Peer Review of Safety Cases: The UK Nuclear Industry Guide To
Peer Review of Safety Cases: The UK Nuclear Industry Guide To
Peer Review of Safety Cases: The UK Nuclear Industry Guide To
Peer Review
of Safety Cases
This Nuclear Industry Guide was produced by the Peer Review Forum and
published on behalf of the Nuclear Industry Safety Directors’ Forum (SDF).
August 2016
It is recognised that – through the experience of using these Guides – there may be
comments, questions and suggestions regarding its contents.
Sub-Group Description
This document is produced by the Peer Review Forum, which is a sub-group of the Safety
Directors’ Forum. The Peer Review Forum brings together a wide range of
representatives of nuclear operators, from all the Licensees and Authorisees across the
United Kingdom, including:
Civil, commercial and defence activities;
Design, operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities;
Research facilities.
This UK Nuclear Industry Guide has been prepared on behalf of the Safety Directors’
Forum by a Technical Working Group. Statements and technical information contained in
this Guide are believed to be accurate at the time of writing. However, it may not be
accurate, complete, up to date or applicable to the circumstances of any particular case.
This Guide is not a standard, specification or regulation, nor a Code of Practice and should
not be read as such. We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive or
consequential damages or loss whether in statute, contract, negligence or otherwise,
arising out of or in connection with the use of information within this UK Nuclear Industry
This Guide is produced by the Nuclear Industry. It is not prescriptive but offers guidance
and in some cases a toolbox of methods and techniques that can be used to demonstrate
compliance with regulatory requirements and approaches.
It is emphasised that different licensees have different remits for their Peer Review
processes owing to particular aspects of their business and in some cases their unique
relationship with MoD regulators and external Design Authorities. Therefore, licensees
must use their discretion in applying the guidance in this Good Practice Guide, which is
framed for a “typical” licensee.
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 7
2 Definitions ............................................................................................................ 8
3 Purpose And Benefits Of Independent Peer Review ........................................... 9
4 Independence .................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Requirements For Independence ................................................................ 11
4.2 Challenges To Independence ..................................................................... 12
5 Competence ...................................................................................................... 14
6 Scoping A Peer Review ..................................................................................... 16
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 16
6.2 Early And On-Going Engagement ............................................................... 16
6.3 Preparing A Peer Review Plan .................................................................... 17
6.4 Relationship Between Customer, Author, And Reviewer ............................ 19
7 Undertaking The Peer Review ........................................................................... 20
7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 20
7.2 General Considerations .............................................................................. 20
7.3 Good Practice In Specific Areas Of A Peer Review .................................... 21
8 Reporting The Review ....................................................................................... 28
8.1 Peer Review Comments ............................................................................. 28
8.2 Peer Review Conclusions ........................................................................... 30
8.3 Position Statements And Interim Reports ................................................... 31
8.4 Peer Review Records ................................................................................. 32
8.5 Post Peer Review Continual Improvement .................................................. 32
9 Conclusions ....................................................................................................... 33
10 References ..................................................................................................... 34
11 Glossary ......................................................................................................... 35
Appendix A ............................................................................................................... 36
Safety Case SQEP
and Peer Review Governance
Strategy Authorship
1 2 3 4 5
Figure 1: Barriers against the production of ‘not fit for purpose’ safety cases.
Peer Review must not be used as a replacement for internal quality assurance
checks. Indeed part of the Peer Review process is to confirm that the submission
has already been subject to an adequate level of checking and verification.
The Peer Reviewer should engage with the project at an early stage so that
innovative or novel approaches can be discussed and an appropriate Peer Review
strategy/plan developed.
1) For longer term Peer Reviews it is good practice to regularly re-affirm the
independence of the review team.
The safety submission production and checking personnel and possibly the review
team personnel will change and any potential for a conflict in the level of
independence needs to be identified and addressed before it compromises the
review. If during the course of a Peer Review it is identified that a Reviewer’s
independence is compromised this should be immediately brought to the attention of
the Peer Review process owner / group and a way forward agreed. This may
require aspects of the safety submission to be subject to additional Peer Review by
another Reviewer. Each case must be considered on its own merits.
4.2 Challenges to Independence
It is particularly important to be aware of the dangers of Peer Reviewers losing their
independence and becoming part of the project team’s decision making process.
Peer Reviewers should not advise projects on what decisions to make or what safety
argument would be acceptable and must not provide verbatim text to be written into
a safety submission. Nevertheless, in the interests of efficiency, if a Peer Reviewer
is aware of a better way of doing things or something important has been missed,
then they should point this out in clear and unambiguous terms whilst being careful
not to compromise their independence when giving such advice to a Project.
Examples of advice which could compromise independence include which design
option should be taken, what technology to use, how to protect against/mitigate a
Interactive Peer Review or longer term projects have potential for degrading the
independence of the Reviewer. The Reviewer will frequently be asked to agree to or
accept an aspect of the safety case which is still in development.
An opening meeting can help the Peer Reviewer to gain an overall appreciation of
the content of the submission, the programme, authors etc. and to discuss possible
Peer Review approaches and expectations.
6.2 Early and on-going engagement
The early appointment and engagement of (particularly) the Lead Peer Reviewer is
highly advantageous in that it helps the Peer Review Team understand the key
decision making processes, problematic areas and major commitments required in
support of the proposal, often before the safety submission is produced, and allows
Peer Reviewers to provide initial feedback. It also enables the Reviewers to advise
Site visits are another way for enabling the Reviewers to place the proposals in the
wider context.
For major projects there are benefits in retaining the Peer Review team for the entire
duration of the project as this retains an understanding within the Peer Review team
of why the safety case is as it is. Whilst this obviously improves efficiency as the
same repeat challenges are not made at each stage on the project safety
submissions and the Lead Reviewer or the project does not need to re-educate
Reviewers, caution is required as the Reviewers need to remain independent of the
project. For major projects there will be gaps in Peer Review involvement as the
safety submission moves from one to another of its various stages (Preliminary
Safety Report (PSR), Pre-Construction Safety Report (PCSR) etc.). It is important
that the Peer Review team do not become distant from the project during these gaps
and should maintain routine contact with the project.
Such continuing engagement enables the Reviewers to keep abreast of any
developing issues which may affect the next safety submission.
6.3 Preparing a peer review plan
Safety submissions submitted for Peer Review come in a variety of shapes and
sizes, from single reports for a plant or safety case modification to multi-document
complete cases for new facilities.
6) It is good practice to set a Peer Review plan down in writing and agree it with
the customer so that there are ‘no surprises’ later on.
The review plan for a single safety document could be a complete review of a single
document by a single Reviewer using the Licensee’s criteria and general Peer
Review procedures to judge acceptability and with outputs as written comments and
a final Peer Review report.
At the other end of the spectrum there are two types of ‘large safety case
submission’ where the approaches to the review plan are completely different.
For new facilities or major modifications where the safety submissions are likely to
be staged in the traditional manner, a separate Peer Review plan should be
prepared at the appropriate time for each stage as it will not be possible to prepare
For later submissions (e.g. Pre-Construction Safety Report (PCSR), PICSR) in line
with the principle of proportionality, the plan should restrict the review to only those
safety significant aspects of the case, perhaps with a high level review of the aspects
claimed to not be safety significant in order to confirm this is indeed the case. It is
normally the case for these types of staged safety cases and Peer Reviews that
some concerns cannot be closed at the time and resolution of them will be deferred
to the next staged submission (for example if additional trials/experiments are
required). In this case the Review Plan needs to capture previous on-going
concerns in order to ensure they are addressed at the next submission.
For decommissioning projects the review will need to focus on issues/topics rather
than documentation and the plan will need to identify the issues/topics which will be
reviewed and explain how that review will be conducted (e.g. meetings and
discussions, review of underpinning references) and how it will be recorded. In such
cases meeting minutes can be an efficient way of recording the Peer Review.
All review plans should identify the personnel who will participate in the review and
which aspects/documents they are to review. Where documents will have
Government Protective Markings and any additional markings imposed by the
customer, the plan should also confirm that the Reviewers have an appropriate
security clearance level.
One important aspect to be agreed and included in the Plan is whether the scope of
the Peer Review is to include implementation of recommendations to address
shortfalls/deficiencies. Such decisions and their rationale are an integral part of the
ALARP justification for the facility. It needs to be recognised that such decisions
may not be taken for a number of years after the safety submission is prepared and
any review of them may need to be treated as a separate element of the overall Peer
A safety submission will use the Licensee’s own acceptability criteria in shaping the
safety argument and confirming that the case it has made is adequate and ALARP.
There is no need to repeat the Licensee’s criteria in the review plan. However there
are other criteria against which the adequacy of the case should be tested and these
should be identified in the review plan. These include:
Clear safety argument summary
Understandable and useable
Clear claims, arguments and evidence
[The UK Nuclear Industry Guide To Peer Review] 18
Visibility of acceptability criteria adopted
Safe Operating Envelope and Limits and Conditions defined.
Suitable management arrangements
Reference 7 contains additional criteria against which the adequacy of a safety case
should be tested. As ever, proportionality is essential.
The Reviewers need to ensure that they retain their independence during the
preparation of the plan and be cautious of the project/authors attempting to steer the
scope of the review away from certain topics/issues which may attract significant
Peer Review concerns.
6.4 Relationship between customer, author, and reviewer
Another benefit of early engagement is that it allows the development of the
professional relationship between the customer, those producing the safety
submission and the Peer Reviewers.
To maximise the benefit to the project of the Peer Review, it is essential that the
interaction between the project/safety case authors and the Reviewers is
professional and open.
A sign of a good relationship between the Reviewers and the project/safety case
authors is when the project/safety case authors advise the Reviewers of impending
issues. Similarly it is a sign of a good relationship when the Reviewers flag potential
concerns and seek clarification from the authors/project before preparing and issuing
written comments.
If checking and verification has not been completed, the Reviewer should confirm the
status of the submission within that process.
7.2 General considerations
Appendix A provides a checklist of general issues to be considered as part of a Peer
Review, however it is stressed that not all of the general issues are relevant to every
safety submission and proportionality is essential.
It is vitally important to the success and standing of the Peer Review not to
over-categorise comments. This point cannot be over-emphasised. Spelling
mistakes, grammatical preferences, the erroneous omission/inclusion of the word
‘not’, mis-referencing, poor substantiation of low safety category items and many
other such topics are not issues of nuclear safety and should not be categorised as
Reservation / Category 1 / Major comment. If there are an excessive number of
such errors, the judgement could be made that the preparation and checking of the
submission had not been to an adequate standard (Barriers 2 and 3 in Figure 1) and
this may be the subject of a Reservation / Category 1 / Major comment.
Conversely, it is also important that Peer Review comments are not
All written comments categorised as Reservation and Observation should, so far as
is practicable, be self-standing, clear and unambiguous and provide specific
references to the relevant section of the document where the concern lies.
It is not good practice to phrase written Peer Review comments as questions
seeking clarification as these types of issues should have been addressed by talking
This ensures that the Reviewer has fully understood the case being made and is
confident in the comment category, and the author has an opportunity to provide any
additional clarification and has early warning of the concerns.
The extent of Peer Review concerns on a submission should be proportionate to the
safety significance of the content of the submission. For example, if the safety case
covers only relatively low consequence/risk hazards, it would not be proportionate to
report Reservations nor a large number of Observations. If this was the case then
Barriers 2 and 3 in Figure 1 have not delivered their objectives and this aspect
should become the focus of the Peer Review, rather than the content of the
Peer Review concerns should be consolidated into the smallest set possible.
Repeating the same comment because the topic of concern arises in several places
in a submission is not good practice.
11) After drafting comments, it is good practice for the Reviewers to go through
the comments again to satisfy themselves that they are consolidated and
proportionate, and also to question against each concern what further action
would be taken if the response from the project/author is negative.
For any comments where the Reviewer would take no further action if the response
is negative, the Reviewer should reconsider whether the comment is an issue of
nuclear safety and adds value. If not, the comment should be re-categorised or
possibly removed.
Over-zealous Peer Reviewers can undermine the entire review process. It is not the
purpose of Peer Review to ensure every ‘i’ is dotted and ‘t’ crossed. The Reviewer
needs to be pragmatic, focus on issues of nuclear safety and view the submission
holistically, taking a broad judgement on its adequacy.
Reviewers must not take a confrontational stance, refusing to accept a submission
unless every concern, no matter how trivial, is addressed through amendments to
the submission. This does not add value to the submission, nor to the wider
perception of the Peer Review process.
Resolution of Peer Review concerns should ideally (in the eyes of a Peer Reviewer)
be through the author/project accepting all the concerns and amending the safety
case/submission accordingly. This ideal situation rarely occurs; in most cases
If in the opinion of the Reviewer the submission is exemplary, this should be clearly
stated in the summary.