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A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of



Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

MAY 2016

© Copyright by EVAN ANDREW JURAS, 2016

All Rights Reserved
© Copyright by EVAN ANDREW JURAS, 2016
All Rights Reserved
To the Faculty of Washington State University:

The members of the Committee appointed to examine the thesis of EVAN ANDREW

JURAS find it satisfactory and recommend that it be accepted.

Deukhyoun Heo, Ph.D., Chair

Partha Pratim Pande, Ph.D.

Dae Hyun Kim, Ph.D.


I would like to acknowledge Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories for their financial

support of my pursuit of a Master’s degree. The SEL Path to Your Future program has enabled

me to grow my electrical engineering career while providing me a unique opportunity to apply

what I’ve learned at work to my studies at school, and vice versa.

I would also like to acknowledge my advisor Dr. Heo, who has advised me through my

graduate career and is providing funding for the fabrication of the circuit described in this thesis.

I also want to thank the members of the ARMAG group in EME 230 for their helpful guidance

and support they’ve given me during this project. They taught me a great deal about CAD tools,

CMOS design, and silicon layout. They are a friendly bunch, and I would not have made it

through this without their help.

Finally, I am thankful for the continuous love and support of my family and friends.

Their friendship, encouragement, and willingness to listen to me gripe have helped me to stay

sane through this arduous process.




by Evan Andrew Juras, M.S.

Washington State University
May 2016

Chair: Deukhyoun Heo

Harvesting energy from ambient sources is becoming a promising method of powering

new Internet-of-things (IoT), wireless sensor networks (WSN), and implantable biometric sensor

technologies. However, the voltage produced by energy harvesters such as thermoelectric

generators, piezoelectric generators, and RF harvesters is typically too low to be used for analog

and wireless circuits. A key component to enable energy harvesting’s application to IoT and

other technologies is a high-efficiency voltage upconverter that can reliably transform low

voltages produced by energy scavengers into higher voltages that are more useful. Switched-

capacitor circuits such as charge pumps are compact and can be implemented fully in an

integrated circuit, so they are ideal voltage upconverters for volume-constrained applications.

This thesis presents a load-adaptive charge pump with wide input voltage range that

allows it to provide high-efficiency performance with a variety of energy harvesting sources in

multiple system applications. A novel method of controlling the pumping frequency by

comparing the output voltage to a self-generated reference voltage is implemented. The load-

adaptive functionality reduces the charge pumping frequency at light loading conditions to avoid

unnecessary switching loss, and increases pumping frequency at heavy conditions to provide

more current to the output. The layout of the circuit, which is implemented in the TowerJazz

SBC13HX 0.18μm, is presented and post-layout simulations are performed. The circuit achieves

an operating voltage range of 0.2 – 0.8V, has a peak efficiency of 64%, and a high throughput

power of up to 1.8mW at 0.8V. The efficiency is maintained above 60% over a range of loading

conditions, and efficiency at light load conditions is improved compared to standard fixed-

frequency charge pumps.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iii

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................... viii

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... ix

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Charge Pump Applications in Energy Harvesting ........................................................ 1

1.2. Design Challenges ........................................................................................................ 2

1.3. Proposed Charge Pump Topology ................................................................................ 6

1.4. Thesis Organization ...................................................................................................... 7

2. LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................................... 8

2.1. Principles of Charge Pump Operation: Dickson Charge Pump .................................... 8

2.2. State-of-the-Art Energy Harvesting Charge Pump Topologies .................................. 10

2.2.1. “A 0.15 V Input Energy Harvesting Charge Pump With Dynamic Body Biasing

and Adaptive Dead-Time for Efficiency Improvement” ........................................................ 11

2.2.2. “An Inductorless DC-DC Converter for Energy Harvesting With a 1.2-μW

Bandgap-Referenced Output Controller” ............................................................................... 13

2.3. Charge Pump Figures of Merit ................................................................................... 15


3.1. Charge Pump Switching Loss ..................................................................................... 17

3.1.1. Charge redistribution loss ..................................................................................... 17

3.1.2. Charging of Parasitic Capacitances ...................................................................... 20

3.1.3. Conduction Loss and Reversion Loss ................................................................... 23

3.2. Optimal Pumping Frequency ...................................................................................... 26


4.1. Top-level Description ................................................................................................. 29

4.2. Sub-Block Design and Layout .................................................................................... 32

4.2.1. Voltage Controlled Ring Oscillator ...................................................................... 32

4.2.2. Clock Generator and Pump Drivers ...................................................................... 35

4.2.3. Primary Charge Pump Cell ................................................................................... 37

4.2.4. Auxiliary Charge Pump ........................................................................................ 40

4.2.5. Output Error Amplifier ......................................................................................... 42

5. TOP-LEVEL LAYOUT AND CIRCUIT PERFORMANCE ................................................ 46

5.1. Top-level Layout Description ..................................................................................... 46

5.2. Post-layout Simulation Results ................................................................................... 49

5.3. Performance Comparison to State-of-the-Art Charge Pumps .................................... 55

5.4. Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 57

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................... 59


Table 1. Energy Harvesting Sources ............................................................................................... 2

Table 2. TowerJazz SBC13HX Process Capacitances ................................................................. 22

Table 3. Total parasitic capacitances of proposed charge pump .................................................. 23

Table 4. Eout and Eloss terms for proposed charge pump at VIN = 500mV, RL = 100kΩ ............... 27

Table 5. Post-layout simulation results over input voltage and loading conditions ..................... 51

Table 6. Performance over temperature and process corners ....................................................... 53

Table 7. State-of-the-art performance comparison ....................................................................... 55


Figure 1. Ring oscillator frequency variation with VDD ............................................................... 3

Figure 2. Charge pump efficiency vs. frequency for various loads and input voltages .................. 5

Figure 3. Block diagram of proposed load-adaptive charge pump ................................................. 6

Figure 4. Dickson charge pump ...................................................................................................... 8

Figure 5. Charge pump with dynamic body biasing and adaptive dead-time [13] ....................... 11

Figure 6. Regulated charge pump topology with bootstrap startup path ...................................... 13

Figure 7. Basic redistribution loss ................................................................................................ 18

Figure 8. Charge redistribution in a charge pump stage ............................................................... 19

Figure 9. Capacitances associated with inverter stage .................................................................. 20

Figure 10. Conduction and reverse currents (only one half-phase shown)................................... 24

Figure 11. Numerical analysis of optimal pumping frequency..................................................... 28

Figure 12. Block diagram of proposed load-adaptive charge pump (repeated) ............................ 29

Figure 13. VCO with current starvation and startup transistor ..................................................... 32

Figure 14. Simulated VCO frequencies over a range of bias voltages ......................................... 33

Figure 15. Voltage controlled ring oscillator layout ..................................................................... 34

Figure 16. Two-phase clock generator circuit .............................................................................. 35

Figure 17. Two-phase clock generator circuit layout ................................................................... 36

Figure 18. Primary charge pump unit cell .................................................................................... 37

Figure 19. Primary charge pump layout ....................................................................................... 39

Figure 20. Auxiliary charge pump circuit ..................................................................................... 40

Figure 21. Auxiliary charge pump layout ..................................................................................... 41

Figure 22. Output error amplifier.................................................................................................. 42

Figure 23. Range of error amplifier output voltages..................................................................... 44

Figure 24. Output error amplifier layout....................................................................................... 45

Figure 25. Top-level charge pump layout ..................................................................................... 46

Figure 26. Charge pump simulation test bench ............................................................................ 49

Figure 27. Load-adaptive response ............................................................................................... 50

Figure 28. Comparison of efficiency vs. output loading for state-of-the-art ................................ 56


1.1. Charge Pump Applications in Energy Harvesting

Recent improvements in energy harvesting technologies and the development of ultra

low-power electronics have enabled the creation of devices that are powered by ambient energy

from their surroundings [1]. These devices, which can range from biometric sensors, to wireless

sensor networks (WSNs), to Internet-of-things (IoT) nodes, add intelligence to autonomous

systems and increase remote monitoring capability in areas that are difficult to physically access.

A key component of these devices is an efficient DC-DC converter that can take the lower

voltages produced by energy harvesters and boost them to higher voltages that are usable by the

sensor, control, and communication portions of the system. There are two types of circuits that

can implement a low voltage up-converter: a capacitive type, such as a charge pump, and an

inductive type, such as a boost converter. Inductive converters that are able to up-convert input

voltages as low as 20mV have been developed [2]. However, inductive converters require bulky

off-chip inductors or transformers that prevent their use in extremely volume-constrained

applications. A charge pump can be fully implemented in a small silicon integrated circuit,

allowing it to be utilized in applications where small form-factor is required.

Energy harvesting systems can be designed to work with a multitude of energy harvesting

sources. Four primary energy harvesting technologies that exist today are: i) solar, ii)

thermoelectric, iii) sediment microbial fuel cells, and iv) RF harvesters. Each of these sources

have different power, open-circuit voltage, and impedance characteristics. Table 1 gives a

summary of expected power densities and open-circuit voltage ranges of these four energy

harvesting sources.

Table 1. Energy Harvesting Sources

Open-Circuit Voltage Maximum Power

Source Reference
Range Density
Small Solar Cell 0 – 0.63V 70 mW/cm2 [3]
(11cm2) @ 200 Lux @ 200 Lux
Thermoeletric 0 – 0.75V 10.84 mW/cm2 [4]
Generator @ ΔT = 5K @ 0.38V (ΔT = 5K)
Sediment Microbial 0 – 0.91V 12 mW/m2 [5], [6]
Fuel Cell @ 0.5V
RF Harvester 0 – 1V 88.9 uW/cm2 * [7]
@-22.44dBm @ 0.6V, -18dBm
*Not including antenna area

Table 1 shows that the voltage produced by energy harvesting sources is minimal and can

vary significantly depending on the amount of power received by the source. A charge pump

which has been designed to operate over a small range of input voltages (for example, 450mV –

550mV) will have limited application. A charge pump that is able to function over a wide range

of input voltages will be able to be used with multiple types of energy harvesting sources over a

range of power conditions. This motivates the development of a charge pump that can operate

efficiently at low and high input voltages.

1.2. Design Challenges

The primary challenge facing energy harvesting charge pumps is the need to operate at

low input voltages. As seen in Table 1, some power sources will only develop tenths of volts at

the output, and have optimal operation at low voltages. Difficulties arise when the input voltage

drops below the standard threshold voltage for the MOSFETs used in the integrated charge

pump, because the MOSFET switches are not able to be completely turned on and off. Various

state-of-the-art charge pumps have implemented techniques to allow operation at sub-threshold

voltages; these are discussed in Section 2.2 of this thesis.

A second challenge is that the voltage produced by the energy scavenging source varies

significantly with the amount of power being received by the source. For example, Table 1

shows that a microbial fuel cell will produce a voltage ranging from 0 – 910mV. As the input

voltage increases past the threshold voltage, transistor drive strength changes significantly. This

causes a problem with ring oscillator circuits, whose frequency is given as

𝑓𝑜𝑠𝑐 = (1.1)
2𝑁𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑐 𝑉𝐷𝐷

where N is the number of inverter stages, Cosc is load capacitance of each stage, ISS is the current

through the transistors (essentially drive strength), and VDD is the supply voltage (and the peak to

peak amplitude of the voltage waveform) [8]. If a charge pump uses a self-contained oscillator

rather than an external oscillator to generate the pumping frequency, then the pumping frequency

will vary significantly due to the change in drive strength. Figure 1 shows a typical five-stage

ring oscillator and the simulated frequency when VDD is varied from 300mV – 800mV.

Figure 1. Ring oscillator frequency variation with VDD

The CLK frequency is 286.5kHz at VDD = 300mV, and 182.5MHz at VDD = 800mV. This

wide range of frequencies presents a design challenge. If the frequency is too fast at high VDD,

the output voltage will be near ideal levels but efficiency will be unnecessarily degraded by

switching loss. Conversely, if it is too slow at low VDD, switching loss will be minimal but

output voltage will be low. The optimal pumping frequency for charge pumps depends on

loading conditions, desired output voltage, and switching loss, as will be discussed in Section


A third challenge is that loading conditions at the output of the charge pump vary

significantly depending on the state of the system it is powering. For example, in a wireless

sensor node, the sensor is in an idle state for a majority of the time, but it periodically powers up

to take a reading and transmit wireless data [9]. This activity requires a large amount of power

and represents a sudden increase in load to the charge pump. When the power requirement is

high, the pumping frequency should be fast to provide more current to the load and maintain

output voltage. However, when the system is in a low-power idle state, pumping frequency

should be low to avoid wasting energy through unnecessary switching loss.

Simulation data from parametric sweeps of pumping frequency done on a basic pump

topology over a range of input voltages and loading conditions are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Charge pump efficiency vs. frequency for various loads and input voltages

The data shows that efficiency varies widely with frequency, and that the optimal

pumping frequency (the frequency at which the pump operates with the highest efficiency)

changes depending on output load and input voltage. This promotes the need for a charge pump

with a controlled pumping frequency that responds to changes in load and input voltage.

1.3. Proposed Charge Pump Topology

To address the challenges, this thesis proposes a charge pump topology with a load-

adaptive pumping frequency and wide input voltage range. The proposed circuit (shown in

Figure 3) uses feedback to cause the pumping frequency to increase when the output load

increases, and to decrease when load decreases.

IC Primary Charge Pump Chain

V2 Unit
V3 Unit
Charge Charge Charge VOUT
Pump Pump Pump
CIN Voltage
Controlled Ring COUT

CLK Generator and
Pump Drivers
VDD 3-stage Auxiliary Charge Pump
GND Amplifier


Figure 3. Block diagram of proposed load-adaptive charge pump

This is achieved by comparing the output voltage (VOUT) to a self-generated low-power

reference voltage (VAUX), and generating a bias voltage (VBIAS). VBIAS is fed to a voltage

controlled ring oscillator to control the pumping frequency. Under heavy loading conditions,

VOUT will be below VAUX, causing VBIAS to increase, and increasing the pumping frequency to

provide more current to the load. Under light loading conditions, VOUT will be near VAUX,

causing VBIAS to decrease, and decreasing the pumping frequency to avoid unnecessary

switching loss. The proposed circuit improves efficiency at light load conditions while

maintaining good performance at heavy load conditions over a wide range of input voltages.

1.4. Thesis Organization

This thesis is divided into five sections. The first section introduces energy harvesting

charge pumps and their design challenges. The second section is a literature review that reviews

state-of-the-art charge pumps, presents existing theory on charge redistribution loss (switching

loss), and discusses charge pump figures of merit. Section three presents the principles of

operation of the proposed charge pump and the design and layout of each sub-block: the primary

charge pump, auxiliary charge pump, voltage controlled ring oscillator, clock generator, and

error amplifier. Section four presents post-layout simulation results of the charge pump’s

performance and a comparison to state-of-the-art charge pumps. Section five concludes the thesis

and is followed by a bibliography.


2.1. Principles of Charge Pump Operation: Dickson Charge Pump

The fundamentals of how a charge pump boosts a low voltage to a high output voltage

can be understood by studying the basic Dickson charge pump, a widely used charge pump

topology that was published in 1976. A Dickson charge pump [10] is shown in Figure 4. The

pump uses two antiphase clocks to pass packets of charge along the chain of diode-connected

NMOS as the pumping capacitors are charged and discharged during each half clock cycle.

V1 V2 V3 VN-2 VN-1 VN


Figure 4. Dickson charge pump

Assuming ideal components and that all internal node voltages (V1 – VN) start at 0V,

node V1 will charge to V1 = VIN - VT, where VT is the NMOS threshold voltage, during the clock

phase when CLKA is 0V. The instant CLKA switches from 0V to VIN, the voltage at V1 will be

boosted to V1 = (VIN - VT) +VIN = 2VIN - VT, because voltage across a capacitor cannot change

instantaneously. During this phase, current is prevented from flowing backwards from V1 into

the input node by the diode-connected NMOS, and the charge in C1 is shared with C2. The

voltage at V2 charges to V2 = 0.5(V1), assuming C1 = C2 and that perfect change transfer occurs.

In the second half of the clock phase, when CLKB switches from 0V to VIN, V1 is once again

charged to VIN - VT, while V2 is boosted to V2 = 0.5(V1) + VIN, and the charge in C2 is shared

with C3. The process repeats itself, passing packets of charge further down the capacitor chain,

charging each of the internal nodes and COUT. When charge equilibrium is reached, the voltage at

the output of the N-stage charge pump can be expressed as,

𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 = (𝑁 + 1)(𝑉𝑖𝑛 − 𝑉𝑇 ) (2.1)

If a load is attached to the output, the charge pump will continuously supply an output

current IOUT, which can represented as an amount of charge per pumping period, IOUT = ΔQ*f,

where f is the pumping frequency. The charge ΔQ is supplied from each stage to the following

stage, dropping the voltage of each internal capacitor by ΔV = ΔQ/C, or ΔV = IOUT /(C*f). Thus,

the output voltage of a N-stage charge pump with pumping capacitors of size C when supplying

an output current of IOUT can be expressed as,

𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 = (𝑁 + 1)(𝑉𝑖𝑛 − 𝑉𝑇 ) − (2.2)

A ripple voltage also develops at the output, because the load resistance RL constantly

discharges the output capacitance, COUT. Assuming COUT is large compared to C, the voltage

ripple VR is given as,

𝑉𝑅 = = (2.3)

Since its publication in 1976, the Dickson charge pump has been widely used in CMOS

devices to generate high on-chip from a lower supply voltage for operations such as charge

storage in nonvolatile memory.

2.2. State-of-the-Art Energy Harvesting Charge Pump Topologies

As submicron processes developed and supply voltages became closer to process

threshold voltages, the VT drop and body effect of the Dickson charge pump rendered it

unsuitable [11]. A VT cancelling cross-coupled charge pump topology where the internal nodes

of two opposite-phase parallel pump chains are used as gate voltages for NMOS switches (rather

than having them diode-connected) was introduced to allow voltage boosting of low supply

voltages [12]. However, in energy harvesting applications, the supply voltage may be lower than

the threshold voltage, causing the charge pump switches to operate in the subthreshold region

where conduction loss becomes a large factor in performance. Several state of the art topologies

have been published to improve performance by reducing conduction loss. The following two

topologies are reviewed because they were used as inspiration for the load-adaptive topology

proposed in this thesis.

2.2.1. “A 0.15 V Input Energy Harvesting Charge Pump With Dynamic Body Biasing and

Adaptive Dead-Time for Efficiency Improvement”

The topology published in [13] uses boosted switch gate voltages, dynamic body biasing,

and adaptive dead time to achieve high power conversion efficiency and a minimum input

voltage of 150mV. A block diagram of the topology is shown in Figure 5.a, and a unit charge

pump cell is shown in Figure 5.b.

Unit CP w/ V2 Unit CP w/ V3 Unit CP w/ VOUT



SW-G Enhancer
Adaptive Dead-
VCLK (negative charge
Time Generator





Dynamic Body Bias VOUT


Figure 5. Charge pump with dynamic body biasing and adaptive dead-time [13]

The charge pump circuit includes a negative auxiliary charge pump to generate the

boosted PMOS gate voltages (E, EB). E and EB are opposite-phase clocks that switch between

–VIN during the conducting phase and VOUT during the off phase. Driving the gate voltage to

–VIN pushes |VGS| of the switch higher, increasing the conductance and on-current ID of the

switch while reducing conduction loss.

The circuit implements a dynamic body biasing (VTCMOS) technique to modulate the

NMOS transistor threshold voltage, lowering it to improve conduction through the NMOS

during the on-state and increasing it to prevent reverse leakage during the off-state. This is

accomplished by tying the NMOS bodies in deep n-well to a node that is switched to ground

during the conducting phase and to the stage output voltage during the off phase.

Finally, the circuit uses an adaptive dead-time technique to maintain a sufficient non-

overlapping period between pumping phases. Dead-time, or the period where neither CLK signal

is high, is critical for cross-coupled charge pumps to prevent the output voltage from being

shorted to lower voltage internal nodes. The non-overlapping period must be short enough to

maximize current transfer during each phase, but must also be long enough to avoid large short-

circuit currents between pump stages. The dead-time is generated by delay cells, which are

highly sensitive to transistor drive strength. As input voltage increases above subthreshold levels,

drive strength increases significantly and dead-time is shorted. This circuit uses an adaptive

dead-time generating circuit that uses a short delay path when the input voltage is low, and

switches to a long delay path when the input voltage rises above a certain threshold. This allows

dead-time to be maintained over a wide range of input voltages.

This circuit is able to achieve high throughput power at low input voltage, and good

efficiency over a wide operating range. However, it requires off-chip capacitors and an external

clock signal, so it cannot be implemented as a fully integrated circuit and has limited use in

volume-constrained applications.

2.2.2. “An Inductorless DC-DC Converter for Energy Harvesting With a 1.2-μW

Bandgap-Referenced Output Controller”

A second published charge pump circuit [14] uses a four-phase topology with a

bootstrapped path and an auxiliary switch path in a fully integrated circuit (no external

components). It also uses a low-power bandgap reference voltage to perform skip mode

regulation to maintain the output at 1.4V. A diagram of the topology is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Regulated charge pump topology with bootstrap startup path

During startup, the current flows through zero- and low- VT transistors MA1 – MA4, which

are gated by boosted voltages from the input. The low threshold voltages allow the charge pump

to operate at low input voltages. However, these transistors do not work as efficiently because

their low VT does not allow them to be turned off as well, which causes significant leakage

current. To improve efficiency, higher efficiency switches S1 – S4 are placed in parallel with MA1

– MA4. These switches are clocked by a boosted signal generated from the output voltage. As the

output voltage rises, S1 – S4 begin to carry the majority of the current so high efficiency can be


An output regulation scheme is implemented by compared the divided output voltage (VDIV)

to a reference voltage (VREF) through a latch comparator. If VDIV is higher than VREF (i.e., if the

output voltage is higher than the desired regulated voltage), the pumping clock is disabled so that

current is no longer transferred to the output. This allows switching loss to be decreased at light

load conditions while providing a stable 1.4V output voltage.

Some drawbacks to this circuit are that it requires a power-consuming bandgap reference

voltage, and draws continuous power through the resistor divider at the output, degrading

efficiency. It also requires high cost zero- and low- VT devices.

2.3. Charge Pump Figures of Merit

For charge pumps used in energy harvesting applications, there are several key

performance parameters. The important figures of merit are: minimum operating input voltage,

power efficiency, voltage conversion efficiency, input voltage range, and silicon area required.

Minimum operating input voltage

The lower the voltage the charge pump is able to operate at, the less power that needs to

be received by the source for system operation. Thus, minimum operating voltage directly

reduces the input sensitivity (dBm) of a system, which is a key figure of merit for wireless sensor

nodes and other energy harvesting applications.

Power conversion efficiency (PCE)

Due to the limited amount of ambient energy available in energy harvesting applications,

the power available to the source is typically on the order of microwatts. Any power lost to

voltage conversion will significantly reduce the power available to the system. Charge pumps

must be as efficient as possible (even in lossy subthreshold conditions) so energy from the source

is not wasted.

Voltage conversion efficiency (VCE)

Voltage conversion efficiency is defined as the actual charge pump output voltage

divided by the ideal output voltage (VCE = VOUT/VOUT,ideal).

Input voltage range

As seen in Table 1, energy harvesting sources can produce a wide range of voltages

depending on the amount of power received by the source. Increasing the input voltage range of

a charge pump gives it the flexibility to be used with various types of sources over a range of

power conditions. The maximum input voltage is typically limited by the breakdown voltage of

the process. The TowerJazz 0.18μm SBC13HX process has 3.3V breakdown transistors

available, so the maximum input voltage for the proposed charge pump is limited to 0.8V, so the

output voltage does not exceed 3.2V.

Silicon area

Energy harvesting systems are typically targeted for extremely volume-constrained

applications such as biomedical implants, dust-mote sized sensors, or wearables [1], [14], where

even 2x2mm ICs push the allowable size limit. The less area that is required for the charge

pump, the smaller the system can be, which allows it to be applied in more volume-constrained



An exhaustive review of published charge pumps revealed that little research exists on

evaluating the optimal pumping frequency for a charge pump circuit. Most charge pump designs

choose a specific pumping frequency based on voltage ripple requirements and available area

[14] or use an existing system clock or as the pump frequency [13], [15]. However, the

simulation results shown in Figure 2 indicate there is an optimal frequency at which a charge

pump circuit operates at the highest efficiency. The optimal frequency is dependent on load and

the amount of switching loss present in the circuit. A goal of this thesis is to analyze sources of

charge pump switching loss and use the analysis to determine an expression for optimal pumping

frequency based on output load.

3.1. Charge Pump Switching Loss

In this thesis, switching loss is defined as the energy that is not transferred from the input

to the output during each switching cycle, but instead is dissipated in components in the circuit.

There are four chief contributors to switching loss: i) Charge redistribution loss (Erds), ii)

charging and discharging of parasitic capacitances (Epar), iii) conduction loss due to power

dissipated in switch resistances (Econd) , and iv) reversion loss caused by backwards current flow

(Erev). In the proposed charge pump, the total charge lost in each switching cycle due to these

effects is expressed in (3.1).

𝐸𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 = 𝐸𝑟𝑑𝑠 + 𝐸𝑝𝑎𝑟 + ∑ 𝐸𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑 + ∑ 𝐸𝑟𝑒𝑣 (3.1)

3.1.1. Charge redistribution loss

This section reviews the discussion on charge redistribution loss presented in [16]. If two

capacitors C1 and C2, with initial voltages V1 and V2, are suddenly connected in parallel through

an ideal switch as shown in Figure 7, charge redistribution occurs and the potential across both

capacitors settles to VF.

+ + +
V1 C1 C2 V2 C1 C2 VF
- - -

Figure 7. Basic redistribution loss

Using the law of conservation of charge and performing an analysis on the overall energy stored

before and after the capacitors are placed in parallel,

𝐶1 𝑉1 + 𝐶2 𝑉2 = (𝐶1 + 𝐶2 )𝑉𝐹 (3.2)

C1 V1 + C2 V2
VF = (3.3)
C1 + C2

Considering the initial and final energy stored in the circuit by applying E = ½C*V2,

1 1
𝐸𝑖 = 𝐶1 𝑉12 + 𝐶2 𝑉22 (3.4)
2 2
𝐸𝑓 = (𝐶 + 𝐶2 )𝑉𝐹2 (3.5)
2 1
1 1 1
Erds = Ei − Ef = C1 V12 + C2 V22 − (C1 + C2 )VF2 (3.6)
2 2 2

Substituting (3.3) into (3.6) and simplifying,

1 C1 C2
Erds = (V − V2 )2 (3.7)
2 C1 + C2 1

Equation (3.7) is an expression for the amount of energy lost to charge redistribution. In a

charge pump circuit, the same redistribution loss occurs during each switching cycle. Figure 8

shows a representation of the charge redistribution that occurs in each stage of the charge pump.

VA VB VB(t) 2VIN – IOUT*T/C1 +

+ + 2VIN
V1 C1 V2 C2 2VIN – IOUT*T/C1
- - IOUT
– IOUT*T/(2C2)
S1 open T/2 S1 closed T

Figure 8. Charge redistribution in a charge pump stage

While S1 is open, the current load drains C2, reducing V2 at a constant rate. The instant S1

closes, V2 is boosted by the additional charge from C1, causing charge redistribution loss

proportional to the voltage difference between nodes VA and VB at that instant. The voltages

before and after S1 closes are indicated in the graph; these are derived in [16]. Using the same

approach that is used to derive (3.7), and assuming VA = 2VIN before S1 closes, the expression

for the redistribution energy loss in each stage of the charge pump circuit is derived as:

1 𝐶1 𝐶2 𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 1 1 𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 1 1
𝐸𝑟𝑑𝑠 = 𝑇( + ) (2𝑉𝐼𝑁 − 𝑇( + )) (3.8)
2 𝐶1 + 𝐶2 𝑅𝐿 𝐶1 2𝐶2 𝑅𝐿 𝐶1 2𝐶2

Equation (3.8) and the voltage equations shown in Figure 8 are derived in [16]. To obtain the

total energy lost to charge redistribution, (3.8) must be multiplied by 2(N-1) to account for the

number of stages with two parallel phases, where two redistributions occur in each switching

cycle in each stage. The last stage has a large output capacitor (1nF), so the redistribution loss is

negligible compared to the first two stages, hence the (N-1) term. The proposed charge pump

uses 220pF pumping capacitors, so C1 = C2 = 220pF, and has three two-phase stages.

3.1.2. Charging of Parasitic Capacitances

The overall capacitance that will be charged and discharged in each cycle can be

quantified by considering the transistor capacitances and the wire capacitances. The inverter and

logic stages in the ring oscillator circuit, clock dead time generator, and clock power buffers all

have node voltages that switch from 0V to VIN on every clock cycle. Figure 9 shows the

capacitances associated with an inverter stage (an inverter is analyzed because the clock-related

circuitry consists primarily of inverters).

CLKin CLKout

Cwire WN

Figure 9. Capacitances associated with inverter stage

The total parasitic capacitance (CL) for a transistor include the gate-to-body (CGB), gate-

to-drain or gate-to-source overlap capacitance (COL), and the junction capacitance (CJ). CGB

capacitance is dependent on bias voltage, but CGB = CoxWL can be used to determine a worst-

case value, where Cox is the thin oxide capacitance term (F/μm2) [17]. COL can be determined

from the drain/source overlap capacitance term Col (F/μm) as COL = ColW. The drain (output)

junctions of each transistor also contribute to overall capacitance, because in each cycle, the

drain switches from 0V to VIN. The junction capacitance is expressed as CJ = CjWY, where Cj is

the junction area capacitance term (F/μm2) and Y is the effective length of the junction

(measured as 0.58μm for a typical transistor in the proposed circuit). The TowerJazz 0.18μm

SBC13HX process datasheet gives values for thin oxide (Cox), drain/source overlap (Col), and

junction area (Cj) capacitances; these are shown in Table II. The total parasitic capacitance for

each transistor is

𝐶𝐿 = 𝐶𝐺𝐵 + 2𝐶𝑂𝐿 + 𝐶𝐽 = 𝐶𝑜𝑥 𝑊𝐿 + 2𝐶𝑜𝑙 𝑊 + 𝐶𝑗 𝑊𝑌 (3.9)

Each inverter stage has two transistors, so the total parasitic capacitance is the sum of CLn

(NMOS parasitic capacitance) + CLp (PMOS parasitic capacitance).

A simple expression for lumped wire capacitance is

Cwire = Cint Ww Lw (3.10)

where Cint is the wire capacitance to substrate (F/μm2), Ww is the wire width, and Lw is the wire

length [17]. This expression does not account for coupling capacitance to adjacent wires, but is

sufficient because the wires carrying clock signals in the proposed layout are relatively isolated

from other wires. Table 2 shows the SBC13HX datasheet values for Cint for Metal 1 – Metal 6


Table 2. TowerJazz SBC13HX Process Capacitances

Variable Description (from datasheet) Min. Nom. Max. Units

Cox Gate oxide capacitance - thin oxide 8.6 9.5 10.5 fF/μm
Col Gate overlap drain/source 365 395 435 aF/μm
Cj P+/N+ junction area capacitance 800 1000 1200 aF/μm2
Cint,M1 Metal 1 to substrate 27.5 32.6 40.1 aF/μm2
Cint,M2 Metal 2 to substrate 13.3 15.1 17.5 aF/μm2
Cint,M3 Metal 3 to substrate 8.8 9.8 11.1 aF/μm2
Cint,M4 Metal 4 to substrate 6.6 7.3 8.1 aF/μm2
Cint,M5 Metal 5 to substrate 4.4 4.8 5.3 aF/μm2
Cint,M6 Metal 6 to substrate 3.1 3.3 3.5 aF/μm2

The energy provided by the source to charge the parasitic node capacitances in the circuit

for each switching cycle is given in (3.11), where ΣCL and ΣCwire are the total transistor and wire

capacitances connected to a switching node:

1 2
Epar = (∑ CL + ∑ Cwire ) VIN (3.11)

Epar represents the switching loss factor for the charge pump.

The combined wire and transistor parasitic capacitances for the proposed charge pump

circuit are shown in Table 3. The values given in Table 2 are used to calculate the total

capacitance of the transistors and wires from equations (3.9) and (3.10).

Table 3. Total parasitic capacitances of proposed charge pump

Transistor Parasitic Capacitance

Circuit Total transistor width (μm) Total capacitance (pF)
VCO 60.00 0.652
Clock generator 164.0 1.783
Power buffers 19640 213.5
Total transistor capacitance: 216.9 pF

Wire Parasitic Capacitance

Wire type Total wire area (μm2)* Total capacitance (fF)
Metal 1 0 0
Metal 2 875.8 13.22
Metal 3 24240 238.5
Metal 4 1578 11.53
Metal 5 93940 4.791
Metal 6 1582 5.221
Total wire capacitance: 746.6 fF

Total Parasitic Capacitance: 217.6 pF

* Only considering area of wire connected to clock signals

The primary contributor to Epar comes from the transistor capacitance of the large power

buffers in the two-phase clock generator circuits, which are each nearly the size of a single

220pF pumping capacitor in the proposed layout.

3.1.3. Conduction Loss and Reversion Loss

In each pumping cycle, current flows through a charge transfer switch during the

charging phase, and then through a load transfer switch during the pumping phase. The channel

resistance of these switches causes power dissipation (conduction loss), especially at

subthreshold voltages. Additionally, in a cross-coupled charge pump, overlap between pumping

phases can cause high voltage output nodes to be shorted to lower voltage internal nodes, causing

reverse short-circuit current flow (reversion loss). These effects are illustrated in Figure 10.

iC(t) iSCB(t)
vA(t), vB(t)
- + VDSPB -

VA VB iP(t) t t + T/2

iC(t), iSCB(t), iP(t), iSCA(t)

MNA charging
VOUT current
MPB pumping MPA short-circuit
iSCA(t) MNB short-circuit
current current
MPA current



Figure 10. Conduction and reverse currents (only one half-phase shown)

A slight VDS drop exists across the NMOS and PMOS transistors while they conduct

charging or pumping current. This causes a conduction loss of

𝐸𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑 = ∫ 𝑖(𝑡)𝑣𝐷𝑆 (𝑡)𝑑𝑡 (3.12)

in each transistor in each half-switching cycle. The conduction loss occurs regardless of whether

there is overlap between clock periods or not, and is strongly dependent on how high the gate

voltage is above the threshold voltage.

Short-circuit conditions occur when the tail ends of CLKA and CLKB overlap one

another, or when there is insufficient dead-time between pumping phases. If the voltage at

internal node VA is high while VB begins to be boosted by CLKB, current will flow backwards

through the turned-on MNB transistor to VIN. This is illustrated as iSCB(t) in Figure 10. Similarly,

if VA begins to be boosted high while VB is low, MPA will conduct current backwards from VOUT

to VA. The backwards charge flow caused by short-circuit conditions is expressed in (3.13), and

the reversion loss due to the power dissipated in transistors by reverse current is expressed in

𝑄𝑟𝑒𝑣 = ∫ 𝑖𝑠𝑐 (𝑡)𝑑𝑡 (3.13)

𝑇 (3.14)
𝐸𝑟𝑒𝑣 = ∫ 𝑖𝑠𝑐 (𝑡)𝑣𝐷𝑆 (𝑡)𝑑𝑡

The backwards charge flow causes the output voltage to be less than the ideal voltage due to the

loss of charge, but does not contribute significantly to energy loss.

For the numerical analysis at the end of Section 3.2, the values of Econd and Erev are

obtained by integrating the simulated voltage and current waveforms of the transistor switches at

VIN = 500mV, RL = 100kΩ, and T = 500kHz. In this condition, the NMOS transistors each have

Econd = 700.0fJ per cycle and Erev = 629.8aJ per cycle. The PMOS transistors each have Econd =

1.034pJ per cycle and Erev = 12.27fJ per cycle.

3.2. Optimal Pumping Frequency

The efficiency of a charge pump, as with any power converter circuit, can be expressed in

one of the forms given in (3.15).

𝑃𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡

𝜂= = = (3.15)
𝑃𝑖𝑛 𝐸𝑖𝑛 𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 + 𝐸𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠

Eout is a function of the pumping period:

𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 (𝑇) = 𝑃𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑇 = 𝑇 (3.16)

As discussed in Section 2.1, the output voltage for an N-stage charge pump as a function of

pumping period T is,

𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 (𝑇) = (𝑁 + 1)𝑉𝐼𝑁 − 𝑁 (3.17)

(Equation (3.17) has been slightly adjusted from equation (2.2) to represent a cross-coupled two-

phase topology, where VT is not a factor and there are two pumping phases in each period.)

Substituting IL = VOUT/RL into (3.17) and simplifying,

(𝑁 + 1)
𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 (𝑇) = 𝑉𝐼𝑁
𝑁𝑇 (3.18)
(1 + 2𝑅 𝐶 )

Substituting (3.18) into equation (3.16) and simplifying gives a complete expression for output

energy as a function of pumping period:

2 (𝑁
𝑇𝑉𝐼𝑁 + 1)2
𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 (𝑇) =
𝑁𝑇 2 (3.19)
𝑅𝐿 (1 + 2𝑅 𝐶 )

The overall efficiency of the charge pump as a function of pumping period can be

expressed as:

𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 (𝑇) (3.20)

𝜂(𝑇) =
𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 (𝑇) + 𝐸𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 (𝑇)

where Eout(T) and Eloss are defined in (3.19) and (3.1), respectively. Equation (3.20) assumes that

Eloss is relatively independent of the pumping period compared to the Eout term, as T only appears

in the charge distribution portion of Eloss. By taking the derivative of η(T), setting it equal to 0,

and solving for T, the optimal pumping period can be found. However, this results in an

unwieldy equation, so a numerical analysis where η(T) is plotted using component values is

performed instead.

To plot η(T) as a function of T, parameter values are plugged into the Eout(T) and Eloss

terms of (3.20) for VIN = 500mV, RL = 100kΩ, and IOUT = 15μA. Table 4 gives a summary of the

terms and the numerical parameters for the proposed charge pump that are plugged in to

equations (3.19), (3.8), (3.11), and (3.12) and simplified. The table gives perspective to the size

of the various contributions to switching loss. As observed in Section 3.1.3, the reversion loss is

small compared to the conduction loss, so it is considered negligible and is not included in the


Table 4. Eout and Eloss terms for proposed charge pump at VIN = 500mV, RL = 100kΩ

Charge Parasitic
Energy output Conduction
Energy Term redistribution loss capacitance
(Eout) loss (Econd)
(Erds) loss (Epar)
Equation (3.19) (3.8) (3.11) (3.12)
Parameters VIN = 500mV N=3 VIN = 500mV EcondN = 1.034pJ
RL = 100kΩ C1 = C2 = 220pF CL = 216.9pF per PMOS
N=3 VIN = 500mV Cwire = 746.6fF EcondP = 700.0fJ
C = 220pF per NMOS
𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 (𝑇) 𝐸𝑟𝑑𝑠 (𝑇)
output or loss 40𝜇 ∗ 𝑇 𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 𝐸𝑝𝑎𝑟 = 27.20𝑝 𝐸𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑 = 3.468𝑝
per switching = = 𝑇(1 − 22.7𝑘 ∗ 𝑇)
(1 + 68.2𝑘 ∗ 𝑇)2 800𝑘
cycle (J)

The terms in Table 4 are plugged in to equation (3.20) and plotted as a function of

switching period (T) to obtain the graph in Figure 11.

Theoretical Efficiency vs. Pumping Frequency


1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07 1.00E+08
Pumping Frequency (Hz)

Figure 11. Numerical analysis of optimal pumping frequency

The optimal pumping frequency predicted in Figure 11 is 125kHz for a predicted

efficiency of 68.94%. The simulated optimal pumping frequency shown in Figure 2 for VIN =

500mV and RL = 100kΩ is 562kHz for an efficiency of 71%. The theoretical analysis predicts

values that are close to what is seen in simulations. The difference between the theoretical and

simulated optimal frequency is small considering the range of frequencies (1kHz – 100MHz).

Thus, the switching losses discussed in this section are an accurate representation of all the losses

encountered in a charge pump, and optimizing equation (3.20) can be used to get a close estimate

of what the pumping frequency should be designed as for a given circuit. The equations in this

section also indicate that optimal pumping frequency will change with input voltage and loading

condition. This motivates the need for a charge pump with a pumping frequency that adapts to

changes in load to track the optimal frequency as closely as possible.


4.1. Top-level Description

The proposed charge pump implements a load-adaptive pumping frequency scheme to

achieve high-efficiency operation over a wide range of input voltage and output loading

conditions. The charge pump frequency adapts to the size of the load at the output: if the load is

large, the pumping frequency increases to transfer more current to the output, and if the load is

small, the pumping frequency decreases to reduce switching loss while still maintaining the

desired output voltage. The proposed charge pump consists of five subcircuits: the primary

charge pump chain, a three-state auxiliary charge pump, an error amplifier, a voltage controlled

ring oscillator (VCO), and a clock generator with power buffers. For convenience, Figure 3 is

shown again here so it may be referred to in the following description.

IC Primary Charge Pump Chain

V2 Unit
V3 Unit
Charge Charge Charge VOUT
Pump Pump Pump
CIN Voltage
Controlled Ring COUT

CLK Generator and
Power Buffers
VDD 3-stage Auxiliary Charge Pump
GND Amplifier


Figure 12. Block diagram of proposed load-adaptive charge pump (repeated)

Charge is transferred from the input to the output capacitor through a three-stage charge

pump that is driven by large clock buffers. In steady-state operation, VOUT is ideally quadruple

the input voltage, i.e. VOUT ≈ 4*VIN. However, VOUT will vary between VIN to 4*VIN depending

on the load condition and the pumping frequency. The output of the auxiliary charge pump is

also ideally quadruple the input voltage, i.e. VAUX ≈ 4*VIN. VAUX consistently remains close to

4*VIN because the output of the auxiliary charge pump is not connected to a load. Thus, VAUX is

used as a reference voltage that is compared to VOUT. VAUX and VOUT are fed to the error

amplifier, which generates a DC bias voltage (VBIAS) ranging from 0.2*VIN to VIN. The larger the

difference between VAUX and VOUT, the higher VBIAS is. The bias voltage is routed back to the

VCO, whose frequency is linearly dependent on VBIAS when VBIAS is in the range of 0.2*VIN to

VIN. The variable clock frequency generated by the VCO is fed to the CLK generator circuit,

which creates two anti-phase non-overlapping clock signals, CLKA and CLKB, which switch

between 0V and VIN. CLKA and CLKB are driven by large power buffers, these buffers drive

the pumping current for the primary charge pump and the auxiliary charge pump.

When the output load is increased (decreased), the following sequence occurs:

1. VOUT drops (rises) in response to the increased (decreased) load, while VAUX remains


2. VBIAS increases (decreases) due to the increased (decreased) difference between VAUX and


3. CLK frequency increases (decreases) as VBIAS increases (decreases)

4. Increased (decreased) pumping frequency causes more (less) current to be delivered to

the output, increasing (maintaining) VOUT close to the ideal output voltage

The circuit is designed to meet the following specifications:

 Operate over an input voltage range of 300mV < VIN < 800mV

 Produce an output voltage in the range of 1.2*VIN < VOUT < 4*VIN for the following

loading and input voltage conditions:

o RL > 250kΩ for 300mV ≤ VIN < 400mV

o RL > 10kΩ for 400mV ≤ VIN < 600mV

o RL > 1kΩ for 600mV ≤ VIN < 800mV

 Chip area < 1mm2

 No off-chip components or external control signals

4.2. Sub-Block Design and Layout

4.2.1. Voltage Controlled Ring Oscillator

A schematic of the voltage controlled ring oscillator is shown in Figure 13.




COSC = 150fF

Figure 13. VCO with current starvation and startup transistor

The voltage controlled oscillator is implemented using a five stage current-starved ring

oscillator. The oscillation frequency is given in Equation (4.1), where IS is the current through

each stage and N is the number of stages:

𝑓𝑜𝑠𝑐 = (4.1)
2𝑁𝑉𝐼𝑁 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑐

VBIAS sets the current through the bias transistors MP1 and MN1 (IB), which is then

mirrored to the inverter stages as IS. IS, and therefore the oscillation frequency, is directly

proportional to VBIAS. The oscillator is designed such that only nano-amps of current flow in the

bias stage to keep power consumption low. The widths of the PMOS and NMOS transistors have

a ratio of WP/WN = 2/1 to achieve equal rise and fall times for the CLK signal. The circuit is

sensitive to the size of Cosc. Making Cosc too large prevents the oscillator from being able to

generate a fast enough frequency when VIN is low (300 – 350mV). However, making it too small

will cause the CLK frequency to be too fast when VIN is large (700 – 800mV), even when the

current is limited by VBIAS. The size of Cosc is selected as 150fF. The simulated CLK frequencies

produced at VIN = 300mV, 500mV, and 700mV as VBIAS is varied from 100 – 800mV is shown

in Figure 14.

VCO Frequency vs. Bias Voltage


CLK Frequency (kHz)



Vin = 300mV
Vin = 500mV
Vin = 700mV
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Vbias (V)

Figure 14. Simulated VCO frequencies over a range of bias voltages

The startup transistor MPsu connects VBIAS to VIN until VAUX raises high enough to cut the

transistor off. This way, the VCO runs at full speed when power is initially applied to the circuit,

and VOUT reaches steady state much more quickly.

Figure 15. Voltage controlled ring oscillator layout

The layout of the voltage controlled ring oscillator is shown in Figure 15. The last two

stages of the oscillator are folded backwards so the layout can be compact. The circuit is

surrounded by a triple PTAP guard ring and a triple NTAP guard ring to prevent latchup

conditions and to reduce the amount of switching noise that is coupled on to the substrate.

4.2.2. Clock Generator and Pump Drivers

The two-phase clock generator circuit with pump drivers is shown in Figure 16.

Delay Driver
CLK WP = 4800u
WN = 4000u

WP = 4800u
WN = 4000u CLKB


Figure 16. Two-phase clock generator circuit

The two-phase clock generating circuit is implemented using a cross-coupled RS flip-flop

circuit with large output buffers to drive the pumping current. The 50% duty cycle CLK input

signal is used to generate the two time-aligned, anti-phase CLKA and CLKB signals with non-

overlapping dead time. The two phases are laid out symmetrically so that the skew between

CLKA and CLKB is minimized.

The delay buffers are implemented as two back-to-back inverters with a delay capacitor

attached to the gate of the second inverter. The length of the non-overlapping time can be

adjusted by increasing or decreasing the size of the capacitor. The delay must be carefully

selected: if the dead time is too short, reverse short-circuit current will occur in the charge pump,

but if the dead time is too long, current transfer in each pumping cycle will be limited. The dead

time caused by this delay cell is checked over Slow, Nominal, and Fast corner simulations and

over a temperature range of -40°C to 85°C to verify that the dead time is adequate over all

temperature and process corners.

The pump driver consists of four back-to-back inverters, where the size of the transistors

increases over each stage to optimize drive strength and delay. The first inverter has WP/WN =

20μ/15μ, the second inverter has WP/WN = 50μ/35μ, the third inverter has WP/WN = 600μ/300μ,

and the output inverter has WP/WN = 4800μ/4000μ. These sizes were selected via iterative

simulations to obtain the best square wave output over a range of input voltages.

Figure 17. Two-phase clock generator circuit layout

The layout of the clock generator circuit is shown in Figure 17. The PMOS power buffers

are laid out in small cells with a gate width of 6μm and 10 fingers for a total width of 60μm per

cell, while the NMOS cells have a gate width of 5μm and 10 fingers for a total width of 50μm

per cell. Each individual cell has a P-TAP and N-TAP double guard ring, and each group of ten

cells has a triple P-TAP and triple N-TAP guard ring. The source and drains are connected

through upper metal layers so that wire resistance can be minimized.

4.2.3. Primary Charge Pump Cell

The primary charge pump chain consists of three back-to-back unit charge pump circuits

shown in Figure 18.

Deep N-well

All W = 35um VIN

MPB VB T1 T2 T1 T2






Figure 18. Primary charge pump unit cell

During the charging interval T1, CLKA is 0V, MNA has VGS = VIN and is turned on, and

charge flows from VIN into CA, charging VA to VIN. MPA has VGS = 0V and is turned off, so

charge is unable to flow backwards from VOUT to VA. During the pumping interval T2, CLKA

switches to VIN, MNA has VGS = 0V and is turned off, so charge is unable to flow backwards from

VA to VIN. MPA has VGS = -VIN and is turned on, so charge flows from the boosted VA node to the

output node. Thus, in each switching cycle, charge is pumped from the input to the output. The

same process occurs with VB, but in opposite phase with VA.

The process described above works well when VIN is greater than the threshold voltage of

the transistors. However, as VIN decreases below VT, the transistors operate in the subthreshold

region, causing significant conduction loss. To reduce the conduction loss and lower the

minimum operating input voltage, the transistor bodies can be biased to reduce their threshold

voltage, which increases their current drivability and transient response [18]. The NMOS

threshold voltage varies with the bulk-source voltage per equation (4.2):

𝑉𝑇𝑁 = 𝑉𝑇0 + 𝛾 (√|2𝜙𝐹 + 𝑉𝑆𝐵 | − √|2𝜙𝐹 |) (4.2)

where VT0 is the unbiased threshold voltage (at VSB = 0), γ is the bulk threshold parameter, ϕF is

the strong inversion surface potential, and VSB is the source-to-bulk voltage of the transistor. To

achieve transistor biasing, the bodies of MNA and MNB are tied to their drains in deep N-well.

During interval T1, MNA has VSB = 0, so VTN = VT0 and conductance while MNA is turned on is

improved. During interval T2 when MNA is turned off, VSB = -VIN, so VT is lowered, causing the

reverse leakage current to be slightly increased. However, the reverse leakage current is

negligible even with the decreased VT. If the NMOS bodies are tied to their source, VSB = 0 and

VTN = VT0 during every phase of the switching cycle. However, during the pumping phase when

VA = 2VIN, the body voltage is higher than the drain voltage, and current flows through the

forward biased body-to-drain p-n junction, causing significant charge loss. Thus, the bodies are

connected to the drain to minimize threshold voltage during the on phase while preventing

reverse current from flowing through the body during the off phase.

The size of pumping capacitors CA and CB should be as large as possible while still being

able to fit in the allocated silicon area. As seen in equations (2.2) and (2.3), the larger the

pumping capacitors are, the more load current the charge pump can provide, and the lower the

pumping frequency needs to be to maintain the output voltage. Thus, larger pump capacitors will

increase charge pump power throughput and efficiency. For the proposed charge pump, the

pumping capacitors are selected to be 220pF each using the design equations in [15].

Figure 19. Primary charge pump layout

The layout of the primary charge pump is shown in Figure 19. Each of the 220pF

capacitors are implemented using four 50x50μm three-layer MIMCAPs. The 50x50μm

dimensioning is chosen to avoid stress DRC errors for large metal planes. The primary charge

pump is the largest sub-block, occupying a 786x526μm area in the final layout. VOUT is routed

over Metal 3 to the N-TAP guard rings that bias the deep N-wells used for the NMOS transistors.

4.2.4. Auxiliary Charge Pump

The auxiliary charge pump is shown in Figure 20.


Vin Vaux


Deep N-well
All pump caps: 9pf MIMCAP

Figure 20. Auxiliary charge pump circuit

The design is based off a previously published Washington State University paper for a

quick-startup, low input voltage charge pump [18]. The three-stage, cross-coupled auxiliary

charge pump is essentially a smaller version of the primary charge pump. None of the power

consumed by this circuit is transferred to the output, so it is designed to be low-power as

possible. Component sizes are kept small for low-power operation, because the auxiliary charge

pump does not need to provide high throughput power. The NMOS transistors bodies are

connected to the drain in deep N-well to improve conduction, as discussed in Section 4.2.3 for

the primary charge pump. The output of the charge pump is only loaded by the error amplifier

circuit, so the output voltage is typically close to the ideal voltage, VAUX = 4*VIN.

This method of using an auxiliary charge pump to generate a high reference voltage was

selected over using a bandgap or other type of low reference voltage component as is done in

[14]. The primary reason for this is to prevent having to divide down the output voltage using a

power-consuming voltage divider. A resistive voltage divider circuit would add to the load at the

output of the primary charge pump, which can see loads as light as 1MΩ. Thus, the voltage

divider resistors would need to be much greater than 1MΩ to avoid affecting circuit

performance. Also, reference voltage generators can consume microwatts of power, while the

auxiliary charge pump consumes power only in the hundreds of nanowatts.

Figure 21. Auxiliary charge pump layout

The layout of the auxiliary charge pump is shown in Figure 21. The flying capacitors are

implemented using high-density three-layer MIMCAPs. The output voltage VAUX is routed over

Metal 2 to the N-TAP guard rings that bias the deep N-wells used for the NMOS transistors. The

CLKA and CLKB Metal 5 wire widths are 20μm wide, a discussion on how this wire width was

selected is given in Section 5.1. The positioning of the output capacitor allows this circuit to fit

compactly next to the output amplifier circuit in the top-level layout.

4.2.5. Output Error Amplifier

The output error amplifier is shown in Figure 22.


WP1/LP1 = 0.5u/45u

VOUT WP2/LP2 = 10u/0.3u


Figure 22. Output error amplifier

The error amplifier is a common-source amplifier with a long-channel PMOS (MP1) used

for source degeneration and a diode-connected NMOS (MN1) as the load. The resistance of MP1

will vary depending on the source, drain, and body voltages, but in general, it can be assumed to

be a relatively large fixed resistance (RP) for a given bias condition. The diode is used to increase

the linearity of the amplifier and to prevent VBIAS from decreasing below a diode drop. The

value of VBIAS can be determined by finding the value of ID in equation (4.3) and substituting it

in to equation (4.4), where vd = VBIAS, Vt is the diode thermal voltage, and IS is the diode

saturation current.

1 𝑊𝑃2
𝐼𝐷 = 𝐾𝑃 ′ (𝑉 − |𝑉𝑇𝑃 |)2 (4.3)
2 𝐿𝑃2 𝑆𝐺

𝑣𝑑 = 𝑛𝑉𝑡 ln ( + 1) (4.4)

If VAUX is fixed and VOUT decreases, VBIAS increases. As VOUT decreases, more bias

current flows through the amplifier, which puts more load on the auxiliary charge pump and

decreases VAUX slightly. However, the decrease in VAUX is not large enough to significantly

affect the value of VBIAS. RF and CF are used to smooth the response of VOUT when the load

changes suddenly.

VBIAS is a very critical node in the proposed charge pump circuit, as it directly sets the

pumping frequency, and therefore the throughput power, output voltage, and efficiency. Ideally,

at VIN = 500mV and when the charge pump output load switches from 1MΩ to 100kΩ to 10kΩ,

VBIAS should increase from a minimal (about 150mV) to a medium (about 250mV) to a

maximum (about 500mV) voltage. With these bias voltages fed to the VCO, the pumping

frequency is 33.6kHz, 369kHz, and 7.78MHz, respectively (see Figure 14). Thus, the ideal load-

adaptive performance would be obtained, where frequency is low at light loads and fast at heavy


This is achieved using the P+/N diode D1. The minimal VBIAS voltage occurs when VOUT

is near VAUX, causing MP2 to be cut off such that very little current flows through the amplifier

and VBIAS is set by the diode threshold voltage of D1. The minimal VBIAS voltage should be low

enough that the pumping frequency is in the tens of kilohertz range at light loads. If the minimal

VBIAS voltage is too high, the pumping frequency becomes higher than it needs to be, and high

efficiency operation at light loads is not achieved. The diode voltage, and therefore the minimal

VBIAS voltage, can be lowered by increasing the size of the diode, which increases the IS

(saturation current) term in equation (4.4) [19]. As the output load increases, VOUT drops and

more current flows through the diode, so VBIAS increases in accordance with Equation (4.4). At

very heavy loads (when VOUT is much lower than VAUX), the increase in current through diode

does not cause much increase in diode voltage, so VBIAS saturates.

VIN = 500mV
T = 27C
T = 85C
T= -40C
VBias (V)





0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Vout (V)

Figure 23. Range of error amplifier output voltages

The simulated value of Vbias when VAUX = 1.9V and VOUT ranges from 0 – 2V

(corresponding with an input voltage of VIN = 500mV) is shown in Figure 23. At 27°C, VBIAS

ranges from 209.1 – 509.1mV, which corresponds with a pumping frequency range of 61.6kHz –


Figure 24. Output error amplifier layout

The layout of the error amplifier is shown in Figure 24. A 50x50μm diode is used for D1.

The size of D1 is chosen using incremental simulations to achieve the optimal minimum VBIAS

voltage that corresponds to the highest efficiency at light load conditions. Additional P-TAP

guard rings are used around the circuit, because it is an analog circuit that must be decoupled

from digital switching noise.


5.1. Top-level Layout Description

The proposed charge pump topology is implemented in the TowerJazz SBC13HX

0.18μm technology process. The Cadence Layout XL tool is used to create the circuit layout and

perform design rule checks (DRC), layout-versus-schematic (LVS), and parasitic extraction

(PEX). The top-level layout is shown in Figure 25, where the individual sub-blocks are indicated

by red outlines.

Figure 25. Top-level charge pump layout

The overall layout area (not including the test pads) is 1.066mm2. The individual sub-

blocks are arranged to fit together as compactly as possible. The circuit floor plan minimizes

routing between sub-blocks for high-current traces, so resistive wire loss is reduced. VIN and

VSS are distributed throughout the circuit over 25μm wide Metal 6 wire from the test pad. Input

capacitance of 400pF is used near the VIN and VSS pads to provide power supply decoupling and

bulk charge storage for the circuit. 1100pF of output capacitance is selected using the design

equations in [15] to meet the voltage ripple specification (Vripple,pp < 0.1*VOUT), even at low

pumping frequencies. The output capacitors and one of the input capacitors are implemented

using a maximum-density custom capacitor cell, which has a three-layer 63x140μm MIMCAP

over an equivalent area of MOSCAPs. The capacitor cell achieves a capacitive density of

approximately 8.65fF/μm2.

The CLKA and CLKB pumping signals are routed from the pump drivers to the primary

and auxiliary charge pumps over Metal 5 wire. The resistance and capacitance of the CLKA and

CLKB wires directly decrease the charge pumps efficiency, because a large amount of current

flows through them and they switch from 0V to VIN every clock cycle. Per the SBC13HX

datasheet, Metal 5 wire has a nominal sheet resistance of 18mΩ/square and a capacitance to

substrate of 4.8aF/μm2. The capacitive term is much smaller than the resistive term and does not

contribute to energy loss or wire delay, so the capacitive energy loss caused by increasing the

wire width is less than the prevented resistive energy loss. Thus, the CLKA and CLKB Metal 5

wire widths are selected as 20μm, which reduces resistive loss without using too much layout


The P-substrate is connected to a Metal 1 grid (the blue squares shown in Figure 25),

which is connected by interleaved Metal 2 wires (not shown in the figure). The Metal 1 – Metal

2 mesh is connected to VSS at the GND pad, but nowhere else. This way, the P-substrate is tied

firmly to ground. The Metal 1 P-TAP guard rings are only connected to VSS through the

distributed Metal 6 VSS wire, not through the substrate grid. With this setup, the amount of

switching noise that couples from the substrate to the guard ring protected circuits is reduced.

A PPPG-type test pad is used for the VIN and VSS inputs in the upper left corner, while a

PPPP-type test pad is used for the CLK, VBIAS, VAUX, and VOUT connections. The CLK, VBIAS,

and VAUX signals provide useful insight to the operating condition of the charge pump, so they

are routed to test pads even though they are not external signals. The PPPG test pad is useful for

the power inputs, because each P pad has 0.1μF of capacitance to the G pad, so additional power

supply decoupling is provided. However, these pads would be unsuitable for the other internal

nodes CLK and VBIAS, because 0.1μF would add too much loading to the circuits, so PPPP pads

are used.

5.2. Post-layout Simulation Results

The charge pump circuit is simulated over a range of input voltages and a range of load

resistors at the output. The simulations are performed using post-layout extractions of coupling

capacitances (C+CC), which are obtained using the PEX tool in the Virutoso Layout XL

software. To test the load-adaptive functionality, a test bench circuit is used that increases the

load by a factor of ten halfway through the simulation by connecting an additional resistor in

parallel with the output resistor to decrease the overall load resistance, as shown in Figure 26.

VIN Load-adaptive
Charge Pump
VIN RL 0.111*RL

Figure 26. Charge pump simulation test bench

A plot of the load-adaptive response for the case where VIN = 500mV and RL switches

from 500kΩ to 50kΩ is shown in Figure 27.

Figure 27. Load-adaptive response

The steady-state voltages when RL = 500kΩ are VAUX = 1.91V, VOUT = 1.74V, and VBIAS

= 248mV, and the pumping frequency is 118kHz. The low pumping frequency allows VOUT to be

kept at a high voltage while avoiding excess switching loss. When the load increases to RL =

50kΩ, the circuit adjusts to a new steady state (the perturbation in the output voltage is caused by

the instantaneous increase in load, which is unrealistic for a real-world scenario). At the new

steady-state, VAUX = 1.93V, VOUT = 1.59V, and VBIAS = 332mV, while the pumping frequency is

739kHz. The circuit adapts to the change in load and increases the pumping frequency to provide

more current to the output, maintaining the output voltage. In both cases, the efficiency remains

above 60%. Table 5 shows simulated pumping frequency, output voltage, output ripple, voltage

conversion efficiency, output power, and efficiency for various input voltages as the output load


Table 5. Post-layout simulation results over input voltage and loading conditions


RL (Ω) VOUT (V) VCE Efficiency
(mV) (Hz) (mV) (μW)
5M 13.62 K 0.3076 0.6202 38.45% 0.01892 16.97%
20 M 10.22 K 0.6409 0.5059 80.11% 0.02054 27.07%

5M 31.74 K 0.7998 0.6577 79.98% 0.1279 35.39%

20 M 9.384 K 0.9427 1.346 94.27% 0.4443 37.03%

250 K 150.8 K 0.3412 1.243 28.43% 0.4657 16.03%

500 K 150.2 K 0.5560 3.281 46.33% 0.6183 23.82%
300 1M 122.1 K 0.8396 0.8700 69.97% 0.7049 34.53%
2M 52.74 K 1.035 1.540 86.25% 0.5356 49.10%
4M 53.02 K 1.120 1.000 93.33% 0.3136 38.50%

100 K 1.104 M 1.073 1.276 67.06% 11.52 34.40%

250 K 337.4 K 1.398 9.480 87.38% 7.818 55.70%
400 500 K 186.6 K 1.504 1.800 94.00% 4.524 45.17%
1M 157.0 K 1.524 2.909 95.25% 2.323 46.98%
2M 133.0 K 1.553 3.430 97.06% 1.206 35.05%

10 K 5.861 M 0.9847 2.143 49.24% 97.06 29.21%

50K 738.7 K 1.588 10.39 79.40% 50.43 61.81%
100 K 329.7 K 1.627 12.67 81.35% 26.50 64.56%
200 K 178.4 K 1.676 19.24 83.80% 14.04 64.84%
500 K 117.6 K 1.791 18.69 89.55% 6.415 60.84%
1M 47.49 K 1.748 23.79 87.40% 3.056 60.56%

10 K 4.541 M 1.850 6.760 77.08% 342.6 56.87%

600 100 K 310.8 K 1.996 19.41 83.17% 39.88 64.46%
1M 223.0 K 2.310 20.70 96.25% 5.336 34.21%

1K 24.57 M 0.901 3.992 32.17% 811.3 22.24%

700 10 K 3.382 M 2.250 13.80 80.36% 506.8 63.17%
100 K 326.0 K 2.317 39.42 82.75% 53.73 62.46%

1K 29.63 M 1.354 4.191 42.31% 1833 29.85%

800 10 K 2.753 M 2.536 23.73 79.25% 643.1 64.01%
100 K 2.108 M 3.083 13.09 96.34% 95.05 37.23%

The charge pump achieves good efficiency and output voltage over a range of loading

conditions and input voltages, and also has a high throughput power. The minimum operating

voltage is 200 mV, where the charge pump is able to achieve at least 50% VCE in a loadless

condition. The load condtions for VIN = 200mV and VIN = 250mV are only checked to verify

sufficient operation at low input voltages, so they are tested with very light loading. A peak

efficiency of 64.84% occurs at VIN = 500mV and RL = 200kΩ, and above 60% efficiency is

maintained over the range of RL = 50kΩ to 1MΩ. The adaptive pumping frequency works as

expected: as the load increases, pumping frequency increases and the voltage conversion

efficiency is maintained. Also, the pumping frequency is prevented from being too high at high

input voltages as was observed in Section 1.2.

However, several limitations are observed. At extremely light loading conditions, the bias

voltage is not able to drop below the diode threshold voltage, so pumping frequency does not go

low enough to keep switching loss minimal relative to the output power, and efficiency suffers.

Also, at higher input voltages (700mV, 800mV) the pumping frequency remains high due to the

nature of the VCO, so efficiency is degraded at light loads. It is still an improvement over a free-

running topology, where the pumping frequency would be above 60MHz over all loading

conditions at high voltages. At heavy loading conditions and low input voltages, the conduction

losses in the FETs limit throughput power and degrade efficiency. However, positive voltage

conversion ratios are still achieved at heavy loads.

The model libraries provided with the TowerJazz PDK include statistical models for

component parameter variation over process and temperature. These are used to simulate the

charge pump at VIN = 500mV over a temperature range of -40°C to 85°C and at Fast-Slow

process corners to verify its tolerance to temperature- and process-dependent component

parameters. The output error amplifier sub-block is the most sensitive to temperature changes

because it uses a p-n diode to set the minimum bias voltage, and diode threshold voltages are

exponentially dependent on temperature. The VCO and clock generator circuits are sensitive to

shifting process parameters, because the increased or decreased drive strength caused by process

variation heavily affects the timing of the oscillator stages and the dead-time generating blocks.

The results are shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Performance over temperature and process corners

Temperature Extremes (-40°C and 85°C)

Vin (mV) Temperature RL (Ω) Freq. (Hz) Vout (V) Efficiency Vbias
(°C) (mV)
100 K 570.9 K 1.625 57.47% 395.2
1M 278.4 K 1.946 34.79% 365.7
100 K 247.9 K 1.561 62.74% 215.7
1M 24.31 K 1.567 53.17% 117.6

Process Corners (Fast and Slow)

Vin (mV) Corner RL (Ω) Freq. (Hz) Vout (V) Efficiency Ave.
time (ns)
100 K 652.4 K 1.775 57.86% 14.44
1M 222.1 K 1.913 31.7% 24.19
100 K 392.5 K 1.353 50.44% 62.23
1M 21.15 K 1.525 62.17% 34.41

The diode threshold voltage is higher at -40°C than at room temperature, so VBIAS is

higher and pumping frequency is faster. Thus, efficiency is degraded at light loads compared to

nominal operation. Similarly, the diode voltage is lower at 85°C, so VBIAS is lower and pumping

frequency is slower. Voltage conversion efficiency suffers, but power efficiency remains

relatively unchanged. At the Fast process corner, where the critical dimensions of polysilicon

gates are smaller and therefore offer less resistance and fast switching speed, the VCO generates

a higher pumping frequency and dead-time is decreased. The dead-time remains high enough to

prevent reversion loss, but the higher pumping frequency degrades efficiency at light loading.

Conversely, at the slow process corner, the slow switching speed causes decreased pumping

frequency and longer dead-time. This causes the output voltage to be lower than nominal, but

does not significantly affect efficiency.

5.3. Performance Comparison to State-of-the-Art Charge Pumps

Various state-of-the-art energy harvesting charge pumps have been published that address

the challenges of subthreshold operation and switching loss. There are a wide variety of

applications for energy harvesting charge pumps, so many different input voltage and output load

specifications exist. Charge pumps with similar voltage ranges and performance requirements to

the charge pump proposed in this thesis have been selected for comparison. A performance

comparison table is presented in Table 7.

Table 7. State-of-the-art performance comparison

Parameter Kim Shih Mondal* Abdelaziz* This work*

[13] [14] [20] [11]
Process 0.13-μm 0.13-μm 0.18-μm 0.25-μm 0.18-μm
Silicon area 0.66mm2 0.42mm2 0.48mm2 N/A 1.07mm2
External 6x 10nF None None None None
components pump caps
Num. stages 3 3 1 6 3
Pumping 10nF 25pF 195pF 25pF 220pF
VIN range (V) 0.15 – 0.5 0.27 – 0.48 0.39 – 0.43 0.3 – 0.8 0.2 – 0.8V
VOUT range 0.6 – 2 1.6 (max) 1.0 3.0 – 9.0 0.5 – 3.2
(V) 1.4 (reg.)
Optimal load 0 – 0.61mW 1.4 – 11.3uW 0.6 – 1.1mW 3 – 11uW 0.3uW –
range 1.8mW
Switch. Freq. 250kHz 800kHz 17 – 23 MHz 1 MHz 10kHz –
Max. 72.5% @ 65% @ 70% @ 66.39% @ 64.84% @
Efficiency VIN = 0.45V VIN = 0.45V VIN = 0.39V VIN = 0.3V VIN = 0.5V
Pros High Pout, Regulated High Wide VIN Wide VIN
High VOUT, efficiency, range, range,
efficiency, Low area Low area, High Wide load
Low VIN High Pout efficiency at range,
low VIN High Pout
Cons Off-chip Low Pout, Narrow VIN Low Pout High area
components Narrow VIN range
* Simulated results only

A comparison of efficiency vs. output load is shown in Figure 27. The proposed charge

pump maintains a high efficiency over a wide loading range than [11] or [14].

Figure 28. Comparison of efficiency vs. output loading for state-of-the-art

5.4. Conclusion

The proposed load-adaptive charge pump achieves the objective of maintaining high

efficiency over a wide range of loading conditions and input voltages by adjusting the rate of the

pumping frequency to the size of the output load. It is laid out in a TowerJazz SBC13HX 0.18μm

process and simulated using layout extraction data. The circuit has an operating voltage range of

0.2 – 0.8V and responds to changes in load that are two orders of magnitude between heavy and

light loading conditions. It achieves peak efficiencies above 60% and improves efficiency at light

loads compared to fixed-frequency charge pumps. It is believed to be the first circuit to

implement load-adaptive functionality by comparing the output voltage to a self-generated

reference voltage and using the resulting bias voltage to control pumping frequency. Its

performance over a wide range of conditions makes it a flexible voltage upconverter for a variety

of energy harvesting sources and system applications.

While the charge pump has good performance over a wide range of loads, the efficiency

suffers at extremely light and extremely heavy loads. Also, as the input voltage increases, the

range of loads where peak efficiency can be achieved begins to narrow. With additional

investigation, high efficiency performance could potentially be extended further into extremely

light loading conditions with the use of a more linear output error amplifier that has an output

voltage range of 0 to VIN. Other unique charge pump topologies such as nested and tree

topologies [20] may provide room for improved power throughput and efficiency at subthreshold

input voltages.

Energy harvesting is becoming a promising option for powering new IoT technologies,

WSN nodes, and biometric sensor devices. The need for high-efficiency and compact DC-DC

converters that can operate at low voltages to power these devices is growing prominent. Future

research in charge pump technology will be focused on finding techniques to drive down the

minimal input voltage and increase throughput power in subthreshold operation. Energy

harvesting voltage upconverters such as charge pumps will be a critical component in

development and application of microscale wireless technologies.


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