National Curriculum Framework

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National Curriculum Framework and English Language

In accordance with the Indian national policy on education, education is viewed essentially
for all. This is fundamental to the nation’s all-round development. Since the time National Policy on
Education (NPE) 1986 has been formed, efforts have been made by government to redesign and
upgrade curriculum by giving attention to the enormity and importance to the task of educating the
future of India – its children. This lead NPE (1986) to gave the responsibility of framing the National
Curriculum Framework (NCF) to National Council for Education Training and Research (NCERT).
NCF is an organized plan or set of standards or learning outcomes for making syllabus,
textbooks and teaching practices within the school education programmes in India. The NCF 2005
draws its policy from earlier government reports on education as Learning without Burden. Learning
without burden is an attempt to make learning a joyful experience and move away from textbooks and
to remove stress from children. The main questions before NCF were-‘What should be taught to the
young students? What objectives are worth pursuing for in academic education? Answers to these
questions explained that every individual must have a vision of his/her capabilities and also for the
socio-political-cultural society of India.
Every five years, the government was supposed to release a NCF that broadly highlights the
aims, objectives and learning outcomes of the syllabus for students for the next five years. However
the periodicity of 5 years was not maintained by the government and it released NCF at irregular
intervals which raised the question - Why not the government is focused on NCF till date? Just
defining a framework by government will not solve the purpose. Regular review and periodic
assessment are the need of the hour and should be followed and implemented by government. The
basic concern in the domain of education is to enable children to enhance their capabilities by
developing their potential to become self sufficient and independent in different walks of life. In today
dynamic world it becomes important to periodically assess the policies to have the desired results.
Education system and society cannot be separated from each other. The main characteristics
of Indian society’s social stratum caste, economic status and gender relations, cultural diversity as
well as the uneven economic development also deeply influence education and participation of
children in school. However NCF should also consider these diverse factors while defining the
curriculum. The above stated factors are too diverse to be considered in curriculum of NCF if regular
and periodic updates are not adopted by them. Passing on the bucks to teachers and schools is not
justified in absence of updated policies and courses by NCF.
The process of learning in school can become interesting and fruitful if we as teachers could
change our mindset that students only work is to act as receiver of education with rote learning and
the main purpose of books is to fulfil the task of evaluation through examinations from it.
Since India has multilingual, multicultural and multiethnic character so schools have adopted
Three Language Formula (TLF). It emphasized that by the time a child passes secondary level he/she
should have an adequate knowledge of these three languages by focussing on child’s mother language
for teaching learning in school (this includes tribal languages also). The multilingual character of
Indian society should be seen as a resource for the enrichment of school life. Specific activities
ensuring participation of all children (able and disabled) are essential conditions for learning by all.
The evaluation of language must not be ‘achievement’ based rather we must focus on language
‘proficiency’. For catering the daily basis need development of life skills such as critical thinking
skills, interpersonal communication skills, negotiation/ refusal skills, decision making/ problem-
solving skills, and coping and self-management skills are also very important.
English language serves as a common thread to bind diverse pearls of different ethnicities,
cultures, religions and regions by providing a common platform. English is very crucial for our
national integration as well. This is the primary reason that English is always given importance by
NCF and is included in the curriculum framework. For teaching English across the length and breadth
of India, the onus comes on to the teachers. The English teachers should be proficient and capable to
impart English language acquisition among the students. From my professional experience, I would
like to share that proper educational academic trainings from the respective educational organisations
(NCERT, NCF, etc.) were given to us and teachers were monitored and evaluated based on their
performances. Different kinds of pedagogical tools (use of ICT, newspapers, magazines, various
educational web portals, etc) was promoted and supported to be used by the teachers in the class. The
foundational role of language skills such as speech and listening, reading and writing in children
construction of knowledge should be introduced right from the elementary classes and continue at
least till senior secondary classes.
English is not just a language in Indian curriculum but it is also a medium of education as
well. English has already found its place with other Indian languages across the different states.
Irrespective of the kind of school (that is government aided schools or public/private schools)
acceptance of English as an important subject is universal in Indian states. The success of English and
its penetration across the Indian schools is an achievement from every perspective. English does has a
relation with other subjects and also with the methods and the medium of teaching in schools. This
approach has already bridged the gap between “English as a subject” and “English as a medium”.
What I would like to see as a teacher is that, a common schooling system should evolved in India
wherein English gains more importance and recognition further in “teaching as a language” and as “a
medium of instruction”.

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