Prac Fall Eval
Prac Fall Eval
Prac Fall Eval
Candidate Name Hunter Gosse School Sir John A Macdonald Secondary School
Associate Teacher Melanie Sword Grade/Subject Grade 11 and Grade 9 English
Overall Rating Meets expectations Practicum Dates: October 21-November 15, 2019
Document is valid and verified by the Practicum Office, Faculty of Education, Queen's University.
Digitally signed by Queen's University at
DN: c=CA, st=Ontario, l=Kingston, o=Queen's
1. Initiative & dependability Meets expectations
Effectively assumes appropriate degree of responsibility for the classroom
Takes initiative to contribute to students' learning in many ways Meets expectations
2. Discretion & professional judgement
Uses appropriate professional judgement and discretion in relation to interactions Exceeds expectations
with students
Demonstrates sound judgement in dealing with parents, peers and colleagues Meets expectations
3. Response to Mentorship
Invites and incorporates Associate Teacher feedback to improve teaching practices Exceeds expectations
Demonstrates progress towards achieving teaching and learning goals Exceeds expectations
Uses self-reflection and assessment information to inform next steps for the
Meets expectations
candidate's teaching practice
1. Assessment for learning Progressing towards expectations
Effectively uses appropriate assessment strategies and recording devices to collect
and record information on how student learning is progressing
Helps students to use this information for next steps Progressing towards expectations
Assessment as learning
Creates opportunities for student self-assessment to help students to identify their Progressing towards expectations
learning needs
Helps students to create appropriate short-term curricular, personal or learning skill Progressing towards expectations
Makes judgements about achievement in fair, transparent and equitable ways Meets expectations
Assessment of learning
Constructs and uses a variety of assessment strategies and recording devices that are Meets expectations
aligned with instruction and yield an accurate and adequate picture of achievement
Makes judgements about achievement in fair, transparent and equitable ways Meets expectations
Comments, next steps
As the weeks progressed Hunter had the opportunity to use different types of assessments from "for" learning to "of" learning.
Due to English being a "spiraling" curriculum, assessments were more focused in the second half of Hunter's placement. This
has been an on-going process that Hunter will continue to grow in, as his career continues.
Overall, Hunter was a very hard worker and had a genuine concern for his students well-being. His love for education and
developing relationships with the students was clearly seen, as many of his students were sad to see him leave. He has a
great future ahead of him, as he is willing to learn and grow within his practice.
I wish him all the best, as he returns to his schooling and I am looking forward to where his teaching practice will be with his
return in second semester.