Week 3: Academic Criteria: Topic's Goals

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FNT203: Introduction to

Masters Degree

Week 3:
Academic Criteria
Topic’s goals:
 Gain an understanding of the Academic Assessment Criteria

 Familiarize and be able to identify and evaluate
Academic Essays based on the Assessment Criteria.

Read the Essay given and think about how you would assess it
based on the academic criteria provided. Then, fill in Assessment
Quiz 3 to assess the essay based on the criteria.

Assessment Criteria

FNT203: Introduction to Masters Degree Page 1

FNT203: Introduction to
Masters Degree

The table below shows how the 100 points are distributed to the given
criteria. All module assignments will be marked based on these criteria.

Essay’s Evaluation Criteria

Criteria Explanation of Criteria
Content 50/100
Topic Agreement with assignment’s directions and the essay’s title and purpose

Satisfying Satisfying development of each section

Validation Use of references and in-text citations

Argumentation Views are properly developed and supported with in-text citations

Personal style The student expresses his/her personal view with critical perspective

References sources (a A) Student’s work is convergent, examines different views/ideas, aspects and
convergent production, b. identifies convergences and expresses conclusions. B) Student works in
divergent production) analytical way. He/she identifies and elaborates views/ideas and information.

Structure –Essay’s organization 30/100

Correct organization, essential There is an introduction, main text and conclusions

parts of the study topic

Logical structure There is logical structure (which aspects of the topic are presented first and
which topics follow?). Is the structure the student follows logical?

Links and Sequence of Student organizes his/her essay in chapters and sub-sections. The essay’s
chapters and sub-sections organization is distinct and clear (the end of the previous section is linked
(macro level) with the following section).

Links and sequence of Student organizes his/her essay in paragraphs (the end of the previous
paragraphs (micro-level) paragraph is linked with the following paragraph)

Language clarity and accuracy 10/100

Consistent use of terms and Valid and appropriate scientific terms are used.

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FNT203: Introduction to
Masters Degree

scientific names

Clarify, accuracy and language Flexibility in expressions, uniformity and writing in complete messages
flow (words’ repetition, simplified words)

Elaborate syntax Correct verb-tense and pronouns, complete sentences, order of words and

Correct spelling Correct use of punctuation, no misspellings, contractions and typing errors

Essay’s presentation 10/100

General Criteria Cover Page, Table of Contents, Page numbering, Margins and Justified
margins, Line spacing, Appendices (if it is necessary), Font consistency,
Separation of paragraphs.

APA reference guide Citations and reference list according to APA referencing guide.

Total Score 100

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