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Santiago Sena


Electrical & Computer Engineering


This thesis is approved, and it is acceptable in quality and form for publication:

Approved by the Thesis Committee:

Professor Olga Lavrova , Chairperson

Professor Rafael Fierro

Professor Edward Graham




B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of New Mexico


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of

Masters of Science
Electrical Engineering

The University of New Mexico

Albuquerque, New Mexico

March, 2015

©2015, Santiago Sena


I wish to express my deepest appreciation to my advisor Dr. Lavrova, for her

guidance, patience and support. I couldn’t imagine have a better advisor or mentor.

Thanks to my committee members, Dr. Fierro and Dr. Graham. I credit them for

teaching various courses that helped develop my passion for power systems and power


I would also like to thank my colleagues and friends Dr. Shahin Abdollahy, Dr.

Feng Cheng and Brian Arellano and Babak Sarlati. I learned a lot from each of them and

it wouldn’t have been as fun without them. Thanks also to the ECE department,

specifically Elmyra Grelle for all her help.

Special thanks to my parents and family of their support and understanding.

PNM does not endorse or accept the conclusions or results of this study

Assessment of Plug-in Electric Vehicles Charging on Residential
Distribution Circuits

Santiago Sena

B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of New Mexico

M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of New Mexico, 2015


Over the past few years, interest and sales of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs),

which include plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and battery electric vehicles

(BEVs) have steadily increased. These vehicles, which are powered partially, or in some

cases solely with energy stored in their battery packs, require large amounts of energy to

recharge. Recent research has shown that regional transmission and generation has

enough excess capacity to handle the additional charging load of the majority of the U.S

light duty vehicle fleet. While upgrades to transmission and generation resources my not

be needed, the local distribution circuits maybe vulnerable to the additional load. Of

paramount concern are residential distribution circuits which unlike commercial circuits

are not sized to handle large loads. The increase penetrations of plug-in electric vehicles

has the potential to significantly increase local power demand, possibly creating new

demand peaks or exacerbating existing demand peaks which left unaddressed could lead

to adverse system impact on residential distribution circuits. Such increase in power

demand can be intensified by the fact that initial EV adoption profiles may not be evenly

distributed across local electrical distribution networks - phenomenon also known as

“clustering.” This study evaluates the possible impact PEV, PHEVs, and BEVs charging

has on residential distribution feeders.

LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... ix
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. xi
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background .......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Electrical Distribution System Overview ............................................................. 4
1.3 Objective .............................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Implementation..................................................................................................... 7
2 Plug-In Electric Vehicles ................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Plug-in Electric Vehicles ...................................................................................... 8
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) .................................................... 9
Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) .................................................................. 11
2.2 Charging Levels ................................................................................................. 11
2.3 PEV Charging Characteristics............................................................................ 13
3 Demographic analysis .................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Demographic Analysis Introduction .................................................................. 16
3.2 PEV Driving Profiles ......................................................................................... 16
3.3 Feeder Identification .......................................................................................... 21
4 Feeder Models ................................................................................................................ 24
4.1 Feeder Model Conversion .................................................................................. 24
4.2 OpenDSS ............................................................................................................ 24
4.3 Distribution Feeder Conversion ......................................................................... 26
4.4 Bus Coordinate File ............................................................................................ 29
4.5 Underground and Overhead Lines ..................................................................... 31
Line Element File ........................................................................................ 32
Geometry File ............................................................................................. 36
Wire Data File ............................................................................................. 36
4.6 Capacitor File ..................................................................................................... 37
4.7 Transformer File ................................................................................................. 38
5 OpenDSS Feeder Models ............................................................................................... 41
5.1 Feeder Model Introduction ................................................................................. 41
5.2 TRAM11 OpenDSS Model ................................................................................ 41
5.3 TRAM12 OpenDSS Model ................................................................................ 43
5.4 TRAM13 OpenDSS Model ................................................................................ 44

5.5 HAMI13 OpenDSS model ................................................................................. 45
5.6 Model Validation/Distributed load models ........................................................ 46
6 PEV Impact Analysis ..................................................................................................... 50
6.1 Study Methodology ............................................................................................ 50
6.2 Voltage Standard ................................................................................................ 52
6.3 Current Unbalance.............................................................................................. 53
6.4 Equipment Loading ............................................................................................ 54
6.5 TRAM11 Impact Analysis ................................................................................. 55
6.6 TRAM12 Impact Analysis ................................................................................. 58
6.7 TRAM13 Impact Analysis ................................................................................. 61
6.8 HAMI13 Impact Analysis .................................................................................. 64
7 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 68
8 References ................................................................................................................. 70


Figure 1: Visualizing US Electric Vehicle Sales. The data and graph were taken from
Argon National Laboratory. [2] .......................................................................................... 2
Figure 2: An Example of a Residential Household Power Demand While Charging a
PEV. .................................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 3: One-line Representation of a Typical Distribution Feeder System. .................... 5
Figure 4: Parallel Hybrid Drivetrain. .................................................................................. 9
Figure 5: Series Drivetrain ................................................................................................ 10
Figure 6: Level 1 KW Charging Profile for a 2012 Chevy Volt ...................................... 13
Figure 7: Level 1 RMS Current Charging Profile for a 2012 Chevy Volt ....................... 14
Figure 8: Residential Home Load Profile with a 2012 Chevy Volt Charging at Level 1. 14
Figure 9: Sample of Extracted NHTS Data in Excel Format. ........................................... 18
Figure 10: Developed Driving Profiles Using Data Extracted From the NHTS. ............. 18
Figure 11: The Number of Vehicles Binned by Total Daily Miles Driven. ..................... 19
Figure 12: Number of Vehicles Binned by Travel Start Times. ....................................... 19
Figure 13: Number of Vehicles Binned by Vehicle Return Home Times. ....................... 20
Figure 14: Joint Probability Distribution Function for Miles Driven and Return Home
Times................................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 15: Propensity Score Overlay with Feeder Map.................................................... 23
Figure 16: OpenDSS Object Structure [14] ...................................................................... 25
Figure 17: SynerGEE Feeder Model Representation........................................................ 27
Figure 18: Feeder Model Conversion Process. ................................................................. 29
Figure 19: Visualization of an OpenDSS Bus Element with Nodes. ................................ 30
Figure 20: SynerGEE NodeID Table. ............................................................................... 30
Figure 21: SynerGEE Node object to OpenDSS Bus element Conversion. ..................... 31
Figure 22: Example of the OpenDSS Bus Coordinate File. ............................................. 31
Figure 23: OpenDSS Line File Conversion Process. ........................................................ 32
Figure 24 SynerGEE Straight Line Section. ..................................................................... 33
Figure 25 SynerGEE line section with Gnodes. ............................................................... 33
Figure 26: Visualization of an OpenDSS Line Element. .................................................. 34
Figure 27: Examples of OpenDSS Line Definitions: A). Three-Phase Line Element
Syntax, B). Single-Phase Line Element Syntax. ............................................................... 35

Figure 28: Line Geometry Conversion Process. ............................................................... 36
Figure 29: Wire Data Syntax for Overhead Line. ............................................................. 37
Figure 30: Wire Data Syntax for Underground Line. ....................................................... 37
Figure 31: Capacitor SynerGEE to OpenDSS Conversion Process.................................. 38
Figure 32: (A) Capacitor Object Visualization, (B) Capacitor Object Definition ............ 38
Figure 33: Transformer Conversion Process .................................................................... 39
Figure 34: (A) Transformer Object Visualization, (b) Transformer Object Definition .... 40
Figure 35: TRAM11 OpenDSS Feeder Representation.................................................... 42
Figure 36: TRAM12 OpenDSS Feeder Representation.................................................... 43
Figure 37: TRAM13 OpenDSS Feeder Representation.................................................... 44
Figure 38: HAM13 OpenDSS Feeder Representation ...................................................... 45
Figure 39: Feeder SCADA KW Profiles for TRAM11, TRAM12, TRAM13 and
HAMI13. ........................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 40: Feeder SCADA MVAR Profiles for TRAM11, TRAM12, TRAM13 and
HAMI13. ........................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 41: OpenDSS Feeder Load Profiles (A) TRAM11, (B) TRAM12, (C) TRAM13,
(D) HAMI13. .................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 42: TRAM11 Feeder Load Profiles for PEV Scenarios ........................................ 56
Figure 43: TRAM11 Transformer Voltage Range............................................................ 57
Figure 44: TRAM11 Transformer Loading Range. .......................................................... 58
Figure 45: TRAM12 Feeder Load Profiles ....................................................................... 59
Figure 46: TRAM12 Transformer Voltage Range............................................................ 60
Figure 47: TRAM12 Distribution Transformer loading Range ........................................ 61
Figure 48: TRAM13 Feeder Load Profiles ....................................................................... 62
Figure 49: TRAM13 Transformer Voltage Range............................................................ 63
Figure 50: Distribution Transformer Loading Range ....................................................... 64
Figure 51: HAMI13 Feeder Load Profiles ........................................................................ 65
Figure 52: HAMI13 Voltage Range ................................................................................. 66
Figure 53: Distribution Transformer Loading Range ....................................................... 67


Table 1: Current U.S. PHEV Characteristics. The data obtained from’s
online information database [9]. ....................................................................................... 10
Table 2: Current U.S. BEV Characteristics. The data was obtained from’s
online database [9]. ........................................................................................................... 11
Table 3: Charging Times for Various Charging Levels. The Data in this table was derived
from information found in the California PEV Collaborative [11]. ................................. 15
Table 4: Peak Feeder Characteristics ................................................................................ 46
Table 5: Average and Max Error Comparison between SCADA and OpenDSS Models 48
Table 6: Number of PEV’s charging by Penetration Level and Feeder. .......................... 51
Table 7: Maximum and Minimum Primary Voltage Criteria ........................................... 53
Table 8: TRAM11 Current Unbalance at Feeder Head .................................................... 56
Table 9: TRAM12 Current Unbalance at Feeder Head .................................................... 59
Table 10: TRAM13 Current Unbalance at the Feeder Head ............................................ 62
Table 11: HAMI13 Current Unbalance ............................................................................ 65

Chapter 1


1.1 Background

Over the past few years consumer interest in the electric vehicle has steadily

increased. In fact globally, between 2010 and 2012 Electric Vehicle (EV) sales have

doubled year over year [1]. Furthermore, major automotive manufactures have increased

the number of EV models offered to consumers. In the U.S. market, major automotive

manufactures including Ford, Tesla, GM, Honda, Toyota, BMW, Mercedes and Mitsubishi

offer EV models. U.S. EV sales, including plug-in electric vehicles (PEV), plug-in hybrid

electric vehicles and battery electric vehicles (BEV) have shown a steady increase since

December 2010 as indicated in Figure 1 [2].

Figure 1: Visualizing US Electric Vehicle Sales. The data and graph were taken from
Argon National Laboratory. [2]

Federal and local governments have also shown interest in incentivizing EV

purchases. Currently, 37 states offer incentives such as: free public charging, use of high

occupancy driving lanes, tax credits/rebates, parking incentives and electricity rate

incentives for purchasing EVs [3]. In 2009, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

created a federal tax credit worth up to $7,500 for the purchase of a plug-in electric vehicle

(PEV) [4]. Electrical utilities have also shown an interest in incentivizing EV purchases. It

is estimated that regional transmission and generation have enough excess capacity to

handle charging roughly 73% of the U.S. light duty vehicle fleet [5]. This provides a

potential revenue opportunity for utility companies that have seeing slow to negative

growth over the past few years. In fact, 70 electrical utility companies have committed to

devoting 5% of their annual fleet budget to purchasing EVs, totaling approximately $50

million per year [6]. PNM, New Mexico’s largest electricity provider, recently announced

a long-term strategy to switch most of its vehicle fleet to PEVs as well as a partnership

with Nissan Motors to operate five PEV charging station where the public can charge for


A major issue with growing interest in EVs is preparing the power system to

accommodate the addition of PEV changing loads. Considering that the power demand for

charging a PEV is comparable to that of a small home [7], at home charging could double

or in some cases almost triple the demand of a single household. Figure 2 illustrates the

load profile of a single family home while charging a Chevy Volt between 5pm and 3am.

As indicated in Figure 2, the power demand of the household more than doubled while the

PEV was charging.

Figure 2: An Example of a Residential Household Power Demand While Charging a


It’s clear that charging PEVs on residential distribution systems will significantly

increase local power demand. Since infrastructure located on residential distribution

circuits was not specifically sized to handle the addition of PEV charging, even low PEV

penetration has the potential of negatively impacting distribution equipment and power

quality indicators.

1.2 Electrical Distribution System Overview

The generation, transmission and distribution networks collectively make up what is

known as the U.S. power grid. The transmission system is a highly meshed network of

infrastructure that is responsible for transporting electricity, at voltage ranging from 69-

750kV, from generation facilities to distribution systems. The transmission system is

normally broken into two categories bulk transmission and sub-transmission. Bulk

transmission networks typically operates at voltages between 230-750kV and sub-

transmission network operates at voltages between 69-230kV.

The distribution substation is typically identifies as the delineation point between

the transmission system and the distribution system. Typically, distribution substations are

feed from one or more sub-transmission lines. The distribution substation contains one or

more substation transformers that step the sub-transmission voltage to the primary

distribution voltage. The distribution substation also houses protection and control

equipment that is vital to protecting equipment and monitoring power quality indicators.

Most residential distribution systems are radial, i.e. power flows in one direction, from the

distribution substation out along the feeders to metered customers. Distribution systems

have been a source of increased research interest over the past few years [8] [9] [10] [11]

[12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] A simple one-line representation of a distribution system is

identified in Figure 3.

Figure 3: One-line Representation of a Typical Distribution Feeder System.

The distribution transformer normally serves two or more feeders. The feeder is

composed of three phases, and four-wire conductors of overhead or underground design.

Single and two-phase laterals, of overhead and underground design branch off the three-

phase backbone to serve primary transformers. The feeders, laterals and primary

transformers are collectively referred to as the primary distribution system. The primary

system is the upper hierarchical level of the distribution system and also includes various

regulating equipment such as capacitors, voltage regulators, reclosers and fusses.

Typically, primary distribution systems operate at nominal voltages of between 4-35kV.

The secondary distribution system refers to equipment located on the low-side of

the distribution transformer and is intended to supply residential customers at 120/240V.

Representing the lower hierarchical level of the distribution system, facilities located on

the secondary system are designed to operate at much lower power ratings then primary

system facilities. This, coupled with the fact that most utility’s only study the primary

system and rarely even include the primary transformer and secondary facilities in

distribution feeder models represents a possible risk to the reliability of distribution circuits

when PEV are present. Considering that the power requirements for charging a single EV

can be equivalent to that of a small residence even low PEV penetration can have

deleterious effects on distribution transformers when multiple PEV owners are connected

to the same transformer. Such increase in power demand can be exacerbated by the fact

that initial EV adoption profiles may not be evenly distributed across local electrical

distribution networks - phenomenon also known as “clustering”. Initial EV adoption is

projected to be heavily dependent on household demographics such as income, educational

attainment and household ownership. Furthermore, in the service territory under study,

unless a service panel upgrade is required (i.e. greater than 200 Amp), most EV owners are

not required to notify local utility providers of EV charging locations, hindering the ability

to identify, monitor and respond to EV clusters as they develop.

1.3 Objective

The goal of this study was to develop realistic EV adoption and charging profiles

based on a demographic and travel survey data to evaluate the impact various PEV

penetration levels has on existing distribution infrastructure. The individual task included:

1) Identifying residential feeders that show a propensity for early EV adoption, 2) Develop

baseline load models of the identified feeders, 3) Develop PEV charging profiles based on

simulated driving patterns and 4) Converting existing SynerGEE feeder models to

OpenDSS feeder models and 5) Perform load flow analysis to identify capacity limits and

voltage violations. Results from this analysis will help identify and understand current

system limitations.

1.4 Implementation

Two freely available national surveys, the American Community Survey (ACS) and

the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS 2009), were used to develop residential EV

adoption scenarios and charging profiles. Using data obtained from the ACS, this study

identified 4 residential feeders within PNM’s Albuquerque service area that demonstrate a

propensity for early EV adoption. A usable battery size of 16.5kWh with an equipment

charging efficiency of 86.4% for level 2 and 83.7% for level 1 charging was used for

simulation in this study. Furthermore, simulated driving profiles were derived from the

NHTS and were used to calculate battery state of charge (SOC) and charging start times.

Feeder models were developed and load-flow studies were performed on the

identified feeders using the OpenDSS load flow program. Baseline distributed loads, based

on transformer KVA ratings, were calculated. The resulting baseline load models were then

superimposed with hourly EV charging profiles. Four PEV charging penetrations levels

were explored in this analysis 1%, 10%, 20% and 50%.

Chapter 2

Plug-In Electric Vehicles

2.1 Plug-in Electric Vehicles

A Plug-in Electric Vehicle is a general term for any passenger vehicle that has the

following characteristics:

 Its primary means of propulsion is through the use of an electric motor.

 The electric motor is powered partially, or in some cases solely by an on-

board battery pack.

 The on-board battery pack is capable of being charged from a source

external from the vehicle.

There are currently two types of PEVs technologies on the market; they include

Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and Plug-in Hybrid-Electric Vehicles (PHEV). Although

BEV and PHEV share many common characteristics they differ in drivetrains, battery

capacity, electric vehicle range and battery charging duration.

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV)

PHEVs, sometimes referred to as Extended Range Electric Vehicle, are equipped

with both an internal combustion engine (ICE) and energy storage battery pack. Typically,

the battery packs and electric motor serve as the primary means of propulsion, with the

ICE serving as a secondary means of propulsion and/or charging source for the battery

pack. Two drivetrain structures exist for PHEVs, which differ in how they combine power

from the ICE and electric motor.

 Parallel – In a parallel hybrid drivetrain, the wheels can be powered through either

the ICE or electric motor, which are connected in parallel with the transmission.

The transmission couples the ICE and electric motor, allowing either, or both to

power the wheels, as shown in Figure 4 [18] .

Figure 4: Parallel Hybrid Drivetrain.

 Series – In a series hybrid drivetrain, the wheels are powered directly by the electric

motor. The ICE and battery pack are connected in series with the electric motor,

providing a single path by which the wheels are driven, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Series Drivetrain

In both drivetrain designs the ICEs are essentially used as a supplementary power

source. During most typical driving conditions the PHEVs power is derived from the stored

energy in the battery pack. The ICE is used during extreme driving condition, such as when

the battery is depleted or when rapid acceleration is needed.

The all electric drive range for PHEVs varies but most are designed to have an all-

electric range of between 10-40 miles. After that the ICE is capable of powering the vehicle

for essentially an unlimited range or until the battery pack can be recharged through an

external power source, e.g. a 120 volt outlet. Current US PHEV characteristic are

summarized in Table 1 [19].

Table 1: Current U.S. PHEV Characteristics. The data obtained from’s
online information database [9].
All Electric Battery Size
model Make Year Price
Range (Miles) (kWh)
Prius Toyota 2014 11 4 $30,800
C-MAX Ford 2014 21 8 $33,700
Volt Chevy 2014 38 16 $35,000
Fusion Energi Ford 2014 21 7 $35,500
Accord Honda 2014 13 7 $40,700
ELR Cadillac 2014 37 17 $76,000
I8 BMW 2014 25 11 $137,000

Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)

BEVs, sometimes referred to as all-electric vehicles, do not have an ICE and rely

solely on the electric motor for propulsion. The energy used by the electric motor is derived

solely from the onboard batteries. The batteries are charged by plugging the vehicle into

an electrical power source, with supplemental charging through the use of regenerative

breaking. The electric driving range varies by make and model but in all cases the driving

range depends in part on driving conditions and habits. Current US BEV characteristic are

summarized in Table 2 [19].

Table 2: Current U.S. BEV Characteristics. The data was obtained from’s
online database [9].

All Electric Battery Size

Model Make Year Price
Range (Miles) (kWh)
Spark EV Chevrolet 2014 82 19 $27,500
I3 BMW 2014 81 22 $42,300
500e Fiat 2014 87 24 $32,600
Focus Electric Ford 2014 76 23 $36,000
i-MiEV Mitsubishi 2014 62 16 $23,800
LEAF Nissan 2014 84 24 $29,800
Model S Tesla 2014 265 85 $81,000

2.2 Charging Levels

Most auto manufacturers utilize nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH) or various lithium based

battery technologies in their vehicles. In any case, the batteries are charged by plugging the

vehicle into the electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) [20]. The EVSE is the

equipment used to deliver electric energy from the electricity source to charge the PEV’s

battery pack.

Various types of EVSE exist, which defer in the rate of charged delivered to the PEV. The

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) developed standard J1772, which defines three

charging levels for PEV. The three charging levels identified in SAE J1772 Standard are:

 Level 1 – Level 1 charging is through the use of a standard 120 volts (V) household

wall outlet. Typically, the only EVSE necessary to implement Level 1 charging

includes a cordset that comes standard with the PEV. To charge the PEV, one end

of the cord is plugged into the vehicle and the opposite end is plugged into a three-

prong household electric outlet. All the power electronics necessary to facilitate

charging are included on the vehicle or on the cordset. At 120V and 12 amps the

maximum power delivered to the PEV is 1.4kW.

 Level 2 – The EVSE necessary to charge at level 2 includes a dedicated 240V

circuit and the installation of permanent charging equipment. Typically, this

requires a qualified electrician install a new 240V service specifically for the PEV.

In some cases installing a dedicated 240V circuit would necessitate upgrading the

home service panel. In most cases, the homeowner is required to notify the local

utility company of the upgrade (Which is the case for the area under study). At

7.7kW, level 2 charging may impose significant impacts on grid infrastructure,

especially local transformers.

 Level 3 – Level 3 charging requires a 3-phase 400A 480V input to the EVSE. Due

to the electoral service requirements and EVSE required to implement level 3

charging, very few homeowners are likely to implement level 3 charging at home.

Capable of fully charging a PEV in 15-20 minutes, Level 3 charging is ideal for

opportunity charging in public areas such as parking structures and shopping areas.

2.3 PEV Charging Characteristics

The energy required to charge a PEV depends on two factors: The PEV’s SOC and

PEV charging level used. Section 3 discusses SOC estimation for PEV but essentially the

SOC dictates how long the PEV will need to charge. The accumulated instances of power

demand make up the load profile for any individual PEV. Therefore, the charging level,

i.e. level 1, 2, or 3, will have a significant impact on the charging profiles. Figure 3

illustrates the load profile and instantaneous power demand required to charge a 2012

Chevy Volt at Level 1. The current demand for the same charging session is shown in

Figure 7. Essentially, aside for the first and last 15 minutes of charging, Figure 6 & Figure

7 shows that Level 1 charging requires a constant 12 amps and 1.4kW for the duration of

the charging session.

Figure 6: Level 1 KW Charging Profile for a 2012 Chevy Volt

Figure 7: Level 1 RMS Current Charging Profile for a 2012 Chevy Volt

Figure 8 illustrates the load profile of a single family home with the same Chevy

Volt charging between 5pm and 3am. In this case, the power demand of the household

more than doubled while the PEV was charging at level 1.

Figure 8: Residential Home Load Profile with a 2012 Chevy Volt Charging at Level 1.

The California PEV Collaborative, estimates that to completely charge a

completely depleted battery, level 1 charging would take 7-17 hours, level 2 between 3-7

hours and level 3 charging would take 10-45 minutes [21]. Charging time is summarized

in Table 1 [21].

Table 3: Charging Times for Various Charging Levels. The Data in this table was derived
from information found in the California PEV Collaborative [11].

Power Charge Time

Charging Level Power Supply
Level 1 120VAC @ 12amps 1.4kW ~17 ~7
240VAC @ 30amps 7.2kW ~7 ~3
Level 2
240VAV @ 60 14.4kW ~3.5 ~1.4
DC Fast Charge 200-450VDC 45kW ~30-45 min ~10 min

The efficiency of the charger will also play a role in charging profiles. A less

efficient charger will take longer to charge and use up more energy than an efficient

charger. In a study of more than 1,000 unique charging events the Vermont Energy

Investment Corporation Transportation Efficiency Group found that Level 2 charging was

2.7% more efficient than Level 1 charging [22]. The study found that level 2 chargers were

86.4% efficient and Level 1 chargers were 83.7% efficient.

Chapter 3

Demographic analysis

3.1 Demographic Analysis Introduction

To model the impact PEV charging has on the distribution system requires understanding

the PEV load variation as well a network charging locations. The purpose of this chapter

is to identify the methodology used to estimate PEV charging locations and charging

demand. Two freely available national surveys were used in this thesis, The American

Community Survey (ACS) and the National Household Survey (NHTS). The NHTS was

used to estimate PEV driving usage patterns and the ACS was used to identify

neighborhoods that show a propensity for PEV adoption.

3.2 PEV Driving Profiles

As discussed in Section 2.3, the SOC for individual PEV is based in large part on driving

behavior and travel habits. This section will describe the approach used to develop SOC

and charging profiles utilizing the “Travel Day” (DAY2PUB.csv) file of the National

Household Travel Survey.

A U.S Department of Transportation effort the NHTS compiles individual trip-

related data such as miles traveled, mode of transportation and trip start-end times. The

data represented in the NHTS is collected from over 150,000 completed household surveys

and covers trip data over a 24-hour period [23]. The NHTS data is publicly available and

accessible through The NHTS web site [23]. Each record within the “Travel Day” file

represents a trip by one person by any means of transportation, e.g. walking, driving, public

transit, etc.

Individual vehicle driving profiles were developed from vehicle trip records

extracted from the “Travel Day” file. The desired subsets of records were developed by

extracting trip records from the “Travel day file that matched the following criteria:

 The mode of transportation for the trip was through the use of a vehicle similar in

size to current PEV.

 The trip was recorded by the self-identified vehicle operator.

 The vehicle started and ended each trip at the home within the 24 hour survey


The aforementioned criteria were used to ensure that vehicle passengers were not

counted as vehicle trips and to ensure that vehicle driving profiles had an opportunity for

home charging. A visualization of the subset of data is illustrated in Figure 9. Each record

represents a trip by a vehicle similar in size to a mid-size or full-size vehicle. The subset

of data identified in Figure 9 is trip records for three vehicles, differentiated by color.

Figure 9: Sample of Extracted NHTS Data in Excel Format.

Driving Profiles were developed from the resulting subset of data. Each driving profile

included miles driven, home arrival times and total vehicle miles drive. The objective was

to simulate PEV’s charging upon returning home from the final vehicle trip. A visualization

of the developed driving profiles is illustrated in Figure 10. Again, three vehicle driving

profiles are highlighted in Figure 10, which correspond to the vehicle trip records

highlighted in Figure 9.

Figure 10: Developed Driving Profiles Using Data Extracted From the NHTS.

A total of 63,563 driving profiles were developed. From the driving profiles statistical

information about vehicle drive habits was derived. Figure 11 illustrates daily miles driven

binned by intervals of 10 miles.

The most common driving distance for vehicles, as shown in Figure 11 was 10 miles or

less. Furthermore, roughly 60% of vehicles traveled 30 miles or less.

Figure 11: The Number of Vehicles Binned by Total Daily Miles Driven.

Vehicle trip start times are identified in Figure 12. As shown in Figure 12, the most

common vehicle start time happens between 7am and 8am. Roughly 60% of Start times

began in a three hour window between 6am and 9am.

Figure 12: Number of Vehicles Binned by Travel Start Times.

Vehicle travel end times are identified in Figure 13. As shown in Figure 13 peak

return times happen between 5pm and 6pm. approximately, 40% of trips end between

4pm and 7pm.

Figure 13: Number of Vehicles Binned by Vehicle Return Home Times.

From the developed driving profiles a joint probability distribution function (PDF)

relating miles driven and home return times was developed. Driving profiles for each

vehicle were generated according to the PDF shown in Figure 16. From the driving profiles

charging start times and hourly charging profiles were developed for each vehicle.

Joint PDF

Figure 14: Joint Probability Distribution Function for Miles Driven and Return Home

3.3 Feeder Identification

The American Community Survey is an ongoing nationwide survey administered by

the US census Bureau that uses a series of monthly surveys to produce annually updated

demographic, housing and economic data of geographical areas. The data presented in the

ACS is based on accumulated responses to the survey over 1-year, 3-year or 5-year periods.

The ACS data is publicly available and accessible through The U.S Census Bureau’s

American Factfinder web page. Utilizing Factor Analysis and the 5-year ACS data, at the

tract level, EV Adoption Propensity score for each census tract within the Albuquerque

area were developed.

Five demographic ACS datasets were chosen that best predict the ability for a

household to purchase an EV. Namely, these data sets are: Travel Time to Work, Sex by

Age by Educational Attainment, Household Tenure by Vehicle and Earning in the Past 12

Months. A weighted factor, on the scale of 1-10, was determined and assigned to each

subgroup within the identified ACS sets. The weight factors were assigned based on the

economic and social perception of the demographics behavior; three different experts were

asked to assign such weights. The incidence of each subgroup within a tract was calculated

in proportion to its overall population and multiplied by its corresponding weighted factor.

These scores were summed together to obtain a Tract Score for each tract within an ACS

data Table. Each tract score was then summed with its corresponding tract in the other five

identified ACS tables to produce a PEV Adoption Propensity Score for each tract within

the Albuquerque area. The location of each tract, and its adoption propensity score, were

overlaid with existing GIS data to identify the corresponding Feeder. Areas of deeper red

in Figure 15 indicate a higher Adopting Propensity Score. Four feeders were identified,

TRAM11, TRAM12, TRAM13 and HAMI13

Figure 15: Propensity Score Overlay with Feeder Map

Chapter 4

Feeder Models

4.1 Feeder Model Conversion

The purpose of this chapter is to identify the various software packages used to model

residential feeders and to descript the process by which feeder models were developed.

Visual Basic for Application (VBA) scripts were developed to convert existing SynerGEE

feeder models into OpenDSS models. Power flow analysis was done using OpenDSS,

driven by VBA through the COM interface.

4.2 OpenDSS

The Open Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS) is an open source

comprehensive electrical system simulation tool for electric utility distribution systems

[24]. The simulator is capable of performing nearly all RMS steady-state analysis including

fault study, harmonic, power flow and frequency domain analysis. Developed by the

Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI), OpenDSS can operate as a standalone text

scripting executable program or as an in-process COM Server DLL, capable of being

driven from a variety of other software platforms. The OpenDSS object structure is shown

in Figure 16.

Figure 16: OpenDSS Object Structure [14]

Four classes of objects define circuits within the OpenDSS executive, they are:

 Power Delivery Elements – is a single or multi-phase element that transports energy

from one point to another. Some of the most basic power delivery elements include

lines, transformers and capacitors.

 Power Conversion Element - is an element that converts power from one electrical

for to another. Typically, power conversion element such as generators, loads and

storage (i.e., Batteries) devices require only one connection to the power system,

necessitating only on terminal block in OpenDSS.

 Controls Element - is an object that samples voltage and current at a terminal that

the controller is monitoring. The control will perform some prescribed action once

a specific set of characteristics is met. Examples of control elements include

capacitor controllers and voltage regulator controllers. In the case of a capacitor

control the element will monitor voltage or current and switch the capacitor on or

off based on the measured perimeter.

 Meter Element – simulates the behavior of an actual energy meter in that it is

capable of measuring electrical characteristics at the terminal it is monitoring.

Depending on what meter element is defined a number of other capabilities can be

leverage. For instance, an enegrymeter object can measure electrical characteristic

at the terminal it is connected to as well as the electrical characteristics at terminals

within its defined circuit region.

4.3 Distribution Feeder Conversion

VBA scripts were used to convert existing SynerGEE feeder models to OpenDSS

models. Developed by GL Noble Denton, SynerGEE Electric is a software package used

to analyze and plan distribution feeders. SynerGEE is capable of performing analysis on

balanced and unbalanced system in radial, looped or meshed configuration. SynerGEE

provides a detailed graphical user interface, with drag and drop functionality. Figure 17

illustrates SynerGEE’s user interface. SynerGEE stores feeder model data in Microsoft

Access database files (.mdb files).

Figure 17: SynerGEE Feeder Model Representation.

Existing feeder models were converted to OpenDSS models for two reasons.

Firstly, the standard licensing configuration of SynerGEE doesn’t allow for the use of a

COM module. SynerGEE does have a COM based simulation engine but it requires an

addition license, with additional financial costs. Secondly, SynerGEE is not an ideal

program for running time series analysis. Furthermore, current SynerGEE models do not

include primary transformers or secondary service equipment.

The conversion process consisted of using custom VBA scripts to access feeder

model information stored in the relevant SynerGEE feeder model database file. The VBA

scripts than converted the information into equivalent OpenDSS models. Nine OpenDSS

files were developed for each SynerGEE feeder model: Six (5) circuit element files and

one (2) general library file. The seven (7) OpenDSS files are briefly identified below:

 Bus Coordinate File – This file is a circuit element file. It lists the X & Y

coordinates for every bus. This file is not essential to the overall feeder

model. The purpose of this file is to enable circuit visualization of the


 Lines File – This file is a circuit element file. It defines the overhead and

underground conductors for the feeder.

 Geometry File – This file contains information about the physical

arrangement of the conductors. This file and the Wire Data file are used by

OpenDSS to calculate the impedances of conductor sections.

 WireData File – This file contains information about the physical properties

of conductors. This file and the Geometry file are used by OpenDSS to

calculate the impedance of conductor sections.

 Capacitor File – This file is a circuit element file. It defines all Capacitors

on the feeder.

 Transformer File – This file is a circuit element file. It defines all

transformers on the feeder. Additional user input was required to create this


 Load File – This file is a circuit element file. It defines all load connected

to the distribution transformers.

The overall conversion process is highlighted in Figure 18. The SynerGEE database

tables used and the VBA conversion scripts are identified in Figure 18. It’s important to

note that the information provided in the following sections is specific to PNM SynerGEE


Figure 18: Feeder Model Conversion Process.

4.4 Bus Coordinate File

Bus elements within OpenDSS models serve as connection points for all other circuit

elements. Each OpenDSS bus element is composed of node objects. Essentially, bus

elements serve as node containers for node objects. Circuit elements such as capacitors,

transformers and conductors have terminal connections that connect to the node objects

within the defined bus. Bus elements also have X & Y parameters that identify the

geographical location of the bus. Figure 19 is a visual representation of a bus element with

four node objects.

Figure 19: Visualization of an OpenDSS Bus Element with Nodes.

SynerGEE also contains elements similar to OpenDSS bus elements. In SynerGEE

they are known as node objects. SynerGEE node objects represent feeder circuit elements

such as capacitors, transformers, junction boxes and fuses. Nodes also serve as starting and

ending points for line sections (conductors). Therefore, within a SynerGEE model, line

sections will always lie between two nodes. The geographical location of SynerGEE buses

are defined by the X & Y location parameters. Figure 20 illustrates the syntax used to

define node objects within the SynerGEE database model.

Figure 20: SynerGEE NodeID Table.

Developing the OpenDSS Bus Coordinate file was the first step in the conversion

process. Essentially, the VBA code performed a one to one conversion for node elements

in the SynerGEE NodeID table to elements in the OpenDSS Bus Coordinate file. A

visualization of the conversion is highlighted in Figure 21.

Figure 21: SynerGEE Node object to OpenDSS Bus element Conversion.

A portion of the resulting OpenDSS Bus Coordinate File is illustrated in Figure 22.

Figure 22: Example of the OpenDSS Bus Coordinate File.

4.5 Underground and Overhead Lines

Distribution feeders consist of single and multiphase conductor sections which can

be of overhead or underground design. Modeling overhead and underground line section

in OpenDSS required developing three files: the WireData file, the Geometry file and the

Line file. The information needed to develop the OpenDSS files were found in the

SynerGEE InstSection and Gnode tables. The individual SynerGEE database feeder files

did not contain the entirety of relevant conductor data needed to develop the WireData file.

Therefore, some parameters in the WireData file had to be entered manually. Specifically,

the database files did not contain tables which identified the physical properties of the

conductor such as: geometric mean radius, conductor radius and the geometric mean

radius, all of which are used to define the impedance of the line sections.

Line Element File

The SynerGEE InstSection and Gnode tables were used to develop line elements in

the OpenDSS Line file. The OpenDSS line element syntax and SynerGEE table parameters

used in the conversion are shown in Figure 23. Line elements define the connectivity of

conductor sections in OpenDSS. Each line element, whether overhead or underground

represents a span of conductors.

Figure 23: OpenDSS Line File Conversion Process.

The SynerGEE InstSection table contained all the information required to define and

model line sections in SynerGEE. Each element in the InstSection table has a

“FromNodeId” and “ToNodeId” parameter that identifies the starting and ending nodes

of the conductor spans. A visualization of a straight line overhead conductor section in

SynerGEE is identified in Figure 24.

Figure 24 SynerGEE Straight Line Section.

The SynerGEE Gnode and InstSection tables were used in tandem for instances

when conductor section did not extend in a straight line. The Gnodes table identifies all the

nodes that define the contour points of a conductor section. A visual representation of an

overhead line section with Gnodes is illustrated in Figure 25.

Figure 25 SynerGEE line section with Gnodes.

Each OpenDSS line element, whether overhead or underground represents a span of

conductors. Line elements contain parameters that define the connectivity, length and

geometry of the conductor span. The connectivity of the conductor spans, i.e. the starting

and ending points are specified by bus1 and bus2 parameters respectively. As mentioned

in Section 4.3 each bus contains nodes that the terminal connections of circuit elements

connect to. Essentially, nodes are used to connect terminal element to a specific phase in

the feeder model. A visual representation of two OpenDSS line elements is identified in

Figure 26. The first line element, a set of three-phase conductors, starts at Bus1 and ends

at Bus2. The second line element, a single-phase set of conductors, starts at Bus2 and ends

at Bus3.

Figure 26: Visualization of an OpenDSS Line Element.

The Syntax used to define the line elements identified in Figure 26 are shown below

if Figure 27. The terminal connections to the nodes inside the buses are identified at the

end of the unique bus ID.

The character string “.1.2.3” at the end of the bus ID for line element “SomeLine1”

identifies that the A-phase conductor is connected to node 1, the B-phase conductor is

connected to node 2 and the C-phase conductor is connected to node 3. If for instance the

desired terminal connection was for the C-phase to connect to node 2 then the character

string after the bus ID would look like “1.3.2”. The character string “.2” at the end of the

bus ID “TheBus2” for line element “SomeLine2” identifies that the single-phase span is of

the B-phase.

Figure 27: Examples of OpenDSS Line Definitions: A). Three-Phase Line Element
Syntax, B). Single-Phase Line Element Syntax.

In some cases, the VBA code performed a one to one conversion from the

SynerGEE section objects to OpenDSS line elements. The SectionID parameter was used

to identify the new line element. The FromNodeID and ToNodeID parameters were used

as Bus1 and Bus2, respectively. The “SectionPhases” parameter was used to determine the

node terminal connection for the line element.

Geometry File

The Geometry file contains line geometry elements for each unique line construction

on the feeder. Geometry elements are used in conjunction with Wire Data elements to

calculate the impedance of line elements. While a feeder may contain hundreds of line

elements typically utilities have a handful of standard overhead and underground

construction configurations. Each Geometry element represents a specific construction

configuration and captures the number of wires, type of wire and spacing between wires.

Figure 28 identifies the syntax and SynerGEE parameters used to define geometry

elements in the Geometry file. The PhaseConductor parameter is used to define the new

line geometry element. The nconds and nphases parameters identify the number of

conductors and phases in the specific configuration. Individual conductors are defined by

using the cond, X and H parameter.

Figure 28: Line Geometry Conversion Process.

Wire Data File

Each conductor type, overhead or underground used on the feeders is defined in the

WireData file. The WireData file defines the physical properties, of each conductor

referenced in the Geometry file. Overhead conductor sizes ranged from 2AL to 477ACSR

and underground cable ranged from 2CU to 750Al. Figure 29 and Figure 30 identify the

syntax used to define wire elements for overhead and underground lines respectively. The

VBA code created entries for each new Wire Data element in the Wire Data file but the

values were entered manually.

Figure 29: Wire Data Syntax for Overhead Line.

Figure 30: Wire Data Syntax for Underground Line.

4.6 Capacitor File

The SynerGEE InstCapacitors table was used to create capacitor elements in the

OpenDSS Capacitor file. A visualization of the parameters and syntax used to define

capacitor elements is identified in Figure 31. The LocationLink parameter in the

InstCapacitor table represents the X and Y location of the capacitor. The

ConnectionPhases parameter identifies what phases the capacitor is connected to. The

FixedKvarPhase parameters identify the Kvar value connected to each phase. Combining

the values of all three FixedKvarPhases identifies the overall size of the capacitor bank.

Figure 31: Capacitor SynerGEE to OpenDSS Conversion Process

A simple diagram and the corresponding OpenDSS object definition for a 3-phase,

1,200kVAR capacitor bank installed on a 12.47kV system is shown in Figure 32.

Figure 32: (A) Capacitor Object Visualization, (B) Capacitor Object Definition

4.7 Transformer File

As discussed previously, SynerGEE models provide voltage and loading results at

the primary voltage level. Typically, the secondary voltage drop from a distribution

transformer is not modeled. Therefore, most PNM SynerGEE models do not contain

information about the distribution transformers. Transformer data was exported from PNM

Geographic Information System (GIS) and used in conjunction with the Bus Coordinate

file to populate the OpenDSS Transformer file. A visualization of the parameters and

syntax used to define transformer elements is identified in Figure 33.

Figure 33: Transformer Conversion Process

The Subtype parameter identifies the type of transformer, pad-mounted or

overhead. The Subtype also identifies whether the transformer is single phase or three phase

design. The PhaseDesignation parameter identifies the phase connection. The location of

the transformer is identified with the X and Y parameters. The GIS data contains all the

information required to define transformer elements in the Transformer file.

The VBA function cycles through each transformer definition in the GIS data file

until a match is found between the X and Y values of a Bus Coordinate file. Once a bus

element is identified the Description parameter is checked to ensure that the Bus element

represents a transformer. A simple diagram and the corresponding OpenDSS object

definition for a single phase 50 kVA rated transformer installed on the C-phase of a

12.47kVA system is shown in Figure 34.

Figure 34: (A) Transformer Object Visualization, (b) Transformer Object Definition

Chapter 5

OpenDSS Feeder Models

5.1 Feeder Model Introduction

In order to evaluate the impact PEV charging has on residential feeders it is

necessary to have an accurate representation of the feeder in question. This includes

effectively modeling primary system circuits and calibrating distributed loads to match

hourly MW and KVAR loads measured at the substation. The purpose of this chapter is

to highlight the individual OpenDSS feeder model characteristics and to describe the

procedure used to develop baseline distributive load models.

5.2 TRAM11 OpenDSS Model

Figure 35: TRAM11 OpenDSS Feeder Representation

A one line diagram of the resulting OpenDSS feeder model for TRAM11 is

identified in Figure 35. The feeder consists of mostly underground facilities and consists

primarily of residential load. The OpenDSS feeder characteristics are summarized below:

 The feeder serves approximately 1,550 residential customers

 The distribution transformer is rated at 20MVA and is identified by a green box

on the feeder map.

 5 overhead capacitors, 4 fixed and 1 manually controlled are located on the

feeder. Capacitor locations are identified by black boxes on the feeder map.

 The feeder serves 11 three-phase transformers and 619 single phase transformers.

 The feeder is composed of approximately 365,000 feet of overhead and

underground conductor.

5.3 TRAM12 OpenDSS Model

Figure 36: TRAM12 OpenDSS Feeder Representation

A one-line diagram of the resulting OpenDSS feeder model for TRAM12 is

identified in Figure 36. The feeder consists of mostly underground single phase laterals

and consists primarily of residential load. The OpenDSS feeder characteristics are

summarized below:

 The feeder serves approximately 597 residential customers

 The distribution transformer serving the feeder is rated at 20MVA and is

identified by a green box on the feeder map.

 One overhead fixed capacitors. The capacitor is primarily used for power factor

correction on the distribution system. The Capacitor locations are identified by

black boxes on the feeder map.

 The feeder serves 13 three-phase transformers and 165 single-phase transformers.

 The feeder is composed of approximately 70,901 feet of overhead and

underground conductor

5.4 TRAM13 OpenDSS Model

Figure 37: TRAM13 OpenDSS Feeder Representation

A one-line diagram of the resulting OpenDSS feeder model for TRAM13 is

identified in Figure 37. The feeder consists of only underground facilities and consists

primarily of residential load. The OpenDSS feeder characteristics are summarized below:

 The feeder serves approximately 1,748 residential customers

 The distribution transformer serving the feeder is rated at 20MVA and is

identified by a green box on the feeder map.

 The feeder serves 13 three-phase transformers and 165 single-phase transformers.

 The feeder is composed of approximately 70,901 underground conductors.

5.5 HAMI13 OpenDSS model

Figure 38: HAM13 OpenDSS Feeder Representation

A one-line diagram of the resulting OpenDSS feeder model for HAMI13 is

identified in Figure 38. The feeder consists of mostly underground facilities and consists

primarily of residential load. The OpenDSS feeder characteristics are summarized below:

 The feeder serves approximately 2,492 residential customers

 The distribution transformer serving the feeder is rated at 20MVA and is

identified by a green box on the feeder map.

 The feeder is composed of approximately 209,774 feet of overhead and

underground conductor.

5.6 Model Validation/Distributed load models

In order to perform any type of study on a distribution feeder it is first necessary to

establish the baseline distributed load on the feeder. Using advanced metering

infrastructure (AMI) technology, actual measurements from individual loads can be used

to develop the baseline model. In the absence of AMI, distributed loads can be estimated

using kW, kVAR, PF and phase currents values as measured by a supervisory control and

data acquisition (SCADA) system. One technique for developing distributed load is to

use substation SCADA load data and allocate a portion of the load to each distribution

transformer according the its KVA rating.

In this study, baseline distributed load profiles were developed for each of the 4

feeders using substation SCADA phase current load data. The measured load was

allocated according the connected transformer KVA ratings. For each feeder the peak

loading day in 2012 was used for analysis. SCADA load data for 2012 was used because

it represented the first available year that all 4 feeders were in normal operation (N-0)

when their respective peak happened. That is, no feeders were serving other loads do to a

first contingency operation (N-1). The respective feeder peak dates and peak values are

identified in Table 4.

Table 4: Peak Feeder Characteristics

SCADA Feeder Load Data

Feeder Date/Time Peak MW Peak Current-A Current-B Current-C
TRAM11 7/2/12 7:00 PM 6.6 -0.5 306 292 295
TRAM12 7/30/12 9:00 PM 2.4 -0.6 101 111 126
TRAM13 7/2/12 7:00 PM 4.4 1.7 248 169 223
HAMI13 7/2/12/6:00 PM 8.9 3.0 443 408 430

Figure 39 & Figure 40 illustrate the MW and MVAR 24 hour load profile,

respectively for the four feeders on the identified peak loading day.

Figure 39: Feeder SCADA KW Profiles for TRAM11, TRAM12, TRAM13 and

Figure 40: Feeder SCADA MVAR Profiles for TRAM11, TRAM12, TRAM13 and

For each OpenDSS feeder model baseline distributed load profiles were

developed by allocating the respective measured phase currents according to the

connected KVAR rating of distribution transformers. Validation of the OpenDSS models

was required to ensure that the models accurately characterized the true system. This was

done by performing a power flow analysis using the resulting distributed loads and

comparing the results with the SCADA data. The maximum errors and average errors

between the model feeders and the corresponding SCADA data are shown in Table 5.

Table 5: Average and Max Error Comparison between SCADA and OpenDSS Models

The corresponding feeder load profiles comparing SCADA measured values with

OpenDSS simulated values are shown in Figure 41.

Figure 41: OpenDSS Feeder Load Profiles (A) TRAM11, (B) TRAM12, (C) TRAM13,
(D) HAMI13.

Chapter 6

PEV Impact Analysis

6.1 Study Methodology

An analysis of PEV charging on five residential distribution circuits was performed.

PEV charging profiles were randomly generated according to the joint distribution

function developed in Section 3.1. The PEV charging profiles were then superimposed

onto the feeder baseline models and a power flow analysis was performed on the feeder.

For each feeder, this analysis evaluated four PEV penetration levels: 1%, 2%, 10% and


This analysis examined four PEV charging penetration levels. Table 6 shows the

impact charging levels broken down by feeder, and charging level. The number of

charging PEV on each feeder was determined by identifying how many residential

metered customers were on the feeder. Once the desired amount of charges was

determined, the split between level 1 and level 2 chargers was determined. It was

assumed that most at home charging would be done through the use of a level 1 charger.

This study estimated that 80% of PEV owners would use level 1 charging and 20%

would use level 2 charging.

Table 6: Number of PEV’s charging by Penetration Level and Feeder.

1% 2% 10% 50%
Penetration Penetration Penetration Penetration
Residential Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
Customers 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
TRAM11 1550 12 3 124 31 248 62 620 155
TRAM12 597 5 1 48 12 96 24 239 60
TRAM13 1748 14 3 140 35 280 70 699 175
HAMI13 2492 20 5 199 50 399 100 997 249

Distributed loads and PEV charging loads were lumped on the secondary side of

the distribution transformer. The transformers hosting PEV chargers were chosen

randomly and chargers were evenly distributed across the feeder. Since the intent was to

evaluate residential transformers all three-phase transformers were excluded from the

analysis. Furthermore, transformers serving load at multi-family homes, such as

apartments were also excluded from the analysis.

In this analysis a usable PEV battery size of 16.5kWh was used in this analysis. As

identified in Section 2.3 the PEV charging profile for a Chevy Volt utilizing a level 1

charger was almost constant for the duration of charging. With that in mind, a constant

charging demand of 1.4kW and 7.2kW was used for level 1and level 2 charging


6.2 Voltage Standard

PNM’s criteria for appropriate distribution voltage is the American National

Standard Institute Standard C84.1 [25]. The ANSI standard is also a regulatory

requirement called out in NMPRC rule 560 (17.9.560 NMAC). The standard specifies

acceptable voltage ranges for two locations on the distribution system:

 Service Voltage – The service voltage is the voltage measured at the point where

the electrical utilities facilities interconnect with the customers owned facilities.

For residential customers, this point is typically identified as the customer’s

electrical service meter.

 Utilization Voltage – The utilization voltage is the voltage measured at the

terminals of utilization equipment. For residential customers, this point is

typically identified as the customer’s electrical outlets.

The Standard also identifies a voltage range from normal (Range A) and contingency

(Range B) conditions. For a typical 120/240 residential customer the following service

voltage at the meter would apply:

 Range A defines a service voltage at a minimum of 114 volts and a maximum of

126 volts.

 Range B defines a service voltage as a minimum of 110 volts and a maximum of

127 volts.

Typically, distribution voltages are set 2.0-2.5% above nominal (12.47kV) to

compensate for distribution primary line voltage drop. The distribution voltage is set

through the substation transformers load tap changer. The identified distribution voltage

criteria would correspond to a secondary voltage range of 116.4-123 volts. Furthermore,

for planning and design purposes a maximum voltage drop of 4% from the distribution

transformer to the customer’s service meter is used as the design limit for the distribution


Appling ANSI range A and B limits plus assuming the secondary voltage design limit

criteria results in the service voltage identified in Table 7.

Table 7: Maximum and Minimum Primary Voltage Criteria

ANSI C84.1 Voltage Standard applied to PNM distribution

system design criteria
%Drop Voltage %Rise Maximum
Range A 3.5 118.7 2.4 126
Range B 6.9 114.6 3.3 127

6.3 Current Unbalance

Current unbalance in a three-phase distribution system is marked by a difference in the

phase current, or when the phase separation is not 120 degrees. Normally large levels of

current unbalance generally cause voltage unbalance. Voltage and current unbalance are

calculated using two methods:

1. Expressing the negative sequence voltage as a percentage of the positive sequence.

2. Using the maximum deviation from the mean of the three line values expressed as

a percentage of the mean of the three line value.

Distribution systems normally have some degree of current unbalance. This is due to

the fact that it is almost impossible to evenly distribute loads equally across all three phases

of the distribution system. Voltage and current unbalance has little to no effect on resistive

loads. The effect of unbalance is acutely felt on rotating machinery such as three-phase

electric motors. Given a balanced three-phase system, only positive sequence components

exist. Positive sequence components generate positive torque for electric motors. Negative

sequence components generate negative torque on electric motors. When extreme degrees

of unbalance occur, the negative sequence components counteract the positive sequence

components resulting in low performance of electric motors.

The distribution system as a whole suffers when extreme degrees of unbalance exist.

Excessive current unbalance contributes to excessive voltage drop and contributes to

distribution line losses created by current flowing back through the neutral conductor.

PNM’s distribution planning criteria requires that mitigation of current unbalance of >

50Amps occur.

6.4 Equipment Loading

Typically, equipment located on distribution systems is capable of operating at ratings

above the nameplate rating for short periods of time. However, prolonged operation at

above nameplate rating adversely affects the lifetime and makes the equipment susceptible

to failure. The rated capacity of existing feeder components will have been chosen to

handle the projected load and historic load seen on the feeder. Distribution transformers

are sized to handle the historic peak non-coincidental load of the individual customers

served by the transformer. In turn, all feeder components upstream of the distribution

transformer are generally sized to supply downstream transformers operating at full

nameplate capacity. This analysis is primarily concerned with overloading impacts seen

on distribution transformers caused by charging PEV’s. An overload impact is identified if

at any point in time the distribution transformer reaches 100% of its nameplate capacity.

6.5 TRAM11 Impact Analysis

Feeder MVA load profiles for the 4 penetration levels and the baseline load model

are identified in Figure 42. Essentially, the addition of PEV charging loads increases load

on the feeder in proportion to the baseline load model. The peak baseline load on the feeder

is 6.5MW and the minimum load is 2.2MW. PEV charging increases the peak load on the

feeder to 7.5MVA during 50% PEV penetration charging. The analysis of PEV charging

on TRAM11 showed that no primary distribution components were overloaded. The

analysis showed that primary distribution components can handle PEV charging up to 50%.

Figure 42: TRAM11 Feeder Load Profiles for PEV Scenarios

The TRAM11 OpenDSS models showed no issues with current unbalance for PEV

charging penetrations up to 50%. Unbalance did increase with increasing PEV charging

but was relatively insignificant. The maximum unbalance seen on the feeder was 6.7 amps

and occurred at 50% penetration. Table 8 summarized the maximum unbalance on the

feeder for each penetration level.

Table 8: TRAM11 Current Unbalance at Feeder Head

Current Unbalance
Base 1% 10% 20% 50%
TRAM11 1.8 4.9 6.4 6.6 6.7

The number of transformer grouped by voltage range, as measured on the low-side

of the distribution transformers are identified in Figure 43. As mentioned

earlier, voltages within the 117V and 118.7V range are considered marginally acceptable

for planning purposes. The base-load model showed no issues with distribution voltage

levels. Increased PEV charging levels up to 50% caused no transformer secondary voltages

to fall below the 117V planning criteria. Voltages within the marginally acceptable range

occurred at 1% PEV penetration and modestly increase with PEV penetration.

TRAM11 Secondary Voltage Range AT XFMR

>118.7V 117V-118.7V <117V
Number of Transformers

619 618 617 608 595
0 0 1 0 2 0 11 0 24 0
Base 1% 10% 20% 50%
Penetration Level

Figure 43: TRAM11 Transformer Voltage Range.

TRAM11 transformer loading for the various PEV charging scenarios are shown in

Figure 44. Overall PEV charging penetrations up to 50% cause no distribution transformers

on TRAM11 to load above the nameplate ratings.

TRAM11 Distribuion Transformer Loading
<25% 25%-75% 75%-100% >100%

Number of Transformers
700 613 609 578
600 519
300 211
7 2 0 38
3 2 0 2 0 2 0 4 0
Base 1% 10% 20% 50%
Penetration Level

Figure 44: TRAM11 Transformer Loading Range.

The impact analysis for TRAM11 shows that the feeder can reliably handle PEV

charging penetrations up to 50%. The analysis of TRAM11 showed that some transformer

experience voltage levels within the marginally acceptable range, but this is not anticipated

to adversely impact customer reliability.

6.6 TRAM12 Impact Analysis

TRAM12 feeder MVA load profiles for the 4 penetration levels and the baseline load

model are identified in Figure 45. Essentially, the addition of PEV charging loads increased

load on the feeder in proportion to the baseline load model. The peak baseline load on the

feeder is 2.35 MVA. PEV charging increased the peak load on the feeder to 2.7 MVA

during 50% PEV penetration. Peak loading occurs at 9PM for all PEV charging penetration

levels. The analysis of PEV charging on TRAM11 showed that no primary distribution

components were overloaded with PEV charging penetrations up to 50%.

Figure 45: TRAM12 Feeder Load Profiles

The TRAM12 OpenDSS model showed no issues with current unbalance for PEV

charging penetrations up to 50%. Unbalance did increase with PEV penetration levels but

was relatively insignificant. The maximum unbalance seen on the feeder was 10 amps and

occurred at 50% penetration. Table 9 summarizes the maximum unbalance on the feeder

for each penetration level.

Table 9: TRAM12 Current Unbalance at Feeder Head

Tram 12 Current Unbalance
Base 1% 10% 20% 50%
TRAM12 4 5.7 6 7.7 10

The numbers of transformers grouped by voltage range, as measured on the low-

side of the distribution transformer are identified in Figure 46. The baseline load model

shows that roughly 20% of transformers experience secondary voltages that would be

considered marginable acceptable. No transformer experienced secondary voltages that

would be considered unacceptable. As identified in Figure 46, secondary voltage is

relatively uninfected by increase PEV penetration.

TRAM12 Secondary Voltage Range At XFMR

>118.7V 117V-118.7V <117V
Number of Transformers

125 125 128 117 120
60 47 44
39 39 42
0 0 0 0 0
Base 1% 10% 20% 50%
Penetration Level

Figure 46: TRAM12 Transformer Voltage Range

The maximum loading experienced by transformers as a percentage of the

transformers nameplate ratings are identified in Figure 47. The baseline load model shows

no issues with transformer loading. Transformer loading steadily increases with PEV

penetration. One transformer on TRAM12 experienced loading above the name plate rating

at 50% penetration. The transformer in question was a 10kVA rated transformer and it

reached 102% of its nameplate rating. The duration of the overload was one hour and no

adverse impacts were anticipated.

TRAM12 distribution Transformer Loading
<25% 25%-75% 75%-100% >100%
Number of Transformers
163 156
140 128
100 86
60 50
40 30
20 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 1
Base 1% 10% 20% 50%
Penetration Level

Figure 47: TRAM12 Distribution Transformer loading Range

The impact analysis for TRAM12 shows that the feeder can reliably handle PEV

penetration charging up to 50%. The analysis of TRAM12 showed that some transformer

experienced voltage levels within the marginable acceptable range, but this is not

anticipated to adversely affect customer reliability. One transformer did experience

loading above its nameplate rating, but the duration of the overload was short enough in

duration that no adverse impacts are anticipated.

6.7 TRAM13 Impact Analysis

TRAM13 feeder MVA load profiles for the 4 penetration levels and the baseline

load model are identified in Figure 48. Again, the addition of PEV charging load increases

load on the feeder in proportion to the baseline load model. PEV charging increased the

peak load on the feeder to 5.8MVA during 50% penetration. The analysis of PEV charging

on TRAM11 showed that no primary distribution components were overloaded. The

analysis showed that primary distribution components can handle PEV charging up to 50%.

Figure 48: TRAM13 Feeder Load Profiles

The TRAM13 OpenDSS feeder model showed no issues with current unbalance for

PEV charging penetrations up to 50%. Current unbalance is relatively fixed at 26 amps for

all five PEV penetration levels. PEV charging had little to no effect on the current

unbalance and the unbalance is due to the baseline characteristics of the feeder.

Table 10: TRAM13 Current Unbalance at the Feeder Head

TRAM13 Current Unbalance
Base 1% 10% 20% 50%
TRAM13 26.6 26.4 26.1 26.3 26.7

The number of transformers grouped by voltage range, as measured on the low-side

of the distribution transformer is identified in Figure 49. As indicated in Figure 49, roughly

30% of the transformers on the baseline mode experience distribution voltages that would

be considered marginable acceptable. At 50% PEV charging, 6 transformers experience

voltages below the 117V range.

TRAM13 Secondary Voltage Range at XFMR

>118.7V 117V-118.7V <117V
Number of Transformers

116 113
90 88 96
100 81
80 62 65
20 0 0 0 1 6
Base 1% 10% 20% 50%
Penetration Level

Figure 49: TRAM13 Transformer Voltage Range

The maximum loading experienced on the transformers as a percentage of the

transformers nameplate ratings are identified in Figure 50. Transformers become

overloaded at PEV penetration levels above 20%. At 20% PEV charging the six

transformers experienced average overload duration of 1.6 hours. At 50% PEV charging

43 transformers experienced overload durations of less than 3 hours. The reaming

overloaded transformers had overload durations of between 4 to 6 hours. All but one of

the overloaded transformers is rated at 25MVA.

TRAM13 Distribution Transformer Loading
<25 25-75 75-100 >100

Number of Transformers
180 177 170
113 105
120 97
80 64 58
7 0 6 14
20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 1% 10% 20% 50%
Penertration Level

Figure 50: Distribution Transformer Loading Range

The impact analysis for TRAM13 shows that the feeder can reliably handle PEV

charging up to 20% without any major adverse system impacts. At 50 % PEV charging,

low voltage issues become a problem for 6 transformers. Transformer overloading also

increases substantially at 50% PEV charging.

6.8 HAMI13 Impact Analysis

HAMI13 feeder MVA load profiles for the 4 penetration levels and the baseline load

model are identified in Figure 51. Again, the addition of PEV charging loads on the feeder

in proportion to the baseline load model. The peak baseline load on the feeder is 9.1MVA.

PEV charging increases the peak load on the feeder to 10.6 MVA during 50% penetration.

The analysis of PEV charging on HAMI13 showed that some primary distribution

components experienced overloading. Overloads were experienced on primary conductors.

Figure 51: HAMI13 Feeder Load Profiles

The HAMI13 OpenDSS model showed no issues with current unbalance for PEV

charging penetrations up to 50%. Current unbalance is relatively fixed at 22 amps for all

PEV penetration levels. PEV charging had little to no effect on the current unbalance and

the unbalance is due to the baseline characteristics of the feeder.

Table 11: HAMI13 Current Unbalance

HAMI13 Current Unbalance
Base 1% 10% 20% 50%
HAMI13 22.6 22.8 22.7 22.7 22.5

The Number of transformers grouped by voltage range, as measured on the low-

side of the distribution transformer is identified in Figure 52. As indicated in Figure 52

roughly 35% of the transformers on the baseline mode experience instances of unadaptable

secondary voltage. Distribution voltage stays relatively constant for PEV penetration levels

up to 20%. At 50% PEV penetration roughly half of the transformers experience secondary

voltage below acceptable values.

HAM13 Secondary Voltage at XFRM

>118.7V 117V-118.7V <117V
Number of Transformers

141134 141134 142136 150
150 136
107 107 104 96 104
100 78


Base 1% 10% 20% 50%
Penetration Level

Figure 52: HAMI13 Voltage Range

Maximum loading experienced by transformers as a percentage of the transformers

nameplate rating are identified in Figure 53. The baseline load model shows no issues with

transformer loading. Transformer loading steadily increases with PEV penetration.

Transformers on the feeder do not experience overloading above name plate until 50%

PEV charging is reached. All overloaded transformers were in the 25MVA class and all

experienced overload durations of less the 4 hours.

HAMI13 Distribution Transformer Loading
<25 25-75 75-100 >100

Number of Transformers
381 381
400 360
250 225
50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 1 0 0 0 15
Base 1% 10% 20% 50%
Penetration Level

Figure 53: Distribution Transformer Loading Range

The impact analysis for HAMI13shows that the feeder cannot support increased

penetration of PEV. The baseline model shows that at present condition low voltage issues

are a problem. Increased penetration of PEV does not dramatically increase voltage issues

until PEV penetrations of 50% are reached. Significant Transformer overloading is not

reach until PEV penetrations reach 50%.

Chapter 7


In this thesis, an analysis of PEV charging impacts, was performed on 4 residential

distribution feeders. This study developed PEV adoption propensity scores for residential

neighborhoods within the Albuquerque area. The adoption propensity scores were used to

identify distribution circuits which show a propensity for PEV adoption. Existing

SynerGEE distribution models were converted to OpenDSS models. PEV charging profiles

were developed from travel survey data found in the NHTS. This thesis focused on PEV

charging impacts imposed on the distribution circuits, including current unbalance,

distribution voltage and transformer overloading.

It was observed that three of the four feeders studied can handle PEV charging

penetrations up to 20% without distribution voltage dropping below unacceptable ranges.

Furthermore, it was found that the same four feeders can handle PEV charging up to 50%

without service transformer becoming overload above 133% the name plate rating for

duration of more than 4 hours. The one feeder that identified significant impact when

PEV were charging had existing voltage and transformer loading problems.

Modeling of residential distribution circuits showed that within the near term

distribution circuits within the area studied could handle low penetrations of PEV

charging. It was determined that low voltages at the distribution transformers were the

limiting fact in determining PEV hosting capacities. Transformer overloads did not

appear to be a problem up to 50% PEV penetration. Overall, the major concern in the

near term with PEV charging is the likelihood of low voltage impact at the distribution


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