21st Century Literature LAS 5 Q3 M3

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11 st

21 Century Literature of the

Philippines and the World
Activity Sheet
Quarter 3 – MELC 3
Produce a Creative Representation of a
Literary Text

Competency: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing
an adaptation of these require from the learner
Prepared by Mrs. Edna J. Alfaro
For clarifications please send me a message to the following: Cellphone no.: 09291311778 /
09219750824 - Facebook/Messenger: Hanz Alfaro / Email:

Quarter 3, Week 5
Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) No.5

Name of Learner: _____________________ Grade and Section_________________

Date: _______________________________



Producing a Creative Representation of a Literary Text

I. Learning Competency
Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia and ICT

II. Background Information for Learners

Multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of media. This includes text, graphics,
audio, video, etc. An example for this is a presentation involving audio and video clips. This
kind of presentation is called a "multimedia presentation." Technically, any type of information
we receive can be categorized as multimedia; from television, to magazines, to web pages,
and to movies.

In the 21st century, multimedia has created a large impact and has played a vital role
in human-being, culture, industry and education. It plays a vital role in the advancement of
information and entertainment. Using multimedia in the presentation of a literary text attracts
interest and provides a meaningful experience to the viewers or readers because it involves
multisensory stimulation. Powerful nonfiction stories available to different websites are very
inviting to the viewers. In this generation, it is evident that digital storytelling is more
captivating to the young minds compared to the traditional setting.

Some of the multimedia formats which can be used to creatively interpret different
types of literary texts are video, blog/vlog, or web blog, mind map, slideshow presentation, tag
cloud, and mobile phone text tula.

With the use of these multimedia, you are going to produce a creative representation
of a literary text. This activity can be very meaningful and engaging to you as 21 st century and
media-savvy learners.
III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites
1. Techterms.com
2. sahet.net
3. http://exploringafrica.matrix.msu.edu/curriculum/unit-three/module-eleven/activity-one/
4. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2020/04/09/reader-mail/poem-covid-19/

IV. Activity Proper

Exercise 1

Instructions: Produce a creative representation of a text in the 21 st century genre.

A suggested list of texts below will be used for your production. Choices of formats are video -
audio with supporting images animation, or slideshow of picture clips. Time allotment is
minimum of 3 minutes and maximum of 10 minutes. You will submit your output via email or
FB Social Learning Group. Format file name: Name-Grade-Section-Title (ex. EdnaAlfaro-11-

List of suggested texts:

a. The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
b. Silk by Alessandro Baricco
c. Wedding Dance by Amador Daguio
d. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling
e. Coraline by Neil Gaiman

Exercise 2

Instructions: Produce a multimedia presentation for the poem below. Integrate at least two
of the following forms of media: images, video, sound, animation, or text, graphic. Submit your
output via email or Fb Social Learning Group. Format file name: Name-Grade-Section-Title
(ex. EdnaAlfaro-11-Democritus-APoemAboutCovid19)
A Poem About COVID-19

Wash your hands! Don’t go out!

If you must, then mask it!
Lest you end up
in an unwanted casket.
Self-isolating and avoiding the street,
trying not to lose your job
while making ends meet.
Still, Bezos, Ma, Zuckerberg and Gates
are making profits at dizzying rates.
While Big Pharma
is wringing it’s hands in anticipation
of the Big Vaccine

made available to every nation.
And while people will line up
to get the Big shot,
I’ll have a Corona
and drink it a lot.
Then there is my Company
that thinks it’s OK
to keep us at home
at 60 percent of our pay.
As the cost of living
gets dearer and dearer,
how can these suits at head office
look themselves in the mirror.
Can’t go to restaurants or movies
with a clear conscience.
No social contact, no hugs or kisses.
This is no nonsense.
Even if sport comes back
there’ll be no one in the stands.
I’ve had it with COVID-19,
I’m gonna go wash my hands.

Rubric for Scoring Multimedia Output

Criteria Excellent Very Good Average Needs

(5 points) (4 points) (3 points) Improvement
(2 points)

All media used At least 75% At least 50% of Less than 50%
(graphics, video, but less than the media used of the media
Usefulness of
sound, etc.) 100% of the reinforce content used reinforce
reinforce content media used content
The text and the The text and the The text and
The text and
message of the message of the the message
the message of
Content text is strong, text is vaguely of the text is
the text is
covers topic communicated. unclear,
completely and in Includes some includes little
depth, includes essential essential
complete information with information
information few facts only. and one or two
information only
Technical: Digital Any digital Little or no
enhancements are enhancements Digital enhancements
planned and that are used enhancements add interest to
Digital purposeful, adding combine accompany the video,
Enhancements impact to the story smoothly and video//audio images /audio
or Effects line or focus. effectively with images but there or excessive
the video/audio. is little sign of use of random
Images reinforcement. enhancements
Some tendency detracts from
toward the
randomness with video/audio
effects. images.
Copyright Citations give Citations are Citations are There are no
proper credit. given, sources given, but some citations or are
Every photo, of multimedia multimedia no references
graphic or sound are identified, sources are not to copyright
file is either but permission identified with information for
original or to reproduce is references, and photos,
permission for its missing. permission to graphics, and
use by the owner reproduce is music created
is documented missing. by others


Multimedia means the integration of multiple forms of media. Examples of this includes text,
graphics, audio, video, etc. Any type of information we receive can be categorized as
multimedia; from television, to magazines, to web pages, and to movies.

Some of the multimedia formats which can be used to creatively interpret different types of
literary texts are video, blog/vlog, or web blog, mind map, slideshow presentation, tag cloud, and
mobile phone text tula.

V. Reflection
Write your answer on a ½ sheet of paper. Copy and answer.

1. Do you find the activities engaging and relevant to the new normal setting? Why or why not?

2. What are the opportunities and the limitations you encountered in accomplishing the activities?

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