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Progress Report 2019

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Practicum Office

Queen’s University - B.Ed./Dip.Ed. Program Faculty of Education

Summative Practicum Assessment Queen's University, Kingston, ON

Candidate Name Keyan Wu School Malvern Jr PS

Associate Teacher Rebecca Chahine Grade/Subject 4/5

Board TDSB Date Completed 3/8/2019 Days Absent: 0

Overall Rating Meets expectations Practicum Dates: February 11-March 8, 2019

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Date: 2019.03.22 16:05:23 -04'00'

1. Initiative & dependability Exceeds expectations
Effectively assumes appropriate degree of responsibility for the classroom
Takes initiative to contribute to students' learning in many ways Exceeds expectations
2. Discretion & professional judgement
Uses appropriate professional judegment and discretion in relation to interactions Exceeds expectations
with students
Demonstrates sound judgement in dealing with parents, peers and colleagues Exceeds expectations
3. Response to Mentorship
Invites and incorporates Associate Teacher feedback to improve teaching practices Exceeds expectations
Uses self-reflection and assessment information to inform next steps for the
candidate's teaching practice Exceeds expectations

Demonstrates progress towards achieving teaching and learning goals Exceeds expectations
Comments, next steps
It was a pleasure to mentor Keyan Wu in my grade 4/5 classroom. She was always professional with staff, students and
parents. Keyan developed a positive relationship with the students. She took the time to get to know each student and
assumed responsibility for their learning. Keyan assisted with a trip to the Ripley's Aquarium and had a chance to meet and
dialogue with several parent volunteers. She consistently used the routines and expectations of the classroom. Keyan reflected
at the end of each day. She used assessment information to inform her future lessons.
Supporting a Community of Learners:
1. Promoting a safe and trusting learning community Exceeds expectations
Demonstrates skill and consistency in using routines and monitoring classroom
behaviours in order to maintain a safe and supportive classroom environment for all
2. Promoting student independence Exceeds expectations
Structures activities so that students learn to identify their strengths and weaknesses,
make decisions about next steps, and monitor their progress toward expectations
Comments, next steps
Keyan took the time to observe the routines of the classroom and was consistent when teaching. She managed classroom
behaviours appropriately and she used positive feedback appropriately. Keyan pointed out students who were doing the right
thing and praised them to encouraged others to follow along. Keyan planned lessons to teach students to be kind to each

Planning and Preparing

1. Use of curriculum documents
Creates learning activities using the appropriate curriculum expectations in ways that Exceeds expectations
provide engaging learning for all students
Demonstrates sound knowledge of appropriate subject matter Exceeds expectations
2. Sequencing of steps in a lesson or unit
Creates developmentally appropriate lessons in ways that connect students' prior Exceeds expectations
knowledge to appropriate next steps and new learning
Plans for appropriate student involvement and follow-up activities Exceeds expectations
3. Differentiation
Designs learning and assessment activities that are deliberately differentiated based Exceeds expectations
on students' needs
Demonstrates understanding of use of appropriate accommodations and Exceeds expectations
modifications for individual students
4. Resources
Gathers from others or creates appropriate resources to support the intended teaching, Exceeds expectations
learning and assessment
Uses a range of resources to enhance the digital literacy skills of students Exceeds expectations
Comments, next steps
Keyan was well prepared and has excellent knowledge of the Ontario Curriculum. Her lessons always included learning goals
and success criteria. She asked students to demonstrate background knowledge and used minds on activities to have
students share their knowledge. Keyan designed lessons that she effectively accommodated and modified to meet the needs
of student needs. Keyan planned Math, Language, Social Studies, and Visual Arts lessons. Her lessons varied and often
included technology skills.
Lesson Presentation
1. Instructional strategies Exceeds expectations
Uses a wide variety of appropriate teaching strategies based on students' interests and
needs, as well as current research on effective teaching practices
2. Lesson management Exceeds expectations
Uses a variety of effective strategies for managing materials, time and learning
activities to meet needs of all learners
3. Awareness of classroom dynamics Exceeds expectations
Adapts and modifies teaching and learning activities based on student responses
Works to engage students both in the learning and with each other Exceeds expectations
4. Appropriate and effective use of language
Exceeds expectations
Expresses ideas, directions and options clearly
Models a standard for oral and written work Exceeds expectations
5. Engaging all the learners
Uses effective questioning Exceeds expectations
Effectively uses strategies such as wait time and checking for understanding to
engage all students in learning Exceeds expectations
Comments, next steps
Keyan used a variety of strategies when planning lessons. Students often used Think Pair Share to discuss topics and then
shared with the larger group. Her lessons were cross curricular. For example, students wrote and performed skits as if they
worked in the middle ages for Social Studies. Keyan used Skype an expert for complex topic such a Climate Change. Keyan
was aware of the classroom dynamics and supported students who needed reminders to be kind or to follow the rules of the
classroom. Keyan is patient and clear in her expectations. Her directions and questioning were effective. Keyan effectively
gave students wait time during discussions and Math lessons when she taught students about subitizing.

1. Assessment for learning Exceeds expectations
Effectively uses appropriate assessment strategies and recording devices to collect
and record information on how student learning is progressing
Helps students to use this information for next steps Exceeds expectations
Assessment as learning
Creates opportunities for student self-assessment to help students to identify their Exceeds expectations
learning needs
Helps students to create appropriate short-term curricular, personal or learning skill Exceeds expectations
Makes judgements about achievement in fair, transparent and equitable ways Exceeds expectations
Assessment of learning
Constructs and uses a variety of assessment strategies and recording devices that are Exceeds expectations
aligned with instruction and yield an accurate and adequate picture of achievement
Makes judgements about achievement in fair, transparent and equitable ways Exceeds expectations
Comments, next steps
Keyan used padlet and/or jamboard to record student responses. She provided feedback to students orally and online using
Google Classroom. Keyan created self reflection and checklists for assignments in which students provided peer feedback.
She created clear learning goals and success criteria for students and modelled what was expected for each task or
assignment. Keyan gave students opportunities to improve their work. Her assessment of learning was very organized and
helpful to both the student, parents and myself. She posted her assessments in the Google Classroom so that it was available
to students, parents and the classroom teacher to read.
It was truly a pleasure hosting Keyan in my classroom. I am confident that she will make an excellent teacher.
The students and I will miss her immensely when we return from March break. Her lessons were engaging and her presence
made it easy to meet the curriculum expectations for both grade 4 and 5 as well as the diverse needs of the 31 students in the

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