Regime and IPR
M.C.Shukla - Mercantile Law
P.P.S. Gonge - A textbook of Business Law
M.C.Kuchhal - Business Law

Specialisation Courses

Financial Assets: Meaning and Concept, Types of Financial Assets, Role of
Financial Assets in economic development; Indian Financial Institutions and their
role in economic development.

Indian Financial system; Indian Financial Market: Meaning and Concept of
Money Market and Capital Market, Important players of Money Market & Capital
Market in India; RBI and Commercial Banks: Their organization and
management and roles in Indian Financial System


Introduction; Different types of Liquidity theories e.g. Commercial Loan Theory,
Shiftability Theory, Anticipated Income Theory etc.


Concept of Loans and Advances; Types of Loans and their features: Cash
Credit, Overdraft, Term Loan, Demand Loan; Formulation of Loan policy; Credit
Concept of Investment; Process and need of Bank investment; Types of
Investment options, RBI guidelines on investments of FIs.

Concept of Profit in FIs; Reasons of low profitability rate in Indian FIs;
Suggestions to improve the profitability rate in Indian FIs; Diversification strategy
of FIs in India and their present position.


Importance of Performance Evaluation of Branches / Offices of FIs. Performance
Budgeting; Zero-based budgeting in FIs, latest guidelines of RBI on performance
evaluation of FIs.


Role of Developmental Banks- SIDBI, NABARD, NHB and SFCs.

Indian Financial System – M.Y.Khan
Management of Indian Financial Insitutions – R.M.Srivastava
Indian Banking – Vasant Desai
Banking Theory and Practice – P.K.Srivastava.


Introduction; Concept, Investment and Gambling; Pre Investment decision
factors; Influencing factors of Investment Decision, Financial Decision vs.
Investment Decision; Process of Investment program.

Meaning and concept; Measurement techniques using Statistical tools- like,
Mean etc.

Definition; Risk classification: Diversifiable and Non-diversifiable risks; Types of
Risk: Measurement of Risk: Range, Quartile Deviation, Lorange Curve, Standard
deviation and Variance, Analysis of Risk factors; Capital budgeting: Non DCF
techniques and DCF technique;

Investors Classifications: Bonds, Preference Shares, Equity share, Public issue,
Private Placement, Right Issue, Government securities, Post office deposits;
Real estate, Venture Capital, Mutual Fund, Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Stamps,


Valuation of Bond; Valuation of Preference Shares; Valuation of Equity shares;
Valuation of Real Estate.

Financial Derivatives: Recent trends; Derivatives market in India; Options,
Futures, Hedging : Objectives , Benefits and Process, Swaps.


Investment and tax planning: Exemptions and Deductions.

Introduction; Concept; Portfolio Risk and Return; Diversifiable and Non
diversifiable Risk;

Markowitz portfolio model, Sharpe model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory: APT model:
Assumption, Derivation, and Practical application.


Investment Management – Sharpe and Alexander

Investment Management – Jordan & Fischer
Investment Management – Security Analysis and Portfolio Management –
Investment Management – Preeti Singh
Investment Management – Barua, Verma and Raghunathan
Security Analysis- Avdhani, A.V. - Himalaya Publications


1. Business income: Introduction, concept of business income

measurement-accounting standards and shares
2. Valuation of enterprise: Concept of valuation, valuation of inventories,
goodwill and shares.

3. Preparation of company accounts – amalgamation, absorption,

reconstruction and capital reduction, holding companies, merger accounts
4. Accounting System in different organisations – farm accounting, hotel
accounting – accounting for how profit making organisation e.g.
accounting for hospital and educational organisation. Accounting for local
self government-rural and urban
5. Government accounting System in India – general principles –
comparison with commercial accounting – role of the comptroller and
Auditor General of India and Public Accounts Committee – review of

Advanced Accounting (Sultan Chand) R. L. Gupta
Practical Aspects of Advanced Accounting Maheswari & Gupta
Principles and Application of Accounting Vol. I (Tee Dee Publication)Amitabha


Evolution of Financial Environment -concept & Need for Financial Planning

and Requisites for effective planning.

Profit Planning and budgeting:

Objective Setting - Different Techniques

Budgeting Process, Types of Budgets, Formulation of Budgets, Functions of
Budget Committee.
Budgetary control - Significance and limitations.
Current AssetsManagement and Control.

Risk in current assets management.

Analytical techniques and their applications

Strategies for planning and control of current assets.

Financing Decisions:

Problem of optimal capital structure,

Sources of financing and their evaluation,

Management of Earnings:

Dividend policy of the firm and its impact on Valuation.

Tax Planning

Financial control
Designing control systems
Financial control practices in industries at different levels.


Robert N. Anthony - Planning and Control: A Frame Work for Analysis

Chattopadhyay - Decision Phenomena & the Management Account
Premchand - Performance Budgeting
Welsch - Budgetory Planning and Budgetory Control
Antony Dearden & Vancil -Management Control System Cases and Readings
Dewbg - Financial Policies of Corporation Vol.I& Vol.II


Introduction to forex market and its mechanism

Intricacies of Foreign Exchange Markets, Spot and Forwards Exchange

Rates, Eurocurrency and Domestic Interest Rates, Quotations and market

Parity conditions in International Finance :

` Purchasing Power Parity, Covered Interest Parity, Real Interest Parity,

Parity Conditions and Managerial Implications

Forecasting Exchange Rates :

Fundamental Factors Affecting Exchange Rates, Time Series Forecasting
Models,Role of RBI & relevance of balance of payment

International Sources of Finance for the Firm :

Bond Financing (Fixed and Floating Rate Notes), Loan Financing
(Syndicates Loans), Securitised Financing (Euronote), Equity Financing
(GDR .ADR and IDR), Features of Loan Agreements: Loan Negotiations

International Financing Decision :

Issues in Overseas Funding Choices
Economic Circumstances and Overall Funding Choices, Funding and Risk
Management Aspects

Analysis of International Capital Budgeting :.

Cost of Capital of a Foreign Investment,evaluation of international capital

Foreign Exchange Risk Management :

Conceptual Overview, Nature of Exposure (Economic, Transaction,
Translation), Hedging and Speculation
Derivatives and Exposure Management, Currency Forwards, Currency
Options, Currency Futures, Currency Swaps
Interest Rate Risk Management:
Framework of Managing Exposures, Accounting Implications of Forex

-International Financial management-2nd edition, New Delhi, Annual
-Managing International Investment & Finance, New Delhi, Annual 1997
Multinational Finance- Buckley, Adrian, 3rd Prentice hall
Multinational Business Finance - EITEMAN


Introduction to Environment of Business Finance,

Economic environment of business
Financial markets and intermediation

Strategic Financial Management

Depreciation allowances, Depreciation and funds flow, Depreciation and tax
liability, Depreciation and product costing, Depreciation and dividend,
Shareholders Value Analysis (SVA)

Risk analysis and capital budgeting:

Introduction, Degree of uncertainty
Allowing for risk in project evaluation, Risk analysis in project selection
Value of information- perfect information and imperfect information

Cost control process in projects

Phases of cost control
Capital disinvestments

Capital structuring,
Introduction, Costing and risk, Relationship between capital structure and
profitability, Determination of optimum capital structure
EBIT-EPS Analysis:-i. Financial break-even and indifference analysis Risk
return trade off, Financial risk, Assumptions of risk return trade off, Basis
assumptions of capital structure theories
Financial distress

Corporate restructuring,
Introduction, Reasons, Broad areas of restructuring
Rational for diversification, Techniques for corporate restructuring

Finance in public sector,

Objectives of accounting in public sector
Distribution between public sector and private sector accounting, Strategic
financial planning in public sector,Performance Budgeting

Finance and environment and decisions (Harper International Edition, Harpers
and Rood Inc. N.Y.) Christy, George A and R den Peyton
Basic Business Finance - Hawards and Vption
Financial Management - Srivastav, R M


Nature and Scope of Cost Management:
Meaning, objectives, and Functions of Cost accounting, Installation of Costing
system, Financial Accounting vs Cost accounting, Cost accounting vs
Management accounting, Methods of Costing, Types of Costing.

Marginal Costing:
Application of Marginal Costing, Basic characteristics, Distinction between
Marginal costing and absorption costing. Advantages and limitation of Marginal
Costing in decision making, use of CVP technique in decision making

Definition, Importance, Classification of Overhead costs, Distinction between.
Indirect Expenses and Direct expenses, Collection of production costs. Allocation
and apportionment of overheads to cost center. Basis of apportionment,
principles of Apportionment of overhead costs, Reapportionment of Service
Depaprtment Costs to production, departments. Methods of reapportionment.

Responsibility Accounting:
Meaning objectives, Responsibility center. Advantages and limitations.

Variance and their types:

Material cost variance, Labor cost variance, Overhead variance, and Sales
variance. Computation and interpretation.

Joint products and by products:

Meaning, difference between joint products and by products, Methods of
apportionment of Joint costs.

Cost Control and Cost reduction:

Cost control - Meaning, cost control Techniques essential for success of cost
control. Difference between cost control and cost reduction, Areas of Cost
reduction, Tools and Techniques of cost reduction.
Cost Audit: Concept, Importance and Mechanism.


Cost Accounting - C. S. Rajudu

Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting - N. K. Prasad & A. K. Prasad,
Cost Analysis and Cost Control - P. K. Ghosh and G. S. Gupta, Vision Books.
Cost Accounting - A Managerial Emphasis – Charles and Horn green.
Cost Accounting - P. K. Ghosh.
Standard Costing - J. Battery.
Costing for management -S.k.Bhattacharya


Capital budgeting and project appraisal
Time value of money: Concept
Techniques of compounding and discounting
Value added analysis:
Meaning and definition, Generation and application/uses
Product life cycle costing:
Concept, phases and characteristics of product life cycle
Total quality management:
Business process re-engineering, financial engineering
Strategies in working capital management:
Strategies--Conservative, Aggressive
Corporate Expansion techniques: Mergers, amalgamation, Takeover, Joint
venture, Business alliance, Foreign franchise- motives and strategies
Divestment techniques: Sell-off, De-merger (spin-off)
Management buy-out, Leveraged buyout, going private, Share repurchase,
Buy in, Reverse merger
Opportunities for foreign trade and investment: Risk in international projects
i)Economic risks ii) Monetary risks iii)Political risks, Modes of foreign investment
in India.

Corporation Finance - Kuchhal, S C
Financial Management and Policy - Vanhorne, James C.
The theory of Business Finance - Archer Stephen H. Charles A.D. Ambrose
Strategic Financial Management- Jakhotia
- Concepts and significance of manpower planning.
- The manpower environment
Technological, social, economic and political
- Determining manpower needs
The manpower planning process, manpower inventory, skill inventory,
manpower audit, integration of manpower plans with business plans, skill
inputs and outflows.
- Job analysis and job evaluation
- Forecasting of manpower
- Human Resource Information system

Manpower Management - R. S. Dwivedi

Manpower Planning and Control - Gorden and Mcbeath
Manpower Planning Strategy and Techniques - Edward Leek, Loveridge
Lumbey and Morgan Silver


- Industrial Relations – definition, objective and scope, trend in labour-

management relations
- Collective bargaining – nature, significance, meaning determining factors of
bargaining power, collective agreements
- Union and Unionism
- Trade Union Act 1926
- Industrial Disputes Act 1947
- Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946
- Grievance Procedure, Discipline, Domestic Enquiry
- Industrial democracy and worker’s participation in Management
Works committee, Joint Management Councils (JMCs), shop council and joint
council scheme.
- SLCs and ILO ; Issues and Conventions

B.Ghosh- Personnel Mgt. & Industrial Relations
T.N. Bhogoliwal- Personnel Mgt. & Industrial Relations
Charles E. Mayers-Industrial relations in India
John T. Dunlop- Industrial Relations Systems


- Concept and Significance of wage and salary administration
- Foundations of compensation strategies.
- Principles and objectives of wage and salary administration.
- Factors influencing wage and salary administration.
- Changing trends in the determination of pay.
- Payment by time systems, payment by results, collective bonus schemes,
performance related pay and employee benefit schemes.
- Minimum, fair and living wages.
- Wage structure and wage differential.
- Theory of wages.
- Individual and group incentive scheme
- Salary structure, salary scales and merit scales.
Personnel Management - C.B. Mamoria
Salary Administration - Mc Beath and Rands
Personnel Management & Industrial Relations - Bhagoliwal


- Payment of Wages Act 1936

- Workman Compensation Act 1923
- Minimum Wages Act 1948
- Payment of Bonus Act
- Equal Remuneration Act 1976
- Payment of Gratuity Act 1972
- Employee Provident Fund Act 1952
- Factories Act – 1948
All the acts will cover in detail – Meaning, objectives, scope, provisions,
coverage, registrations, Rights, Penalties, fixation and Tribunals.

Text Book: 1. Labour Laws one should know- Garg, Ajay- Navi Publication
Reference Books:
1.Hand Book of Industrial law-Malik PL
2. Industrial relations and Labour law-SC Srivastava


- Definition of training, Need and rationale of training, Systematic approach to

- Objectives, Significance of training, Determining training needs
- Benefits of training for employers and for employees
- Types of training, Sensitivity training
- Methods of training
(a) On the job (b) off the job
- Designing and organizing of a training programme
- Essentials of good training, Principles of training
- Evaluation of training
- Nature and objectives of employee development, Objectives of executive
- Difference between Training and Development, Necessity of executive
- Organization of E D P, Essential principles of executive development

Employee training and development- Raymond A.NOE
HRM: Productivity, Quality of work life, profits - Wayne F. Cascio
HRM - Mirza & Sayadain


- Recruitment
Importance, purpose, sources, procedures and policies
The prescriptive approach towards recruitment, the various stages of the
recruitment and selection process
Equal opportunity and recruitment; recruitment in fluctuating labour markets;
recruitment in multinational organizations
- Selection - Purpose, process, testing, selection tools
- Promotion:- Importance need and policy; promotion VS recruitment from
outside; criterion of promotion ; Demotion; Influences of career planning,
potential evaluation and performance appraisal on promotion
- Transfers: - Importance, need and policy.
- Induction and placement: - Importance of Induction and placement; the
process of induction and placement.
Books: -
- Human Resources Management --- T.N. Chhabra
- do --- C.B. Mamoria
- do --- K.K.Ahuja
- Personnel Management & --- Surinder Kumar & P.Padhy.
Industrial Relations

MB 643 HRD
- Employee orientation programme: Planning & Evaluating an Orientation
- Employee training: objectives
Assessment of training needs, Training process, Selection of trainees,
Selection of training techniques
- Identification and development of management cadre , Problems associated
with selection of managers, The management selection method
- The goals of management development and management development
- Performance appraisal: The Concept, The performance appraisal process
Uses of performance appraisal information, Requirements of effective
performance appraisal systems
Human Resource Management: Mirza and Sahyadrin
Personnel / HRM: Leap and Crino
Personnel Management: Monappa and Sahyadrin
HRM: Productivity, quality of work life profits: Wayne F. Cascio
Successful Application of HRD: Dayal Ishwar


- Nature and importance of performance appraisal, Self Appraisal

- Purpose of and designing an appraisal system
- 360 Appraisal
- Improving performance through constructive discipline
- Role of personnel department in disciplinary process
- Career Development concepts and Process
Career Stages, Career success, Career development, Career planning,
Career management, Career counseling
- Potential Appraisal


D A Beach; Personnel; Macmillan

E.H. Burack/R.D. Smith; Personnel Management; John Wiley and Sons
TVR – HRD Audit
Uday Pareek and Ralph Lynton – Training and Development



Database concepts: Overview of database system, basic database system

terminology, data model, Introduction of data base management System(DBMS),
Feature of DBMS, Architecture of DBMS

Physical data Organization & Network Model: Model for external storage
organization Storage hierarchy, index files, B-Trees, Files with variable length
record, DBTG definition Implementation of Network and programme

Relational database Concepts: Introduction to Relational data base Management

System, (RDBMS) Relational data Models, Features of RDBMS, Functional
Dependencies, decomposition of relational schema, Normal

Introduction to SQL: SQL as standard relational database language, data

definition language(DDL) data Manipulation language(DML), Embedded DML in
a host programming language, Authorization and Integrity Specification,
Transaction Control Statements.

Recovery System:-Types of failures,Storage Structures,Recovery with concurrent

transaction,Advanced recovery techniques-transcatiobn rollback,fuzzy


1. Fundamentals of Database Systems, R. Elsmari

2. Database System Concepts, H. Korth, Et al
3. Database Management System-C.J.Date


Introduction to data Communications: Components of Communication Networks,

network application, email, document based groupware, group support system,
video teleconferencing, email on internet, w.w.w. Examples.

Data Communication hardware: Host Clients, special devices, Network layers,

topologies, Routing, protocols, examples

Local Area Network: LAN definition LAN components, Ethernet, Token Rings,
LAN performance, examples

Network management: Feasibility Plan, Network design plan, Network

requirements, Network configuration, Implementation performance and fault
management, End user support, cost management, examples.

Network Security: Security types, Risk Assessment control of unauthorized

access, examples.


Business data Communication & Networking- Fitzerlad, F. Et.al

Busines Data Communication - Stallings
Computer Network-Frouzen
Computer Network-Tannenbaum

C++ Programming Basics: Basic Program construction, operators in C++

Functions: Simple Functions, Passing argument to Function Returning values, Reference
arguments, overloaded Functions, inline functions, storage classes.
Object and Classes: class and objects, Constructors, Destructors, Objects as Function
arguments, Returning object from Functions, Static class data.
Operator Overloading: Overloading unary and binary operators, Data conversion
Inheritance: Derive class and base class, Derive class constructors, overriding member
functions, class Hierarchies, Public and private inheritance, Levels of inheritance, Multiple
inheritance, Ambiguity in multiple inheritance, containership.
Pointers: Memory management, pointer to object, pointers to pointer.
Virtual Functions: Virtual Function, Pure virtual function, Friend functions, Static functions,
Assignment and copy initialization, this pointer.
Files and organisation: Introduction – files and streams.

Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ - Robert Lafore;
Object Oriented Programming with C++ - E. Balagurusamy
The C++ Programming Language - B. Stroustrup
Let us C++ - Yashwant kanetkar


Overview of systems analysis and design, Business systems concept, system

development life cycle. The structured SMethodologies. Systems Analysis,
Tools and Techniques: How to analyse an information system. Process
modeling with physical and-logical data flow diagrams, data modelling with
logical entity relationship diagrams, Project Dictionary.

System Design

Designing conventional computer files and controls, designing modem

databases, Designing and prototyping computer outputs and control, Structured
design, feasibility and cost benefit analysis tools and techniques, Hardware and
Software selection.
System Documentation:-Principles of system documentation,types of
documentation and their importance

Wit yen J.L. - Systems Analysis and Design Methods.

James A.S – Analysis of design of Information systems.
Awad E. M. - System Analysis and Design.

Introduction to ERP : Evolution, characteristics, features and need of ERP

Enterprise Modelling and Integration for ERP

Next generation enterprise : Emerging trends, information mapping, role of

centralised/distributed databases Linkages of the enterprise customer -
enterprise, vendor enterprise, link with in the enterprise and links with
environment Client/server architecture

Supply Chain Management & ERP: Definition, supply chain integration, benefits
of SCM, performance, aims and ERP Vs SCM

Business Re-engineering & ERP: Introduction, definition and Common myths

about BPR. The 7Rs of Re-engineering, Making BPR projects successful

Information Technology Plan for ERP system: Best technology practices,

information technology assessment, review the IT plan, review organization,
service level, product mix and technology

Integration in ERP: Integrated data, master data, transactional data, and

integrated process

Selection of ERP: Approach to ERP selection, different approaches of selection

Implementation of ERP: Methodology for ERP implementation (Understand,

simplify) principle, reengineering Vs USA approach features involved in
successful implementation role of BPR in implementation

Case studies
Text Book

Enterprise Resource Planning by Ravi Shankar S Jaiswal, Gangotia Publication

Reference Book:-Enterprise Resource planning-Leon& Leon


- Introduction to OOPL, Overview of Java language, Constants, Variables and
data types, Operator and expressions, Decision and expressions Decision
making and branching, Decision making and Looping
- Classes objects and Methods, Arrays, String, and Vectors Concepts on
Packages and its application Concept on Applets HTML, Web Design
Programming with java-Balaguruswamy E
The Complete Reference on Java 2 – Patric Naughton


- Key issues in Information Systems Management and the role of the CIO
- Analytical framework for strategic IT initiatives
- Sustaining competitive advantage by use of IT
- Creativity, learning organizations and role of information technology in
business transformation information partnerships
- National information infrastructure and IT policy at the national level
- Planning for strategic IT resources
- Managing the IT function
- Outsourcing IT function

Strategic Information Management: Challenges and strategies in managing
information systems. - Galliers, R. D.
Waves of Change: Business Evolution through information technology.
- McKenney, James L
Strategic information systems: competition through information
technologies. New York, MacMillan College, 1994
Creative Destruction: A six-page process for transforming the organisation.
- Nolan, Richard L


- Decision making concepts - a need for decision support
- Decision Definition-Component of DSS,different types of DSS
- Role of decision support systems in different functional areas in Business
- Modeling in decision support-Mathetical,Heuristic,Static,Dynamic,Simulation
& Certainty,Uncertainty,Influence diagram
- DSS Development-Different types of development methodologies-System
development life cycle,CASE tools,rapid application.Development
methodologies,prototyping,end-user development DSS,Selection of DSS
- Group decision support systems-Definition,Benefits,Development of GDSS.
- Use of DSS technology for marketing, finance, production and HRM
- Need and application of intelligent systems
- Fuzzy knowledge in rule based systems
- Executive information systems and their applications
Prolog: Programming for artificial intelligence - Bratko, Ivan
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. - Patterson, Dan W
Decision Support System-efrain Turban,Pearson
Decision support System in the 21st century-George M.Marakas,Pearson.
DSS applied Managerial approach-Vicky sauter,wiley publication

MB 655 Operating Systems

Introduction of operating system,Simple batch systems,multiprogrammed

batch systems,time sharing systems,parallel systems,distributed systems,real
time systems.

Operating system structure-system components,system services,system

calls,system programs,system structure-simple structure.

Process concept-process state,process control blocks,process

scheduling,scheduler’s threading.

CPU scheduling-CPU-I/O burst cycle,scheduling criteria,scheduling

Memory management(contiguous
allocation,paging,swapping,segmentation).virtual memeory-Demand
paging,page replacement,page replacement algorithms FIFO,LRU)thrashing

File system strcture-file allocation(contiguous,linked,indexed),free space

management(bit vectot,linked list,grouping,counting)

Computer system structure-computer system operations,I/O structure,storage

structure,storage hierarchy,hardware protection.

I/O hardware-polling,interrupts,DMA,spooling,buffering.

Disk structure-disk scheduling(FCFS,SSTF,SCAN),disk

management,formatting,boot block,bad block,swap space management.

Security-the problem,authentication,,program-threats,system



- Introduction to Business to Business Marketing
Nature and objectives, classification of industrial customers and industrial
- Industrial marketing environment
- Organisational buying and buying behaviour
Organisational buying process; buy-grid model; buying centers; Jagdish n
Sheth’s model of buying behaviour.
- Segmentation of business-to-business markets, macro and micro
- Strategic Market Planning, The strategic planning process; scanning, tracking
and tackling competition.
- Marketing strategies in business-to-business markets regarding product,
price, promotion and distribution.
1. Industrial Marketing – Analysis Planning & Control Reeder and Brierty
2. Industrial Marketing Management Hutt and Speh
3. Industrial Marketing Hill and Alexander
4 Industrial marketing-Cases & concepts. E. Raymond Corey-PHI

MB 658 Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications

Introduction to Advertising: Concept of Advertising and Integrated Marketing

Communication, History of advertising, Classification of advertising, The
advertising world; Advertisers, Advertising agencies, and Media.

Economic Social and Ethical issues in Advertising, Advertising Regulation, Role of

ASCI and other regulatory bodies.

Planning and executing an advertising campaign: Setting the advertising objective,

Response Hierarchy models, DAGMAR, Defining the target audience, Apportioning
the advertising. Budget

The Advertising. Agency, Agency structure, Flow of work in an Agency, Agency

Compensation, Client Agency relationship

Media Strategy: Types of media, Media characteristics, Media Objective,

Evaluation of Media, Media Measurement in India, Media selection and scheduling,
Media Buying

Creative Strategy: Positioning strategy, Creative approaches, Creative style,

Mood and appeal of the message, The Big Idea, Elements of the message Copy.
Appeal of the message, Comparative Advertising.

Testing Advtg. Effectiveness: Communication and sales Effectiveness, Various

methods of Pre & Post testing.

Other Tools of Promotion:

Public Relations, Direct marketing, Sales Promotion, Merchandising, Event

Advertising Management - Aaker David, Myers and Batra
Advertising and IMC – Tom Duncan
Advertising and Sales Prom otion – Kazmi and Batra
Integrated Advertising Promotion and Marketing Communications – Clow and
Advertising Procedures- Otto Kleppner,
Advertising Management: Borden and Marshall


- The modern physical distribution system and logistics Management
Introduction need and benefits, distribution as a link between production and
marketing. Distribution as a service function. Information systems for
physical distribution. Designing a distribution logistics system.
- Warehouse Management - Transportation by Road, Rail, Air and Sea. The
suitability of movement, cost- benefits analysis.
- Channel management Decisions: Selection, Compensation & managing
Channel Conflicts
- The selling process- prospecting, Planning the Sales call, Selecting the
presentation method, Making the sales presentation, Handling Sales
objections, Closing the Sale, Follow up.
- Time and Territory Management-Sales quota, its types, purpose, importance,
routing and Scheduling
- Recruitment and selection of the sales force
- Training successful sales people
- Sales force motivation
- Designing sales compensation plans
- Evaluation of sales force
Fundamentals of selling – Charles Futrell
Marketing Channels - Louis W Stern and Adel L Ansary
Sales Management-Still and Cundiff and Giovonni
Selling and sales management - Jobber
Andersen R - Professional Sales Management
Sales Management: Concepts and Cases- D.S.Darlymple
MB 660 Marketing Research

Conceptual framework: Content, characteristics and functions of Marketing

Research; the M.R. Industry; M.R. and Marketing Information System.

The Marketing Research Process- An Overview

Research Designs: Exploratory Research, Descriptive Research,Experimental

Research, Uncontrollable Variables: History, Maturation, Testing Effect,
Measurement Variation and Interactive Effect.

Types of Data: - Primary Data and Secondary Data, Secondary Data Sources
for M.R.in India.

Sampling: Census and Sampling, Sampling Error, The population, Sample frame,
Sampling Units and elements, Sampling Techniques, Sample Size

Data Collection: Survey Vs Observation method Various Interviewing Methods,

Process of Designing a Questionnaire, Types of Questionnaire

Attitude Measurement: Types of scales, Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio Scales,

Thurstone and Likert Scales and Semantic Differential Scales, Disguised Structured
methods, Depth Interview and Focus Group Interview, Disguised and Unstructured
Methods, Projective Techniques

Processing Raw Data: Editing, Coding, and Tabulation

Data Analysis: - Statistical Estimation, use of percentages and Measures of
Central tendency, Test of Hypothesis, Type I and Type II Errors, application of
“z”& “t” tests, Chi-square Analysis, Analysis of Variance

Measures of Associations- Application of Correlation and Regression Analysis

Explaining Interdependencies- application of Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis
and Conjoint Analysis

Report Writing –The contents and characteristics of a good report


Green & Tull: Research For Marketing Decisions

Boyd & Westfall: Marketing Research
G C Beri: Marketing Research
T Kinnear & J Taylor: Marketing Research
David Aaker: Marketing Research
B N Sethna & Leonard Greanveld: Research Methods in Marketing Management

Introduction to consumer behaviour, scope, nature, diversity, application of

consumer behaviour
Consumer research – process, research methods and measurement techniques
Socio cultural influences on consumer behaviour: Culture, sub-culture, social class,
reference groups, family, roles.
Personal and Psychological influences –Age, life cycle, life style, personality, self
concept, need and motivation, learning, attitude, VALS
Consumer decision process – problem/need recogonition. Information search,
evaluation, purchase decision, post purchase behaviour
Consumer decision making models – Howard Sheth Model, Engel Blackwell,
Miniard model
Diffusion of innovations, process of diffusion and adoption, innovation, decision
process, innovator profiles
Consumer and society – consumerism, consumer protection, consumer right and
consumer education, legal consideration
Introduction to E-buyer behaviour – trends in E-buyer behaviour, the E-Buyer vis-
à-vis “Brick & Mortar” buyer.
Consumer Behaviour - Schiffman and Kanauk
Consumer Behaviour - Loudon Delta Bitta
Consumer Behaviour – Engel and Blackwell
Consumer Behaviour - William Williamson
Consumer Behaviour in Marketing - John Howard .A


- Nature and scope of International Marketing

- Special problem of international marketing vs domestic marketing
- International marketing environment, Cultural environment, Business
customs and ethics, Political environment, Legal environment
Balance of payments
- Protectionism
- International Marketing Research: Reliability of secondary data, difficulties
of gathering primary data, multiple cultures, etc.
- Segmentation and selection of International Markets
- Developing Global Marketing Strategy, Alternative market entry strategies
Global Market & product development
- Product adaptation & product standardization
- Overseas Distribution system, Alternative Middleman choices, (Home
country middlemen, foreign country middlemen, and government-affiliated
middlemen). Selection of Agents, Locating, selecting & motivating channel
- International Promotion Strategy, Global advertising & world brands
- International Pricing Strategy, Pricing policy & objectives
- Dumping, Leasing

Onkvsit, Sak and Shaw-International Marketing-Analysis and strategy
Keegan – Global Marketing Management
S.B.Bhattacharya: Export Marketing,Strategies for Success
R.Sarthy & V.Terpstra , International Marketing


- Introduction to services marketing, distinctive aspects/characteristics of
service marketing, differences between services and goods.
- Scope and growth of services marketing – contribution of services to the
national economy, growth of service marketing in the Indian scenario, the
services marketing environment, classification of services, future trends
- Services marketing management – services marketing organization, internal
customers, internal marketing, marketing research applications in the services
marketing, marketing planning process in services, strategic issues in
services marketing, system approach to services marketing
- Positioning in services marketing – role and importance, positioning maps,
communication issues in service positioning
- Services marketing mix – pricing issues in services marketing, promotion
management in services marketing, logistics and distribution in case of
services marketing, the ‘people element’ in services marketing, physical
evidence and process issues
- Application of services marketing – marketing of banking services, insurance,
hotel and hospitality services, health care, tourism etc – their nature and
- Misc. issues in service marketing – after sales service, its importance to the
consumer and industrial markets, relationship building with the service
Services Marketing - Helen Woodruffe
Services Marketing - Lovelock
Services marketing - Ziethmal & Bitner
The Essence of Services marketing - Newton M.P. Payne


- Concept of a brand, Logic of branding
Brand as a strategic asset, overview of brand asset management
- Definition of brand success
- Concept of brand equity
Cost based, price based and customer based brand equity
- Brand extension
Need for brand extension, types of brand extension, category related, image
related and unrelated brand extensions, risks of brand extension, line vs
brand extension
- Brand image and brand personality
Importance definitions, implementing a brand personality strategy
- Brand positioning: Definition, components of brand positioning, perceptual
mapping, repositioning strategies
- Measuring return on brand investment (ROBI)
Brand Management -Y L R Moorthi
Brand Asset Management- Scott M Davis
Strategic Brand Management - Keller
Brand Positioning - S. Sengupta
Brand Building Advertising - M. G. Parmeswaran
Managing brand equity - David A. Aaker
Building Brands Directly - Steward p.
Retail Management

Introduction: Definition, Importance & Scope. Prospects of retailing in India. Retail

Scenario – Global, Retail Scenario-India. Opportunities in Retailing – managerial &

Retail Economics: Economic Significance of retailing, The Retail environment,

Foreign Direct Investment in Retail in India.

Classification: Retail Institutions by ownership, Store Based Retailing, Electronic &

Non – Store Retailing & other forms of Non – traditional Retailing.

Targeting Customers & Gathering Information: Identifying & Understanding

Consumers, Information Gathering & Processing in Retailing. Importance of Information
System in Retailing.

Communication Mix & Strategies: Planning the Retail Communication Implementing

Retail Advertising Retail Market Strategies. The Strategic Planning Process.

Store Planning: Store Planning Design & Layout, Retail Merchandising, Pricing in
Retailing. Importance of Supply Chain Management in Retailing.

Management of Store: Store Management Responsibilities, Recruitment & Selection

of Store Employees. Motivating & Managing Store employee. Evaluation of Store
Employee, Compensation & Rewarding of Store Employees. Controlling Costs, reducing
Inventory Loss.

1. Retail Management Michael Levy, Barton A.Weitz (Tata Mc Graw Hill, 4th ED)
2. Retail Management – A strategic Approach Barry Berman & Joel R.Evans
(Pearon Education Asia ia 1st Ed)
3. Retail Management: Gibson G. Vedamani (Jaica Publishing House 8th Ed First
Indian Reprint)
4. Retail Business Management: Karen R. Gillespie.Joseph C.Heeht.Carl F.Lebowitz
(Tata Mc Graw Hilll. 3rd Ed)
Sectoral Specialisation
Health Care management
MB 667 Management of Medical and Health Services

 Historical evolution of health services in India and abroad. Overview of

Health Services in India. Health Services A summary of Perspective

 The psychological bases of Health, Disease and Case seeking

 Government Health Services Background and Present status

 Private Health services: Background and Present status

 Medical Technology and its assessment: Innovation, Development and

diffusion. Appropriate use of technologies, Organizing for Technology
Assessment, Methods for assessment Future Considerations

 Health care professionals: Employment trends in the health Care Industry,

Supply of doctors, Nursing Shortages and future Role changes, Future
Issues for Health Care Professionals

 Epidemiology: epidemiological Data-Epidemiological Status of some

important and common diseases -Epidemiology Management-managing
Diseases on epidemiological background

 Refuse disposal Safe collection and hospital waste disposal -dumping-



Annand, KK, hospital Management New Delhi

Stephen, J W and Paul T Introduction to health Services, DelmarSchultz, R J,
Management of hospitals

 Hospital Planning: Introduction, Role of Hospitals, premises of planning,

organizing, estimates, design considerations
 Medical Specialties: overview of the functions and sphere of each
specialty oncology, general medicine\e, cardio thoracic, gastroenterology,
urology, nephrology, radiology, psychiatry, endocrinology, neurology, and

 Supportive services: general medical services, hospital infection control,

special medical services, technical medical services, patient care
services-patient counseling for surgical procedures, reception, In patient
care, Laboratory, Non technical services, admission and discharge,
special procedures, Grief Counseling

 Hospital administration: Non medical services, equipment planning,

staffing, medical records, mortuary services

 Hospital Ancillary services-Continuing medical education-

P.G./Fellowship/resident programs, Medical seminars and symposia,
Library, Pharmacy, emergency, tissue Bank/Organ Donation, Mortuary
and Autopsy

 Nursing administration -Nursing care, Operations theatre, Ward


In addition students will be required to submit a diisertion/ project report

before the third semester exam. Orientation and familiarization program thru
visit of multispeciality Govt/ Private and corporate hospitals on a continuous

Lederer and Sethi, Pitfalls in Planning,
WHO, Hospital Planning
Smalley H & Freemand, J, Hospital Industrial Engineering, NY, Rein Hold


 Type and characteristics of healthy care organizations- govt., s4emi

Government, charitable, Individual and corporate ventures; Formation
of health care organizations and types- clinics, Out patient treatment,
nursing homers, multispeciality and superspeciality hospitals
 Labour management relations in Health care organizations-causes of
unrest-Dispute settlement mechanism, disciplinary action, domestic
enquiry, \unfair labor practices, victimization, Employer and employee
unions, service condition, retrial benefits, social security and insurance

 Physician Patient relations-functions of the hospitals, duties towards

patients by medical and paramedical staff

 Medical negligence and medical malpractices: duty of care and its

standard contractual and tortuous liability, Negligence in diagnosis,
Prescription and Administration of drugs, Anastasia, surgery etc.

 Medico legal problems, Types, procedures to handle medico legal

cases, police investigations, court deliberations

 Legal remedies available to the patients under various laws including

consumer protection act. Damages
 Contractual and Tortuous liability: Justification of liability for negligence
of doctors, vicarious liability of the hospitals, Sale of drugs and
application of drug laws
 Medical ethics and Code of conduct: Role of the medical Council Of
India, Disciplinary action by health care organizations

 Laws relating to transplant of Human organs: euthanasia (Mercy


 Regulation of MCI (Medical Council of India)


Consumer protection Act.

Francis, C. Government and Business
Gupta.D and Gupta,S Government and Business
Varma, D.P.S. Monopolies, Trade Regulations and Consumer Protection,

MB 670 operations and marketing management for health care services

- Materials Management (MM)-An Overview, special features of MM

in Hospitals
- Inventory management-An Overview Different types of Hospital
inventories, categories of materials in Hospitals as Unexpendable
and expendable, classification of Unexpendable items, hospital
maintenance items, space parts, stocking policies for capital items
- Marketing Management: Introduction to services marketing,
Products of Hospital Services, general services, multispeciality,
superspeciality and single-speciality services, Approaches to
hospital services marketing: Patient satisfaction, customer
orientation, Servqual.
- Marketing Segmentation of Hospital and Health Services-Users of
hospital services
- Franchise in Hospital Services.

Jha, S.M. Services Marketing, Himalaya Pub, Mumbai 1994
Koller, P. Marketing of Services, McGraw Hill, New York,1989



- Introduction: Definition and characteristics of technology; market
based views and resource based views in management; firms as a
value chain; forms of technological change
- Technological Environment: Levels of environment, changes in the
technological environment, major current developments in
technological environment
- Process of technology change: Technology innovations and
evolution characteristics of innovative firms; technology diffusion;
factors that drive the process of diffusion; competitive
consequences of technological changes; process innovation and
value chain; modes of value chain configuration
- Technology strategy : Definition and types of technology strategy;
technology intelligence; collaborative mode of technology strategy;
appropriation and deployment of technology, intellectual property

Managing technology and innovation for competitive advantage - V.
K. Narayanan
Managing Technology – The strategic view - Lowell W. Stede


- Definition of quality and its meaning; the importance of quality in
industries; concept, purpose and scope of Total Quality
Management (TQM); relationship between quality and reliability;
relationship between reliability, maintainability and availability.
History of quality control and quality assurance; quality costs and
economics of quality
- Quality planning and analysis; systems engineering and
management of quality; pre-production and post-production quality
evaluation and planning; quality service; process quality planning
- Participation approaches to quality management – quality circles;
zero defects; quality of work life; Kaizen approach; total productive
maintenance; cause and effect analysis; quality audit; ISO9000
systems; quality function deployment
Total Quality Management Hand Book
Total Quality Control Essentials - S. S. Soin
TQM field manual - J. H. Tayler
TQM – The key to business - Chris Hakes
Text Books-:
TQM-H.Law-New Age Publisher
TQM-Poornima M.Chanitamanth-pearson publications


- Supply chain management: Introduction, Definition, Concepts, and
Schools of Thought- Functional, Logistics, Information,
Integration/Process School. Components of a Supply Chain Management
– Customers, Distributors, Manufacturers, Suppliers. Principles of Supply
- Supply Chain Design and Strategies: Nature of integration, Drivers of
supply chain, Elements of Supply Chain Strategy – Demand flow strategy,
Customer Service Strategy, Collaboration Strategy, Information
Technology Strategy. Framework for Supply Chain Integration.
- Supply Chain Processes: Management and control of Purchasing
Process, Activities of the Purchasing Department, Managing Suppliers –
JIT Purchasing. Importance of Inventory, Transportation, Warehousing.
Participants in Transportation Decisions, Modes of Transport.
Transportation Analysis decisions.
- Coordination in A Supply Chain : Bullwhip Effect, Causes of Bull-whip
Effect, Overcoming the Bullwhip Effect. Value Chain.
- Outsourcing in a Supply Chain : Outsourcing – Reasons, Process,
Single vs. Multiple Outsourcing, Advantages and Disadvantages of
Outsourcing. Vendor Managed Inventory, Third Party Logistics, Fourth
Party Logistics Providers.
- Information Technology and Supply Chain Management : Value and
Use of Information in Supply Chain , Changing Role of Information
Technology in A Supply Chain : Internet Technologies, Impact of Internet,
E-Business – E-Commerce, E-Procurement, E-Collaboration.

Supply Chain Management in the 21st Century – B.S.Sahay
Textbook of Logistics and Supply Chain Management –D.K.Agrawal
Supply Chain Management, Strategy, Planning and Operation – Chopra  Sunil
and Pete Meindl. Logistics and Supply Chain Management – Raghuram G. and


- Manufacturing systems design

The organisation of manufacturing operations – job, batch and flow
production methods. Group technology, Group technology and
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS)
- Manufacturing planning
Manufacturing to stock versus manufacture to order.
Manufacturing against customers’ orders
- Manufacturing planning and control systems
Manufacturing resources planning (MRP II), Just-in-Time (JIT),
objectives, implementation. Optimised production technology
(OPT), A comparison : MRP II, Kanban, OPT
- Computer Integrated Manufacture (CIM)
A comparison of manufacturing and service processes.
Manufacturing tasks and choices, issues affecting manufacturing
- Modern Production Management – by Buffer Elwood S.
- Production Management- y Brrom H.N.
- Analysis for Production and Operations research- by Bawman,
Edward and Falter
- Industrial Engineering and Management by O.P. Khanna

- Introduction to co-operative management – origin and growth of
co-operatives, evolution of co-operative in India, institutionalisation
of co-operative.
- Structure and classification of co-operatives, marketing co-
operatives, dairy cooperatives, fishers co-operative, labour co-
operative, irrigation co-operatives, industrial co-operatives and
processing co-operatives.
- Need for co-operative form of organisation and role in
management of co-operative enterprise.
- Professional management of co-operative, policy making,
leadership, planning & organising functions in co-operatives,
project planning & implementation of co-operative
- Financial management issues in co-operative management,
concept micro financing and micro credit
- Marketing management issues in cooperative management
- Procurement and distribution management in co-operatives
- Co-operative laws, rules and by laws
Co-operative Management - Pawan Kr. Kamra
Co-operative management & administration - B B Goel
Professional Management for the Co-operatives - K. Sah
Laws for the co-operative - R. D. Bedi
Management of Co-operative Enterprises ; Principles & Practices - S. K. Sinha &

MB 676 ECONOMICS for RURAL Managers

- Introduction
Importance, object, scope, interdependence of agriculture and industry
- Agriculture and Rural
Drought–prone programmes, irrigation and modern agricultural technology,
agricultural prices, marketing of farm products, problem of agricultural
marketing, government measures, green revolution, utilization of land and
cropping pattern.
- Forest resources and forestry development
Destruction of forests, classification of forests, regional distribution of forests,
importance of forests in national economy, low productivity of forests and its
causes, national forest policy, forest development programmes, social
- Animal husbandry; dairying and fisheries
Importance of cattle, intensive cattle development project, poultry
development, dairy industry, problems of dairy industry, operation of food
project, cattle insurance, fisheries, fisheries development programmes.
- Agriculture and rural development, rural industrialization program
- Rural development programmes
- Rural credit, cooperative credit societies and institution
- Cottage and small scale industries]
C.B. Mamoria- Agricultural problems of India
Sadhu & Singh – Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics
S.N.Bhattacharya- Indian Rural Economics


- Concept of Rural Marketing, unique features of Indian rural
markets, size and the importance of rural market, factors affecting
marketable surplus.
- Classification of agricultural products with particular reference to
seasonality and perishability
- Price quotations, evolution of agricultural price policy, regulatory
measures by the Government Market Reports classification and
grading, quality control and standardization, storage and
warehousing, government policy on storage and warehousing.
- Price policies – individual and collective bargaining, domestic price
policies, transportation and ownership, domestic trade in
agricultural products
- Cooperative marketing structure, need for development of
cooperative marketing, growth and development, functions of
national agricultural cooperative marketing federation of India
(NAFED), regulated markets, chief features of regulated markets,
role of warehousing
Marketing Agricultural Products - R. K. Kolis
Agricultural marketing - F. L. Thosan
New Dimensions of Cooperative Management - G S Kamat
Managing Cooperative marketing - G S Kamat
Marketing Efficiency in Agricultural Products - Prabhakar Rao
- Meaning and role of farm management with its salient features
- Students relating to size of farm and productivity, marketable
surplus and marketed surplus, extent of commercialisation of the
Indian agricultural sectors
- Managerial function and purpose of planning in farm activities –
basic principles and concepts of farm planning
- Production economics
- Farm overheads on fixed costs
- Capital in farm business
- Crop and live stock enterprise studies
- Farm budgeting – complete, partial and break even budget

- An overview of safety
Need for safety, safety and productivity, factors impeding safety,
attitude towards safety.
- Safety organization
The size, types, advantages and limitations of safety organization,
safety policy, role of management, supervisors, workers, trade
unions and bipartite committee in safety, the qualification and role
of safety professionals. The function and structure of safety
departments and committees.
- Safety promotion and awareness
Safety training programmes, personalized vs mass safety
programmes, safety awareness meetings, contests and
competitions, posters, displays and exhibits, public relations,
suggestion schemes, publicity tools and kits.
- Safety management techniques
Safety inspirations, procedures, periodicity, checklists and report
forms, safety planning, safety sampling, safety audit, safety
survey, incident recall technique and job safety analysis.

1. Techniques of Safety Management - Dan Peterson
2. Industrial Safety - Blake Roland
3. Personnel Management - C. B. Mamoria


- Definition of accident, injury, unsafe act, unsafe condition,

dangerous recurrence, reportable accidents, hazards, risks.
- Factors leading to accident - situational and environmental factors.
Theories of accident causation - Heinrich theory, Hapbura theory,
Franklird’s theory and James Tye multiple causation.
- Accident investigation, Analysis and classification of accidents,
identification of key factors, corrective actions, compilation of
accident statistics.
- Types and uses of personal protective equipments.
- An overview of the following acts , The Factories act, workman
compensation act, the Indian electricity act, Mines safety act and
environmental protection act.
1. Industrial Accident Prevention - H.W. Heinrich, Dan Peterson,
Nester Roos
2. Techniques of safety management - Dan Peterson
3. Safety at work - John Ridley
- Human Safety in the use of Electricity – Joints and connections, insulations,
continuity tests, voltage classifications, system of equipment grounding, over
circuit and short circuit current, heating effects of current, fuses, circuit
breakers and overload relays.
- Fire Prevention and Control – Dynamics of fire behaviour, fire properties of
solid, liquid and gas, fire spread, toxicity of products of combustion.
- Fire protection systems – Fire resistance materials, sprinklers, hydrants,
stand pipe, deluge, emulsifier, CO2 system, foam system, DCP system, Alarm
and detection system.
- An overview of the safety aspects of the following
(a) Material handling
(b) Building and plant
(c) Design and use of machines
(d) Construction and maintenance

1. Accident Preventive Manual for industrial operation - NSC Chicago
2. A handbook of fire Technology - R S Gupta
3. Material handling equipments: N. Rudenko


- Analyzing safety systems, Safety systems, three level approach,
safety control systems.
- Safety information system, Concepts, information sources, coding,
source documentation, processing of information, safety budget
allocation, cost/benefit analysis.
- Analysis of hazards, General hazard analysis. Detailed hazard
analysis, cost effectiveness in hazard elimination.
- Principles of ergonomics, Definition, application of ergonomics in a
work system, physical loads, perpetual loads, Mental loads,
principle of motion economy, effects of environment
1. System analysis and design for safety - D. B. Brown
2. Ergonomics - Pennathur Krishna Moorthy



- History and development of Hotel Industry, Types of hotels, Classification

of hotels.
- Development of Hotel industry in India- Industry defined
- Characteristics of Hotels, Activities of Hotels
- Accommodation Management - Front office - House keeping
- Introduction to Food and beverage Operations, Types of catering
- Support services – Hotel Engineering, Hotel Accounts and Finance, Hotel
Human Resources, Marketing, Stores and Purchase, security & Vigilance.
- Marketing Function in hotel industry – Functions & levels of distribution
channels, Travel Agents, tour Operators, Consortia and reservation
system, Global Distribution System (GDS)
- Hotel Safety & Security – Keys Control, ELS, Safe deposit boxes
- Hotel licenses – permission from statutory authorities
- Problems and prospects of Hotel industry.


Hotels for Tourism Development, J.M.S. Negi

Dynamics of Tourism, R. N. Kaul.
International Tourism, A K Bhatia
Hotel front office Management, james A. Bardi
Marketing Management, Philip Kotler
Marketing Leadership in Hospitality, Robert Lewis & Richard Chambers
Tourism and Hotel management in India – Anand, MM
Approach to Hotel Planning – Doswell, Roger
The British Hotel and Catering Industry, S Medlik
The Hotel Receptionist – Paige G
Financial management in hotel and catering Operations- Donanld F. Sutton.


- Tourism phenomenon - Concept, Definition of Tourism, The Birth, growth
and development of Tourism, Factors Influencing growth of Tourism.
- Impacts of Tourism
- Tourism in India and Abroad
- Tourism Industry – major and minor components
- Tourism marketing – Concepts and Importance, marketing Functions in
Tourism, Tourism marketing mix, Tourism pricing, Tourism promotion,
Tourism Advertising
- Travel Agencies – History and development of travel agencies, role and
function of Indian and International travel agencies
- Types of tours – Importance of tour operations, Major national and
international tour operators, Importance and role of tourist guides
- Tourism organization and associations – Role and function of a) World
tourism organization, b) ASTA, PATA, IATA, TAAI, FHRAI etc.
- Tourism and Government administrative systems: Dot, ITDC

Profile of Indian Tourism – Shalini Singh
Tourism Today – Ratandeep Singh
Dynamics of Tourism – Pushpinder singh gill
Introduction to tourism – Seth. P. N.
Tourism, past, present and future – Bukhart
Tourism principles and policies – A K Bhatia
Travel Agents and Tourism – Merrison James
Tourism and Cultural heritage of iindia – Acharya Ram
International Tourism – Francois Vellas & Lionel Bickerel, Macmillan Business
Tourism – The state of the art-Edited by Seaton, wood Etc.
Tourism – Routeldge, elliot, James
Tourism and Economic Development – Hall, Derak R
International City Tourism – mazanec, Josef
Tourism and Development in the third World – Routedge Lea J
Tourism ans Sustainability – Routledge Mowforth, Martin and Ian Munt


- Introduction to accommodation Operations

- Hotels, rooms- Types, Upkeep, Amenities
- Public Areas – Applications & Upkeep
- Interiors – Colour Schemes, furniture, Upholstery, Linen
- Accomodation management – manpower Planning, frequencyschedules,
- Dealing with Emergencies- fire, theft &others
- Communication
Hotel Housekeeping - Sudhir Andrews
The Professional Housekeeper – Tucker Schneider, VNR
Professional Management of Housekeeping Operations – Martin jones
Housekeeping management for Hotels – Rosemary Hurst
Hotel, hostel 7 hospital House keeping – Joan C. Branson & Margaret Lennox
Accomodation & Cleaning services, Vol I & II – david Allen
Managing housekeeping Operations – Margaret Kappa & Aleta Nitschke


- Front Office Operations, Organisation Chart, job specifications & Job

descriptions of FO personnel
- Types of room rates, basis for changing room rates, Metal plans, types of
- Reservation, importance of reservation, reservation terminology, Modes &
soueces of reservation
- Pre- registration activities, Registration activity, Registeration of Foreigner,
Mode of payment
- Guest relations – Rokle of lobby managers, Role of Guest Relation
Executive , telephone manners
- Function of bell desk, car valet operations
- Report and Statistics – Occupancy and revenue reports
- Computerized room management system – Property management system
- Role of the Front desk cashier, credit cards, Foreign Currency, Night auditing

Front Office operations - Colin Dix & chris Baird
Hotel front office management – James Bardi
Managing Front Office operations – Kasavana &Brooks
Front Office Training manual – Sudhir Andrews
Managerial accounting and hospitality accounting - Raymond S Schmidgall
Managing Computers in Hospitality industry – Michael kasavana and Cahell
Effective Front Office Operation – Michael Kasavana
A manual of Hotal Reception – JRS Beavis & S Medlik
Accomodation Operation Front Office – Colin Dix
Principles of Hotel Front Office Operations – Sue baker & Jeremy Huyton
Front Office Procedures, Social Skills and Management – Peter Abott & Sue



Meaning and Definition of Banking; Features of Banking; Classification of Banks;
Indian Financial Market and Commercial Banks; Banking Regulation Act.


The Board of Director; Organisational set up of Commercial Banks in India; Role
of Commercial Banks; Profitability of Commercial Banks; Performance evaluation
of Commercial Banks-RBI guidelines


Definition of Central Bank; Management & Organisation of RBI; Functions of
RBI,supervisory norms for Banks

Banker & Customer relationship; The role of Paying Banker & Collecting Banker
in relationship building; Important provisions of Negotiable Instrument Act.

Employment of Bank Funds: Fund base business: Meaning and Concept of
Loans and Advances; Types of Loans: Cash Credit, Overdraft, Term Loan;
Mechanism of operation of Loan Accounts; Management of Loans and
Advances; Legal aspects of Loans and Advances; Non-Fund base Business:
Bank Guarantee; Letter of Credit.

Introduction; Concept; Merchant Banking operations in brief.
Primary and collateral securities; Mode of creation of Charges: Meaning and
Concept of Hypothecation, Pledge, Mortgage, Lien and Assignment.

Prudential Norms: Capital Adequacy, Income Recognition and Assets
Classification (IRAC); NPA: Concept and Definition, Remedial and Corrective
measures in managing NPAs.
RECENT TRENDS IN BANKING: Concept of modern banking: Net banking;
Phone banking; ATM; Bank Net; Venture Capital Funding; Factoring services;

Banking Law and Practice – P.N.Varshney
Indian Banking – R. Parameswaran and S.Natarajan
Money, Banking and International Trade – M.C. Vaish
Management of Indian Financial Institutions – R.M.Srivastava


Definition of Insurance; Nature of Insurance; Purpose and need of Insurance;
Mechanism of Insurance; Concept of Insurance; Double Insurance and
Reinsurance; Insurance as a Social security tool; Role of Insurance in economic
development of a country.
Role of modern Insurance manager in sunrise sector; Prospect of Indian
Insurance industry.
Contract of Insurance; Distinguishing features of Insurance contract; Principle of
Indemnity; Principle of Utmost Good Faith; Principle of Insurable interest;
Requisites of Insurable risks; Principle of Subrogation; Principle of Contribution.
Insurance Act 1938; Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act 1999
(IRDA); Consumer Protection Act 1986 (COPRA).
Life and Non life Insurance: Introduction and concept; Important activities of Life
Insurance Cos., Principles of Life Insurance; Fire Insurance: Introduction and
Concept; Marine Insurance: Cargo Insurance and Hull Insurance, Types of
Marine Insurance contract; Motor Insurance: Meaning, Categories, and
Certificate of Insurance; Health Insurance: Meaning and Concept; Liability
Insurance: Meaning and Concept.
Introduction; Legal aspects; Preliminary procedures; Investigation and
Assessment; Surveyors and Loss Assessors; Claim documents; Arbitration;
Limitation; Settlement; Post settlement action; Loss minimization; Salvage;
Functions of Insurer: Production (Sales), Underwriting, Rate making, Managing
claims and losses, Investing and Financing, Accounting and other record
keeping, Providing other services like, Legal advices, Marketing research,
Engineering, Personnel management etc;
Development of Insurance manager: Product knowledge, Customer orientation,
Business target, Records and Review, Trustworthiness, Target market, Long-
term relationship; Behavioral aspects of Insurance manager: Motivation, Morale,
Communication skills, Persuasive skills and Analytical ability.
Definition of Risk; Concept of Risk; Concept of Pure Risk in Insurance; Insurance
as a Risk Transfer tool; Risk manager vs. Insurance manager.
Principles of Insurance – Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai
Practice of Insurance - Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai.


Definition of Risk; Classification of Risk; Risk and Return trade off, Exchange
Risk, settlement risk (Re-settlement & settlement risk)

Risk in Foreign Exchange Operations: Foreign exchange markets, Exchange rate

mechanism, dealing, position, accounting &Reporting. Foreign exchange market
in India.

Foreign Exchange exposure: Concept Types; Transaction exposure, Translation

exposure, economic exposure, Hedging of exchange risk-concepts and methods

Measurement of Risk, management of risk and trading with derivatives;

Management of Interest Rate exposure, Concepts of interest rate risk, managing

interest rate risk.

RBI/FEDAI Guidelines


International Financial management – Vyuptakesh Sharan

Foreign Exchange and Risk Management – C. Jeevanandan
Financial Management – M Y Khan


INTERNATIONALISATION - Process of Internationalisation; Financial

intermediation function; direction and purpose of international bank lending;
lending risk; credit creation functions of international banks; control of
international banks-Basel II norms

INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER - World Trade and its trends; world

monetary trends; role of GATT; role of WTO.
exchange department of bank; correspondent relationship between banks;
foreign currency accounts; balance of payments, off-shore banking.

INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKET - International Flow of Funds; the

changing structure; selection of sources and forms of funds; international
equities; international bonds; euro currency market.

EXCHANGE CONTROL - Objects of exchange control; methods of exchange

control; import control; foreign exchange regulation act; administration of foreign


Transactions of foreign exchange; spot and forward transactions; ready
exchange rate; cross rates; inter bank deals; euro credit; euro bond; euro issues.


international trade; EXIM Bank of India; Letter of Credit (L/C) – Types and
Operation; Transport documents.

1. Foreign exchange and risk management By C. Jeevanandam
2. Money, banking and international trade by M. C. Vaish


Generation and screening of project ideas

Feasibility study of project

(i) Market analysis
(ii) Technical analysis
(iii) Financial analysis

Projected cash flow

(i) NPV Net present value
(ii) IRR Internal rate of return
(iii) Payback period

Network techniques for project management

(iv) Development of project work
(v) PERT & CPM model,
(vi) Network Cost System

Project review and administration aspects


Project Planning, Analysis, Selection, implementation and review –

Prasanna Chandra

Project I-:

Comprise of 2 Projects
1) Project on functional specialization (50 marks)
2) Summer project (50 marks)

Project II-: Project in the area of Sectoral Specialisation

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