Aklan 1 (Eprmp) Feb2020 PDF
Aklan 1 (Eprmp) Feb2020 PDF
Aklan 1 (Eprmp) Feb2020 PDF
The EPRMP was prepared for the proponent’s planned to increase its power
production capacity from 25 MW to 75.6 MW using 28 units of Wind Turbine Generators
that will increase its power generation capacity from 1.65 MW to 3.0 MW/unit and
within portion of Lot Nos. 7795 (OCT No. P-15524), 7767 (with FLAg Application),
7913 (OCT No. P-14638), 7665 (TD-05-017-0012), 7749 (TD-05-017-0027), 8025
(TD-05-009-0275), 7741 (TD-05-017-0004), 8063 (OCT No. P-18370), 7918 (OCT No.
35986), 7798 (OCT No. P-37702), 7758 (TD-05-017-0976) 7783 (with FLAg
application), 9220 (TD-05-015-0569), 9146 (TD-05-015-0546), and 9220 (TD-05-015-
0529) located in Barangays Tagororoc, Libertad, Unidos, Rizal, Habana, Laserna and
Gibon Municipality of Nabas, Aklan respectively geographically located at 11°52'55.10",
11°52'56.04", 11°52'57.85", 11°53'5.06",11°53'17.17", 11°53'26.59", 11°53'34.17",
11°53'33.16", 11°53'39.40", 11°53'7.98", 11°52'41.22", 11°53'23.14", 11°52'21.40"
11°51'40.53", 11°52'14.68", 11°52'0.84", 11°51'36.38", 11°51'15.42", 11°53'30.66",
11°54'1.55", 11°53'52.90", 11°51'7.32", 11°51'20.24", 11°51'45.73", and 11°51'57.71"
North Latitude and 1 2 2 ° 1 ' 7 . 0 8 " , 1 2 2 ° 0 ' 4 6 . 1 4 " , 1 2 2 ° 0 ' 4 1 . 7 8 " , 1 2 2 °
0'44.43", 122°0'41.90", 122°0'30.37",122°0'27.81", 122°
0'19.58", 122° 0'14.04", 122°0'41.82", 122°1'7.03", 122°
0'35.62", 122°1'4.94"", 122°0'50.30", 122°0'24.92", 122°
0'21.39", 122°0'41.57", 122°0'36.63", 121°58'10.09",
121°58'21.91", 121°58'37.06", 122°1'36.73", 122°1'52.08",
1 2 2 ° 1 ' 3 9 . 2 7 " a n d 1 2 2 ° 1 ' 4 8 . 0 7 " East Latitude.
Section 1 of DAO 03-30 (RPM) states that “The EIS System is concerned primarily
with assessing the direct and indirect impacts of a project on the biophysical and human
environment and ensuring that these impacts are addressed by appropriate environmental
protection and enhancement measures.” Direct and indirect impact areas serve as the
main reference for the determination of stakeholders who may be potentially affected by
the project. The determination of the direct and indirect impact areas may vary according
to the type of project and the location.
2.2.1 Direct Impact Area (DIA)
Direct impact area (DIA) is the area that all project facilities are to be
situated and all operations are to be undertaken. This refers to the net area applied
for an ECC (156,200 square meters).
Entrance and Traffic & Install visible traffic signs or early P 2,000.00 RA 7160
Exit of potential warning signages near the project (LGU Code)
company’s vehicular area;
vehicles accidents along Guard should manage vehicle --
the highway movement as necessary.
Change oil and Generate used Provide sealed oil pans for oil P 5,000.00 ECC
minor oil and oil filters collection and for the used filters; (PD1586)
mechanical Allow oil from filter to drain before RA 9275 &
repairs disposal. DAO 2005-
Oil spills at the Provide sorbent pads at the service P 1,000.00 RA 6969 &
service area area during change oil, tune ups, and DAO 36-
minor mechanical works; 2004
Activity should be undertaken at the --
covered portion of the service area;
Install oil-water separator near the P 3,000.00
service area.
Monitoring shall be undertaken to determine the effects against the baseline data
gathered. This shall be done to ensure that all mitigating measures are religiously
implemented and that negative impacts beyond tolerable levels and carrying capacity are
detected and mitigating measures shall be implemented before it aggravates. It makes
economic sense to correct environmental degradation during the early stages than
introducing corrective measures, when the problem becomes almost irreversible and the
financial costs are very high.
Specific Objectives
To ascertain that the conditions of the Environmental Compliance Certificate are
To determine level of compliance to RA 8749 (Philippine Clean Air Act), PD 1181
(Noise Control Regulations), DENR DAO 34 (Revised Water Usage and
Classification/Water Quality Criteria), RA 9275 (Philippine Clean Water Act), RA
9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000).
To determine compliance to the Environmental Management Plan, and
Environmental Monitoring Plan which breakdowns the requirement of PD 1586 and
all relevant environmental laws.
Institutional Plan
The Pollution Control Officer (PCO) shall be primarily responsible for monitoring
the proponent environmental performance and efficiency. The PCO shall maintain simple
but efficient recording systems and will take charge of submitting semi-annual
environmental monitoring reports using the ECC compliance monitoring report (Self-
Monitoring Report EMB-EIA Form No. 03).
1.1 Project Area and Location
The Aklan Wind Farm Project is located at Barangay Tagororoc, Libertad and
Unidos, Municipality of Nabas, Province of Aklan, covered with ECC-1507-0346-4220
issued on August 12, 2015 for 18.5 MW and granted an amendment in December 22,
2016 for its additional four (4) units Turbine to complete the 25 MW from 18.5 MW
power generating capacity.
Direct Impact Area (DIA) is the area that all project facilities are to be
constructed and all operations are to be undertaken. It includes the
137,655 square meter area.
Indirect Impact Area (IIA) generally refers to the influence area that could
be indirectly affected by the project or area outside the primary impact
areas. These include the adjoining residential houses, and along national
road (Nabas Highway – Kalibo to Caticlan).
Upon full operation, it would also generate short and long-term employment
opportunities, generate taxes, and strengthen the local economy.
1.3 Project Alternatives
There is no other project alternative except on making the site as one of the
tourism destinations in the area.
It will employ 21 workers. Only local resident shall be hired based on their
2.1.2 Geology/Geomorphology
Generally flat terrain describes Nabas with slope ranging from 3%
to 18% as it extends towards the sea with average slopes of approximately
18%. The project area lies on a gently sloping to rolling and steep
topography (3 to 18% slope). Hence, natural soil erosion, landslide,
collapse/subsidence of area is most likely to occur.
Trees in the long run will increase the water recharge of the
aquifers, promote ground stability, enhance the aesthetics of the
area, serve as buffer zone and shall eventually absorb hydrocarbon
emission from vehicles passing by the road.
2.2.1 Hydrology/Hydrogeology
2.2.2 Oceanography
The project did not contribute to any change in circulation pattern,
and change in stream depth since the area is 3.5 kilometers north of the
coastal water (Sibuyan Sea).
Entrance and Exit Traffic & potential Install visible traffic signs or early warning signages near the project
of company vehicular area;
vehicles accidents along Guard should manage vehicle movement as necessary.
the highway
Change oil and Generate used oil Provide sealed oil pans for oil collection and for the used filters;
minor mechanical and oil filters Allow oil from filter to drain before disposal.
Provide sorbent pads at the service area during change oil, tune ups,
Oil spills at the and minor mechanical works;
service area Activity should be undertaken at the covered portion of the service area;
Install oil-water separator near the service area.
Oil spills at the Used oil transfer should be done at well paved and covered area;
transfer area Provide sorbent pads during oil transfer towards the drams of the
towards the used transporter.
oil transporter
Painting Emission of paint Provide Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) to workers such as gas
and solvent masks, gloves, eye goggles, and overalls;
fumes (fire and Install eye wash stations and deluge safety showers in the work areas;
health hazard to Implement “No PPE No Work” policy;
workers as well Proper supervision of workers.
as adjacent
Generate excess Designate area for empty paint and solvent containers and immediately
paints/solvents sold to scrap buyers
and containers
Garbage receptacles are provided but not properly labeled and color-
It is always the policy of the proponent to help the community where its project is
located. However, because of its limitations and other project undertakings, its
participation will be more on its pecuniary or in-kind contribution to barangay
affairs and other relevant activities undertaken by the barangay and the city
government. The proponent also supports any undertakings by the Environmental
Management Bureau (EMB), other government agency and private organizations.
Specific Objectives:
To ascertain that ECC conditions are complied.
To determine level of compliance to RA 8749 (Philippine Clean Air Act), RA
9275 (Philippine Clean Water Act), RA 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000), and other applicable environmental laws and its
implementing rules and regulations.
To determine compliance to the IMP and EMoP which breakdowns the
requirement of PD 1586, implementing rules and regulations (IRR), and
procedural manuals (PM).
6.2 Multi-Sectoral Monitoring Framework and Environmental Guarantee and
Monitoring Fund (EGF/EMF)
Only work-related risks are foreseen in fuel refilling station. To mitigate these
occupational hazards/risks to workers, workers shall be properly oriented on safety.
Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) appropriate for specific areas of assignment will
be provided to the workers. It will include protective clothing, eye goggles, and gloves.
The proponent shall also strictly implement/enforce “No PPE No Work” policy, proper
supervision of workers to avoid untoward accidents, post safety reminders at conspicuous
areas, provide first aid kit for manageable accidents, and provision of water dispenser.
Moreover, the proponent shall be held liable to any accidents within the premises
of the project area.
The nature of the project presupposes an indefinite life, however can be limited to
the lifespan of the materials and equipment’s and most importantly its economic
viability. If uncertainties arise such as accidents or the project losses its economic
viability causing the proponent to abandon the project, the following shall be
The manager shall also serve as Pollution Control Officer (PCO) for the proper
implementation of the EMP and EMoP and sustains an environmental-friendly operation.
This is to certify that all the information and commitments in this Environmental
Performance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) for AKLAN WIND FARM PROJECT
are accurate and complete to the best of our knowledge, and that an objective and thorough
assessment of the Project was undertaken in accordance with the dictates of professional and
reasonable judgment. Should I/we learn of any information, which would make this
Environmental Performance Report and management Plan (EPRMP) inaccurate, I shall
immediately bring the said information to the attention of DENR-EMB.
I hereby certify that no DENR-EMB personnel was directly involved in the preparation
of this Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) other than to
provide procedural and technical advice consistent with the guidelines in the DAO 03-30
Revised Procedural Manual.
I hereby bind myself to answer any penalty that may be imposed arising from any
misrepresentation or failure to state material information in this Environmental Performance
Report and Management Plan (EPRMP).
Notary Public
Doc. No.:
Page No.:
Book No.:
Series of 2 0 1 8
1.1.2 Type
[ ] ECP (in either ECA or Non-ECA)
[√] Non-ECP but in ECA
[ ] Non-ECP and Non-ECA
1.2.1 Enumerate Waste Type and Specify Quantity of Wastes generated in your facility.
Waste Hazardous Non- Quantity
Air Odor --
Waste Construction Materials √ 600 kg/day
3.2 Receiving Surface Water Body: Creek, more or less 100 meters east of the area
[ ] AA [ ]A
[√] B [ ]C
[]D Economic value of water use (may select more than one of the criteria below) [ ]
Drinking [√] Domestic
[√] Recreational [√] Fishery
[√] Industrial [√] Agricultural
3.2.4 Salt water Economic value of water use (may select more than one of the criteria below): [ ]
[√] Tourist zone or park
[√] Recreational
[ ] Industrial
3.3.3 Groundwater use within the nearest well (may select more than one of the criteria below)
[ ] Drinking [ ] Industrial
[ ] Agricultural [√] Residential
[ ] Commercial/Institutional [ ] Industrial
[ ] Agricultural/Recreational [ ] Protected Area
4.1 Compliance (pls. take note that this will be double-checked with PCD files)
(To be filled up by EMB Personnel)
Assessed by:
Noted by:
This is to certify that all information in the submitted Project Environmental Monitoring
and Audit Prioritization Scheme (PEMAPS) Questionnaire of the AKLAN WIND FARM
PROJECT located in Barangay’s Tagaroroc, Libertad, Unidos, Habana, Gibon, and Rizal
Nabas, Aklan is true, accurate and complete. Should I learn of any information, which makes
Municipality of this inaccurate, I shall bring said information to the appropriate Environmental
Management Bureau Regional Office.
Notary Public
Doc. No.:
Page No.:
Book No.:
Series of 2019