Overview of Spintronic Sensors Internet of Things PDF
Overview of Spintronic Sensors Internet of Things PDF
Overview of Spintronic Sensors Internet of Things PDF
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Smart living is a trending lifestyle that envisions lower energy consumption, sound public services, and
better quality of life for human being. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a compelling platform connecting
various sensors around us to the Internet, providing great opportunities for the realization of smart
living. Spintronic sensors with superb measuring ability and multiple unique advantages can be an
important piece of cornerstone for IoT. In this review, we discuss successful applications of spintronic
sensors in electrical current sensing, transmission and distribution lines monitoring, vehicle detection,
and biodetection. Traditional monitoring systems with limited sensors and wired communication can
merely collect fragmented data in the application domains. In this paper, the wireless spintronic sensor
networks (WSSNs) will be proposed and illustrated to provide pervasive monitoring systems, which
facilitate the intelligent surveillance and management over building, power grid, transport, and
healthcare. The database of collected information will be of great use to the policy making in public
services and city planning. This work provides insights for realizing smart living through the integration
of IoT with spintronic sensor technology.
Keywords: smart living, Internet of Things, spintronic sensors, wireless spintronic sensor network
I. Introduction
The rapidly growing population, increasing demands on quality of life, and rising pressure on
environmental conservation have been initiating the social reform for a more intelligent lifestyle. Smart
living has been introduced as a trending style of living that will bring about more efficient energy
consumption, better healthcare, and elevated standard of living through integrating advanced
information and communication technologies (ICT), smart sensing technology, ubiquitous computing,
big data analytics and intelligent decision-making. Smart living will be primarily accomplished by the
concept of smart city [1]. The final goal of the smart city is to enhance the utilization efficiency of
various public resources, promoting the quality of services offered to the citizens while reducing the
operational cost of public infrastructure and administrations [2]. Smart building, smart grid, smart
transport, and smart healthcare are the key application domains to support smart city vision [3].
Researches focuing on these areas have obtained considerable progress in the past decade; nonetheless,
there still exist roadblocking challenges in these regimes due to the novelty and complexity of smart
living, such as improving energy efficiency of buildings without reducing the comfort level [4],
integrating renewables and self-healing for power systems [5], highly-efficient management of traffic
congestion [6], and provision of quality healthcare for growing populations at reduced overall costs [7].
Such challenges need to be tackled by new monitoring systems rather than the traditional ones that
function with limited sensors and wired communications.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a compelling paradigm to support smart living by means of
connecting a great quantity of digitally augmented physical objects to the Internet. These objects,
especially sensors are being connected everywhere and at all time collecting the information of interest.
The wireless sensor network (WSN) based IoT platform is popular in modern monitoring systems. It is
predicted that the number of sensors in diverse applications will exceed one trillion by 2022 and over
100 trillion by 2030 [8]. Over the last few decades, spintronic sensors working as solid-state magnetic
sensors have gained continuous attention and research effort because of their traits such as superb
sensitivity, low power consumption, compactness, wide bandwidth, room-temperature operation and
CMOS compatibility. In this paper, the wireless spintronic sensor network (WSSN) is proposed to
seamlessly integrate the spintronic sensors into the IoT. This winning combination can be an important
piece of cornerstone for IoT to realize smart living in the 21st century.
While the previous reviews on the spintronic sensors focus on the development of their
structures and industrial applications [9, 10], there still lacks an overview and outlook on the potential
roles that spintronic sensors may play in the realization of smart living. The objective of this paper is to
bridge the gap between the scientific research on spintronic sensors and the realization of the IoT-based
smart living. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents an overview of the principle of
spintronic sensors and their sensing capabilities relevant to electrical current sensing, transmission and
distribution lines monitoring, vehicle detection, and biodetection. In Section 3, we briefly introduce the
IoT concept and architecture. Specifically, we explain how to organize a WSSN to support the IoT. In
Section 4, the WSSN based or related applications to support smart building, smart grid, smart transport,
and smart healthcare are discussed, respectively. Finally, Section 5 provides the future outlook and
concluding remarks.
where RAP and RP represent the resistance at antiparallel and parallel state, respectively. High GMR
ratio is preferred for sensors with high sensitivity. Besides, the linear response of the GMR sensor
defines the detectable field range while the coercivity determines the extent of hysteresis effect in the
magnetization transfer curve.
Magnetic multilayers and spin valves are used in commercial GMR sensors. The magnetic
multilayers are composed of repetitions of FM/NM layer pairs, as shown in Fig. 1(b). Under zero
magnetic field, the multilayers exhibit high resistance since the FM layers are oriented in opposite
direction through interlayer exchange coupling. When the magnetizations of the FM layers are gradually
aligned to the parallel configuration by an external magnetic field, the resistance of this MR sensor
decreases from the maximum resistance to the minimum value. A large magnetic field is required to
overcome the strong exchange coupling amongst the FM layers, resulting in saturation magnetic field
up to hundreds of mT [9, 13]. However, the extended linear detectable field range is accompanied with
a drawback of relatively low sensitivity. The development of spin valves [14, 15] can provide higher
sensitivity through introducing a soft FM layer in the FM/NM/FM trilayer structures (see Fig. 1(c)).
The soft FM layer can be freely rotated by the external magnetic field as the interlayer exchange
coupling is reduced by the relatively thicker NM spacer. The hard FM layer is pinned by an
antiferromagnetic (AF) layer through direct exchange coupling to maintain its magnetization direction
when the reverse magnetic field is applied.
The recent efforts on the development of spintronic sensors have been devoted to increasing
the GMR ratio and reducing the coercivity. Through engaging FM materials with high spin polarization
ratio (such as Heusler alloy [16-18]), GMR ratio of 74.8% was achieved [19], which is much higher
than that in conventional spin valves (5 ~ 10 %) [13]. The insertion of nano-oxide-layer as the NM
spacer led to a remarkable increase in GMR ratio due to the enhanced spin-dependent scattering at the
metal-oxide interfaces [20, 21]. On the other hand, the coercivity can be reduced through engaging soft
FM materials (such as supermalloy or Conetic alloy [22, 23]) or synthetic ferrimagnetic structure [24]
as free layers.
2.1.3 Tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR)
Compared to spin valves, a typical TMR sensor [25-29] has a similar basic structure but with
the metallic spacer replaced by a thin (0.5 ~ 2 nm) insulating barrier, as shown in Fig. 1(d). As a result,
instead of the spin-dependent scattering effect, the spin-dependent tunneling effect [30] is involved in
TMR sensors, which are therefore called magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) [31]. The spin-dependent
tunneling effect in MTJs can either be incoherent [32, 33] or coherent [25, 27, 34, 35], depending on
the type of the tunnel barrier. The incoherent tunneling is typically exhibited in the AlOx-based MTJ
[36-39], whose TMR ratio is phenomenologically described by Julliere’s model [32, 37, 40]:
2 P1 P2
TMR = , (2)
1 − P1 P2
where P1 and P2 are the spin polarizations of two FM layers, respectively. In the AlOx-based MTJ, the
highest observed TMR ratio at room temperature is 70.4% [40], which corresponds to a spin
polarization of 0.51 for the CoFeB FM layer based on Julliere’s model. Considering the thermally-
driven spin fluctuation at room temperature, such a spin polarization is close to the spin polarization
(usually 0 ~ 0.6) of 3d Co or Fe-based FM alloys measured in FM/AlOx/superconductor junctions at an
ultralow temperature (< 4.2 K). One of the breakthroughs with respect to the TMR effect is the use of
oriented single-crystal MgO barrier, achieving the spin-dependent coherent tunnel in MTJs. In such
MgO-based MTJs, the totally symmetric Δ1 Bloch states (spd hybridized states) in the FM layer can
effectively couple with the evanescent Δ1 states in the MgO barrier and decay much slower than the Δ2
states (d states) and Δ5 states (pd hybridized states) [31, 41]. Therefore, only highly polarized Δ1 states
travel across the MgO barrier, which leads to an extremely high spin polarization of the tunneling
current and thus a large TMR ratio. By optimizing the fabrication process, TMR ratio of the MgO-
based MTJ can even reach 604% at room temperature [35]. In addition, other new magnetic materials
are developing to enhance the performance of TMR sensors, such as Heusler alloys [40, 42-45], ferrites
[46, 47], rutiles [48], perovskites [49], dilute magnetic semiconductors [50], and so on.
For sensor applications, not only the sensitivity is required to be improved but also the noise
level should be suppressed in order to boost up the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The MR ratio of TMR
sensors is 1 ~ 2 orders of magnitude higher than that of GMR sensors [31], but the noise level of TMR
sensors is much higher than that of GMR sensors [51]. Therefore, the main roadblock to achieving
ultrahigh SNR of TMR sensors is their relatively high noise level as compared to GMR sensors. Intrinsic
noises in TMR sensors include thermal noise [51], shot noise [52, 53], electronic 1/f noise [54, 55],
magnetic 1/f noise [56, 57], and random telegraph noise (RTN) [58, 59]. In the sensing region of a TMR
sensor, the dominating noise source is normally the magnetic 1/f noise, which is essentially attributed
to the thermally-driven magnetization fluctuation of the free FM layer. Such magnetization fluctuation
can be experimentally suppressed by applying a hard-axis magnetic field, annealing in a high magnetic
field, or utilizing the voltage-induced anisotropy modulation, which therefore reduces the magnetic 1/f
noise of TMR sensors.
2.1.4 Spintronic sensor fabrication
To yield a linear response, the easy axes of free and pinned layers of the spin valves and MTJs
should be set orthogonal. The pinned layer is defined in a transverse magnetization direction through
annealing in a strong magnetic field while the free layer keeps in the longitudinal direction [60]. To
increase the detectivity, the MR elements are configured in a Wheatstone bridge (e.g., GMR sensor
GF708 [61]) to provide differential output and integrated with magnetic flux concentrator (MFC) to
enhance the signal. The state-of-the-art spintronic sensors exhibit the ability to detect ultimate weak
magnetic fields (from nT down to pT) at room temperature [62-66], which fulfill the requirements of
high sensitivity for smart-sensing applications.
2.2 Sensing capabilities of spintronic sensors relevant to smart living
Researchers have developed extensive sensing capabilities by the virtues of spintronic sensors.
The following subsections will overview four typical capabilities of spintronic sensors, i.e., electrical
current sensing, transmission and distribution lines monitoring, vehicle detection, and biodetection.
They will contribute to the collection of several key parameters in Section 4 (e.g., power
consumption/generation of electric applications, electrical and position parameters of transmission lines,
traffic information, and health conditions).
2.2.1 Electrical current sensing
Magnetic field is emanated from a current-carrying conductor (see Fig. 2) and the magnitude
of the magnetic field at a sensing point ( B ) can be deduced from the Biot-Savart law as following:
µ0 Id L × rˆ
B =
4π ∫ 2 , (3)
where d L is the infinitesimal length of the conductor carrying current I, r̂ is the unit vector to specify
the direction of the vector r from the current to the field point, and μ0 is the magnetic permeability
constant. The magnetic field ( B ) can be decomposed into three mutually orthogonal axes as
= Bx B= cos α , By B=cos β , Bz B cos γ , (4)
where α, β, γ are the respective angles formed between B and the corresponding sensitive axis of the
sensor (i.e. X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis). With the decoupled magnetic field measured, the resultant magnetic
field can be obtained by
B = Bx ax + By a y + Bz az , (5)
The current of the conductor can therefore be derived from the relationship established in Eq. (3).
Fig. 2 Magnetic field emanated from a current-carrying conductor.
Based on the above-mentioned principle, spintronic sensors are increasingly gaining popularity
in current sensing compared to current transformers (CT), shunt resistors, Rogoswski coils, fluxgates
and Hall effect sensors [9, 67, 68]. Though CTs have been applied in power systems for a long time,
they can only measure alternating currents with limited frequency bandwidth and they are bulky in size.
Shunt resistors interrupt the original circuit, and the intrinsic inductance limits its measuring sensitivity
and bandwidth. Rogoswski coils have poor accuracy when sensing small and low-frequency currents,
which restricts their broader application. Although fluxgate sensors can significantly improve the
measuring accuracy, they are now mainly employed in the calibration systems, diagnosis, and
laboratory equipment because of the large size and high cost. The low sensitivity of Hall effect sensors
leads to the necessity of using a magnetic core to clamp around the current conductor for signal
concentration which presents difficulty to practical deployment, particularly when the conductor is not
isolated and thus cannot be clamped. In contrast, spintronic sensors show great potentials in electrical
current sensing due to their high sensitivity, compact size, low price, AC and DC detection ability,
broad frequency bandwidth, non-contact installation, and low power consumption.
The compactness and non-contact detecting make spintronic current sensors idea for the
integrated circuit (IC) design. Nowadays current sensors are ubiquitous and essential in the IC design.
For example, current sensors are placed on every power pin to ensure the homogeneous power
distribution [69], or at the power connections of different blocks to indicate the levels of activity
performed by the blocks for rescheduling the workload [70]. Due to the compact size of spintronic
sensors, current sensing modules in ICs can be further miniaturized. Moreover, spintronic sensors do
not interrupt the original circuit path and thus they do not degrade the original circuit performance or
bring in power losses since it is non-contact measurement.
The DC detecting ability enables the spintronic sensors to measure DC current while the broad
frequency bandwidth for AC detection is conducive to transient current monitoring. DC residential
appliances such as televisions, computers, and LED light fixtures are very common in the 21st century.
It is envisioned to integrate DC buses into building electrical systems for connecting and
accommodating the DC loads. Renewable resources (e.g., solar energy) and energy storage elements
(e.g., batteries) are also inherently DC systems. Therefore, the DC detectability of the sensor is being
critical. Various kinds of transient AC currents (e.g., lightning currents, switch impulse currents, and
leakage currents) occur in a building, and they usually have large amplitudes and wide frequency
bandwidth (e.g., lightning current can be as high as several kA and several MHz frequency). The broad
frequency response of spintronic sensors makes them suitable for the tasks of measuring such AC
Low cost and low power consumption of spintronic sensors are favorable for large-scale
application and deployment. Nowadays the current sensors are almost installed in a centralized hub. For
example, CTs are installed in the substations, and the electricity meters are installed at customers’
premises to measure the total energy consumption for billing. With the advent of home automation,
many residential appliances will be networked together and operated through the energy management
system (EMS). The control of the electric appliances will not only be through on-and-off switches but
also respond to the signals indicating the electricity usage condition of each device under EMS
management. All these depend on a current sensing network on the appliances. Spintronic sensors have
potential to be embedded in a large amount of the appliances at low cost with little power consumption.
Fig. 3 Spintronic sensor deployment for current sensing in two-conductor power cable [71]
Furthermore, spintronic sensors can measure the currents in multiple-conductor cables without
need to remove insulation from the cable whereas traditional current clamps cannot measure the currents
in multiple-conductor cables. In [71], four spintronic sensors encircle two-conductor cable of any type,
and these four sensors are 90° rotationally symmetric around the central axis of the power cable (as
shown in Fig. 3). Due to the symmetric magnetic field distribution for the currents in opposite directions,
the magnetic field can be decomposed, and then measured by four spintronic sensors. Hence, the
currents in power cable and the rotation angle of the power cable around its central axis can be resolved
from the magnetic field measured. With this technique, spintronic sensors can be implemented to
measure the current of power cables connected to domestic appliances or a household which are
typically two-condutor cable. Meanwhile, non-contact voltage sensors are utilized to detect the real-
time voltages of these cables, and thus the instantaneous power can be determined by multiplying
current with voltage. Using this convenient technique, the power consumption of each individual
electric appliance in a household or building can be monitored.
2.2.2 Transmission and distribution lines monitoring
Transmission and distribution lines are the critical elements in power system to transfer the
electricity from the generation side to the consumption load over long distances. Overhead transmission
lines are usually deployed for the transmission network while underground power cables are frequently
used in the distribution network. Conventionally, the operating currents of the overhead transmission
lines and underground cables are monitored by the CTs at the substations. Apart from the drawbacks
such as limited measurement range and frequency bandwidth, CTs are costly (typically over US$ 100k),
bulky (with volume size in the order of m3), and need regular maintenance (e.g., insulation oil
replacement). Great care must be taken to ensure the secondary side never open-circuited. Spintronic
sensors overcome the above weaknesses of CTs applied in transmission and distribution lines
monitoring systems.
In the previous researches, a non-invasive platform to monitor the current of overhead
transmission lines and underground cables by employing spintronic sensors has been developed
accordingly [72-74]. The configuration of the overhead transmission lines and the deployment of
spintronic sensors are shown in Fig. 4(a). The three-phase high-voltage conductors of the overhead
transmission lines are current-energized. The spintronic sensor arrays can be deployed either on the
ground level [72] or installed on the transmission towers [75] (as sometimes the geographical condition
does not allow them to be deployed on the ground). The magnitude of magnetic field at the ground level
under a transmission line is typically on the order of 10-5 T while it is on the order of 10-4 T on the
transmission towers, and currently spintronic sensors are sensitive enough to measure these
transmission-line magnetic fields. The configuration of the underground power cables and the
deployment of spintronic sensors are shown in Fig. 4(b). The spintronic sensor arrays are installed
around the cable surface to measure the magnetic fields generated by the three-phase conductors of the
cable. An array of spintronic sensors in a circle is installed around the cable surface to measure the
comprehensive magnetic information. The magnitude of the magnetic field around underground power
cable surface is at the level of mT, which can be detected by spintronic sensors. The currents can be
reconstructed from the magnetic field measured by the stochastic optimization algorithm (refer to Fig.
7 in [72]). The stochastic optimization algorithm is adopted since the current cannot be solved easily
from the magnetic field information in an analytical way. The reconstructed results resemble the actual
ones with very small errors, as demonstrated in [72, 74].
Fig. 4 Spintronic sensor deployment in monitoring transmission and distribution lines. (a) The
configuration of three-phase overhead transmission lines and spintronic sensors. (b) The configuration of
underground power cable and spintronic sensors.
This platform is compact and low-cost by deploying spintronic sensors. Spintronic sensors do
not need regular maintenance. The sensing platform is entirely isolated from the primary circuit, thus
the reconstruction of currents and spatial parameters based on magnetic field sensing does not disturb
the operation of transmission lines and underground cables. The spintronic sensors also show the
enhanced measurement range and frequency bandwidth than traditional CTs [76]. By virtue of low cost
and compact size, the platform can be extensively deployed over transmission lines to establish the
sensing network [77]. It should also be noted that the developed platform excels the existing current
clamps because it can carry out current sensing for each individual conductor in a multi-core cable
whereas the current clamp measures the vector sum of all currents together and thus there would be a
net current of zero if it clamps the three-phase balanced currents together. Moreover, the insulating
layers of the multi-core underground power cable must be removed to make the conductors exposed if
the current clamps are going to clamp around each conductor individually. The easy installation of the
developed platform makes itself suitable for wide area deployment on underground power cables.
2.2.3 Vehicle detection
Intelligent transport system (ITS) integrates the information and communication technologies
into the transport infrastructure, aiming to deliver innovative services for various modes of transport
systems with improved safety, security, efficiency, mobility and environmental performance. In recent
years, ITS has attracted widespread attention from both government and motor corporations. Vehicle
detection, as the most fundamental element of the ITS, collects traffic information such as vehicle speed,
occupancy rate, and traffic volume. Vehicle detectors based on spintronic sensors have been widely
used for vehicle detection applications [78-80].
The Earth provides a uniform and stable magnetic field over the planet surface. A ferrous or
metal object, like a vehicle, can be considered as a model consisting of a number of bipolar magnets
with N-S polarization direction. A vehicle can cause a local disturbance in the Earth’s field when it
moves or stands still as shown in Fig. 5(a). The disturbance depends on the ferrous material, the size
and the moving orientation of this object [81]. The disturbances are most obvious on the engine and
wheels. In [82], the magnetic signature of a vehicle is described as a magnetic point dipole with a
magnetic moment m centered in the vehicle. It is reported that a typical vehicle has a magnetic moment
of 100 ~ 300 A·m2 [83]. In recent literature [82, 84, 85], triaxial spintronic sensors are employed at the
center of the road lane or the roadside to detect the disturbance of magnetic field in each axis direction
(Bx, By, and Bz). Here, the X-axis is parallel to the vehicle moving detection, the Y-axis is perpendicular
to the vehicle moving detection, and the Z-axis is perpendicular to the road surface. The relation
between the magnetic moment and the magnetic field can be described according to the Maxwell’s
Equations [82]:
µ0 ⋅ (mx (2 x 2 − y 2 − z 2 ) + 3my xy + 3mz xz )
Bx = , (6a)
4π r 5
µ0 ⋅ (my (2 y 2 − x 2 − z 2 ) + 3mx xy + 3mz yz )
By = , (6b)
4π r 5
µ0 ⋅ (mz (2 z 2 − x 2 − y 2 ) + 3mx xz + 3my yz )
Bz = , (6c)
4π r 5
where mx, my, and mz are the magnetic moments in each axis direction, the μ0 is the permeability of air,
and r is the distance between the sensor (x0, y0, z0) and the dipole point (x, y, z). The magnetic field
reading in X-axis of the spintronic sensor when a saloon vehicle passes over can be briefly illustrated
in Fig. 5(b) [86]. When there is no vehicle present (position A), the sensor outputs the uniform earth’s
magnetic field as the initial value. As the vehicle approaches the spintronic sensor, the magnetic field
is distorted toward this ferrous vehicle in the negative X-axis. Then the sensor output witnesses a
decrease until it reaches the minimum value (in position B). When the vehicle is exactly over the sensor,
the magnetic field is slightly distorted as there is less metal in the middle position of the vehicle. As this
vehicle leaves towards the positive X-axis, the magnetic field bends toward the leaving car, leading to
an increase in the sensor output. After the magnetic field reaches the maximum value (in position C), it
decreases until the vehicle is out of the sensing range (Position D) and then the magnetic field returns
to initial value. By analyzing the disturbance signal, the presence, moving speed, direction and
classification of this vehicle can be determined. To obtain a smoother magnetic field signal, a digital
filtering algorithm is usually used to eliminate noise, which may utilize fast Fourier transform, median
filter, and Gaussian filter, and so on.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Earth’s magnetic field Time (ms)
Spintronic sensor
(a) (b)
Fig. 5 Principle of vehicle detection by magnetic field sensing. (a) The disturbance of the Earth’s
magnetic field by a passing vehicle. (b) The sensor reading in X-axis when the vehicle passes over the spintronic
sensor [86].
The arrival and departure of a vehicle can be determined by comparing the square deviation of
measured signal SD(t) with the pre-defined high threshold and low threshold. The SD(t) is defined as
SD(t ) = ( Bx − Bx 0 ) 2 + ( By − By 0 ) 2 + ( Bz − Bz 0 ) 2 , (7)
where Bx0, By0, and Bz0 are the baseline values of three axes when no vehicles pass over the sensor. The
variance-based multi-state machine adaptive threshold algorithm in [87] uses the historical data
variance to calculate the real-time data fluctuation, and then predict the new thresholds. This algorithm
can detect the vehicle on urban streets with the precision of 97.3%. In [85] the algorithm uses the
deviation of processed magnetic field intensity from a baseline to drive a fixed threshold state machine,
which can detect the low-speed vehicles with an accuracy of 99.05%. Meanwhile, several other
algorithms in recent literature including threshold-based algorithms, state machine algorithms, and
cross-correlation based algorithms have been proposed with good results [78, 81, 88, 89].
Detecting area
S1 S2
In [82], the vehicle speed can also be estimated by the measurement of the signal time delay between
S1 and S2 using the cross correlation algorithm.
Each category of vehicle signal has its own characteristics due to the different structures and
sizes. The vehicle classification can be implemented based on a hierarchical tree methodology. Firstly
the vehicle features are extracted through time-domain waveform structure after signal segmentation.
The vehicle signal duration L, the signal energy E, the average energy EV, the ratio of positive and
negative energy of x-axis VX, and the ratio of positive and negative energy of y-axis VY are several
main parameters to classify a vehicle [85, 90]. In [85], based on a three-layer hierarchical tree model
shown in Fig. 7, the detected vehicles can be classified as motorcycle, two-box car, saloon car, bus, and
sport utility vehicle with the precision of 93.66% for low speed congested traffic. The threshold
algorithm parameters of L0, Ea, EVa, Eb, EVb, VX0, and VY0 in Fig. 8 are experimentally determined.
c) Middleware layer is a software layer interposed between the transmission layer and
application layer, which can directly match services with the corresponding requesters and has a link to
the database. The database, ubiquitous computing, cloud computing and decision making can take place
in this layer [111]. For instance, in the scenario of smart transport, the middleware layer can process the
received data about the traffic information (e.g., traffic flow, occupancy rate, etc.) to predict the future
traffic conditions.
d) Application layer provides various high-quality services and applications to users or
customers according to the processed data in the middleware layer. Smart applications such as smart
building, smart grid, smart transport, and smart healthcare (which are discussed in Section 4) are
implemented in this layer. This layer also can provide the interface for customers to interact with a
physical device or to access the designated data.
e) Business layer at the highest level is capable of managing the overall system. Based on the
received data from the application layer, this layer can build several business models. It is noted that
the success of a technology depends on both the advances in technology and the sound business models.
A successful IoT business care is Uber [127], a ride sharing, car-hailing app that taps into the data
enabled by IoT to deliver service to both drivers and passengers. In addition, this layer should also
manage the research on the privacy and security, which are the challenging elements in the development
of IoT. For example, this layer only provides the access for the authorized users.
This multiple layered architecture of the IoT clearly indicates that the realization of the IoT
relies on the integration of multiple enabling elements. These IoT elements can be categorized as
hardware (e.g., identification, sensors, actuators, communication), middleware (data storage and
analytics), and presentation (which presents meaningful information and services to the end-users) [128,
129]. Among these enabling elements, wireless sensor network (WSN) [130] plays an especially
important role as hardware to support the IoT. A WSN is a network formed by extensive specialized
sensor nodes with a communication infrastructure, which monitors physical or environmental
conditions at diverse locations and cooperatively transfers the collected data through the network to a
main location. One way to realize the IoT is connecting WSNs to the Internet. Nowadays the WSN-
based IoT platform is the popular solution in remote monitoring and management applications. In this
paper, we propose a WSSN which mainly utilizes the spintronic sensor for the collection of information
of interest.
3.2 Wireless spintronic sensor network (WSSN)
A common WSN-based monitoring network is mainly composed of four components [128]: (a)
Hardware - A typical wireless sensor node contains sensors, processing units, transceiver units, power
source, etc. Commonly the sensor nodes are of small size, light weight, and low power consumption.
(b) Communication stack - WSN nodes communicate among themselves to transmit data in a single or
multi-hop fashion to a base station. (c) Middleware - a platform-independent middleware can combine
cyberinfrastructure with a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and sensor networks to provide access
to heterogeneous sensor resources. (d) Data aggregation - an efficient and secure data aggregation
method can extend the lifetime of the network and ensure reliable data collected from sensors. Energy
efficiency, scalability, reliability, and robustness should be considered when designing a WSN solution
[109]. In addition, the recent advances in lower-power integrated circuits, embedded processing, and
wireless communication technologies have driven more efficient and stable wireless sensor network.
As described in Section 2, spintronic sensors are compact in size, low cost, low energy
consuming, and highly robust. As a result, spintronic sensors can meet the requirements of smart sensors
in a WSN. Most importantly, the WSSNs are possible in the large-scale applications.
Fig. 10 Hardware structure of a wireless spintronic sensor node [131]
The hardware structure of a wireless spintronic sensor node is illustrated in Fig. 10. A standard
wireless spintronic sensor node is composed of four essential components: a spintronic sensor unit, an
embedded processing unit, a transceiver unit, and a power unit. Depending on the practical applications,
additional components such as global positioning system (GPS), energy harvesting unit, and mobilizer
are also required [130]. A spintronic sensor unit consists of spintronic sensors and multiple A/D
converters. The spintronic sensors can sense the magnetic field signals in the applications, and then
these analog signals are converted to digital data by the A/D converters. The microprocessor in the
embedded processing unit can process the digital data and arrange this sensor node to collaborate with
other nodes. Generally, this processing unit associates with a storage unit. Nodes report the detected
information to a small number of special nodes called sinks (access points). Here, the transceiver unit
can connect this node to the sinks through various wireless communication technologies (see Table 1).
Most importantly, a power unit, commonly battery power, provides the energy of all the system. It
should ensure a sufficiently long lifetime of the sensor node. Moreover, the power unit can be supported
by an energy harvesting unit that scavenges energy from the external sources, such as solar cells, fuel
cells, vibration, acoustic noise, a mobile supplier, and AC power line [130, 132, 133]. Certain remote
monitoring tasks (e.g., in power grid and transport monitoring systems) require the information of
position at high accuracy. Hence, a GPS within at least 5 meters of accuracy is commonly deployed
within the sensor node [134]. Furthermore, sometimes a mobilizer may be needed to move the sensor
nodes in some particular tasks (e.g., changing the antenna’s orientation [135]).
A bunch of sensor nodes can constitute an interconnected WSSN. Combining the superb
measuring capabilities of spintronic sensors and the pervasive monitoring ability of WSNs, the WSSNs
have high potentials in the monitoring applications which are related to the measurement of magnetic
field. In addition, spintronic sensors and other types of sensors can be integrated into a wireless sensor
node, working collaboratively to accomplish the measurement of several special parameters, e. g. a
spintronic sensor measuring electric current can be integrated with a voltage sensor to measure the
power consumption of an electric appliance.
Fig. 11 The architecture of the pervasive energy monitoring system for smart building [141]
In the monitoring subsystem, the set of spintronic power meters in each household or each floor
forms a WSN. The power meter consisting of both spintronic sensors and voltage sensors is employed
through the power lines to measure the energy consumption/generation of each electric appliance or
equipment [142]. As mentioned in Section 2.2.1, spintronic sensors can sense the currents in multi-core
conductors (commonly two-wire power cord) without clamping, which can conveniently measure the
working current I(t) of residential/office appliances or equipment (e.g., lamp, air conditioner, TV,
printers, electric vehicles, etc.) or other electric generating component (e.g., solar panel, wind turbine)
in a non-contact manner. Meanwhile, non-contact voltage sensors [143, 144] can measure the working
voltage U(t) by detecting the electric field nearby the power bus. Thus, the instantaneous power P(t) of
an appliance is determined as P=
(t ) I (t ) × U (t ) . Through sampling the power of this appliance in real-
time, the energy consumption is calculated as E = ∫ P (t )dt . The temperature, humidity, lighting level
and air quality are the primary parameters affecting comfort level [136, 145]. Hence, environmental
sensors that measure these parameters should also be deployed simultaneously in each household to
adapt the behavior of the HVAC and lighting system. The data collected by spintronic power meters
and environmental sensors can be wirelessly transmitted to the WSN access point located in the same
household or floor, and then conveyed to a central server via a transmission line interface. The central
server has the responsibility to perform the aggregation, process, and storage of the real-time and
historical data. By virtue of the specialized user interface (e.g., RESTful Application Programming
Interface [146]) and the Internet, users can access the power consumption/generation and status (i.e.,
on/off/standby) of each appliance through a web browser on smartphones, PDAs, laptops, and PCs
[147]. The information enables the users to clearly recognize the wasteful usage of appliances. It is
noted that providing informed feedbacks to the end-users can reduce the overall energy consumption in
the order of 5% ~ 20% [148]. The advantages of spintronic sensors such as low cost, compactness, low
energy consumption, non-contact measurement, and easy installation enable spintronic power meters to
be deployed in building energy management system on a large scale. On the other hand, the control
subsystem aims at controlling the operation of electric appliances (e.g., switching on/off or regulating
the current of appliances) based on the provided information from the monitoring subsystem and the
specific energy conservation strategies [139]. The control infrastructure possesses a large number of
actuators for individual appliances. These actuators wirelessly receive the control commands from the
central server and take the corresponding actions. For instance, the control system will switch off an
electric appliance after a predefined time interval in standby mode.
Furthermore, such smart building energy management system can significantly facilitate DR
strategy programs with the aid of the pervasive spintronic power meters and the IoT platform. The
pervasive spintronic power meters combining advanced IoT technology can be widely deployed in
buildings or households to measure and record energy consumption data on demand side at hourly
interval or more frequently (e.g., nearly real-time), and provide usage data to both customers and
electricity companies [149]. The customers can then schedule the tasks of appliances at an appropriate
time. For instance, several white goods (e.g., washing machine, dishwasher) can be scheduled to execute
the task when energy cost is lower (e.g., at night) [150]. The historical information of building power
consumption (e.g. 1-year-long building energy usage) can provide the weekly, monthly and seasonal
patterns, which enables the forecasting of the short-term future energy demands, enabling companies
to offer up-to-date tariff options such as time-of-use (TOU) rates, critical peak pricing (CPP), and real-
time pricing (RTP), which will encourage consumers to migrate their electricity usage to off-peak period
[151]. On the other hand, renewable energy generation such as solar panel and wind turbines over the
rooftop [152], energy storage systems (ESSs) [153] and vehicle to grid (V2G) [154] can be integrated
into a building to achieve DR by constituting a microgrid [155]. Pervasive spintronic power meters can
monitor the energy generation and/or consumption of these components in real-time, which contributes
to autonomous DR optimization by load controller and building energy management systems.
Overall, this intelligent building energy management system enabled by pervasive spintronic
power meters (and possibly working together with other environmental sensors) and IoT technology
ensures reduction of energy consumption and facilitating DR, and at the same time potentially enhances
the comfort level perceived by the end-users, therefore providing a more sustainable and smart building.
4.2 Smart grid – wide-area transmission and distribution network monitoring system
Smart grid, first officially coined in the Energy Independence and Security Act 2007 of America
[156], is to modernize the transmission and distribution grids for a more reliable and secure
infrastructure that meets the future demand and achieves intelligent control. Integration of renewable
energy and self-healing are the key challenges to be tackled by smart grid, which cannot be effectively
implemented by the conventional power grid system. The monitoring system in the conventional power
grid is established in a centralized way (i.e., with monitoring sensors mainly deployed in substations),
and cannot effectively fulfill these two tasks. Both integration of renewables and self-healing in power
grid need more dynamic and pervasive monitoring information than that the existing power grid system
Multiple renewable energy such as solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy and geothermal
energy are under development over the world to replace the traditional fossil energy. Scientists have
advanced a plan to power 100% of the world’s energy with wind, hydroelectric and solar power by 2030
[157]. However, our existing transmission grid was not designed to carry the additional capacity of
renewable energy on a large scale. Meanwhile, it is very expensive to build new transmission lines
(US$ 1 million/mile), and also it is hard to get all approval from the government, local communities,
and environmentalists. One possible approach called dynamic line rating (DLR) [158] is to dynamically
stretch the limit and overload the existing transmission lines to carry the renewable energy. The rating
of the transmission lines is found to increase around 20 ~ 30% by DLR at most of time [159]. However,
the extra current loading can overheat the conductors to exceed the design temperature which can cause
detrimental annealing and damage the cable. Moreover, the heat expansion of the conductors can lead
to the lowering in the cable height particularly at the mid-span section, a phenomenon called sagging
[160]. The clearance between the conductor and the surface may become too small, violating the safety
clearances and resulting in possible short circuit between the conductors and the ground. DLR needs a
real-time monitoring technique to keep track of the spatial positions of overhead transmission lines, and
transmits these dynamic information to the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system
to enable the optimization strategies for transmitting more power without violating the safety margin.
On the other hand, the residential, commercial and industrial end-users are demanding more stable and
sustainable power supply, since the power failure can bring human life into chaos and result in huge
economic losses. Pinpointing the fault location as quickly as possible is critical for re-configuring the
power network for self-healing [161]. It is traditionally very hard to isolate the problematic part of the
network accurately in a timely manner because the fault point needs to be searched over the whole span
of the transmission line by analyzing the voltage and current recorded at the busbar when the fault
occurs. Meanwhile, the difference between the calculated and real faulted point can be very large even
with a small error in measurement. The self-healing grid under development is promising for isolating
the faulted area within the minimum range by reconfiguring the switches and reclosers installed on the
distribution feeder and re-establish services to as many customers as possible from alternate
sources/feeders [162].
Fig. 12 Schematic diagram of wide-area transmission and distribution lines monitoring system by
deploying spintronic sensors with IoT technology.
The developed WSSN combined with IoT technology is a promising candidate to solve the
above challenges by constructing a wide-area transmission and distribution network monitoring system,
which is illustrated in Fig. 12. As described in Section 2.2.2, spintronic sensors can be deployed on a
large scale for wide-area monitoring of transmission and distribution network. For the overhead
transmission lines, the sagging conditions and the operating currents can be acquired from spintronic
sensors installed on the transmission towers, combining with real-time environmental information
measured by a variety of environmental sensors measuring the physical conditions of transmission lines
(e.g., temperature, humidity, ambient wind speed, and solar radiation). All these sensor nodes sense the
magnetic field and environmental conditions, and periodically transmit the data to the access points
using PLC or other short-range radio communications (see Table 1). Then wide area network transfer
it to the central SCADA. The real-time maximum instantaneous current carrying capability can be
analyzed to make sure operating within the safety limit.
On the other hand, together with the spintronic sensor arrays distributed along the underground
cables, the search for the faulted point can be narrowed from adjacent substations to adjacent towers for
the overhead lines (or adjacent sensor arrays for the underground power cables). For the overhead
transmission lines, the fault point can be estimated by analyzing the magnetic fields emanated from the
transmission lines [163]. For the underground distribution cables, the magnetic field patterns measured
by the sensor array mounted around the cable surfaces are different when the fault happens. All these
information is very useful for fault location and inferring reason resulting in the incident. The workload
of pinpointing the fault location is significantly narrowed. As such, this wide-area transmission line and
distribution network monitoring system taking advantage of spintronic sensors will enable the DLR and
rapid fault location, thus effectively achieve the integration of renewable energy and self-healing grid,
respectively. It also provides better situational awareness for the operation staff to react and make
predictive decisions for ensuring the reliability of the power grid. All these developments in smart grid
present an unprecedented opportunity for developing small living to change the way we live and work.
4.3 Smart transport – all-round traffic monitoring and management system
Nowadays the increasing population and growing size of cities lead to a rapid increase in the
amount of vehicles on the roads. One of the most critical consequence is the management problem of
traffic congestion. Traffic congestion causes huge economic losses worldwide, e.g., $101 billion for
USA and €200 billion for Europe in 2012 [164]. Hence, effective traffic congestion management is
crucial as it affects both public and private vehicles and also adversely affects the environment. The
existing traffic management system lacks the ability of granular data collection, and cannot provide
timely and sufficient traffic information for highly-efficient traffic management. An intelligent traffic
management system is expected to reduce traffic congestion and improve response time to the accidents,
ensuring a comfortable travel experience for commuters. Here, a WSSN-based traffic monitoring
system that integrates spintronic sensors and IoT technologies providing detailed dynamic traffic
information and consequently facilitating the highly-efficient management of road traffic is illustrated.
Fig. 13 System architecture of the WSSN-based traffic monitoring and management system [164, 165]
A schematic architecture of the WSSN-based traffic management system is illustrated in Fig.
13. In this scheme, high density of wireless spintronic sensor nodes are installed on the surface or at the
sides of the roads. As described in section 2.2.3, spintronic sensors can accurately measure the dynamic
traffic information such as vehicle presence, speed, type, occupancy rate, and traffic volume on each
lane. Through the short-range radio communications (see Table 1), each sensor node containing GPS
reports the traffic data to the access point is normally located at the roadside. The access point then
transmits the data packet to a remote server via cellular network communication. After the data
aggregation, process, and storage by the server, the processed traffic information ultimately can be
accessed by the traffic management center (TMC), users, and vehicles. Additionally, the vehicle-to-
infrastructure (V2I) communications also enable the sensing nodes to deliver timely traffic information
directly to nearby vehicles [166].
In conventional traffic monitoring system, only a small number of sensing devices such as video
cameras, radar sensors, and inductive coils are deployed in the road intersections due to the high cost
of installation and maintenance. In contrast, low-cost and compact wireless spintronic sensor nodes can
be densely installed along the roads and at intersections (e.g., with inter-distances ranging from 0.5 ~ 2
km [165]), which ensures a comprehensive and higher-resolution sampling of traffic dynamics for the
ITS applications to enhance traffic efficiency and safety. Firstly, the real-time estimation of the number
and type of vehicles approaching a road interaction can be achieved, which permits TMC to deliver
appropriate commands to traffic control unit for the adaptive control of traffic lights [115]. Such an
adaptive traffic light control will replace the conventional approach with fixed switch interval times,
and achieve more balanced traffic distribution by minimizing delays and unnecessary stoppages for
vehicles, efficiently reducing the traffic congestion at intersections. Secondly, the short-time traffic
evolution can be predicted according to the historical traffic data, the real-time traffic conditions and
the forecasting weather conditions [164]. It is vital to predict the dynamic traffic flow during a large-
scale event (e.g., live shows, sports events) or commuter traffic in huge urban spaces. The real-time
traffic monitoring system provides a dynamic route planning for the drivers at early stage. For example,
the TMC provides users in advance with the precise and valid traffic conditions; then the drivers can
ahead make an informed decision to optimize their routes, thereby avoiding traffic congestion and
reducing their journey time and energy consumption [167]. Thirdly, this system can detect and locate
the random traffic incidents and immediately report the incident time and location to the TMC. Hence,
the road traffic prediction enables faster and more efficient emergency services dispatch (i.e.,
ambulance, police, and fire engine) to the incident points in optimized routes, which greatly reduces the
response time [168]. According to the U.S. Federal Highway Administration, over 25% of traffic
congestion is caused by traffic incidents [169]. Early incident detection and emergency response
contribute to less congestion and safer roads. Fourthly, advanced notifications of traffic congestion
ahead, obstacles on the road (e.g., broken vehicles), and incoming vehicles can be provided for the
drivers and pedestrians. Such notifications will encourage safe and defensive driving, reducing the rear-
end collisions with vehicles that are stopped or traveling at low speed and other crash accidents with
incoming vehicles that are making a turn at interactions [170]. Meanwhile, warning and alerts can be
provided for pedestrians in the crosswalk at the interactions or school zones when the vehicles are
approaching the crosswalk. Such measures can reduce the number of accidents for the vulnerable groups
on the roads. Fifthly, variable speed limits can be adjusted on motorways depending on the real-time
traffic volumes, which can improve the traffic flow, reduce the number of accidents and alleviate traffic
congestion [171, 172].
The WSSN-based intelligent traffic management system also promotes other ITS applications.
A smart parking system can be achieved with the aid of the WSSN-based monitoring system [79, 173].
In this system, the WSSNs detect the occupancy of parking space and then provide the real-time
information to the drivers. For the drivers who have booked parking spaces in advance using
smartphone applications, the system can guide the drivers to the vacant spaces. Nearly 30% of drivers
in cities are searching a parking space, and 4.5 km is the extra distance that drivers have to travel on
average to find a parking spot [174]. Such a smart parking system enables the drivers to save time to
find a parking space in urban areas (especially in the central business district) and results in less traffic
congestion. RFID technology can also be used here for recognition. Similarly, the WSSN can detect the
available charging spaces in a large charging station for electric vehicles (EVs). The EV drivers can be
informed of the nearest locations of vacant charging space.
In addition, vehicle detection can be applied to control the road lighting adaptively in spare
suburban roads at night during low traffic period. With the help of dense wireless spintronic sensor
nodes, the lighting system automatically increases the appropriate light intensity before the vehicle
approaches and dims it out after the vehicle leaves. Such an intelligent road lighting system can achieve
over 90% energy saving [175], leading to a green transport system. Besides, the city traffic data will be
useful for bus management systems to design the bus routes and optimize the operation of the bus fleets
in order to provide most efficient bus service [176]. Another interesting application using dense wireless
spintronic sensor nodes in intelligent traffic system is train detection [177, 178]. The WSSN can detect
the occupancy, speed, length of a moving train on the rail, enhancing the safety and reliability of high-
speed rail system. For instance, such a system can avoid the train collision by ensuring that no more
than one train enter a rail section at the same time.
The strong data-driven analytical capability and automated traffic pattern visualization to be
enabled by the system can enhance the area-wide optimization strategies and potentially transforms
government, business, and society. City government traditionally rely on the static statistic data or
expensive, custom on-site surveys to visualize the traffic movement in cities; they can derive insights
from multiple network data in real-time to improve traffic planning and manage highway toll pricing
and parking space better [179]. From the perspective of city planning, the historical or real-time traffic
information can be utilized to analyze the traffic patterns for traffic infrastructure and policy planning
in the future. For instance, city planners will be able to make more informed decisions about where to
place new bus stops and parking lots, how to add racks and widen lanes, and even how much road salt
to apply after a heavy snow. Such smart transport system is a necessity for the success of other city
sectors and the creation of jobs, and will play a key role in cultivating productivity and invigorating
economy. On the whole, the WSSN based traffic management systems will slowly revamp the modern
metropolis by providing more advanced traffic infrastructure and services, and the citizens can enjoy a
smarter and greener lifestyle.
4.4 Smart healthcare – pervasive health diagnosis system
One of the major challenges of the world in the recent decades has been the continuous
population increase, especially the rise of the elderly populations. The need of delivering quality
healthcare to a rapidly growing population while reducing the healthcare costs in modern-day society
is a challenging issue [180]. In the existing healthcare systems, patients are monitored or diagnosed in
the premises of healthcare. Meanwhile, only limited quality healthcare services can be provided for the
growing populations. Moreover, the growing healthcare cost is a universal concern. An enabling
component of affordable global healthcare is the pervasive health diagnosis systems with the help of
point-of-care (POC) healthcare technologies and the advanced IoT platform. POC technologies are
considered as an effective means of reducing healthcare costs and improving efficiency, which are
critical in the provision of diagnostic and monitoring healthcare in countries with large populations or
rural areas. Such a pervasive diagnosis system requires the combination of smart portable bio-sensors,
computing, networking, and information and communication technologies. Here, a feasible pervasive
diagnosis system based on spintronic biodetection and cloud services is illustrated. Fig. 14 shows a
schematic framework of this pervasive diagnosis system which consists of four basic parts: smart POC
devices, data transmission, cloud services, and multiple users [181]. As described in section 2.2.4, one
POC device enabled by spintronic biodection technology comprises single or multiple spintronic
sensors, and can detect the versatile target biomolecules, predominately DNA and protein in present
researches. Up to now, the research groups from the USA [106] and Portugal [102] have built prototypes
of POC device by miniaturizing the spintronic biodetection platform into a handheld and battery
powered device, and the detection of protein [106] and DNA [102] was realized. These low-cost and
highly portable POC devices can be widely operated in the hospital and at home for users’ personalized
health management, or even in the outdoor environment as part of the emergency medical services
(EMS). The test data from POC devices is then transmitted to the “cloud” through wireless
communication and the Internet. More importantly, the hybrid cloud composed of public cloud and
private cloud can make full use of the abundant monitored data from the pervasive POC devices.
Multiple cloud services including automatic diagnosis and medical decision making can be rapidly
provided. Different end-users such as patients, clinicians, and hospitals can ubiquitously obtain these
cloud services through user interfaces in their PCs or smartphones.
Fig. 14 A framework of pervasive health diagnosis system [181]
Such a pervasive diagnosis system based on the POC devices and the IoT platform does not
involve the use of laboratory staff and facilities, and can provide access to health monitoring and
assessment technologies for people with limited or no healthcare facilities, or with geographically
distance or difficulty to physically access facilities. By now, the classes of analytical targets in
spintronic biodetection are expanding from proteins and nucleic acids to metabolites, drugs, and even
cells [182]. By testing the samples which are easy to get, such as blood, saliva, and urine, the POC
testing can get various health information “near-patient” whenever it is needed. Meanwhile, the POC
diagnostics are widely self-administered without the need of user’ complex operations, and thus patients
can conveniently realize their health conditions at home or outdoor environment, reducing the frequency
of hospital visits and travel expenses. This kind of spintronic POC system will be robust, low-cost, with
no requirement for maintenance or calibration, and use wireless to transmit data. All these are favorable
for its pervasiveness in smart healthcare.
Hospitals and healthcare facilities can provide high-efficient healthcare services benefiting
from this pervasive diagnosis system. The monitored information of patients can be remotely accessed
by the designated hospitals. Such information could be useful for maintaining patients’ health,
managing disease, or monitoring therapy. Hence, doctors or healthcare staff can directly provide
professional help to patients over the Internet. Meanwhile, user’s profile and medical history data are
maintained by the management center for local private use. The doctor may access the user’s
information as needed when making the clinical decisions. Moreover, automated notifications or alarms
can be issued to his/her relatives according to the diagnosis results via various telecommunication
means. In addition, EMS also benefit from this pervasive diagnosis system. Traditional EMS starts with
a 911 call followed by ground ambulance dispatch, patient evaluation, treatment by EMS personnel,
and transport to a hospital facility [183]. Time available for EMS patient evaluation and treatment varies
on the basis of geography and patient condition. The pervasive diagnosis system can offer the long-
term and recent diagnosis records of the patient. This will be beneficial to the clinical decision-making
and EMS arrangement at early stage, shortening the waiting time.
This cloud-enabled pervasive healthcare system shares the long-term monitored data with
authorized social network or medical research communities, which can search for personalized medical
trends or group patterns. In this way, the life-threatening events could be detected and controlled in the
early stage. Furthermore, the cloud services can also provide insights into the disease evolution, the
rehabilitation process, and the effect of drug therapy. The longitudinal monitoring of key biomarkers of
a certain disease (e.g. cancer) from all users is expected to provide representative information about
related environmental factors, distribution susceptible population, change of incidence, and prognosis
of different therapy strategies. It is reasonable to foresee that, by being integrated into a smart lifestyle,
this pervasive diagnosis system will greatly improve the quality of citizens’ healthcare.
This work was supported in part by the Seed Funding Program for Basic Research, Seed
Funding Program for Applied Research and Small Project Funding Program from the University of
Hong Kong, ITF Tier 3 funding (ITS/214/14), and University Grants Committee of Hong Kong
(Contract No. AoE/P-04/08).
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