Catchment Area Treatment Plan

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Abbreviations Used

ACF Assistant conservator of forests

ADO Agriculture Development Officer
Agri Agriculture
ASI & LUS All India Soil and Land use Survey
APO Annual Plan of Operation
CAT Catchment Area Treatment
CGI Corrugated galvanized Iron
Cm Centimeter
Cum Cubic metre
DA Daily Allowance
DC Deputy Commissioner
DFO Divisional Forest Officer
Drg. No Drawing Number
DRSM Dry Rubble Stone Masonry
Fin. Finance
FPR Flood Prone River
FRH Forest Rest House
Gol Government of India
Ha/ha Hectare
HDO Horticulture Development Officer
HEP Hydro Electric Project
HP Himachal Pradesh
I/C Including
Kg Kilograms
L/s Lump sum
LPS Liquefied petroleum gas
M&E Monitoring & Evaluation
MD Managing Director
NGO Non-governmental Organization
No. Number
NTFP Non-Timber Forest Produce
PC Personnel Computer
Phy. Physical
Qtls. Quintals
Qty. Quantity
R&M Repair and Maintenance
RM Running metre
Rs. Rupees
RVP River Valley Project
Spp Species
Sq Km Square Kilometers
TA Travelling Allowance

1. Introduction
1.1 Catchment Area
The Ravi river rises in the Bara Bhangal, District Kangra in Himachal Pradesh, India. The river drains a
total catchment area of 14,442 square kilometres (5,576 sq mi) in India after flowing for a length of 720
kilometres (450 mi).
The Hydropower potential of Ravi River system has been assessed as 2294 MW. The hydropower
potential developed since the 1980s is through installation of Baira Suil Hydroelelectric Power Project of
198 MW capacity, the Chamera-I of 540 MW capacity commissioned in 1994, the Ranjitsagar
Multipurpose Project (600 MW) completed in 1999 and the Chamera-II of 300 MW capacity in the
upstream of Chamera-I commissioned in 2004.

1.2 Effective Sub-Catchment

Generation capacity of each of the above mentioned 5 HEP exceeds 10 MW meaning thereby that each
one would have its own CAT Plan(Catchment Area Treatment Plan)as per Gol stipulation. Hence, the
whole catchment of Ravi in HP can be subdivided into six zones as there would be five sub catchments
above the barrage of each project extending up to the barrage site of immediate upstream one, which
would be its effective sub-catchment. The top most projects’ effective sub-catchment would obviously
extend right up to the ridge from where Ravi river Originates. The sixth Zone or sub-catchment would
consist of ares
Draining into Ravi below the Weir site of the project (i.e. Kalah Khol HEP at holi sub division of Chamba)
in HP down to the tailrace outlet.

1.3 Extended Effective Sub-Catchment

Experience has shown that river stretch downstream of Weir and up stream of tailrace outlet is
impacted due to impounding and abstraction of river water. Besides, the aspiration of the people in the
close vicinity of project is also raised as they being user of the forestland diverted for the project find it
difficult to comprehend that CAT Plan would not cover their areas. The catchment area of this stretch of
the river when included with the effective sub-catchment becomes kind of extended effective sub-
catchment. In this case the same measures up to 35.60 Sq Km(i.e.21.60sq Km+14.00Sq Km).

1.4 Treatable Catchment area

The treatable catchment of Kalah Khol SHEP is the effective Sub-Catchment measuring 35.60 Sq Km
(14.00Sq km at Weir-I and 21.60 Sq Km at Weir-II) as discussed in the foregoing. Although treatment of
the extended part of the effective sub-catchment is not obligatory for the project yet keeping in view
the impact of the project and aspirations of the local people expressed by representatives of the PRIs
during interactions with them, it has been included in the catchment area to be treated. Moreover, the
concerned officers of the forest department during similar interaction have also opined that the CAT-
plan should be practicable/feasible and after its implementation/execution, treatment becomes a model
in the area. And last but not the Least; the area of the extended portion is small and manageable.
But, during discussion with the concerned officers of the HP Forest Department, it was felt that more
that a more rational approach has to be adopted in view of the fact that other HEPs envisaged in this
catchment are not coming up immediately though their sub-catchment also contributes to the silt flow
of Ravi river.
2. Tributaries of Ravi and its gradient
Ravi river rises from the Bara Banghal ( a branch of Dhauladhar ) as a joint stream formed by the glacier-
fed Badal and Tant Gari. The right bank tributaries of the Ravi are the Budhil, Tundahan Beljedi, Saho
and Siul; and its left bank tributary worth mentioning is Chirchind Nala. Town Chamba is situated on the
right bank of the river Ravi. In later Sanskritic period it came to be known by the name of Irawati. The
Ravi river flows by the foot of Dalhousie hill, through the famous Chamba valley. The river with its length
of about 158 km. in Himachal has a catchment area of about 5,451 sq. km. As the Ravi river flows down
from the heights, it passes hill sides with terraced fields. Sometimes the hill seems to move away and
the river comes out into lovely green valleys. The ravaging river looks devastating in its fury. It carries
away even sturdy trees. The Ravi river first flows Westward through a trough separating the Pir Panjal
from Dhauladhar range and then turns Southward, cutting the deep gorge through the Dhauladhar
range. It flows nearly 130 km. in Chamba region, before leaving it finally at Kheri.
The Ravi river forms the biggest sub-micro region of Chamba district. From Bara Bangal of Kangra
district, it flows through Bara Bansu, Tretha, Chanota and Ulhansa. The Ravi river merges with the
Chenab in Pakistan. The well known human settlement along the river are Barmaur, Madhopur and
Chamba town. Its total length is 720 km.

Important Tributaries of river Ravi :

Bhadal River : It rises from the snowy range of the area lying between the Pir Panjal and Dhauladhar
ranges in the Bara Banghal area of the Central Himachal Pradesh. It flows in a Westerly direction before
merging with the Tant Gari river to form the mainstream of the Ravi. Bhadal river's catchment is made
up of U shaped valleys, waterfalls, moraines, cirques and towering peaks.

Siul River : It is the tributary of the Ravi river. It rises rfom the tract between the Dhauladhar and Pir
Panjal ranges near Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh border. Thereafter this river flows
towards East, takes a U turn and attains a South-Westerly course before flowing into the Ravi river
downstream of Chamba. River Baira is the prominent tributary of the Siul river. This river is fed by both
snow melt waters and spring waters.

Baira River : It rises from the snows on Southern slopes of the Pir Panjal range in Himachal Pradesh.
Numerous tributaries of the Baira river are also fed by the snow and so make it a Perennial river before
it joins the Siul river, which is a tributary of the Ravi river. Its catchment consists of steep slopes, deep
valleys and terraces that have been laid down by the river since a long time.

Tant Gari River :I t is a tributary of the Ravi river. This river rises as a small stream from the slopes of an
off-shoot of the Pir Panjal range in the area East of Bharmaur in Chamba district. The Tant Gari valey is U
shaped. Its bottom is strewn with boulders and morainic deposits laid down by the glaciers in the past.

3. Slope class zones in the catchment

The slope in the catchment varies greatly between extremes or gradients as
tabulated below:-
Table - 1
S.No Classification of slopes Percentage of catchment
1. Very gently to gently sloping 1-10%
2. Moderately steep to steep 15-33%
3. Steep to very steep 15-33%
4. very steep to very steep >33%

5. Soil in the catchment

Chamba district presents an intricate mosaic of mountain ranges, hills and valleys. It is primarily a hilly
district with altitudes ranging from 600 m amsl to 6400 m amsl. Physiographically the area forms part of
middle Himalayas with high peaks ranging in height from 3000 to 6000 m amsl. It is a region of complex
folding, which has under gone many orogeneses. The topography of the area is rugged with high
mountains and deep dissected by river Ravi and its tributaries. Physiographically the district can be
divided in to two units-viz. (i) high hills, which cover almost entire district (ii) few valley fills. Three types
of soils observed in the district are 1. Sandy Loam 2. Loam 3. Sandy Clay Loam.

6. Soil Erosion
Lack of proper soil and water conservation measures coupled with anthropogenic activities in the
catchment leads to increase in silt flow in the Ravi River. The increased run off from the denuded
mountain slopes and other finds its ways into the river through a network of gullies and streams carrying
sediments with its flow. The most important source of this sediment flow immediately entering into the
river is gully and stream bank erosion. Another important factor that adds to sediment load and which
contributes to soil degradation is the grazing pressure. A large number of animals graze the pastures,
due to this pressure- the productivity of pasture is also declining further. The lack of proper vegetal
cover is a factor to cause degradation and thereby results in severe run-off/soil erosion and
subsequently premature siltation of the reservoir. The path/road construction activities, frequent
landslides and slips along the river also contribute to the huge debris in the beds of river and call for
suitable controls measures Thus, the soil erosion in the catchment would reduce the productivity of
land, effect adversely the local water supplies, cause aridity in climate and increase the frequency of
landslides /slips beside contributing to sediment load to the reservoir. Instead of carrying of expensive
and difficult operation of desalting of the reservoir, it is wise to treat the catchment of the river to
reduce the silt inflow.
7. Priority of treatment
For deciding the priority of area for treatment susceptibility to soil erosion has been taken as the sole
basis. The AIS&LUS (All India Soil and Land Use Survey) Agriculture Report No.830 has been adopted.
This report categorizes Kalah Watershed catchment into various sub-watersheds. Priority of treatment
has been assigned to each sub-watersheds based on value obtained for run-off potential as tabulated

8. Objectives of the CAT Plan

The CAT Plan targets towards overall improvement in the environmental condition of the region. All the
activities are aimed at treating the degraded and potential area of severe soil erosion. The plan provides
benefits due to biological and engineering measures, and its utility in maintaining the eco-system It also
aims to reduce fuel wood consumption at least during the interregnum till time plantations become
In consonance with the above, this CAT Plan has following objectives:-
 Reducing soil erosion and land degradation by taking up adequate and effective soil
conservation measures in erosion prone area (severe and very severe).
 Rehabilitation of degraded forest areas through afforestation, treatment of pastureland and
facilitating natural regeneration.
 Reduction/ control of cultivation practices in the catchment area through suitable and
appropriate alternatives acceptable to local residents
 Demonstration of good practices in agriculture and horticulture land treatment.
 Saving and conservation of forest based fuel.
 Conservation and rehabilitation of river in flora particularly in the river stretches between
barrage and tailrace outlet.
In the river stretches between barrage and tailrace outlet.
As mentioned elsewhere in this document, the catchment being dynamic and always under
constant pressure or activities, both anthropogenic and other than anthropogenic, keeps
generating silt considerable proportions. A lot of silt load is found right at the point where the
river and its tributaries leave the glaciers. Complete stoppage of silt is there for a utopian
expectation, as it would also mean complete freezing of all activities at the base level/time.
Hence, project proponent’s bottom line in this respect is stabilization of silt flow so that it does
not increase any further, if it cannot effectively be reduced.

9. Proposed Treatment
Proper gully treatment and water harvesting structures are required to be provided in the catchment
area so as to reduce runoff and sediment flow. To check siltation, it is imperative that massive
afforestation programme is also taken up in the area. Thus, the catchment treatment involves both
biological and engineering measures for arresting that soil erosion process and controlling the sediment
transfer to a certain extent. The Catchment Area Treatment (CAT) Plan envisages controlling the soil
erosion process and subsequent sediment transfer to the reservoir. The plan with objectives addresses
issues such as prevention of gully erosion, enhancing the forest for increasing soil holding capacity; and
arresting total sediment flow in the reservoir and following water.

9.1 Activities in the CAT Plan

Considering the topographic factor, soil type, climate, hill slop and land use in the catchment area
following engineering and biological measures have been proposed to be undertaken with the aim to
check the soil erosion, prevent/check siltation of reservoir and to maintain its storage capacity in the
long run.
9.1 .A. Engineering Measures
9.1. A.i Gully Control-check Dams
Gullies are mainly formed on account of physiography, soil type and heavy biotic interference in an area.
The scouring of streams at their peak flows and sediment laden run off cause gullies. The gullies would
be required to be treated with engineering/mechanical as well as vegetative methods. Check dams
would be constructed in some of the area to promote growth of vegetation that will consequently lead
to the stabilization of slopes/area and prevention of further deeping of gullies and erosion. Different
type of check dams would be required for different condition comprised of different materials
depending upon the site condition and the easy availability of material (stones) at local level and
transport accessibility. Some of the area of total catchment shall be provided with this type of
treatment. The type of check dam recommended for treatment. The types of check dam recommended
for treatment are:
 Model-I:Dry Ruble stone Masonry(DRSM)
 Model-II: Combination of DRSM and crate works, for moderate to deep gullies.
 Model-III: Combination of DRSM walls, checks dams, and crate walls.

9.1. A.ii Contour staggered Trenches

Contour staged trenches are mainly provided to trap the silt and control runoff. This is also done to
prepare a fertile base for plantation. It acts to conserve both soil and moisture in situ and also reduce
run off. An area of 71.2 ha shall be provided with this type of treatment in different sub-watersheds
under the plan.

9.1. A.iii A.iv.d. Bench terracing

The area under moderate to steep slopes would be subjected to bench terracing. The local people would
be convinced to follow this type of terracing for comparatively better yield and with minimum threat to
erosion. Moreover, in number of habitations in the catchment such practices are already visible. While
making bench terraces, care will have to be taken not to disturb the topsoil by spreading earth from the
lower terraces to higher terraces. The vertical intervals between terraces will not be more than 1.5 m
and cutting depth may be kept at from 4 to 5 m in order to enable usage of prolong hinge. The shoulder
bunds of 30x15 cm would also provided. Staggered channels will drain off the excess water from the
terraces. An area of 89.00 ha will be covered under this plan.

10. Biological Measures

10.1. Restoration of Degraded Areas
In critical degraded areas, plantation of locally useful diverse and indigenous piant species such as
timber species, fodder species, fuel wood species, grasses, shrubs, legumes, medicinal and aromatic
plants would be taken up for various biological measures under this component during CAT plan
implementation period. For raising plantation, suitably located two (02 Nos.) nurseries would be
developed in area for facilitating treatment in different pockets. The plantations done on forest land
under this component shall be maintained for a period of seven years.
Choice of species
In all the biological measures suggested for the forestland and pastureland treatment, in this plan, local
indigenous species shall be preferred and planting of exotics shall be avoided. NTFP shall also be planted
in afforestation areas besides being introduced as ground flora in appropriate forest areas.

10.2. Afforestation
This will include rising of multi-tier mixed vegetation of suitable local species in the step and sensitive
catchment areas of rivers/streams with the objective of keeping such areas under permanent vegetative
cover. It is proposed to bring an area of 300.00 ha under such plantation during the project construction
period under this component. Further, more degraded areas would also be brought under some
vegetation cover by way of timber plantation. The aim of raising afforestation need not be elaborated
for it is too obvious. It would not only fulfill the purposes of silt reduction but also help the local
populace to fulfill its needs. This plantation done under this component shall be maintained for a period
of seven years. An area of 400.00 ha would be covered under this plan.

10.3. Timber plantation

The forests in the catchment area heavily burdened with rights of the local people including the right to
concessional and free timber in the form of standing trees. With the increase in population as also
increase in the incomes and living standard of the local people demand for house construction and also
for other purpose has increased manifold leading to greater pressure on forests. This in turn leads to
denudation and increased silt flow. Thus a need has been felt to make special efforts for raising exclusive
plantations to meet the timber demand. Accordingly, an area of 525 ha would be developed as timber

10.4. Fodder Plantation

Cattle population (that includes sheep and goats) almost equal the human population in the state and
the position in the catchment is no different. Grazing and lopping for fodder are amongst the easily
identifiable causes of degradation of vegetation. To help ameliorate the situation of scarce availability of
fodder, it is proposed to bring a substantial area under fodder plantation with suitable indigenous
species. An area of 130.00ha is proposed to be covered under this component.

10.5. NTFP Plantations

A number of families supplement their income by collecting and selling NTFP (Non-Timber Forest
Produce) including medicinal and aromatic species besides consuming some quantities for their own
use. Over a period of time due to increased biotic pressure the availability and regeneration of the
species of NTFP in demand is reducing. To sustain their growth and contribution to the economy,
suitable plantations of appropriate local species of NTFP would be raised over an area of 250 Ha.

10.6. Pasture Development

There are high altitudes alpine pastures in the upper most part of the catchment and temperate to sub-
tropical pastures in the Zone lower than Alpine Zone. The second type of pastures are owned separately
by private individuals/families and government. Under this component both alpine and lower zone
pastures would be treated with suitable measures.

10.7. Alpine Pasture Development

As has been written elsewhere in this Plan, number of cattle, sheep and goats is very high and
consequently the grazing pressure is also high. This cause degradation of pasturelands. There are two
type of pasture of high altitude Alpine zone and the other is lower in altitude and is used as pasture for
no other use is possible on this kind of land. The latter one is found nearer habitations. Both these type
of pastures are subjected to grazing beyond their carrying capacities leading to varying degree of
degradation. Appropriate measures will be adopted to encourage development of healthy pasture area
for the use of cattle herders. The Alpine Zone pastures would be treated with grass sowing grass/tuff
planting in planting in patches with soil and moisture conservation measures between needed.
Medicinal herb and other NTFP spices that grow in this zone would also be introduced. It is proposed to
develop an area of 200 ha of alpine zone pastures.

10.8. Lower Zone Pasture Development

The lower zone pastures are owned separately by both government and private families/individuals.
These pastures are nearer habitations and bear the brunt of excessive grazing throughout the year. It is
proposed to treat pastures under private holding also besides the ones under government ownership. In
the lower zone pastures a silvi-pasture model would be adopted and suitable species of grasses and tree
fodder, and leguminous plant species shall be planted. Effective fencing would also be provided for
provided for protection of sapling in the government owned pastures. The owner of the pastures in
private holding has to take the protection measures at his/her own convenience and cost.

10.9. Conservation and regeneration of riverine tree

As has been mentioned in the foregoing that impounding and abstraction of water from the river affect
the river stretch downstream of the barrage site down to the tailrace outlet. It is apprehended that the
riverine species growing along the banks and in the braided part of the channel may not able to
regenerate due to reduction in the flow(both volume and speed)of water. One such species is alder
(Kunish/Kosh), which has a thick seed coat. The seed coat under natural conditions is broken due to
soaking in water and by thrashing action of currents and waves. Therefore, to help the conservation and
regeneration of the riverine species, this special component has been included in the CAT Plan. Similarly,
other species of riverine succession also need assistance. The two new nurseries that are provided in
this plan would cater primarily to the need of riverine flora conservation and extension. Plantation of
riverine species like alder, willow etc would be carried out in linear strips along the riverbanks.
Accordingly, higher norms for the same have been provided as linear strip plantation requires longer
fencing and also may need watering in its incipience.

10.10. Private Land Treatment

It has been the experience elsewhere that erosion takes place from the privately owned land also. Silt
contribution from the privately owned land also. Silt contribution from the private holding is also
significant. While change of land use is not the mandate of the CAT Plans yet it can help betterment of
the current land use and attempt to encourage better land management helping reduce silt flow.
Therefore, it is proposed to provide treatment to private holding for horticulture development.
Agriculture development and also for pasture development. Fencing and also maintenance costs are not
provided under this activity as these are to be the contribution for the land owners.

10.11. Plantation for horticultural and agricultural land development.

Substantial parts of the catchment area is under private ownership and has the the potential for
development to increase land productivity and help enhance income of the individuals or families
owning such lands. Under this treatment plan, suitable horticultural crop species like apple, plum,
apricot and walnut etc shall be planted in select areas adjacent of the villages. The species listed here
are only indicative and not conclusive. The species listed here are only indicative and not conclusive. The
treatment would also include soil and moisture conservation measures wherever needed. An area of
300 ha has been earmarked to be undertaken for this treatment. However, the owners as their share of
the cost shall do fencing and maintenance.

10.12. Private Pasture Development

As has been mentioned in the foregoing under the lower zone pasture development, the privately
owned pastures would also be treated with appropriate silvi-pasture model. Suitable species of grasses
and tree fodder, and leguminous plant species shall be planted. No expenditure on account of facing can
be provided in case of private pastures, as the owner of the pastures in private holding has to take the
protection measures at his/her own convenience and cost. Similarly, the maintenance costs, if any, shall
be borne by the owners.
Before any new area is taken up, eradication of weeds and unpalatable grass species is equally
important. It is recommended that some parts of the pastures should be closed for seeding purpose
only. It is proposed to treat an area of 200 ha of privately owned pastures in this CAT Plan.

10.13. Fuel Saving and alternate fuel devices

The riverine tress are locally used primarily for two purposes i.e. fuel and fodder. Since their
regeneration is likely to be adversely impacted and the new plating suggested in this plan is going to
take time to reach harvesting age, it is necessary that devices be installed to reduce their requirement
for fuel purposes.
Alder is particularly used for cremation of dead bodies as it is readily available nearer the
cremation grounds invariably located on riverbeds or riverbanks. Therefore, construction of improved
crematoria is provided in the CAT Plan. These are simple CGI sheet covered structures having open kilns
made of fire clay bricks using fire clay cement mortar and are provided with side ventilation as also an
iron grill for ventilation from below to facilitate quicker burning. Their design is now standardized and is
already available with the forest department. All crematoria would be constructed at most suitable sites
(suitable from all angles including from social/ customary/ religious angle) along the river banks to save
them from floods. Small water channel to wash the ashes is also included in the cost estimate of each
Similarly, other fuel saving devices are also sought to be introduced like LPG connections as
onetime non-recurring assistance to deserving families to reduce their dependence on forest trees
besides reducing smoke and concomitant health risks. This will be in the shape of onetime non-recurring
assistance. Provision for the same has been made in the cost estimates as lump sump.

11. Publicity and Awareness

Creating awareness and doing publicity of the works being done under the CAT Plan are also
important as these show the correct picture to the masses. Besides, it also reflects on the environmental
responsibilities being discharged by the Kalah Khol. Hence, supporting publicity and awareness about
the activities of the CAT Plan in particular has also been identified as one of the activities in CAT Plan.
To support monitoring of works, it is also proposed to provide sign board/ hoarding for each
work done in the field. The cost for the same would also be met from this component. However, it has
been depicted under the Administrative and Infrastructure costs as it is to be carried out by the CAT Plan
executing agency.

12. Monitoring & Evaluation

Effective monitoring of the implementation of CAT Plan is equally important and need not be
emphasized. Further, during the interaction with local PRI representatives (some of whom were
accompanied by local residents) expressed to be associated not only in the monitoring process but also
in the approval of the annual plan of activities for the CAT Plan. A separate paragraph has been devoted
on the implementation mechanism as also on monitoring aspects.
The funds being allocated under this head are meant for carrying out mid-term and end of the
term appraisal by hiring professional individual/ agency. However, the expenditure incurred on the
meeting of two committees as prescribed in this Plan shall also be met from the funds being provided
under Monitoring and Evaluation.

13. Cost Estimation for Catchment Area Treatment

Cost Estimate for Gully Control Measures
[A].1. Check dams for side Nalah
Check Dames to be erected = 4Nos.
Average Dimension = 20m x 3m x 4m =240 cum
Total stones required = 240 cum x 4 = 960 cum
Cost@Rs.1200/-cum = 960 x 1200 = Rs.11,52,000/-

[A].2. Check dams for Main Nala

Check Dames to be erected = 9Nos.
Average Dimension = 25m x 4.50m x 6m = 675cum
Total stones required = 675cum x 9 = 6075 cum
Cost@Rs.1200/-cum = Rs 1200/- x 6075 cum = Rs. 72,90,000/-
Total cost of Check Dams = Rs. 84,42,000/-
[B]. Gully Crate Walls
Gully Crates to be erected = 60 Nos.
Average Dimension = 4m x 1.5m x 3m = 18 cum
Total stones required = 1080 cum (18 cum x 60 nos.)
Crate wire required = 60 Quintals
[1] Cost of crate wire = 6,000/- x 60 = Rs. 3,60,000/-
[2] Transport, Weaving etc. = Rs. 50,000/-
[3] Cost of crate with local stones = Rs.650 x 1080 = Rs. 7,02,000/-
Total cost [1] + [2] + [3] = Rs. 11,12,000/-

[C]. Check Walls

Check walls to be erected = 50 Nos.
Average Dimension = 10m x 2m x 6m = 120 cum
Total stones required = 6000 cum (120 cum x 50 nos)
Construction of check walls = Rs. 650/- x 6000 cum = Rs. 39,00,000/-
Cement Bags required = 3240/- x 350 = Rs. 11,34,000/-
Sand Required = 32.40 x 1300 = Rs. 42,120/-
Transport, Weaving etc. = Rs. 50,000/-
Total Cost = Rs. 51,26,120

[D]. Temporary Culvert

Temporary Culvert to be erected = 5 Nos.
Rate per Unit (lump sump) = Rs 80,000
Total cost = Rs 4,00,000 (80,000 x 5 Nos)
[E]. Plantation
Trees to be planted = 400 Nos
Rate per unit = Rs 200
Total Cost = Rs 80,000 (200 X 400)

[F]. Estimation for Bench terracing

Area to be acquired for Bench terracing = 2% of the total area in Ha
Total cost = Rs 17,80,000 (71.2Ha X Rs 25,000 )

H. Estimation for contour stagger trenching

Area to be acquired for contour stagger trenching = 1.5% of the total area in Ha
Total cost = Rs 5,34,000 (53.4Ha X Rs 10,000 )
I) Bench terracing and contour stagger trenching rates are taken Rs. 25,000/- & Rs.
10,000/- per ha. Respectively with prior experiences which may be analyzed by executing
agency for execution.

Table no - 6
Sr. No. Description No.s Total Cost
1. Check Dam for side nallah 4 Rs.11,52,000

2. Check Dam for main nallah 9 Rs.84,42,000

3. Gully Crate Walls 60 Rs.11,12,000

4. Check Walls 50 Rs.51,26.120

5. Temporary Culvert 5 Rs.4,00,000

6. Plantation 400 Rs.80,000

7. Estimation for Bench Terracing 2% of total area Rs.17,80,000

8. Estimation for Contour stagger 1.5% of total area Rs.5,34,000


Total cost Rs.1,86,26,120

9. Maintenance for 7 seven years 5% of the total cost Rs.9,31,306

Grand Total Cost Rs.1,95,57,426

14. Maintenance:
Provision of maintenance is proposed for the works to be executed under CAT-Plan after its completion
@ 5%, upto 7 years, of all items taken under Engineering. The executing agency may bifurcate the
amount of maintenance as per the requirement and unutilized amount may be diverted to other
treatment works in the catchment with proper codal formalities. Amount may be seen in Table no 2.
15. Total Cost of CAT Plan
The total cost of implementing this CAT Plan is Rs 731.0.8/- lakhs. Details of Cost for five years Plan can
be viewed at a glance in Table-3, which also provides the component-wise break up. The implementing
agency may adjust inter- component costs depending upon the need and savings from any one
component without increasing the over cost of the CAT Plan. Similarly, it may vary the year-wise cost

16. Implementing agency

The implementing agency of this CAT plan shall be the HEP Forest Department as per GOI stipulations
being followed elsewhere too. The forest department has the requisite expertise and experience of
formulation and implementation of CAT plans. Extensive and intensive consolation with them has been
cone while preparing this plan. Some of the components the implementing agency has desired to be
provided to it in kind, the cost of which shall be borne from this plan. All such components shall
accordingly be shown in the funds release statements of Pariyal Power and also of funds received
statements of the HP Forest Department. The Pariyal Power shall be associated in the APO (Annual Plan
of Operation) approval and also in the subsequent monitoring of activities. Details are provided in the
following paragraphs.

17. Institutional Mechanism for Implementation

The HP Forest Department would implement this Catchment Area Treatment Plan. The Forest
Department would be at liberty to sub-contract relevant components.
The soil conservation and afforestation programme would evolve employment opportunities;
thus people’s participation should be encouraged and would involve mobilization of manpower for such
activities. As such, wherever feasible and where people show interest as per state’s PFM rules, CAT Plan
activities should be planned and executed in accordance with the same. Experts and professionals
competent enough in operational zing the plan may be consulted from time to time.

18. APO Approval Committee

Till the time suggested Kalah Valley CAT Plan Society does not come into being and is not
operationalized, as an interim arrangement a committee shall approve the activities on an annual basis.
This committee shall be called APO Approval Committee of Kalah SHEP CAT Plan.
Following shall be the constitution of the committee, which shall be notified by the Conservator
of Forests, Chamba.
1. Chairman - Conservator of Forests, Shimla.
2. Block Development Officer District Chamba
3. ADO, Agriculture Department.
4. HDO, Horticulture Department.
5. Technical Officer, Animal Husbandry Department.
6. PRI (Panchayati Raj Institution) representative of the affected Panchayat namely- Kuther
7. Representative of M.D, M/s Pariyal Power.
8. D.F.O. Chamba Forest Division- Member Secretary.
The Range Officers concerned shall assist the member secretary in the meeting.

Right in the beginning of the financial year or even up to two months before, this committee
shall approve the APO of that particular year which is to be treated. The implementing agency will
clearly list the areas (with name and location) along with the works to be taken up and there costs in the
agenda note for the committee. The report/ proceeding of the Monitoring Committee as available
would also placed before this committee. A copy of the proceedings along with a copy of agenda note
would be sent to members of the Monitoring Committee also for their information.

This committee will meet once a year. A quorum of 50% of the members would suffice to hold a
meeting and approve the APO and other items of agenda. All non-official members shall be entitled to
TA/DA as per rates approved and being followed by DC Chamba. All the expenditure on the conduct of
the meetings of this committee would be met from the funds of Monitoring & Evaluation head.

19. Monitoring and Evaluation

19.1 Monitoring Committee for CAT Plan Works
As in the case of APO approval, till such time the suggested Kalah Valley CAT Plan Society does
not come into being and does not have proper monitoring mechanism, as an interim arrangement a
committee shall monitor the works of this CAT Plan on an annual basis.
The monitoring committee would be constituted as furnished below:-
1. Chairman - Conservator of Forests, Shimla
2. A.C.F, Chamba.
3. PRI (Panchyati Raj Institution) Representatives – Pardhans of the affected panchyats to be
nominated by CH Chamba in Rotation as per convenience.
4. Representative of M.d, Pariyal Poer.
5. D.F.O, Chamba – Member Secretary.
Chairman may co-opt any other members for a period as felt necessary by him. However, total co-
opted members would not be more than five any time.
The committee would need to ensure the implementation and monitoring of the catchment area
treatment works and review the progress from time to time. The implementing agency will, immediately
upon its approval, provide a copy of the approved APO giving details such as list of areas (with name and
location) along with the works to be taken up and their costs to each member of the committee right in
the beginning of the year. The report/proceeding of the approval committee as available would also
place before this committee. Annual progress report would also be submitted to Pariyal Power also.
The Committee shall strive to make the monitoring process as transparent as possible. The members
of the PRI representatives would be responsible for sharing information in their areas, as also with other
representatives of PRIs and who in turn are to share the information in their respective areas.
Meeting of this committee would be held at least once in a year. A quorum of 50% of the members
would be sufficed to hold a meeting. All non-official members shall be entitled to TA/DA as per rates
approved and being followed by DC Chamba. All in Expenditure on the conduct of the meetings of this
committee would be met from the funds of monitoring & Evaluation head.

19.2 Monitoring & Evaluation by Professional Agency

Services of a professional monitoring expert as individual or as an agency (group/firm/company)
would be required for supplementing the monitoring efforts of the monitoring committee and also for
preparing a well documented monitoring report. The CF Chambais fully authorized to hire a competent
agency/individual for this purpose and order release of payment for the same from the funds allocated
for monitoring& avaluation. However, the report shall be tabled before the monitoring committee for its

19.3 Public Awareness and information

In addition, the work should be published through public awareness campaigns. Visual and print
media need to be used to embark on maximum benefit by direct and indirect beneficiaries. Such efforts
would resolve conflicts which otherwise are potential sources for increasing project gestation.
Publishing the list of areas treated in a particular year would be most appropriate strategy for public
information of the works done.

20. Release of funds

The Pariyal Power would release the funds as per year-wise phasing given in Table-3 and during year
five, it would release all the remaining funds. Whatever mechanism is adopted for implementing the
CAT plan, weather a society or a committee, representative of the Managing Director of Pariyal Power
would be associated in approval of the APOs and also in the subsequent monitoring of works.

21. Other Recommendations

Besides above, following recommendations are being made for smooth implementation of the CAT
1. The implementing agency i.e. HP forest department should give priority to the project-affected
families and local population while employing labor in CAT plan activities and also in the
selection of beneficiaries under alternate fuel devices.
2. Project authorities should ensure frequent meetings with the forest department’s CAT Plan
implementation officials and executing team members to enable smooth implementation of the
CAT ansure financial flow.
3. Sub-contracting of appropriate activities of the CAT Plan through local people/agencies should
be encouraged.
4. Adequate Emphasis on NTFP introduction and propagation would help the local population in
the short term.
5. Display of information boards at the work sites showing name of work/component, scope &
extent of work, cost involved and year of completion as also name of the funding agency would
help in public information.

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