Catchment Area Treatment Plan
Catchment Area Treatment Plan
Catchment Area Treatment Plan
1. Introduction
1.1 Catchment Area
The Ravi river rises in the Bara Bhangal, District Kangra in Himachal Pradesh, India. The river drains a
total catchment area of 14,442 square kilometres (5,576 sq mi) in India after flowing for a length of 720
kilometres (450 mi).
The Hydropower potential of Ravi River system has been assessed as 2294 MW. The hydropower
potential developed since the 1980s is through installation of Baira Suil Hydroelelectric Power Project of
198 MW capacity, the Chamera-I of 540 MW capacity commissioned in 1994, the Ranjitsagar
Multipurpose Project (600 MW) completed in 1999 and the Chamera-II of 300 MW capacity in the
upstream of Chamera-I commissioned in 2004.
Bhadal River : It rises from the snowy range of the area lying between the Pir Panjal and Dhauladhar
ranges in the Bara Banghal area of the Central Himachal Pradesh. It flows in a Westerly direction before
merging with the Tant Gari river to form the mainstream of the Ravi. Bhadal river's catchment is made
up of U shaped valleys, waterfalls, moraines, cirques and towering peaks.
Siul River : It is the tributary of the Ravi river. It rises rfom the tract between the Dhauladhar and Pir
Panjal ranges near Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh border. Thereafter this river flows
towards East, takes a U turn and attains a South-Westerly course before flowing into the Ravi river
downstream of Chamba. River Baira is the prominent tributary of the Siul river. This river is fed by both
snow melt waters and spring waters.
Baira River : It rises from the snows on Southern slopes of the Pir Panjal range in Himachal Pradesh.
Numerous tributaries of the Baira river are also fed by the snow and so make it a Perennial river before
it joins the Siul river, which is a tributary of the Ravi river. Its catchment consists of steep slopes, deep
valleys and terraces that have been laid down by the river since a long time.
Tant Gari River :I t is a tributary of the Ravi river. This river rises as a small stream from the slopes of an
off-shoot of the Pir Panjal range in the area East of Bharmaur in Chamba district. The Tant Gari valey is U
shaped. Its bottom is strewn with boulders and morainic deposits laid down by the glaciers in the past.
6. Soil Erosion
Lack of proper soil and water conservation measures coupled with anthropogenic activities in the
catchment leads to increase in silt flow in the Ravi River. The increased run off from the denuded
mountain slopes and other finds its ways into the river through a network of gullies and streams carrying
sediments with its flow. The most important source of this sediment flow immediately entering into the
river is gully and stream bank erosion. Another important factor that adds to sediment load and which
contributes to soil degradation is the grazing pressure. A large number of animals graze the pastures,
due to this pressure- the productivity of pasture is also declining further. The lack of proper vegetal
cover is a factor to cause degradation and thereby results in severe run-off/soil erosion and
subsequently premature siltation of the reservoir. The path/road construction activities, frequent
landslides and slips along the river also contribute to the huge debris in the beds of river and call for
suitable controls measures Thus, the soil erosion in the catchment would reduce the productivity of
land, effect adversely the local water supplies, cause aridity in climate and increase the frequency of
landslides /slips beside contributing to sediment load to the reservoir. Instead of carrying of expensive
and difficult operation of desalting of the reservoir, it is wise to treat the catchment of the river to
reduce the silt inflow.
7. Priority of treatment
For deciding the priority of area for treatment susceptibility to soil erosion has been taken as the sole
basis. The AIS&LUS (All India Soil and Land Use Survey) Agriculture Report No.830 has been adopted.
This report categorizes Kalah Watershed catchment into various sub-watersheds. Priority of treatment
has been assigned to each sub-watersheds based on value obtained for run-off potential as tabulated
9. Proposed Treatment
Proper gully treatment and water harvesting structures are required to be provided in the catchment
area so as to reduce runoff and sediment flow. To check siltation, it is imperative that massive
afforestation programme is also taken up in the area. Thus, the catchment treatment involves both
biological and engineering measures for arresting that soil erosion process and controlling the sediment
transfer to a certain extent. The Catchment Area Treatment (CAT) Plan envisages controlling the soil
erosion process and subsequent sediment transfer to the reservoir. The plan with objectives addresses
issues such as prevention of gully erosion, enhancing the forest for increasing soil holding capacity; and
arresting total sediment flow in the reservoir and following water.
10.2. Afforestation
This will include rising of multi-tier mixed vegetation of suitable local species in the step and sensitive
catchment areas of rivers/streams with the objective of keeping such areas under permanent vegetative
cover. It is proposed to bring an area of 300.00 ha under such plantation during the project construction
period under this component. Further, more degraded areas would also be brought under some
vegetation cover by way of timber plantation. The aim of raising afforestation need not be elaborated
for it is too obvious. It would not only fulfill the purposes of silt reduction but also help the local
populace to fulfill its needs. This plantation done under this component shall be maintained for a period
of seven years. An area of 400.00 ha would be covered under this plan.
Table no - 6
Sr. No. Description No.s Total Cost
1. Check Dam for side nallah 4 Rs.11,52,000
14. Maintenance:
Provision of maintenance is proposed for the works to be executed under CAT-Plan after its completion
@ 5%, upto 7 years, of all items taken under Engineering. The executing agency may bifurcate the
amount of maintenance as per the requirement and unutilized amount may be diverted to other
treatment works in the catchment with proper codal formalities. Amount may be seen in Table no 2.
15. Total Cost of CAT Plan
The total cost of implementing this CAT Plan is Rs 731.0.8/- lakhs. Details of Cost for five years Plan can
be viewed at a glance in Table-3, which also provides the component-wise break up. The implementing
agency may adjust inter- component costs depending upon the need and savings from any one
component without increasing the over cost of the CAT Plan. Similarly, it may vary the year-wise cost
Right in the beginning of the financial year or even up to two months before, this committee
shall approve the APO of that particular year which is to be treated. The implementing agency will
clearly list the areas (with name and location) along with the works to be taken up and there costs in the
agenda note for the committee. The report/ proceeding of the Monitoring Committee as available
would also placed before this committee. A copy of the proceedings along with a copy of agenda note
would be sent to members of the Monitoring Committee also for their information.
This committee will meet once a year. A quorum of 50% of the members would suffice to hold a
meeting and approve the APO and other items of agenda. All non-official members shall be entitled to
TA/DA as per rates approved and being followed by DC Chamba. All the expenditure on the conduct of
the meetings of this committee would be met from the funds of Monitoring & Evaluation head.