God's Canvas April 2009

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God’s Canvas

April, 2009 For Such a Time as This

Key Verse: Deborah: A Faithful Leader

“He who is faithful in
It is a fine day indeed when a woman It was a woman that God used to
what is least is faithful is in submission to the plan God has bring victory to His people, a woman
also in much, and he who ordained for her from the beginning of who had the faith to trust God at His
time. As women, it may seem that we word. This passage holds a lot of sub-
is unjust in what is least face a unique set of challenges in this tle truth about a woman submitted to
world, challenges that come with obe- God’s plan, as reflected in Deborah’s
is unjust also in much.”
dient submission. Yet, the Bible character. John Courson notes in his
shows us that with submission to God commentary that the name Deborah
Luke 16:10 comes great honor... literally means “bee.” Like bees, there
are three qualities Deborah pos-
See also Esther 4:14 Deborah is one of the first woman sessed: industriousness, discernment,
leaders mentioned in the Bible. We and sweetness.
find her story in Judges 4. Deborah
the prophetess judged Israel from her Industriousness can also mean perse-
place under the palm tree and the verance and diligence. Deborah knew
children of Israel would come to her. that the Lord had commanded Israel
As we read along we discover that to fight against Sisera and she was
Family Fun: Deborah called for Barak, the com- diligent to see that Israel obeyed . It
Balloon Volley Ball mander of the Israeli military, to go up was godly wisdom that gave Deborah
Tie some string or yarn against Sisera, as the Lord com- the discernment to know whether or
across the room. Blow manded. At this time in history, Israel not the Lord was to go before them in
up as many balloons as was under the oppression of Jabin, battle and that it was time to go. It
you wish. Divide your the king of Caanan, and Sisera, the was her sweet faith that gave her the
family into two teams… commander of his army. Sisera had courage to put God up against man,
and let the fun times 900 chariots of iron. No doubt he was knowing God already had the victory
begin! The object is to a formidable force to be reckoned and trusting Him at His word.
see how many times with, which would explain why Barak
you can volley the bal- was reluctant to take the lead and Most of us will never go head to head
loons across the line march out against him. with a military leader or lead an army
without letting them hit into battle, but our role is no less sig-
the floor. To make it So, at Barak’s request, Deborah went nificant. God desires us to be diligent,
more challenging, add with him and together they lead the discerning, and faithful to Him, for that
more balloons. Feel free army of Israel into battle against Sis- is the type character that gives Him
to add your own “family era. However, Barak’s lack of coura- room to manifest His glory. If we are
rules” as necessary to geous leadership resulted in a hum- faithful to Him, He will use us in ways
preserve the fun and bling reality—the honor of defeating beyond our imagination.
your furniture. the king of Caanan would fall to a
woman named Jael who would drive a “Yet who knows if you have
come to the kingdom for such
tent stake through Sisera’s head.
a time as this?” - Esther 4:14

A Ministry of New Life Bible Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance
April, 2009
God’s Canvas
For Such a Time as This

Mama’s Corner
Titus 2:3-5 Let the Older Women Admonish the Younger...
FORGIVENESS—Mark is the only one who retained the words of the angel on the morning of Jesus’ resurrection
which include the words “and Peter” in the 7th verse of chapter 16. “Go and tell His disciples and Peter.” Our Lord’s
first thoughts were of Peter who had denied Him, as Jesus told him he would. What those two little words could
have meant to Peter tongue could never tell. Peter, broken-spirited, a failure, feeling so unworthy of forgiveness.
Don’t we too experience these feelings too often? But God, who is rich in compassion, knows before we sin and
forsake Him and still covers us with His love. How can this be? As Paul declares “Oh, wretched man that I am—
who shall deliver me from this body of death?” (Romans 7:24). Peter was overwhelmed by God’s grace. Even if
Jesus had miraculously come back to life, could He ever again reckon such a cursing traitor as His disciple?

Fearful backslider, our risen Savior thinks and feels toward you—whose love for Him has given way; you have
slipped back into worldliness, even have basely denied Him. He holds true to His promise to you—He will never
give up on you. He knows the grief you bear because of the loss of your beloved—one you loved more than life
itself. He knows the agony you go through every day because of wrong choices which can never be right again. He
sees your aching heart and longs to bring healing and peace.

See in 1 John 1:9 His forgiveness. Dare to look into His face again. Kneel before Him and see His unchanging love
for you. He receives you, restores you, and re-commissions you to go out and serve Him, even as He forgave and
re-empowered Peter.

Hosea 14:4—”I will heal their backsliding; I will love them freely.”
Yes, “tell His disciples...and Peter”!

"Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet
been done…”
~C.S. Lewis (from a letter “To Mrs. L”)

Twins: A Dangerous Pregnancy (from the Biblical Archaeology Review)

Any of you childbearing woman can probably emphasize with Rebekah’s pain as she gave birth to her twins, Jacob
and Esau. Compared to the masses of women, only few can truly understand what it is like to be pregnant with twins.
There are many risks associated with multiple pregnancies, both for the babies and the mother. For the babies, the
biggest risks would be premature birth; Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, where one baby essentially becomes a
donor to the other; and Monoamnionic Monochronionic (Mo-Mo) twins, where the babies umbilical cords become en-
tangled and compressed. For the mother, the risks include gestational diabetes; placenta problems leading to hemor-
rhaging; heart problems, such as heart failure and heart attacks; and high blood pressure. With modern medicine and
technology, any of these symptoms can be treated by careful monitoring. However, in Rebekah’s day, there were no
such things. The pregnancy and delivery of twins was considered “a highly risky occasion” and even “a malevolent
event”. It was with great pain that she cried out “If all is well, why am I like this?” (Genesis 25:22). Archaeologists have
recently discovered amulets from an ancient ruin site in Israel of a mother pregnant with twins. This pendant, ad-
dressed to deities, is believed to have been worn around the expecting mother’s neck, intending to protect her against
the hazards of a double birth. The Bible makes no mention of this superstitious practice, but instead it tells us what
Rebekah did: “So she went to inquire of the Lord” (Genesis 25:22). Praise God for His deliverance, for through the
seed of Jacob our Savior Jesus Christ was born!

For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.—Psalm 139:13

A Ministry of New Life Bible Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance
April, 2009
God’s Canvas
For Such a Time as This

Philippians 4:6-7—”Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer
and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to
God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard
your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Please help us get started!
Burdens can be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. For emotional,
mental, and spiritual burdens, God’s Word gives us clear insight into how If you have any comments, sug-
to handle these. If we do our part, He promises to do His part. Our part is gestions, or new ideas, please
simply to trust His wisdom, sovereignty, and power. If you believe God is don’t keep them to yourself. We
good and that He is who He says He is, as His child you have nothing to want to know your favorite reci-
fear because He will take care of you. By dwelling on your fears and anxie- pes, topics of study that interest
ties you are not giving God the room to work His peace in your life. Our you, your outreach ideas, your
thoughts are a choice, we choose what we think about and dwell on. By favorite activities to do with your
simply choosing not to entertain those anxious thoughts but submersing family—all of it! If there is any-
yourself in the presence and character of God, you can defeat anxiety. Our thing the Lord has shown you
God is a God of peace. He told us if we choose to be thankful and in that blesses you and your family,
prayer over our burdens that He will guard our hearts and minds with His please share it with your sisters
peace. No excuses, simply choose to trust and obey Him. in the Lord.
CHALLENGE: Every time you have an anxious thought, make a lap
around your house—inside or out, repeating Philippians 4:6-7 as you go. Together we can become WOMEN
Train your self to leave your anxiety with God and leave it there. Not only after GOD’s own heart!
will you have a more peaceful heart and mind, but you’ll have a stronger,
healthier heart as well.

“The 21st Time”

A Taste of Heaven Outreach Ideas for Today
Fiesta Pinto Bean and Corn Jesus was quoting Leviticus 19:18
when He told us to “Love your
Ingredients: neighbor as yourself.” This does not
Directions: mandate self love, but a desire to see
2 cans Pinto Bean, rinsed and drained others fair the same way you wish to
1 can Black Bean, rinsed and drained Bake Jiffy Mix see yourself fair. Put it into practice.
2 can Whole Kernel Corn, drained To form a habit of being “Kingdom
In large bowl, combine pinto minded” instead of “earthly minded,”
2 tomatoes, diced beans, black beans, corn, toma- look for ways to meet the needs of
1 green pepper, diced toes, and peppers. In smaller your friends, families, and neighbors.
1 red pepper, diced Reach out to those you meet during
bowl, mix sour cream, mayo/
miracle whip, and ranch dressing your day with a willing servant’s
1 box Jiffy Mix Corn Mixed mix. Add to beans and veggies heart.
baked as directed
in large bowl.
This month, pick one person in your
1 cup Sour Cream Before serving, crumble Jiffy Mix life and find a way to tangibly help
1 cup Mayo/Miracle Whip
muffins and mix. them each week. Take out your
1 package powdered Ranch Dressing neighbor’s garbage, offer to pick up
their mail, help them carry in their
Optional: groceries. Be creative. Add a simple
1 cup of favorite shredded cheese “May God bless your day.” and store
1/2lb crumbled bacon up your treasures in Heaven.
1 can sliced black olives

Contact God’s Canvas Newsletter by e-mailing GodsCanvasNLBC@gmail.com, or leave your

tips, comments, and suggestion in the “God’s Canvas” box located in the front foyer.

A Ministry of New Life Bible Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance

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