Aklan 1 (Eprmp) Feb2020 PDF

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Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan



Barangays Tagororoc, Libertad, Unidos, Habana, Rizal, Laserna and

Municipality of Nabas, Province of Aklan


Project Proponent

I. Project Fact Sheet PD Summary

The Aklan Wind Farm Project is located at Barangay Tagororoc, Libertad and
Unidos, Municipality of Nabas, Province of Aklan, covered with an ECC-1507-0346-
4220 issued on August 12, 2015 and granted an amendment in December 22, 2016 for its
additional four (4) units Turbine to complete the 25 MW from 18.5 MW power
generating capacity. The present approved of 25 MW Wind Farm containing an area of
Eight Hundred (800) hectares covered by Wind Energy Service Contract (WESC) No.
2012-03-054 situated within portions of Lot Nos. 7795 (OCT No. P-15524), 7799 (TD
No. 05-009-0795) 7767 (with Flag Application), 7913 (OCT No. P-14638), 7807 (TD
No. 05-009-0792), 7665 (TD-05-017-0012), 7749 (TD-05-017-0027), 8025 (TD-05-009-
0275), 7741 (TD-05-017-0004), 8063 (OCT No. P-18370), 7918 (OCT No. 35986),
7798 (OCT No. P-37702), 7801 (TD-05-009-0793) and 7758 (TD-05-017-0976) located
in Barangays Tagororoc, Libertad and Unidos, Municipality of Aklan geographically
located at 11°52’ 55.10”, 11°52’ 49.03”, 11°52’ 56.04” , 11°52’ 57.85”, 11°53’ 05.06”,
11°53’ 04.51”, 11°53’17.17”, 11°53’26.59”, 11°53’34.17”, 11°53’33.16”, 11°53’39.40”,
11°53’07.98”, 11°52’41.22”, 11°52’58.30”, 11°53’23.14” North Latitude and 122°
01’07.08”, 122° 01’02.66”, 122° 00’46.14”, 122° 00’41.78”, 122° 00’44.43”, 122°
00’54.26”, 122° 00’41.90”, 122° 00’30.37”, 122° 00’27.81”, 122° 00’19.58”, 122°
00’14.04”, 122° 00’41.82”, 122° 01’07.03”, 122° 00’58.15”, 122° 00’35.62”, East

There are no critical environmental resources or conditions that would be adversely

affected relative to the proposed operation of the Wind Farm (15 units wind turbine
generators with approximately 1.65 MW power production capacity each, hub height of
71-81 meters and rotor diameter of 82.9-82.4 meters). It includes access road, substation,
transmission lines, training center, office building, cistern tank, waste water management
facility (septic tanks), waste management facility and drainage system.

The EPRMP was prepared for the proponent’s planned to increase its power
production capacity from 25 MW to 75.6 MW using 28 units of Wind Turbine Generators
that will increase its power generation capacity from 1.65 MW to 3.0 MW/unit and
within portion of Lot Nos. 7795 (OCT No. P-15524), 7767 (with FLAg Application),
7913 (OCT No. P-14638), 7665 (TD-05-017-0012), 7749 (TD-05-017-0027), 8025
(TD-05-009-0275), 7741 (TD-05-017-0004), 8063 (OCT No. P-18370), 7918 (OCT No.
35986), 7798 (OCT No. P-37702), 7758 (TD-05-017-0976) 7783 (with FLAg
application), 9220 (TD-05-015-0569), 9146 (TD-05-015-0546), and 9220 (TD-05-015-
0529) located in Barangays Tagororoc, Libertad, Unidos, Rizal, Habana, Laserna and
Gibon Municipality of Nabas, Aklan respectively geographically located at 11°52'55.10",
11°52'56.04", 11°52'57.85", 11°53'5.06",11°53'17.17", 11°53'26.59", 11°53'34.17",
11°53'33.16", 11°53'39.40", 11°53'7.98", 11°52'41.22", 11°53'23.14", 11°52'21.40"
11°51'40.53", 11°52'14.68", 11°52'0.84", 11°51'36.38", 11°51'15.42", 11°53'30.66",
11°54'1.55", 11°53'52.90", 11°51'7.32", 11°51'20.24", 11°51'45.73", and 11°51'57.71"
North Latitude and 1 2 2 ° 1 ' 7 . 0 8 " , 1 2 2 ° 0 ' 4 6 . 1 4 " , 1 2 2 ° 0 ' 4 1 . 7 8 " , 1 2 2 °
0'44.43", 122°0'41.90", 122°0'30.37",122°0'27.81", 122°
0'19.58", 122° 0'14.04", 122°0'41.82", 122°1'7.03", 122°
0'35.62", 122°1'4.94"", 122°0'50.30", 122°0'24.92", 122°
0'21.39", 122°0'41.57", 122°0'36.63", 121°58'10.09",
121°58'21.91", 121°58'37.06", 122°1'36.73", 122°1'52.08",
1 2 2 ° 1 ' 3 9 . 2 7 " a n d 1 2 2 ° 1 ' 4 8 . 0 7 " East Latitude.

II. Description of the Project’s EIA Process

2.1 EIA Preparer

The Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) was

conducted and prepared by Jose Armando P. Ormigas in partnership with Liberty
Environmental Consultancy Services for Tri-Conti Elements Corporation located at
Barangays Tagororoc, Libertad, Unidos, Rizal, Habana and Gibon Municipality of Nabas, Aklan

2.2 EIA Study Schedule and Area

Study was conducted in the month of June 2017 within the project area located at
Barangays Tagororoc, Libertad, Unidos, Rizal, Habana and Gibon Municipality of Nabas,
Province of Aklan respectively.

Section 1 of DAO 03-30 (RPM) states that “The EIS System is concerned primarily
with assessing the direct and indirect impacts of a project on the biophysical and human
environment and ensuring that these impacts are addressed by appropriate environmental
protection and enhancement measures.” Direct and indirect impact areas serve as the
main reference for the determination of stakeholders who may be potentially affected by
the project. The determination of the direct and indirect impact areas may vary according
to the type of project and the location.
2.2.1 Direct Impact Area (DIA)

Direct impact area (DIA) is the area that all project facilities are to be
situated and all operations are to be undertaken. This refers to the net area applied
for an ECC (156,200 square meters).

2.2.2 Indirect Impact Area (IIA)

Indirect Impact Area (IIA) generally refers to the influence area that could
be indirectly affected by the proposed project. These include the surrounding the
area outside the primary impact zone and adjacent lots of the project area, and
residential houses.

2.3.3 Regional Impact Zone (RIZ)

Regional impact zone (RIZ) pertains more where the impact would be felt,
such as the entire city or province due to short and long-term employment
opportunities during construction and operation of the project, and other socio-
economic benefits.

2.4 EIA Methodology

2.4.1 Field Inspection and Primary Data Gathering
Field inspection was necessary in the conduct of the EIA as information
obtained were used as inputs in determining the likely consequences of project
implementation. Actual environmental conditions were assessed relying mostly on
visual investigation and interpretation. Specific interests were given on the
environmental parameters such as project location, bio-physical resources, socio-
economic conditions and other relevant environmental parameters.

2.4.2 Secondary Data Gathering

Secondary data such as the socio-economic profiles were taken from
reference of the socio-economic profiles were taken from Nabas Socio-economic
Profile, the National Statistics Office (NSO), data from the internet and other
related literature. From primary and secondary data, probable impacts including
its magnitude was predicted, assessed and evaluated by correlating the data from
the components of the project. The revised procedural manual for DAO 03-30
provided framework in the preparation of the EPRMP.
3.0 Summary of Baseline Characterization
The project area as well as adjoining vicinity has a gently sloping to rolling
topography. It is located within the mountainous area of the municipality.
Significant vegetation is only observed outside the perimeter fence of its turbine
structure. Planting more trees along peripheral boundaries shall be initiated by the
proponent to serve as buffer.
Nabas has air quality, which may be described as slightly polluted. Major sources
of air pollutants are the exhaust/emission from internal combustion engines of mobile
sources such as buses, jeepneys, tricycles, and private vehicles plying by the roads.
Traffic flow is light to moderate in the city proper and light at the outskirts. Other sources
of pollutants are diesel engines of generators in individual commercial centers. Aside
from these air pollutants, noise is also generated by these sources.

4.0 Key Impacts and Environmental Management Plan

Project Impact Mitigation/Enhancement Cost, P
Components Description Measures (How much) Guarantees
(Activities) (What) (How)

Entrance and Traffic & Install visible traffic signs or early P 2,000.00 RA 7160
Exit of potential warning signages near the project (LGU Code)
company’s vehicular area;
vehicles accidents along Guard should manage vehicle --
the highway movement as necessary.

Change oil and Generate used Provide sealed oil pans for oil P 5,000.00 ECC
minor oil and oil filters collection and for the used filters; (PD1586)
mechanical Allow oil from filter to drain before RA 9275 &
repairs disposal. DAO 2005-
Oil spills at the Provide sorbent pads at the service P 1,000.00 RA 6969 &
service area area during change oil, tune ups, and DAO 36-
minor mechanical works; 2004
Activity should be undertaken at the --
covered portion of the service area;
Install oil-water separator near the P 3,000.00
service area.

Oil spills at the Used oil transfer should be done at --

transfer area well paved and covered area;
towards the used Provide sorbent pads during oil P 1,000.00
oil transporter transfer towards the drams of the
Painting Emission of Install fume hood/painting booth with P 50,000.00 ECC
paint and solvent adequate exhaust fan and vent at least (inclusive of (PD1586)
fumes (fire and 3 meters from the roofline; PPEs) RA 8749 &
health hazard to Provide sufficient ventilation at the DAO 2000-81
workers as well painting section; RA 6969 &
as adjacent Provide Personnel Protective DAO 36
houses) Equipment (PPE) to workers such as PD 442
gas masks, gloves, eye goggles, and (Labor
overalls; Code)
Install eye wash stations and deluge
safety showers in the work areas;
Implement “No PPE No Work”
policy; Proper supervision of workers.

Generate excess Designate area for empty paint and

paints/solvents solvent containers and immediately
and containers sold to scrap buyers

Washing Generate Install oil-water separator & sediment P 50,000.00 ECC

wastewater traps; (inclusive of (PD1586)
Regular maintenance of the drainage PPEs) RA 8749 &
and plumbing fixtures (catch basin, DAO 2000-81
septic tank).

5.0 Environmental Monitoring Plan

Environmental Monitoring (EM) shall be undertaken to determine the

impacts/effects of the project in all phases of its implementation and to provide an early
warning tool for detecting any contamination and pollution that may arise. EM shall serve
as basis for the efficiency of the mitigating measures. It shall be continuous, periodic and
shall involve field observations, samplings, and analysis. It is essential to detect and
correct violations, provide evidence to support mitigating actions, and evaluate
enforcement by the succeeding monitoring activities.

Monitoring shall be undertaken to determine the effects against the baseline data
gathered. This shall be done to ensure that all mitigating measures are religiously
implemented and that negative impacts beyond tolerable levels and carrying capacity are
detected and mitigating measures shall be implemented before it aggravates. It makes
economic sense to correct environmental degradation during the early stages than
introducing corrective measures, when the problem becomes almost irreversible and the
financial costs are very high.
Specific Objectives
 To ascertain that the conditions of the Environmental Compliance Certificate are
 To determine level of compliance to RA 8749 (Philippine Clean Air Act), PD 1181
(Noise Control Regulations), DENR DAO 34 (Revised Water Usage and
Classification/Water Quality Criteria), RA 9275 (Philippine Clean Water Act), RA
9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000).
 To determine compliance to the Environmental Management Plan, and
Environmental Monitoring Plan which breakdowns the requirement of PD 1586 and
all relevant environmental laws.

Institutional Plan
The Pollution Control Officer (PCO) shall be primarily responsible for monitoring
the proponent environmental performance and efficiency. The PCO shall maintain simple
but efficient recording systems and will take charge of submitting semi-annual
environmental monitoring reports using the ECC compliance monitoring report (Self-
Monitoring Report EMB-EIA Form No. 03).

1.1 Project Area and Location
The Aklan Wind Farm Project is located at Barangay Tagororoc, Libertad and
Unidos, Municipality of Nabas, Province of Aklan, covered with ECC-1507-0346-4220
issued on August 12, 2015 for 18.5 MW and granted an amendment in December 22,
2016 for its additional four (4) units Turbine to complete the 25 MW from 18.5 MW
power generating capacity.

The present approved 25 MW Wind Farm containing an area of Eight Hundred

(800) hectares covered by Wind Energy Service Contract (WESC) No. 2012-03-054
situated within portions of Lot Nos. 7795 (OCT No. P-15524), 7799 (TD No. 05-009-
0795) 7767 (with Flag Application), 7913 (OCT No. P-14638), 7807 (TD No. 05-009-
0792), 7665 (TD-05-017-0012), 7749 (TD-05-017-0027), 8025 (TD-05-009-0275), 7741
(TD-05-017-0004), 8063 (OCT No. P-18370), 7918 (OCT No. 35986), 7798 (OCT
No. P-37702), 7801 (TD-05-009-0793) and 7758 (TD-05-017-0976) located in
Barangays Tagororoc, Libertad and Unidos, Municipality of Aklan geographically
located at 11°52’ 55.10”, 11°52’ 49.03”, 11°52’ 56.04” 11°52’ 57.85”, 11°53’ 05.06”,
11°53’ 04.51”, 11°53’17.17”, 11°53’26.59”, 11°53’34.17”, 11°53’33.16”, 11°53’39.40”,
11°53’07.98”, 11°52’41.22”, 11°52’58.30”, 11°53’23.14” North Latitude and 122°
01’07.08”, 122° 01’02.66”, 122° 00’46.14”, 122° 00’41.78”, 122° 00’44.43”, 122°
00’54.26”, 122° 00’41.90”, 122° 00’30.37”, 122° 00’27.81”, 122° 00’19.58”, 122°
00’14.04”, 122° 00’41.82”, 122° 01’07.03”, 122° 00’58.15”, 122° 00’35.62”, East
Figure 1 shows the vicinity map.

Figure 1 – Satellite View of the Project Site (NTS)

1.1.1 Direct Impact Area (DIA)

Direct Impact Area (DIA) is the area that all project facilities are to be
constructed and all operations are to be undertaken. It includes the
137,655 square meter area.

1.1.2 Indirect Impact Area (IIA)

Indirect Impact Area (IIA) generally refers to the influence area that could
be indirectly affected by the project or area outside the primary impact
areas. These include the adjoining residential houses, and along national
road (Nabas Highway – Kalibo to Caticlan).

1.2 Project Rationale

Due to rapid growth in the region in terms of tourism, infrastructure,
industrial that follows the demand of electricity supply in the vicinity especially in
the Island of Boracay, the proponent opted to increase its capacity to address the
shortage of the power supply and to sustain the current development in the area.

Upon full operation, it would also generate short and long-term employment
opportunities, generate taxes, and strengthen the local economy.
1.3 Project Alternatives

There is no other project alternative except on making the site as one of the
tourism destinations in the area.

1.4 Project Components

Facilities No. of Area Specification/Description/Remarks

Units (sq.m.)/Capacity
Windmill 28 0.5 ha. per unit/ The area corresponds to direct
Turbined 3MW per unit impact area (both permanent
infrastructure impact of 0.3 ha. Per
12.5 ha. / 75.6 MW turbine and temporary infrastructure
impact of 0.2 ha. Per turbine.
New access 1 0.43 ha. The area corresponds to 3 kms
road length of the road by 7 meters wide.
Substation 1 0.6 ha.
Transmission 1 0.2 ha.
Training 1 0.3 ha.
Admin support 1 .05 ha.
(e.g., canteen,
office clinic,
quarters, etc.
Water 1 .002 ha. Cistern
Waste water 1 .002 ha. Septic system for workers
SWM Facility 1 .001 ha. Temporary disposal area and MRF
Drainage 1 .0005 ha.
TOTAL 13.76 hectares

1.5 Process/Technology Options

1.5.1 Power Supplier

Triconti Elements Corporation (TE Corp) is a Philippine based independent
project developer with a focus on wind and solar power plants. Its mission is to
respond to the rapidly growing energy demand of the Philippines and the need of
local communities for reliable and clean energy supply. TE Corp is proposing a
Wind Power Project to generate a 75.6 MW clean and renewable energy. A total
of 28 wind turbines, each with 3.0 MW generation capacity are proposed to be
erected in the hills of the Municipality of Nabas, Aklan.
1.5.2 Support Facilities
Although the area is located within mountainous area source of spring water
is very abundant that excess from the estimated consumption of more or less .6
cum./day. Rainwater will be collected to augment the water consumption for

1.5.3 Power Supply

More or less 1,000 Kw/day power supply is needed from the wind farm itself.

1.6 Project Size

The project is located within One Hundred Thirty-Seven Thousand Six

Hundred Fifty-Five (137,655) square meters.

1.7 Development Plan, Description of Project Phases and Corresponding Timeframes

1.7.1 Operation Phase Solid waste generation

Solid waste generated in the site is minimal in volume, however,

may be classified as hazardous or toxic as defined RA 6969 and
DENR DAO 36-2004 known as the Toxic Chemicals and
Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990 and
Hazardous Waste and Procedural Manual for Hazardous Waste
Management, respectively.

All solid waste generated shall be temporarily store in a covered

and closed area before disposal. These are collected by scrap
buyers for the recovery of the material that can be re-use.

On the other hand, reusable wastes such as master cartons, papers,

plastics, and other packaging materials are place inside a separate
dram. Again, it is collected by scrap buyers.
1.7.2 Water Domestic effluents

This refers to domestic wastewater for generated for sanitary

purposes of the workers and staff. Wastewater quality varies
widely depending on the type of activity (e.g. an office as
compared to a restaurants or hotels).

On the average, the showroom is projected to generate 423

gallons (1.6 cubic meters) of wastewater per day. Typical
concentration of raw sewage is as follows:
BOD = 155 - 28 mg/l
TSS = 155 - 330 mg/l
pH = 6.5 - 7.5

DENR DAO 35 provides that the effluent should pass the

effluent standards before discharge. For Class C waters, BOD
should be less than 50 mg/l; TSS should be less than 70 mg/L;
pH between
6.5 to 9. Storm water runoff

All storm water runoff (mainly rainwater) is channeled to the

open canal along the road via the catch basins installed by the
proponent. Without catch basins (CB), sediments and loosed
materials will be carried by runoff water causing clogging of the
drainage and sedimentation to the receiving water body.

Catch basins serve as sedimentation tank for the separation

from water, by gravitational settling, of suspended particles that
are heavier than water. Slowly settling particles are removed in the
catch basin, which are designed on the basis of retention time,
surface overflow rate, and minimum depth.
To maintain efficiency, sediments that accumulate in the CB
must be periodically removed in order to maintain efficiency.
Sediments should be removed when the sediment accumulation
reaches one-third of the trap capacity. Sediment removed during
maintenance may be incorporated into earthwork on the site or
disposed of at appropriate area.

Open canal along the road. Surface run-off from the

adjoining lands is carried by the canal westwards to Intermittent
Creek, about 500 meters east.

1.7.3 Paint/Solvent Fumes

Painting activities may present and significant source of
toxic fumes and mists inside the working area without proper
ventilation. Pollutants generated from this operation generally
consist of paint and solvent fumes and mists. Air pollutants beyond
the tolerable level or threshold is hazardous to human life. It can
cause immediate damage on the lungs and can cause suffocation.
After-effects would be coughing, eye irritation, sneezing, headache
and others. Pollutants may get into the body through inhalation
which may be toxic to the body. Enclosures and mufflers

The generator will be placed inside a well-ventilated
concrete enclosure and each is provided with
muffler/silencer. A muffler or silencer is a device for
reducing the amount of noise emitted by a machine such as
IC engines. It contains a series of baffles to absorb sound,
although the majority of the noise reduction is not through
absorption but through destructive interference in the
muffler itself. The muffler accomplishes this with a
resonating chamber, which is specifically designed such
that opposite sound waves are likely to collide, canceling
each other out.
1.7.4 Abandonment Phase

The expected economic life of wind turbines is 25 years. Depending

on the demand, contract, technological advances and other factors, the
proponent may opt to replace the existing generators, thus prolonging the
life of the project. But if the turbines need to be decommissioned, although
there are no specific guidelines on decommissioning and restoration
activities of wind turbine project, all the activities will adhere to the
requirements of concerned government agency.
1.8 Manpower

It will employ 21 workers. Only local resident shall be hired based on their

1.9 Indicative Project Investment Cost

Projected project cost is at least P 2,764,000,000.00


2.1 LAND

2.1.1 Land Use and Classification

Aklan is a mountainous province with over one-third of its land area
sloping at 30 percent on the average. It is still one of the few provinces in
the country to maintain a total of some 709 hectares of virgin forest.

Mountain ranges traverse the island: one; the northern "knot" of

Duyang and Tagacan; and the other, the Albinian mountain ranges in the
west. Mount Madyaas, at 2117 meters, is the second highest peak on
Panay and is shared by Aklan and Antique. The province has no active
volcano, therefore, earthquakes have not been severe, although three faults
pass through it.
Much of the province is drained of water into the Sibuyan Sea.
Natural inland water resources include rivers, streams, and creeks, springs
and water falls. There is only one lake in the province, Lake Lupo-lupo,
located in Malay town. There are five major river systems. The largest and
longest is the Aklan, which flows some 60 kilometers from Capiz to the
mouth in Kalibo. Ibajay River flows over 30 kilometers from Madalag to
its mouth at Ibajay. The Tangalan, Jalo, and Talon systems are much
smaller. The highest waterfall in the province is the Dumalaylay which
falls some 100 meters.

The coastline of Aklan stretches for some 155 kilometers along 10

municipalities and 73 barangays. The coastline has two major physical
features: Batan Bay in the south-east and Boracay Island at the northern
tip of Panay Island.

The plains of Aklan constitute an area of 100 square kilometers

shaped into a diamond that includes the central towns of Malinao and
Banga and the western coastal towns of New Washington, Kalibo and
Makato. Marshlands are along the coastal towns, comprising over 50
square kilometers. The project area as well as adjoining vicinity has a
generally gently sloping to rolling and steep topography. It is located
within mountainous area of the municipality.

2.1.2 Geology/Geomorphology
Generally flat terrain describes Nabas with slope ranging from 3%
to 18% as it extends towards the sea with average slopes of approximately
18%. The project area lies on a gently sloping to rolling and steep
topography (3 to 18% slope). Hence, natural soil erosion, landslide,
collapse/subsidence of area is most likely to occur.

Operation of the project will not contribute to changes in surface

landform, topography, sub-surface morphology, subsidence/erosion, and
inducement of landslides or other natural hazards.
2.1.3 Pedology
There will be no considerable impact to this environmental
parameter since the project area is located in a gently sloping to rolling
and steep. There is no need for slope modification, expect minor leveling
and excavation works to properly channel runoff water towards city main
drainage culvert along the road and domestic effluents towards the three-
chamber septic tank.

2.1.4 Terrestrial Biology Faunas

There are some animals can be observed in the project site

and immediate vicinities except common agricultural and
domesticated animals such as but not limited to carabaos and
fowls. Common wildlife are birds like “sparrows”, “sunbirds”, and
“tikarol”. These are typical species found everywhere in the country
and does not require unique environment for their feeding and
breeding grounds. For details attached as annex is the detailed Flora
and Fauna Inventory and Assessment within the proposed project
site and adjacent vicinities. Terrestrial Flora

No significant species of trees are observed in the project
area except gmelina and mahogany trees along the road. These
trees were preserved by careful planning to avoid trees and other
aesthetic features of the area.

Trees in the long run will increase the water recharge of the
aquifers, promote ground stability, enhance the aesthetics of the
area, serve as buffer zone and shall eventually absorb hydrocarbon
emission from vehicles passing by the road.
2.2.1 Hydrology/Hydrogeology

The project did not contribute to significant changes in drainage

morphology, change in stream, river water depth, reduction in stream
volumetric flow, and inducement of flooding.

There is no activity that involve water (surface water and

groundwater) exploitation nor any construction of water impoundment
facilities, hence; there is no potential water resource use competition,
reduction of stream flow, depletion of groundwater, and flooding.

2.2.2 Oceanography
The project did not contribute to any change in circulation pattern,
and change in stream depth since the area is 3.5 kilometers north of the
coastal water (Sibuyan Sea).

2.2.3 Water Quality

The project will only employ twenty-one (21) workers, hence,
domestic effluents is insignificant. A 3-chamber concrete septic tank shall
be provided to contain and treat influents of workers, customers, and

2.2.4 Freshwater or Marine Ecology

Operation of the project will not contribute to coastal water
degradation and destruction of marine life.
2.3 AIR
2.3.1 Meteorology/Climatology

Nabas is classified as Type-III season; no very pronounced

maximum rain period with a dry season lasting only from one to three
months, either during the period from December to February or from
March to May. This type resembles Type I since it has a short dry season
and wet during the rest of the year.
Source: www.pagasa.dost.gov.ph

Operation of project not directly contributes to changes in the local


Greenhouse gas that will be contributed by the project is mainly

carbon dioxide (CO2). This gas is produced during the aerobic
decomposition/conversion of domestic effluents as well as emission of
electric generating sets (EGS).

2.3.2 Air Quality and Noise

Nabas has air quality, which may be described as moderately
polluted being the adjacent to the center of trade and commerce in the
Province. Major sources of air pollutants are the exhaust/emission from
internal combustion engines of mobile sources such as buses, taxi,
jeepneys, tricycles, and private vehicles plying by the roads. Traffic flow
is moderate to heavy in the city proper and light to moderate at the
outskirts. Other sources of pollutants are diesel engines of generators in
individual commercial centers. Aside from these air pollutants, noise is
also generated by these sources, concentrated along the major
thoroughfare at the town center.
2.4 The People

2.4.1 Displacement of Settlers

There are no formal or informal settlers within project area.

2.4.2 Impact on In-Migration Patterns

The project does not contribute to changes in-migration patterns.

2.4.3 Impacts to IP and Culture/Lifestyle

The area applied does not fall within nor overlaps the whole or a
portion of the ancestral domain, based on the evaluation and
recommendation of NCIP Antique/Aklan Community Service

2.4.4 Threat to Public health vis-à-vis the Baseline Health

Conditions in the Area

Prior to employment, all applicants shall be required to

submit barangay or municipal health certificate to ascertain their
working conditions and avoid spread of contagious diseases such
as influenza, flu, sore eyes, among the workers. Continuous
monitoring of workers’ health conditions shall be implemented
through annual medical examination of all workers.

Operation of the project will not contribute to the common

causes of mortality/morbidity. Section 2.3.2 elaborated the
mitigating and enhancement measures.

2.4.5 Local Benefits Expected from Project Implementation

Local benefits of the project include short and long-term
employment opportunities, generate taxes, and invigorate the local
2.4.6 Effect on the Delivery of Basic Services and Resource
Competition in the Areas

Due to local benefits generated by the enhanced local

economy, delivery of basic services and resources (water, power,
health care, and education) are positively affected.

2.4.7 Effect on Traffic Situation

Since the project is located along at the national road,
improper traffic management will contribute to the possible
congestion of vehicles.

Mitigating measures include posting of signages indicating a

separate entrance and exit drives, provide legal easements along
road frontages, and assists in the flow of traffic at peak hours.

2.4.8 Entity to be Accountable for Environmental Management in

the Area

The manager shall also serve as Pollution Control Officer

(PCO) for the proper implementation of the EMP and EMoP and
sustains an environmental-friendly operation.

2.4.9 Effect on Existing Properties in the Area in Terms of

Relocation and Devaluation

There are no changes to the land value of the property in the

vicinity of the project area. Price of land is still based on the actual
use of the area as appraised by the municipal assessor and BIR.

2.4.10 Other Affected Properties

There are no other properties affected by the project.

An Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) is a process of analyzing and describing
the risks associated with a project or activity to the ecosystems, human health and
welfare. An ERA is not an entirely separate assessment but deals with the further analysis
of hazards identified in the EIA. It builds upon the EIA such that risks are impacts where
the likelihood of occurrences and magnitude of consequences are uncertain.

In this particular project, Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) is not applicable

because of its insignificant public risks. Flammable and hazardous substances (used oil,
excess paints and solvents, spent fuel and lubricants) are minimal and can be easily
managed and mitigated.


4.1 Matrix of Impact Management Plan (EMP)
Project Impact Mitigation/Enhancement
Components Description Measures
(Activities) (What) (How)

Entrance and Exit Traffic & potential Install visible traffic signs or early warning signages near the project
of company vehicular area;
vehicles accidents along Guard should manage vehicle movement as necessary.
the highway

Change oil and Generate used oil Provide sealed oil pans for oil collection and for the used filters;
minor mechanical and oil filters Allow oil from filter to drain before disposal.
Provide sorbent pads at the service area during change oil, tune ups,
Oil spills at the and minor mechanical works;
service area Activity should be undertaken at the covered portion of the service area;
Install oil-water separator near the service area.

Oil spills at the Used oil transfer should be done at well paved and covered area;
transfer area Provide sorbent pads during oil transfer towards the drams of the
towards the used transporter.
oil transporter

Painting Emission of paint Provide Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) to workers such as gas
and solvent masks, gloves, eye goggles, and overalls;
fumes (fire and Install eye wash stations and deluge safety showers in the work areas;
health hazard to Implement “No PPE No Work” policy;
workers as well Proper supervision of workers.
as adjacent

Generate excess Designate area for empty paint and solvent containers and immediately
paints/solvents sold to scrap buyers
and containers

Washing Generate Install oil-water separator & sediment traps;

wastewater Regular maintenance of the drainage and plumbing fixtures (catch basin,
septic tank.
4.2 Discussion of Significant Environmental Impact/Issues and Mitigating Measures

Significant issues associated with this project

 Proliferation of dust in the access roads, vehicle passing especially in the
populated areas are travelling slowly.

Summary of environmental performance are as follows:

 Garbage receptacles are provided but not properly labeled and color-




It is always the policy of the proponent to help the community where its project is
located. However, because of its limitations and other project undertakings, its
participation will be more on its pecuniary or in-kind contribution to barangay
affairs and other relevant activities undertaken by the barangay and the city
government. The proponent also supports any undertakings by the Environmental
Management Bureau (EMB), other government agency and private organizations.



IEC include: a) Orientation of workers on safety practices, b) proper collection

and handling/disposal of oil containers and c) sanitation/housekeeping of all areas
inside the service station and the within the project area.

6.1 Self Monitoring Plan (SMR)

Project Parameters Location Frequency Responsibility Cost, P
ECC and EMP ECC Project Site Quarterly Proponent 7,500.00
compliance Conditions (SMR)

Environmental Monitoring (EM) shall be undertaken to determine the

impacts/ effects of the project in all phases of its implementation and to provide an
early warning tool for detecting any contamination and pollution that may arise.
EM shall serve as basis for the efficiency of the mitigating measures. It shall be
continuous, periodic and shall involve field observations, samplings, and analysis.
It is essential to detect and correct violations, provide evidence to support
mitigating actions, and evaluate enforcement by the succeeding monitoring

Monitoring shall be undertaken to determine the effects against the baseline

data gathered. This shall be done to ensure that all mitigating measures are
religiously implemented and that negative impacts beyond tolerable levels and
carrying capacity are detected and mitigating measures shall be implemented
before it aggravates. It makes economic sense to correct environmental
degradation during the early stages than introducing corrective measures, when
the problem becomes almost irreversible and the financial costs are very high.

Specific Objectives:
 To ascertain that ECC conditions are complied.
 To determine level of compliance to RA 8749 (Philippine Clean Air Act), RA
9275 (Philippine Clean Water Act), RA 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000), and other applicable environmental laws and its
implementing rules and regulations.
 To determine compliance to the IMP and EMoP which breakdowns the
requirement of PD 1586, implementing rules and regulations (IRR), and
procedural manuals (PM).
6.2 Multi-Sectoral Monitoring Framework and Environmental Guarantee and
Monitoring Fund (EGF/EMF)

The proponent may not be required to set up a standalone multi-partite

monitoring team (MMT), but instead be made a member of district or provincial
wide MMT. Group environmental guarantee and monitoring fund is suggested in
which members shall be required to contribute to the fund to be use for the
environmental guarantee and monitoring.


When emergencies arise Emergency Response Policy and Generic Guidelines is

implemented in every identified emergency event in its operational phase.

Only work-related risks are foreseen in fuel refilling station. To mitigate these
occupational hazards/risks to workers, workers shall be properly oriented on safety.
Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) appropriate for specific areas of assignment will
be provided to the workers. It will include protective clothing, eye goggles, and gloves.
The proponent shall also strictly implement/enforce “No PPE No Work” policy, proper
supervision of workers to avoid untoward accidents, post safety reminders at conspicuous
areas, provide first aid kit for manageable accidents, and provision of water dispenser.

Moreover, the proponent shall be held liable to any accidents within the premises
of the project area.


8.1 Rehabilitation Policy

Progressive repair/maintenance shall be undertaken to the wind power facilities

and other facilities to avoid big cash outlay when done in one instance.
8.2 Abandonment Plan

The nature of the project presupposes an indefinite life, however can be limited to
the lifespan of the materials and equipment’s and most importantly its economic
viability. If uncertainties arise such as accidents or the project losses its economic
viability causing the proponent to abandon the project, the following shall be

 Enclose the area to prevent entry from unauthorized person

 Salvage any reusable or recyclable materials for reuse or for sale
 Properly dispose non-reusable or non-recyclable materials


The manager shall also serve as Pollution Control Officer (PCO) for the proper
implementation of the EMP and EMoP and sustains an environmental-friendly operation.

This is to certify that all the information and commitments in this Environmental
Performance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) for AKLAN WIND FARM PROJECT
are accurate and complete to the best of our knowledge, and that an objective and thorough
assessment of the Project was undertaken in accordance with the dictates of professional and
reasonable judgment. Should I/we learn of any information, which would make this
Environmental Performance Report and management Plan (EPRMP) inaccurate, I shall
immediately bring the said information to the attention of DENR-EMB.

I hereby certify that no DENR-EMB personnel was directly involved in the preparation
of this Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) other than to
provide procedural and technical advice consistent with the guidelines in the DAO 03-30
Revised Procedural Manual.
I hereby bind myself to answer any penalty that may be imposed arising from any
misrepresentation or failure to state material information in this Environmental Performance
Report and Management Plan (EPRMP).

In witness whereof, I hereby set my hand this day o f _ at



Proponent Representative

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of _ 2018 at

. Affiant exhibiting to me his/her Community Tax Certificate No.
issued on issued at .

Notary Public
Doc. No.:
Page No.:
Book No.:
Series of 2 0 1 8

Project Title/Name Aklan Wind Farm Project

Project Location Barangay’s Tagaroroc, Libertad, Unidos, Habana, Gibon,
Laserna, Rizal
Nabas, Province of Aklan
Nature of Project Wind Power
Project Capacity 75 .6 MW
Project Proponent Tri-Conti Elements Corporation/Ms. Lilibeth M. Rosenberger
Address No. 5 First Acacia Lane, Barangay Hagdang Bato, Mandaluyong
Contact Number 0917-700-5452


1.1 Size and Type

1.1.1 Size based on number of employees (specify number of employees): 21 Workers

1.1.2 Type
[ ] ECP (in either ECA or Non-ECA)
[√] Non-ECP but in ECA
[ ] Non-ECP and Non-ECA

1.2 Waste Generation and Management

1.2.1 Enumerate Waste Type and Specify Quantity of Wastes generated in your facility.
Waste Hazardous Non- Quantity
Air Odor --
Waste Construction Materials √ 600 kg/day

1.3 Pollution Control System (PCS)

1.3.1 Enumerate PCS or Waste Management Method Used in your facility.

Category PCS/Waste Management Method Used Remarks
Moisten surfaces to
Dust Level Increase worked on.
Provide workers
with dust
implementation of
Construction Waste Materials solid waste

2.1 Prevailing wind towards barrio or city?

[ ] Yes [√] No

2.2 Rainfall (impacts surface & groundwater pathways):

2.2.1 Average annual net rainfall: Specify amount: 137.4725 mm

2.2.2 Maximum 24-hour rainfall: Specify amount: No Data

2.3 Terrain (select one and mark)

[ ] Flat [√] Steep [ ] Others

2.4 Is the facility located in a flood-prone area? [ ] Yes [√] No

2.5 Ground Water (Depth of groundwater table, meter)

[ ] 0 to less than 3 [√] 3 to 10 [ ] Greater than 10


3.1 Air (Distance to nearest community)

[√] 0 to less than 0.5 km
[ ] 0.5 to 1 km
[ ] Greater than 1 km

3.2 Receiving Surface Water Body: Creek, more or less 100 meters east of the area

3.2.1 Distance to receiving surface water:

[√] 0 to less than 0.5 km
[ ] 0.5 to 1 km,
[ ] Greater than 1 km

3.2.2 Size of population using receiving surface water

Specify number:

3.2.3 Fresh Water Classification of fresh water:

[ ] AA [ ]A
[√] B [ ]C
[]D Size of fresh water body:

Specify size: 5m (width) Economic value of water use (may select more than one of the criteria below) [ ]
Drinking [√] Domestic
[√] Recreational [√] Fishery
[√] Industrial [√] Agricultural
3.2.4 Salt water Classification of salt water:

[ ] SA [ ] SB
[√] SC [ ] SD Economic value of water use (may select more than one of the criteria below): [ ]
[√] Tourist zone or park
[√] Recreational
[ ] Industrial

3.3 Ground Water

3.3.1 Distance to nearest recharge area (select one and mark)

[ ] 0 to less than 0.5 km
[√] 0.5 to 1 km
[ ] Greater than 1 km

3.3.2 Distance to nearest well used (select one and mark)

[ ] 0 to less than 0.5 km
[√ ] 0.5 to 1 km
[ ] Greater than 1 km

3.3.3 Groundwater use within the nearest well (may select more than one of the criteria below)
[ ] Drinking [ ] Industrial
[ ] Agricultural [√] Residential
[ ] Commercial/Institutional [ ] Industrial
[ ] Agricultural/Recreational [ ] Protected Area

3.4.3 Number of affected Environmentally Critical Areas within 1 km:

Specify number: None

3.4.4 Distance to nearest ECA (select one and mark)

[] 0 to less than 0.5 km
[ ] 0.5 to 1 km
[√] Greater than 1 km

4.1 Compliance (pls. take note that this will be double-checked with PCD files)

4.2 Number of Valid Complaints None

4.2.1 Citizen and NGOs: Specify number:

4.2.2 Others (other Govt. Agencies, Private Institutions)

Specify number:

(To be filled up by EMB Personnel)


Assessed by:
Noted by:

This is to certify that all information in the submitted Project Environmental Monitoring
and Audit Prioritization Scheme (PEMAPS) Questionnaire of the AKLAN WIND FARM
PROJECT located in Barangay’s Tagaroroc, Libertad, Unidos, Habana, Gibon, and Rizal
Nabas, Aklan is true, accurate and complete. Should I learn of any information, which makes
Municipality of this inaccurate, I shall bring said information to the appropriate Environmental
Management Bureau Regional Office.

In witness whereof, I hereby set out my hands this day of at



Proponent Representative

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of at

. Affiant exhibiting to me his/her ID/Community Tax Certificate No.
issued on issued at .

Notary Public
Doc. No.:
Page No.:
Book No.:
Series of 2019

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