Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Electricity has been a necessity to us human beings, it has been the source
of energy for our gadgets and appliances that we need every day and some of us
have been taking it for granted. The rapid growth in energy consumption has
raised the concern that it would cause some potential environmental consequences
such as energy exhaustion and climate change [1]. Energy conservation is an
important topic at the moment. There are several reasons for this. Best known is
the pollution that causes global warming, affecting our climate. Furthermore, the
massive use of fossil fuels in other countries as a source of electricity that can lead
to scarcity of this fuels [2]. However, according to one study 5 to 15% of energy
will be saved if the consumers have direct access to the energy consumption data
Power and appliance monitoring devises are one way to make consumers
to be aware about the activity of their appliance and corresponding power
consumption. This so-called smart meters and appliance monitoring devises has
been a benefit to us consumers since we are able to monitor the activity of various
appliance in our houses, by this, it helped us consumers to save money on electric
bills. Variety of methods and innovations are being executed to the existing
devises to give us a more precise and accurate data.
1.3 Objectives
The proposed prototype will be equipped with relay system that will
automatically cut of the supplied power to the load as soon the prototype detects
any unknown power factor. So, this device will prevent any overloading of
appliances since the outlet will only supply the AC power if the registered
appliance is plugged in. This device can also help the user to mange its electricity
bills since the user can use this device to set a certain appliance to unknown to
prevent the appliance to turn on when plugged in.
The main goal of this research is practically the same comparing to the
goal of other research papers, that is, to provide a more and accurate way to
identify and monitor the appliances plugged in the wall socket. Different ways and
methods are being used on other research papers to achieve the same goal.
Algorithms are being used by other research paper to analyze the current and
power consumption of the load, others are using power or current alone to identify
the appliance.
The difference of our study to other studies is that the method of detection
is not based primarily on current and voltage or even power consumption of the
appliance, but it is based on the phase difference between voltage and current or
power factor of the appliance during the appliance is plugged in to the wall socket.
Another feature that makes our study different from others is that once the
prototype characterized the power factor of the appliance being plugged in is
unknown the current and voltage supplied to the appliance will be cutoff
automatically with the help of relays.
Only appliances used by students are considered in this study and subject
those appliances into sampling.
The study focuses only on characterizing appliances used by students base
on their phase difference or phase angle, thus, power recognition
capabilities of the prototype will not be included in this study.
This study focuses only on a single outlet that can be found on a room.
Figure 1.1 shows the process flow of the prototype. As the load is
connected to the 220 VAC a potential transformer is connected in parallel to the
AC supply to collect the voltage waveform of the connected appliance, then a
current transformer is looped around a single conductor connected to the load to
collect the current waveform generated by the appliance connected. The two wave
forms are now to be sent to its respective Zero Crossing Detector (ZCD) or
otherwise known as comparator. This comparator is used to convert the sinusoidal
waves produced by the two transformers to a digital wave. A digital wave is
required since the XOR gate only reads digital waves. The XOR gate then now
merge the two signals into one producing another kind of digital wave. The digital
wave produced by the XOR gate will be sent to the Arduino board to be analyzed,
in the Arduino board has sets of various codes to analyze the given digital wave,
once analyzed the resulting power factor will be displayed on the 16 x 2 LCD
display. If the analyzed power factor is present on the Arduino board, the supply
power to the connected load will continue to flow, but when the power factor of
the load is not present on the Arduino board a signal will be sent to the relay to cut
the supply power to the connected load.
Also referred as sinusoidal current. A sinusoid is a signal that has the form
of the sine and cosine function. Consider the sinusoidal voltage v ( t )=Vmsin(ωt )
[5]. Where Vm is the amplitude of the sinusoid ω is the angular frequency and
ωt Is the argument of the sinusoidal.
1. Resistor
2. Inductor
3. Capacitor
1.8.4 Resistor
The voltage across figure 3 is given by ohm’s law with the given current
of i=Imcos ( ωt +Φ ), thus, V =I ∗R or V =R∗Imcos( ωt+ Φ). Now the phasor form
1.8.5 Inductor
For an inductive circuit, consider figure 5. To find the voltage across the
inductor for a given current shown in equation 1.3 we have
V =L ( didt )∨−ωLImsin ( ωt+Φ ) since −sin A=cos ( A+90 ° ) we can write the
the inductor as V = jωLI. Further analysis of the equation shows that the voltage
has a magnitude of ωLIm and a phase of Φ+ 90 ° [5]. In conclusion, the phase
angle between voltage and current in a purely inductive element is 90° out of
phase or more specifically current lags the voltage by 90° or voltage leads current
by 90°.
1.8.6 Capacitor
For the pure capacitive element consider figure 7. To find the current
across the capacitor assume the voltage across it as v=Vmcos ( ωt+Φ ) and the
current through the capacitor is i=C ( dvdt ). Applying the same procedure used in
the inductor we obtain the current across the capacitor as I = jwCV with basic
transposition we obtainV = [5]. In conclusion, the phase angle of voltage and
current in a purely capacitive element is 90° or more specifically, the voltage lags
the current by 90° or the current leads the voltage by 90°.