God's Canvas April 2009
God's Canvas April 2009
God's Canvas April 2009
A Ministry of New Life Bible Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance
April, 2009
God’s Canvas
For Such a Time as This
Mama’s Corner
Titus 2:3-5 Let the Older Women Admonish the Younger...
FORGIVENESS—Mark is the only one who retained the words of the angel on the morning of Jesus’ resurrection
which include the words “and Peter” in the 7th verse of chapter 16. “Go and tell His disciples and Peter.” Our Lord’s
first thoughts were of Peter who had denied Him, as Jesus told him he would. What those two little words could
have meant to Peter tongue could never tell. Peter, broken-spirited, a failure, feeling so unworthy of forgiveness.
Don’t we too experience these feelings too often? But God, who is rich in compassion, knows before we sin and
forsake Him and still covers us with His love. How can this be? As Paul declares “Oh, wretched man that I am—
who shall deliver me from this body of death?” (Romans 7:24). Peter was overwhelmed by God’s grace. Even if
Jesus had miraculously come back to life, could He ever again reckon such a cursing traitor as His disciple?
Fearful backslider, our risen Savior thinks and feels toward you—whose love for Him has given way; you have
slipped back into worldliness, even have basely denied Him. He holds true to His promise to you—He will never
give up on you. He knows the grief you bear because of the loss of your beloved—one you loved more than life
itself. He knows the agony you go through every day because of wrong choices which can never be right again. He
sees your aching heart and longs to bring healing and peace.
See in 1 John 1:9 His forgiveness. Dare to look into His face again. Kneel before Him and see His unchanging love
for you. He receives you, restores you, and re-commissions you to go out and serve Him, even as He forgave and
re-empowered Peter.
Hosea 14:4—”I will heal their backsliding; I will love them freely.”
Yes, “tell His disciples...and Peter”!
"Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet
been done…”
~C.S. Lewis (from a letter “To Mrs. L”)
For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.—Psalm 139:13
A Ministry of New Life Bible Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance
April, 2009
God’s Canvas
For Such a Time as This
Philippians 4:6-7—”Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer
and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to
God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard
your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Please help us get started!
Burdens can be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. For emotional,
mental, and spiritual burdens, God’s Word gives us clear insight into how If you have any comments, sug-
to handle these. If we do our part, He promises to do His part. Our part is gestions, or new ideas, please
simply to trust His wisdom, sovereignty, and power. If you believe God is don’t keep them to yourself. We
good and that He is who He says He is, as His child you have nothing to want to know your favorite reci-
fear because He will take care of you. By dwelling on your fears and anxie- pes, topics of study that interest
ties you are not giving God the room to work His peace in your life. Our you, your outreach ideas, your
thoughts are a choice, we choose what we think about and dwell on. By favorite activities to do with your
simply choosing not to entertain those anxious thoughts but submersing family—all of it! If there is any-
yourself in the presence and character of God, you can defeat anxiety. Our thing the Lord has shown you
God is a God of peace. He told us if we choose to be thankful and in that blesses you and your family,
prayer over our burdens that He will guard our hearts and minds with His please share it with your sisters
peace. No excuses, simply choose to trust and obey Him. in the Lord.
CHALLENGE: Every time you have an anxious thought, make a lap
around your house—inside or out, repeating Philippians 4:6-7 as you go. Together we can become WOMEN
Train your self to leave your anxiety with God and leave it there. Not only after GOD’s own heart!
will you have a more peaceful heart and mind, but you’ll have a stronger,
healthier heart as well.
A Ministry of New Life Bible Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance