Effects of Concrete Grades On Strength Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Slender Beams Olanitori, LM Gbadamosi, Ia

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PRINT ISSN 1119-8362

Electronic ISSN 1119-8362 https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jasem Vol. 23 (5) 847-850 May 2019

Effects of Concrete Grades on Strength Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Slender

Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria.
*Corresponding Author Email: lekanolanitori@gmail.com; akindeji1759@gmail.com

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of experimental study on the effects of concrete grades on strength
characteristics of reinforced concrete slender beams. The materials used for the concrete were sand, crushed granite,
stone dust, cement and water. Concrete mix ratios of 1:2:4 and 1:3:6 by weight with water-cement ratio of 0.6 was
used. Four (4) reinforced concrete slender beams were cast, which were loaded with a point load at the beam centre.
The results of the work show that, with decrease in concrete grade, there was corresponding decrease in ultimate load
and shear capacity. For a drop of 16.67%, 38.67% and 62% in concrete grade there were corresponding decrease in
the strength characteristics of beams by about 10.5%, 21.79% and 32.75% respectively. Therefore, decrease in
concrete grade does not have the same percentage decrease in the strength characteristics of beams. Also, the mode
of failure of reinforced concrete beams, depends not only on the ratio of the span to height of beam and the percentage
area of reinforcement provided, but also on the concrete grade.

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jasem.v23i5.12

Copyright: Copyright © 2019 Olanitori and Gbadamosi. This is an open access article distributed under the
Creative Commons Attribution License (CCL), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Dates: Received: 27 April 2019; Revised: 17 May 2019; Accepted 21 May 2019

Keywords: Concrete grades, slender beam, compressive strength, ultimate load, shear capacity

Concrete is one of the major construction material (2001). However, the quality of concrete produced
being used worldwide. Its great advantage is that as a depends on the quality of its constituent materials
man-made material, it can be poured into moulds of and their mix ratios; the higher the percentage of
any shape where it sets, thus removing the necessity to clay/silt content of sand, the lower the characteristic
form the material by carving, as is the case with stone. strength (Olanitori and Olotuah , 2005). Olanitori L.M.
A further advantage is that its properties may be (2012), determined the cost implication of mitigating
tailored to a considerable degree to meet different the effect of clay/silt content of sand using
situations, (Olanitori and Olotuah 2005). As from mathematical models. There is strong evidence that
1970’s, considerable improvement has taken place in aggregate type is a factor in the strength of concrete.
the understanding of structural concrete and has been Ezeldin and Aitcin (1991) compared concretes with
incorporated in the revised codes of practice. The the same mix proportions containing four different
British Standard CP110 (1972), has superseded the coarse aggregate types. They concluded that, in high-
British Standard Codes of Practice CP114 (1957), for strength concretes, higher strength coarse aggregates
reinforced concrete. Similarly, in America the ACI typically yield higher compressive strengths, while in
Standard ACI 318-71 (1971) has replaced the previous normal-strength concretes, coarse aggregate strength
standard ACI 318-63 (1963). The major aspects of has little effect on compressive strength. Other
the revised codes is the limit state approach for research has compared the effects of limestone and
designing reinforced concrete structures and the basalt on the compressive strength of high-strength
separation of methods of concrete mix design concrete, Giaccio et al. (1992). Tests by Zhou et al.
procedures from that of concrete design considerations (1995) show that compressive strength increases with
(Olanitori, 2013). The basic ingredients of concrete an increase in coarse aggregate size. However, most
are: gravel (usually stone in the range of 5-20 mm), other studies disagree.
sand, cement and water. The cement is the only
industrially produced ingredient and is used in Pawar et al (2016), studied the effects of gradation of
relatively small quantities compared with the sand and aggregates on properties of concrete and concluded
gravel (typically about 15% by weight of the that fine aggregate gradation has more detrimental
concrete). This makes concrete a cheap construction effect on concrete properties than coarse aggregate
material compared with steel Narayanan and Beely gradations. In their work, Albarwary et al (2017), on
*Corresponding Author Email: lekanolanitori@gmail.com
Effects of Concrete Grades on Strength Characteristics….. 848

the effect of aggregate maximum size upon ratio of the beam loaded at the centre with a point load
compressive strength of concrete, concluded that, in was 3.8. Each of the beams was reinforced at the top
general the compressive strength of concrete increases and bottom with 2Y12 mm bars, with shear
when the maximum size of aggregate decreases and reinforcement of Y8 bars at 100 mm centres. The
the maximum aggregate size strongly influences the cross-sectional dimension of the beams was 100 mm x
concrete strength. Also, the test results also show that 150 mm with overall length of 1000 mm.
the optimum concrete strength is reached by using
aggregates of 9.5mm maximum size. Petrounias et al Table 1: Proportion of Material for Beam Concrete Mixes
(2018) deduced from their study that, mineralogy and
microstructure of the coarse aggregates affected the
final strength of the concrete specimens. Tunio et al
(2019) noted that coarse aggregate gradation, cement-
aggregate proportion and w/c ratio significantly affect
the compressive strength of no fines concrete.
Reinforced concrete beams can fail by bending, by
shearing or by flexural-shearing mode of failures.
Olanitori and Afolayan (2014) noted that, most
The load was applied at a steady rate on the beam until
reinforced concrete structures failed by shearing, and
failure occurred. The readings for the collapsed load
this is because there exist discrepancies between
of the beams were taken, with the beam displacements.
estimated shear capacity based on equations from the
The flexural and shear strengths of the beams were
codes and, the actual shear capacity and concluded that
determined from the readings taken. The flexural tests
more research work should be conducted on models
carried out on the beams were in accordance with BS
that can predict the shear capacity of reinforced
EN 12390-5 (2009).
concrete beams more accurately. Olanitori and
Olotuah (2005), noted in their study, that targeted
concrete strength may not be achieved due to the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
silt/clay content in the fine aggregate. The danger of The beams were subjected to a point load at the beam
not achieving the recommended strength of concrete centre, until the beam failure occurred. Results of the
by consultant structural engineer during construction, flexural tests are presented in Table 2. The bending
is that the structure built from such concrete with stress of the beams was calculated using Equation 1.
reduced compressive strength will have their structural
integrity compromised, and may not be able to carry 3
= 1
its intended load, which might ultimately lead to its 2
collapse. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to
investigate the effects of concrete grades on strength Where: P = the ultimate load, L = beam span, b = beam
characteristics of reinforced slender beams. width and d = effective depth of beam = 131 mm.

From Table 2, beams B1, B2, B3, and B4 were loaded

MATERIALS AND METHODS with a point load at the centre and failed under 40.03
The materials used for the production of concrete for
kN, 46.55 kN, 53.01 kN and 59.52 kN loads
this research work were Ordinary Portland cement of
respectively. The shear forces at failure were 20.02
grade 32.5, fine aggregates, stone dust, crushed granite
kN, 23.28 kN, 26.51 kN and 29.76 kN while the
of 20 mm maximum size and portable water. The basic
displacements at failure were 15.67 mm, 20.58 mm,
material tests were done according to British standards
24.97 mm, and 28.70 mm for beams B1, B2, B3 and
(BS 882, 1992; BS 812, 1985 and BS 1881, 1983). The
B4 respectively. These results indicated that the
yield strength of reinforcing bar used, was 370 N/mm2.
displacements depend not only the percentage area of
The proportions of materials for beam concrete mixes
reinforcements provided, but also on the beam
are given in table 1.
concrete grades. From Table 3, for beam B1 with 5.7
concrete grade, the ultimate load at failure was 40.03
Four (4) reinforced concrete slender beams were cast
kN, while for beams B2, B3 and B4 with concrete
from concrete grades of 5.7 N/mm2, 9.2 N/mm2, 12.5
grades of 9.2, 12.5 and 15 failed at the ultimate loads
N/mm2 and 15 N/mm2 respectively. The beams were
of 46.55 kN, 53.27 kN and 59.52 kN respectively. This
loaded with a point load at the beam centre using
shows that as concrete grade increases, the ultimate
universal testing machine. The shear span to depth
load increases.
Effects of Concrete Grades on Strength Characteristics….. 849

Table 2: Results of flexural test on Beams

Beam Weight Position Concrete grades Load at Bending Strength Shear Displacement
No (kg) of Load (N/mm2) Failure (kN) (N/mm2) Force (kN) (mm)
B1 43.60 At center 5.7 40.03 26.24 20.02 15.67
B2 42.70 At center 9.2 46.55 30.52 23.28 20.58
B3 44.00 At center 12.5 53.01 34.75 26.76 24.97
B4 44.90 At center 15 59.52 39.02 29.76 28.70

Table 3: The effect of Concrete grade on strength characteristics of the Experimental beams
Beam Concrete PAUL (kN) VAUS (kN)
type grade (N/mm2)
B1 5.7 40.03 20.02 26.24
B2 9.2 46.55 23.28 30.52
B3 12.5 53.27 26.64 34.75
B4 15 59.52 29.76 39.02

From Table 4, for 16.67%, 38.67% and 62.00% drop respectively. Therefore, decrease in concrete grade
in concrete grades, there were 10.50%, 21.79% and does not have the same percentage decrease in the
32.75% corresponding drop in the ultimate loads and strength characteristics of beams. Hence strength
shear capacities of the beams respectively. The ratio of characteristics of reinforced concrete beams will be
percentage drop of strength characteristic (i.e. PAUL, reduced by 53% to 63% of the percentage decrease of
VAUS and σABS) of beams B1, B2 and B3 when concrete grade.
compared with that of B4 were 0.53, 0.56 and 0.63

Table 4: The Effect of Percentage Drop in Concrete Grade on Strength Characteristics of the Experimental beams
% Drop in % Drop % Drop % Drop in % Drop
Concrete in PAUL in VAUS σABS in
Grade (kN) (kN) (kNm) SSC/%CG
62.00 32.75 32.73 32.75 0.53
38.67 21.79 21.77 21.78 0.56
16.67 10.50 10.48 10.50 0.63
0.00 00.00 0.00 0.00 -

Figure 1 shows the mode of failures of beam B1. For Conclusion: With decrease in concrete grade, there is
beam B1 with concrete grade of 5.7 and deflection corresponding decrease in the ultimate load and shear
15.67 mm at the ultimate load 40.03 kN, failed by capacity of reinforced concrete beams. Decrease in
shearing at the support. From Figure 2, beam B2 with concrete grade does not have the same percentage
concrete grade of 9.2, failed by bending at a load of decrease in the strength characteristics of beams.
46.55 kN, and 20.58 mm deflection. Figure 3 gives Strength characteristics of reinforced concrete beams
mode of failure of beam B3. Beam B3 failed by will be reduced by 53% to 63% of the percentage
bending at a load of 53.01 kN with 24.97 mm decrease of concrete grade. Also, the mode of failure
deflection. From Figure 4, beam B4 failed by flexural- of reinforced concrete beams, depends not only on the
shearing mode of failure at failure load of 59.52 kN, ratio of the span to height of beam and the percentage
with 28.70 mm deflection. This shows that mode of area of reinforcement provided, but also on the
failure of reinforced concrete beams, depends not only concrete grade.
on the ratio of the span to height of beam and the
percentage area of reinforcement provided, but also on Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank
the concrete grade. the Department of Civil Engineering, Federal
University of Technology Akure, Ondo State, and


Effects of Concrete Grades on Strength Characteristics….. 850

Department of Civil Engineering, Elizade University, Narayan, RS; Beely, AW (2001). Introduction to Design
Ilara-Mokin, Ondo State, for allowing us to use their for Civil Engineers. Spon Press, London and New
structural engineering laboratories. York.

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