02 Cooling Load Calculation - HAP

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Cooling Load Calculation - HAP input data

Project Name
Job ref. No
Prepared by
Stand. Project
S.No Inputs Parameters
Values Values
1 Weather Properties
2 "U"Value(W/Sq.Mt/K)
Walls 0.57
Roof 0.3
Glass 1.9
Slab 0.45
3 Floor Area(M^2)
4 Ave Ceiling Ht.(M)
5 Building Wt (Kg/Sqm) Medium
6 OA ventilation Requirement
7 Electrical Loads
Lighting (Watts/SqM) 10
General Power (Watts/SqM) 8
Task Lighting (Watts)
Electrical Equipment load(Watts)
Special Equipment's (Watts)
8 Occupancy loads
Number of People
Sensible Heat
Latent Heat
Safety Factors - sensible 10%
Safety Factors - latent 5%
9 Operating Profile / Schedule
10 Solar Radiation
11 Roof Skylight
12 Infiltration 0.2 ACH
13 Floor condition
14 Partition
15 System Inputs
Chilled water system
Packaged system
Packaged Vertical Units
Split Air Handling Unit
Terminal Units


This template is provided as a broad outline for preparing respective calculation. It is the duty of the de
data and use appropriate design criteria. The responsibility of the final calculation rests with the design
Reference From
ASHRAE Hand book / Project Requirements
Based on constructional elements / Material property

As per Arch Plan

As per Arch Plan
As per Structural Plan
Based on lighting consultants / ASHRAE recommendations

As per Arch Plan / ASHRAE 62.1

As per Activity
As per Activity
Sensible & latent safety factor based on ASHRAE

Profile : Lighting, Power, Occupancy & etc

Dimensions & Orientations as per Arch plan

Dimensions & Orientations as per Arch plan
Dimensions & Orientations as per Arch & Structural plan
Dimensions & Orientations as per Arch plan
Based on building permeability
Floor located above/below conditioned space
As per Arch plan

tive calculation. It is the duty of the designer to provide project specific

e final calculation rests with the designer.

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