Report Project: Assessment Task 2

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Assessment Task 2 BSBWRT401A Write complex


Report project
Submission details

Candidate’s name John Phone no.

Assessor’s name Phone no.

Assessment site

Assessment date/s Time/s

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this
arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for

Performance objective
You must demonstrate an ability to draft, edit and produce a report in the context of a
simulated workplace scenario based on:
● the planning you conducted in Assessment Task 1

● consultation with your assessor to receive additional information to integrate with


Assessment description

Scenario: Plan a report draft

You are employed by Workplace Solutions Agency. Your task (across assessment tasks 1 and
2) is to plan the draft, edit and write a report on the Moortown Sports and Leisure Centre
using the materials provided and the Workplace Solutions Agency report style guide.
The report should have the following main parts:
● Marketing and promotion ● Operational structure

● Recommendations ● Acknowledgments

● Table of contents ● Communication

● Executive summary ● Title page.

BSBWRT401A Write complex documents

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Assessment Task 2 BSBWRT401A Write complex
The target audience for the report is the Manager of the Moortown Sports and Leisure
Centre. Your report should be approximately 1,000–1,500 words.

Based on the plan you created in Assessment Task 1, write and edit a draft report and submit
for approval. Receive and integrate additional information into your draft. Submit the final

1. Carefully read the Moortown Sports and Leisure Centre report findings.
2. Based on the plan you created in Assessment task 1, write a draft report using these
3. Edit the draft report using the Workplace Solutions Agency report style guide found in
the appendices to your Student Workbook. Keep evidence of editing changes such as
track changes and comments. Keep copies of all marked up drafts.
4. Submit your latest draft to your assessor for approval. Your assessor will provide you
with feedback and additional information.
5. Integrate the additional information into your draft.
6. Write the final copy of the report (1,000 - 1500 words).
7. Submit all marked up drafts and the final report to your assessor.

Submit all documents you have produced:
● marked up drafts with track changes and comments

● final document.

Your assessor will be looking for marked up drafts and editorial comments that:
● indicate attention to satisfying task and organisational requirements:

○ correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, style

○ adherence to style guide
○ attention to specific task requirements

Your assessor will be looking for a report that:

● is structured correctly for a report and task

● has an executive summary that includes:

○ outline of report
○ method of research
○ at least two areas of concern

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Assessment Task 2 BSBWRT401A Write complex
○ at least two broad recommendations.
● uses findings to analyse:

○ operational structure
○ communication
○ marketing
● makes at least two recommendations

● uses correct spacing, heading size and style specified by style guide

● uses language and style appropriate to task and audience: tone, vocabulary, sentence
structure, etc
● uses a complex, coherent structure of linked paragraphs with simple and complex
grammar as appropriate for the task
○ linking words
○ lexical chains
○ compound sentences
○ subordinate clauses
● includes graphical elements

○ at least two appropriately formatted (including the additional information

provided by assessor)
○ collation and presentation of data
● integrates additional information with the original draft

● adheres to all task requirements such as word limit.

Moortown Sports and Leisure Centre report findings

From surveys of clients and community, observation, interviews with staff and consultation
with key stakeholders:
● centre can’t fit it any new clubs

● peak times 12–2 pm, 4–8 pm Mon–Fri; 8 am–2 pm Sat

● cafe is staffed by casuals, limited to opening times and service

● 2% of Moortown residents use centre

● opening hours 6 am–10 pm

● outside peak times, centre operates at 22% capacity

● six rooms for therapy treatments = hired 35%, available only at peak times

● rooms are hired on casual basis and centre receives 15% of all monies

● no contracts, no leases

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Assessment Task 2 BSBWRT401A Write complex
● cash is paid weekly

● 65% of community are unaware of any programs, 30% are aware of two or fewer
programs, 5% are aware of more than two programs
● ads in local newspaper, flyers etc.

● sometimes there is an advertising segment on 3MU community radio

● mostly new clients are attracted by word-of-mouth, find out through notice board,
reception desk or from instructors
● seven clubs have longstanding agreements – verbal and use 80% of time and space

● pool and basketball court is most popular

● 13 clubs use the centre:

○ Moortown Basketball Club

○ Moortown Soccer Club
○ Moortown Athletics
○ Moortown Handball Club
○ Moortown Volleyball (new)
○ Lake Moortown Rowers
○ Moortown Cricket Club
○ Central Cycling
○ The Moortown Climbers
○ Maulers Basketball Club
○ MSLC Squash club
○ Moortown Bowlers
○ MSLC table tennis team.
● five new clubs want training times

● licensed

● no booking procedure for BBQ/lawn area; members protest about private bookings
because of limited space
● can fit 150 for catering

● there is a drinks fridge at reception

● sports clothing, health supplements, massage oils etc are also sold at reception = big
demand causing space and crowding problems
● five full-time staff

● 27 casuals – Moortown uni students who do lots of different roles e.g. bar/café, life
guard, holiday program leaders, umpire, reception etc.
● no handover procedure, no intranet

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Assessment Task 2 BSBWRT401A Write complex
● communication is via central message book

● no regular staff meetings

● staffing budget is 21% over

● all bookings – crèche, rooms for hire, courts, etc. are done by hand in separate record
books in the various areas, then put together into one book at main desk
● double bookings and missed bookings happen a lot.

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