The Hydro Nation Scholarship Programme 2018
The Hydro Nation Scholarship Programme 2018
The Hydro Nation Scholarship Programme 2018
The Hydro Nation Scholars Programme is part of the Scottish Government’s Hydro Nation
strategy. The objective of the strategy is to develop the economic, environmental and social
value of Scotland’s water resources. The Hydro Nation Scholars play an important role in
supporting this by:
developing understanding of how and where best to develop the value of Scotland’s
water resources
focusing on enhancing Scottish capacity in areas of existing research excellence
providing new research and insights where there are gaps related to water resources
in Scotland.
The Programme and the associated graduate school will be managed on behalf of the
Scottish Government by the Hydro Nation Scholars Executive Group (HNSEG), drawing on its
Scotland-wide water policy, industry, and academic network.
Ask: Proposals are sought to explore how regulated companies’ information on asset
condition and asset lives can be improved and monitored. Recommendations on
lessons learned from asset intensive industries in other jurisdictions would be
welcome. Proposals are invited to explore how capital maintenance could be funded
over the long-term and what financial mechanisms could be adopted within the
regulatory framework to ensure sustainability and intergenerational equity whilst
ensuring companies are investing money efficiently and are operating under a hard
budget constraint.
Opportunities for Creating Value in the Water Sector Through a Circular Economy:
Problem: The "Circular Economy" is becoming a ubiquitous term and there is a
growing appreciation of the new business opportunities that this could create. Value
recovery from waste streams is seen as a particular area of interest for the sector, as
much for revenue opportunity as well as reducing treatment costs.
Ask: Proposals are sought that explore the technological and / or the economic
opportunities and challenges within the water sector that Circular Economy
approaches could bring. Proposals are invited that explore value recovery in the
broadest sense, whether of nutrients, or other value opportunities e.g. water re-use,
heat recovery, energy generation etc that consider commercial imperatives and
potential integrated with appropriate academic study.
Water Management in the Food and Drink Industry:
Problem: Food and Drink is a hugely important sector to the Scottish economy and a
significant user of water resources with single sites often using water from a variety
of sources against which issues of access and security of supply in volumetric and
water-quality terms often has to be balanced against the interests of other users.
The need to minimise production costs while observing responsible resource
management is adding to increased competitive pressures to which the industry
4. needs to respond creatively. In addition, the impacts of climate change on water
resources for the sector need to be to be taken into account.
Ask: Proposals are sought that explore opportunities to assist this key industry
respond to the kinds of challenges outlined above and maximise the value from the
water resources it uses, whether through improved water efficiency, value and
resource recovery or the creative use of water resources in relation to production.
Ask: Proposals are sought that explore future demands and pressures on the water
environment, including linking biophysical, social and economic perspectives.
Developing and exploring scenarios of change and subsequent impacts will be key.
Ask: We seek proposals which explore technological innovation in the sector as well
as those which look to evaluate and explore mechanisms for the adoption of
technologies and approaches to reduce the regulatory burden of compliance.
Innovation in Water and Health:
Problem: The Scottish Government has identified the need and potential for greater
community engagement, particularly within rural settings, to raise awareness of the
critical role that human interaction has on our water environment and the impact of
the environment on our health, particularly in respect of the role of robust water
treatment and sanitation in protecting public health. As well as individuals there is a
need for greater institutional awareness and strategies to reduce negative health
impacts associated with the water environment. E.g. in relation to hospital sites and
an opportunity to positively influence practice and behaviour through examination of
the social dimensions in water service provision and the benefits that this can deliver
for the protection of public health, particularly in a rural setting.
Ask: As part of Scotland’s ‘green infrastructure’, our freshwaters are an asset which
can help contribute to fundamental public health objectives. A number of
interventions are underway to develop the practice of the ‘Natural Health Service’
and we would welcome proposals that evaluate the social benefits from these and
other innovations. We also welcome projects that examine how public and
institutional awareness and behaviours related to the water environment, including
the discharge of waste, source control, emerging pollutants and contaminants, use of
prescription medication can deliver positive health impacts and reduce negative
health impacts for communities.
The Hydro Nation Scholars Programme is an open competition for project topics and then
for PhD Scholars to undertake approved projects, hosted within Scottish Universities and
Research Institutes. The areas of interest are set out below.
Full funding is available from the Scottish Government (to host institutions via the Scottish
Funding Council) for up to 7 PhD scholarships. Two of these may be awarded to “overseas”
Scholars. Home and overseas Scholars are defined according to a Scholar’s status for
University admissions. The funding available will be in line with the Research Councils UK
doctoral stipend levels and indicative fees. Currently these are:
Supervisors will be allocated £2,500 per annum for Travel and Subsistence and all fees and
stipend will be covered. Exceptional costs, for example, additional research costs, travel
costs and placement costs during the scholarship will be negotiated with the HNSEG.
Scholars will be funded for 4 years. The scholarship may involve periods of research at a
water related institution, such as Scottish Water, the Scottish Government, SEPA, or
industry. The HNSEG will liaise between the applicant and the water organisation to develop
this link, following appointment of the Scholar. Please do not contact a placement partner
before application.
Scholars will benefit from specialised programmes provided under the auspices of the Hydro
Nation Graduate School.
Call for Project Proposals
The call for project proposals, based on advertised topics is made at the beginning of
July 2017
There is a strict limit of one application per academic as a primary supervisor and
one as a second supervisor
Projects proposals must be submitted to the HNSP Secretariat Laura Logie
( and on the project proposal form below
The deadline for submission of project proposals is the 31st August 2017
Prospective PhD Scholars are encouraged to submit project proposals (Scholar-led
proposals), which will be reviewed alongside academic-led proposals
The proposal must show that the project is rational, feasible, innovative and relevant
to the Hydro Nation strategy
Project proposals will be reviewed and selected by a panel chaired by the HNSEG and
includes policy stakeholders from Scottish Water, SEPA, WICS and SNH. Proposers
will be notified of the outcome towards the end of September 2017
A summary timetable for recruitment is shown below.
Summary timetable for recruitment for 2018
Topic of Interest:
Supervisor 1:
Supervisor 2:
Estimated Research/Field Costs (please give a detailed breakdown of the costs you are requesting)
Part 2 - Project Details
E Mail:
Telephone No.:
E Mail:
Telephone No.:
E Mail:
Telephone No.: