Department of Education: Demonstration Lesson Plan in Science 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Puerto Princesa City


Date: ____________

 1. Realize that the world is made up of people of different races

and colors.
I. OBECTIVES 2. Appreciate and respect the differences of people in the world.
(Weekly Objectives) 3. Feel proud of being a Filipino as a member of the brown race

A. Content The learners demonstrate understanding of the elements of

Standards informal text for comprehension.

B. Performance The learner recall details of events and shares ideas on text listened
Standards to.

C. Learning 1.Note details in a selection listened to

Objectives/ 2.Show willingness and enthusiasm in reading/ listening to a literary
Objectives Write LC text.
code for each EN4 CL Ia -1,Eng4A-Ia-1

Black, White, Brown by Nemah N. Hermosa
(Subject Matter)

Demonstration, communicating, and explaining.


 Love for oneself and others


A. References
1. Teacher's Guide
 Page 9-11
2. Learner's
Material pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal

B. Other Learning
Laptop, projector
IV – PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Reviewing previous lesson
or presenting new lesson. #5 Class, what do you like about
( answers may vary)

Unlocking Difficulties

a. Clay
This is a clay. We can use clay
to form objects such as pots.
Clay is a soil.

Is the clay hard or soft?

Why is the clay soft?

b. Kabunian

This is Kabunian. Some

Filipinos long, long time ago ( answers may vary)
called their god Kabunian.
(answers may vary)

They believed that he’s the

one who created mankind.
B. Establishing a purpose for Here are children from
the lesson. #4 around the world.
Look at them.

Describe the children in the ( answers may vary)


How are they similar? (answers may vary)

Are you like them? (answers may vary)

In what ways are you like

them? (answers may vary)

In what ways are you

different from them? (answers may vary)

C. Presenting examples/ Now I’m going to read a

instances of the new lesson story, and in this story you
#7 are going to find out why
people have different colors.

Read the Story

Black, White, and Brown.

Black, White, and Brow

By: Nemah N. Hermosa

Once upon a time, there

were no people. There was
only the earth and the god
Kabunian. He said, “The earth
is a beautiful place. But who
will take care of it? I will
make people.”

(How do you think Kabunian

will make people?) (answers may vary)

In the afternoon, Kabunian

got some clay. He worked for
a long time. When he
finished making a man, it was
night. The color of the night
became the color of the man.
“He is too dark”, Kabunian

(Do you think Kabunian liked

the black man he made?
What do you think will he do (answers may vary)

The next morning, Kabunian

woke up before sunrise, He
got some clay. He made a
man. When the sun came up,
Kabunian saw the man. “He
is too white,” Kabunian said.
So Kabunian got more clay.
He made another man. It was
noon. The hot sun made the
man brown. “I like this brown
man,” said Kabunian.
Kabunian sent the men to
different parts of the Earth.
That is why there are black
people and white people.
That is why Filipinos are

D. Discussing new concepts, Did you enjoy the story?

and practicing new skills. Ok, good, now, who is the (answer may vary)
#2, #5 god in the story?
Ma’am Kabunian!
Very good! Where is the
setting of the story? Earth!

When did the story happen?

Once upon a time or a very
long time ago!
Yes! What did Kabunian used
to create man? Clay Ma’am!

Right! Which one did he liked

from the three that he
created? The third man!
E. Developing Mastery Now, we’re going to have a
(leads to formative group activity.
assessment) #9 and #1
But you are going to perform
it tomorrow.

( Divide class into 4 Groups)

Give them the task.

Group 1
Dramatize the story about
Kabunian making a man out
of clay. One will act out as
Kabunian, three others will
be the black man, the white
man, and the brown man.
Others will be plants or
animals in Kabunians place.
One will be the narrator.
Present the story to the class.

Group 2
Think of a song you know
about people or the world.
Practice singing the song. Be
ready to sing it to the class.
(Example: It’s a small world)

Group 3
Pretend each of you is
Kabunian. Form different
men out of clay. Give each
one a name and say
something to each man you

Group 4
Rap these lines story:
Kabunian, kabunian (yes, yes,
Made a brown man, a brown
man (yo!)
A brown ma I am, I am, (yes,
yes, yo!)
A true Filipino, I am yo!

F. Finding practical Class always, remember to

appreciate and respect the
applications of concepts and
differences of people/ classmate.
skills in daily living. Don’t laugh at your individual
#3 differences, everyone is unique,
and God created everyone special.

What will you do if you see

someone is being bullied because
of her/his skin or race? (answers may vary)
G. Making Generalizations Making fun of others because they
and abstractions about the have different colors and race is
lesson. wrong, We may appear different
#2 from each other, different colors
and different race, but we are all
human being. Always be proud of
yourself because you are children
of God.

H. Evaluating learning Class, let’s do this activity.

#9 Step 1: Examine the eggs.

What can you say about the two

eggs? Are they different from each
other? How?
( answers may vary)

Step 2: Let’s crack open the


What did you observe when we

crack open the eggs?

How are the eggs like people?

(answers may vary)

I.Additional activities for Have the class rehearse for

application or remediation. their presentation for the
following day.



No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
No. of learners who
continue to require
Which of my
teaching strategy
worked well? Why did
these work?
What difficulties did
I encounter which my
principal can help me

Prepared by:

Teacher 1
Checked by:


School Head

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