Lab Session PDF
Lab Session PDF
Lab Session PDF
LAB SESSION No. 13: Study of pipes, valves and flow meters .
Pipes and pipe fittings are classified by nominal size and schedule
number. The schedules provided are 40, 80 and 160, which are the ones
most commonly used for hydraulic syste m. Note that for each nominal size
the outside diameter does not change. To increase wall thickness the next
larger schedule number is used. Also observe that the nominal size is
neither the outside nor the inside diameter. Instead, the nominal pipe size
indicates the thread size for the mating connection. The pipe sizes given
in figure 10-2 are in units of inches. Figure shows the relative size of the
cross sections for schedules 40, 80 and 160 pipes. As shown for a given
nominal pipe size, the wall thickn ess increases as the schedule number
Seamless steel tubing is the most widely used type of conductor for
hydraulic systems as it provides significant advantages over pipes. The
tubing can be bent into almost any shape, thereb y reducing the number of
required fittings. Tubing is easier to handle and can be reused without any
sealing problems. For low -volume systems, tubing can handle the pressure
and flow requirements with less bulk and weight. However, tubing and its
fittings are more expensive. A tubing size designation always refers to the
outside diameter and gauge (which gives thickness).
Pipe fittings are made from cast iron, alloy cast iron, bronze, malleable
iron, cast steel, alloy cast steel and forged steel. Chromium, nickel and
molybdenum are the usual alloying metals and they are added to increase
strength and resistance to corrosion. Fittings are made from all these
materials in a variety of weights to suit different purposes, but in general,
cast iron and bronze are used for low and medium pressures and
temperatures, alloy cast iron and malleable iron for medium pressures and
temperatures, alloy cast iron and malleable iron for medium pressures and
temperatures. Note than when choosing fittings for a ny particular
purpose, the temperature to which the fittings will be exposed must be
taken into account, as well as pressure. Some of the commonly used types
of screwed pipe fittings are shown in figure.
Pipes are manufactured in lengths of pe rhaps 5 to 40 feets. The system of
joining together these individual sections into a continuous line has an
important bearing not only on the cost of manufacturing, laying and
maintaining the pipe, but also on fluid resistance and leakage prevention.
There are different types of pipe joints , welded, screwed and flanged
joints being the most common. Flange is a circular metal plate threaded,
fastened, welded or casted integrally to an end of a pipe for connection
with a companion flange on adjoining pipe. A sectional view of three
typical flanged joints is shown in figure. In the screwed flange joint the
pipe is threaded in the usual way, and the flanges are bored out and
threaded with a taper so that they will be a tight fit on the pipe thread.
The flanges are screwed on until the ends of the pipe are flush with the
face of the flange or projecting slightly. The projecting en ds are smoothed
off by grindingor chipping and filing and sometimes the ends are
expanded a little in the flange by peening that is, ham mering the inside of
the pipe lightly with a ball -peen hammer. Peening should be necessary if
the threads are good and fit properly. The slip on welded flange is a plain
flange, slipped over the end of the pipe and welded inside and outside as
shown. The van stone joint is made by boring the flange out to slip easily
over the end of the pipe, then flanging the end of the pipe and facing off
the flanged end thus providing a smooth surface for the gasket. Being
loose the flanges can be turned to any position to match bold holes. In a
modification of this joint the edges of the flanged ends of the pipes are
seal welded after the bolts are tightened, thus preventing any possibility
of leakage. The screwed and slip on welded flanges are suitable for low
and moderate pressures and the Van Stone and welding neck flanges (not
shown) are preferable for very high pressure.
gasket being placed in the recess to make the joint tight. No gasket is
needed when the flanges are seal -welded.
Small-diameter pipe can often be bent cold by a roller-bending machine,
or slight bends may be made by bending the pipe over some curved object,
but large diameter pipe must be heated before it can bend properly. It
apparatus for heating and bending the pipe in one operation is not
available, the usual practice is to heat a small portion of the pipe at a time
and bend it a little at the hearted part, continuing the process until the
desired bend in secured. Care must be taken not to bend the pipe too
much at one time when using this method, or the walls may be squeezed
out of shape. Filling the pipe with dry and plugging the ends helps to keep
it in its proper shape while it is being bent, but all important large sized
bends should be ordered from a pipe manufacturer or engineering works
equipped to do this work.
Pipelines are supported by steel or timber trestles, concrete pillars, cast
iron or wrought steel wall brackets, or steel hangers of various designs.
They are anchored that is, held rigidly at one or more points by clamps
attached to supporting c olumns or brackets.
Figure shows adjustable and nonadjustable hangers, single and double
roller bracket supports and constant support type. The first hanger shown
has no adjustment for length but the second hanger is provided with a
turnbuckle. This turnb uckle has right and left -hand threads so that is can
be lengthened or shortened for proper length adjustment and even
distribution of weight. The rollers on the bracket supports permit the pipe
to move freely as it expands and contracts. The upper roller o n the double
roller support.
coil spring. Means are provided for adjusting the compression of the
springs and an indicator on the side of the case enclosing the spring the
spring shows the load that is being supported by t he hanger, in pounds
and the extension of the spring in inches.
Provision must be made for taking care of expansion of pipelines,
especially those carrying high -temperature fluids and gases .
Expansion is taken care of by expansion bends and joints. The pipeline is
anchored at certain points where excessive movement due to expansion is
undesirable and bends or expansion joints are placed in the line between
these anchored points. As a rule, pipelines are anchored close to points
where they connect to boilers or engines and the devices for the
absorption of expansion are inserted in the long runs. Supports at points
other than anchors are designed to permit free movement of the pipes. If
adequate provision is not made for expansion, there is danger of rupture
of pipes, valves, or fittings, with disastrous consequences.
A good form of expansion bend is shown in figure.If the bends are made to
a large enough radius, this form of expansion pipe bend will take care of
considerable expansion in a pipeline, without throwing an excessive stress
on the flanges or other fittings.
The expansion joint shown in figure consists of a smooth sleeve which
slides in or out through a packing box as the pipeline expands or contracts
in length. The packing box i s packed with soft packing, held in place by a
gland and studs. Tie rods guard against the possibility of the two halves of
joint pulling apart, and flanges are provided for connecting the joint into
Corrugated pipes and expansion bellows are also used in the construction
of expansion joint. Expansion bellow (shown in the figure) is one of the
most widely used expansion joint.
What is a Valve?
A valve is a mechanical device that controls the flow of fluid
Gate Valve
A linear motion valve
used to start or stop
fluid flow
Good choice for ON-OFF service
Full flow-low pressure drop
No dam or pocket is offered to trap sediments or
pieces of scale.
Gate Valve
A linear motion valve
used to start or stop
fluid flow.
Not for throttling; use fully opened or fully closed
Metal-to-metal seating means not best choice for
frequent operation. Bubble-tight seating should not
be expected with metal-to-metal design
Are not quick opening or closing valves
Require large space for installation, operation, and
Difficult to repair & automate
Large torque required to open bcz of large pressure
difference across seat
Good shutoff capability (positive tightness against
Moderate to good throttling capability
Good for frequent operation
Shorter stroke (compared to a gate valve)
Available in Z, Y, and angle patterns, each offering
unique capabilities
Easy to machine or resurface the seats
Globe Valve
A linear motion valve
used to stop, start, and
regulate fluid flow
Higher pressure drop even in fully open condition
(compared to a gate valve)
Requires greater force or a larger actuator to seat the
valve (with pressure under the seat)
More costly than alternate valves
Not suitable for relatively dirty fluids bcz sediments or
scale will collect beneath the disk where there s cavity
thus interrupting flow
Needle Valve
Used to make relatively fine
adjustments in the amount of fluid
Very accurate throttling is possible
Typical Applications
Used for instrument, gauge, and
meter line service
Used in some components of
automatic combustion control
systems where very precise flow
regulation is necessary
Ball Valve
A rotational motion valve that
uses a ball-shaped element to
stop or start fluid flow
Provides bubble-tight service
Quick to open and close( quarter turn or 90°
operation), not torque-dependent for seating
Offers high cycle life
Especially useful for low flow situations
Easier to automate than multi-turn valves
Low p drop and less turbulence in fully open
Ball Valve
A rotational motion valve that
uses a ball-shaped element to
stop or start fluid flow
They are not suitable for
sustained throttling applications
In slurry or other applications, the suspended
particles can settle and become trapped in body
cavities causing wear, leakage, or valve failure
Temperature range limited by seat material
Not suitable for high p, high flow rate applications
Plug Valve
A rotational motion valve used
for the same full-flow service
as gate valves, where quick
shutoff is required
Simple design with few parts
Quick to open or close
Can be serviced in place
Offers minimal resistance to flow
Provides reliable leak tight service
Can be used with large flow rates, high p
Plug Valve
A rotational motion valve used
for the same full-flow service
as gate valves, where quick
shutoff is required
Requires greater force to actuate, due to high friction
Typically, plug valves may cost more than ball valves
Not suitable for throttling applications
Butterfly Valve
A rotary motion valve that
is used to stop, regulate,
and start fluid flow
Require considerably less space, compared to gate,
globe, or other valves
Light in weight
Quick 90° open/close
Available in large sizes, ranging from NPS 1-1⁄2 to
over NPS 200
Have low-pressure drop
Easier to automate than multi-turn valves
Butterfly Valve
A rotary motion valve that
is used to stop, regulate,
and start fluid flow
Throttling service is limited to low differential
Do not normally create a tight seal
Diaphragm Valve
A linear motion valve that is
used to start, regulate, and
stop fluid flow
Diaphragm Valve
Offer good chemical resistance due to variety of linings available
Stem leakage is eliminated
Provides bubble-tight service
Does not have pockets to trap solids, slurries, and other impurities
Particularly suitable for hazardous chemicals and radioactive fluids
Do not permit contamination of flow medium, thus they are used extensively in food
processing, pharmaceutical, brewing,petroleum & gas, chemical industries
Can handle sludges,slurries,pulps,fluids containing solids in
suspension and corrosive fluids etc
Diaphragm Valve
The weir may prevent full drainage of piping
Working temperatures and pressures are limited by the
diaphragm material.
The diaphragm may experience erosion when used
extensively in severe throttling service containing
Available in limited sizes, usually NPS 1⁄2 to 12
Check Valve
A valve designed to
automatically prevent the
reversal of flow in a pipeline
Self-actuated and require no external means to
actuate the valve either to open or close
Fast acting
Difficult to determine whether the valve is open or
Valve disc can stick in open position
Valve Actuators
A device that utilizes a source of power to operate a valve
Actuator Classification
Manual (Hand Wheel, Lever, Gears, Chains etc)
Automatic (Pneumatic, Motorized, Hydraulic, Solenoid etc)
Manual Actuators
Hand Wheel Lever Gears
Valve Actuators
A mechanism that causes a valve to perform its function.
Automatic Actuators
Pneumatic Motorized Solenoid
Gate valves are generally used in systems where low
flow resistance for a fully open valve is desired and there
is no need to throttle the flow.
Globe valves are used in systems where good throttling
characteristics and low seat leakage are desired and a
relatively high head loss in an open valve is acceptable.
Ball valves allow quick, quarter turn on-off operation and
have poor throttling characteristics.
Plug valves are often used to direct flow between several
different ports through use of a single valve.
Diaphragm valves are used in systems where it is
desirable for the entire operating mechanism to be
completely isolated from the fluid.
irreversible head loss for venture meters due to friction is only about 10
Turbine Flowmeters
A turbine flowmeter consists of a cylindrical flow section that houses a
(a vaned rotor) that is free to rotate, additional stationary vanes at the
inlet to straighten t he flow, and a sensor that generates a pulse each time
a marked point on the turbine passes by to determine the rate of rotation.
The rotational speed of the turbine is nearly proportional to the flow rate
of the fluid. Turbine flowmeters give highly accur ate results (as accurate
as 0.25 percent) over a wide range of flow rates when calibrated properly
for the anticipated flow conditions. Turbine flowmeters have very few
blades (sometimes just two blades) when used to measure liquid f low, but
several blades when used to measure gas flow to ensure adequate torque
generation. The head loss caused by the turbine is very small.
Turbine flowmeters have bee n used extensively for flow
measurement since the 1940s because of their simplicity, low cost, and
accuracy over a wide range of flow conditions. They are made
commercially available for both liquids and gases and for pipes of
practically all sizes. Turbine flowme ters are also commonly used to
measure flow velocities in unconf ined flows such as winds, rivers, an d
ocean currents. The handheld device shown is used to measure wind
You have probably noticed that when a flow stream such as a river
encounters an obstruction such as a rock, the fluid separates and moves
around the rock. But the pres ence of the rock is felt for some distance
downstream via the swirls generated by it.
Most flows, encountered in practice are turbulent, and a disk or a sho rt
cylinder placed in the flow coaxially sheds vortices . It is observed that
these vortices are shed periodically, and the shedding fre quency is
proportional to the average flow velocity. This suggests that the flow rate
can be determined by generating vortices in the flow by placing an
obstruction along the flow and measuring the shedding frequency. Th e
flow measurement devices that work on this principle are called vortex
flowmeters. The Strouhal number, defined as St = fd/V, wheref is the
vortex shedding frequency, d is the characteristic diameter or width of the
obstruction, and V is the velocity of the flow impinging on the
obstruction, also remains constant in this case, provided that the flow
velocity is high enough.
A vortex flowmeter consists of a sharp -edged bluff body (strut) placed in
the flow that serves as the vortex generator, and a detect or (such as a
pumps, these rotat ing blades are called impeller blades, while for
turbines; the rotating blades are called runner blades or buckets.
Examples of dynamic pumps include enclosed pumps and ducted pumps
(those with casings around the blades such as the water pump in your
car's engine), and open pumps (those with out casings such as the ceiling
fan in your house, the propeller on an air plane, or the rotor on a
helicopter). Examples of dynamic turbines include enclosed turbines, such
as the hydroturbine that extracts energy from wate r in a hydroelectric
dam, and open turbines such as the wind turbine that extracts energy from
the wind.
Some fundamental parameters are used to analyze the performance of a
pump. The mass flow rate of fluid thr ough the pump is an obvious pri mary
pump performance parameter. For incompressible flow, it is more
common; to use volume flow rate rather than mass flow rate. In the turbo -
machinery industry, volume flow rate is called capacity and is simply mass
flow rate divided by flu id density,
The performance of a pump is characterized additionally by its net head
H, defined as the change in Bernoulli head between the inlet and outlet of
the pump,
H = (p/ρg + V 2 /2g + z) o u t – (p/ ρg + V 2 /2g + z )in
The dimension of net head is length, and it is often listed as an equivalent
column height of water, even for a pump that is not pumping water.
For the case in which a liquid is being pumped, the Bernoulli head at the
inlet is equivalent to the energy grade line at the inlet, EGL i n , obtained by
aligning a Pilot probe in the center of the flow .
The energy grade line at the outlet EGL O U T is obtained in the same
manner, as also illustrated in the figure. In the general case, the outlet of
the pump may be at a different elevation than the inlet, and its diameter
and average speed may not be the same as those at the inlet. Regardless of
these differ ences, net head H is equal to the difference between EGL o l i t
and EGL i n ,
Consider the special case of incompressible flow through a pu mp in which
the inlet and outlet diameters are identical, and there is n o change in
elevation. Above equation reduces to
H = p o u t – p i n /𝜌g
For this simplified case, net head is simply the pressure rise across the
pump expressed as a head (column height of the fluid).
Net head is proportional to the useful power actually delivered to the
fluid. It is traditional to call this power the water horsepower, even if the
fluid being pumped is not water, and even if the power is not measured in
units of horsepower. By dimensional reasoning, we must multiply the ne t
head of by mass flow rate and gravitational acceleration to obtain'
dimensions of power. Thus Power =
All pumps suffer from irreversible losses due to friction, internal leakage,
flow separation on blade surfaces, turbulent dissipation etc. Therefore,
the mechanical energy supplied to the pump must be larger than water
horsepower In pump terminology, the external power supplied to the
pump is called the brake horsepower, which we abbreviate as bhp. We
define pump efficiency as the ratio of useful power to supplied power.
ηpump = /bhp
should be carefully selected (or a new pump should be designed) such that
the operating point is as close to the best efficiency point as possible. In
some cases it may be possible to change the shaft rotation speed so that an
existing pump can operate much closer to its design point (best efficiency
There are unfortunate situations where the system curve and the pump
performance curve intersect at more than one operating point. This can
occur when a pump that has a dip in its net head performance curve is
mated to a system that has a fairly flat system curve, as illustrated in
figure. Although rare, such situations are possible and should be avoided,
because the system may "hunt" for an operating point, leading to an
unsteady-flow situation.
It is fairly straightforward to match a piping system to a pump, once we
realize that the term for useful pump head (h p u m p ) that we used in the
head form of the energy equatio n is the same as the net head (H) used in
the present context. Consider, for example, a general piping system with
elevation change, major and minor losses, and fluid acceleration. We
begin by solving the energy equation for the required net head H r e q u i i e d ,
H r e q u i i e d = h p u m p , u = (p 2 – p 1 )/𝜌g + (V 2 2 – V 2 1 )/2g + (z 2 – z 1 ) + h l o s s
Where we assume that there is no turbine in the system, although that
term can be added back in, if necessary. Equation is evaluated from the
inlet of the piping system (point 1, upstream of the pump) to the outlet of
the piping system (point 2, down stream of the pump). Equation agrees
with our intuition, because it tells us that the useful pump head delivered
to the fluid does four things:
1. It increases the static pressure of the fluid from point 1 to point 2 (fi rst
term on the right).
2. It increases the dynamic pressure (kinetic energy) of the fluid from
point 1to point 2 (second term on the right).
3. It raises the elevation (potential energy) of the fluid from point 1 to
point 2 (third term on the rig ht).
4. It overcomes irreversible head losses in the piping system (last term on
the right).
In a general system, the change in static pressure, dynamic pressure, and
elevation may be either positive or negative, while irreversible head losses
are always positive. In many mechanical and civil engineering problems in
which the fluid is a liquid, the elevation term is important, but when the
fluid is a gas, such as in ventilation and air pollution control problems,
the elevation term is almost always negligib le.
To match a pump to a system, and to determine the operating point, we
equate H r e q u i r e d to H a v a i l a b l c which is the (typically known) net head of the
pump as a function of volume flow rate.
The most common situation is that an engineer selects a pump tha t is
somewhat heftier than actually required. The volume flow rate through the
piping system is then a bit larger than needed, and a valve or dampe r is
installed in the line so that the flow rate can be decreased as necessary.
When pumping liquids, it is possible for the local pressure inside the
pump fall below the vapor pressure of the liquid, p v . (p v is also called the
saturation pressure p s a t and is listed in thermodynamics tables as a
function of saturation temperature.) When p < p v , vapor-filled bubbles
called cavitation bubbles appear. In other words, the liquid boils locally,
typically on the suc tion side of the rotating impeller blades where the
pressure is After the cavitation bubbles are forme d, they are transported
through the pump to regions where the pressure is higher, causing rapid
collapse of the bubbles. It is this collapse of the bubbles that is
undesirable, since it causes noise, vibration, reduced efficiency, and most
importantly, damage to the impeller blades. Repeated bubble collapse
near a blade surface leads to pitting or erosion of the blade and eventually
catastrophic blade failure.
To avoid cavitation, we must ensure that the local pressure everywhere
inside the pump stays above the vapor pressure. Since pressure is most
easily measured (or estimated) at the inlet of the pump, cavitation criteria
are typically specified at the pump inlet. It is useful to employ a flow
parameter called net positive suction head (NPSH), defined as the
difference between the pump's inlet stagnation pressure head and the
vapor pressure head.
NPSH = (p/𝜌g + v 2 /2g) p u m p inlet – p v /𝜌g
Pump manufacturers test their pumps for cavitation in a pump test facility
by varying the volume flow rate and inlet pressure in a controlled manner.
Specifically, at a given flow rate and liquid temperature, the pressure at
the pump inlet is slowly lowered until cavitation occurs somewhere inside
the pump. The value of NPSH is calculated using above equation and is
recorded at this operating condition. The process is repeated at several
other flow rates, and the pump manufac turer then publishes a
performance parameter called the required net positive suction head
(NPSH r e q u i r e d ), defined as the minimum NPSH necessary to avoid
cavitation in the pump. The measured value of NPSH r e q u i r e d varies with
volume flow rate, and therefor e NPSH r e q u i r e d is often plotted on the same
pump performance curve as net head . When expressed properly in units of
head of the liquid being pumped, NPSH r e q u i r e d is independent of the type
of liquid. However, if the required net positive suction head is ex pressed
for a particular liquid in pressure units such as pascals or psi, the
engineer must be careful to convert this pressure to the equivalent column
height of the actual liquid being pumped. Note that since NPSH r e q u i r e d is
usually much smaller than H over the majority of the performance curve,
it is often plotted on a separate expanded vertical axis for clarity) or as
contour lines when being shown for a family of pumps. NPSH r e q u i r e d
typically increases with volume flow rate, although for some pumps it
decreases with Q at low flow rates where the pump is not operating very
In order to ensure that a pump does not cavitate ,the actual or available
NPSH must be greater than NPSH r e q u i r e d . It is important to note that the
value of NPSH varies not only with flow rate, but also with liquid
temperature, since p v is a function of temperature. NPSH also depends on
the type of liq uid being pumped, since there is a unique p v versus T curve
for each liquid. Since irreversible head losses through the pipin g system
upstream of the inlet increase with flow rate, the pump inlet stagnation
pressure head decreases with flow rate. Therefore, the value of NPSH
decreases with Q. By identifying the volume flow rate at which the curves
of actual NPSH and NPSH r e q u i r e d intersect, we estimate the maximum
volume How rate that can be delivered by the pump without cavitatio n.
Note: Some authors define NPSH as the difference in inlet static head and
vapour pressure head.
Finally, how can we increase the maximum flow? Any modification that
increases NPSH helps us. We can raise the height of reservoir surface (to
increase hydrostatic head).we can reroute the piping so that only one
elbow is necessary and replace the globe valve with a ball valve (to
decrease the separation loss es).We can increase the diameter of the pipe
and decrease the surface roughness (to decrease frictional loss).This is
one reason why many centrifugal pumps have a larger inlet diameter.
When two or more identical (or similar) pumps are operated in parallel,
their individual volume flow rates (rather than net heads) are summed
Combined capacity for n pumps in parallel: Q c o m b i n e d =
As an example, consider the same three pumps, but arranged in parallel
rather than in series. The combined pump pe rformance curve is sho wn in
figure. The free delivery of the three combined pumps is equal to the sum
of the free delivery of each individual pump. For low values of net head,
the capacity of the three pumps in parallel is equal to Q 1 + Q 2 + Q 3 . Above
the shutoff head of pump 1 ,pump 1 should be shut off and its branch
should be blocked (with a valve). Otherwise it would be running beyond
its maximum designed operating point, and the pump or its motor could
be damaged. Fur thermore, the volume flow rate through this pump would
be negative as previously discussed, contributing to a net loss in the
system. With pump 1 shut off and blocked, the combined capacity becomes
Q 2 + Q 3 . Similarly, above the shutoff head of pump 2, that pump should
also be shut off and blocked. The combined capacity is then equal to
Q 3 alone. In this case, the combined shutoff head is the same as that of
pump 3 alone, assuming that the other two pumps are shut off and their
branches are blocked.
The pump performance curve (net head versus capacity) of a rotary pump
is nearly vertical throughout its recommended operating range, since the
capacity is fairly constant regardless of load at a given rotational speed.
However, as indicated by the dashed line , at very high values of net head,
corresponding to very high pump outlet pressure, leaks become more
severe, even for high -viscosity fluids. In addition, the motor driving the
pump cannot overcome the large torque caused by this high outlet
pressure, and the motor begins to suffer stall or overload, which may burn
out the motor. Therefore, rotary pump manufacturers do not rec ommend
operation of the pump above a certain maximum net head, which is
typically well below the shutoff head. The pump performance curves sup -
plied by the manufacturer often do not even show the pump's performance
outside of its recommended operating range.
An air lift is a device for raising water f rom wells by compressed air, no
moving mechanical parts being used. As shown in figure, a large pipe is
placed in the well with the lower end submerged. Compressed air is led
into the bottom of the large pipe through a small air line, run either inside
the larger pipe, as shown in sketch, or on the outside and curved up into
the larger pipe at the bottom.
As the compressed air escapes into the water at the bottom of the suction
pipe, it produces a mixture of air bubbles and water which is lighter than
the well water on the outside of the suction pipe. This column of air bub -
bles and water is forced upward by the pressure of the heavier column of
water outside. A supply of compressed air is necessary to operate the air
Rate of discharge depends upon lift and submergence. Lift is the vertical
distance from the surface of the water in the well t o the point of
discharge. Submergence is the vertical distance from the point at which
the compressed air enters the suction pipe to the surface o f the water in
the well. The depth of water in the well is, of course, lowered to sonic
extent when the air l ift is in operation; so the running submergence varies
in practice between 35 and 75 percent of the total vertical distance from
point of air entry to point of water discharge.
A filter can consist o f materials in addition to a screen. Particle sizes
removed by filters are measured in micrometers (or microns).The
smallest-sized particle that can normally be removed by a strainer is
0.0059 in or approximately 150 µm. On the other hand, filters can remove
particles as small as 1 µm.
There are three basic types of filtering methods used in hydraulic systems;
mechanical, absorbent, and adsorbent.
1. Mechanical. This type normally contains a metal or cloth screen or a
series of metal disks separated by thin spacers. Mechanical -type filters are
capable of removing only relatively coarse particles from the fluid.
2. Absorbent. These filters are porous and permeable materials such as
paper, wood pulp, diatomaceous earth, cloth, cellulose, and asbestos.
Paper filters are normally impregnated with a resin to provide added
strength. In this type of filter, the particles are actually absorbed as the
fluid permeates the material. As a result, these filters are used for
extremely small particle filtration.
3. Adsorbent . Adsorption is a surface phenomenon and r efers to the
tendency of particles to cling to the surface of the filter. Thus, the
capacity of such a filter de pends on the amount of surface area available.
Adsorbent materials used include ac tivated clay and chemically treated
paper. Charcoal and Full er's earth should not be used because they
remove some of the essential additives from the hydraulic fluid.
Some filters are designed to be installed in the pressure line and normally
are used in systems where high -pressure components such as valves are
more dirt sensitive than the pump. Pressure line filters are accordingly
designed to sustain sys tem operating pressures. Return line filters are
used in systems that do not have a very large reservoir to permit
contaminants to settle to the bottom. A retur n line filter is needed in
systems containing close -tolerance, high -performance pumps, be cause
inlet line filters, which have limited pressure drop allowance, cannot filter
out extremely small particles in the 1 -to 5 µm range.
A steam separator is an apparatus for separating out moisture that may be
carried in suspension by steam flowing in pipelines and for preventing
this moisture from reaching and perhaps damaging engines, pumps, or
other machiner y that may be driven by the steam. The separation of the
moisture from the steam is accomplished by .either giving the steam a
whirling motion or causing it to strike baffles that change the direction of
its How.
A centrifugal steam separator is shown at the left in figure. In passing
through this separator, the steam strikes a spiral -shaped plate which gives
it a whirling motion. The moisture is thrown outward by centrifugal force,
and it drains down the walls to the bottom of the separator while the te am
passes up the central pipe and out to the line.
In the baffle type of steam separator shown at the right, the direction of
flow of the steam is changed by suitable baffles. The moisture adheres to
the baffle walls and drains down to the bottom of the se parator. In all
types of separators the water is drained away through a steam trap.
So then
h f is 28.85 % of total enthalpy
h f g is 66.56 % of total enthalpy
Superheat enthalpy is 4.54 % of total e nthalpy
If will be seen that superheating provides a valuable safeguard
against loss of heat -content due to wet steam conditions, particularly
when the steam is to be used fo r generating power. But the superheating
of steam has also a problem.
Steam Volume:
Dry saturated steam at 1 bar takes up a lot of room. 1kg of it fills 1.694 m 3 .
As steam pressures rise, so steam becomes more compact. At 15 bar
volume of 1 kg of dry steam is 0.1520 m 3 .
This is a valuable point. We remember that steam at this pressure has only
4.1% more heat per kg than steam at 1bar, but we can get more than 11
times the amount of steam at th is higher pressure into the same space.
If the steam should not b e dry and we decide to superheat it, we find that
the volume factor now starts to work against us, because steam expands
when it is superheated. At 15 bar with a degree of superheat of 52°C,
volume of 1 kg of steam is 0.1324 m 3 .At 15 bar, enthalpy of dry s team per
m 3 of steam is 21100.69 kJ and at 15 bar with a degree of superheat of
52°C, enthalpy of steam per m 3 of steam is 19243.42 kJ. So
Enthalpy of steam per kg is increased by superheating dry steam to 52°C
degree of superheat from 2792 kJ to 2925 kJ (4.76 % increase) but volume
per kg is increased from 0.1317 m 3 to 0.1520 m 3 (15.41 % increase)
resulting in decrease of enthalpy of steam per m 3 from 21100.69 kJ to
19243.42 kJ (8.80 % decrease).Recall mass flow rate equation
Mass flow rate = AV/ ν
For a given velocity (dictated by losses) and a given area (hence initial
cost), mass flow rate decrease as ν (specific volume) increases. So less kg
of steam per unit time will be supplied, resulting in less enthalpy
available for process heating.
The heat provided by dry saturated steam is, so far as it does not
condense, latent heat. This is all transmitted at the temperature of
saturated steam corresponding to the steam pressure. Since it is only the
latent heat in steam which has change d it from water, as soon as the latent
heat is removed it changes back , it condenses. The amount of latent heat
which is given up by 1 kg of steam in condensing is the same as the
amount which was put into it in vaporizing.
The condensate which is formed i s at the temperature of the saturated
steam and it still contains all its sensible heat. There is still a tempera ture
head between the condensate and its surroundings 3 so it gives up heat to
them. But the loss of sensible heat, unlike the loss of latent heat, produces
a drop in temperature. The condensate cools and in doing so reduces the
the means by which this raw mate rial is conveyed from the store to the
process plant. But whereas you can see and stop material falling off a belt
conveyor you can't so easily see heat material falling off a heat conveyor —
except through the grosser errors such as leaking flanges and valv es.
Nevertheless heat is dropping off its conveyor constantly through the
insulation however good or bad may be, because, in the last analysis it is
inevitable that some losses should occur. Sometimes these losses are
unnecessarily high, for example, as th e result of the conveyor passing
round three sides of a building for purely historical reasons.
The process plant to which the heat is being led has almost certainly been
designed to work on dry saturated steam. But even if steam has been
generated genuine ly dry at the boiler —in itself something of a pious
hope—it cannot possibly also be dry at the plant. On the contrary, as soon
as the steam leaves the boiler on its way to the process plant, it gives up
some of its Latent Heat and begins to condense.
Condensation in the steam main will form initially on the wall of the pipe
as a film of water. This will be dragged along by the steam velocity of
perhaps ninety miles an hour and at the same time gravity will act to make
it thicker on the bottom of the main th an on the sides. As soon as there is
any disturbance to flow such as would be caused by a bend or valve, the
water film will be picked up by the steam in the form of drops so adding to
any water droplets already carried over from the boiler.
If the main is drained by appropriate steam trapping as is described in a
later chapter, the water on the bottom may be removed but not the high
speed drops—and even the water film is being dragged along very rapidly
and so needs a proper drain arresting point before it will flow down to the
steam trap.
If the droplets of condensation from the main are allowed to pass through
into the process unit they will interfere with the passage of Latent Heat
from the dry steam to the metal. In themselves the drops have no Latent
Heat, so contribute nothing to the process. In draining down the metal
surface they add to the thickness of the water film that has legitimately
formed as a result of the passage of heat from the dry steam to the metal.
This thicker film increases the resis tance to heat flow and lowers the
temperature of the metal wall, thus slowing production in the plant.
The better the quality of the steam, that is, the less water it contains at
the plant the higher will be the possible rate of production. There are
three ways of improving steam quality .
If the boiler plant allows, it is worth considering slightly superheating the
steam before it leaves for the process plant —not to provide super heat at
the plant, but to allow the unneeded superheat to be dissipated in pip e
losses rather than the needed Latent Heat. This course cannot mean that
all process units are fed with dry saturated steam, because they will be at
different distances from the boiler and have different heat losses in their
feed mains; but if the choice is made based on the largest steam user,
much good will have been achieved.
A steam dryer separates water particles from flowing steam by two
distinct methods, both of which operate by the difference in density of
steam and water.
Figure shows an impact dryer. This design has a double purpose. Steam
flows through an increasing area, its velocity falls and some water drops
out of suspension. The steam direction changes and the heavier water
drops impinge on a shaped surface down which they run out o f contact
with the continuing steam flow.
Second figure is a different conception. In this dryer the steam velocity is
first maintained but the flow is given a twist so that the heavier water
droplets are flung out of suspension by centrifugal force agains t the sides
of the vessel, then the flow area is increased so that the steam velocity
drops to prevent pick -up of separated water.
Steam dryers, when used for preventing bad effects of wet steam in
process units, should be fitted as near as possible to the units them selves.
A small dryer, drained by an appropriate steam trap, in such a position
will give the best steam quality that plant conditions permit. If the
ultimate output is required from steam heated plant this is certainly one
of the additions that should be carried out.
There remains yet another way in which, perhaps incidentally for our
purpose, steam quality becomes improved.
The higher the pressure at which steam is generated the less space one
pound of it takes up and the more steam can be pushed along a pipe line.
Or, if a certain amount of steam has to be transmitted, the smaller the
pipe which is needed to carry it.
By reducing to a minimum the size of pipe required to carry the steam we
have done two things—we have reduced the capital cost of the trans -
mission plant and we have reduced the heat losses from it.
But one kg of steam at high pressure is not so valuable for process work as
one pound at a lower pressure; because the higher the pressure, the lower
the latent enthalpy per kg.
Process plant is generally designed to give a certain output at a certain
steam pressure and temperature. There must be some temperature & head
between the steam and the process material. This will determine the low
limit of steam pressu re, The higher the steam pressure above this low
limit the greater the temperature head will be and, within limits, the
greater the rate of production. But the higher the steam pressure the less
the latent heat which is available per kg and so the more kg of steam
required to give the same heating effect.
The steam pressure for any given process job is therefore a nice choice
between output and fuel consumption. The steam pressure for best
generation and transmission is quite another matter. Within the per -
missible limits of the plant, the h igher the pressure the better.
As a result of these quite separate conditions it may be found that it is
correct to generate at a higher pressure than the pressure at which the
steam is to be used.
Let us assume that we a re generating dry saturated steam at 15 bar and we
want to use dry saturated steam at 5 bar.
The steam gives up latent heat to the steam main and by the time it
reaches the first process take -off, each kg has lost, say, 38.94 kJ in
making up pipe losses (d ryness fraction 0.98).
The enthalpy of steam which was 2792 kJ/kg has been reduced to 2753.06
The steam now passes through a pressure reducing valve to 5 bar on the
first process branch.
The h g of steam at 5 bar is 2749 kJ/kg. Assuming that no heat loss occurs
in the reducing valve, the wet steam which went in at 15 bar has come out
at 5 bar, not only dry but with 2753.06 - 2749 = 4.06 kJ per kg as
superheat, and so at a T above saturation temperature.
It would be crazy to fit a reducing valve just in order to dry steam.
However if such a valve must be used because of the pressure conditions
of generation and usage, it is as well to consider where and why it should
be fitted. If all the process plant is to be operated at a lower pressure than
the boiler and the higher pressure boiler has been chosen merely to save
capital on the distribution system, then obviously the pressure reduction
should be made near to the plant. A moment's consideration should
however be given to the possibility of reducing th e pressure through an
engine or an evaporator. You get much more for your high pressure that
way than by degrading it through a reducing value.
The correct sizing and installation of pressure reducing valves and their
protection against water, scale and d irt build-up is vital if they are to give
accurate and trouble-free service.
We know from our survey of a process and a power steam circuit that
there are many points in both systems where condensate f orms by the
steam giving up its h eat; in transmission lines, where the heat has been
wasted; in process units, where the heat has been put to good use; in
power plant, where the presence of condensate can be a potential danger.
We also know that superheat is wanted in one place and not in another;
that steam pressures must be high here and low there.
Also condensate from whatever source should be re turned for boiler feed,
or at least that its heat should be extracted from it.
An automatic drain valve, know n as a Steam Trap, is the only efficient
means by which this condensate can be taken away from where i t is not
wanted and helped on its way to where it will do most good.
The duty of a steam trap to discharge condensate while not permitting the
escape of live steam is common to all designs of trap; but there are several
methods by which this can be done. The steam pressures at which steam
traps must operate may be anywhere from vacuum to the highest in
practical use. The quantity of condensate which steam t raps have to
discharge on different jobs may vary from a trickle to a flood. They may
have to be suitable for saturated steam or for superheated steam. They
may have to discharge condensate at steam temperature, as soon as it
forms in the steam space; or t hey may have to discharge it below -steam
temperature, after it has given up some of its sensible heat units.
Nevertheless there are only three characteristics that differentiate the
behavior of steam and condensate as they arrive at the point where a
steam trap has to be fitted.
Firstly, the density of steam and hot condensate is different; therefore a
float can be used that will sink in steam and rise in water. This property
gives rise to the range of mechanical steam traps.
Secondly, a temperature differ ence can be made between the steam and
condensate if the two are separated, as the condensate will begin to lose
its Sensible Heat. From this property has sprung the range of thermostatic
The third factor is a trifle more complicated. If condensate is to be
discharged at full steam temperature there will be a maximum of flash
steam formed at the trap outlet. This will cause a maximum build -up of
pressure due to the sudden local increase of volume. If the condensate
temperature is cold there will be no buildup at all. Also if there is an
artificial restriction to the condensate out flow these tendencies will be
The incidence of fl ash steam formation and the subsequent pressure
build-up is the basis for the design of steam traps of the types known
variously as Thermodynamic (or Flash Pressure) traps. So these traps
differentiate between steam and condensate due to difference in their flow
Figure shows an impulse trap. The main valve E has a hole through it and
an orifice A at the top. C is a thin piston disc on the valve body and it
moves in the guide D. The guide is tapered, being wider at the top than at
the bottom.
When steam is first turned on, the pressur e acting under C lifts the valve
so that air is passed out. Then comes water. This too passes out of the
valve direct; water also passes round C into the chamber above the valve
and is discharged through A. The clearance at C drops the pressure of
water passing round so that the pressure below C is greater than the
pressure above it.
As the condensate gets up to steam temperature the orifice A is choked
with flash steam. A pressure is then set up above the valve which begins to
fall on to the reduced taper in D. The valve is then open to suit hot
condensate conditions.
If steam arrives, it passes comparatively easily round the reduced
clearance C and drops the valve. If, instead of steam, cooler condensate
arrives, the top flashing ceases and the valve lifts .
This type of trap is obviously very simple, but its correct operation does
depend upon the maintenance of fine machining limits under arduous
conditions Condensate is discharged continuously (through A, main valve
shut) if the load is light, intermittent ly if the load is medium, and con -
tinuously if the load is heavy. The temperature is somewhat below that of
Operating power is derived directly from the temperature arid pressure of
the steam.
Figure shows an interesting, and ver y important, type of trap that relies at
least partly on the formation of flash steam from condensate arriving at
increasing pressure and temperature; this accounts for the 'thermo'
beginning of the name. The "dynamic ‖ end exploits the Bernoulli theorem
that in a moving fluid the sum of dynamic and static pressures is constant.
A in figure is a finely finished disc that is also a freely floating valve. It
mates against concentric seat rings C. When steam is first turned on, the
disc A is raised by the press ure and air is discharged through the outlet
passage B. Condensate follows, cold at first, and is dis charged. As the
condensate temperature and pressure rise so flash steam is formed under
the disc and the velocity of this passing below the disc towards t he outlet
Here Bernoulli takes over. The increasing velocity lowers the pressure
under the disc, so the disc is drawn towards the seat rings. However at the
extreme circumference of the disc the velocity is reduced and the pressure
builds up in the chamber D above the floating disc. At a point when the
condensate temperature has approached that of steam the flash -produced
pressure in D acting on the large area of the disc overcomes the inlet
pressure acting on a small diameter. The disc D snaps s hut against the
rings C and prevents further flow.
Deprived of further flash steam, the pressure in the control chamber falls
and the inlet pressure once again opens the valve for the cycle to be
Since flash steam formation is greater with an inc rease in pressure, the
pressure available to close the disc rises with the pressure available to
open it and the trap is self -balancing both for pressure and for super heat.
The disc is the only moving part, so there is nothing within the trap that
can be damaged by extraneous forces such a waterham mer. These traps
are made completely in stainless steel so that corrosion is not a problem
and they can be frozen solid without coming to any harm.
The ability of a this trap to pass air will depend on velocity. For example,
when starting up, air will lift the disc and pass freely, to be followed by
condensate in the normal way. Should its velocity happen, on occasions, to
increase to the point at which the dynamic effect becomes great enough to
seat the disc, the trap will close. But this generally happens at a higher
pressure than it would with steam and the trap will reopen quite soon
because the air in the control chamber is warm and quickly loses heat and
contracts, allowing the disc to lift.
On jobs where a lot of air has to be discharged it may be necessary to fit a
separate air vent in parallel with the trap.
that opens a thermostat in the valve. In one design a small hole is drilled
in the discharge tube F which goes most of th8 way to obviate air -binding.
The bucket cannot r ise any higher, so water begins to overflow into it. As
this continues the time comes when the bucket can no longer float. In
sinking, it pulls the valve B off the seat C. Steam pressure then blows the
condensate out of the bucket. The weight of the bucket is so designed that
the bucket floats again before it is completely emptied. This leaves a water
seal in the bottom which prevents the escape of steam
Traps of this type have an intermittent or blast discharge because no
condensate is discharged while the bucket is filling. The condensate is at
steam temperature.
which comes to the trap during the running period will collect in the
bucket and pass slowly away through the hole D.
In the standard design, the larger D is the faster air will escape and the
faster steam will pass; the smaller D is the slower steam will escape, but
the slower air will be able to get away. In some designs there is an
additional hole D in the bucket top, the opening of which is controlled by
a simple thermostat. But since the trap is always full of water the small
temperature difference to operate this thermostat does not permit it to
have much power.
Inverted bucket traps discharge condensate intermittently and at steam
changing temperatures and produce the needed varying force on the valve,
so making if follow in considerable measure the steam saturation curve.
trap. This provides only a com promise solution, but it is better than a
hand-operated vent.
When steam is first turned on, all is cold, the valve is wide open and air is
blown out. As the temperature rise s the liquid in the element expands and
slowly the valve is pushed towards its seat until it closes to prevent steam
loss. The opening of the valve will take place due t o loss of heat by the
element to its surroundings and will not be dependent on air form ation.
But as soon as ever the valve does begin to open, the first slight passage of
steam will close it. If air should be present so that the temperature is
lower in the steam space, the valve will stay open just that little bit
In deciding on the number and positions of the air vents needed for a
particular machine two main factors must be borne in mind. The first is
the importance of getting the air out quickly before it has a chance to mix
with the incoming steam. Once t he air and steam are mixed to gether they
can only be separated by condensing the steam and deposit ing the air on
the heat transfer surface.
The second point is that, in most cases, the steam coming in will tend to
push the air in front of it until it rea ches some point or points remote
from the inlet, where it will collect. Here it will form a pocket, unless
removed, and gradually diffuse back into the steam to form a mixture
The temperature of the heating surface where the air pocket collects will
be much lower than that in contact with steam.
It is interesting to note that in most plants the fact that air is heavier than
steam does not mean that it falls to the bottom of the steam space. The
dynamic effect of the entering steam and the shape of the steam space are
the governing factors. There are exceptions to this but these are generally
very large steam spaces, such as autoclaves and retorts, where there is a
very big volume of air on which the incoming steam has less effect.
One further point is that s ometimes, but by no means always, the
condensate drain point is also the best point from which to remove the
air. If a considerable amount of air has to come out by way of the drain
point then either a steam trap that is capable of venting air efficiently
must be used, or a separate air vent must be fitted in parallel with it.
We will now show how air venting should be done in practice by
examining a number of different cases.
Figure shows two steam spaces identical in shape and size. In first case
steam enters at the bottom while in second case it comes in at the top. In
both cases, of course, the condensate drain point is at the bottom. When
steam is turned on to in first case it will push the air ahead of it to the
remote point, which is at the top of the steam space and this is where the
air vent should be fitted. The trap will have little or no air to deal with .
But in second the reverse is the case. The air will be pushed down to the
drain point by the steam coming in at the top and we must either fit a trap
which has a high air venting capacity, such as a closed float with inbuilt
air vent, or fit a separate air vent in parallel with the trap.
This type is generally used for low -pressure, high-volume flow
applications. Because they are not capable of with standing high pressures,
they are of little use in the fluid power field . This type of pump is
primarily used for transport ing fluids from one location to another. The
two most common types of dynamic pumps are the centrifugal and the
axial flow propeller pumps.
This type is universally used for fluid power systems. As the name implies,
a positive displacement pump ejects a fixed amount of fluid into the
hydraulic system per revolution of pump shaft rotation. Such a pump is
capable of overcoming the pressure resul ting from the mechanical loads
on the system as well as the resistance to flow due to friction. These are
two features that are desired of fluid power pumps. These pumps have the
following advantages over nonpositive displacement pumps:
a. High-pressure capability (up to 12,000 psi)
b. Small, compact size
c. High volumetric efficiency
d. Small changes in efficiency throughout the design pressure range e.
Great flexibility of performance (can operate over a wide range of pres sure
requirements and speed ranges)
There are three main types of positive displacement pumps; gear, vane,
and piston.
It should be understood that pumps do not pump pressure. Instead they
produce fluid flow. The resistance to this flow, produced by the hydraulic
system, is what det ermines the pressure. For example, if a positive
displacement pump has its discharge line open to the atmosphere, there
will be flow, but there will be no dis charge pressure above atmospheric
because there is essentially no resistance to flow. However, if the
discharge line is blocked, then we have theoretically infinite resistance to
flow. Hence there is no place for the fluid to go . The pressure will
therefore rise until some component breaks unless pressure relief is
provided. This is the reason a pressure relief valve is needed when a
positive displacement pump is used. When the pressure reaches a set
value, the relief valve will open to allow flow back to the oil tank. Thus, a
pressure relief valve determines the maximum pressure lev el that the
system will experience regardless of the magnitude of the load resistance.
Although these pumps provide smooth continuous flow, their flow output
is reduced as circuit resistance is increased and thus are rarely used in
fluid power systems. In dynamic pumps there is a great deal of clearance
between the rotating impeller or propeller and the stationary housing.
Thus as the resistance of the external system starts to increase, some of
the fluid slips back into the clearance spaces, causing a reduction in the
discharge flow -rate. This slippage is due to the fact that the fluid follows
the path of least resistance. When the resistance of the external system
becomes infinitely large (for example, a valve is closed in the outlet line),
the pump will produce no flow.
Also since there is a great deal of clearance between the rotating and sta -
tionary elements, dynamic pumps are not self -priming unlike positive
displacement pumps. This is because the la rge clearance space does not
permit a suction pressure to occur at the inlet port when the pump is first
turned on. Thus if the fluid is be ing pumped from a reservoir located
below the pump, priming is required. Priming is the prefilling of the pump
housing and inlet pipe with fluid so that the pump can -initially draw in
the fluid and pump it efficiently.
The fact that there is no positive internal seal against leakage is the
reason that the cen trifugal pump is not forced to produce flow against no
demand. When demand for the fluid occurs (for example, the opening of a
valve), the pressure delivers the fluid to the source of the demand. This is
why centrifugal pumps are so desirable for pumping stations used for
delivering water to homes and factories. The demand for water may go to
near zero during the evening and reach a peak sometimes dur ing the
daytime. The centrifugal pump can readily handle these large changes in
fluid demand.
Although dynamic pumps provide smooth continuous flow (when a
demand exist s), their output flow rate is reduced as r esistance to flow is
increased. The maximum pressure is called the shutoff head because an
external circuit valve is closed which shuts off the flow. As the external
resistance decreases due to the valve being ope ned, the flow increases at
the expense of re duced pressure.
This type of pump ejects a fixed quantity of fluid per revolution of the
pump shaft. As a result, pump output flow, neglecting changes in the small
internal leakage, is constant and not dependent on system pressure. This
makes them particularly well suited for fluid power systems. However,
positive displacement pumps must be pro tected against overpressure if
the resistance to flow becomes very large. This can happen i f a valve is
completely closed and there is no physical place for the fluid to go. The
reason for this is that a positive displacement pump continues to eject
fluid (even though it has no place to go), causing an extremely rapid
buildup in pressure as the fluid is compressed. A pressure relief valve is
used to protect the pump against overpressure by diverting pump flow
back to the hydraulic tank, where the fluid is stored for system use.
Pumps perform the function of adding ene rgy to the fluid of a hydraulic
system for transmission to some output location. Motors are positive
displacement machines extracting energy from the fluid. Whiles turbines
are rotodynamic machines extracting energy from the fluid. Engines are
also positiv e displacement machines extracting energy from the fluid but
they are classed separate from the motors. Basically hydraulic cylinder is
also a motor as it is the reverse of reciprocating pump but sometimes term
motor is used for rotary type motors only (re verse of rotary positive
displacement pumps). Hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic motors do just
the opposite of the positive displacement pumps . They extract en ergy from
the fluid and convert it to mechanica l energy to perform useful work,
action being positive displacement. Hydraulic cylinders (also called linear
actuators) extend and retract a piston rod to provide a push or pull force
to drive the external load along a straight -line path. On the other hand,
hydraulic motors (also called rotary actuators) rotate a shaft to provide a
torque to drive the load along a rotary path.
Figure shows a hydraulic impact wrench, which is ideal for heavy -duty
drilling, loosening, and tightening operations. It delivers an infinitely
adjustable range of speed and torque up to 5400 rpm and 400 ft - lb (1900
N • m), respectively. This impact wrench weighs 7.1 lb (3.2 kg) and uses a
gear motor. It operates with a flow -rate range of 4 to 12 gpm (15 to 45
Lpm) and a pressure range of 1000 to 2000 psi (70 to 1 40 bars).
Standard Air
This is defined as air at a temperature of 68o F, a pressure of 14.70 psia, and a
relative humidity of 36% (0.075 density). This is in agreement with definitions adopted
by ASME, but in the gas industries the temperature of ―standard air‖ is usually given as
Ratings for equipment using compressed air and for compressors delivering the
air are given in terms of free air. This gives the quantity of air delivered per unit time,
assuming that the air is at standard atmospheric conditions of 14.7 psia and 60oF.
In any air-vapor mixture, each component has its own partial pressure, and the
air and the vapor are each indifferent to the existence of the other. It follows that the
conditions of either component may be studied without reference to the other. In a
certain volume of mixture, each component fills the full volume at its own partial
pressure. The water vapor may saturate this space (be at its saturation pressure and
As this vapor is compressed, its volume is reduced while, at the same time, the
temperature automatically increases and the vapor may become superheated. More
pounds of vapor are now contained in 1 ft3 than when originally entering the
Under the laws of vapors, the maximum quantity of a particular vapor a given
space can contain is solely dependent on the vapor temperature. As the compressed
water vapor is cooled it will eventually reach the temperature at which the space
becomes saturated, now containing the maximum it can hold. Any further cooling will
force part of the vapor to condense into the liquid form. It is clearly evident that the
lower the temperature and the greater the pressure of compressed air, the greater will be
the amount of vapor condensed.
Example. Given that 1000 ft3 of saturated free air drawn into a compressor at
atmospheric pressure and at a temperature of 70oF contains 1.12 1b of moisture. After
this air has been compressed to psig pressure and then cooled to its original
temperature of 70oF its moisture content will be reduced to 0.15 1b. If its temperature is
reduced an additional 15oF, that is to 55oF, the remaining moisture content, will be 0.09
lb. This is only 0.06 lb less than at 70oF, showing that in cooling air to eliminate
moisture a point is reached below which little additional moisture is removed. As a
general rule a differential of 15oF between the temperature of the cooling water entering
and the temperature of the air leaving the after cooler should be maintained, with about
1-1.5 gal of water required per 100 ft3 of free air handled.
In connection with the last item, in some rock drills there is a 70oF drop in
temperature from inlet to exhaust. Most portable pneumatic tools have a considerably
lower temperature drop, but the foregoing problem sometimes exists.
The increased use of control systems and automatic machinery has made these
problems more serious and has spurred activity toward their reduction. The amount of
moisture entering the compressor is widely variable, depending on ambient temperature
and relative humidity. The problems are usually the worst when both temperature and
humidity are height. Pipeline freezing problems are prevalent only in the winter months.
3. Drain all low points and dead ends through a water leg using automatic traps
to ensure drainage.
4. Incorporate strainers and lubricators in the piping to all tools.
The temperature of compressed air leaving an aftercooler and receiver will largely
depend on the temperature and quantity of the water used in the cooler. Unfortunately,
when atmospheric temperature and humidity are highest and condensation in the cooler
is mot needed, the water temperature is usually also high. Results are not always all that
could be desired.
The degree of drying desired will vary with the pneumatic equipment and
application involved. The air is to eliminate further condensation in the line and tool.
Prevailing atmospheric conditions also have an influence.
Terminology involves drier outlet dew point at the line pressure. This is the saturation
temperature of the remaining moisture. If the compressed air temperature is never
reduced below this dew pint at any pint beyond the drying equipment, there will be no
further condensation.
Another value sometimes involved when the air pressure is reduced before it is
used is the dew point at that lower pressure condition. A major example is the use of
100-psig (or higher) air reduced to 15 psig for use in pneumatic instruments and
controls. This dew point will be lower because the volume involved increases as the
pressure is lowered.
The dew point at atmospheric pressure is often used as a reference point for
measurement of drying effect. This is of little interest when handling compressed air.
Example. 1000 ft3 of compressed air at 100 psig at 50oF, or 1000 ft3 of compressed air at
15 psig at 50oF will hold the same amount of vapor at the dew point. However, 1000 ft3
at 100 psig and 50oF reduced to 15 psig will become 3860 ft3 at so is capable of holding
3.86 times as much vapor, and the dew point will not be reached until the mixture
temperature is lowered materially.
These methods are primarily for water vapor removal. Removal of lubrication oil
is secondary, although all systems will reduce its carryover. It must be understood that
complete elimination of lubricating oil, particularly in the vapor form, is very difficult
and that, when absolutely oil-free air is required, some form of nonlubricated
compressor is the best guaranteed method.
Chemical Drying
Chemical driers use materials that combine with or absorb moisture from air
when bough into close contact. The second type utilizes an ethylene glycol liquid to
absorb the moisture. Standard dew pint reduction claimed is 45oF, but greater
reductions are said to be possible with special equipment. They glycol is regenerated
(dried) in a still using fuel gas or steam as a heating agent. The released moisture is
vented to atmosphere. The regenerated glycol is recirculated by a pump. Usually driven
by compressed air. A water cooled glycol cooler is also required.
Adsorption is the property of certain extremely porous materials to hold vapors
in the pores until the desiccant is either heated or exposed to a drier gas.
Separators are available from many sources, in many designs, and usually consist
of a knockout chamber and condensate removal trap. Some designs include a removable
filter of some type. These can removed only contaminants condensed to this point and
are meant to be placed at the actual point the compressed air is used.
Maintenance is most important because dirty water cooled intercoolers, dirty fins
on air cooled units; broken or leaky discharge valves, broken piston rings, and the like
always tend to increase normal discharge air temperature, sometimes rapidly. These
excessive temperatures cause more rapid oil deterioration and formation of deposits,
both of which are further accelerated if tool much oil or improper oil is being used.
Based on experience, fires and explosions are seldom if ever caused ever cased by
reaching the autogenous ignition temperature of the oil. This averages between 600o
and 750oF, there appears little opportunity for the existence of such a temperature.
Petroleum oils do decompose and form carbonaceous deposits. They collect on valves,
heads and discharge parts, and in piping, experiments have shown that, in time, they
may absorb some oxygen from the air and under favorable conditions, will themselves
start to decompose, generating heat. This heat might reach a point where the mass
glows and becomes a trigger for more violent burning. This action is speeded by high
temperatures. It is believed this reaction applies to a majority of reported incidents.
An aftercooler should be used with ever air compressor. If a fire starts between the
compressor and aftercooler, it will go no farther than the cooler as a rule.
Why fire tube boilers cannot be used for high pressure steam generation?
σ r = [p i r i 2 – p o r o 2 + ( p o – p i )(r o r i /r) 2 ]/ (r o 2 – r i 2 )
σ θ = [p i r i 2 – p o r o 2 - ( p o – p i )(r o r i /r) 2 ]/ (r o 2 – r i 2 )
p i = internal pressure
σ r = p i r i 2 ( 1– r 0 2 /r 2 )/ (r o 2 – r i 2 )
σ θ = p i r i 2 ( 1+ r 0 2 /r 2 )/ (r o 2 – r i 2 )
σr,max = – pi
σ θ , m a x = p i (r o 2 + r i 2 )/ (r o 2 – r i 2 )
This is the case with the fire tubes in fire tube boiler.
σ r = p o r o 2 (r i 2 /r 2 – 1)/ (r o 2 – r i 2 )
σθ = – p o r o 2 (r i 2 /r 2 + 1)/ (r o 2 – r i 2 )
Figure shows the radial and hoop stres ses in externally pressurized
cylinder. Note that both stresses are compressive. Furthermore, the
maximum hoop stress occurs at r = r i , and the maximum radial stress
occur at r = r o .
σr,max = – po
σ θ , m a x = –2r 0 2 p o / (r o 2 – r i 2 )
Now let’s see an example with numerical values to make these concepts
σ r , m a x = – p i = – 70 MPa ( at r = r i = 0.15 m)
Since in case of fire tube boiler, fire tubes are subjected to external
pressure because they are immersed in water in shell, so a high
pressure in shell will mean that a high external pressure is acting on
fire tubes which will produce large stresses specially hoop stress es.
These stresses may be beyond the crushing strength (or compression
strength) of material of tube resulting in failure of tube. To bear these
large stresses, we can use very high strength material which will be too
costly or we can increase to increase thickness but increased thickness
produces more resistance to heat flow across the thickness of tube,
resulting in overheating and consequently bursting of tube .
While in case of water tube boiler, water tubes are subjected to high
internal pressure which produces less stress as compared to external
pressure case, so water tubes in case of water tube boiler can be
subjected safely to high pressures.
Secondly in case of fire tube boiler, since fire tubes are inside the
shell and moreover since these fire tub es must be prevented from
directly exposed to steam (i.e. they should remain in water space),so
the shell of fire tube boiler must be of larger diameter. Since shell is
thin walled pressure vessel for which
σ θ = pr/t
σ a x i a l = pr/2t
While in case of water tube boiler, most of water is flowing through the
tubes, and there are no tubes in water drum to which we have to
accommodate by increasing internal diameter of water drum , so
internal diameter of water drum can be kept smaller.
Thirdly since in fire tube boiler, fire tubes are inside the shell, so the
end plates or tube sheets of shell of fire tube boiler must be flat
circular plates so that fire tubes are welded here. So these flat plates
While in water tube boiler, since water tubes are outside the shell of
water drum, so we can connect dish (i.e. hemispherical ) or ellipsoidal
ends which can resist high pressure to which they are subjected .
These are three reasons why fire tube boiler cannot be used for high
pressure steam generation, while water tube boiler can be used in such