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Lec5 PDF
Lec5 PDF
In this video we will be looking at an important idea, this is the idea of norms this is one idea
that we will be using throughout the rest of this course.
So norms are an idea in linear algebra or in general whenever we deal with tensorial
quantities. The basic reason why machine learning and many other fields use norms is
because we usually use vectors or matrices as our basic units of representation. As we saw in
the last video we tend to use vectors and matrices very very often basically because that is
what we use in order to measure or in order to represent images, sounds or anything in fact
anything that goes our input or output is usually measured by vectors and matrices.
So there are two basic reasons that we use norms, one is to find out how big or small a
particular vector or tensor is sometimes we need to estimate the size of something. Now for a
scalar or if it is a scalar like a weight or pressure or temperature there is one single number by
which we can get the idea of how big this thing is, whether it is negative or positive the
absolute value usually denotes what the size is for a scalar.
For a vector we have no such single number of course vector is a bunch of numbers but
suppose you need a single number. So norms sometimes can be thought of as a mapping from
a vector or a tensor to a single number to scalar and actually this is a positive scalar. So we
will see how to do that in the rest of this video, there is another reason for which we use
So for example let us say you have a vector of this sort, usually we will denote the size or the
length of this vector as square root of 3 square plus 4 square this is 5. So the usual notion of
length a norm is denoted by this sign usually a double bar sign just like for scalar we use
single bars for absolute values, for norms we tend to use this double bar, some people use
single bar also so we will see this notation a little bit later on in the video.
So whenever you hear me say norms please think of you know a simple vector for which you
are trying to find out the length essentially you are trying to find out one single number that
will represent the size or how big a particular vector is, there is another reason for which we
use norms which is to try and estimate how close one vector or tensor is to another, okay. So
once again I would like you to think about the idea of images in order to show something
which is qualitative where you can estimate this.
So please remember if you recall what we did in the previous videos, we had looked at a
whole image. So let us say you have an image of a cat or something and this is a 60 cross 60
image, we saw that this can be unrolled into a single vector which is of size 3600, each of
these represents one pixel, okay. So you have 3600 pixels, so it can be written as a vector of
dimension 3600.
So now you cannot really imagine this but let us assume that instead of this (this would) this
is just two numbers so it is as if it is an image of just two pixels, but suppose you have a one
whole image of 3600 pixels now you can start thinking about you can now imagine this is
one image and this is another image, okay of course we are representing it in two dimensional
space, so each of these points is a vector which represents one image and suppose you want
to find out is this image close to the other image, okay now how would you do that?
So that idea also basically would be how big the difference between these two vectors is we
know of course that the difference between two vectors is another vector. So if you have this
vector v 1, this vector v 2, v 1 minus v 2 is another vector and I could find out delta v is v 1
minus v 2 if I find out the norm of delta v, okay or the length of this vector which is the
difference of these two vectors that will tell me how close the two images are.
So a norm is supposed to represent both these ideas or atleast its used when both these ideas
which is essentially if you can somehow define one single number to represent the size of one
whole vector or one whole tensor then you have the idea of norm. So usually like I said just
now you can try to find out how close one sound is to another if you have two
representations, how close one word is to another, how close one image is to another provide
you all of this can be represented as vectors and you can find out the norm of the difference
between the two vectors, okay.
So now let us see how to go about doing this. The norm is actually a generalization as you
can probably figure out of the notion of length, the idea that we have of length for simple
scalars can now or size of simple scalars to vectors, matrices and tensors.
So let us say you have a vector all my example which I show on the slide will be in 2D of
course you can imagine this being extended to multiple images, okay. So the numerical
example I will be taking would be that of a 3D vector. (Mathematics) Mathematically what
we will be doing is we will be trying to generalize we will find out what the specific
properties of length are which makes it intuitive and the useful notion for us in real life.
So the first notion which is very important is if you have a vector whose length is 0, then that
means it is a 0 vector. So the only vector which is of length 0 is essentially this vector which
is right at the origin, okay so that is the first property that any norm should satisfy that is if
the vector has length 0, then it must be the 0 vector, okay. So this is the definition of norm
that we will be using here.
The second property is the property of the triangle inequalities, so let us say you have two
vectors please notice I have flipped the arrow here just in order to be consistent with the
mathematics that I will be using. So let us say the first vector is x and the second vector is y,
okay. Now we know that x plus y has to be this vector here, okay going from here to here it is
a simple vector addition rules.
Now what the triangle inequality rule for the norm says is that the length of this has to be
always less that the length of this plus the length of this, we know this from the normal
triangle inequality that we use for triangles right from schools, the length of two sides is
always going to be larger than the length of the third side, okay the sum of two sides is
always going to be larger than the third side that is because the shortest distance between any
two points is a straight line.
So if I want to go from here to here, you know if I go that way that will always be longer than
this, so this is the normal triangle inequality rule it is represented as f, f you can think of a sub
function which represents a norm, norm of the sum of two vectors is going to be less than
equal to the norm of the individual vectors, okay it is a very very important property. The
third property that a norm satisfies is that of linearity, what it means is if I take a vector and
simply scale it up, take a string extend it by two times each of the coordinates will increase
by a factor of 2, so let us say if I increase it by a factor of alpha then its length also increases
by a factor of alpha, these are the three properties that any norm satisfies.
Now based on these three properties that we just saw here the idea of 0, the idea of triangle
inequality and the idea of linearity, what we can do is we can derive many many many
different functions that satisfy this, okay. So remember f the norm takes in a vector gives a
scalar which is positive and you need to define you can define many functions which satisfy
these three properties, okay.
So let us take a simple example, so we are taking the example of a vector which is minus 5 3
2, so let us say we have a 3 dimensional vector and we will see various norms that can be
used for this simple vector. The first and the most obvious norm is called the Euclidean norm
sometimes the Pythagorean norm, the Euclidean norm you will notice has a subscript 2 the
reason for the subscript will become obvious very shortly, okay.
So you have a vector all it is root of the sum of squares, so you take in this case you would do
square root of 5 square plus 3 square plus 2 square essentially what we usually call the length
of the vector, okay this is also called the 2-norm or sometimes also called the L 2 norm, okay
the reason for the L will not go over but usually you will see this term being used a lot of
times 2-norm or L 2 norm, okay.
So what is the L 2 norm of this case? It usually corresponds to our notion of distance so you
can immediately find out that this is equal to approximately 6.16. A similar norm is called the
1-norm please notice the subscript here, all it is instead of squaring and taking square root
you simply add the absolute values, okay. So in this case our 1-norm would be very obviously
I have written a MATLAB command here, but you can do it by hand in this case all it is
absolute of minus 5 plus absolute of 3 plus absolute of 2 which is equal to 10.
Now using these two you can generalize to the idea of what is called a p-norm, p-norm is
simply absolute of v 1 to the power p plus absolute of v 2 to the power p remember all these
are components, okay the whole thing to the power 1 over p, okay. So you will notice that
this covers both the 1-norm and the 2-norm and this kind of definition is valid for p greater
than equal to 1.
So usually you cannot define let us say a half norm or something but 1 and so on and so forth
you can define all other norms. As it turns out these two are extremely useful norms, there is
also a third norm which is very useful which is called the infinity-norm or sometimes called
the max-norm, so the max-norm simply is find out the maximum component in absolute
values, so in our case max of absolute of minus 5, 3 and 2 which should basically the infinity-
norm will simply be 5.
So you can check that MATLAB has a command norm v comma inf, inf gives you a
maximum of 5. Now what is interesting is you can actually see the max-norm as a limit of the
p-norm as you keep on increasing p, okay. As you keep on increasing p, let us say the v 2th
component was the largest component what will happen is all the other terms will become
very very small as you keep on increasing the power in comparison to (v 1 to the power p) v
2 to the power p will be very very large as p becomes large and in the limit of infinity this is
the only term that survives and once you take a 1 over p what survives is the maximum-norm.
So this is either called the infinity-norm or the maximum-norm.
Now I want to emphasize that the most natural norm atleast the one that we think of very
naturally is the 2-norm, none the less 1-norm or infinity-norm can also be useful. Please
notice that each of these norms or all of these norms satisfy these three properties, okay we
are not going to prove this, we know that the Euclidean norm satisfy this by intuition just as a
quick check for example you can check that if you take the infinity-norm it is definitely going
to satisfy this, the only way in which can infinity-norm can be 0, that is the maximum of the
absolute value of something can be 0, if all the components were exactly 0.
Similarly if the sum of absolute values is equal to 0, the only way that is possible is each of
this individual this should be v 2 (I am sorry) each of this individual components is 0, okay.
So these three properties are satisfied by all of these three norms. Now all these norms as I
have showed them apply to normal vectors you can actually extend this idea to matrices also,
the idea of norm is true for vectors, tensors and matrices. The definition remains the same or
atleast the properties remain the same x instead of being a vector becomes a matrix.
You also have 1-norm, 2-norm, infinity-norm for a matrix, but in machine learning the most
common norm that we use is what is called the Frobenius norm, Frobenius norm is very
similar to the Euclidean norm all it is you take all the components of a matrix, so let us say I
have a matrix here 1 2 2 0, the Frobenius norm of the matrix is square root of 1 square plus 2
square plus 2 square plus 0 square basically some of the squares take the square root, okay
that is the Frobenius norm, in this case this is square root of 9 which is equal to 3, okay. So
that is the Frobenius norm.
Please notice the Frobenius norm denoted by A subscript F is not the same as the matrix 2-
norm, okay there is some such thing as the matrix 2-norm or the matrix you know L 2 norm
that is not the same as the Euclidean norm, so there is a slight difference there none the less
the Frobenius norm is probably once again the most common thing that you will think of,
immediately if you want to find out one number that represents the size of the matrix.
So this is the idea of the norm we will be using this repeatedly again and again through the
rest of the course, one of the main uses that we will be using it for is you know as you are
using iterative procedure for a vector, okay so suppose you are trying to find out some
particular parameter vector or some particular image and you are trying to go slowly go there
through an iterative process your initial guess is bad and you are slowly getting there, you
want to find out how close each guess is to the final guess and one of those ways to find out
is as we saw earlier find out the difference between the two and take there norm. So we will
be using this repeatedly through the rest of the course, thank you.