Assessment Plan

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Assessment Plan

Scoring and Feedback

Assessment Type Assessment Tool
Students will write a piece
Pre-Unit Prompt Rubric
of informational text about
(Pre-Assessment) (Calkins, 2013)
a topic of their choice.
Students will read their
teaching book to a peer, Partner Feedback
who will identify what Worksheet
Peer Feedback they learned and what
(Formative) questions they still have. Use of partner feedback in
Students will use peer final version of how to
feedback to add to their book.
Students will edit at least
on illustration in their
Completion of Drawing or
how-to books using at
Editing an Illustration
Teacher Checklist least one of three
(Formative) strategies taught, then will
Conferencing with
meet with the teacher for
Assessment Checklist
evaluation and
Students will use an
adapted version of the
“Information Writing
Self-Assessment Self-Assessment
Checklist” (Calkins et. al,
(Summative) Worksheet
2013) to self-assess an
informational text piece at
the beginning of the unit.
Students will work with
the classmates at their
table to practice writing
Small Group Activity introductions. The teacher
(Formative) will provide feedback
before sending them to
write introductions for
their books.
Students will take notes
Notetaking Sheet
on the animal they chose
to research using books.
Notetaking Sheet
The teacher will compare
(Formative) Use of notes in animal all
the notes they took to the
about book (notes during
information presented in
conferencing – see below).
their all about book.
Students will meet with
the teacher as they
complete their animal all
Checklist Completed by
Conferencing Checklist about books. The teacher
will fill out a checklist of
strategies used as well as
components included.

Students will write a piece

Post-Unit Prompt Rubric
of informational text about
(Summative) (Calkins, 2013)
a topic of their choice.

The teacher will evaluate

Trimester Writing Grades overall performance in the District Report Card Scale
(Summative) unit to provide a trimester (1-4)
grade for writing.

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