History P1 May-June 2023 MG Eng

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MARKS: 150

These marking guidelines consist of 25 pages.

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1.1 The following cognitive levels were used to develop source-based questions:
Cognitive Weighting of
Historical skills
Levels questions
 Extract evidence from sources
 Selection and organisation of relevant 30%
information from sources (15)
 Define historical concepts/terms
 Interpretation of evidence from sources
LEVEL 2  Explain information gathered from sources
 Analyse evidence from sources
 Interpret and evaluate evidence from sources
 Engage with sources to determine its
usefulness, reliability, bias and limitations 30%
 Compare and contrast interpretations and (15)
perspectives presented in sources and draw
independent conclusions

1.2 The information below indicates how source-based questions are assessed:
 In the marking of source-based questions, credit needs to be given to any
other valid and relevant viewpoints, arguments, evidence or examples.
 In the allocation of marks, emphasis should be placed on how the requirements
of the question have been addressed.
 In the marking guidelines, the requirements of the question (skills that need to
be addressed) as well as the level of the question are indicated in italics.

1.3 Assessment procedures for source-based questions

 Use a tick () for each correct answer.
 Pay attention to the mark scheme e.g. (2 x 2) which translates to two reasons
and is given two marks each (); (1 x 2) which translates to one reason
and is given two marks ().
 If a question carries 4 marks then indicate by placing 4 ticks ().

Paragraph question
Paragraphs are to be assessed globally (holistically). Both the content and
structure of the paragraph must be taken into account when awarding a mark. The
following steps must be used when assessing a response to a paragraph question:
 Read the paragraph and place a bullet (.) at each point within the text where
the candidate has used relevant evidence to address the question.
 Re-read the paragraph to evaluate the extent to which the candidate has been
able to use relevant evidence to write a paragraph.

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 At the end of the paragraph indicate the ticks (√) that the candidate has been
awarded for the paragraph; as well as the level (1, 2 or 3) as indicated in the
holistic rubric and a brief comment, e.g.
___________ . __________________________ . _________________________
_____________________________________________ . _________________
Level 2
Used mostly relevant evidence to write a basic paragraph.

 Count all the ticks for the source-based question and then write the mark on the
bottom margin to the right, e.g. 32
 Ensure that the total mark is transferred accurately to the front/back cover of
the answer script.


2.1 The essay questions require candidates to:

Be able to structure their argument in a logical and coherent manner. They need to
select, organise and connect the relevant information so that they are able to
present a reasonable sequence of facts or an effective argument to answer the
question posed. It is essential that an essay has an introduction, a coherent and
balanced body of evidence and a conclusion.
2.2 Marking of essay questions
Candidates may have any other relevant introduction and/or conclusion than those
included in a specific essay marking guideline for a specific essay.

2.3 Global assessment of the essay

The essay will be assessed holistically (globally). This approach requires the
teacher to assess the essay as a whole, rather than assessing the main points of
the essay separately. This approach encourages the learner to write an original
argument by using relevant evidence to support the line of argument. The learner
will not be required to simply regurgitate content (facts) in order to achieve a level
7 (high mark). This approach discourages learners from preparing essays and
reproducing them without taking the specific requirements of the question into
account. Holistic marking of the essay credits learners' opinions that are supported
by evidence. Holistic assessment, unlike content-based marking, does not penalise
language inadequacies as the emphasis is on the following:
 The learner's interpretation of the question
 The appropriate selection of factual evidence (relevant content selection)
 The construction of an argument (planned, structured and has an independent
line of argument)

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2.4 Assessment procedures of the essay

2.4.1 Keep the synopsis in mind when assessing the essay.

2.4.2 During the reading of the essay, ticks need to be awarded for a relevant
introduction (which is indicated by a bullet in the marking guidelines), the
main aspects/body of the essay that sustains/defends the line of argument
(which is indicated by bullets in the marking guideline) and a relevant
conclusion (which is indicated by a bullet in the marking guideline).
For example in an essay where there are five (5) main points there could be
about seven (7) ticks.

2.4.3 Keep the PEEL structure in mind when assessing an essay.

P Point: The candidate introduces the essay by taking a line of

argument/making a major point.
Each paragraph should include a point that sustains the major point
(line of argument) that was made in the introduction.
E Explanation: The candidate should explain in more detail what the
main point is about and how it relates to the question posed (line of
E Example: The candidates should answer the question by selecting
content that is relevant to the line of argument. Relevant examples
should be given to sustain the line of argument.
L Link: Candidates should ensure that the line of argument is sustained
throughout the essay and is written coherently.

2.4.4 The following symbols MUST be used when assessing an essay:

• Introduction, main aspects and conclusion not properly contextualised

• Wrong statement _________________
• Irrelevant statement |
• Repetition R
• Analysis A√
• Interpretation I√
• Line of Argument LOA

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2.5 The matrix

2.5.1 Use of the matrix in the marking of essays

In the marking of essays, the criteria as provided in the matrix should be used.
When assessing the essay note both the content and presentation. At the point of
intersection of the content and presentation based on the seven competency
levels, a mark should be awarded.

(a) The first reading of essays will be to determine to what extent the main
aspects have been covered and to allocate the content level (on the

(b) The second reading of essays will relate to the level (on the matrix) of


(c) Allocate an overall mark with the use of the matrix.

Some omissions in content coverage.
Attempts to sustain a line of argument.

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PRESENTATION Very well Very well Well planned Planned and Shows some Attempts to Little or no
planned and planned and and constructed an evidence of a structure an attempt to
structured structured structured argument. planned and answer. structure the
essay. essay. essay. Evidence is constructed Largely essay.
Good synthesis Developed a Attempts to used to some argument. descriptive, or
of information. relevant line of develop a extent to Attempts to some attempt at
Developed an argument. clear support the line sustain a line of developing a line
original, well Evidence used argument. of argument argument. of argument. No
CONTENT balanced and to defend the Conclusion Conclusions Conclusions not attempt to draw
independent line argument. drawn from reached based clearly supported a conclusion
of argument with Attempts to draw the evidence on evidence. by evidence.
the use of an independent to support the
evidence, conclusion from line of
sustained and the evidence to argument.
defended the support the line
argument of argument.
conclusion is
drawn from
evidence to
support the line
of argument.
Question has been
fully answered.
Content selection
47–50 43–46
fully relevant to line
of argument.

Question has been
Content selection
43–46 40–42 38–39
relevant to the line of

Question answered
to a great extent.
Content adequately
38–39 36–37 34–35 30–33 28–29
covered and

Question is
recognisable in
answer. 30–33 28–29 26–27
Some omissions or
irrelevant content

Content selection
does relate to the
question, but does
not answer it, or does 26–27 24–25 20–23
not always relate to
the question.
Omissions in

inadequately 20–23 18–19 14–17
Sparse content.

addressed or not at
14–17 0–13
all. Inadequate or
irrelevant content.

*Guidelines for allocating a mark for Level 1:

 Question not addressed at all/totally irrelevant content/no attempt to structure the essay = 0
 Content selection includes basic and generally irrelevant information; no attempt to structure the essay = 1–6
 Question inadequately addressed and vague; little attempt to structure the essay = 7–13

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WAR IN 1945?

1.1.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1A - L1]
 'administrative'
 'monetary (financial)’
 'productive machinery' (3 x 1) (3)

1.1.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1A – L2]

 The damage caused by the Second World War/Greek Civil War
 Greece was economically and politically in chaos
 The plundering of resources/infrastructure in Greece by occupation forces
 Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)

1.1.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1A – L1]

 'to provide the occupation forces and their government with the means of
payments needed for their respective operations' (1 x 2) (2)

1.1.4 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1A – L2]

 To assist in the rehabilitation of the Greek economy
 To prevent Greece from falling into the hands of the communists/
Containment Policy
 To ensure that capitalism/Marshall Plan/Truman Doctrine reigns over
 Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)

1.2.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1B – L1]
 'Greek Civil War' (1 x 2) (2)

1.2.2 [Explanation of a historical concept from Source 1B – L2]

 Greek nationals who with the support of the Soviet bloc, challenged and
attempted to take over the Greek government
 Greek nationals who adopted communism and rebelled against the Greek
government because of deteriorated economic conditions after the Second
World War
 Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)

1.2.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1B – L1]

 'equipment'
 'training' (1 x 2) (2)

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1.3.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1C – L1]
 ‘industrious (hard-working) country'
 'peace loving country'
 'had ‘suffered invasion, four years of cruel enemy occupation, and bitter
internal strife'
 'The Germans had destroyed the nation's infrastructure … and burned
more than a thousand villages'
 ‘Eighty-five per cent of the children were tubercular’
 ‘Livestock, poultry, and draft (domestic) animals had almost disappeared’
 ‘Inflation had wiped out practically all savings’
 ‘The militant minority had chosen to exploit the situation’ (any 3 x 1) (3)

1.3.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1C – L2]

 The Greek government was unable to provide proper health facilities to
protect the vulnerable citizens like children
 Food security was compromised by broken infrastructure
 Civil war in Greece destroyed its economy and health system
 Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)

1.3.3 [Definition of a historical concept from Source 1C – L1]

 A war between people of the same country, nationality or region based on
different ideas
 Any other relevant response (1 x 2) (2)

1.3.4 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1C – L2]

 To convince the Congress and American citizens that Greek elections
were credible, free and fair
 To justify support for Greece
 To ensure that Congress finds no grounds to reject the request to assist
 Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)

1.4 [Comparison of Sources 1B and 1C to ascertain similarities – L3]

 Both sources refer to the bitter internal struggle/the Greek Civil War
 Both sources refer to the economic collapse/devastation of the Greek
 Both sources refer to social impact of the Greek Civil War
 Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)

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1.5.1 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1D – L2]
 Greece was a focal point of Cold War tensions between the USA and the
Soviet Union in 1947
 The Soviet Union and the USA clashed over Greece due to their ambitions
for ideological domination
 The Greek government was helpless and vulnerable to the Cold War
between USA and the Soviet Union
 Greece could be taken over by the communists, the Soviet train is bigger
and longer
 Greece (fear on the face) is looking at USA for assistance
 Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)

1.5.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1D – L2]

(a) The USA/America (1 x 2) (2)

(b) The USSR/Soviet Union/Russia (1 x 2) (2)

1.5.3 [Determining the limitations of Source 1D – L3]

 It is only a view of the cartoonist
 It belittles the presence of the USA in Greece by showing only a piece of
the head of its train while the USSR is depicted as dominant
 Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)

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1.6 [Interpretation, evaluation and synthesis from relevant sources – L3]

Candidates could include the following aspects in their response

 During the Second World War years, Greek economy deteriorated

(Source 1A)
 The damage caused by the Second World War destroyed its economy
making Greece vulnerable for Cold War protagonists (Source 1A)
 The occupation forces impoverished Greece by taking away its
commodities. (Source 1A)
 The civil war in Greece invited foreign ideological intervention as a pretext
for rebuilding the country (Own knowledge)
 Greece Civil War started at the end of the Second World War (Source 1B)
 Both the capitalists and the communists were actively involved in the
Greek Civil War (Sources 1B and 1C)
 President Truman (USA) offered equipment and training to the Greek
national army (Source 1B)
 Communists in Greece received support from USSR and Yugoslavia
(Source 1B)
 America's President Truman asked for funds from Congress to assist
Greece against a militant minority influenced by communists (Source 1C)
 The Soviet Union denied being involved in the Greek conflict (Own
 The USA and the Soviet Union presence in Greece was a threat to its
existence (Source 1D)
 Any other relevant response

Use the following rubric to allocate marks:

 Uses evidence in an elementary manner, e.g. shows no or little
understanding of how Greece became a focal point in Cold War
LEVEL 1 tensions between the United States of America (USA) and the Soviet
Union at the end of the Second World War in 1945.
 Uses evidence partially or cannot write a paragraph.
 Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to a great extent on the topic, e.g.
shows some understanding of how Greece became a focal point in
LEVEL 2 Cold War tensions between the United States of America (USA) and
the Soviet Union at the end of the Second World War in 1945.
 Uses evidence in a very basic manner to write a paragraph.
 Uses relevant evidence, e.g. demonstrates a thorough understanding
of how Greece became a focal point in Cold War tensions between
the United States of America (USA) and the Soviet Union at the end MARKS
of the Second World War in 1945. 6–8
 Uses evidence very effectively in an organised paragraph that shows an
understanding of the topic.

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2.1.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2A - L1]
 'July 1987'
 'when Angolan government forces, … FAPLA under the guidance of Soviet
military officers, attempted to advance on Savimbi's UNITA stronghold at
Mavinga' (any 1 x 2) (2)

2.1.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2A - L1]

 ‘People's Armed Forces of Liberation of Angola (FAPLA)’
 ‘National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA)’
 ‘South African Defence Force (SADF)’
 ‘Cuban troops’ (any 2 x 1) (2)

2.1.3 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2A – L2]

 To destroy UNITA army bases situated there
 It was a gateway to Jamba, the UNITA headquarters
 To liberate the town from the control of UNITA/legitimise control by FAPLA
 To destroy UNITA supply routes from Namibia through the airstrip used by
the SADF
 Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)

2.1.4 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2A – L2]

 To come to the rescue of the Angolan government which was threatened
by the SADF's presence in Angola
 To support FAPLA forces against SADF
 It was part of Cuba's policy of revolutionary internationalism and of
pledging solidarity with African countries
 To defend the Marxist-Communist ideology embraced by the MPLA
 Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)

2.2.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2B – L1]
 'Politburo'
 'Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR)'
 'Ministry of Interior (MININT)' (any 2 x 1) (2)

2.2.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2B – L1]

 'One armed brigade'
 'Several self-propelled air-to-air missile (AA missile) units including
surface- to-air missiles (SAM-8s)'
 'One rapid response unit'
 'Contingent (group) of the MININT Special Forces' (any 2 x 1) (2)

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2.2.3 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2B – L2]

 It provided Cuba (Castro) an opportunity to fight South Africa (SADF)
before withdrawing from Angola
 SADF-UNITA assaults should be defeated and Namibe-Lubango–
Menongue line defended
 To maintain a policy of revolutionary internationalism
 To defend Socialism/Communism/to challenge Capitalism
 To show solidarity with the MPLA (Angolan government)
 It changed the political landscape in southern Africa – accelerated the
liberation of Namibia
 Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)

2.2.4 [Explanation of a historical term from Source 2B – L2]

 A SADF military operation surrounding the town of Cuito Cuanavale to cut
supplies with the aim of having enemy forces (FAPLA and Cuban soldiers)
 Any other relevant response (1 x 2) (2)

2.2.5 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2B – L1]

 'The SADF operated free of Cuban interference in the area for nearly eight
years, and would provide both sides with an alternative theatre for the
bloody climax of the war' (1 x 2) (2)

2.3.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2C – L1]
 'To halt FAPLA's attack to defeat UNITA in Angola'
 'To destroy FAPLA east of the Cuito River or, failing to accomplish that, at
least push FAPLA west of that linear water obstacle' (2 x 1) (2)

2.3.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2C – L2]

 If Operation Modular succeeded, South Africa would have significant
advantage in negotiations for independence of Namibia
 Negotiations between parties would lead to an amicable resolution of the
military conflict
 Breakthrough was reached when Cuba withdrew from Angola with South
Africa withdrawing from South West Africa, leading to the subsequent
independence of Namibia
 Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)

2.3.3 [Definition of a concept from Source 2C – L1]

 Talks held between warring factions to resolve the conflict
 Any other relevant response (1 x 2) (2)

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2.3.4 [Determining usefulness of Source 2C – L3]

The source is USEFUL because:
 It is based on a research document by Major Jayson Williams of the
US Army
 The title of the book, Contested Narratives: …, suggest a balanced
overview of Cuban and South Africa's involvement in the Angolan civil war
 The information can be corroborated by evidence from Sources 2A, 2B
and 2D in terms of the involvement of foreign powers
 It reveals the reasons for the involvement of South Africa in the Battle of
Cuito Cuanavale through Operation Modular
 It highlights conditions leading to the independence of Namibia
 Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)

2.4.1 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2D – L2]
 It depicts foreign powers such as USA and South Africa pledging their
support to UNITA in defence of their capitalistic ideologies
 USA and South Africa befriended UNITA hoping to install a pro-Western
capitalist government in Angola to further their interests
 It suggests the withdrawal of Cuban forces from Angola
 Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)

2.4.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2D – L2]

 The USA, South Africa and UNITA worked together during the Angolan
conflict because they saw Soviet and Cuban involvement as part of a
communist plan to dominate southern Africa
 Their common purpose was to block Soviet expansion into the
 They wanted the withdrawal of Cubans from Angola
 They were all bound by an ideology of capitalism
 Any other relevant resources (any 1 x 2) (2)

2.5 [Comparison of evidence from Sources 2C and 2D to ascertain how they

support each other - L3]
 In Source 2C reference is made of South Africa intervening in the Angolan
civil war to save its ally (UNITA) and in Source 2D PW Botha (SA) is seen
with Savimbi (UNITA) as part of the 'Three Amigos'
 In Source 2C reference is made of Operation Modular directed at stopping
the Soviet backed FAPLA offensive and in Source 2D the 'Three Amigos'
represent an anti-Soviet backed FAPLA offensive
 Source 2C highlights that Operation Modular could give South Africa an
advantage to solve the deadlock over Angola – SWA/Namibia conflict and
in Source 2D the 'Three Amigos' are seen standing over Namibia
 Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)

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2.6 [Interpretation, evaluation and synthesis of evidence from relevant sources –

Candidates could include the following aspects in their response.
 Battle of Cuito Cuanavale started in 1987 due to Soviet backing FAPLA's
intentions to seize the UNITA headquarters of Jamba (Source 2A)
 Skirmishes between UNITA and FAPLA took place at the Lomba River
with South Africa coming to UNITA's rescue (Source 2A)
 Cuba intervened and helped defend Cuito Cuanavale when SADF and
UNITA nearly overran FAPLA (Source 2A)
 Cuban launched Operation Maniobra XXXI Aniversario to defend Cuito
Cuanavale against the SADF and UNITA (Source 2B)
 Castro was willing to engage South Africa during the siege of Cuito
Cuanavale to prevent the fall of Menongue (Source 2B)
 Castro sent reinforcements to Lubango to prepare for a move into south
west Angola threatening the SADF who operated freely in this area
(Source 2B)
 South Africa got involved in the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale through
Operation Modular to save its ally UNITA against the Soviet-Angolan
offensive (Source 2C)
 SADF wanted to destroy FAPLA east of the Cuito River to create space for
UNITA in order to defend itself against future attacks from FAPLA
(Source 2C)
 Operation Modular could lead to military success for South Africa which in
turn could open up the way for negotiations with the MPLA government
(Source 2C)
 Foreign powers such as the USA and South Africa got involved in Angola
to help their ally UNITA to fight against communism (Source 2D)
 Ceasefire was reached that Cuba withdraw its troops from Angola with
South Africa withdrawing from South West Africa (own knowledge)
 Any other relevant response
Use the following rubric to allocate marks:
 Uses evidence in an elementary manner, e.g. shows no or
little understanding of why foreign powers became
LEVEL 1 involved in Angola during the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale
in the 1980s.
 Uses evidence partially or cannot write a paragraph.
 Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to a great extent on
the topic, e.g. shows an understanding of why foreign
LEVEL 2 powers became involved in Angola during the Battle of
Cuito Cuanavale in the 1980s.
 Uses evidence in a very basic manner to write a paragraph.
 Uses relevant evidence, e.g. demonstrates a thorough
understanding of why foreign powers became involved
in Angola during the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale in the MARKS
1980s. 6–8
 Uses evidence very effectively in an organised paragraph
that shows an understanding of the topic.

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3.1.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3A – L1]
 'Years of bigotry (racism)'
 'discrimination'
 'intimidation' (3 x 1) (3)

3.1.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 3A – L2]

 He was the leader and face of the Civil Rights Movement
 He stood as a pillar and model of non-violent protest
 He had successfully led and supported other forms of protests which
contributed to ending segregation
 His participation and presence in the march would bring national and
international publicity showing how the African Americans demanded a
right to vote in a non-violent protest
 He had influence and support from all Americans, blacks and whites who
believed in equality and supported the cause for the march
 Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)

3.1.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3A – L1]

 ‘when police killed Jimmie Lee Jackson …’
 ‘Outraged by this latest police act of violence … in protest and honour of
Jackson' (any 1 x 2) (2)

3.1.4 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 3A – L2]

 The marchers were aware that they would have to march for around 80 km
(40–50 miles)
 The activists knew that the police would continue to attack as they had
previously done
 They believed that the non-violent forms of protest, had not achieved much
 The activists knew that they could be attacked by the supremacists and
would not get any protection from the police or achieve their goals
 Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)

3.1.5 [Definition of a historical concept in own words from Source 3A – L1]

 One who believes that people of different races should be kept apart in all
aspects of life
 A person who enforces the laws that separate people based on the belief
that the whites are superior and the blacks are inferior
 Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)

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3.2.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3B – L1]
 'It was a very peaceful orderly protest' (1 x 2) (2)
3.2.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Sources 3B – L2]
 He did not have compassion for the marchers
 He strictly applied strict orders
 He believed in the use of force to discourage the activists from marching
 He supported police brutality/aggression/violence
 He was racist (upholding Jim Crow Laws)
 Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.2.3 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 3B - L2]
 He felt that he might die at that moment and would not be able to
participate in other demonstrations
 He realised that the demonstrations or marches exposed them to danger
 Any other relevant response (1 x 2) (2)
3.2.4 [Assessing reliability of Source 3B – L3]
The source is RELIABLE because:
 It is an eye-witness account by Reverend James Bevel
 It reflects Reverend James Bevel as a SCLC strategist for the First March
from Selma to Montgomery
 Reverend James Bevel was an activist who took part in the march and
witnessed the police brutality during the First Selma to Montgomery March
 The source is based on the 7 March 1965 horrific event that took place on
the Edmund Pettus Bridge, this is validated/corroborated by other historical
sources (Sources 3A, 3C and 3D)
 Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.3.1 [Interpretation of information from Source 3C - L2]
 To show how the police used force to stop the marchers on 7 March 1965
 To show where the protestors were stopped by the police – at the Edmund
Pettus Bridge
 For publicity - in sympathy with the cause of the activists
 To expose police brutality
 Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.3.2 [Interpretation of information from Source 3C - L2]
 The First Selma to Montgomery March was not authorised (was illegal)
 The state still applied segregatory laws and reacted strongly against civil
rights protestors
 The culture of police brutality against African Americans and their
sympathisers still prevailed
 To stop protestors from getting permission for voter registration
 Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)

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3.4.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3D – L1]
 'To promote black voter registration'
 'To protest the killing of a young black man, Jimmie Lee Jackson' (2 x 1) (2)
3.4.2 [Explanation of a historical term from Source 3D – L2]
 Civil Rights activists who peacefully challenged existing laws in the USA
by participating in the First March from Selma to Montgomery
 Civil Rights activists who decided to march from Selma to Montgomery to
demand voting rights
 Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)
3.4.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3D – L1]
 'The first 10 or 20 Negroes were swept to the ground, screaming, arms
and legs flying'
 'packs and bags went skittering across the grassy divider strip and to the
top of the pavement on both sides'
 'the state troopers continued pushing, using both the force of their bodies
and the prodding of their nightsticks'
 ‘Those still on their feet retreated’
 'They fired teargas at the crowd'
 'They charged on horseback'
 'More than 50 demonstrators were injured'
 'Negroes lay on the floors and chairs, many weeping and moaning'
 'A girl in red slacks was carried from the house screaming'
 ‘Amelia Boynton lay semiconscious on a table’
 'Victims had suffered fractures of ribs, heads, arms and legs, in addition
to cuts and bruises
 ‘A photo of Mrs Boynton lying unconscious on the bridge became the
most enduring image of the day’ (any 3 x 1) (3)
3.4.4 [Interpretation of information from Source 3D - L2]
 The Civil Rights Movement received a lot of sympathy and wide support
 It exposed police brutality while legitimising civil rights activities
 It strengthened their struggle against segregation
 Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)
3.5 [Comparison of evidence in Sources 3C and 3D to ascertain how they support
each other – L3]
 Both sources confirm that the State Troopers waited for the demonstrators
at the Edmund Pettus Bridge
 Both sources confirm police brutality (police shown charging at
demonstrators in Source 3C and reference made to State Troopers
charging at demonstrators in Source 3D)
 Both sources confirm that marchers were injured (fallen down in Source
3C and reference to more than 50 injured in Source 3D)
 In Source 3C the police are wearing gas masks to protect themselves from
the harmful gas and Source 3D explains how the teargas was used by the
police during the demonstration affected the demonstrators
 Source 3C depicts the attack on demonstrators by State troopers and
Source 3D indicate that many were hospitalised
 Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
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3.6 [Interpretation, evaluation and synthesis of evidence from relevant sources -

Candidates could include the following aspects in their response.
 Segregatory laws left many African Americans disenfranchised
(Source 3A)
 The civil rights activists planned to march from Selma to Montgomery on
7 March 1965 to protest against the exclusion of the African from the voter
registration (Source 3A)
 Martin Luther was not available to lead the planned Selma to Montgomery
march so that it could be more significant
 The segregationist George Wallace and police Sheriff, Jim Clark always
attacked the protestors (Source 3A)
 The marches were always at high risk, if the segregationists attacked the
protestors the police would not protect them/protestors experienced abuse
by troopers (Own knowledge)
 The first march from Selma - Montgomery on 7 March 1965 was stopped
by the state troopers, leaving several activists injured and hospitalised
(Sources 3B and 3D)
 Some of the whites (supremacists and segregationists) did not support the
march, they were either bystanders or encouraged the police to stop the
protests (Own knowledge)
 Protestors always had to dress up warmly and carry a bag of essentials
when they joined the marches because they could be arrested and sent to
jail (Own knowledge)
 Harmful objects like bats and teargas were used to disperse the protestors
(Sources 3C and 3D)
 The seriously injured protestors were taken to a local makeshift hospital
(Source 3D)
 There was no immediate reaction from government to condemn the police
brutality or show support for those that had been injured on the Bloody
Sunday (Own knowledge)
 Any other relevant response

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Use the following rubric to allocate marks:

 Uses evidence in an elementary manner e.g. shows no or
little understanding of the challenges experienced by
LEVEL 1 civil rights activists who participated in the first march MARKS 0 – 2
from Selma to Montgomery in 1965.
 Uses evidence partially or cannot write a paragraph.
 Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to a great extent on
the topic e.g. shows an understanding of the challenges
LEVEL 2 experienced by civil rights activists who participated in MARKS 3 – 5
the first march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965.
 Uses evidence in a very basic manner to write a paragraph.
 Uses relevant evidence e.g. demonstrates a thorough
understanding of the challenges experienced by civil
rights activists who participated in in the first march
from Selma to Montgomery in 1965.
 Uses evidence very effectively in an organised paragraph
that shows an understanding of the topic.

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[Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical
and interpretative skills]

Candidates should explain whether they agree or disagree that the tactics used by the
USA against the Vietcong could not help to defeat the Vietcong during the Vietnamese
war. In agreeing with the statement, they need to explain how the tactics failed. If the
candidates disagree with the statement they need to substantiate their line of argument
with relevant historical evidence.

Candidates should include the following aspects in their response:
 Introduction: Candidates should take a stance by indicating whether they agree or
disagree that the tactics used by the USA against the Vietcong could not help to
defeat the Vietcong during the Vietnamese war. They should also provide an outline
of how they would support their line of argument.

Focus on the strategies used by both the USA and the Vietcong.
 Conditions immediately before the war:
o The division of Vietnam and the formation of the Vietcong
o Reasons for USA involvement: containment and domino theory
 USA's first intervention in South Vietnam was to send weapons and military
advisors between 1957 and 1965 – first phase  against the Vietcong (Vietnamese
 Ho Chi Minh Trail was used by the Vietminh (communist guerrillas from North
Vietnam) to support the Vietcong – Helped to supply the Vietcong with food and
 USA used their resources to introduce 'Safe Village' policy/Hamlet
strategy/Villagisation – trying to isolate/separate guerrillas from villagers (1963)
 Safe village policy failed because the Vietcong operated inside villages
 The Gulf of Tonkin incident and resolution (1964)
 The USA relied on modern technology for a conventional war
 USA sent 3 500 marines on 8 March 1965 and ground troops to Vietnam/
conventional military strategy were confused by guerrilla tactics
 Operation Ranch Hand (1962 – 1971) – use of chemical defoliants (Agent Orange
to destroy the forest) and Agent Blue (to destroy agricultural products and food to
weaken the Vietcong)
 Use of chemical weapons made USA unpopular and many countries condemned
the USA
 President Johnson introduced Operation Rolling Thunder in March 1965 hoping to
eliminate the Vietcong in a matter of weeks
 Guerrilla warfare by the Vietminh and Vietcong (difficulty in separating guerrillas
from villagers – farmers/peasants)
 Vietcong responded with the Tet Offensive (1968) – successful surprised attacks on
100 cities controlled by the USA

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 Number of USA soldiers killed increased – led to anti-war demonstrations

 Highly effective use of guerrilla tactics by the Vietcong
 USA sent young and inexperienced soldiers to Vietnam – modern weapons could
not assist due to inexperience of young USA soldiers
 USA used modern weapons for search and destroy missions (My Lai massacre) to
destroy villages supported by Vietcong
 This resulted in large numbers of civilian deaths – which called for more support for
the Vietcong
 USA atrocities and My Lai massacre (March 1968) turned public opinion against
the war
 North Vietnam received military support from the USSR and China so the
Vietminh and Vietcong also had access to some modern weapons
 Guerrilla warfare was effectively used by the Vietcong, supported by Vietminh from
the north and used tactics such as booby traps, underground tunnels, hit and run,
 The Vietcong increased its support base because of the tactics used against the
USA soldiers
 The Vietnamese were united in the defence of their country
 Vietnamisation: President Nixon came up with the policy of strategic withdrawal
from Vietnam. Also called WHAM (Winning the Hearts and Minds of the
Vietnamese) signalled the failure of USA to stop Vietnam from becoming a
communist state and its subsequent withdrawal
 USA withdrew all troops by 1973 (President Nixon had signed the Paris Peace
Accords on 27 January 1973 – ending USA involvement in the Vietnam war
 North Vietnam took control of Saigon in 1975
 The spirit of fighting and defending their country gave birth to determination that
triumphed over modern weapons used by the USA
 Vietnam was united under communist control
 Any other relevant response

 Conclusion: Candidates should tie up their argument with a relevant conclusion.


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[Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical
and interpretative skills]

Candidates should critically discuss whether Mobutu Sese Seko’s political and
economic policies introduced by the newly independent Congo in the early 1960s were
welcomed by all the Congolese. They should support their line of argument with

Candidates should include the following aspects in their response:
 Introduction: Candidates should take a stance by critically discussing whether
Mobutu Sese Seko’s political and economic policies introduced by the newly
independent Congo in the early 1960s were welcomed by all the Congolese. They
should indicate how they intend to support their line of argument.


Political policies
 Colonial legacies: (as background information)
o Paternalism – Congolese were treated as children – with no responsibility in
administration or representation of the government;
o Belgium did not prepare for the proper transition of a new leadership take over
 Congo became independent on 30 June 1960 with Joseph Kasavubu as President
and Patrice Lumumba as Prime Minister. Kasavubu preferred that Congo be a
federal state while Lumumba was for a strong centralised national
government/Lumumba also in conflict with Moise Tshombe
 The newly independent Congo started with lots of political instability, e.g. Tshombe
focused on secession of Katanga for its own independence – a sign for the need of
strong political policies
 Mobutu seized power from Kasavubu through a coup d'état in 1965 (ambitious)
 He applied authoritarianism to achieve political stability
 In 1967 Mobutu managed to stop the Katanga rebellion and gave his country a new
constitution as a one party-state under his party, the Popular Movement for the
Revolution (MPR)
 Congo became a one-party state within the first five years after gaining
independence with all opposition suppressed (authoritarian) – not welcomed by the
 Mobutu developed a personality cult (Mobutuism) (poor leadership) – self-centred
learnership – not welcomed by the Congolese
 Mobutuism made Congo an autocratic state under himself as a military dictator
(poor leadership) – not welcomed by the Congolese
 He was supported by the USA because he was seen as anti-communist ally –
continuing colonial domination
 He created a strong centralised government and controlled all appointments,
promotions and the allocation of government revenue – led to nepotism - not
welcomed by the Congolese

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 He introduced a policy of Zaireanisation, a policy that replaced skilled foreigners or

those occupying strategic management positions with the unskilled locals – which
led to maladministration and mismanagement in political leadership roles
 Any other relevant response
Economic policies
 Colonial legacies: (as background information)
o Exploitation – Belgian prosperity based on exploitation of cotton; rubber
plantations; and mines (copper, tin & diamond) by colonial companies; Profits
from minerals (mines) based on exploitation of Congolese workers
o At independence Congo was considered most prosperous but with the
economic wealth owned by foreign owners
 Mobutu inherited: a capitalist economy (from Belgium)
 Economy in the hands of white settlers and foreigners
 An economy rich in natural resources: copper, cobalt, diamonds, and other
materials which was based on foreign investment
 He introduced nationalisation: Mobutu nationalised the country's copper mining
industry and used profits from copper industry to finance his 10-year
industrialisation plan (appearing pro-Congolese at face value)
 Nationalised foreign owned companies without compensation (appearing pro-
Congolese at face value)
 Foreign companies placed under control of his allies and family members – not
welcomed by the Congolese
 Introduced Zaireanisation (replacing foreigners with Zairian nationals) (good
leadership – empowering locals and reversing paternalism)
 Zaireanisation led to corruption, nepotism, theft and mismanagement – not
welcomed by the Congolese
 The economy was characterised by nepotism and elitism (Created big gap between
the elite and ordinary citizens/rich and poor) (poor leadership) not welcomed by the
 Weak economic policies led to the decline in the state of infrastructure such as
roads etc. – affected Congolese negatively not welcomed by the Congolese
 Mobutu created a kleptocracy – wherein a group of appointed public officials
abused their position for financial gain (corruption – not welcomed by the Congolese
 Mobutu was forced to introduce Retrocession (return of foreign owners)
(ineffectiveness of Zaireanisation) – failed policy not welcomed by the Congolese
 Very few foreign owners returned
 Congo's economy collapsed (poor economic policies) – negative impact on
Congolese not welcomed by the Congolese
 Congo became dependent on foreign aid and investment, e.g. from the World Bank
– remain under colonial influence not welcomed by the Congolese
 Mobutu remained as 'president for life' until his death in 2007 - not welcomed by the
 Any other relevant response
 Conclusion: Candidates should tie their argument with a relevant conclusion. [50]

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[Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical
and interpretative skills]

Candidates need to explain to what extent the Black Power philosophy instilled
confidence amongst African Americans to challenge discrimination in the United States
of America (USA) from the 1960s to 1970s. They should support their line of argument
with relevant historical evidence.

Candidates should include the following aspects in their response:
 Introduction: Candidates should take a stance by indicating to what extent the Black
Power philosophy instilled confidence amongst African Americans to challenge
discrimination in the United States of America (USA) from the 1960s to 1970s. They
should also provide an outline of how they will support their line of argument.

 Conditions in the USA: (Background information)
o African Americans still economically and politically crippled in the USA due to
discriminatory (Jim Crow) laws
o Lack of a sense of pride due to socio-economic circumstances (Lived in ghettos
and slum areas/poor housing/under-resourced facilities)
o African Americans became impatient with the slow pace of change and the
impact of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s
o African Americans subjected to police brutality – led to growth of nationalist
 Black Power philosophy advocated instilling confidence amongst African Americans
by promoting a sense of: assertiveness; self-reliance; black pride; control of politics
in their own communities (advocated by Stockley Carmichael); African Americans
to protect themselves against police brutality; African Americans to seek freedom
from White authority; promotion of Afro hairstyle and African clothing and coined
the slogan 'Black is beautiful' (succeeded in eliminating inferiority complex)
 1966 Bobby Searle and Huey Newton formed the Black Panther Party (BPP) for
Self-Defence – against police brutality (succeeded in encouraging African
Americans to be assertive and instilled confidence)
 BPP's Ten Point Plan would instil confidence amongst African Americans social,
political and economic goals that were formulated for the upliftment of the African
American community
 The Black Panther Party ran feeding schemes, childcare and literacy projects in
Black communities - the feeding schemes eradicated hunger amongst the youth
and improved learning in schools (instilled confidence)
 BPP literacy projects eradicated illiteracy amongst the African American
communities (instilled confidence)
 BPP childcare projects took care of medical needs of African Americans in black
communities (instilled confidence)

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 BPP members patrolled the streets to monitor police activities (police the police)
and defend themselves against police brutality – sign of confidence based on
human rights (instilled confidence)
 BPP demanded that African Americans history must be taught in black schools –
self acceptance and removing inferiority complex (instilled confidence)
 Malcolm X promoted armed self-defence against white oppression (instilled
 He argued that bloodshed was necessary for revolution (black nationalism) and
advocated for self-respect and self-discipline (instilled confidence)
 Promoted the concept of 'Black Pride' (self-esteem/self-respect/self-help) (instilled
 Encouraged African Americans to stand up and challenge white American
authorities in pursuit of freedom, justice and equality by whatever means possible
(instilled confidence)
 Supported the use of violence as a means of self-defence against those who
attacked African Americans
 Stokely Carmichael believed that the non-violent strategy failed because of ongoing
violence against African Americans
 Advocated the exclusion of white 'liberals' as a philosophy for African Americans
 He promoted the idea to split the USA into separate black and white communities
 He was against the USA's involvement in the Vietnam war
 Impact: the most obvious forms of racial discrimination ended
 Racial violence and tension declined
 African Americans were elected to public offices (instilled confidence)
 Housing and facilities of African Americans were improved (instilled confidence)
 Black literacy and dependence on state grants were limited (instilled confidence)
 Affirmative action policies for federal employment were put in place
 Any other relevant response

Conclusion: Candidates should tie up their argument with a relevant conclusion. [50]

TOTAL: 150

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