Television Practical Manual Pass RMP
Television Practical Manual Pass RMP
Television Practical Manual Pass RMP
Block Diagram :-
Theory :
The basic operation of color TV trainer is to study all the signals or voltages in
different section of the circuit. The RF signal received by the antenna fed to the tuner
section by antenna wire. Tuner section separates the IF signal from received RF signals.
These IF signals are supplied to VIF and SIF sections. This IF signals are here amplified
by video IF amplifier and then detected by video detector. So in this section composite
colour video signal is obtained. Sound signals are separated from this composite colour
video signals by a SIF filter and then fed to sound IF amplifiers. Sound IF amplifiers
amplify the sound signal which is then detected by FM detector. Audio amplifier
amplifies the detected audio signal which are again amplified by audio output amplifier
and fed to speaker.
Composite color video signals are supplied to video/chroma section (IC CD7698).
This video signal contains horizontal and vertical sync signals. Both the signals are
separated by sync separator. Vertical signal is amplified by vertical amplifier and drive by
vertical driver section its output is fed to vertical output section where two output
transistors are used. Amplified output is supplied to vertical yoke coil the other end if this
coil vertical feedback is provided from vertical amplifier section.
Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, Television Engg Laboratory
Prof. R. M. Pethe, PIET, Nagpur
Porf. R. M. Pethe, E&C engg, PIET, Nagpur
Horizontal sync signal is fed to automatic frequency control section which is used
to stable the output of horizontal oscillator to 15,625Hz. From here signals are fed to
horizontal driver section. In this section mainly a transistor and a horizontal driver
transformer is used. Output of horizontal driver transformer is given to horizontal output
amplifier transistor where signal amplified. This amplified output signal is supplied to
horizontal deflection yoke coil. This yoke coil is used to spread electron beam left/right
direction horizontally.
Composite colour video signal given to IC CD7698 which separates luminance
signal and chrominance signal from the composite colour video signal. Luminance signal
is black & white signal. In B & W TV only this signal is produced and used.
Chrominance signal contains three colour which are red, green and blue. So from section
three types signals are emerged out which are as follows.
G - Y signal
R - Y signal
B - Y signal
These three colour’s Y signals are fed to red output, green output and blue output
transistors amplifiers. Amplified three colour output signal goes to green, red blue
cathodes of picture tube.
Luminance signal emerged from IC 7698 and amplified by luminance amplifier.
Amplified luminance signal is supplied to emitter of all the three colour transistors. Each
output transistor gets colour difference signals at there base and luminance signal on their
emitter mixes them and amplified signal transmitted to corresponding colour.
For white balancing three presets are provided, which are adjusted such that the
percentage of colour should be in following equation.
Y = 0.59 % Green + 0.30 % Red + 0.11% Blue
When this equation is satisfied we can get the better results on the screen.
The power supply circuit provides the necessary operating voltages for the
instrument input AC supply 230v is provided to bridge rectifier. Its output is 300V DC.
This DC voltage is provided to SMPS transformer. This transformer provides +22v,
+110V, +33V DC supplies which are used in various circuit sections.
EHT transformer supplies +22KV (EHT) accelerating potential to final anode of
picture tube. EHT transformer also produces AFC fly back pulses. Focus and screen
voltage are produced by EHT transformer fed to picture tube at G 2 and G4 (greed). Heater
filament gets supply by EHT transformer pin no. 9.
Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, Television Engg Laboratory
Prof. R. M. Pethe, PIET, Nagpur
Porf. R. M. Pethe, E&C engg, PIET, Nagpur
The main controlling system for this trainer kit is system control section. It is IC
FONDA4ST. This system controls all the remote control functions as well as front panel
control like volume, brightness, contrast, colour menu etc. This IC system is also related
with memory section, which can store the channels in its memory and some other
functions can be stored in it.
Result :-
Technical Specification :-
Discussion Question :-
1) What is mean by Television?
2) What are frequency bands are used for TV?
3) What are different TV systems are works in all over the world?
Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, Television Engg Laboratory
Prof. R. M. Pethe, PIET, Nagpur
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg PIET, Nagpur
Aim of the Experiment: To study the circuit description of RF section and its fault
Block Diagram:-
Local Automatic
Oscillator Freq. Timing
(AFT) From Video
IF Ampl.
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg PIET, Nagpur
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg PIET, Nagpur
Following are the various terminal of RF tuner, which are provided in the form of test
point (TP) in our trainer kit.
UB : The system control IC provides the UHF band selection voltage. This voltage
switch ON the transistor, hence UHF band is selected.
HB : VHF band III selection voltage available from system control IC through switching
transistor at HB pin.
AGC : Automatic Gain control voltage is available at this pin from IC 7680.
AFT : Automatic fine tuning voltage is available at this pin from IC 7680.
Discussion Questions:-
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg PIET, Nagpur
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg PIET, Nagpur
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg PIET, Nagpur
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
Aim of The Experiment : To study the circuit description of VIF and SIF section
and its fault finding .
Theory :
This section includes VIF and SIF sections. This trainer uses IC 101 (CD7680)
for VIF and SIF sections. The signals at IF terminal (TP15) of tuner section are fed at the
base of transistor T161( C388A) through coupling capacitor C161 (.01 micro farad).this
amplified IF signals are available at collector of this transistor and then fed to saw filter
through capacitor C163 (.01 micro farad) collector of pre amplifies transistor gets
positive supply by resistances R164 (220 ohms) and R165 (470ohms).Base biasing is
given by resistance R163 (5.6 K) and R162(1K) to base of pre amplifier and its emitter is
grounded by R166 (27ohms) .Output of saw filter is fed to pin 7 and 8 of C101 (IC7680)
by coil L 102 (TRF1452) R101(820 ohms) and C101(.01micro farad) network. Pin 7 &8
are VIF amplifier pins. The signal from this section goes to video detector after
amplification. Video detector detects line video signal and amplified by video pre
amplified section. Composite colour video signals are obtained at pin 15. The signal is
shown in fig no.2. This composite signal also has SIF signal of 5.5 MHz. Ceramic filter
Z106 (5.5 MHz) sets sound IF signals 5.5 MHz through capacitor C602A (47PF). This
ceramic filter separates the second IF signal from composite video signals. The filtered
sound If signals are fed to pin21 of this IC. Sound IF amplifier section amplifies the
sound IF signals and sends it to FM detector sections where audio signals are obtained.
Audio signals are available at pin 3 of this IC. At pin 22 and 24 FM detector circuit is
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
connected with FM detector coil. Pin 1 of this IC gets the volume control signal from pin
39 of system control IC through transistor T901 (BC547).
Pin 17 and 18 are the pins of video detector section. Here L151 (1445) video
detector coil is used. Resistance R 108 (3.9K) video detector coil and a capacitor parallel
to this coil passes the signal to video detector section for detection. After that the signal
reaches to AFT detector section. The detected signals from AFT section are obtained at
pin 13 which is AFT output pin. The signal is shown in figure no-3. These signals are fed
to AFT terminal of tuner by resistance R171 (2.7K). From tuners AFT point this AFT
signals are fed to base of buffer transistor T910A (BC547) which comes out from its
emitter. Then the circuit of C196 (4.7KPF) R925 (4.7K) R924 (470 ohms) and diode D
903(IN4148) passes this signal to pin 15 of system control IC. It is very important to give
the signal to system control section because the channels cannot be locked without the
signals. AGC voltage is given to AGC terminal of tuner from pin 11 of this IC through
R105 (220ohms). There are (15K) R151 variable resistances for AGC adjustments.
The IC 7680 incorporates the following functions:
1. Gain controlled wide band amplifier providing complete IF gain.
2. Video detection.
3. Video pre amplification.
4. AFC detection output providing.
5. IF AGC and RF AGC.
6. Sound IF limitation and amplification.
7. FM detection.
8. Attenuation and providing audio output.
Discussion Questions:-
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
Aim of the Experiment: To study the detail circuit description of VIDEO and
CHROMA section.
Block Diagram :-
To Audio
Antenna Section
To Contrast
AC Horiz Control
Circuit &
Keying Pulses
Theory: From Horz. O/p
Scientech colour TV trainer ST 2651 uses IC CD 7698 (ICV 501) for chroma.
Section. One of the big parts of this IC is used for colour section. Four colour section pin
no.1-23 and pin no. 38-42 are used, other pins are used for Video section. For colour section
following are the main sub sections in the IC:
Chroma amplifier
Colour oscillator
Colour killer detector
Luminance (Y) signal amplifier.
VIF section IC 101 (CD7680) pin 15 supplies the composite colour video signal to the
inverter pin (pin 39) of IC 501 (CD 7698) by circuit made up of L 05 (3.3 micro H) R 958
(330 ohms),Z 201 (5.5 MHz) (ceramic filter) and L201 (12 micro H). In inverter section this
signal is amplified as well as detected. After detection Y signals are goes to Y amplifier
which is in built IC. Remaining amplified composite colour and sink signals are obtained at
pin 40 of this IC, then fed to pin 5 of this IC through resistance R 501 (820ohms),
C5601(8pf) and C 502 (10pf). Pin 5 is Band pass amplifier pin.
Signal goes to band pass amplifier by this pin and amplified here. Amplified signal is
obtained at pin 8.
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
From pin 8 the signal fed to pin 19 of this IC by passing it through chroma trap
circuit. This trap circuit is consist of VR 551 (1k) C 507 (0.01micro farad), C 508
(15pf ), 502(10 micro H)* 502 (CDL 701 delay line), L 551 (TRF 5418) R5 10(470ohms)
and C 509(0.01 micro F). From pin 8 this signal is also fed to pin 17 of this IC in the form
of colour sink signal by resistance R 509 (1.5K), C501 (.01micro F). Pin 17 is of matrix
section. Pin 41 is contrast control pin. Pin 41 gets the contrast control signal from pin 37 of
system control IC through resistance R946 (660ohms), R 945 (1.5K) and R 213 (47K). Pin
4 of this IC is brightness control pin. Pin 38 of IC 901 (system control section) supplies the
brightness control signals at this pin through resistance R941 (1K), R 956 A (47K), R 212
(10K). Pin 7 of IC 501 (CD 7698) receives the colour control signal from pin 36 of IC 901
through resistance R 947 (1K), R 942 (12K) and R 505 (2.2K). Pin 20 of IC 501 (CD7698)
is output pin of green colour signal. Green colour output signal from this pin is fed to base
of green colour amplifier transistor. In the same way red colour signal obtained at pin 21 of
this IC and then fed to base of red colour output transistor T 507 (C2310). Blue colour
signal obtained at Pin 22 of this IC and then fed to base of blue colour output transistor T
509 (C2310). R-Y signals B-Y signals are shown in figure no. 9 ,10 ,11.
Y signals from pin 42 of this IC are fed to pin no. 3 of the same IC through resistance
R203(1.5K), R210(1.5K) and capacitor C204(0.47microF) circuit network. Luminance
signals are out from pin 23 of this IC and fed to base of luminance amplifier transistor T202
(2SA 1015) this transistor amplifies the signal and out the signal by its emitter, which is
then fed to all the three emitters of three colour output transistors.
Fault No. 1 There is yellow shade colour on the screen with OK Picture.
Symptoms: There is good picture on the screen with green shade colour.
Fault section: Video & Chroma section.
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
Discussion Questions:-
1) What is chroma?
2) What is function of colour killer circuit?
3) What are function are carried out in video and chroma section?
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
Aim of the Experiment: To study the detail circuit description of vertical oscillator
and vertical output section.
Block Diagram:-
Audio Section
Vertical hold
Vertical Oscillator
Vertical oscillator section is also in built in IC 501(CD 7698). Its pin no. 24, 25,26,27,28
And 29 are connected with vertical oscillator section. As we have already studied that
Vertical sync signal is present at pin no.36 after sync separation. The V. sync signal from
Pin 36 are passes from circuit network of R304 (10k), R330 (3K), R305 (2.4K) and
Capacitor C310 (.47 micro F) and obtained at pin no. 28. This is shown in fig no.24.
This signal is coming here for vertical oscillator. Vertical Oscillator produces 50 Hz
Frequency which is amplified inside the IC and available at pin no. 24 which is vertical
Driver pin. This vertical driver signal from 24 is fed to base of vertical transistor T
303(C2229) by resistance R 325 (330 ohms) collector of this transistor provides amplified
output which is supplied to vertical output section for amplification.
Vertical output
Vertical driver signal is given to the vertical output section. In vertical output section two
push-pull transistors are used. One is NPN transistor T306 (C2073) and another one is
PNP transistor T307 (A940). Vertical signal from the collector of vertical driver transistor
T303 (C2229) is fed to the base of both vertical output transistors T306 and T307. Pin no
8 of EHT transformer provides the +ve supply to vertical output section. There is approx
36V AC at pin 8 of EHT transformer. IT is rectified by R327 (100ohms, 2W) and diode
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
D302 (BA159) and supply to vertical output section by R356 (27ohms), R355 (22ohms)
and R317 (680ohms). Capacitor C311 (330micro F) is filter capacitor of this supply.
Amplified signal after amplification is obtained at common point of both the emitters of
both vertical output transistor T306 and T307. This signal is fed to vertical yoke coil by
capacitor C314 (330micro F). This is shown in diagram no. 25 and 26.
Other end of vertical yoke coil is grounded by resistance R323 (180ohms, 1W). The same
end of vertical yoke coil is provides the vertical feedback to pin no 26 of vertical
oscillator section by C317 (4.7micro F/630V) and R 320 (1Kohm).
Symptoms: No picture with OK sound. Only a horizontal line is present on the screen.
Fault section: Vertical oscillator (part of chroma IC)
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
Result :-
Discussion Questions:-
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
Prof. R. M. Pethe, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, PIET, Nagpur
Aim: To study the detailed circuit description of horizontal oscillator section and
horizontal output section.
Audio Section
Video &
Tuner Chroma
section Section
Horizontal driver
C 501 gives the horizontal drive signals at pin 32. These signals are fed to the base of
horizontal driver transistor T 402(C2310) through coil L407 (1 micro H), and resistance R
44(33 ohm). At collector amplified signals are obtained from here. it goes to the primary coil
of horizontal driver transformer. From secondary of these transformer signals are fed to the
base of horizontal output transistor T 404 (BU405). At one end of horizontal driver
transformer primary coil +110 V is supplied by resistance R 416B(1.5 k) which reach up to
the collector of horizontal driver transistor through the other end of primary emitter of
horizontal driver transistor is directly grounded.
This section includes one transistor and EHT transformer. From secondary of
horizontal driver transformer signals are fed to the base of horizontal output transistor T404
(BV 405). Its collector gets the positive supply from primary winding pin no.1 and 5 of EHT
transformer and R 410A (1 ohm, 1W).its emitter is directly grounded. When T404 gets the
signal of frequency 15625 Hz then it works as a switch, when it is ON then current is
flowing through pin 1 and 5 of EHT transformer and for OFF there is no current. in this way
this transistor works as a current supplier for limited time for the time gaps. Because of this
time gaps current pulses are also produced. The frequency of theses pulses is also 15625 Hz.
EHT works on these current pulses. This induced the current in primary produces and voltage
in secondary coil this signal is fed to horizontal yoke coil. The function of yoke coil is
electron beam spreading in left and right direction on picture tube screen.
Fault 1:-There is no clear picture on the screen and screen is looking like as
Horizontal shaking
Symptoms: Clear sound without clear picture. Horizontal shaking is present on the screen
Fault section: Horizontal output section
Discussion Questions:-
Scientech Color TV trainer ST 2651 uses IC 901 FONDA 4 ST for system control
purpose. It is dual in line package 40 pin IC which controls all the sections of this TV
Trainer. Pin 1,2 and 3 are band switching pins. 1st pin is used for switching the VL band.
Second one is used to switch VH band and third pin is for UHF band. Pin 4 provides
TA/VA switching signals. On pressing the AV switch from remote control, the RF signals
coming from antenna or cable are disconnected with VIF section. Hence there is only
raster on the screen without snow. Pin 5, 6,7,21 and 22 are the key matrix pins, which are
connected with keyboard. Keyboard is used for selecting one function from front panel.
Pins 8 and 9 are the on screen display oscillator pins. Horizontal and vertical sweep
frequencies are obtained in these pins with the help on ON screen display (OSD) on the
screen. The coil connected on pin 8 and 9 decides the frequency of internal Oscillator.
These oscillated horizontal and vertical blanking pulses. Pin 11 and 12 are memory input
and output pins. Pin 11 is connected with pin 5 of memory IC 903 and pin 12 is connected
with pin 6 of this memory IC. When ever we store any channel or put it into memory then
these memory signals are stored in memory IC with the help of these pins. Therefore
when required the stored channel, memory IC feds it to system control IC. Pin 13 is
horizontal blanking input pin. Pin 14 is vertical blanking input pin. Pin 15 is
AFT(Automatic Fine Tuning) input pin. IC 101 (7680) pin 13 provides AFT voltage to
pin 15 of system control IC through buffer transistor T 910 A (BC 547). This AFT signal
is important while channel locking pin 24 is reset input pin. It is an active low pin. For
reset a transistor T910 (BC 558B) is used. Pin 25 and 26 are VCO (Voltage Control
Oscillator) pins. Here a 4 MHz crystal is connected.
A particular value of frequency is created here with the help of 4 MHz crystal of
voltage controlled oscillator inside the IC. This signal of particular frequency is converted
into function operating signal inside the IC and coming out from IC by key signal output
Pin 30 is output pin of green OSD signal. The signals from this pin are fed to base
of green OSD driver transistor T906 (BC547B) and then to the base of green OSD output
transistor T1 (2SC1815). The output of this transistor is fed to the emitter of (G-drive)
green colour output transistor T508 (C3619).
Pin 31 is output pin of red OSD signal. These red OSD signals are fed to the base
of red OSD driver transistor T905 (BC547B). After amplification these signals are fed to
red OSD output transistor T2 (2SC1915) from emitter of previous transistor. The
Pin 34 is infra red remote input pin ON pressing the remote switches. The signals are
obtained first at this pin for any function from remote switch, remote provide infra red
waves, which falls on sensor EYE ON front panel. This eye recognizes the signal and
amplified it and gives to pin 34 of this IC. So the signals work inside the IC for which
remote key was pressed. Pin 36 is colour control pin. The colour control signals are fed to
pin 7 of IC 501 (7698). Pin 37 is contrast control pin. The contrast control signals are fed
to pin 41 of IC 7698. Pin 38 is brightness control pin. The signals from this pin are fed to
pin 4 of IC 7698.
Pin 39 is volume control pin. The volume control signals from this pin are
supplied at the base of transistor 7901 (BC547 – Volume Control Transistor). The signals
from the collector of this transistor are given to the signal input pin 1 of IC 7680. Pin 40
is +5V supply pin. Output of IC 102 (L7805) is directly connected on this pin. Pin 16, 19,
20 are group pins. Pin 17, 18, 23 are Bias pins. The Biasing is provided from +5V supply.
Pin 32 and0 35 are no connection pins.
Conclusion :-
Conclusion :-
Result :-
Aim: To study the detail circuit description of power supply (SMPS) section.
The trainer has SMPS power supply. Its outputs are +110v and +22v mainly. Ac
mains supply is fed to input of line filter L1210 through ON-OFF switch. The main
function of line filter is to prevent the spikes present in 50Hz AC supply for the purpose
of safety of trainer kit. Output of line filter is connected with degaussing coil through
PTC R802 is connected around the picture tube. When switches ON the TV trainer the
degaussing coil gets the supply and demagnetize the picture tube. Bridge rectifier (D 806,
D807, D808, and D809 – IN4007) is connected with output of line filter. A filter capacitor
C815 (100uf, 450v) is connected between positive and negative terminal of bridge which
rectifies the DC property. Negative end of bridge is connected with ground by a resistance
R 805 (2.2Ω/1W) is called resistance R829 (10M/0.5W). There is 150V DC on floating
ground with respect to main ground. In the same way there is approx. 300V DC at
positive point of bridge floating ground. Due to this there is 450V DC voltage at
positive bridge chassis ground. So while testing SMPS section we have to always
connect negative of multimeter with floating ground and for testing of other circuit main
ground is used.
Never short floating ground with main chassis ground, it may damage the circuit.
T802 and T803 are used to control the duty cycle of T 804. Both these transistors are
working as complementary transistors and gets the required supply from pin no. 8 of SM
transformer for functioning. According to output voltage at secondary of SM transformer
T 801 is used to change the duty cycle. Zener diode D 811 (28.2V) is used to stable the
voltage of emitter when input voltage is varying or fluctuating the base voltage of T 801
is also changing so that its collector voltage is changing which changes the base voltage
of both T 802 and T 803. Emitter voltage of T 801 changes the condition of T 804 through
the winding connected at pin no.1 & 5 of SM transformer. The winding connected at pin
no. 7-8 & 9-10 gets the feedback voltage. Pin no. 4 of SM transformer is connected with
chasis ground. Pulse produced b winding connected at pin 4 & 2 of SM transformer is
rectified by diode D810(BA159). Output of diode +22V is available which is connected
with other circuitry sections in following manner.
When we switch ON the main power ON-OFF switch +22v supply is produced it
doesn’t off by power switch of remote. Pulses produced at pin no. 3 & 4 of SM
transformer are connected with R 610 (1Ω/1W) and R 610 B (100k). R610 B is grounded.
Its one end is connected with N/O (Normally open end) of +12V relay. When we switch
1) At +110V line a resistance RA02 (15K) is connected its other end is connected
with DA 13 (Z33V) zener diode. This +33v supply is filtered by CA03(-01uf) and
CA04(1uf/63V). It is used for TU terminal at tuner.
2) +110V is supplied to primary of T 401 of horizontal driver transformer by R
3) It is connected with pin no.3 of EHT transformer by a resistance R410A (1Ω/1W)
4) Horizontal hold resistance gets this supply by a resistance R451(10K). Also base
biasing is given to horizontal driver transistor T 402 by resistance R408(1.8K),
5) Pin no. 33 of IC 501 (CD7698) (Horizontal Oscillator Section) gets +110V supply
by a resistance R416 (5.6K/2W).
Conclusion :-
Result :-