4-Sentence Formula: PTE Describe Image Template

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PTE describe image template

4-Sentence Formula 

Each image is different, but you can use a 4-sentence formula which will work for most

1. Introduction
2. Compare highest – lowest, most – least, maximum – minimum, and so on.
3. Create a sentence about either similarities or about something unusual.
4. Conclusion – summary, reason or prediction

This structure enables you to talk about three main features and if you keep your
sentences simple, you’ll be able to do that in around 35 seconds.

Let’s break the four sentences down.

Sentence 1 – Introduction

Tell the listener what is at the top and bottom of the screen.


Look at the graph below. In 25 seconds, please speak into the microphone and describe
in detail what the graph is showing. You will have 40 seconds to give your response.

Sentence 1: This line graph shows projected births in Australia from 2011 to 2101.

Sentence 2 – Body 1
Compare two things. This creates a complex sentence which is good for your fluency

Sentence 2: The highest projected births are in 2101 whereas the lowest are in

Don’t get too ambitious. Just stick to the formula. Don’t add information from the y axis
because as soon as you start looking at numbers and trying to work out exactly what
they mean, your fluency goes down.

[eg. “The lowest was in 2011 at 300 … no, maybe um, ah, 3 … 80. Yes 380. 380 what?
Million? No. The lowest was in 2011 at 380 thousand. Yes.”] The Y axis is your enemy.
Avoid it.

Sentence 3 – Body 2

Look for either similarities or something unusual. It doesn’t matter which. Go for
whichever one you see first.

Sentence 3: Projections for Series C remain relatively steady throughout the

period while Series B shows double the number of births by 2101 and series A has
the highest increase.

Sentence 3 is the most challenging sentence. Sentences 1 and 2 are fairly formulaic.
However, in sentence 3 you need to make some decisions.

You have an idea of what to look for (similarities or something unusual), but you need to
decide what to talk about and how much to say. Be flexible here.

Sentence 4 – Conclusion

Keep this simple. For the conclusion, you can do one of three things:


In conclusion the image shows that all predictions for birth rates in Australia show

OR Reason:

A possible reason for the varied predictions may be that immigration figures will affect
the growth.

OR Prediction:

It could be predicted that birth rates will continue to climb after 2101.

PTE writing essay template

Structure 1: Weigh the arguments

Paragraph 1: Introduction of the topic

Paragraph 2: Arguments for

Paragraph 3: Arguments against

Paragraph 4: Conclusion – tell the reader which argument is most convincing (in your

Structure 2: Choose a side and stick with it

Paragraph 1: Introduction of the topic

Paragraph 2: Argument 1 (e.g. against)

Paragraph 3. Argument 2 (e.g. against)

Paragraph 4: Conclusion – sum up the arguments you made in paragraph 1 and 2


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