Sincronizing of Two Source
Sincronizing of Two Source
Sincronizing of Two Source
When closing a circuit breaker between two energized parts of the power system, it is
crucial to match voltages on both sides of the circuit breaker before closing. If this
matching or "synchronizing" process is not done correctly, a power system
disturbance will result and equipment (including generators) can be damaged. In
order to synchronize properly, three different aspects of the voltage across the circuit
breaker must be closely monitored. The three aspects of the voltage are called the
synchronizing variables and are:
1. The voltage magnitudes
2. The frequency of the voltages
3. The phase angle difference between the voltages
1.1.1 Voltage Magnitude Synchronizing Variable
If the voltage magnitudes are not closely matched, a sudden rise in Mvar flow will
appear across the circuit breaker as it is closed. For example, if a 345 kV circuit
breaker were closed with a 20 kV difference in voltage across the open circuit
breaker, a large Mvar flow would suddenly occur upon closing. The allowable voltage
magnitude differences across the open circuit breaker are system specific. However,
for general guidance, a difference of a few percent is unlikely to cause any serious
If the frequencies on either side of an open circuit breaker are not matched prior to
closing, a sudden change in MW flow will appear across the circuit breaker as it is
closed. The sudden MW flow change is in response to the initial frequency difference
as the system seeks to establish a common frequency once the circuit breaker is
closed. The allowable frequency difference is again system specific. However, a
general guideline would be to have the frequencies within 0.1 Hz of each other prior
to closing.
The third synchronizing variable - and likely the most important of the three - is the
voltage phase angle difference. If the phase difference between the voltages on
either side of the open circuit breaker is not reduced to a small value, a large MW
flow increase will suddenly occur once the circuit breaker is closed. The voltage
phase angle difference is the difference between the zero crossings of the voltages
on either side of the open circuit breaker. Ideally, the voltage phase angle should be
as close to zero degrees as possible before closing the circuit breaker.
The system operators for the two islands will likely have to adjust generator MW
output levels (or adjust island load magnitudes) in one or both islands to achieve the
desired adjustment in frequencies and phase angles. Voltage control equipment
(reactors, capacitors, etc.) may also be used as necessary to change voltage
magnitudes to within acceptable levels.
Figure 1
Synchronizing Two Islands
1.2.2 Scenario #2: Establishing the Second Tie
Once the first transmission line is closed interconnecting the two islands, the
frequency will be the same in the two areas. Therefore, one of the three
synchronizing variables (the frequency) is no longer a factor. However, as illustrated
in Figure 2, the other two synchronizing variables must still be monitored. Generation
and/or voltage control equipment may be to be utilized to ensure the phase angle
and voltage magnitude differences are within acceptable limits prior to closing the
second circuit breaker. This process should be easier than closing the first
transmission line (Scenario #1) as frequency is no longer a factor.
Figure 2
Establishing the Second Transmission Tie
1.3.1 Synchroscope
Figure 4 illustrates a possible synchronizing system for substation breakers. Note the
use of a synch scope and a synch-check relay. Electrical contacts can be opened or
closed to rearrange the synchronizing system as desired.
Figure 4
Synchronizing System for a Substation Breaker