Operating instruction
2GHG001669 en E Released Public (Original document)
Read carefully before use. - Observe all safety instructions. - Keep for future reference.
Table of Contents
1 Common ............................................................................... 22
1.1 Contact............................................................................................................................. 22
1.2 Metal-enclosed gas insulated switchgear ........................................................................ 23
1.2.1 Advantages of the GIS technology .................................................................................. 23
1.2.2 General structure of a GIS ............................................................................................... 23
1.2.3 General structure of the components............................................................................... 24
1.3 Safety instructions............................................................................................................ 27
1.3.1 Intended use of equipment .............................................................................................. 27
1.3.2 Safety on the job .............................................................................................................. 29
1.3.3 Electrical safety................................................................................................................ 30
1.3.4 Pressurized parts ............................................................................................................. 33
1.3.5 Working with insulating gas ............................................................................................. 33
1.3.6 Safety aspects during operation and maintenance.......................................................... 33
1.3.7 Working on operating mechanisms.................................................................................. 34
1.3.8 Hot temperatures ............................................................................................................. 35
1.3.9 Internal fault in gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear ............................................... 35
1.4 Gas pressures.................................................................................................................. 36
1.4.1 Filling and signal pressure ............................................................................................... 36
1.4.2 Maintenance pressure ..................................................................................................... 38
1.4.3 Temperature dependency of gas pressures .................................................................... 39
1.5 Gashandling..................................................................................................................... 40
1.5.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 41
1.5.2 Measures during work on gas compartments .................................................................. 41
1.5.3 Examples ......................................................................................................................... 44
1.5.4 Safety measures insulating gas ....................................................................................... 49
1.5.5 Evacuation of the gas compartments............................................................................... 50
1.5.6 Filling the gas compartments with SF6 ............................................................................ 55
1.5.7 Measurement of moisture contents.................................................................................. 58
1.5.8 Purification of contaminated SF6 ..................................................................................... 62
1.6 Sulphur hexafluoride ........................................................................................................ 65
1.6.1 Properties......................................................................................................................... 66
1.6.2 SF6-Inventory .................................................................................................................. 67
1.6.3 Decomposition products .................................................................................................. 67
1.7 Notes on product manual................................................................................................. 69
1.7.1 Copyright.......................................................................................................................... 69
1.7.2 Warranty .......................................................................................................................... 69
1.7.3 Structure of the product manual....................................................................................... 69
1.7.4 Additional information ...................................................................................................... 70
1.7.5 Typographical designations ............................................................................................. 70
2 Transport .............................................................................. 72
2.1 Transport.......................................................................................................................... 72
2.1.1 Packaging ........................................................................................................................ 72
2.1.2 Shipping ........................................................................................................................... 74
2.1.3 Inspections....................................................................................................................... 75
2.1.4 Irregularities ..................................................................................................................... 75
2.1.5 Standards and regulations ............................................................................................... 76
2.2 Storage ............................................................................................................................ 77
2.2.1 Packing ............................................................................................................................ 77
2.2.2 Storage requirements ...................................................................................................... 77
3 Installation ...................................................................... 86
3.1 Installation of the GIS.............................................................................................. 86
3.1.1 Preparation of the installation area ......................................................................... 86
3.1.2 Cleaning.................................................................................................................. 87
3.1.3 Flange connections................................................................................................. 88
3.1.4 Tightening torque for bolts ...................................................................................... 89
3.1.5 Filling of gas compartments .................................................................................... 89
3.2 Conversion tables ................................................................................................... 90
3.3 Outdoor installation ................................................................................................. 92
3.3.1 Operating mechanisms and terminal boxes............................................................ 92
3.3.2 Outdoor flange connections .................................................................................... 92
3.4 Earthing................................................................................................................... 95
3.4.1 Dimensioning .......................................................................................................... 97
3.4.2 Installation of the GIS Earthing ............................................................................... 98
3.4.3 Local control cubicles.............................................................................................. 99
3.4.4 Insulating gas to air bushings ................................................................................. 99
3.4.5 Surge arresters ..................................................................................................... 100
3.4.6 Cable terminations ................................................................................................ 100
3.5 Bay coupling ......................................................................................................... 101
3.5.1 Fixing the base frame by means of adjustment screws ........................................ 102
3.5.2 Fixing the base frame by means of fill plates........................................................ 102
3.5.3 Coupling of bays ................................................................................................... 103
4 Commissioning ............................................................. 113
4.1 Tests prior to commissioning ................................................................................ 113
4.1.1 Tools for on-site tests............................................................................................ 114
4.1.2 Inspection after transport ...................................................................................... 115
4.1.3 Measurement of voltage drop ............................................................................... 115
4.1.4 Check of gas density monitors / gas density sensors ........................................... 115
4.1.5 Check of gas tightness.......................................................................................... 115
4.1.6 Dew point measurement ....................................................................................... 116
4.1.7 Visual inspection ................................................................................................... 116
4.1.8 Mechanical functional tests of the switching devices............................................ 116
4.1.9 On-site test of the local control cubicle ................................................................. 116
4.2 High-voltage tests ................................................................................................. 117
4.2.1 Performance of the test......................................................................................... 117
4.2.2 Connection of the test set ..................................................................................... 120
5 Maintenance ................................................................. 126
5.1 Maintenance of the GIS ........................................................................................ 126
5.2 Adsorber pack size 114 ........................................................................................ 127
5.2.1 Functional description ........................................................................................... 128
5.2.2 Replacement of the adsorber pack (indoor variant).............................................. 128
5.2.3 Replacement of the adsorber pack (outdoor variant)............................................ 130
5.2.4 Replacement of the adsorber pack of bursting disk with 90° deflector .......................... 132
5.3 Disposal of GIS .............................................................................................................. 134
5.3.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 134
5.3.2 Information on disposal.................................................................................................. 134
5.3.3 Information about material content of GIS components................................................. 135
6 Control cubicle.................................................................... 136
6.1 Control cubicle - Description .......................................................................................... 136
6.1.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 136
6.1.2 Integrated control cubicle............................................................................................... 138
6.1.3 Separate control cubicle ................................................................................................ 140
6.1.4 Separate control cubicle for outdoor applicaton............................................................. 141
6.1.5 Wiring system ................................................................................................................ 142
6.1.6 Power demand............................................................................................................... 143
6.1.7 Heat balance.................................................................................................................. 145
6.1.8 Delivery .......................................................................................................................... 147
6.1.9 Mounting ........................................................................................................................ 147
6.1.10 Fiber optic cable............................................................................................................. 148
6.2 Control cubicle - Conventional control ........................................................................... 151
6.2.1 Equipment and functional description ............................................................................ 151
6.2.2 Control panel.................................................................................................................. 157
6.2.3 Operating elements........................................................................................................ 158
6.2.4 Display elements............................................................................................................ 161
6.2.5 Counter .......................................................................................................................... 162
6.2.6 Normal operation ........................................................................................................... 162
6.2.7 Emergency operation..................................................................................................... 164
6.2.8 Alarm signaling .............................................................................................................. 166
6.3 Control cubicle - Interlocking.......................................................................................... 169
6.3.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 169
6.3.2 Structure ........................................................................................................................ 169
6.3.3 Single busbar, line ......................................................................................................... 170
6.3.4 Single busbar, transformer............................................................................................. 171
6.3.5 Single busbar, longitudinal coupling .............................................................................. 172
6.3.6 Single busbar, earthing .................................................................................................. 172
6.3.7 Single busbar, single longitudinal sectionalizing and busbar earthing........................... 173
6.3.8 Single busbar, double longitudinal sectionalizing and busbar earthing ......................... 173
6.3.9 Double busbar, line ........................................................................................................ 174
6.3.10 Double busbar, transformer ........................................................................................... 175
6.3.11 Double busbar, coupling ................................................................................................ 176
6.3.12 Double busbar, earthing................................................................................................. 176
6.3.13 Double busbar, single longitudinal sectionalizing and busbar earthing ......................... 177
6.3.14 Double busbar, double longitudinal sectionalizing and busbar earthing ........................ 178
6.3.15 Double busbar, double longitudinal sectionalizing, busbar coupler and busbar earthing
....................................................................................................................................... 179
6.3.16 Single bay, in and out .................................................................................................... 184
6.3.17 Ring feeder .................................................................................................................... 185
6.4 Control cubicle - Interlocking (triple busbar) .................................................................. 190
6.4.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 190
6.4.2 Transformer ................................................................................................................... 192
6.4.3 Reserve busbar and reserve busbar coupling ............................................................... 193
6.4.4 Outgoing feeder bay and reserve busbar ...................................................................... 194
6.4.5 Coupling......................................................................................................................... 196
6.4.6 Busbar earthing switch................................................................................................... 196
6.4.7 Sectionalizing and busbar earthing switch..................................................................... 197
7 Modules ........................................................................ 199
7.1 Circuit-breaker ...................................................................................................... 199
7.1.1 Functional description ........................................................................................... 199
7.1.2 Commissioning ..................................................................................................... 201
7.1.3 Operation .............................................................................................................. 201
7.1.4 Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 201
7.1.5 Inspection of the circuit-breaker............................................................................ 202
7.1.6 Replacement of the interrupting chamber............................................................. 204
7.1.7 Commissioning after overhaul .............................................................................. 212
7.1.8 Technical data....................................................................................................... 212
7.2 Circuit-breaker operating mechanism HMB-1.6.................................................... 216
7.2.1 Functional description ........................................................................................... 216
7.2.2 Commissioning ..................................................................................................... 218
7.2.3 Operation .............................................................................................................. 222
7.2.4 Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 222
7.2.5 Technical data....................................................................................................... 227
7.3 Controlled switching.............................................................................................. 229
7.3.1 Functional description ........................................................................................... 229
7.3.2 Operating mechanism........................................................................................... 229
7.3.3 Control unit............................................................................................................ 231
7.3.4 Commissioning ..................................................................................................... 232
7.3.5 Operation .............................................................................................................. 235
7.3.6 Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 235
7.3.7 Technical data....................................................................................................... 235
7.4 Disconnector / earthing switch .............................................................................. 236
7.4.1 Functional description ........................................................................................... 236
7.4.2 Commissioning ..................................................................................................... 241
7.4.3 Operation .............................................................................................................. 241
7.4.4 Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 249
7.4.5 Technical Data ...................................................................................................... 259
7.4.6 Operating diagram ................................................................................................ 265
7.5 Insulated maintenance earthing switch................................................................. 267
7.5.1 Functional description ........................................................................................... 267
7.5.2 Installation work for test purposes ........................................................................ 268
7.5.3 Operation .............................................................................................................. 271
7.5.4 Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 271
7.5.5 Technical data....................................................................................................... 272
7.6 Make-proof earthing switch................................................................................... 273
7.6.1 Functional description ........................................................................................... 273
7.6.2 Commissioning ..................................................................................................... 275
7.6.3 Operation .............................................................................................................. 275
7.6.4 Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 285
7.6.5 Technical data....................................................................................................... 295
7.7 Make-proof earthing switch................................................................................... 299
7.7.1 Functional description ........................................................................................... 299
7.7.2 Commissioning ..................................................................................................... 300
7.7.3 Operation .............................................................................................................. 300
7.7.4 Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 307
List of Figures
Fig. 1 Typical double busbar feeder GIS................................................................ 24
Fig. 2 Temperature influence on pressure ............................................................. 36
Fig. 3 Temperature influence on pressure ............................................................. 37
Fig. 4 Temperature influence on pressure ............................................................. 38
Fig. 5 Formulas ...................................................................................................... 39
Fig. 6 Barrier insulator fixed from one side ............................................................ 42
Fig. 7 Pressure coordination during maintenance work ......................................... 42
Fig. 8 Barrier insulator fixed from both sides.......................................................... 43
Fig. 9 Pressure coordination at vacuum or during evacuation ............................... 43
Fig. 10 Pressure coordination during maintenance work ......................................... 44
Fig. 11 Gas scheme ................................................................................................. 45
Fig. 12 Gas scheme ................................................................................................. 47
Fig. 13 Schematics evacuation of N2....................................................................... 51
Fig. 14 Schematics evacuation for SF6 ................................................................... 53
Fig. 15 Schematics for the connection between gas compartment and SF6-gas
bottle ............................................................................................................ 55
Fig. 16 Schematics for the connection between gas compartment and pressure
reservoir ....................................................................................................... 57
Fig. 17 Schematics dew point measurement ........................................................... 59
Fig. 18 Maximum permissible dew point during service life and commissioning
(measured at filling pressure)....................................................................... 60
Fig. 19 Relation between dew point and pressure ................................................... 61
Fig. 20 Schematic connection between gas compartment and pressure reservoir.. 63
Fig. 21 SF6 molecule ............................................................................................... 66
Fig. 22 Forces and stresses in transportation .......................................................... 74
Fig. 23 Storage classification ................................................................................... 78
Fig. 24 Force-time curve caused by switching process ........................................... 82
Fig. 25 Dynamic load factor α ................................................................................. 83
Fig. 26 Position of earthing terminals at the circuit-breaker base plate ................... 98
Fig. 27 Earthing of insulating gas to air bushing ...................................................... 100
Fig. 28 Removal of transport cover .......................................................................... 104
Fig. 29 Preparation of the transversal installation unit ............................................. 105
Fig. 30 Positioning the new bay ............................................................................... 106
Fig. 31 Detail drawing .............................................................................................. 106
Fig. 32 Closing the transversal installation enclosure .............................................. 108
Fig. 33 Position of compensation units and earthing bridges................................... 109
Fig. 34 Installation of compensation units ................................................................ 110
Fig. 35 Tightening long nut....................................................................................... 110
Fig. 36 Installation of earthing bridge ....................................................................... 111
Fig. 37 Loosening the blocking nut .......................................................................... 112
Fig. 38 HV-test at partly energized installation......................................................... 120
Fig. 39 Encapsulated high voltage resonance test connected to end of busbar...... 121
Fig. 40 Test bushing connected to end of busbar 520 ............................................. 122
Fig. 41 Test of high voltage cable ............................................................................ 124
Fig. 42 Adsorber pack with pressure relief device indoor ........................................ 129
Fig. 43 Adsorber pack with pressure relief device outdoor ...................................... 131
Fig. 44 Adsorber pack with pressure relief device (indoor / outdoor)....................... 133
Fig. 45 Small integrated control cubicle with control panel (left), with glass insert
and swing frame (right) ................................................................................ 138
Fig. 46 Large integrated control cubicle for ELK-04, 170 kV; ELK-04, 145 kV
EconiQ™...................................................................................................... 138
Fig. 47 Typical variants separate control cubicles (indoor application).................... 140
Fig. 48 Separate control cubicle - outdoor application ............................................. 141
Fig. 49 Example wiring system ................................................................................ 142
Fig. 50 Optical waveguide (breakout cable) with screwed cable gland.................... 149
Fig. 51 Control panel schematic diagram................................................................. 157
Fig. 52 Control panel schematic diagram - rotary switches ..................................... 158
Fig. 53 Position indication ........................................................................................ 161
Fig. 54 Alarm annunciator ........................................................................................ 161
Fig. 55 Electrical control OFF................................................................................... 162
Fig. 56 Electrical control REMOTE .......................................................................... 163
Fig. 57 Standard....................................................................................................... 163
Fig. 58 Double stage control .................................................................................... 163
Fig. 59 Control with rotary switches ......................................................................... 164
Fig. 60 Standard - LOCAL........................................................................................ 164
Fig. 61 Double stage - 02......................................................................................... 165
Fig. 62 Rotary switch................................................................................................ 165
Fig. 63 Circuit-breaker with operating mechanism, example: variant with double
busbar .......................................................................................................... 199
Fig. 64 Interrupting chamber (position OFF) ............................................................ 201
Fig. 65 Preparations for removing the circuit-breaker operating mechanism........... 205
Fig. 66 Removal of operating mechanism and housing ........................................... 205
Fig. 67 Remove coupling bolt between operating rod and inner lever ..................... 206
Fig. 68 Remove circuit-breaker cover ...................................................................... 207
Fig. 69 Dismounting of interrupting chambers ......................................................... 207
Fig. 70 Dismounting the interrupting chamber ......................................................... 208
Fig. 71 Interrupting chamber in position ON (CLOSED) .......................................... 210
Fig. 72 Adjustment of interrupting chambers ........................................................... 211
Fig. 73 Operating diagram with 3pole operating mechanism................................... 214
Fig. 74 Circuit-breaker, double busbar..................................................................... 215
Fig. 75 circuit-breaker operating mechanism ........................................................... 216
Fig. 76 Modular design and main components ........................................................ 218
Fig. 77 Changeover valve ........................................................................................ 220
Fig. 78 Throttle screws............................................................................................. 222
Fig. 157 Insulating sleeve and contact bolt for make−proof earthing switch.............. 320
Fig. 158 Make-proof earthing switch at the beginning of the work............................. 321
Fig. 159 Removal of the short-circuit conductors....................................................... 321
Fig. 160 Condition after removal of the short-circuit conductors................................ 322
Fig. 161 Attaching the insulating sleeves to the contact tubes .................................. 322
Fig. 162 Alignment of the insulating sleeves for ensuring the electrical..................... 323
Fig. 163 Installation of contact bolts........................................................................... 323
Fig. 164 Insulating sleeve and contact bolt for make−proof earthing switch.............. 324
Fig. 165 Make-proof earthing switch at the beginning of the work............................. 325
Fig. 166 Removal of the short-circuit conductors....................................................... 325
Fig. 167 Condition after removal of the short-circuit conductors................................ 326
Fig. 168 Attaching the insulating sleeves to the contact tubes .................................. 326
Fig. 169 Alignment of the insulating sleeves for ensuring the electrical..................... 327
Fig. 170 Installation of contact bolts........................................................................... 328
Fig. 171 Integrated current transformer ..................................................................... 329
Fig. 172 Integrated current transformer ..................................................................... 331
Fig. 173 Possible positions of the terminal box (example)......................................... 332
Fig. 174 Separate current transformer ....................................................................... 334
Fig. 175 Separate current transformer ....................................................................... 336
Fig. 176 Busduct ........................................................................................................ 337
Fig. 177 Busduct with 30° plug in contacts and straight fixed contacts (L ≤ 2 m) ...... 337
Fig. 178 Busduct with straight fixed contacts moveable plug in contacts (2 m ≤ L ≤
4 m) .............................................................................................................. 338
Fig. 179 Busduct ........................................................................................................ 339
Fig. 180 Tube with transport cover............................................................................. 340
Fig. 181 Tube length between 0,3 m and 2 m............................................................ 341
Fig. 182 Tube length between 2 m and 4 m............................................................... 341
Fig. 183 Tube length between 2 m and 4 m with transversal installation unit............ 342
Fig. 184 Tube with transversal installation unit .......................................................... 342
Fig. 185 X-module...................................................................................................... 343
Fig. 186 T-module ...................................................................................................... 344
Fig. 187 Conductor deinstallation............................................................................... 345
Fig. 188 Conductors deinstalled................................................................................. 345
Fig. 189 Install corona shield ..................................................................................... 346
Fig. 190 X-module...................................................................................................... 348
Fig. 191 T-module ...................................................................................................... 349
Fig. 192 90 degree module ........................................................................................ 350
Fig. 193 90-degree module ........................................................................................ 351
Fig. 194 Split-up module and SF6-air bushing........................................................... 353
Fig. 195 Installation of SF6-air bushing...................................................................... 355
Fig. 196 Split-up module ............................................................................................ 356
Fig. 197 Compact cable termination .......................................................................... 359
Fig. 232 Adjusting of the bays to be coupled. Distance and alignment must be con-
sidered ......................................................................................................... 417
Fig. 233 The bus bar end cover of the existing module must be disassembled in-
cluding the shields (left side), the transport cover of the disconnector/
earthing switch must be opened (right side) ................................................ 418
Fig. 234 Open the transverse unit for loosening the contact shells ........................... 419
Fig. 235 Remove contacts from the transport cover and assemble them on the
flange which should be coupled ................................................................... 419
Fig. 236 Disassembly of the transport cover off flange 1 ........................................... 420
Fig. 237 Initial situation before integration of the extension module .......................... 420
Fig. 238 Pitch in the extension module and connect flange 1 with the transverse in-
stallation unit ................................................................................................ 421
Fig. 239 Extension module is combined via flange 1 with the disconnector-earthing
switch of the future bay ................................................................................ 422
Fig. 240 The conductor shells (right) are combined with the contacts through the
opening of the transverse............................................................................. 423
Fig. 241 The grub screws in the fixing contact (left) ensures the right position of the
screws within the.......................................................................................... 424
Fig. 242 After coupling of the contact system close the transverse installation unit
and assemble the compensation devices and earthing bridges .................. 424
Fig. 243 The left side shall be removed, the separation results from the extension
module (middle) ........................................................................................... 426
Fig. 244 Lock the interlock screw............................................................................... 427
Fig. 245 Loosen union nut.......................................................................................... 427
Fig. 246 Remove threaded bolt.................................................................................. 427
Fig. 247 Remove fixation of the compensation unit ................................................... 428
Fig. 248 Compensation units can be removed........................................................... 428
Fig. 249 Guide the enclosure of the transverse installation unit over ........................ 429
Fig. 250 Disassemble the contact shells through the opened transverse installation
unit ............................................................................................................... 430
Fig. 251 During disassembly at first remove the smaller (lower) contact shell care-
fully (1. and 2.) ............................................................................................. 431
Fig. 252 Removal of the remaining contacts.............................................................. 432
Fig. 253 After the shields are mounted on the insulator (left) the transverse installa-
tion unit can be re-assembled and closed pressure-resistantly ................... 432
Fig. 254 Resistance values of the extension module................................................. 433
Fig. 255 Three-phase encapsulated voltage transformer eVT2 with manually oper-
ated integrated isolating device IID .............................................................. 436
Fig. 256 Low power instrument transformer............................................................... 440
Fig. 257 Redundant variant........................................................................................ 441
Fig. 258 Non-redundant variant ................................................................................. 442
Fig. 259 Rating plate .................................................................................................. 445
Fig. 260 Resistance values of the main current path ................................................. 446
Fig. 261 Integrated GIS.............................................................................................. 449
Fig. 262 Integrated GIS.............................................................................................. 450
Fig. 263 Container elements ...................................................................................... 451
List of Tables
Tab. 1 Sources of hazard with respect to the different kinds of operating mecha-
nism.............................................................................................................. 34
Tab. 2 Pressures at 20 °C ....................................................................................... 36
Tab. 3 Pressures at 20 °C ....................................................................................... 37
Tab. 4 Technical data of commercial SF6............................................................... 67
Tab. 5 Forces in g (g = Acceleration due to gravity) ............................................... 75
Tab. 6 Product example .......................................................................................... 78
Tab. 7 Product example ......................................................................................... 78
Tab. 8 Protection against ... .................................................................................... 79
Tab. 9 Storage requirements................................................................................... 79
Tab. 10 Classification of parts and material for site storage ..................................... 79
Tab. 11 Parts and cleaning agents............................................................................ 88
Tab. 12 Tightening torques for non-greased bolts .................................................... 89
Tab. 13 Temperature................................................................................................. 90
Tab. 14 Tightening torques ....................................................................................... 90
Tab. 15 Absolute pressures ...................................................................................... 90
Tab. 16 Force ............................................................................................................ 90
Tab. 17 Length .......................................................................................................... 90
Tab. 18 Weight .......................................................................................................... 90
Tab. 19 Volume ......................................................................................................... 91
Tab. 20 Greasing of flange connections.................................................................... 93
Tab. 21 Color code in the drawing ............................................................................ 94
Tab. 22 Recommended test equipment .................................................................... 114
Tab. 23 Test voltages................................................................................................ 118
Tab. 24 Scheduled maintenance based on the lifetime of the gas-insulated
switchgear .................................................................................................... 126
Tab. 25 Variants of integrated control cubicles ......................................................... 138
Tab. 26 Variants of separate control cubicles ........................................................... 140
Tab. 27 Power demand standard control cubicle ...................................................... 144
Tab. 28 Power loss.................................................................................................... 146
Tab. 29 Radiating power loss.................................................................................... 146
Tab. 30 Standard equipment..................................................................................... 156
Tab. 31 Interlocking conditions for single busbar with outgoing feeder bay.............. 170
Tab. 32 Interlocking conditions for single busbar with transformer feeder bay ......... 171
Tab. 33 Interlocking conditions for single busbar with longitudinal coupling ............. 172
Tab. 34 Interlocking conditions for single busbar with busbar earthing switch.......... 172
Tab. 35 Interlocking conditions for single busbar with single longitudinal sectional-
izing and busbar earthing............................................................................. 173
Tab. 36 Interlocking conditions for single busbar with double longitudinal sectional-
izing and busbar earthing............................................................................. 173
Tab. 37 Interlocking conditions for double busbar with outgoing feeder bay ............ 174
Tab. 38 Interlocking conditions for double busbar with transformer feeder bay........ 175
Tab. 39 Interlocking conditions for double busbar with coupling............................... 176
Tab. 40 Interlocking conditions for double busbar with busbar earthing switch ........ 176
Tab. 41 Interlocking conditions for double busbar with single longitudinal sectional-
izing and busbar earthing............................................................................. 177
Tab. 42 Interlocking conditions for double busbar with double longitudinal section-
alizing and busbar earthing .......................................................................... 178
Tab. 43 Interlocking conditions for double busbar, double longitudinal sectionaliz-
ing, busbar coupler and busbar earthing...................................................... 179
Tab. 44 Interlocking conditions for single bay with in and out ................................... 184
Tab. 45 Interlocking conditions for ring feeder .......................................................... 185
Tab. 46 Interlocking conditions for 1½ circuit-breaker with upper feeder.................. 186
Tab. 47 Interlocking conditions for 1½ circuit-breaker with coupling......................... 187
Tab. 48 Interlocking conditions for 1½ circuit-breaker with lower feeder .................. 188
Tab. 49 Interlocking conditions for 1½ circuit-breaker with busbar earthing switch .. 189
Tab. 50 Interlocking conditions for triple busbar with outgoing feeder bay ............... 191
Tab. 51 Interlocking conditions for triple busbar with transformer feeder bay........... 192
Tab. 52 Interlocking conditions for triple busbar with reserve busbar and reserve
busbar coupling............................................................................................ 193
Tab. 53 Interlocking conditions for triple busbar with outgoing feeder bay and re-
serve busbar ................................................................................................ 194
Tab. 54 Interlocking conditions for triple busbar with coupling.................................. 196
Tab. 55 Interlocking conditions for triple busbar with busbar earthing switch ........... 196
Tab. 56 Interlocking conditions for triple busbar with sectionalizing and busbar
earthing switch ............................................................................................. 197
Tab. 57 Maintenance schedule ................................................................................. 202
Tab. 58 3-pole and 1-pole (not point on wave).......................................................... 212
Tab. 59 Guaranteed values according to IEC 62271-100 for rated voltage Un=145
kV and Ik=40 kA ........................................................................................... 213
Tab. 60 Materials of the GIS parts ............................................................................ 215
Tab. 61 Maintenance plan......................................................................................... 224
Tab. 62 Tightening torques for the circuit-breaker operating mechanism ................. 225
Tab. 63 Consumables ............................................................................................... 227
Tab. 64 VAC Universal motor.................................................................................... 227
Tab. 65 VDC Compound motor................................................................................. 227
Tab. 66 Charging times ............................................................................................. 227
Tab. 67 Opening and closing coils ............................................................................ 227
Tab. 68 Auxiliary switches......................................................................................... 228
Tab. 69 Materials of the circuit-breaker operating mechanism ................................. 228
Tab. 70 Control units for different loads .................................................................... 231
Tab. 71 Impact of temperature on switching time ..................................................... 234
Tab. 72 Impact of coil voltage on switching time....................................................... 234
Tab. 73 Impact of idle time on switching time ........................................................... 234
Tab. 74 Impact of spring position on switching time.................................................. 234
1 Common
1.1 Contact
The business unit High Voltage Products as part of Power Grids tries hard to provide to its
customers best support and an effective after-sales service. The team of Service High Voltage
Products has a long and wide experience with any kind of switchgear. They are prepared to
assist our customers and local representatives with any kind of service which is needed.
For any assistance, support, or service we recommend to directly contact our local represen-
tatives first. They have extensive knowledge of the specific customer’s needs, the individual
circumstances and the possibilities of the whole Power Grids and are consequently able to or-
ganize an optimal service.
● Technical support
● Personnel training courses
● Power Care Service Agreements
● Troubleshooting
● Express delivery of standard spare parts
● 24-h-hotline
In case of an Power Care contract the customer is able to use our 24−h−hotline for free. In
case of emergency our troubleshooting experts offer a fast and reliable support.
The enclosure of the GIS is made of non-corrosive aluminum. Due to the low specific weight
of aluminum, costly foundations are not required.
The GIS consists of a number of different modules. These individual modules are intercon-
nected by bolted flange connections.
2 8
The GIS can be laid out as single busbar or double busbar, in an H-circuit, as ring bus or in
form of a 1½-breaker arrangement.
The busbar phase conductors of each bay are mounted on the gastight barrier insulators. The
busbar modules have a telescopic transversal insertion module that greatly eases extensions.
The spring-loaded flange connections of the busbars compensate for any pressure-related
forces and changes in length induced by temperature gradients.
The busbar conductors are interconnected by means of removable contacts in the transversal
insertion module. Length variations of the conductors due to temperature gradients are com-
pensated in the telescopic transversal insertion module and will not cause any mechanical
stress on the insulators.
A combination of disconnector and earthing switch is part of each busbar module. The com-
mon motorized operating mechanism of the combined disconnector/earthing switch is installed
directly at the GIS enclosure. The motors actuate via a drive rod and an insulated shaft the
three moving contacts. Depending on the sense of rotation of the insulating shafts the con-
tacts work as a disconnector or as an earthing switch. The combined disconnector/earthing
switch can be operated manually with a handcrank.
Cable termination
The cable termination allows connection of high voltage power cables . Connections for the
standardized dry-type and fluidfilled cable fittings are provided. Dry-type cable fittings are
characterised by simplified mounting on the installation site without any gas handling in the
gas compartments.
As an option, the earthing switch contact can be designed so that all three phases are isolated
individually from the housing of the GIS. In this case, these contacts are earthed by a copper
conductor on the outside of the gas compartment. In this way it is possible to reach the main
current path for test purposes without opening the gas compartment.
The earthing switch with short circuit making capacity can be isolated from the earthed GIS
enclosure. By removing the electrical connection between the enclosure of the earthing switch
and the individually isolated contacts, it is possible to access the main current path without
opening the gas compartment. This greatly eases setting and testing of protection relays, ca-
ble testing and locating of cable faults.
Barrier insulators
The GIS is separated into individual gas compartments by means of gastight barrier insula-
tors. By this, the impact of extensions or internal faults on the overall installation is reduced to
a minimum, and control, supervision and maintenance are greatly eased. All flange connec-
tions are sealed by age-resistant O-rings.
Support insulators
Support insulators are used to support the conductors mechanically. They are mainly used for
long gas insulated busduct connections.
Gas-air bushing
The gas-air bushing allows connection of the metal-enclosed switchgear to overhead lines or
to air-oil bushings on power transformers.
The insulation of conductors has a capacitive potential grading consisting of a special paper
impregnated with epoxy resin and metallic layers for a uniform voltage distribution. The outer
insulation consists of a glazed porcelain insulator cemented flange fittings.
Gas insulated composite gas-air bushings are becoming more and more popular due to their
simple structure and their exceptional behavior especially in highly polluted atmospheres.
All gas compartments are separated by gastight barrier insulators. Each individual gas com-
partment is equipped with studs for connection of a gas density relay as well as gas filling de-
vices. Thus, all maintenance works on the gas compartments, such as taking gas samples or
regenerating gas, can be performed. The gas density is supervised by gas density relays.
So, before starting any work read and understand the relevant chapters and sections in the
product manual, especially this section safety instructions.
If any of the contents remains unclear, stop the work immediately and contact the customer
support for clarification.
In addition local safety regulations might be applicable which are more extensive or more pro-
tective. They have the priority over these instructions.
4 Make sure that the equipment is only used within the ratings specified in the technical data.
The circuit-breaker is designed for making and breaking normal and short-circuit currents
within the ratings specified in the technical data. The circuit-breaker is not a disconnector. The
gap provided across the open circuit- breaker contacts does not fulfill the strict withstand volt-
age requirements of a disconnector. For disconnecting a working place use disconnectors in
addition to the circuit-breaker.
The disconnector is designed to provide a gap with increased withstand voltage capability
compared to the rest of the switchgear. It is used to disconnect a working place within the
switchgear which must be accessed for maintenance or repair purposes.
A disconnector shall only be switched into position ON or OFF after the current path has been
interrupted by a circuit-breaker. This prevents switching the disconnector under load. Switching
a disconnector under load will probably result in an internal fault which can cause severe injury
or death to the operating person.
Earthing switch
The earthing switch, which is integrated in the combined disconnector/earthing switch, is a
maintenance earthing switch. The earthing switch shall only be switched into position ON if the
switchgear section to be earthed has been de-energized before. The earthing switch has not
the capability to switch capacitive or induced currents.
Switching the earthing switch onto an energized section will probably result in an internal fault
which can cause severe injury or death to the operating person..
Voltage transformer
The voltage transformer is designed to transform the high system voltage to low voltages
which can be processed by the control and protection systems. For safe operation one end of
the high voltage winding shall always be connected to earth. The voltage transformer shall not
be fed from the secondary side to use it as a high-voltage transformer.
Current transformer
The current transformers are designed to transform the high operating currents into low cur-
rents which can be processed by the control and protection systems. The safe operation of
current transformers requires that the specified burden is always connected to the secondary
terminals of the current transformers,
All personnel involved in a work activity on, with, or near the switchgear shall be instructed in
the safety requirements, safety rules and company instructions applicable to their work. These
instructions shall be repeated during the course of the work where the work activity is of long
duration or is complex. The personnel involved shall be required to comply with these require-
ments, rules and instructions.
Personnel shall wear clothing suitable for the work in a switchgear environment and personal
protective equipment. The minimum personal protective equipment shall be:
● safety shoes
● protective gloves
● protective helmet
● heavy working clothes
The use of safety goggles and ear protection shall be used if required for certain work activi-
ties. When opening gas compartments, especially after internal faults, the personal protective
equipment shall be used. When working on high points, for example on the top of containers
(integrated GIS) use a suitable anti-fall guard.
Before any work activity is started and during that work activity, the nominated person in con-
trol of that work activity shall ensure that all relevant requirements, rules and instructions are
complied with.
The nominated person in control of the work activity shall instruct all persons engaged upon
the work activities of all reasonably foreseeable dangers.
No person shall undertake any work activity where technical knowledge or experience is
needed to prevent electrical danger or injury, unless that person has such technical knowl-
edge or experience, or is under such supervision as is necessary for the work undertaken.
Where there are no national requirements for competence, the following criteria shall be used
in assessing the competence of persons:
● knowledge of electricity
● experience in electrical work
● understanding the installation to be worked on and practical experience of that work
● understanding the hazards which can arise during the work and the precautions to be ob-
● ability to recognize at all times whether it is safe to continue working
The complexity of the work activity shall be assessed before the activity starts such that the
appropriate choice of skilled, instructed, or ordinary person is made for carrying out the work
Each electrical installation shall be placed under the responsibility of a person, the nominated
person in control of the electrical installation.
The nominated person in control of the work activity and the nominated person in control of
the electrical installation shall agree both the arrangements of the electrical system to allow
the work to take place and a description of the work activity on, with or near the electrical in-
stallation before any changes to the arrangements of the electrical installation are made or
work takes place.
Where the work activity is complex, the preparation shall be made in a written form.
Work location
The work location shall be defined and marked clearly. Adequate working space, means of ac-
cess and lighting shall be provided at all parts of an electrical installation on, with, or near
which any work activity is to be carried out.
Where necessary the safe access to the work location shall be clearly marked.
There shall be available up-to-date drawings and records for the electrical installation.
4 Follow the five safety rules" to de-energize before starting work on the switchgear or on
control circuits.
Before starting work on electrical circuits, high voltage as well as low voltage circuits, always
follow the procedure known as the five safety rules":
● Disconnect completely
● Secure against re-connection
● Verify that the installation is dead
● Carry out earthing and short-circuiting
● Provide protection against adjacent live parts
Working on live circuits is strictly prohibited. In the following the single steps of the five safety
rules" are explained in more detail concerning the GIS relevant aspects.
Disconnect completely
Disconnecting completely means de-energizing all three phases of the GIS components on
which work will be performed and of all the adjacent components. For disconnecting observe
all interlockings. Using the open gap of a circuit-breaker is not sufficient to disconnect a work-
ing place. In addition an open disconnector is required on all sides of the working place for
safe working.
If earthing is achieved via any switchgear other than the GIS, the following shall be observed:
All means for earthing and short-circuiting of a GIS segment shall be sufficiently dimensioned
for the level and duration of fault currents that may occur at their designated location.
Prior to earthing and short-circuiting, ensure that the contacting location is potential-free.
In general, the means for earthing and short-circuiting shall be connected first to the earthing
grid and then to the GIS segment to be short circuited.
The earthing and shortcircuiting equipment or devices shall be visible, whenever possible, from
the work location. Otherwise, the earth connections shall be applied as close to the work loca-
tion as is reasonably practical.
For reenergization follow the five safety rules" in the reverse sequence. Again, all interlockings
shall be observed.
Voltage transformers
One end of the high-voltage winding in a voltage transformer shall be earthed during operation.
Otherwise high-voltage can be lead to the secondary terminals. Never short-circuit the sec-
ondary terminals of the voltage transformer during operation.
Current transformers
Current transformers shall be loaded by their specified burden or be short-circuited at the sec-
ondary terminals during operation. Otherwise dangerous high voltage can be induced at the
secondary terminals.
The GIS enclosures are filled with insulating gas at a significant pressure. Wrong handling can
result in severe injury or death due to bursting of pressurized parts.
1. Use only the specified screws, bolts and nuts.
2. Tighten screws, bolts and nuts at specified torque.
3. Follow strictly the bay coupling procedure. Otherwise the compensation units might mal-
function and overload the pressurized enclosures.
4. Do not remove the protection cover of bursting disk to prevent damage of the bursting disk.
5. Do not loosen any screws or bolts when GIS is energized and the enclosures are pressur-
6. Do not drill any holes into GIS parts. Also blind holes can weaken the enclosure signifi-
7. Do not operate the GIS exceeding the specified ambient temperature.
8. Do not exceed the specified filling pressure of a gas compartment.
9. Set the correct maintenance pressure before starting work on pressurized barrier insulators
or on parts fixed to pressurized barrier insulators.
The manufacturer differentiates between three system states and recommends the following
for planned switching operations.
The equipment at the operating mechanism to carry out a manual operation (slow switching
operation) is for maintenance purposes only.
The following shall be considered as special sources of danger concerning the operating
Tab. 1: Sources of hazard with respect to the different kinds of operating mechanism
The hazards emerge in the moment when the covers of the operating mechanism housings
are removed. To avoid the hazards interrupt the control voltage of the operating mechanism.
Untension the circuit-breaker operating mechanism. For further information refer to Modules
[} 199].
Be aware that automatic tripping of the switching apparatus is not possible anymore if the con-
trol voltage has been interrupted.
Material which is in direct contact with the enclosure shall have a minimum withstand tempera-
ture of 80 °C.
The appropriate design of the gas-insulated switchgear has been confirmed by the relevant
type tests.
A fault leading to arcing within gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear built to the mentioned
standard has low probability. This results from the application of the insulation gas which has
a triple higher dielectric strength than air at same pressure.
Further the insulating qualities are be checked by dielectric tests on assembled units in the
factory and on site.
So remote operation of the switchgear and limiting the access to the installation to authorized
personnel only are essential methods to reduce the hazard (Safety aspects during operation
and maintenance [} 33]).
Pabs [kPa]
680 Filling pressure
600 Signalcontact 1
580 Signalcontact 2
−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 °C
243 253 263 273 283 293 303 313 323 333 K
Tab. 2: Pressures at 20 °C
Level 2
Pabs [kPa]
Signalcontact 1
680 Signalcontact 2
−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 °C
243 253 263 273 283 293 303 313 323 333 K
Tab. 3: Pressures at 20 °C
Level 3
Pabs [kPa]
740 Signalcontact 1
720 Signalcontact 2
400 Tolerances
−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 °C
243 253 263 273 283 293 303 313 323 333 K
The following formula are only valid for the gaseous stage, not for partial liquefaction!
P P 20
273 20
P = Pressure at temperature
= Actual temperature in °C
P 20 = Pressure at 20 ° C
273 40
P 40
273 20
Fig. 5: Formulas
1.5 Gashandling
Hazard due to high voltage, danger of severe injury due to moving parts of switch
During the work the enclosure is opened and there is direct access to the high voltage conduc-
tors. After removing covers there is an exposure to moving parts.
4 Before starting the work read and understand all instructions, safety instructions, safety pre-
cautions and warnings in the product manual (Safety instructions [} 27], Installation
[} 86]).
Wrong gas pressure during maintenance can result in bursting of barrier insulators.
During maintenance work an exact maintenance pressure must be adjusted in the gas com-
partment. An excess of the maintenance pressure can result in bursting of insulators.
4 For measuring and adjusting of gas pressures use exclusively the described precision pres-
sure gauges!
Danger of failure of insulation resulting in internal arc which could cause severe injury
or death to people.
Operating the GIS below the minimum functional pressure could result in the failure of insula-
tion. Failure of insulation can result in internal arc.
4 If a gas compartment has to be evacuated for any reason or the gas pressure must be de-
creased below the minimum functional pressure, it is mandatory that all active parts are de-
energized and earthed.
4 Therefore both sides of switching apparatuses in gas compartments, which contain circuit-
breakers or disconnector/earthing switches in the OFF-position, must be earthed on both
Damage of the voltage transformer.
The voltage transformer is shipped with an SF6 filling at 150 kPa pressure. If pressure is re-
duced or the voltage transformer is evacuated there might be insufficient impregnation of the
foil insulation. This can lead to failure of the insulation although the voltage transformer has
been filled at filling pressure.
Danger to the environment.
This equipment contains the fluorinated greenhouse gas SF6 covered by the Kyoto Protocol
and with a global warming potential (GWP) 22200.
4 For further information on use and handling of SF6 refer to IEC 62271-4: High-voltage
switchgear and controlgear − Part 4: Handling procedure for sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and
its mixtures.
The layout-specific gas scheme shows the filling pressures and the signal contact values of all
gas compartments. The influence of the temperature on the filling pressures is explained by
graphics and formulas (Gas pressures [} 36]).
The gas valves of all gas compartments must be closed with the adequate cover screw after
gas filling. Alternatively a gas density relay/gas density sensor must be connected to the gas
Tighten the screw of a gas density relay/gas density sensor with the indicated torque (Modules
[} 199]).
1.5.1 General Gas compartments
The GIS has several separate gas compartments which are gastightly separated by barrier in-
sulators. Each gas compartments is equipped with a gas density monitor for density supervi-
sion and a gas valve for filling respectively evacuating the gas compartments. The gas valves
contain a nonreturn valve which prevents an unintentional emission of gas.
A gas compartment has to be evacuated before filling with insulating gas. During filling opera-
tion the pressure in the gas compartment is measured with a precision pressure gauge which
is independent from atmospheric pressure.
The exception to this rule is the inductive voltage transformer which will be delivered ex works
filled with SF6 at a low pressure of approximately 150 kPa.
Mechanical work on barrier insulators fixed on one side only, for example for assembly works
or extensions, is only allowed up to a maximum differential pressure of 50 kPa (this corre-
sponds to a filling pressure of 150 kPa in the respective gas compartment and atmospheric
pressure on the outside).
p 50 kPa
differential pressure p
maintenance pressure p m
(~ 100 kPa)
differential pressure p p
maintenance pressure p m
Da vacuum
(~ 0 kPa)
Mechanical work on barrier insulators fixed on both sides, for example maintenance of circuit-
breaker, work in the context of on-site routine tests is only allowed up to a maximum differen-
tial pressure:
● for barrier insulators with diameter Da = 735 mm −> maximum differential pressure Dp =
50 kPa
● for barrier insulators with diameter Da = 520 mm −> maximum differential pressure Dp =
50 kPa
differential pressure p
pressure p m ≤ 150 kPa
Da ambient p ressure
(~ 100 kPa)
In case the pressure falls below the signal pressure 2 (see gas scheme) measured by the gas-
density relay, a further reduction of the pressure is not admissible.
Adequate measures have to be taken in order to keep the maintenance pressure within the
limits mentioned above. These are for example:
1. De-energize the relevant part of the busbar.
2. Reschedule the maintenance work at a time with cooler ambient temperature.
3. Reschedule the maintenance work at a time with reduced operating current.
1.5.3 Examples Work on circuit-breaker gas compartment
In this example maintenance work is done on the circuit-breaker in bay E02, replacement of
the gas adsorber.
6 8
1. Switch OFF and earth circuit-breaker (4).
2. Reduce the pressure in the adjacent gas compartments (2, 3, 5, 7, 8) to the maintenance
pressure if the actual filling pressure exceeds the maintenance pressure due to ambient
temperature or due to temperature rise by the operating current.
3. Evacuate the insulating gas from the circuit-breaker gas compartment (4) and inflate with
4. Check that the admissible differential pressures are not exceeded before and during the
maintenance work.
5. Carry out the necessary maintenance work that is replace gas adsorber.
6. Evacuate the air from the circuit-breaker gas compartment (4) and fill with insulating gas.
7. Increase the gas pressure of the adjacent gas compartments (2, 3, 5, 7, 8) to the filling
pressure in case the pressure has been reduced to maintenance pressure before.
8. Carry out a leakage test.
4 Apply the correct maintenance pressure for insulators with fixation on one side only. In this
case busbars A and B have to be de-energized up to sectionalizers 9, 10.
The replacement of the gas adsorber does not impose forces onto the barrier insulator caused
by mechanical work.
1. Switch OFF and earth circuit-breaker (4).
2. Reduce the pressure in the adjacent gas compartments (4, 6) to the maintenance pressure
if the actual filling pressure exceeds the maintenance pressure for example due to ambient
temperature or due to temperature rise by the operating current.
3. Evacuate the insulating gas from the outgoing disconnector module (5) and inflate with air
(evacuating the outgoing disconnector module (5) in this layout results also in the evacua-
tion of the making-proof earthing switch (8) and the cable sealing end (7) because they be-
long to a common gas compartment).
4. Check that the admissible differential pressures are not exceeded before and during the
maintenance work.
5. Carry out the necessary maintenance work.
6. Evacuate the air from the outgoing disconnector module (5) and fill with insulating gas.
7. Increase the pressure of the circuit-breaker (4) and the voltage transformer (6) to filling
8. Carry out a leakage test.
4 Apply the correct maintenance pressure for insulators with fixation on one side only.
1. Switch OFF and earth circuit-breaker (4).
2. De-energize and earth busbar A.
3. Reduce the pressure in the adjacent gas compartments (1, 4, 9) to the maintenance pres-
sure if the actual filling pressure exceeds the maintenance pressure for example due to
ambient temperature or due to temperature rise by the operating current.
4. Evacuate the insulating gas from the busbar (2) and inflate air.
5. Check that the admissible differential pressures are not exceeded before and during the
maintenance work.
6. Carry out the necessary maintenance work that is replace gas adsorber.
7. Evacuate the air from busbar (2) and fill with insulating gas.
8. Increase the insulating gas pressure in the adjacent gas compartments (1, 4, 9) to filling
pressure, in case it had to be reduced to maintenance pressure before.
9. Carry out a leakage test.
4 Apply the correct maintenance pressure for insulators with fixation on one side only. In this
case bay E01 must be de-energized additionally
The replacement of the gas adsorber does not impose forces onto the barrier insulator caused
by mechanical work.
(natrium hydroxide and calcium oxide). The soda lime solution can be disposed in Germany
with the designation mineral soda lime solution" (waste designation 316) resp. calcium fluoride
soda lime solution (waste designation 31641).
Contamination of the GIS gas compartments shall be avoided. That is why moving air in the
vicinity of the work area shall be avoided. So the released gas shall be directed away from the
work area. This can be realized by suitable positioning of the gas filler (5) or using a hose
which is connected to the gas filler.
Necessary components
● gas filler (between Malmkvistand- DILO-type connectors)
● precision pressure gauge (Malmkvist-connector)
● evacuated hose (DILO-type)
● vacuum pump(s) with pressure gauge, safety shutoff valve and slide valve (DILO-type con-
or as an alternative
● gas filler (between Malmkvist- and DILO-type connectors)
● complete DILO service cart
In order to shorten the time required for evacuation of a gas compartment, several vacuum
pumps might be operated in parallel. Each vacuum pump must be equipped with a safety
shutoff valve to prevent oil originating from the vacuum pump being sucked into the GIS gas
When using a DILO service cart, observe their respective operating instructions.
3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Close the slide valve (7).
2. Remove the gas density relay from the gas compartment (3).
3. Connect the precision pressure gauge (2) to the density relay gas valve.
4. Remove the screw cap from the gas valve (4).
5. Equalize the pressures between the N2-filled gas compartment (3) and the environment.
6. Screw the closed gas filler (5) without the hose (1) onto the gas valve (4) on the gas com-
partment (3) and tighten until you feel some resistance. The gas filler (5) is equipped with a
non-return valve so that gas is not released when the lever is opened. This is opened by
attaching a suitable counterpart.
7. Open gas filler with lever and release N2.
8. Once no further gas is released, connect the vacuum pump (8) and the gas filler (5) with
the hose (1).
1. Check the vacuum pump (8) and the hose (1) for gas tightness.
2. Start the vacuum pump (8) with the slide valve (7) closed.
3. The pressure gauge on the vacuum pump (8) should indicate p £ 0,1 kPa within a few min-
4. Open the slide valve (7) and the gas filler (5).
5. Evacuate the gas compartment (3) for a minimum of two hours.
6. Close the slide valve (7).
7. Check with the closed slide valve (7) whether the pressure gauge on the vacuum pump (8)
and the precision pressure gauge (2) on the gas compartment (3) indicate p £ 0,1 kPa.
8. If:
9. p £ 0,1 kPa: continue with item 7.
10.p > 0,1 kPa: continue evacuating the gas compartment for another ½ hour to 1 hour, then
continue with item 4.
11.Remove the running vacuum pump (8) from the hose (1).
12.Turn off the vacuum pump (8).
13.Close the gas filler (5) and remove from the gas valve (4).
14.Close the gas valve (4) with the screw cap.
15.Remove the precision pressure gauge (2) from the gas compartment (3).
16.Reconnect the dismounted gas density relay to the gas compartment (3).
During operation of the vacuum pump oil vapors might be generated. It must be prevented
that these vapors enter the gas compartment in order to avoid contamination of the insulating
gas. To prevent the oil vapors from being sucked into the evacuated gas compartment, the
vacuum pump has to be removed from the gas compartment while it is still running.
Necessary components
● gas filler (between Malmkvist- and DILO-type connectors)
● precision pressure gauge (Malmkvist-type connector)
● evacuated hoses (DILO-type)
● dry filters (alumina) (DILO-type connector)
● molecular sieve (DILO-type connector)
● compressor unit with diaphragm- and piston compressor (DILO-type connectors)
● pressure reservoir (evacuated tank) (DILO-type connector)
or as an alternative
● gas filler (between Malmkvist- and DILO-type connectors)
● complete DILO service cart with liquefier (for liquefied storage)
When using a DILO service cart, observe their respective operating instructions.
2 1
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. Make sure that the slide valves (8, 10) and the gas filler (5) are closed.
2. Remove the gas density relay from the gas compartment (3).
3. Connect the precision pressure gauge (2) to the gas valve of the gas density relay.
4. Remove the screw cap from the gas valve (4).
5. Connect the closed gas filler (5) to the gas valve (4) of the gas compartment (3).
6. Connect the dry filter (6) with an evacuated hose (1) to the gas filler (5).
7. Connect the molecular sieve (7) with an evacuated hose (1) to the dry filter (6).
8. Connect the compressor unit (9) with an evacuated hose (1) to the molecular sieve (7).
9. Connect the pressure reservoir (12) with an evacuated hose (1) to the compressor unit (9).
1. Open the slide valves (8, 10) and the gas filler (5).
2. Start the piston compressor (9).
3. As soon as the precision pressure gauge (2) on the gas compartment (3) indicates a pres-
sure of 100-150 kPa, switch on the diaphragm compressor (9), as well.
4. As soon as the precision pressure gauge (2) on the gas compartment (3) indicates a pres-
sure of 2 kPa, close all the slide valves (8, 10) and the gas filler (5).
5. Shut off the compressor unit (9) and disconnect behind the slide valve (8).
6. Remove the gas filler (5) from the gas valve (4).
7. Close the gas valve (4) with the screw cap.
8. Remove the precision pressure gauge (2) from the gas compartment (3).
9. Reconnect the dismounted gas density relay to the gas compartment (3).
After the evacuation procedure fill the gas compartments only up to a pressure of 200 kPa
with SF6 in a first step. The gas compartments of the GIS should not be filled with SF6 up to
the rated filling pressure before the completion of all installation works. Then check the gas
compartments for gas tightness.
The check for gas tightness shall be documented in the site test protocol 1HDG518680.
Necessary components
● gas filler (between Malmkvist- and DILO-type connectors)
● precision pressure gauge (Malmkvist-type connector)
● evacuated hose (DILO-type)
● SF6 gas bottles (DILO-type connector)
● pressure reducing valve (DILO-type connector)
or as an alternative
● gas filler (between Malmkvist- and DILO-type connectors)
● complete DILO service cart (for example type Economy or Mega)
When using a DILO service cart, observe their respective operating instructions.
2 1 11 10
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fig. 15: Schematics for the connection between gas compartment and SF6-gas bottle
Partial discharge due to contamination of gas.
Operation with open pressure reducing valves may contaminate the gas.
1. Remove the gas density relay from the gas compartment (3).
2. Connect the precision pressure gauge (2) to the gas valve of the density relay.
3. Remove the screw cap from the gas valve (4).
4. Connect the closed gas filler (5) to the gas valve (4) on the gas compartment (3).
5. Connect the pressure reducing valve (7) with the evacuated hose (1) to the gas filler (5).
6. Connect the SF6-bottle (9) via the bottle valve (8) to the pressure reducing valve (7).
Filling procedure
1. Open the gas filler (5).
2. Open the bottle valve (8) of the SF6-gas bottle (9) (the precision pressure gauge on the bot-
tle side (10) indicates the filling pressure of the bottle).
3. Preselect the output pressure with the adjustment ring of the pressure reducing valve (7)
(indicated on the precision pressure valve on the hose-side (11)). pExit≥ pFilling
4. Open the hose-side filling valve (6) of the pressure reducing valve (7).
5. Continue the filling procedure until the gas compartment is filled up to a pressure of 200
6. Fill gas compartments in consideration of admissible differential pressures with SF6.
7. Close the gas filler (5) and remove it from the gas valve (4).
8. Close the gas valve (4) with the screw cap.
9. Remove the precision pressure gauge (2) from the gas compartment (3).
10.Reconnect the dismounted gas density relay to the gas compartment (3).
11.Check for gas tightness.
If the pressure in the gas bottle is too low, compress the gas with a compressor unit and fill it
into a separate bottle. (For instance, four bottles with a remaining pressure of 100 kPa each
can be filled into a separate bottle to obtain one bottle with a filling pressure of 400 kPa).
1. Close the filling valve (6).
2. Close the bottle valve (8).
3. Remove the pressure reducing valve (7) from the empty bottle.
4. Connect the pressure reducing valve (7) to the new bottle.
5. Continue gas filling procedure.
Necessary components
● gas filler (between Malmkvist- and DILO-type connectors)
● precision pressure gauge (Malmkvist-type connector)
● evacuated hoses (DILO-type)
● piston compressor (DILO-type connector)
● pressure reservoir with SF6 (DILO-type connector)
or as an alternative
● gas filler (between Malmkvist- and DILO-type connectors)
● complete DILO service cart (for example type Economy or Mega)
When using a DILO service cart, observe their respective operating instructions.
2 1
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fig. 16: Schematics for the connection between gas compartment and pressure reservoir
1. Close the slide valves (6) and (8).
2. Remove the gas density relay from the gas compartment (3).
3. Connect the precision pressure gauge (2) to the gas valve of the density relay.
4. Remove the screw cap from the gas valve (4).
5. Connect the closed gas filler (5) to the gas valve (4) on the gas compartment (3).
6. Connect the piston compressor (7) with an evacuated hose (1) to the gas filler (5).
7. Connect the pressure reservoir (10) with an evacuated hose (1) to the compressor unit (7).
Filling the SF6 from the pressure reservoir into the gas compartment
1. Open the slide valves (6, 8) and the gas filler (5).
2. Turn on the piston compressor (7) and fill the gas compartment.
3. Continue the filling procedure until the gas compartment (3) is filled up to a pressure of 200
4. Fill gas compartments in consideration of admissible differential pressures with SF6.
5. Close the gas filler (5) and remove it from the gas valve (4).
6. Close the gas valve (4) with the screw cap.
7. Remove the precision pressure gauge (2) from the gas compartment (3).
8. Reconnect the dismounted gas density relay to the gas compartment (3).
9. Check for gas tightness.
The measurement of the moisture contents is to be documented in the site test protocol
Connectors and measurement hoses might contain residual moisture. For this reason, con-
tinue the measurement until the reading remains stable. For measurement of the moisture
contents, no additional hoses may be inserted between the gas compartment and the connec-
tor of the measurement hose.
The measurement hoses must be connected directly to the gas compartment, the gas density
relay or the gas valve for gas filling.
If the ambient temperature is lower or equal to the dew point, the measured values might be
falsified. In this case, the measurement must be repeated at a higher ambient temperature.
Limit values
Since the dew point depends on the gas pressure, the operating manual of the dew point
measuring device shall be strictly followed.
The maximum permissible dew point in relation to the ambient temperature depends on the
permissible relative gas moisture contents.
2 1
3 4 5 6 7 8
Necessary components
● gas filler (between Malmkvist- and DILO-type connectors)
● dew point measuring device (reading to be given in C, for example DP 19)
● evacuated hose (DILO-type)
● gas filler (between DILO-hose and dew point measuring device)
1. Close slide valve (6) and the gas filler (5).
2. Remove screw cap from the gas valve (4).
3. Connect the gas filler (5) to the gas valve (4) on the gas compartment (3).
4. Connect the dew point measuring device (8) with the evacuated hose (1) to the gas filler
5. Open slide valve (6) and the gas filler (5).
6. Read the measured value.
7. Check the reading.
8. Close the gas filler (5) and remove it from the gas valve (4).
9. Close the gas valve (4) with the screw cap.
Dew point temperature
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Ambient temperature °C
Fig. 18: Maximum permissible dew point during service life and commissioning (measured at filling pressure)
The blue continuous line is valid for the service life of the product.
Moisture contents
ppmv Pressure at 20 °C: . . . . . . . . . . 580 kPa
Moisture contents: . . . . . . . . 470 ppmv
Dew point: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −10 °C
Conversion: . . . . . . . . . 1 bar = 100 kPa
Dew point
800 +15
700 +10
600 +5
500 gas pressure at 20 °C
400 −5
−10 900
300 800
−15 700
200 −20 500
−25 400
−30 300
90 −35
80 200
70 −40
50 −45
40 100
For the conversion from ppmv to ppmw the following formula can be used:
All works associated with the purification of contaminated SF6 can be performed with a DILO
service cart (for example type Economy or Mega) or with the following assembled compo-
Necessary components
● Gas filler (between Malmkvist- and DILO-type connectors)
● Precision pressure gauge (Malmkvist-type connector)
● Evacuated hoses (DILO-type)
● Dry filter (alumina) (DILO-type connector)
● Molecular sieve (DILO-type connector)
● Compressor unit with piston and diaphragm compressor (DILO-type connector)
● Pressure reservoir (evacuated tank) (DILO-type connector)
or as an alternative
● Gas filler (between Malmkvist- and DILO-type connectors)
● Complete DILO service cart (for example type Economy or Mega)
When using a DILO service cart, observe their respective operating instructions!
The filter has to be replaced: The usable time of the filter depends largely on the amount of
SF6 to be filtered and the concentration of its decomposition products (between 2 hours and 2
days). The filter condition cannot be established visually, but can only be determined by mea-
surement (for example dew point).
4 Observe the maximum permissible filling pressure of the pressure reservoir. Observe the
extraction capacity of the compressor unit.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. Remove the gas density relay from the gas compartment (3).
2. Connect the precision pressure gauge(2) to the gas valve of the density relay.
3. Remove the screw cap from the gas valve (4).
4. Connect the closed gas filler (5) to the gas valve (4) of the gas compartment (3).
5. Connect the dry filter (6) with an evacuated hose (1) to the gas filler (5).
6. Connect the molecular sieve (7) with an evacuated hose (1) to the dry filter (6).
7. Connect the compressor unit (9) with an evacuated hose (1) to the molecular sieve (7).
8. Connect the pressure reservoir (12) with an evacuated hose (1) to the compressor unit (9).
1. Open the slide valves (8,10) and the gas filler (5).
2. Turn on the piston compressor (9).
3. As soon as the precision pressure gauge (2) on the gas compartment (3) indicates a pres-
sure of 100-150 kPa, switch on the diaphragm compressor (9).
4. As soon as the precision pressure gauge (2) indicates a pressure of 2 kPa at the gas com-
partment (3), close the slide valves (8) and (10).
5. Turn off the compressor unit (9) and remove it behind the slide valve (8).
6. Close the gas filler (5) and remove it from the gas valve (4).
7. Close the gas valve (4) with the screw cap.
8. Remove the sensitive pressure gauge (2) from the gas compartment (3).
9. Reconnect the dismounted gas density relay to the gas compartment (3).
● IEC 60376 Specification of technical grade sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) for use in electrical
● IEC 60480 Guidelines for the checking and treatment of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) taken
from electrical equipment and specification for its re-use.
● IEC 62271-4 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 4: Use and handling of sul-
phur hexafluoride (SF6)
1.6.1 Properties
During normal operation the gas compartments of the GIS are filled with SF6 gas. SF6 is an
unreactive and nearly inert gas with a dielectric strength of approximately three times the one
of air.
At identical pressures, SF6F6 has three to four times the arc quenching capability of air. In the
meantime more than 30 years of operational experience with gas insulated switchgear have
been gathered worldwide.
Commercial SF6F6 is not a dangerous gas and is neither subject to the decree of dangerous
goods nor to the technical rules for dangerous goods (TRGS).
With enough rarefying with air SF6 can be breathed without any risk. The MAK value (max.
workplace concentration, valid for Germany) for SF6 is 1000 ppm or 6000 mg/m3.
1000 ppm (6 000 mg/m3) is not the toxic limit. Because of its high density SF6 can accumulate
on the floor or in lower located rooms.
● unreactive
● unpoisonous
● non flammable
● colorless
● odorless
● nearly inert
SF6 is:
If SF6 reaches the atmosphere, it contributes to global warming. Thus the release of SF6 into
the atmosphere must be avoided whenever possible. The commercially available gas service
and filtering devices allow full recycling of SF6.
If SF6 reaches the atmosphere, it contributes to global warming.
SF6 is a greenhouse gas.
4 Before starting the work, care for sufficient ventilation, especially before entering lower situ-
ated rooms. Evacuate GIS compartments before working at inner parts of the enclosures
and establish pressure equalization with atmosphere.
New SF6 will be delivered as liquefied gas in steel bottles. For testing and gas analysis of SF6
refer to IEC standard 60376.
1.6.2 SF6-Inventory
If SF6 reaches the atmosphere, it contributes to global warming.
SF6 is a greenhouse gas.
4 SF6 shall be handled in a closed cycle with suitable SF6 service devices and by trained per-
sonnel only.
The return of SF6 gas is contractually regulated with the original suppliers. If requested by the
customer, we will guarantee the return of the SF6 in strict accordance with the respective regu-
The amount of filled SF6 and the amount of the remaining rest of SF6 have to be documented
in the site test protocol Commissioning 1HDG518680 in section SF6 Inventory.
Your local customer support will be happy to assist you with any problems related to reusing,
cleaning or disposing of SF6.
Maximum acceptable impurity levels for re-use of SF6 are given in IEC 60480.
Gaseous decomposition products produce already in low concentrations the following warning
signs that are apparent within seconds and just before causing any hazardous impact:
1.7.2 Warranty
In our experience, correct observance of the information contained in this documentation guar-
antees the safe operation of our product. The documentation provided has been prepared with
great care. Please inform us or our nearest representative if it is no longer possible to operate
our product safely on account of incorrect or omitted information.
The technical data stated in the product manual represent maximum values and may therefore
deviate from the delivered product.
The technical data agreed between the customer and the manufacturer can be found in the
documents listed in Additional information [} 70].
We will not accept any liability whatsoever for damage arising either directly or indirectly from
the incorrect operation of our product. Subject to technical modifications without notice.
Only the English version of the documentation is authorized by the manufactur as the original
product manual. All other languages are translations of the original product manual.
Nature of hazard and consequences.
Cause of hazard.
Actions in procedures
Actions which have to be carried out during installation, operating or maintenance procedures
are structured in a numbered list. The sequence of the numbers defines the order in which the
actions shall be carried out:
1. ...
2. ...
3. ...
Single step actions are formated without numbers.
4 ...
Mandatory actions
To express mandatory actions usually the imperative mood is used. The expression shall ex-
press also a mandatory meaning in this product manual.
Mandatory actions have to be followed strictly to avoid danger to people and to avoid damage
to the switchgear. If you are in doubt concerning a procedure stop the work and contact the
customer support for clarification.
2 Transport
2.1 Transport
2.1.1 Packaging
Packaging requirements
The following factors must be taken into account when packaging equipment for shipping:
Types of packaging
Wooden support/skid and protective sheeting
Container data
Container data concerning weight and dimensions should be chosen to fit the requirements of
the intended means of transportation.
Environmental factors
Equipment may be shipped at temperatures in the range of -30 °C to +60 °C. The packaging
must ensure that all items of equipment are positively protected against any direct contact with
water. The packing shall provided adequate protection against dirt, insects and other animals.
The shipment within Europe, specifications concerning equipment preservation shall be in-
cluded in the order. If no preservative measures are specified, the freight will be packaged in
the usual manner.
The preservation required depends on the method of transportation, the storage classification
and the storage period.
In the case of ocean transport, preservation of the equipment is mandatory, since GIS compo-
nents could be damaged by the associated exposure to humidity.
If the expiry date of equipment preservation falls within the period before or during shipment,
or within the expected storage period, persons responsible for shipment / storage shall be in-
formed in due time so that appropriate measures can be taken.
Sealing of equipment
For transportation the equipment is filled with N2 to an absolute pressure of 120 … 150 kPa.
The gas pressure shall not drop below 110 kPa during shipment and storage.
When unpacking switchgear components, check shock and moisture indicators on packaging/
equipment, if provided.
The circuit-breaker shall be packed and shipped only in its upright (operating) position. An ex-
ception is ELK-04H. This type is designed for operation in horizontal position and shall be
packed and shipped in horizontal position.
Securing of equipment
Free-standing parts shall be provided with appropriate support structures.
All loads shall be prevented from slipping by lashing and blocking. Means of securing equip-
ment in place: chains, lashes, ropes, square timber and wooden wedges.
The side walls of shipping containers shall not be subjected to any loads. Only container bot-
toms are designed to withstand loading and possess sufficient stability.
Shipping marks
Markings provided on the packaging shall include fixing and hitching points for transportation
and hoisting, total weight, installation point of equipment components, and the packed unit’s
center of gravity.
The place of delivery shall be marked on the packaging in accordance with the data provided
in the order.
When dangerous goods are shipped, applicable regulations (of the countries of origin and
destination as well as transit countries) shall be complied with.
2.1.2 Shipping
Loading and lifting facilities
To prevent equipment and parts from being damaged during loading and lifting operations, the
facilities shall be suitable for this purpose in terms of intended applications and load-carrying
When moving or lifting packed equipment, make sure that no other than the fixing and hitching
points marked on the packaging are used.
Switchgear bays and components which are not packed shall be lifted only at suitable hitching
The shipping units’ center of gravity markings shall be taken into account to prevent the units
from tipping over. Hitching points shall only be used for lifting equipment. Do not use hitching
points for pulling or pushing the GIS.
Means of transportation
The means of transportation be selected so as to ensure that the shipping units will be sub-
jected to the smallest possible amount of vibration. Any damage to the equipment must be pre-
vented by all means.
2.1.3 Inspections
Before shipment
Prior to closing the shipping containers, make sure that the equipment to be shipped is prop-
erly secured and without damage.
Check shipping containers for proper technical condition. This is particularly important in the
case of freight containers.
After shipment
Check shipping container for any damage before opening.
After opening a container, immediately check the equipment for external damage and com-
pleteness. Carry out a receiving inspection. Record the results of the receiving inspection.
Check the N2 gas pressure because a loss of gas pressure can indicate a transport damage.
For gas compartments without a residual overpressure carry out a leakage test before the
transportation unit is installed.
2.1.4 Irregularities
During shipment
Any damage occurring on the packaging in transit shall, as far as possible, be repaired imme-
diately. If this cannot be done, appropriate measures shall be taken at once to preclude any
further damage to the cargo.
All irregularities occurring during shipment as well as any remedial action taken shall be docu-
mented and reported.
After shipment
In the event of any damage detected on the packaging or equipment, the insurance company
shall be called in and the damage shall be assessed and recorded by an authorized agent.
Photographs shall be taken of any damaged packaging to serve as evidence at a later time.
Any packaging which is damaged or soaked shall under no circumstances be used for pro-
longed storage of equipment.
Any corrective action taken with regard to packaging or equipment preservation shall be
recorded in detail. All materials used for these measure must have been tested and approved.
Applicable regulations and guidelines issued by the manufacturer shall also be observed.
2.2 Storage
2.2.1 Packing
Storage life depends on the types of packing material and drying agent being used. Unless
otherwise stated, items should remain in the original packing. The storage time indicated in
the delivery documents shall not be exceeded.
Immediately unpack modules in damaged packing. Parts supplied sealed in plastic or alu-
minum foil without damages shall be handled with care and shall not be unpacked until shortly
before required.
2.2.3 Classification
Every product must be protected from being damaged. This requires a definition of the individ-
ual storage conditions. The classification will be defined from A through F as follows:
Classification A B C D E F
Classification A B C D E F
Classification A B C D E F
Parts Material, finish General instruc- Classification Inspections dur- Checks before use
tions ing storage
Parts Material, finish General instruc- Classification Inspections dur- Checks before use
tions ing storage
Store in the original pack-
Bushings Porcelain and sili- Do not bend during Check every 12 Clean the surfaces
con storage months whether with Rivolta MTX
all parts are dry; if forte
Bushings with seal-
not, refer to
ing rings - refer to
“Checks before
rubber parts below
Refer to the in-
Make sure that
structions on the
the parts are not
subject to stress
Store in the original pack- of any kind
Flat gaskets O- Rubber Store in the original Check elapsed If necessary, clean
rings o-seals seal- packing storage time with soap and water
ing rings or a solution of 1.5
Protect from com- Check surfaces
% soda in water
pression, tension for scoring or
and twisting scratches Rinse with clear
water after clean-
Protect from direct Check the condi-
sunlight and artifi- tion of the vul-
cial light with a canized joints Note: The water
high ultra violet temperature must
contents be equal to the am-
bient temperature
Do not store to-
gether with copper,
manganese metals
or plastic foils
Steel sections Hot dipped galva- Material must be Check tarpaulins Remove the white
nized stored on beams for damages and rust preventive coat-
raised at minimum replace, if neces- ing
30 cm above the sary
Parts Material, finish General instruc- Classification Inspections dur- Checks before use
tions ing storage
2.2.5 Checks
The following checks shall be performed and documented upon delivery to site and periodi-
cally thereafter (take photos of any damages):
● product designation
● tightness of packing, covering, sheds and other protective means
● check the heater connections / activate the heaters
● check the transport gas filling for appropriate pressure
● document any mechanical damages
● keep the storage area clean
● conform with any additional storage requirements of the manufacturer
● conform with any additional site storage instructions
● keep all packing properly sealed to reduce the oxidizing effect of the air
Fmax, Fmin: Peak values of the force-time-curve during the switching process as per the construction data
toscillation: Load oscillation period as per the construction data drawings.
When dimensioning the floor (that is the floor or base plate), the dynamic nature of the load
from the switching process must be taken into consideration.
The manufacturer suggests using the dynamic load factor for this purpose.
0,1 0,5
0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0
t < 0,1 0,1 < t < 0,5 0,5 < t < 4,0 t > 4,0
The dynamic load factor α reflects the dynamic effect of a load in relation to its static effect.
The dynamic behavior of the floor is taken into account by considering the dependent relation-
ship between the oscillation periods as per equation [1].
1 t oscillation
2 T
T 2
g g
1. Design of the floor for all permanent loads.
2. Calculation of the deflection δg of the floor due to all permanent loads without safety factor
load γF.
3. Calculation of period of natural oscillations T of the floor depending on δg as per equation
4. Calculation of relationship between the oscillation periods τ as per equation [1].
5. Determine α from the figure.
6. Calculation of Fswitch as per equation [3].
7. Verification of floor for all loading cases which occur along with their combinations the man-
ufacturer recommends for Fswitch: safety factor load γF=1,1
(γF is a safety factor used in construction engineering).
8. Repeat the steps above with modified floor design if necessary.
Steps 2 to 6 for determining Fswitch are to be carried out for all load points as per the construc-
tion data drawings with the corresponding values.
Sample calculations
Input data for project (example):
T 2 0 , 11
g g
t oscillation
1 2 0 , 227
3 Installation
3.1 Installation of the GIS
These instructions refer to the installation of a GIS and to all work that requires opening a gas
Danger to life by high voltage, serious danger of personal injury by operating mecha-
nism for switching apparatuses.
During work the compartment will be opened and a direct access to the high voltage conduc-
tors is given. After re- moving the operating mechanism cover movable parts are exposed.
4 Before execution of the measures described in this chapter read and understand all notes,
measures of precaution and warnings of the product manual, specially in chapter Gas-insu-
lated Switchgear in section Safety Informations.
Global warming
Release of greenhouse gas.
It must be possible to clean the shoes before entering the immediate working area. The work-
ing clothes must be made of non-fluffing material.
Power supply
The following power supply outlets must be made available in the installation area:
● The floor in the installation area must have a firm surface.
● It must be possible to keep the floor dust-free with a vacuum cleaner.
Outdoor installation
● In case of an outdoor installation of the GIS or of GIS components, open gas compart-
ments must be protected from the entry of dust or humidity (for example by means of in-
stallation covers, tarpaulins etc.).
● weather protected.
● lockable.
● separated from the installation area.
3.1.2 Cleaning
Failure of insulation (in worst case arcing fault)
Insulating gas can loose its arc quenching and insulating properties when contaminated.
4 All surfaces and components that will be in contact with insulating gas have been thor-
oughly cleaned in our factory and have been installed under conditions of utmost cleanli-
4 When working on open devices or gas compartments, avoid the entry of or contact with dirt,
sweat and humidity at any time.
Water, acid contamination and oxygen (especially when simultaneously present) can cause
corrosion that might have a negative impact on the mechanical function of the GIS compo-
Water, especially when combined with acid contamination, can reduce the dielectric strength of
the GIS due to condensation at low operating temperatures and high pressure. For this reason,
the degree of contamination has to be limited to a level that corrosion and/or condensation are
of no significance.
Installation area
Prior to opening a gas compartment, thoroughly clean and vacuum clean the installation area,
especially in the immediate vicinity of the flanges to be connected. Avoid dust disturbance in
the installation area.
4 Carry out a visual inspection of the interior of an open gas compartment and ensure utmost
cleanliness in the interior of an open gas compartment. Rub the insulators and all Teflon
parts with a cloth moistened with a suitable cleaning agent. Cleaned insulators may only be
touched wearing disposable latex gloves.
Use a non-fluffing cloth for cleaning, moistened with the cleaning agent. Rub all parts with this
cloth. Take note of the following:
● Cleaning cloth must not contain any substances that could dissolve in the cleaning agent.
● Moisten the cloth so that the cleaning agent does not drip or spill.
● Remove residues of the cleaning agent with a clean cloth.
If interruptions cannot be avoided, open flanges must be covered with a clean plastic foil. This
instruction must also be observed if an insulator is mounted on the flange.
Sealing surfaces
● Check sealing surfaces for scratches or similar damages.
● Even out any scratches with fine sandpaper.
Admissible material is Scotch Brite WR-SH, carbon silicide, grade superfine,
● Remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner.
● Clean the sealing surfaces.
O-rings have to be cleaned before they are installed (Cleaning [} 87]).
Before closing a flange connection, clean the immediate vicinity and all accessible parts of the
components to be connected with a vacuum cleaner. Do not touch the active parts and the in-
sulators with the vacuum cleaners’ nozzle.
M4 2,9 - 1,5
M5 6 5,2 3
M6 10 7,8 5,5
M8 25 19,5 14
M10 49 38,3 26
M12 86 67,2 45
M16 210 147,6 100
*** Extract from GPFA820006, tolerance +20 % -0 %, independent of the material of the bolts
0° 32 ° 273,15
15 ° 59 ° 288,15
20 ° 68 ° 293,15
25 ° 77 ° 298,15
30 ° 86 ° 303,15
Tab. 13: Temperature
* psig = pound per square inch gauge (relative pressure, overpressure)) psi may also be ex-
pressed as lbf / in
1 0,22481
4,4482 1
Tab. 16: Force
mm (Millimeter) in (Inches)
1 0,03937
25,4 1
Tab. 17: Length
Tab. 18: Weight
3 3
l (Liter) gal (liquid) Gallons gal (dry) Gallons m Cubicmeter ft Cubicfeet
Tab. 19: Volume
An additional metal cover is installed on top of the operating mechanism. Do not forget to rein-
stall this cover after maintenance work.
All elements which are connected to the circuit-breaker operating mechanism box via a bolt
hole (that is Camloc closures) must be sealed waterproof on the inside of the operating mech-
anism box with Hannokitt GON598019P0106.
An additional metal cover is installed on top of the operating mechanism. Do not forget to rein-
stall this cover after maintenance work.
All elements which are connected to the lower side of the operating mechanism box via a bolt
hole (that is anti-condensation heating, auxiliary switches) must be sealed waterproof on the
lower side of the operating mechanism box with Hannokitt GON598019P0106.
An additional metal cover is installed over the operating mechanism. Do not forget to reinstall
this cover after maintenance work.
All elements which are connected to the operating mechanism box via a bolt hole (that is
Camloc closures) must be sealed waterproof on the inside of the operating mechanism box
with Hannokitt GON598019P0106.
All elements which are connected to the terminal box via a bolt hole (that is attachment of
name plate) must be sealed waterproof on the inside of the operating mechanism box with
Hannokitt GON598019P0106.
Danger of gas leakage due to corrosion.
The wrong material of nuts, bolts and washers can result in corrosion between steel and alu-
4 Use only specified, stainless nuts, bolts, washers and spring washers for outdoor connec-
1. A thin and even layer of fluor silicone grease FS 3452 (no. GON598000P0004) must be ap-
plied onto the complete contacting surface of all metallic surfaces marked grey in the table
(contact and sealing surfaces). Afterwards the flanges can be connected as previously de-
2. The gap in the area of the insertion piece marked black in the table must be filled up with
fluor silicone grease FS 3452 (no. GON598000P0004).
Danger of damage to the insulator due to flashover.
Grease within the area encircled by the inner diameter of the sealing groove can disturb the
field grading of the insulator. The grease can catch disturbing dirt particles.
A flashover can occur.
4 Do not apply grease to the insulator within the area which is encircled by the inner diameter
of the sealing groove.
All connections that do not must be opened during the installation at site, have been treated for
outdoor installation in the factory prior to delivery. If such connections must be opened at site,
the flanges must be cleaned before they are sealed again (Installation [} 86]).
Insulator/ enclosure
Enclosure/ enclosure
Insertion part
Fill gap
with grease
Outdoor connection
Bursting disk
3.4 Earthing
Earthing" is defined as the entirety of means and procedures associated with the earthing of
equipment. Earthing" means to connect a conductor via an earthing system to earth.
Earth" refers to both, the earth as a location and the earth as a substance such as humus,
clay, sand, gravel and rock. The earth is a conductor whose potential outside the influence of
earthing systems is considered to be zero. The Reference Earth" (neutral earth) is defined as
a part of the earth, especially of its surface, outside the influence of an earthing system in
which between two random points no voltages deriving from the earth current can be mea-
Earthing system" is defined as the entirety of electrically connected earths, metal parts acting
similarly (for example pole bases, armatures, metal cable sheathing) and earthing leads.
Earthing conductor" is defined as an electrical conductor laid either outside the earth or insu-
lated in the earth, that connects a GIS part to be earthed with the earth.
Earthing of a GIS has different purposes depending on the earthing location within the GIS.
Depending on the purpose the cross sections and geometry of the earthing conductors differ.
So it is important to use strictly the cross section and material defined in the earthing plan for
the different earthing locations to fulfill the earthing requirements at each location. The mean-
ing of the different locations for earthing are:
● Enclosure of GIS
In case of an earth fault within thfor examples compartment the earthing conductor carries
the fault current and conducts it into the earthing system of the substation. The earthing
conductor is dimensioned to carry this fault current. During the fault the earthing connec-
tion keeps touch voltages within the permissible limits. In normal operation earthing of the
enclosure provides the protection against contact with the high voltage conductors. For this
reason the earthing conductors must have sufficient cross section to conduct the fault cur-
● Earthing of insulating gas to air bushing
The bushing has its own earthing conductor. This earthing connection avoids problems if
surges arrive at the bushing and enter the GIS enclosure. Because the surges have high
frequency characteristics this connection must have a low impedance. For this reason two
parallel conductors are used. If only a transformer is connected to the bushing this earthing
connection is not necessary.
● Earthing free standing control cubicles
Free standing control cubicles are positioned at a certain distance apart from the GIS. This
results in longer control cables between control cubicles and GIS than usual. To keep a
good signal quality on this connection an earthing conductor is installed in parallel to the
signal cables.
● Potential earthing
All parts which are not enclosures and so are not a source of fault currents get a potential
earthing. A cross section of 16 mm is sufficient. Due to equipotential bonding inadmissible
touch voltages are avoided. Parts which have metallic contact and do not have an electri-
cal function do not need extra potential earthing. However, parts, which have an electrical
function (for example plugs, terminals, cap rails), require an extra potential earthing con-
A GIS installation with multiple bays has a busbar which is electrically connected through the
complete lfor exampleh of the switchgear and is capable to carry fault currents. Thus an extra
earthing conductor throughout the complete lfor exampleh of the switchgear is not necessary.
The earthing of the GIS follows the concept of multiple point earthing. This means that in de-
fined distances the GIS enclosure is connected to the earthing system of the substation. The
earthing points are located on the bottom plates of the circuit-breakers. For installations with
long busducts additional earthing points may be provided. In this case refer to the earthing
Hazard due to high voltage. Danger of electric shock. Improper earthing can result in
severe injury or death.
Incorrect earthing of the GIS can cause touch or step voltages in the installation which can re-
sult in electric shock.
4 During installation of the GIS connect the GIS enclosure immediately to the substation’s
earthing system strictly in accordance to the project-specific earthing plans. The earthing
plans and diagrams are part of the project-specific documentation.
4 The operation of the GIS and the connection of the GIS enclosure to live substation sec-
tions without proper earthing connections according to the earthing plans is strictly forbid-
4 During repair work make sure that all parts of the enclosure stay permanently earthed with
earthing conductors of sufficient cross section.
The earthing of the GIS shall be documented in the on site test protocol Commissioning
1. Install all electrical connections within the earthing system properly as defined in the earth-
ing plan.
2. Protect earthing conductors against mechanical damage.
3. Keep the earthing conductors as short as possible.
4. Install earthing conductors without loops.
5. Inspect earthing system before commissioning.
6. Do not interrupt the earthing system at any point. If parts of the busbar are dismantled
make sure that the remaining earthing connections have sufficient cross section to conduct
the fault current into the earthing system of the substation. Make sure that all remaining
parts of the enclosure stay connected to the earthing system of the substation.
7. For making the crimp connections follow the specifications of the manufacturer of the crimp
cable lugs especially concerning the adequate tools.
8. Use the correct tightening torque for screws in aluminum and steel (Installation [} 86]).
9. The contact resistances of a connection shall be sufficiently low, that is the connnections
shall be free of dirt, corrosion and paint. The connections shall bfor exampleeased with an
adequatfor exampleease (for example Vaseline).
10.The stacking of several crimp cable lugs is for contact reasons not admissible because
when loosining screws only one earthing connection is allowed to be opened.
11.When making the connections make sure that both materials are suitable as far as the elec-
trochemical series is concerned. If this is not considered and electrolytes (for example wa-
ter) are involved, the more ignoble metal partner could corrode.
12.The dimensioning of the earthing connection points to the earthing system and the dimen-
sioning of the earthing system of the substation itself is within the responsibility of the oper-
ator. The earthing connection points shall be dimensioned in a way that the fault current of
the GIS can be conducted safely. These earthing connection points can be realized as for
example Cu earthing bars, Cu earthing ropes, CadWeld connections or other typical vari-
ants. The earthing connection points shall be designed in a way that the earthing material of
the GIS manufacturer (crimp cable lugs) can be connected easily. If the operator of the in-
stallation does not provide adequate earthing connection points, the operator of the installa-
tion is responsible for supplying the necessary material (for example adapters) and for real-
izing the correct earthing connection to his earthing system.
13.The operator of the installation is responsible for providing an earthing system with suffi-
cient low resistance. He has to ensure that the allowed values for step and touch voltages
according to the relevant standards are not exceeded.
14.The position of the earthing connection points required by the GIS in the earthing system of
the operator, can be taken from the GIS building drawing. These earthing connection points
shall be positioned by the operator of the installation in a way that the distance from the
GIS (for example circuit-breaker bottomplate) to the provided earthing connection points of
the operator of the installation is less than 2.0 m.
15.Information: The details and figures shown in the earthing plan are schematic representa-
tions and do not show each part of a support structure or each connection point as in reality
16.In general follow the rules concerning safety on work relevant for the country of erection
and/or specified by the operator during realizing the earthing. The risk of stumbling or of in-
jury shall be avoided by proper installation.
17.When connecting the GIS earthing conductors to the earthing system belonging to the op-
erator’s installation follow always these principles:
The earthing connections which have their origin within the building shall be connected
solely to the earthing system belonging to the GIS building.
The earthing connections which have their origin outdoor shall be connected solely to the
earthing system of the outdoor substation.
If different earthing systems are connected, unwanted circulating currents could occur
which could result in a voltage rise of earthing conductors.
18.Support structures, which stand directly on the base frame of a bay, need not an additional
potential earthing.
3.4.1 Dimensioning
All material necessary for earthing of the GIS is delivered together with the equipment, if not
specified differently in the contract.
The dimensioning of the earthing conductors distinguishes GIS installations with several bays
and single bay installations. Installations of type ELK−04H (horizontal position of cir-
cuit−breaker) have to be treated as single bay installations unless the circuit−breakers are
connected by metal−enclosed ELK−04 enclosures and the dimensions are smaller than 5 m.
Potential earthing
Use 16 mm earthing conductors (copper rope) for potential earthing of the local control cabi-
nets and other metallic parts (for example support structure).
Multiple bay installation and single bays with dimensions larger than 5 m
Connect the circuit−breaker baseplate at least every 5 m with an earthing conductor 1 x 120
mm (cupper rope) to the building’s earthing system. Screw cable lug (3) to earthing point (2)
in circuit−breaker baseplate (1). The maximum distance between two earthing points shall be
5 m.
2 3
1 3
The protective conductor bar of the integrated control cubicle is connected at its rear to the
GIS enclosure through one M12 earthing connection bolt and an earthing conductor (16 mm
copper rope) in the factory. Check this connection during commissioning.
1. Install the conductor for potential earthing (16 mm copper rope) in parallel to the control
2. Connect the protective conductor bar inside the control cubicle with the circuit−breaker
3. In addition, connect the protective conductor bar for potential earthing with the building’s
earthing system at two points (16 mm copper rope).
For long busduct connections, the GIS enclosure has to be connected with all metal parts of
the GIS that are being passed in close proximity.
Connect all parts of the GIS installed outdoors to the external ring earth electrode (2) using the
shortest possible path (1). In order to protect the following GIS components sufficiently against
the intrusion of electromagnetic waves, copper rope of 2x120 mm laid in parallel with a dis-
tance of approximately 100 mm shall be used for such connections. This ensures a sufficiently
low impedance of the connection.
Detail X
5 2
e 1.1-2: Earthing air
of bush
SF ing
Fig. 27: Earthing of insulating gas to air bushing
Gas-insulated surge arresters are bolted to the GIS bay. In the base plate of the surge ar-
rester are several tapped holes M12 or M16 for the earthing connection. The base plate of the
surge arrester shall be connected with the GIS earthing by the shortest distance . Use a cop-
per rope 1x 120 mm .
4 Strictly follow the safety instructions! The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper
Each bay is mounted on a base frame in the factory. Depending on the size of the line-up and
the type of floor, there are two different methods of fixing the GIS:
1. The circuit-breaker base plate is connected to the base frame by means of eight adjustment
2. The circuit-breaker base plate is directly bolted to the base frame and leveled in the factory
by means of fill plates.
Before starting the installation check the levelness of the floor. Check the position and dimen-
sions of the wall and floor openings.
Position the first bay according to the layout drawing of the installation.
Adjust the first bay with the adjustment screws of the circuit-breaker in a way that the maxi-
mum permissible floor unevenness can be leveled out when installing the remaining feeder
bays, and that perfect coupling of all bays is possible.
1. Release the transport gas N2.
2. Loosen screws (2) of transport covers.
3. Remove screws (2) and washers (3). They are not needed anymore.
4. Keep washer (4) and sleeve (5) for later re-installation of the transversal installation unit.
5. Remove transport cover (1).
6. Hold compensation unit (3) to prevent from falling.
7. Loosen nut (5) and keep together with washer for later re-installation.
8. Screw bolt (4) out of housing of compensation unit (3) and keep bolt for later re-installation.
9. Remove assembly of compensation unit (3), counter nut (2) and long nut (1) and keep for
later re-installation.
10.Loosen screw (9) slightly and move both parts of earthing bridge (8) together so that both
parts remain together.
11.Hold earthing bridge (8) to prevent from falling.
12.Unscrew screw (7) and keep together with nut (6) for later re-installation.
13.Remove earthing bridge (8) and keep for later re-installation.
14.Remove high frequency contact ring.
15.Move the transversal installation enclosure (10) carefully into the busbar enclosure (11).
3 4 5
2, 3
Gas leakage.
Gas leakage can occur if sealing surface of transversal installation enclosure is damaged.
4 Remove high frequency contact ring before moving the transversal installation enclosure.
1 2 3
9 8
1. Position the bay to be connected in a distance 1000 mm + approx. 100 mm.
2. Make sure that the busbar flanges to be connected are:
parallel and leveled
within the prescribed tolerances (see primary drawings)
3. Make sure that the axis of the conductors (2) and contacts (1) are centered.
4. Insert O-ring into groove of insulator (3).
5. Move the bay to be connected to its final position. The correct bay width of 1000 mm is
reached if the dimension 348 mm ± 5 mm respectively 350 mm ± 5 mm is adjusted.
1 2
1 contact 2 conductor
3 insulator
350 mm ± 5 m m
348 mm ± 5 m m
1 2 3 4 5 6
Gas leakage.
Gas leakage can occur if sealing surface of transversal installation enclosure is damaged. If
the high frequency contact ring is installed before moving the transversal insertion enclosure
the sealing surface can be scratched.
4 Close transversal installation enclosure carefully before installing the high frequency con-
tact ring.
Discharges during switching with fast transients.
If high frequency contact ring is installed improperly discharges can occur during switching of
disconnector due to fast transients.
1. Close the transversal installation enclosure (1) to its final position. Take care that O-ring
(10) is not damaged.
2. Move ring (6) into its final position.
3. Install high frequency contact ring (9) thoroughly into groove of ring (5).
4. Move ring (5) into its final position.
5. Outdoor variant: Move ring (4) carefully together with O-ring (8) into their final position.
6. Check adjusted dimension.
7. Fix the transversal installation enclosure (1) temporarily to flange (3) at four points (2) with
a nut.
The temporary fixation (2) should be distributed evenly over the circumference. Two points
are on the back of the assembly and are not shown.
The flange of the transversal installation enclosure (2) and the flange (3) must be fixed in
their final position before the compensation units are re-installed. After the compensation
units are re-installed the transversal installation enclosure does not move anymore. If there
was a gap between transversal installation enclosure (2) and flange (3) this gap could not
be closed anymore. Any attempts to close the gap would damage the transversal installa-
tion enclosure.
1 4 5 6 7
8 9 10
3 1
Fixing the compensations units (6) with bolt (8), washer (9) and nut (10) to the flange tightens
the gas compartment by pressing ring (7) onto the O-ring between transversal installation en-
closure and the busbar enclosure. Work carefully to avoid later leakage.
Install the compensation units (2) and earthing bridges (1) in the pattern shown in. Align the
compensation units in a way that the opening (3) of each compensation unit shows towards
the floor to avoid the accumulation of liquids and dirt.
Earthing bridge
1. Put washer (1) onto bolt (3).
2. Put sleeve (2) onto bolt (3).
3. Hold assembly of long nut (4), counter nut (5) and compensation unit (6) to its final position.
4. Screw bolt (8) through the flange hole into compensation unit (6). Make sure that the bolt
protrudes approximately 1 mm out of the thread in the compensation unit housing. Make
sure that the bolt also protrudes sufficiently on side of the nut. The protrusion there should
be at least 2 mm.
5. Put washer (9) onto bolt (8).
6. Tighten nut (10) at specified torque.
7. Tighten long nut (1) at specified torque.
8. Tighten counter nut (2) at specified torque.
9. Fix earthing bridge (3) to busbar enclosure flange.
10.Tighten screw (5) with washer and nut (6) with washer at specified torque
11.Adjust length of earthing bridge (3).
12.Fix earthing bridge (3) to flange of new bay. Make sure that the parts of the earthing bridge
are aligned in a way that the two parts can be finally fixed without mechanical tension.
13.Tighten nut (1) with washer at specified torque to bolt (2) of insulator.
14.Tighten screw with washer and nut with washer (4) at specified torque.
6 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 washer 2 sleeve
3 bolt 4 long nut
5 counter nut 6 compensation unit
7 ring 8 bolt
9 washer 10 nut
1 2
1 2 3 4 3 5 6
Final work
Up to now all bays are coupled and their compensation units are blocked with blocking nut (1).
The following work steps are necessary to allow the compensation units compensating thermal
Mechanical overload of components within the busbar.
If the blocking nut (1) is loosened without SF6 filling at filling pressure the complete coordina-
tion of spring forces within the compensation units fails resulting in mechanical overload of
4 Do not loosen the blocking nuts (1) before the bays have been filled with SF6 at filling pres-
1. Fix the support structure of all bays to the building floor.
Weld the steel support structure to the steel profiles in the floor.
Cold galvanize the weld joints with zinc spray
Drill holes in the floor and install injection anchors.
Fix the bays to the injection anchors.
2. Connect switchgear to the earthing grid of the building according to the earthing plan.
3. Fill all bays with SF6 at filling pressure.
4. Loosen blocking nuts (1) from all compensation units (3) within the installation.
After loosening the blocking nut washer (2) is free. The washer can cause irritating noise
when the bay is energized.
5. Fix washer (2) at every compensation unit with a cable strap to prevent movement.
1 2 3
4 Commissioning
4.1 Tests prior to commissioning
This document describes the basic procedures for testing of the GIS at site prior to commis-
sioning. These procedures are based on the following:
● IEC 62271-203
● IEEE C37.122
● Experience from more than 10000 installed GIS bays
● Technical, commercial and practical aspects of the tests at site prior to commissioning
In most cases the shipping units delivered to site consist of complete bays or large assem-
blies. These shipping units are subject to a complete factory test prior to delivery.
● To detect any rare possible damage or anomaly that may occur during transport
● To test the complete GIS installation after final assembly at site
● To ensure uninterrupted operation in service
The sequence of tests described in the following subclauses represents our standard se-
quence. For special conditions prevailing at site or practical reason this sequence may be
modified by agreement between manufacturer and user.
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
During improper handling an internal arc can occur which releases hot gases through the
bursting protection. After opening the enclosure parts under high voltage can be accessible.
4 Follow all safety instructions. The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
The amount of filled insulating gas and the amount of the remaining rest of insulating gas have
to be documented in the site test protocol Commissioning 1HDG518680 in section insulating
gas inventory.
All documents required for the tests prior to commissioning are listed in the site test protocol
Commissioning 1HDG518680.
Suitable test devices that are not listed above may be used alternatively.
The measurement of the voltage drop is performed on two different locations with 100 A sup-
plied from a suitable battery or DC supply source. Both test locations are connected to the test
device. The actual measurement is effective on the connecting lead (not on the connection to
the measuring location).
R = resistance
U = voltage drop
I = current
In case of a new installation, the voltage drop is measured on complete shipping units. The
values of the shipping units can be found in the supplied routine test protocols. If these are not
available the default values are specified in Modules [} 199] for each module.
The measuring points shall be as close as possible to the cast-in contacts of the insulators for
all measurements.
The test of the gas density monitors / sensors is to be documented in the site test protocol
Commissioning 1HDG518680 in section Gas density monitor resp. Gas density sensor.
The test for gas tightness at site prior to commissioning shall be documented in the site test
protocol Commissioning 1HDG518680.
The dew point measurement is performed once the gas compartments have been filled and
pressurized with insulating gas. In order to allow an equalization between the residual mois-
ture of the GIS enclosure material and the filling of dry insulating gas, this measurement
should not be carried out immediately after the filling. The permissible values and the proce-
dures associated with the dew point measurement are listed in Gashandling [} 40].
The dew point measurement prior to commissioning shall be documented in the site test pro-
tocol Commissioning 1HDG518680.
● Earthing
● Voltage Transformer
● Current Transformer
● Surge Arrester
● Amount of filled gas
The amount of filled insulating gas and the amount of the remaining rest of insulating gas shall
be documented in the site test protocol Commissioning 1HDG518680 in section insulating gas
● Circuit−breaker
● Disconnector / earthing switch
● Make−proof earthing switch
Damage to the interrupting chamber.
If pressure in gas compartment is below minimum functional pressure, the mechanical damp-
ing of the interrupting chamber might be insufficient.
4 Fill the gas compartment at least at minimum functional pressure before executing a switch-
ing operation
This test of one minute duration has been proven over many years of practical application.
The subsequent successful energizations of the tested GIS show that this test guarantees a
safe and reliable operation of the GIS.
The high voltage test of the GIS is usually performed before the installation of the power ca-
bles. In case the power cables have already been installed prior to the high voltage test, they
have to be disconnected for the duration of the test. The cables can be disconnected from the
GIS by opening the line disconnector.
Once the power cables have been installed and connected to the GIS, they are high voltage
tested; usually this test is performed by the cable manufacturer.
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
During improper handling an internal arc can occur which releases hot gases through the
bursting protection. After opening the enclosure parts under high voltage can be accessible.
4 Follow all safety instructions. The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
The tightening torque for ungreased bolts is listed in chapter Installation in section Installation
of the GIS.
Test voltages
The high voltage test of the main circuits will be performed after all installation work has been
completed. If a breakdown occurs, the test has to be repeated.
The AC test voltages are listed in the table. The table contains the consolidated values of IEC
and ANSI.
The high voltage commissioning test shall be documented in the on site test protocol Commis-
sioning 1HDG518680.
1. Raise the test voltage at approximately 1 kV/s up to the test voltage listed in and apply for
one minute.
2. Lower the test voltage at approximately 1 kV/s to zero.
(Duration of appli-
cation: 1 min)
Power frequency 120 kV 165 kV 200 kV 235 kV 270 kV
voltage used for
on-site test IEC
(Duration of appli-
cation: 1 min)
Power frequency 112 kV 148 kV 184 kV 220 kV 260 kV
voltage used for
on-site test IEEE
(Duration of appli-
cation: 1 min)
Test capacitances
The size of the GIS section which can be put under test at the same time is determined by the
total capacitance of the GIS section. The total capacitance of a GIS section can be estimated
by adding the capacitance values of complete GIS bays and of long busducts. The result ob-
tained is the capacitance load per phase with the other two phases being earthed through their
connection to the GIS enclosure.
A GIS bay contributes a capacitance of approximately 700 pF to the total capacitance. Longer
busduct modules can be calculated with a capacitance value of 30 pF/m.
The required power of a test transformer depends on the capacitance of the GIS modules.
Test transformers are available within the range of 45 kVA to 1300 kVA.
U = test voltage
2· ·f
f = frequency
If the test is performed with a resonance test set with variable frequency, the selected fre-
quency of the resonance test set has to be used in the equation above.
4 Do not apply test voltage to a switchgear section which is separated from the energized
part only by one disconnector. Both sections shall be separated by two disconnectors with
the section between earthed.
Take the following precautions if a voltage test is performed at installations which contain ener-
gized sections:
1. To avoid a flashover between the section under high-voltage test (2) and the section ener-
gized to the power system (4) two disconnectors (6) and (7) shall separate the two sec-
2. The section between the disconnectors shall be earthed (3).
If a flashover in disconnector gap (6) to earth (3) occurred the energized part of the installation
(4) would not be affected because it is separated by the additional disconnector (7).
2 3 4 5
6 7
The figures in this section show the application of the test set at a flange diameter of 520 mm.
The test set can be used for a flange diameter of 735 mm in the same way.
The installation of the test set-up to the busbar module is the best position to perform a high-
voltage test on site. The complete busbar as well as the disconnector gaps and the main cur-
rent path of the bays can be tested from this position.
this position.
5, 6
1. De-energize and earth the complete switchgear section.
2. Reduce gas pressure in busbar module (1) to maintenance pressure.
3. Remove covers from busbar module (1).
4. In case busbar module (1) has flange diameter of 520 mm install adapter 735/520 module
(2) to it.
In case busbar module (1) has a flange diameter of 735 mm an adapter is not necessary,
proceed with the next step.
5. Install test adapter with switches (3) and test adapter (4).
6. Install reactor (5) and capacitor (6).
7. Evacuate gas compartments of test adapters, which are filled with atmospheric air, and fill
with insulating gas at filling pressure.
8. Fill gas compartments with reduced gas pressure with insulating gas at filling pressure.
9. Carry out high-voltage test.
Alternatively a test bushing can be connected to the busbar end. In case of restricted space
the test bushing can be positioned in different directions. The test voltage is fed through the
test bushing.
5 3
itor (6) is
t on site.
1. De-energize and earth the complete switchgear section.
2. Reduce gas pressure in busbar module (1) to maintenance pressure.
3. Remove covers from busbar module (1
4. In case busbar module (1) has flange diameter of 520 mm install adapter 735/520 module
(2) to it.
In case busbar module (1) has a flange diameter of 735 mm an adapter is not necessary,
proceed with the next step.
5. Install test adapter with switches (3) and test adapter (4).
6. Install test bushing (5).
7. Evacuate gas compartments of test adapters, which are filled with atmospheric air, and fill
with insulating gas at filling pressure.
8. Fill gas compartments with reduced gas pressure with insulating gas at filling pressure.
9. Install test voltage source to test bushing.
10.Carry out high-voltage test.
In case the cable test is planned with a DC voltage source, the combined exit disconnector/
earthing switch (5) shall be in position earthing switch CLOSED. A DC cable test is only ad-
missible in this way if the exit disconnector/earthing switch module (5) and the cable termina-
tion (6) are the only modules installed at the exit. If additional modules exist, which would be
put under DC voltage, contact the GIS manufacturer before testing. This will prevent any dam-
age because the GIS is not designed to withstand DC voltages in general.
For cable testing a test-adapter (2, 3) with test bushing (1) can be installed at the exit discon-
nector/earthing switch module (5). The adapter 735/520 module (4) is installed between test
adapter and exit disconnector/earthing switch module only, if the exit disconnector/earthing
switch has an outer flange diameter of 520 mm. Otherwise no such adapter is needed.
The test voltage can be fed into the high-voltage cable (6) through the test bushing (1). The
combined exit disconnector/earthing switch with earthing switch in position CLOSED prevents
any effects of the test voltage on the rest of the bay. In case of restricted space the orientation
of the test bushing can be changed by using additional 90 degree modules.
degree modules.
1 3
1. De-energize and earth the complete bay.
2. Do necessary gas handling in exit disconnector/earthing switch module (5).
If a barrier insulator remains at the flange of the exit disconnector/earthing switch module:
Reduce gas pressure to maintenance pressure if the exit disconnector/earthing switch
module has to be opened: Evacuate exit disconnector/earthing switch module and let at-
mospheric air in
3. Remove covers from exit disconnector/earthing switch module (5).
If a voltage transformer or surge arrester is installed on that place dismount this component
4. In case exit disconnector/earthing switch module (5) has flange diameter of 520 mm install
adapter 735/520 module (4) to it.
In case exit disconnector/earthing switch module (5) has a flange diameter of 735 mm an
adapter is not necessary. Proceed with the next step.
5. Install test adapter with switches (3) and test adapter (2).
6. Install test bushing (1).
7. Evacuate gas compartments, which are filled with air at atmospheric pressure, and fill with
insulating gas at filling pressure.
8. Fill gas compartments with reduced gas pressure with insulating gas at filling pressure.
9. Install test voltage source to test bushing.
10.Carry out high-voltage test.
5 Maintenance
5.1 Maintenance of the GIS
Functional and visual inspections are carried out at 8-year intervals. The gas compartments
are not opened for such inspections.
The individual switchgears have to be controlled after a certain number of operations, and
their contacts are to be overhauled depending on the current loads imposed. Such an over-
haul requires opening the respective gas compartment. For the duration of the maintenance
the installation has to be partly taken out of service.
We recommend calling in the service for all work involving the interior parts of the switchgear.
All O-rings which have been removed during maintenance work shall be replaced by new
Adsorber pack
All adsorber packs which belong to gas compartments which have been opened for mainte-
nance work shall be replaced by new ones.
The tightening torques for non-greased bolts in threads and holes are listed in chapter Installa-
tion in section Installation of the GIS in table Tightening torques for non-greased bolts.
The tightening torque for the coupling nut at the gas valve 1HDG111031 (mounting a gas den-
sity monitor, a tightening nut or an adapter) are 50 N m. The coupling nuts (M30x2) are not
4 Follow all safety instructions. The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
The tightening torques for non-greased screws in threaded boreholes and for bolt and nut con-
nections are listed in chapter Installation in section Installation of the GIS in table Tightening
torques for non-greased screws.
For replacement of the adsorber pack the gas compartment must be opened. So the gas com-
partment must be evacuated first. Then the pressure must be equalized with atmosphere. Af-
ter dismounting the bursting disk the adsorber pack can be replaced.
The working procedures differ depending on the variant of the pressure relief device. The fol-
lowing variants have to be considered:
Bursting disk
● Treat carefully.
● Scratches on and damage of the bursting disk are not permissible.
Adsorber pack
● Take care that adsorber material is dry when inserting a new adsorber pack.
● Check the humidity indicator (accompanies the adsorber material).
● Observe the maximum installation time (2 h) until the gas compartment must be filled with
insulating gas.
● This is valid for all climatic conditions except rain or fog when the adsorber material can get
in contact to water.
Loss of the insulating properties of the insulating gas.
If adsorber pack is replaced in rainy or foggy environment the moisture content of the insulat-
ing gas can exceed the specification.
1. De-energize and earth relevant module.
2. Evacuate the module and equalize pressure with atmosphere.
3. Unscrew screws (11) and keep together with the washers for re-installation.
4. Remove holder strip (9) and cover (8) and keep for re-installation.
5. Keep nameplate (10) and washers (7) for re-installation.
6. Unscrew screws (6) and keep together with the washers for re-installation.
7. Remove pressing ring (5) and keep for re-installation.
8. Remove bursting disk (4) carefully and store in a safe location for re-installation. Allowed
now to reused up to 4 times.
Hint: A thorough visual inspection to take place before reuse of bursting disk.
9. Remove O-ring (3) and dispose off.
10.Remove adsorber pack (2) and dispose off.
1. Insert new adsorber pack (2) centrically into flange (1).
2. Insert new O-ring (3).
3. Check bursting disk for damages and replace bursting disk if necessary.
4. Insert bursting disk (4) carefully.
5. Put pressing ring (5) on top of flange (1).
6. Fix pressing ring (5) with screws and washers (6). Fasten the screws in a cross-like man-
ner at specified torque.
7. Put washers (7) around boreholes for screws (11).
8. Put cover (8) onto washers (7).
9. Put holder strip (9) onto cover.
10.Fix holder strip (9) with screws and washers (11).
Fix the nameplate (10) of the bursting disk underneath one screw.
11.Tighten screws (11) at specified torque.
12.Do necessary gas handling and gas leakage test.
13.Re-energize module.
1. De-energize and earth relevant module.
2. Evacuate the module and equalize pressure with atmosphere.
3. Unscrew screws (7) and keep together with the washers for re-installation.
4. Remove pressing ring with outdoor cover (6) and keep for re-installation.
5. Keep nameplate (8) for re-installation.
6. Remove O-ring (5) and dispose off.
7. Remove bursting disk (4) carefully and store in a safe location for re-installation. Allowed
now to reused up to 4 times.
Hint: A thorough visual inspection to take place before reuse of bursting disk.
8. Remove O-ring (3) and dispose off.
9. Remove adsorber pack (2) and dispose off.
1. Insert new adsorber pack (2) centrically into flange (1).
2. Insert new O-ring (3).
3. Check bursting disk for damages and replace bursting disk if necessary.
4. Insert bursting disk (4) carefully.
5. Insert new O-ring (5).
6. Put pressing ring with outdoor cover (6) on top of flange (1).
7. Fix nameplate (8) of the bursting disk underneath one screw (7).
8. Fix pressing ring with outdoor cover (6) with screws and washers (7). Fasten the screws in
a cross-like manner at specified torque.
9. Do necessary gas handling and gas leakage test.
10.Re-energize module.
1. De-energize and earth relevant module.
2. Evacuate the module and equalize pressure with atmosphere.
3. Unscrew screws (9) and keep together with the washers for re-installation.
4. Remove 90° deflector (6) with assembled cover plate (8, 7) and keep for re-installation.
5. Unscrew screws (5) and keep together with the washers for re-installation.
6. Remove pressing ring (4) and keep for re-installation.
7. Remove bursting disk (3) carefully and store in a safe location for re−installation. Allowed
now to reused up to 4 times.
Hint : A thorough visual inspection to take place before reuse of bursting disk.
8. Remove O-ring (2) and dispose off.
9. Remove adsorber pack (1) and dispose off
1. Insert new adsorber pack (1) module housing.
2. Insert new O-ring (2).
3. Check bursting disk for damages and replace bursting disk if necessary.
4. Insert bursting disk (3) carefully.
5. Put pressing ring (4) on top of placed bursting disk (3).
6. Fix pressing ring (4) with screws and washers (5). Fasten the screws in a cross-like man-
ner at specified torque.
7. Place 90° deflector (6) on fixed pressing ring (4) and tighten screws (9) specified torque.
8. Do necessary gas handling and gas leakage test.
9. Re-energize module.
The return of the insulating gas is contractually regulated with the gas suppliers. The manufac-
turer will guarantee the return of the insulating gas in accordance with the applicable regula-
Prior to disposal of the components, the hydraulic oil contained in the operating mechanism of
the circuit-breaker has to be removed and disposed of separately. Observe the local regula-
tions with respect to hydraulic oil.
Severe injury or death due to sudden release of the disk spring column tension.
The disk spring column of the circuit-breaker operating mechanism is mechanically precharged
with high tension forces. Special tools and skills are needed to release the tension of the disk
spring column safely.
6 Control cubicle
6.1 Control cubicle - Description
6.1.1 General
Control cubicles are available as integrated cubicles which are installed to the busbar of the
bay or as separate cubicles.
The control cubicles are available for indoor and outdoor application.
The control cubicles are depending on the supplier varnished wet or coated with powder. If
they are coated with powder, the desired color can be applied with another wet varnishing. To
every wet varnish a fungicide is added. All indoor control cubicles are sendzimir galvanized.
Dimensional accuracy
● According to DIN ISO 2768 T1, T2 medium
● Galvanization:
Thickness of coat outside: Min. 12 µm
Thickness of coat inside: Min. 8 µm
● Sendzimir galvanization or zinc–aluminium coating:
Thickness of coat in- and outside: Min. 12 µm
Cold galvanization is restricted to treating of cut edges and rectification work
● Complete cubicle:
After mounting on site, alignment and fixing of the cubicles the saw-tooth curve of the top
edge of the door exceeds not more than 3 mm.
● Door:
Designed for an additional load of 40 kg in the center of gravity of the door.
Designed for an additional load of 100 kg in the center of gravity of the door.
● Swing frame:
Designed for an additional load of 80 kg.
Designed for an additional load of 200 kg.
The doors are connected to the cubicle with two flexible CU-strips top and bottom with a mini-
mum of 16 mm .
The swing frame is connected to the cubicle with two flexible CU-strips top and bottom with a
minimum of 16 mm .
Freestanding cubicle: From the earthing bar to the building earth with a tinned copper strip of
min. 25mm².
Fig. 45: Small integrated control cubicle with control panel (left), with glass insert and swing frame (right)
Fig. 46: Large integrated control cubicle for ELK-04, 170 kV; ELK-04, 145 kV EconiQ™
Steel body, visible surfaces painted, side and rear walls can be removed from outside, remov-
able lifting eyes, frame design, galvanized frame not painted.
Cubicle fixation
With clamps at rear U or L profiles. Alternatively, small integrated cubicle ELK-04, 145
mounted on a plate.
Door with glass insert or control panel, door opening 170°, fixable at 170°.
Door fixation left is standard, right as option, Tiefen profiles right and left for fixation of vertical
terminal blocks Cable fixation profile on left side with protective earth bar above, completion
with wiring frame.
Protective earthing bar, cable fixation profiles in cubicles at 520 mm busbar only left, in cubi-
cles at 735 mm busbar right and left.
Bottom opening in cubicle at small integrated cubicles, busbar left only, in cubicle at large inte-
grated cubicles on both sides. 11 openings for plugs at maximum.
Bottom plate
External cables are feed through openings with canted edges in bottom plate, can be closed
with sliding canted plate. Sliding with 5 cm, sealing usually with mounting foam on site.
Openings for plugs and cable glands in rear wall (small integrated cubicles), in top and side
wall (large integrated cubicles).
Fixation points
Four screw connections to floor.
Door with glass insert or control panel, removable lifting eyes, frame design, galvanized, not
painted, side and rear walls removable from outside, visible surfaces painted.
Usually opposite of GIS, cubicle width corresponds to GIS bay width, adjacent cubicles with
inner side walls as partition with openings for ring wiring cable duct.
Door with glass insert or control panel, door opening angle 170°.
Bottom plate
External cabling via three openings with canted edges in bottom plate. Openings positioned
on the right, middle and left side of the plate, sliding area 5 cm within the range of the plugs
10cm, sealing on site with mounting foam. Alternatively, also solid floor plate with cable
Fixation points
Six holes in socket and base plate, cabinet mounted on socket and fixed to the ground. Diam-
eter of holes: 12mm.
Control cubicle locking via swivel lever handle, door aperture angle 170 °, lockable at 170°,
stainless steel rack, separate removable rain roof, screw-off supporting lugs.
Glass insert in front door, swing frame, back side with wire frame alternatively with mounting
plate, sideways with wire frame, plug mounting plate with plug cut-out ‘64-pole’.
Bottom plate
External cabling via bottom plate, removable plates right and left with holes for metric cable
glands, backside sliding plate for receiving grommets for cable plug, sliding area within the
range of the plugs 10cm, alternative to removable plates left and right cover plates at the front
with or without holes for fittings.
The wiring system consists of prefabricated parts which are mounted to a wiring frame. The
frame mainly is made of vertical bearing rail on the sides, horizontal mounting bars, mounting
straps and wiring profiles. This frame replaces the back-side mounting plate. The mounting
bars on the front side are elaborated according to the DIN mounting plates. Here are the sin-
gle devices snapped on. Single vertical positioned mounting bars on the side of the cubicle
are provided for mounting of terminal bars. In the wiring frame distributed on the height some
single horizontal covers intentionally are carried out a bit larger for being able to grip behind
the frame.
For this wiring system the wiring is established in the back area. The wiring is totally accessi-
ble from the front.
● Because of the establishment of wiring in the back area, cable channels are not required.
With this technic it’s possible to reduce the volume of the control cubicle compared to a
free standing type about approximately 45 %.
● Because of the loose distribution of the wiring over the complete back side of the control
cubicle and division of wiring and device area the air circulation is improved, a good heat
emission is given. Special hot spots as it happens in filled-up cable channels are avoided.
● A fast and uncomplicated accessibility is given for refinished wiring or changes. There is al-
ways enough space in the wiring area for additional wiring.
● In case of a faulty device the device may be changed immediately and service-friendly be-
cause the single wirings for the device connections are passed from behind to front via
special supporting cams. The connecting wires stay because of the cams in position and
make any confusion impossible.
Permanent loads
● Cubicle lighting (with open cubicle door)
● Heater for control cubicle
● Heater for operating mechanisms (depends on the control voltage: from 60 VAC to 125
VAC / up to 250 VAC optional)
● MCBs for AC-circuits
● Alarm annunciators (max. at lamp test)
● Position indicators
● Auxiliary relays
● Contactors CB control
● Bay control unit REC6xx
● MCBs for DC-circuits
● Hydraulic pump CB, 24 sec.
● Motors for disconnector / earthing switch, up to 3 sec.
● Interlocking solenoid disconnector / earthing switch, up to 3 sec.
For the max. power demand sum only one drive and interlocking solenoid together with the
hydraulic pump function is relevant at the same time.
Starting current
● Hydraulic pump, 50 ms
● Operating mechanism motors for disconnector / earthing switch, 50 ms
For the max. power demand sum only the hydraulic pump and one operating mechanism mo-
tor is relevant at the same time.
Temporarily load
● AC
Panel socket outlet
For the calculation of simultaneity-factors it has to be considered, that
Protection relays
The power demand of possibly built in protection relays strongly depends on the type and
make of the relay and may vary considerably. Therefore this demand is not taken under con-
sideration in the table for the typical power demand.
The table shows the consumption values to be considered for a typical bay (double busbar
with circuit-breaker, make-proof earthing switch and three disconnector / earthing switches).
Lighting 5W 5W 5W
Cubicle heating 100 W 100 W 100 W
Operating mechanism heating 145 W 145 W 145 W
MCBs AC 2W 2W 2W
Sum AC 252 W 252 W 252 W
Permanent load
Alarm annunciator 6W - -
Position indicators 10 W - -
Auxiliary relays 15 W - -
Contactors circuit-breaker control 21 W 21 W 21 W
Bay control unit - 60W 60 W
Monitoring - - 25 W
Merging Unit - - 17 W
SAM 600 TS - - 15 W
MCBs DC 15 W 15 W 15 W
Sum DC 67 W 96 W 153 W
Permanent load
Hydraulic pump 660 W 660 W 660 W
Operating mechanism motor 220 W 220 W 220 W
Interlocking solenoid 30 W 30 W 30 W
Sum DC 890 W 890 W 890 W
Short time load
Trip coil I circuit-breaker, 500 W 500 W 500 W
L/R = 40 ms
Trip coil II circuit-breaker, 500 W 500 W 500 W
L/R = 40 ms
Therefore the following positions of electrical power may be excluded for the calculation of the
installed heating power in the control cubicle:
● Light: Only at open door
● Anti-condensation heaters of the local control cabinet:
Controlled by thermostat (standard) and hygrostat (optional)
● Anti-condensation heaters of the operating mechanisms: External load
● Socket: External load
● Relays circuit-breaker supervision: External load
● All short-time and peak loads: External load
With this the maximum heating efficiency in worst case is calculated (under the assumption
electric power equals heating efficiency) from the components micro circuit-breaker and com-
puting assembly see table below.
With this a sum of 38 W as installed power loss results for a control cubicle with one comput-
ing assembly of the type REC670 a sum of 63 W is calculated and 33 W with a combined con-
trol and protection unit type REF542plus.
For further computing assemblies corresponding power losses have to be added, a fan is not
The internal consumption of eventually build-in protection relays is dependent of the type of
relay used and may differ extremely. For this reason this is not mentioned in the typical over-
MCBs AC 2W 2W 2W
Sum AC permanent load 2W 2W 2W
Alarm annunciator 6W - -
Position indicators 10W - -
Auxiliary relays 15W - -
Bay control unit - 60W 60W
Monitoring - - 25W
Merging Unit - - 17W
SAM 600 TS - - 15W
MCBs DC 15W 15W 15W
Sum DC permanent load 46W 75W 132W
Determining factors are the ambient temperature and the maximum permissible inner temper-
ature for the cubicle. Depending on the cubicle variant the power loss via radiation differs. The
following values apply:
6.1.8 Delivery
Inspection of delivered equipment
When the equipment arrives at the construction site, check whether your equipment is com-
plete and whether it has been damaged during shipping. If damage is found, determine the ex-
tent and cause of damage and the person responsible and compile a damage report.
Intermediate storage
If the control cubicles are not mounted immediately after they have been delivered to the con-
struction site, they must be stored temporarily in a dry, dust-free place.
Danger of build-up of condensation water.
If the control cubicles are unpacked without switching on the cubicle heating, condensation wa-
ter can build-up.
4 When the control cubicles are unpacked, the cubicle heating must be switched on without
delay in order to prevent the build-up of condensation water.
Hazard Damage of painted surface.
By means of adhesives or by removing adhesive strips the painted surface can be damaged.
6.1.9 Mounting
Installation of bay-integrated control cubicles
The bay-integrated control cubicle is generally preassembled to the bay. The back side of the
cubicle is locked in the transportation position by four clamps and has to be set up if neces-
sary into its final position. The following steps must be observed:
1. Put a jacklift under the control cubicle, raise the forks (place squared beams underneath as
required) and take up the load without lifting the control cubicle.
2. Release the four clamps on the back side of the control cubicle.
3. Lower the control cubicle to a final height of 80 mm (specify optimum height, guard of den-
sity sensor) (do this in stages if necessary - Caution: In doing so, always retighten and re-
lease the four clamps!).
4. Once the control cubicle has been lowered, tighten the four clamps and remove the jacklift.
5. Connect optical waveguides (Fiber optic cable [} 148]).
6. Switch on control cubicle heating.
1. Attach control cubicle with four ring bolts on crane ropes, raise the crane hook centered
and take up the load without lifting the control cubicle.
2. Release the four clamps on the reverse side of the control cubicle.
3. Adjust the control cubicle
(do this in stages if necessary - Caution: In so doing, always retighten and release the four
4. Once the control cubicle has been adjusted, tighten the four clamps and remove crane
ropes and lifting bracket.
5. Connect optical waveguides (Fiber optic cable [} 148]).
6. Switch on control cubicle heating.
1. Disconnect the control cubicle from power supply.
2. Disconnect cable connections from other control cubicles (see order-specific drawings).
3. Disconnect connector cables and bay wiring.
4. Remove optical waveguides (Fiber optic cable [} 148]).
5. Remove the control cubicle from the bay.
We recommend to contact our service for all work which requires to open the inner of the ap-
For all work the actual safety and accident prevention regulations shall be observed (Installa-
tion [} 86]).
When unwinding fibres and cores from coils or rings, ensure that they are not kinked or
twisted. End caps and, where applicable, corrosion protection at the cable ends shall not be
damaged during installation. If damage occurs in spite of the precautions, deficiencies shall be
rectified immediately. During installation, ensure that the mini- mum permissible bending ra-
dius of the optical waveguide cable is observed. The minimum permissible bending radius can
be obtained from the data sheet and/or from the following documentation figure below.
The optical waveguides are sensitive to mechanical loads and cold conditions: Do not bend,
kink, or pull on waveguide! Do not install waveguides at temperatures under 5 °C. Particular
attention must be paid to positions marked (8) in figure below.
Do not dirty the optical waveguide plug or allow it to hang freely (protective cap). To prevent
damaging connectors when carrying out installation or disassembly work, tools such as pliers
shall not be used.
7 6 5
Bending radius
> 10-fold diameter
When pulling through a tube, it may be necessary to secure the transmission wire at the
breakout cable and cover the waveguide with adhesive tape.
Pull only at the breakout cable jacket and never at the waveguide or plug.
Function check
The best method of testing an optical waveguide is with an attenuation measuring device. A
simple, optical light check (for example torch) is not sufficient. For this purpose, Service can
provide you with a complete portable test set.
The following basic functions of the electric control are contained in a conventional bay con-
● Miniature-circuit-breaker (MCBs) for protection of the low voltage circuits of voltage trans-
● Off / local / remote switch
● Station interlocking
● Interlocking bypass switch
● Interface remote control
● Cubicle lighting / heating
Optional functions
As an option the following functions can be added on request:
● Operational metering
● Energy counter
● Socket
● Control cubicle anti-condensation heating
● Operating mechanism anti-condensation heating
● Transducers
● Interposing relay
● Auxiliary switch contact reproduction
● Busbar voltage replication
● Protection systems
● Remote control systems
● Numeric interlocking systems
● Trip circuit supervision
● Synchrocheck
● Parallel switching arrangement
● Arc detection
Optional applications
As an option the following applications can be added on request:
Circuit protection
In order to be able to selectively disconnect and connect the various consumers miniature-cir-
cuit-breaker are used to distribute them onto several independent circuits.
● Anti-condensation heating and cubicle lighting
● Circuit-breaker control and TRIP I, disconnector / earthing switch control
● Disconnector / earthing switch motors
● Hydraulic pump motor
● Interlocking
● Position indications
● Alarm signals
Cubicle lighting
Via a door contact switch a LED light is switched.
Alarm indication
Up to 16 single alarms are visualized per bay via an alarm indication combination. This alarm
indication combination consists of a switch board housing 96x96 mm.
The indication display is realized with 5 mm LED’s. The respective label strips are to be in-
serted in transparency foil (in double rows with up to 21 mm text length and 10 mm height per
The indication combination is provided with buttons for LED-test and -acknowledge.
The contacts of the relays for eventual remote signaling are potential-free and laid out as stan-
dard as normally open contact.
● Off
No switching operations are possible, alarms and indications remain active
● Local
The bay can be operated only locally
● Remote
The bay can be operated only by a superior control level or from remote control center
Interlocking bypass
The complete interlocking except the end-position and the hand-crank interlocking can be by-
passed by using a key-operated switch.
Pump prevention stops uncontrolled switching (pumping) of the circuit-breaker with a continu-
ous ON pulse and a simultaneously applied OFF pulse. Single switching (ON / OFF) is per-
missible. Manual switching ON is possible when an OFF pulse is applied.
OFF-Blocking of circuit-breaker
OFF-Blocking occurs, if the drive energy for a TRIP or if the insulating gas (stage 2 alarm)
density in the circuit-breaker housing is too low.
ON-Blocking of circuit-breaker
ON-Blocking occurs, if the drive energy for a CLOSE/TRIP-cycle or if the insulating gas (stage
2 alarm) density in the circuit-breaker housing is too low.
Synchronized pole unit operation check for circuit-breaker with 1pole auto-reclosing
For circuit-breakers with single pole operating mechanism the synchronous operation of the
three poles is super- vised. This causes an automatic trip of all three poles of the circuit-
breaker if, after a delay of 2 seconds, not all poles are in the same switch position.
● Circuit-breaker switched ON
Motor ON travel stroke switch closed
● Circuit-breaker switched OFF
CO Blocking travel stroke switch closed
Depending on the switch position a different reserve of energy is stored in the operating mech-
anism. During connected (ON) position an OCO-cycle of the circuit-breaker is possible, during
opened (OFF) position the energy store ranges from OCO- (shortly charged) and CO-cycle.
This causes after switching off the circuit-breaker, that the hydraulic pump will not start pump-
ing immediately, which is important to the battery of the system, specially at a trip of the bus-
bar protection.
The control starts the hydraulic pump after switching on the circuit-breaker. Inbetween approx.
10 seconds the energy is available for switching an OCO-cycle.
A time characteristic of the starting hydraulic pump motors results from this control. In the
event of a fault a time delay relay sets a time limit for pumping.
The control cubicle contains all devices which are required for controlling and supervising a
switch bay. The operation and indication elements are positioned at the front. With opened
door of the control cubicle the access to the devices and terminal strips installed at the back
and side walls is given. All devices and terminals are protected against electric shock, this
means safe for fingers in the operation area, in the inner cubicle at least back-of-hand-proof.
Operation panel
In the cubicle front is a mimic board with a single line diagram, therein positioned LED position
indicators for position indication of the HV-apparatus. Beneath the position indicators are the
push-buttons for switching on or off the HV-apparatus. Close to the position indicator of the
circuit-breaker are additionally two impulse counters, one for counting of the switching cycles,
the other for counting the pump start-ups of the circuit-breaker. Close to the mimic an alarm
indicator and a digital multimeter are located. Below this, the Off / Local / Remote switch is
placed, below the single line diagram the key switch for switching without interlocking is
Cubicle layout
In the inner cubicle besides the cubicle lighting and possible cubicle heating also the minia-
ture-circuit-breakers (MCBs) for the different potential circuits, relays for interlocking double
operation and interlocking, and terminal straps are placed. The terminal straps are grouped in
a functional way.
The supervision of the circuit-breaker and the drive contactors of the HV-apparatus are not
placed in the control cubicle but directly mounted in the drive housings.
All wiring of the single devices to each other is realized with homogeneous black switching
wire, preferably with 1.5 mm profile.
Designation of wire
If designations of wire are situated, they are designed as labeled straps or in form of closed
jackets (that is undetachable labelled clips).
The connection between the operating mechanism and the control cubicle is realized with sys-
tem cables with 64 core leads. Gas density monitor-, current- and if necessary, voltage trans-
former- as well as additionally heating- cables are inserted in the cubicle by cable glands.
The cabling from the station side is inserted through the cubicle bottom. There is a slidable
bottom plate with chamfered edges which leads to a variable gap for the inserted cables. Re-
maining gaps are filled on the construction site with mounting foam.
Designation Usage
Q1 Q2
Q51 Q52
4 Q0
6 Q8
7 8
1 pushbutton ON 2 pushbutton ON
3 alarm annunciator 4 digital multimeter
5 key-operated switch INTERL/RELEASE 6 switch OFF/LOCAL/REMOTE
7 circuit-breaker operation counter 8 pump start counter
9 position indicators 10 pushbutton for selecting the switching devices
(only two hand operation or select control)
Metered parameters:
Danger of personal injury and damage to property caused by incorrect switching op-
In position RELEASE all electrical interlocking is deactivated. Incorrect switching operations
are possible.
4 Only persons with authorization for switching in position RELEASE shall execute switching
in position RELEASE.
An operating mechanism shall only be operated again after a complete stop of the motor.
Standard control
Pushbuttons ON/OFF
The high voltage devices are closed (switched ON) with the pushbutton ON (1). With the push-
button OFF (2) the associated high-voltage apparatus are opened (switched OFF).
The pushbuttons ON/OFF are only activated if the selector switch OFF/LOCAL/REMOTE is in
the LOCAL position. The operating command is executed only if the electrical interlocking per-
mits it.
A device shall NOT be operated while the associated operating mechanism is still running.
For safety reasons, switching operations with deactivated interlocking requires both hands and
shall be performed by authorized personnel only:
● Hand 1: Turn the key-operated switch into position RELEASE and hold it
● Hand 2: Press pushbutton ON respectively OFF
Double-stage control
A device shall NOT be operated while the associated operating mechanism is still running.
For safety reasons, switching operations with deactivated interlocking shall be performed by
authorized personnel only:
The control switches ON/OFF are only activated if the selector switch OFF/LOCAL/REMOTE is
in the LOCAL position. The operating command is executed only if the electrical interlocking
permits it.
A device shall NOT be operated while the associated operating mechanism is still running.
For safety reasons, switching operations with deactivated interlocking requires both hands and
shall be performed by authorized personnel only:
● Hand 1: Turn the key-operated switch into position RELEASE and hold it
● Hand 2: Press pushbutton ON respectively OFF
SUS − 01 SUS − 01 − Q
● Miniature-circuit-breaker (M.C.B.) trip
● Collected alarm insulating gas pressure stage 2
● Circuit-breaker insulating gas pressure stage 1
● Circuit-breaker ON blocking
● Circuit-breaker hydraulic pump fault
● Circuit-breaker OFF blocking
Busbar disconnector
● Disconnector insulating gas pressure stage 1
● Feeder insulating gas pressure stage 1
Voltage transformer
● Voltage transformer insulating gas pressure stage 1
● Voltage transformer micro-circuit-breaker trip
6.2.5 Counter
Pump start counter
The hydraulic-pump start-up counter (8) increments with each start of the hydraulic pump. The
counter cannot be reset manually. An unusually high number of pump starts indicates internal
leakages in the hydraulic system.
The number of the pump starts without operating the circuit-breaker is described in the circuit-
breaker operating mechanism module description.
Operation counter
The circuit-breaker operation counter (7) increments with each making operation of the circuit-
breaker. The counter cannot be reset manually. The number of circuit-breaker operations is
important for maintenance purposes.
Selector switch
Remote command ON
Remote command OFF
Selector switch
Fig. 57: Standard
ote is blocked. Qn
4 Only persons with authorization for switching in position RELEASE shall execute switching
in position RELEASE.
Danger of personal injury and damage to property caused by incorrect switching op-
All electrical interlocking of apparatuses is deactivated in position RELEASE. Incorrect switch-
ing operations are possible.
4 Only persons with authorization for switching in position RELEASE shall execute switching
in position RELEASE.
Danger of personal injury and damage to property caused by incorrect switching op-
In position RELEASE all electrical interlocking is deactivated. Incorrect switching operations
are possible.
4 Only persons with authorization for switching in position RELEASE shall execute switching
in position RELEASE.
Danger of personal injury and damage to property caused by incorrect switching op-
In position RELEASE all electrical interlocking is deactivated. Incorrect switching operations
are possible.
4 Only persons with authorization for switching in position RELEASE shall execute switching
in position RELEASE.
Danger of personal injury and damage to property caused by incorrect switching op-
During signal Circuit-breaker OFF blocking the circuit-breaker shall only be switched with man-
ual control if the respective feeder is de-energized.
Danger of personal injury and damage to property caused by incorrect switching op-
In position RELEASE all electrical interlocking is deactivated. Incorrect switching operations
are possible.
4 Observe imperatively the safety informations. According to IEC 62271-100 manual trigger-
ing shall be used only for maintenance and emergency operation on a dead circuit.
Danger of personal injury and damage to property caused by incorrect switching op-
In position RELEASE all electrical interlocking is deactivated. Incorrect switching operations
are possible.
4 Only persons with authorization for switching in position RELEASE shall execute switching
in position RELEASE.
● The LED stops flashing and turns into steady light if the alarm is still active
● The LED extinguishes if the alarm has been cleared
● M.C.B. trip (miniature-circuit-breaker trip)
Control, signaling and motor circuits are no longer operational once the M.C.B. has
tripped. Operation is possible with some restrictions:
– Check the circuits for short-circuits
– Check the motors if the circuits are fault-free
● Collected alarm insulating gas pressure stage 2
– Refill with insulating gas Circuit-breaker
Circuit-breaker ON blocking
The energy stored in the operating mechanism is sufficient for switching off: Feeder
● Check protective and measuring circuits and the voltage transformer for short-circuits
For each individual feeder an interlocking matrix is provided as part of the schematic dia-
grams. In the following the standard (mandatory) interlocking conditions are given together
with an instruction how to read the matrix.
6.3.2 Structure
The left hand side of the interlocking table shows all HV-apparatus of the respective feeder.
On top of it there are all relevant HV-apparatus or devices the feeder is interlocked to; inter-
nally within the feeder itself and externally to couplers, busbar earthing switches or devices of
another high voltage level or remote end switchgear.
The interlocking conditions result of the entries in the cross points of a column and a line. For
the release for operation of a HV-apparatus all conditions of the respective line have to be ful-
filled. For HV-apparatus with more than one line the conditions of one line have to be fulfilled.
C HV-apparatus closed
O HV-apparatus open
I Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
BBCO Busbar changeover (only applicable with double busbar systems)
BC Bus coupler closed, means both bus coupler disconnectors in closed position
X1 circuit-breaker or disconnector of another high voltage level or remote end switchgear
X2 Earthing switch of another high voltage level or remote end switchgear
HV-apparatus Qm Qn Qr Qs ...
Qn O H&E C ...
Condition 1: Qn is interlocked to Qm, this means, Qm has to be in open position for Qn being
released for operation.
Condition 2: Qn is interlocked to Qn, this means, that at the switching device Qn the hand
crank must not be inserted and any end position interlocking must not be active, for Qn being
released for operation.
Condition 4: Qn is interlocked to Qs, this means, Qs has to be in closed position for Qn being
released for operation.
Q9 Q53
T5 Q8
Release Q0 I I
(closed /
Q1 O H&E O O O
Q51 O H&E O
Q9 O O H&E O O O
Q53 O O H&E
Q8 O H&E <U O
Tab. 31: Interlocking conditions for single busbar with outgoing feeder bay
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
ES1: Busbar earthing switch BB1
X1: Circuit-breaker or disconnector of another high voltage level or remote end switchgear
X2: Earthing switch of another high voltage level or remote end switchgear
Interlocking conditions
Interlocking for
conditions BB1
for single busbar with Q1
transformer feeder
Release Q0 I I
(closed /
Q1 O H&E O O O
Q51 O H&E <U O
Q8 O H&E <U O
Tab. 32: Interlocking conditions for single busbar with transformer feeder bay
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
ES1: Busbar earthing switch BB1
X1: Circuit-breaker or disconnector of another high voltage level or remote end switchgear
X2: Earthing switch of another high voltage level or remote end switchgear
Release Q0 (closed / I I
Q1 O H&E O O O
Q51 O H&E
Q10 O O H&E O O
Q54 O O H&E
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
ES1: Busbar earthing switch BB1
ES2: Busbar earthing switch BB2
Interlocking conditions
conditions for single
busbar withforbusbar
busbar with
busbar earthing switch Q15
Tab. 34: Interlocking conditions for single busbar with busbar earthing switch
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
n: Number of feeders
Interlocking conditions
conditions for single BB1 BB2
busbar with single longitudinal Q11
single longitudinal sectio- Q15 Q16
sectionalizing and busbar
nalising earth-eart-
and busbar
1 ... m n ... z
(BB1): Q1 (BB2): Q1
Release Q11) H&E O O O
Q15 O H&E O
Q16 O H&E O
Tab. 35: Interlocking conditions for single busbar with single longitudinal sectionalizing and busbar earthing
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
m, n, z: Number of feeders
Interlocking conditions
Interlocking conditions for BB1 BB2
for single busbar with Q11 Q12
double longitudinal Q15 Q54 Q55 Q16
sectionalising and
sectionalizing andbusbar
busbar earthing
Q54 O H&E O
Q12 O O H&E O O
Q55 O O H&E
Q15 O H&E O
Q16 O H&E O
Tab. 36: Interlocking conditions for single busbar with double longitudinal sectionalizing and busbar earthing
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
m, n, z: Number of feeders
Q9 Q53
Re- Q0 I I I
lease (close
Q1 O H&E O O O O O
Q1 H&E O C O O O C
Q51 O H&E O O
Q2 O O O H&E O O O
Q2 C O H&E O O O C
Q52 O O H&E O O
Q9 O O O H&E O O O
Q53 O O O H&E
Q8 O H&E <U O
Tab. 37: Interlocking conditions for double busbar with outgoing feeder bay
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
BC: Bus coupler closed, means both bus coupler disconnectors in closed position
BBCO: Busbar change over
ES1: Busbar earthing switch BB1
ES2: Busbar earthing switch BB2
X1: Opposite circuit-breaker resp. disconnector
conditions for BB1
double busbar with for
conditions trans- BB2
double busbar Q1 Q2
with trans-
former feeder Q51 Q52
bay Q0
Re- Q0 I I
lease (closed
Q1 O H&E O O O O O O
Q1 H&E O C O O O C
Q51 O H&E O <U
Q2 O O O H&E O O O O
Q2 C O H&E O O O C
Q52 O O H&E <U O
Q8 O O H&E <U O
Tab. 38: Interlocking conditions for double busbar with transformer feeder bay
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
BC: Bus coupler closed, means both bus coupler disconnectors in closed position
BBCO: Busbar change over
ES1: Busbar earthing switch BB1
ES2: Busbar earthing switch BB2
X1: Opposite circuit-breaker resp. disconnector
Interlocking conditions
Interlocking conditions for BB1
for busbar with cou-
double busbar with BB2
coupling Q1 Q2
Q51 Q52
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
n: Number of feeders
ES1: Busbar earthing switch BB1
ES2: Busbar earthing switch BB2
KA: Blocking of coupler during busbar changeover:
Q1 and Q2 of minimum one feeder (except coupler) are closed at the same time
Interlocking conditions conditions
for double bus- for BB1
bar with busbar double busbar
earthing switchwith busbar BB2
Q15 Q25
1 ... n: Q1 1 ... n: Q2
Release Q15 H&E O
Q25 H&E O
Tab. 40: Interlocking conditions for double busbar with busbar earthing switch
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
n: Number of feeders
HV-ap- Q11 Q21 Q15 Q16 Q25 Q26 Feed- Feed- Feed- Feed-
paratus ers ers ers ers
Q15 O H&E O
Q16 O H&E O
Q21 H&E O O O
Q25 O H&E O
Q26 O H&E O
Tab. 41: Interlocking conditions for double busbar with single longitudinal sectionalizing and busbar earthing
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
m, n, z: Number of feeders
Interlocking Q15 Q11 Q54 Q55 Q12 Q16
conditions BB11 BB12
for double BB21 BB22
busbar with Q21 Q22
busbar with
double lon-
gitudinal Q25 Q56 Q57 Q26
ing and bus-
ing and Position
earthing Bay interlocking Station interlocking
HV- Q11 Q21 Q54 Q56 Q12 Q22 Q55 Q57 Q15 Q16 Q25 Q26 Fee Fee Fee Fee
ap- ders ders ders ders
1 ... n ... 1 ... n ...
m z m z
11): 12): 21): 22):
Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2
Re- Q11 H&E O O O O
Q54 O H&E O
Q12 O O H&E O O
Q55 O O H&E
Q15 O H&E O
Q16 H&E O
Q21 H&E O O O O
Q56 O H&E O
Q22 O O H&E O O
Q57 O O H&E
Q25 O H&E O
Q26 O H&E O
Tab. 42: Interlocking conditions for double busbar with double longitudinal sectionalizing and busbar earthing
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
m, n, z: Number of feeders
Inter- Q15 Q11 BB12 Q16 Q12 Q17
ing condi-
locking BB11 BB13
condi- BB21 BB22 BB23
tions for Q21 Q1 Q2 Q22
double Q51 Q52
busbar, Q25 Q26 Q27
longitu- Q0
busbar Bay interlocking Station interlocking
HV Q0 Q1 Q5 Q2 Q5 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q1 Q2 BC Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe
- 1 2 1 1 2 2 5 6 5 6 7 7 ed- ed- ed- ed- ed-
ap- ers ers ers ers ers
1.. 1 . n . 1 . n.
. .. .. z .. .. z
n: m m
(B (B
Q1 (B B1 B2
+ B1 3): 3):
Q2 1): Q1
Re- Q0 I I I I I I
leas (ON
e )
Q1 O H& O O O
Q51 O H& O
Q2 O O H& O O
Q52 O O H&
Tab. 43: Interlocking conditions for double busbar, double longitudinal sectionalizing, busbar coupler and busbar earthing
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
BC: Buscoupler
m, n, z: Number of feeders
KA: Blocking of coupler during busbar changeover: Q1 and Q2 of a feeder (except coupler) are
closed at the same time
Inter- Q15 Q11 BB12 Q16 Q12 Q17
ing condi-
locking BB11 BB13
condi- BB21 BB22 BB23
tions for Q21 Q1 Q2 Q22
double Q51 Q52
busbar, Q25 Q26 Q27
longitu- Q0
busbar Bay interlocking Station interlocking
HV Q0 Q1 Q5 Q2 Q5 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q1 Q2 BC Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe
- 1 2 1 1 2 2 5 6 5 6 7 7 ed- ed- ed- ed- ed-
ap- ers ers ers ers ers
1.. 1 . n . 1 . n.
. .. .. z .. .. z
n: m m
(B (B
Q1 (B B1 (B B2
+ B1 3): B2 3):
Q2 1): 1):
Q1 Q2
Q1 Q2
Re- Q11 H& O O O O
leas E
e H& O O O
H& O O O O
H& O O O O O
H& O O O O O
H& O O O O O
H& O O O O
H& O O O O O
H& O O O O O
H& O O O O O
H& O O O O O
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
BC: Buscoupler
m, n, z: Number of feeders
KA: Blocking of coupler during busbar changeover: Q1 and Q2 of a feeder (except coupler) are
closed at the same time
Inter- Q15 Q11 BB12 Q16 Q12 Q17
ing condi-
locking BB11 BB13
condi- BB21 BB22 BB23
tions for Q21 Q1 Q2 Q22
double Q51 Q52
busbar, Q25 Q26 Q27
longitu- Q0
busbar Bay interlocking Station interlocking
HV Q0 Q1 Q5 Q2 Q5 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q1 Q2 BC Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe
- 1 2 1 1 2 2 5 6 5 6 7 7 ed- ed- ed- ed- ed-
ap- ers ers ers ers ers
1.. 1 . n . 1 . n.
. .. .. z .. .. z
n: m m
(B (B
Q1 (B B1 (B B2
+ B1 3): B2 3):
Q2 1): 1):
Q1 Q2
Q1 Q2
Re- Q12 O H& O O O
leas E
e H& O O O O
H& O O O
O O H& O O O
O H& O O O O
O O H& O O O
O H& O O O O
O H& O O O O
H& O O O O O
O H& O O O O
H& O O O O O
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
BC: Buscoupler
m, n, z: Number of feeders
KA: Blocking of coupler during busbar changeover: Q1 and Q2 of a feeder (except coupler) are
closed at the same time
Inter- Q15 Q11 BB12 Q16 Q12 Q17
ing condi-
locking BB11 BB13
condi- BB21 BB22 BB23
tions for Q21 Q1 Q2 Q22
double Q51 Q52
busbar, Q25 Q26 Q27
longitu- Q0
busbar Bay interlocking Station interlocking
HV Q0 Q1 Q5 Q2 Q5 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q1 Q2 BC Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe
- 1 2 1 1 2 2 5 6 5 6 7 7 ed- ed- ed- ed- ed-
ap- ers ers ers ers ers
1.. 1 . n . 1 . n.
. .. .. z .. .. z
n: m m
(B (B
Q1 (B B1 (B B2
+ B1 3): B2 3):
Q2 1): 1):
Q1 Q2
Q1 Q2
Re- Q21 H& O O O O
leas E
e H& O O O
H& O O O O
O H& O O O O
H& O O O O O
O H& O O O O
H& O O O O O
O H& O O O O
H& O O O O O
O H& O O O O
H& O O O O O
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
BC: Buscoupler
m, n, z: Number of feeders
KA: Blocking of coupler during busbar changeover: Q1 and Q2 of a feeder (except coupler) are
closed at the same time
Inter- Q15 Q11 BB12 Q16 Q12 Q17
ing condi-
locking BB11 BB13
condi- BB21 BB22 BB23
tions for Q21 Q1 Q2 Q22
double Q51 Q52
busbar, Q25 Q26 Q27
longitu- Q0
busbar Bay interlocking Station interlocking
HV Q0 Q1 Q5 Q2 Q5 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q1 Q2 BC Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe
- 1 2 1 1 2 2 5 6 5 6 7 7 ed- ed- ed- ed- ed-
ap- ers ers ers ers ers
1.. 1 . n . 1 . n.
. .. .. z .. .. z
n: m m
(B (B
Q1 (B B1 (B B2
+ B1 3): B2 3):
Q2 1): 1):
Q1 Q2
Q1 Q2
Re- Q22 O H& O O O
leas E
e H& O O O O
H& O O O
O O H& O O
O H& O= O O
O O H& O O O
O H& O O O O
O O H& O O O
O H& O O O O
O H& O O O O
H& O O O O O
Q15 O H& O
Q25 O H& O
Q16 O O O H&
Q26 O O O H&
Q17 O H& O
Q27 O H& O
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
BC: Buscoupler
m, n, z: Number of feeders
KA: Blocking of coupler during busbar changeover: Q1 and Q2 of a feeder (except coupler) are
closed at the same time
Line-side Transformer-side
Release Q0 I
(closed /
Q1 O H&E O O O O O
Q51 O H&E O
Q8 O H&E <U O
Q81 O H&E O
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
X1: Opposite circuit-breaker resp. disconnector
Q51 Q52 T5 Q8
Re- Q0 I I I I
lease (ON)
Q1 O H&E O O O
Q51 O H&E O
Q2 O O H&E O O
Q52 O O H&E
Q9 O H&E O O O O
Q53 O O H&E O
Q8 O H&E <U O
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
F+1: Adjacent ring feeder, connecting to Q2
F-1: Adjacent ring feeder, connecting to Q1
X1: Opposite circuit-breaker resp. disconnector
X2: Opposite earthing switch
Interlocking conditions
conditions for for BB1
1½ circuit-breaker with upper
Q53 Q81
HV-appara- Q01 Q1 Q51 Q61 Q55 Q91 Q53 Q81 Q2 Q62 Q15 T51 X1 X2
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
Q1: Combined disconnector earthing switch
Q01: circuit-breaker upper feeder
Q02: Tie circuit-breaker
Q15. Busbar earthing switch BB1
Q51: Combined disconnector earthing switch
Q53: Combined disconnector earthing switch
Q55: Combined disconnector earthing switch
Q61: Combined disconnector earthing switch
Q62: Tie disconnector
Q81: Earthing switch with short circuit making capacity
Q91: Combined disconnector earthing switch
T51: Voltage transformer
X1: Opposite circuit-breaker resp. disconnector
X2: Opposite earthing switch
1½ circuit-breaker, coupling
Interlocking conditions for 1½ conditions
circuit- for
breaker with couplingcircuit breaker with cou-
HV-apparatus Q02 Q62 Q56 Q63 Q57 Q91 Q92 Q53 Q54
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
Q02: circuit-breaker
Q53: Earthing switch upper feeder
Q54: Earthing switch lower feeder
Q56: Combined disconnector earthing switch
Q57: Combined disconnector earthing switch
Q62 Combined disconnector earthing switch
Q63 Combined disconnector earthing switch
Q91 Combined disconnector earthing switch
Q92 Combined disconnector earthing switch
Interlocking conditions
conditions for for T52
circuit breaker
1½ circuit-breaker withwith
feeder Q54 Q82
Q64 Q92
Q03 Q58
Q2 Q52
HV-appara- Q03 Q2 Q52 Q64 Q58 Q92 Q54 Q82 Q02 Q63 Q25 T52 X1 X2
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
I: Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U: No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
Q02 Tie circuit-breaker
Q03 circuit-breaker lower feeder
Q2 Combined disconnector earthing switch
Q25 Busbar earthing switch BB2
Q52 Combined disconnector earthing switch
Q54 Combined disconnector earthing switch
Q58 Combined disconnector earthing switch
Q63 Tie disconnector
Q64 Combined disconnector earthing switch
Q82 Earthing switch with short circuit making capacity
Q92 Combined disconnector earthing switch
T52: Voltage transformer
X1: Opposite circuit-breaker resp. disconnector
X2: Opposite earthing switch
1½ circuit-breaker, earthing
Interlocking conditions for 1½conditions
circuit- for BB1
breaker with busbar earthing switch X X X X Q15
1...n: Q1 1...n: Q2
Release Q15 H&E O
Q25 H&E O
C: HV-apparatus closed
O: HV-apparatus open
H&E: Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
n: Number of feeders
For each individual feeder an interlocking matrix is provided as part of the schematic dia-
grams. In the following the standard (mandatory) interlocking conditions are given together
with an instruction how to read the matrix.
The left hand side of the interlocking table shows all HV-apparatus of the respective feeder.
On top of it there are all relevant HV-apparatus or devices the feeder is interlocked to; inter-
nally within the feeder itself and externally to couplers, busbar earthing switches or devices of
another high voltage level or remote end switchgear.
The interlocking conditions result of the entries in the crosspoints of a column and a line. For
the release for operation of a HV-apparatus all conditions of the respective line have to be ful-
filled. For HV-apparatus with more than one line the conditions of one line have to be fulfilled.
C HV-apparatus closed
O HV-apparatus open
I Disconnector is not in intermediate position
H&E Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
<U No voltage on the feeder, (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
BBCO Busbar changeover (only applicable with triple busbar systems)
BC Bus coupler closed, means both bus coupler disconnectors in closed position
X1 Circuit-breaker or disconnector of another high voltage level or remote end switchgear
X2 Earthing switch of another high voltage level or remote end switchgear
HV-apparatus Qm Qn Qr Qs …
Qn O H&E C …
Condition 1: Qn is interlocked to Qm, this means, Qm has to be in open position for Qn beeing
released for operation.
Condition 2: Qn is interlocked to Qn, this means, that at the switching device Qn the hand
crank must not be inserted and any end position interlocking must not be active, for Qn beeing
released for operation.
Condition 4: Qn is interlocked to Qs, this means, Qs has to be in closed position for Qn beeing
released for operation.
Ap- 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 9 9 8 1 1 2 3 1/ 1/ 2/
pa- BB BB BB
ra- 2 3 3
QC8 O H&E <U O
Tab. 50: Interlocking conditions for triple busbar with outgoing feeder bay
C HV equipment closed
O HV equipment opened
I Disconnectors are not in intermediate position
H&E Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
BBCO Busbar change over
ES1 Busbar earthing switch BB1
ES2 Busbar earthing switch BB2
ES3 Busbar earthing switch BB3
6.4.2 Transformer
QA1 (ON) I I I
QC1 O H&E O O <U O
QC2 O O H&E O <U O
QC3 O O O H&E <U O
QB8 H&E <U O
Tab. 51: Interlocking conditions for triple busbar with transformer feeder bay
C HV equipment closed
O HV equipment opened
I Disconnectors are not in intermediate position
H&E Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
BBCO Busbar change over
ES1 Busbar earthing switch BB1
ES2 Busbar earthing switch BB2
ES3 Busbar earthing switch BB3
X Opposite circuit-breaker resp. disconnector
X2 Opposite earthing switch
Reserve busbar
QA1 (ON) I I I I I
Tab. 52: Interlocking conditions for triple busbar with reserve busbar and reserve busbar coupling
C HV equipment closed
O HV equipment opened
I Disconnectors are not in intermediate position
H&E Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
BBCO Busbar change over
ES1 Busbar earthing switch BB1
ES2 Busbar earthing switch BB2
ES3 Busbar earthing switch BB3
X Opposite circuit-breaker resp. disconnector
X2 Opposite earthing switch
<U No voltage on the feeder (VT-MCB and voltage detection by VT)
Reserve busbar
- A1 B1 C1 B2 C2 B3 C3 B9 C9 C8 1 B7 1 2 3 H ed- ed 1/ 1/ 2/
Ap- ers er BB BB BB
pa- 1 2 3 3
ra- …
tus n:
1 E
1 E
1 E
1 E
2 E
2 E
2 E
2 E
3 E
3 E
Reserve busbar
- A1 B1 C1 B2 C2 B3 C3 B9 C9 C8 1 B7 1 2 3 H ed- ed 1/ 1/ 2/
Ap- ers er BB BB BB
pa- 1 2 3 3
ra- …
tus n:
3 E
3 E
9 E
9 E
8 E
Tab. 53: Interlocking conditions for triple busbar with outgoing feeder bay and reserve busbar
C HV equipment closed
O HV equipment opened
I Disconnectors are not in intermediate position
H&E Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
BBCO Busbar change over
ES1 Busbar earthing switch BB1
ES2 Busbar earthing switch BB2
ES3 Busbar earthing switch BB3
X1 Opposite circuit-breaker resp. disconnector
X2 Opposite earthing switch
6.4.5 Coupling
HV- QA1 QB1 QC1 QB2 QC2 QB20 QC20 QB30 QC30 ES1 ES2 ES3 Feede
n: no
QB20 O O O H&E O O O O
QC20 O O O H&E O
QB30 O O O O O H&E O O
QC30 O O O O H&E
O HV equipment opened
I Disconnectors are not in intermediate position
H&E Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
BBCO Busbar change over
ES1 Busbar earthing switch BB1
ES2 Busbar earthing switch BB2
ES3 Busbar earthing switch BB3
KA Blocking of coupler during busbar change over
Q1 and Q2 of minimum one feeder (except coupler) are closed at the same time
n Number of feeders
HV-Appa- QC11 QC21 QC31 QB11 QB21 QB31 Feeders Feeders Feeders
ratus 1...n: QB1 1...n: QB2 1...n: QB3
QC11 H&E O O
HV-Appa- QC11 QC21 QC31 QB11 QB21 QB31 Feeders Feeders Feeders
ratus 1...n: QB1 1...n: QB2 1...n: QB3
QC21 H&E O O
QC31 H&E O O
Tab. 55: Interlocking conditions for triple busbar with busbar earthing switch
O HV equipment opened
H&E Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
n Number of feeders
HV- QB1 QB2 QB3 QC1 QC2 QC3 QC1 QC2 QC3 Feeders Feeders Feeders
Ap- 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
BB11 and BB21 and BB31 and
tus BB12 BB22 BB32
Tab. 56: Interlocking conditions for triple busbar with sectionalizing and busbar earthing switch
O HV equipment opened
H&E Hand crank is not inserted and end position interlocking is not activated
n Number of feeders
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
Potentially lethal voltages and currents are present.
4 Never remove any screw from a powered IED or from an IED connected to powered cir-
Operating the IED without proper earthing may damage both IED and measuring cir-
cuitry and may cause injuries in the event of an accident.
Operating the IED without proper earthing.
6.5.3 General
The digital control and/or protection device of a bay contains all functions for a secure opera-
tion. The device protects the bay in case of unsecure operation or fault.
6.5.4 Functions
● Process bus protocol according to customer requirements
● Protection, monitoring and control functions
● Interlocking and self-supervision
● Programmable LEDs for alarm signalization
● HMI for visualization of single line diagrams, measurements and control function
● Ethernet interface for fast and easy communication with PC
7 Modules
7.1 Circuit-breaker
7.1.1 Functional description
9 1
Fig. 63: Circuit-breaker with operating mechanism, example: variant with double busbar
The energy of the operating mechanism (3) is transferred by a shaft through the rotary
feedthrough (5) to the interrupting chambers (6).
For maintenance purposes the operating mechanism (3) and circuit-breaker cover (11) are re-
moved. The interrupting chambers (6) are replaced through the opening in the top of the cir-
cuit-breaker enclosure (13).
Closing operation
During a closing operation the circuit-breaker operating mechanism moves the operating rod
(1). This operating rod in turn moves parts of the interrupting chamber (the insulating nozzle
(8), the auxiliary nozzle (6) and the blast piston (2)) towards the fixed contact (9). The pre-igni-
tion takes place on the arcing contacts (5), so that the main current contacts (4) close practi-
cally without current.
Opening operation
An opening operation works in the opposite sequence with the main contacts (4) being sepa-
rated first, followed by the arcing contacts (5). By this the current commutates to the arcing
contacts (5).
The thermal energy of the arc increases the pressure in the heat-up volume (3). When the arc-
ing contacts open, a gas flow through the auxiliary (6) and the insulating nozzle (8) is gener-
ated. This gas flow cools the arc by intensive radial blowing and leads to its extinction in the
natural current zero.
9 5 4 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7.1.2 Commissioning
The necessary work concerning commissioning is defined in the On Site Test Protocol
(1HDG518680). Carry out this work during commissioning and record the results in the proto-
7.1.3 Operation
Manual switching directly at the circuit-breaker mechanism can result in switching er-
rors including the failure of the circuit-breaker if the circuit-breaker is energized. A
possible internal arc can result in severe injury or death.
During manual switching directly at the circuit-breaker operating mechanism all interlocking
against switching errors are ineffective. Especially the blocking of the circuit- breaker in case of
low gas pressure is ineffective. Switching of the circuit-breaker results in immediate failure of
the circuit-breaker.
4 Operate the energized circuit-breaker only with the control elements in the local control cu-
bicle or via the SCADA system.
Operate the circuit-breaker only from the elements arranged in the local control cubicle or via
the SCADA system (Control cubicle [} 136]). If the control system has not been delivered by
the GIS manufacturer, consult the documentation supplied by the manufacturer of the control
7.1.4 Maintenance
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
During improper handling an internal arc can occur which releases hot gases through the pres-
sure relief device. After opening the enclosure parts under high voltage can be accessible.
4 Follow all safety instructions! The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
Replace all O-rings that have been removed during maintenance by new ones prior to re-
Damage to the interrupting chamber
If the gas compartment is filled at a pressure below the minimum functional pressure the inter-
rupting chamber could be damaged due to insufficient mechanical damping.
4 For switching operations fill the circuit-breaker gas compartment at least at minimum func-
tional pressure.
The maintenance work is started with operating the circuit-breaker. Make sure that the position
of the switches in the substation are in a way that switching without load is possible.
For a routine inspection after 8 years of operation the following steps must be carried out. After
replacement of the interrupting chambers the additional steps for functional test must be per-
1. Check the number of operations.
2. Check the number of pump starts.
3. Inspection of the carbon brushes (height 11 mm).
4. Inspection of the drive elements: rotary feedthroughs.
5. Inspection of the drive elements: auxiliary switch position indicator.
6. Functional test OPEN coil 1:
(Time measurement: pulse output OPEN coil 1 to contact separation)
7. Functional test OPEN coil 2:
(Time measurement: pulse output OPEN coil 2 to contact separation)
8. Functional test CLOSE coil:
(Time measurement: pulse output CLOSE coil to contact touching)
9. Measurement of charging time after one CO operation.
Operating diagrams and technical data: Technical data [} 212]
1. De-energize the circuit-breaker and earth on both sides.
2. Evacuate SF6 from circuit-breaker and let air in.
3. Disconnect the secondary connections (3).
4. Loosen the connection to the anti-condensation heater.
5. Open fasteners (1).
6. Remove the cover of the operating mechanism housing (2).
7. Loosen linkage (1) between joining rod (8) and auxiliary contacts (2).
8. Dismount auxiliary contacts (2) including the support of the auxiliary contacts.
9. Remove coupling bolt (3) between eye bolt and outer lever.
10.Loosen screws (5) and dismount operating mechanism (4).
11.Loosen screws (6) and dismount operating mechanism housing, if necessary loosen also
the screws of secondary equipment.
12.Loosen screws (1) and remove cover (2) of rotary feedthrough enclosure (3).
13.Repeat step for all three rotary feedthrough enclosures.
14.Remove O-ring between cover and enclosure and dispose of.
15.Unscrew the Precote 30 secured screw (7) from the coupling bolt (6) by locking the holding
plate (8) with a 24th spanner and dispose of. Remove the holding plate (8) from the cou-
pling bolt (6) and remove the coupling bolt (6) from space between inner lever (4) and oper-
ating rod (5).
16.Repeat for the remaining two operating rods.
1 x6
6 x4
4 3
5 x4
ð The connection between operating rods and cover of the circuit-breaker has been sepa-
1 x6
Fig. 67: Remove coupling bolt between operating rod and inner lever
1 screws 2 cover
3 rotary shaft enclosure 4 inner lever
5 operating rod 6 coupling bolt
7 Precote 30 screw 8 holding plate
1. Loosen head cap screws (1) and hexagon cap screws (2) and dismount circuit-breaker
cover (3) from circuit-breaker enclosure (4).
2. Remove O-ring and dispose of.
3. Before loosening the conductors (5, 6) fix the interrupting chamber (2) at eye bolt (1) of op-
erating rod to the crane hook.
4. Pull interrupting chamber (2) at the eye bolt (1) carefully into position OFF till mechanical
5. Loosen screws (3 and 4).
6. Lift interrupting chamber (1) with conductors (3) out of enclosure. Make sure that the con-
ductors neither touch the conductors nor the interrupting chambers which remain in the en-
closure (2), and that they do not touch the enclosure itself .
7. Loosen screws (4) and dismount conductors (3) from interrupting chamber (1).
8. Clean conductors
3 5
1 x11
2 x7
1. Install conductors (2) to interrupting chamber.
Torque: 75 N m
2. Pull operating rod (4) at the interrupting chamber (1) carefully into direction OFF until me-
chanical stop.
3. Fix interrupting chamber (1) at eye bolt (6) of the operating rod to a crane.
4. Lower interrupting chamber (1) carefully into the circuit-breaker enclosure without touching
any parts.
5. Fix conductors with screw connection (3) to straight conductors in flange.
Torque: 75 N m
6. Move operating rod (4) at interrupting chamber into position ON (for this use an adjustment
gauge or adjust to dimension A between end of operating rod and top of interrupting cham-
7. For all additional work steps make sure, that the moving direction of the operating rod (4) is
in line with the direction of the threaded boreholes of the conductors (7) if this is not the
case, move the operating rod (4) with slightly countered eye bolt (6) at the moving side of
the interrupting chamber into the necessary direction!
8. Adjust length of eye bolt to top edge of circuit-breaker enclosure to dimension B.
9. Attach Loctite no. 241 to screw connection and screw.
Torque: 100 N m +10%
10.Pull operating rod (8) with adjusted fit screw carefully into position OFF.
11.Insert new O-ring (12) between circuit-breaker enclosure (11) and circuit-breaker cover
12.Install circuit-breaker cover (10) with head cap screws and washers (13) and hexagon head
screws with washers (14). Tighten screws at specified torque.
13.Install operating mechanism housing (7) with screws and washers (6). Tighten screws at
specified torque.
14.Install operating mechanism (4) with screws and washers (5). Tighten screws at specified
15.Couple the inner lever (5) with the operating rod (8) with assembling the coupling bolt (9).
Secure the coupling bolt (9) with the holding plate (15) and fix it with a new Precote 30
screw (16) with a torque of 15 Nm. During the tightening process lock the holding plate (15)
with a 24th spanner.
16.Move the interrupting chambers into position ON: Dimension C (Dimension between top
edge of rotary feedthrough enclosure to top edge of round part of fit screw).
3 x2
4 5 6
1 upper edge fitting bolt 2 upper edge housing for bell crank
3 middle of coupling bolt 4 upper edge of circuit breaker enclosure without
5 inner lever 6 outer lever
7 lock nut 8 operating rod
9 coupling bolt 10 circuit-breaker cover
11 circuit-breaker enclosure 12 O-ring
13 head-cap screws and washers 14 hexagon head screws and washers
15 holding plate 16 Precote 30 screw (not visible in this view)
B the center of the eye bolt must be C dimension C: 151 mm tolerances + 0,5 mm / -1,5
70,5 mm above the flange of CB tank without cover mm
For this purpose move the interrupting chamber in position OFF (OPEN) by moving the operat-
ing mechanism skid. The dimension of the upper edge of the housing for the bell crank (2) to
the upper edge of the eye bolt (1) has to be 41 mm (tolerance: +0.5 mm -1.5 mm) instead of
151 mm.
Values within the tolerance zone are valid for all operating conditions:
● from minimum supply voltage and minimum spring pressure to maximum supply voltage
and maximum spring pressure
● SF6-gas pressure on blocking limit acc. to switching performance test (minimum functional
pressure 600 kPa abs)
● travel-time diagram
● determination of velocity results in range of stroke between
CLOSE: 70 mm - 56 mm
OPEN: 70 mm - 34 mm
The weight of the SF6 filling depends on the number of flanges and on the number of inte-
grated current transformer cores. Therefore the values mentioned in this table are only ap-
proximate values. The exact values can be found on the nameplates of the installation.
The weight of the circuit-breaker depends number of flanges and the specification of the in-
tegrated current transformers cores which are project-specific data. Therefore the values men-
tioned in this table are only approximate values.
kA KV/ µs kV µs
Terminal fault, test duty: 4 6,0 272 45
The given tolerances for the switching times are valid for all operating conditions as far as
supply voltages and spring charging status of the operating mechanism are concerned.
The maximum permissible operating time difference between the three poles is tCLOSE and tOPEN
3 ms.
For CO-operation with a continuously active OPEN command a minimum stroke of the cham-
ber of 105 mm is permissible.
Contact making
(arcing contact)
Pulse on
t 10-19
Contact separation
(arcing contact)
Contacts 01 − 182
Contacts 83 − 184
Contacts 05 − 06
Contacts 10 − 19
20±5° 20±5°
* The contact making of the contacts 01 − 182 is adjusted to 10±5 ° for circuit-breaker end position CLOSE
*The contact making of the contacts 01 - 182 is adjusted to 10±5° for circuit-breaker end posi-
tion CLOSE.
R 45
R 26
R 45
Non-ferrous metals
Electronic parts
Filter material
Total weight
Iron or steel
Oil, grease
Cast resin
1 4
1 cover 2 housing
3 circuit-breaker cover 4 fasteners
5 position indicator 6 circuit-breaker operating mechanism
7 control and supervision devices
Crushing hands due to fast moving parts of the circuit-breaker operating mechanism.
When cover (1) is opened fast moving parts of the circuit-breaker are accessible. Tripping the
circuit-breaker can occur automatically without warning.
4 Before starting any work put the operating mechanism out of service. See 1.1.4 Mainte-
4 Depending on the work to be undertaken, the control and supervision devices have to be
disconnected. If the control voltage is necessary, keep the insulation distance!
4 For accessing the operating mechanism loosen fasteners (4). Take cover (1) off carefully.
● charging module
● storage module
● working module
● control module
● monitoring module
The technical concept of the circuit-breaker operating mechanism achieves a compact design
by combining the mechanical energy storage in disk springs and the hydro−mechanical operat-
ing and control principles.
The force of the disk spring assembly acts on a storage piston. On the storage piston, the me-
chanical energy of spring force and spring travel are converted to pressure and volume. The
power transmission (oil column) between the high−pressure store and the operating cylinders
serves as a quickly switching changeover valve for the CLOSE and OPEN−operation and be-
sides it enables a simple setting of the switching speeds by means of the throttle screws.
The operating mechanism control and the energy transmission are based on the field−proven
structural elements of the hydro−mechanical operating technology such as the high−pressure
pump, storage piston, changeover valves as well as an operating piston with an integrated end
position damping.
1 17 15 3 14
ements of
valves as
13 18
16 12 5 7 9 6 8 10
n has been
7.2.2 Commissioning
The commissioning protocols of the circuit-breaker concerning the operating mechanism shall
be observed. Prior to the commissioning, visual checks according to the commissioning proto-
cols shall be performed.
Damage of the pump motor.
The pump motor of the operating mechanism is not suitable for continuous operation and can
Charge operating mechanism only with 20 CO−operations per hour at maximum.
Damage of interrupting chambers or operating mechanism during switching below
blocking pressure (signal pressure 2; Gas pressures [} 36]).
During switching without SF6 no counter pressure (which interacts with the operating mecha-
nism force) is built up in the switching chamber.
Ensure before switching that the circuit-breaker is filled with SF6 at least at minimum functional
pressure (signal pressure 2; Gas pressures [} 36]).
The on−site test protocols of the circuit-breaker concerning the operating mechanism shall be
All adjustments are already made and fixed in the factory. Readjustments need not to be done
during the commissioning.
Functional tests shall be performed after the completion of the commissioning work and imme-
diately before the start of the regular operation and after maintenance work as well. Functional
tests may only be performed when the circuit-breaker is disconnected from the high voltage
system, there is at least blocking pressure of the SF6 gas in the circuit-breaker enclosure (Sig-
nal pressure 2; Gas pressures [} 36]) and the disk springs are tensioned.
1. Prior to the commissioning, perform visual checks according to the commissioning proto-
2. Tension the disk spring assembly of the operating mechanism ( by starting the pump mo-
3. After checking the position of the drive and the circuit-breaker, switch the operating mecha-
nism (coupled with the circuit-breaker) on and off manually several times.
4. Check the monitoring functions of the spring travel switch and the auxiliary switch.
Prior to switching on the pump motor, the changeover valve shall be switched to the OPEN po-
sition. For this press the rubber cap of the OPEN−solenoid with your thumb. Thereby it is pre-
vented that the changeover valve stands in an intermediate position while the operating mech-
anism is unpressurized and the disk spring assembly cannot be tensioned (pressure cannot be
built up).
4 The circuit-breaker must be disconnected and earthed before any manual operation of the
operating mechanism.
4 According to IEC 62271−100 manual triggering shall be used only for maintenance and
emergency operation on a dead circuit.
It is possible to trigger the circuit-breaker by hand via the hand plungers of the changeover
A manual triggering serves only to check the reliability performance in case of servicing or
maintenance work and does not represent any normal operational case. The circuit-breaker
shall only be operated if the disk spring assembly is tensioned and the SF6 gas compartment
of the circuit-breaker is filled with SF6 at least with blocking pressure (Level 3, Signal pressure
2; Gas pressures [} 36]).
when the
One OPEN coil is redundant in the changeover valve. Both are triggered by the marked hand
plunger (2). This hand plungers must be operated with high force and only if circuit-breaker is
disconnected from high voltage.
4 The adjustment of the operating speeds shall only be made by authorized personnel ac-
cording to official procedures and safety regulation. Contact the manufacturer for support.
The operating speeds of the operating mechanism are preset already in the factory. A resetting
or readjustment is only necessary in exceptional cases. The operating speeds for the CLOSE-
and OPEN−operation can be adjusted independently of each other with the throttle screws
available on the operating mechanism (1 x CLOSE, 1 X OPEN).
Before setting the operating speeds of the operating mechanism the circuit-breaker must be
put out of service.
The operating speeds may only be adjusted when the disk spring assembly is untensioned.
For this, release the pressure release lever and untension the disk spring assembly slowly by
lowering the system pressure. The circuit-breaker also has to be out of service.
Loosen the locknut (2) of the throttle screw (1) and adjust the operating speed by turning the
throttle screw. The operating speed diminishes when the throttle screw (1) is turned right and
increases when it is turned left.
During service life, adjustment of the speeds is usually not necessary. Otherwise follow the de-
scribed procedure:
1. Depressurize.
2. Loosen locknut (2)..
3. Adjust throttle screw. Do so in steps of quarter turns.
4. Tighten locknut (2).
5. Pressurize.
6. Mechanical measurement.
After the adjustment retighten the locknut (2) with 10 Nm.
7.2.3 Operation
Pump starts and checks for internal tightness
The gaskets and valves used provide maximum technical tightness. Minimum leakages on
metallic sealing seats may cause minimum losses of spring tension, which are compensated
by automatic pump starts.
Different operating mechanism even from one delivery may show statistically caused different
amounts of pump starts per day. This does not affect the life cycle of the operating mecha-
Up to 10 pump starts per day are permissible, even when the breaker is not operated. With
more than 10 pump starts per day the operating mechanism shall be monitored.
Upon more than 20 pump starts per day the manufacturer shall be contacted.
When determining the pump start numbers the pump starts caused by switching operations
(CLOSE or OPEN) shall be deducted from the total number of the pump starts. All specifica-
tions refer to the monthly average.
7.2.4 Maintenance
Putting out of service
4 The circuit-breaker must be disconnected and earthed before doing maintenance work at
the operating mechanism.
Risk of squashing between the disk springs of the disk spring assembly (3) during
automatic start of the pump motor.
By starting the pump motor the disk spring assembly is tensioned.
4 Disconnect the electrical motor connectors or switch off the miniature circuit-breaker.
In the area of the disk spring assembly and the movable parts the risk of squashing is
The disk spring assembly (3) releases in direction of the arrow B.
4 Ensure, that no parts of the body or tools are located in the area of the disk spring assem-
When doing maintenance work on the operating mechanism, the circuit-breaker shall be put
out of service.
1. Disconnect the electrical motor connectors or switch off the miniature circuit-breaker.
2. Remove spring cotter (1).
3. Move pressure release lever (2) in direction of the arrow A the spring storage has to re-
lease completely.
4. For increased safety the release lever shall be locked in open position to prevent any pres-
sure buildup due to changes of ambient temperature.
ð The disk spring assembly (3) releases in direction of the arrow B.
5 3
A 2 4 1
The operating mechanism operates to a large extent maintenance−free. Occasional checks
are however recommended and serve to maintain its dependability.
*Prior to commissioning, check the carbon brushes for seat. Replace the carbon brushes if
their length 11 mm.
**Relubricate the openings in the auxiliary switch straps after 5000 operating cycles with spe-
cial grease NBT400107P0001. During this maintenance also check the length of the carbon
As far as no other values have been indicated in this section, the tightening torques given ap-
Thread diameter mm Steel screw, 8.8 thread in Screw A2−70 or A4−70 Thread or thread insert in
steel Nm thread in steel aluminium
M6 10 8 6
M8 25 20 14
M10 49 38 26
M12 86 67 45
M16 210 148 100
Oil level
The circuit-breaker operating mechanism are filled in the factory with a hydraulic oil quantity
comprising an oil reserve, too. If the hydraulic oil is visible in the oil gauge glass with a fully
tensioned disk spring assembly there is enough hydraulic oil available to perform the switching
A too low oil level can be corrected by refilling via the low−pressure connector (5).
max. = middle
min. = visible
Fig. 80: Oil level in the oil gauge glass in mounting position, operating mechanism tensioned
Only use filtered oil (purity level ISO 4406−13/10) for filling.
Crushing hands due to fast moving parts of the circuit-breaker operating mechanism.
Risk of small toxication through to sudden contact with eyes and skin with the hy-
draulic oil or through ingestion.
To refill the oil the cover has to be opened to reach the lowpressure connector. When the oper-
ating mechanism is switching during oil filling, the used oil exhausts quickly.
See 1HDH119028 to inform about the technical information of the hydraulic oil.
Under normal service conditions the pump motor, including the carbon brushes, are mainte-
nance free.
Spare parts
The circuit-breaker operating mechanism are to a large extent wear-free. The manufacturer
does not recommend any stocking of spare parts. Upon an express request of the user, spare
parts kits can be supplied; the spare parts shall be replaced only by authorized personnel.
● seals
● electrical spare parts
● hydraulic spare parts
When ordering spare parts, read the serial and identification number of the operating mecha-
nism off the nameplate and communicate them.
The consumables necessary for maintenance are listed and approved below.
Hydraulic oil Hydraulic oil bundle 1 liter Hydraulic oil bundle 1HDH114000R0001
5 liter
Esso Univis HVI 13 (Manufacturer: EXXON- 1HDH114000R0005
Lubricating grease NBT400107P0001
Carbon brushes Carbon brushes Type U 7.514/V511/1 GPFX052143P0098
Tab. 63: Consumables
Tolerance % + 10 / 15
Motor power W 1000
Motor start-up current A 40 25
Continuous current A 9 4,5
Operating mode − short−time operation ED = 10 %, max. running time 3
Tolerance % + 10 / 15
Motor power W 660
Motor start-up current A 30 20
Continuous current A 6 3
Operating mode − short−time operation ED = 10 %, max. running time 3
Tolerance ON-solenoid % + 10 / 15
Tolerance OFF-solenoid % + 10 / 30
Solenoid power W 300
Number of ON-solenoids − 1
Number of OFF-solenoids − 2
Resistance of solenoids (R20) Ω 24,2 (± 1,2) 96,5 (± 4,8)
Severe injury or death by breaking parts which can fly away with high energy.
The disk spring assembly is mechanically precharged with high tension forces. Wrong disas-
sembly can result in mechanical overload of parts.
4 Disassembly of the disk spring column is only permitted by authorized personnel according
to official procedures and safety regulation. Contact the manufacturer for disposal.
Non-ferrous metals
Electronic parts
Filter material
Total weight
Iron or steel
Oil, grease
Cast resin
● capacitor banks
● reactors
● transformers
● overhead lines and cables
Switching operations without regard of the phasing of the voltage or the current can result in
very high current peaks and transient voltages.
Controlled switching allows to switch at a certain, proper point of time of the sinusoidal curve
of the system voltage respectively the system current.
Thus, inrush currents due to closing operations can be minimized and well as restrikes and
re−ignitions can be prevented.
For controlling an electronic control unit is needed. The control unit determines the zero−-
points of the high−voltage system.
Taking into account several parameters, such as the switching time of past operations and
switching temperature, the control unit calculates the switching time of the circuit−breaker.
Based on these data, the control unit sends the trigger signals to the circuit−breaker operating
mechanism at a time, which ensures a switching operation close to the optimal calculated
switching instant.
Further information on the circuit−breaker can be found in the circuit-breaker module descrip-
Further information on circuit−breaker operating mechanism HMB−1 can be found in the cir-
cuit-breaker operating mechanism module description.
Further information on circuit−breaker operating mechanism HMB−1 can be found in the cir-
cuit−breaker operating mechanism module description.
3 4
Pump delay
By means of a pump delay, it is prevented that air bubbles within the oil circulate through the
operating mechanism after switching operations.
After switching operations, air dissolves during the inflow of the oil from the high−pressure in
the low−pressure area from the oil and forms bubbles. If this oil with bubbles gets in the alter-
nating−pressure area below the working piston, these bubbles are compressed during the
next switching operation, whereby the switching times, compared to oil without bubbles delay.
Since the delay is neither constant nor predictable, the required accuracy of ± 1 ms for con-
trolled switching can not be met.
For switching operations that do not require controlled switching, this delay does not matter.
Resting the oil for about 5 minutes causes that the air bubbles dissolve. Therefore the charg-
ing of the operating mechanism, that is pumping of oil from the low−pressure tank (1) into the
high−pressure area, is delayed by these 5 minutes.
The pump delay is active only as long as the stored energy is sufficient for a second switching
operation. The circuit−breaker operating mechanism can store energy sufficient for three
switching operations. In case only one switching operation is performed, the pump delay pre-
vents recharging of the used energy for 5 minutes. If two or more consecutive switching oper-
ations are performed, the pump delay is not active to allow for immediate recharging of the en-
ergy consumed by this two switching operations.
Pump OFF
Fig. 83: Pump delay is active in area B and inactive in the areas A and C
Control unit Kind of load (con- Kind of load (con- Kind of load (con- Kind of load (con-
trolled closing / con- trolled closing / con- trolled closing / con- trolled closing / con-
trolled opening) trolled opening) trolled opening) trolled opening)
The control units have different functionality. Further information can be found in their product
● measurement of the voltage rise by means of the voltage transformer at the outgoing side
● measurement of the current after switching operations by means of the current transformer
7.3.4 Commissioning
Depending on the used control unit or rather on the kind of load, the input of different parame-
ters into the control unit is necessary during commissioning.
The optimum switching instant in relation to the kind of load is determined with the actual load
and system voltage and is stored in the control unit.
4 The following steps done under load conditions may only be carried out after all high−volt-
age tests have been done successfully and all safety and protective relays have been com-
missioned and activated.
4 These switching operations may only be carried out by the control panel and only if there
are no persons in the installation area of the GIS. If the control cabinet is installed in a sep-
arated room other than the installation area of the GIS, the switching operation can also be
carried out from there.
1. Determination of switching times without load.
2. Determination of standard deviation by the means of On−Site Test Protocol 1HDG518680
3. Programming of the control unit based on the prior determined switching times, the kind of
load as well as under consideration of the factors mentioned.
4. Determination of the optimum switching strategy.
Empiric determination of the optimum switching instant by switching operations under load
5. Activate adaptive control and perform switching operations under load conditions
Perform switching operations until the difference between calculated switching time and actual
switching time shows a deviation 1 ms (usually < 10 switching operations).
If the standard deviation is greater than 1 ms (3s > 1 ms), the drive has to be evacuated by us-
ing the vacuum pump 1HDG114040R0001. The evacuation process is explained in SOP Evac-
uation of hydromechanical OMs 1HDS680620.
Should the standard deviation after evacuation still be greater than 1 ms, contact the customer
Add the values set and documented during commissioning to the On−Site Test Protocol
A detailed description how to operate the control units can be found in the attached product
● Switchsync PWC600
● Switchsync T183
● Switchsync L183
Switchsync PWC600 is equipped with a GIS library and thus needs no manual input of param-
Coil voltage for close opera- Impact on the Closing Time Coil voltage for open opera- Impact on the Opening Time
tion in in ms tion in in ms
% %
85 0,20 70 1,00
90 0,15 80 0,55
95 0,10 90 0,25
100 0,00 100 0,00
105 −0,15 105 −0,10
110 −0,30 110 −0,20
1 0,25 0,0
2 0,40 0,0
4 0,45 0,0
8 0,50 0,0
16 0,55 0,0
32 0,65 0,0
64 0,75 0,0
168 0,8 0,0
1000 0,8 0,0
Adaptive control
In adaptive mode, the control unit monitors the switching operation. In this mode, all changes
of the switching characteristic of the circuit−breaker over his live cycle are measured. The trip
signals for the next switching operation are adjusted such that the switching instant the switch-
ing operation is in phase with the system voltage or the system current even though the
switching characteristic is changing.
The control unit takes up to 10 switching operations until the adaptive control is adjusted. Dur-
ing this time alerts by the control unit can occur.
Voltage or current peaks which are interpreted as failure.
During commissioning switching operations are performed with the control under load condi-
tions until the optimum switching strategy is determined. Thus voltage or current peaks can oc-
cur which are interpreted as failure.
7.3.5 Operation
The operation of the circuit−breaker with controlled switching is done, as usual, from the local
control cubicle or from the control room.
The kind of operation is specific to the project or substation. Respective information can be
found in the control cubicle description (Control cubicle [} 136]) and in the project specific
wiring diagram.
In case of failure of the control unit for controlled switching the switching function of the cir-
cuit−breaker is maintained. However, it is no longer possible to switch in phase so that higher
current peaks or transient overvoltage can occur.
7.3.6 Maintenance
For controlled switching, no additional maintenance compared to those of the GIS is neces-
Switching accuracy ms ±1
Rate of Decay of Dielectric Strength (RDDS) * kV/ms 63
Minimum arcing time without re−ignition * ms 6
Coil voltage % 85 % 110 % (CLOSE-operation)
70 % 110 % (OPEN-operation)
Idle time − Compensatable idle time: 1 week
Suitable control units − Switchsync PWC600 Switchsync T183 Switchsync
* These values may vary depending on system conditions and equipment setup.
● disconnector ON (CLOSED)
● disconnector OFF (OPEN) / earthing switch OFF (OPEN)
● earthing switch ON (CLOSED)
The conductors (2) are fixed at the barrier insulators (1) (alternatively at a support insulator).
The conductors (2) contain the fixed contacts (5) of the disconnector. The fixed contacts (3) of
the earthing switch are fixed to the enclosure of the module. Contact support (4) is fixed to
barrier insulator (8) and carries the moving contact. The contact supports are aligned in one
row to provide the axis for the insulating shafts (6) which drive the moving contacts. The oper-
ating mechanism generates a rotation which is lead through the rotary feedthrough (7) into the
gas compartment. The insulating shafts (6) are connected to the feedthrough.
6 8
In combination with the various available conductors and enclosure arrangements this layout
can be used to realize the following functional modules. The module can also be supplied
without an earthing switch as a mere disconnector :
This four-flange variant of the disconnector/earthing switch is also used to realize a sectional-
izer disconnector/ earthing switch.
6 5
l descriptionof the operatingmechanism
7 5 8 6 9
Earthing switch
The combined disconnector / earthing switch has two operating mechanism motors (9), one
for the disconnector and one for the earthing switch. For manual emergency operation a hand
crank can be attached to the rod (2) that operates the threaded spindle (6).
The cam disk (5) is located between the threaded spindle (6) and the drive rod (7) of the mov-
ing contacts and is actuated by a carrier (8). The cam disk (5) locks the device in the following
end positions:
● disconnector closed
● disconnector open / earthing switch open (neutral position)
● earthing switch closed
When the device is manually operated, the interlocking switch (1) automatically disconnects
the motor circuit. The auxiliary contacts (4) and the position indicator (3) are linked to the oper-
ating rod (7).
All electrical connections are separated for the disconnector and the earthing switch and are
connected with coded plug connections.
Position indicator
Position indicato
7.4.2 Commissioning
Observe the general notes for commissioning in section Commissioning in subsection Tests
for commissioning.
All works for commissioning are defined in the onsite protocol for commissioning
1HDG518680. These works shall be carried out during commissioning and shall be recorded.
7.4.3 Operation
Manual operation of the switching device
4 The disconnector/earthing switch without available control voltage shall only be operated by
personnel which has been particularly trained on this action using the necessary tools.
Damage of the mechanics of the operating mechanism.
The attempt to switch from position disconnector ON immediately to position earthing switch
ON or vice versa without stopping in neutral position can damage the operating mechanism.
4 Use only hand cranks with safety clutch. Always stop at neutral position.
For a manual operation on the switching device the interlocking conditions must be fulfilled
(Locking). The switching position must be unlocked.
In emergencies the disconnector and the earthing switch can be operated locally directly on
the device by means of a hand crank. As soon as the hand crank is inserted, the motor circuit
is automatically interrupted.
For manual operation of the disconnector / earthing switch the front cover has to be removed
from the operating mechanism. The front cover is secured with 4 captive screws (4 Nm).
1 2
1 2
Fig. 90: Operating mechanism after removal of its cover, switching contact in neutral position
3 2 1 1 2 3
1 local manual control (hand crank): Local control 2 interlock (electrically switchable) = Default setting:
with hand crank possible Local and remote control possible, control with
hand crank not possible
3 mechanically and electrically blocked
e combinations of position
ON Earthing
3 1 2 4,5
1. The earthing switch must be open.
2. Optional: Remove padlock (if fitted), locking bolt retracts interlocking slider is in middle posi-
3. Move interlocking slider (2) in direction switching position local manual control until me-
chanical resistance.
4. In case of existing control voltage:
As soon as mechanical resistance is reached, wait for releasing by the operating personnel
for remote control operation for the further moving of the interlocking slider (2).
4 In case of breakdown of control voltage the operation is allowed only for specially trained
personnel and can be carried out only with special tools:
As soon as resistance is reached:
1. After release for the further moving move interlocking slider (2) until mechanical end stop
for releasing the hand crank opening (3) completely.
2. Insert hand crank in opening (3).
3. Switch disconnector with hand crank ON or OFF.
4. Turn hand crank until free-wheel.
5. Remove hand crank.
6. Tighten interlocking slider (2) and bring into neutral position.
7. Pull locking bolt (1) and optional: Fit padlock (shackle diameter min. 8 mm).
8. In case of breakdown of control voltage: Screw the cover (4) back again.
9. Put the front cover back in place again and tighten the 4 screws with 4 Nm.
4,5 2 1 3
6 6
1. The disconnector must be open
(otherwise bring the disconnector into the OFF position first).
2. Optional: Remove padlock (6) (if fitted), locking bolt retracts.
3. Move interlocking slider (2) in direction switching position local manual control until me-
chanical resistance.
4. In case of existing control voltage:
As soon as mechanical resistance is reached, wait for releasing by the operating personnel
for remote control operation for the further moving of the interlocking slider (2).
4 In case of breakdown of control voltage the operation is allowed only for specially trained
personnel and can be carried out only with special tools:
As soon as resistance is reached:
1. After release for the further moving move interlocking slider (2) until mechanical end stop
for releasing the hand crank opening (3) completely.
2. Insert hand crank in opening (3).
3. Switch earthing switch with hand crank ON or OFF.
4. Turn hand crank until free-wheel.
5. Remove hand crank.
6. Tighten interlocking slider (2) and bring into neutral position.
7. Pull locking bolt (1) and optional: Fit padlock (shackle diameter min. 8 mm).
8. In case of breakdown of control voltage: Screw the cover (4) back again.
9. Put the front cover back in place again and tighten the 4 screws with 4 Nm.
It is possible to lock the disconnector/earthing switch electrically and mechanically both, in the
open and in the closed position.
In order to lock the disconnector/earthing switch, the cover must be removed from the operat-
ing mechanism.
After locking the device it can no longer be operated remotely or manually with the hand crank.
3 1 2 4,5
1. Optional: Remove padlock (if fitted) Þ locking bolt retracts.
2. Move interlocking slider (2) by pushing in position locked.
In a few cases the hand crank shaft remains in a disadvantageous angular position and the in-
terlocking slider can only be moved applying high forces into position locked.
4 Pull locking bolt (1) and fit padlock (shackle diameter min. 8 mm).
1. Move interlocking slider (1) to the right.
2. Insert handle for hand crank interlocking with tip (1) ahead into opening (2) with orientation
towards the position indicator.
3. Insert handle (2) up to the edge. If necessary turn handle slightly
4. Turn handle clockwise until stop.
5. Remove handle from opening.
Earthing switch
1. Move interlocking slider (3) to the left.
2. Insert handle for hand crank interlocking with tip (1) ahead into opening (4) with orientation
towards the position indicator.
3. Insert handle (2) up to the edge. If necessary turn handle slightly.
4. Turn handle counterclockwise until stop.
5. Remove handle from opening.
Interlocking sliders (1) or (3) can be moved with low resistance into position locked. If neces-
sary use the handle with borehole (3) ahead as prolongation of the stud at the interlocking
1 2 2 1
3 1
1 tip 2 edge
3 borehole
Hand crank
For manual operation of the disconnector/earthing switch a hand crank (1) has been supplied.
In case the access to the disconnector/earthing switch operating mechanism from the front is
restricted, a hand crank with a cardan joint (2) is optionally available.
The handle for hand crank interlocking (3) is used against high mechanical forces during oper-
ation of the interlokking slider during interlocking of the operation by hand crank with a pad-
A hexagon socket screw key (4) is supplied for loosening the front cover screws.
1 hand crank fixed (Standard) 2 hand crank with cardan joint (option)
3 handle for hand crank interlocking 4 hexagon socket screw key (Allen key)
7.4.4 Maintenance
1. Mechanical function test of the operating mechanism with hand crank (OPEN-CLOSE).
2. Inspection of the motor limit switches, the hand crank interlocking and of the position indica-
3. Test of the neutral and the end positions.
4. Test of the hand crank and the end position locking.
5. Visual inspection of the electrical connections
6. Electrical function test of the operating mechanism (OPEN-CLOSE).
7. Measurement of the motor current at rated supply voltage.
8. Function test of the anti-condensation heaters (if installed).
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
During improper handling an internal arc can occur which releases hot gases through the
bursting protection. After opening the enclosure parts under high voltage can be accessible.
4 Follow all safety instructions! The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
Bursting gas- insulated switchgear parts can result in severe injury or death.
Overload of pressurized parts due to false filling pressure, especially during work on barrier in-
sulators can result in bursting of gas- insulated switchgear parts.
Tightening torques for non-greased screws in threaded boreholes and for bolt and nut connec-
tions: Installation [} 86]
4 Before starting the work, de-energize the switchgear section, check for absence of voltage,
secure against re-connection and earth working location on both sides.
Pay attention to the potential spring mounted in the insulating rod when pulling out the rotary
feedthrough. This potential spring needs to be put back in place when reinstalling the operating
This procedure describes the work for the busbar variant of the disconnector/earthing switch.
The line disconnector/earthing switch is treated in a similar manner. The barrier insulator which
stays at the module here is the insulator (1).
4 Do not operate the disconnector or earthing switch manually by bypassing the operating
1. Deenergize busbar module on all sides and earth.
2. Switch operating mechanism in middle position (OFF).
3. Remove the heater leads (4).
4. Remove the connectors from the plug connections (3).
5. Remove the four securing screws (1) from the operating mechanism.
6. Lift the complete operating mechanism (2) off the enclosure.
1. Release and remove the six screws (1) of the rotary feedthrough (2).
2. Pull rotary feedthrough (3) inclusive insulating rod behind out of flange. Take special care of
the potential spring between rotary feedthrough and insulating rod and later between all in-
sulating rods.
3. Retain parts for re-assembly.
4. Open transversal insertion module and disconnect busbar module on both sides (Installa-
tion [} 86]).
1. Loosen nuts of flange connection (1) on the busbar side (insulator (2) remains at the flange
of the adjacent module).
2. Move busbar enclosure (3) together with busbar insulator (4) out of the bolts of insulator
3. As soon as the flange has moved out of the bolts, move busbar enclosure (3) approx. 50
mm into direction of the open transversal installation module of the adjacent bay (see ar-
4. Remove busbar enclosure (3) with barrier insulator (4) in direction of the arrow from the
Partial discharge due to insufficient potential bonding.
The electrical connection of the multiple-cog connection between insulating shafts and drive
shafts is insufficient. Without extra potential bonding springs discharges can occur.
4 Between all insulating shafts and multiple-cog shafts potential bonding springs are used. Do
not forget to re-install these.
1. Unfasten screw connections (1) of contact support.
2. Dismount contact supports (2) from insulator.
3. Place contact support onto clean working place. Make sure not to damage the paint on the
contact support.
4. Repeat the work for the other two contact supports.
3 2
1. Turn moving contact (1) with the cogged shaft (3) manually out of the contact support (2).
2. Replace spiral spring contacts and guiding bands (4) in the contact support by new parts.
During installation take care that the spiral spring contacts have alternating alignment.
3. Turn new moving contacts (5) into contact supports (6) with the cogged shaft.
4. Move moving contacts (5) into mid-position. Make sure that marking on cog wheel is in
alignment with the center of the cog rod.
2 4 6
Fig. 103: Replacement of spiral spring contact and guiding bands in the contact supports
1. Replace spiral spring contacts (1) at all busbar conductors by new parts.
2. Replace all spring contacts (2) of the earthing contact with new ones.
Fig. 105: Replacement of spiral spring contacts at busbar conductors and earthing contacts
1 spiral spring contacts of busbar conductor 2 spiral spring contacts of earthing contact
Reinstallation of busbar
For reinstallation of the contact support an adjustment gauge is needed.
1. Install first contact support (1) to insulator.
2. Insert potential spring (4a).
3. Attach insulating shaft (5a).
4. Insert potential spring (4b) into insulating shaft.
5. Install second contact support (2) to the contact insert of the insulator.
6. Insert potential spring (4c).
7. Attach insulating shaft (5b).
8. Insert potential spring (4d).
9. Install third contact support (3) to the contact insert of the insulator.
10.Adjust position of all three contact supports with respect to the insulator using the adjust-
ment gauge.
11.Tighten screws at specified torque.
1. Insert potential spring (1) into cogged shaft at contact support.
2. Install busbar enclosure (1) with busbar insulator (2) to bay.
Follow the arrow , start with a displacement from center axis of approx. 50 mm.
1. Insert insulating shafts (2) at first pole.
2. Screw potential spring (3) into cogged shaft of rotary feedthrough(4).
3. Insert rotary feedthrough (4), make sure that the slot of insulating shaft (2) fits.
4. Insert new O-ring (5) together with cover (6) of the rotary feedthrough.
5. Fix cover of rotary feedthrough with screws and washers (7) at specified torque.
6. After installation of the rotary feedthrough use tool (tool no. 1HDI996057R0001, 1/2" socket
key) and make 10 CO operations. Afterwards the torque at the rotary feedthrough (7) shall
be 40 Nm.
7. Make sure that operating mechanism is in mid-position.
8. Install operating mechanism. Make sure that operating mechanism as well as the moving
contacts stay in mid-position during installation.
9. Operate disconnector/earthing switch into position disconnector CLOSED and position
earthing switch CLOSED. During the operations check the mid-position of the moving con-
tacts through the open transversal insertion module (protrusion of moving contacts with ref-
erence to the contact support max. 1,5 mm).
10.Couple busbar module at both sides (Installation [} 86]).
1. Carry out necessary gas handling.
2. Loosen blocked disk spring packages (Installation [} 86]).
3. Secure loose washers against vibration (Installation [} 86]).
After completion of the overhaul work carry out an inspection procedure of the disconnector/
earthing switch.
Trapezoid spindle
Start-up current A 28 15 17 7,5 8,5
Continuous current A 3 3 3 1,5 1,5
Trapezoid spindle
Operating mode - Short-time operation S2 = 10sec
Disconnector ms 3500
Earthing switch ms 3500
Disconnector mm 89-98
Contact stroke
Disconnector ° 268,5-295,5
Output-shaft stroke
Earthing switch mm 89-98
Contact stroke
Earthing switch ° 268,5-295,5
Output-shaft stroke
Tab. 79: Contact/output-shaft stroke
Thermal current A 10
DC-operating current A 2 (L/R = 20ms)
Connection - plug connection 4,8 x 0,8
Contacting principle - snap mechanics, spring loaded
Contacts - silver-plated, self-cleaning
Thermal current A 25
Short-circuit capability A 1000 (0,3 s)
Switching capacity DC 60 V A 9 (L/R = 20 ms)
Switching capacity DC 110...125 V A 3,5 (L/R = 20 ms)
Switching capacity DC 220...250 V A 2,5 (L/R = 20 ms)
Connection - plug connection 4,8 x 0,8
Contacting principle - wiping contacts
Contacts - silver-plated, self-cleaning
Number of contacts disconnector
(34 poles for conventional switchgear optional)
normally closed - 17
normally open 13
trailing normally closed 2
leading normally open 2
Number of contacts disconnector
(22 poles for conventional switchgear)
normally closed - 12
normally open 8
trailing normally closed 1
leading normally open 1
Number of contact earthing switch
(22 poles for conventional switchgear)
normally closed - 12
normally open 8
trailing normally closed 1
leading normally open 1
e values ofthe maincurrent paths
R 19
R 19
R 12
R 19
R 19
R 39
R 11
Fig. 110: Disconnector/earthing swith for feeder (type 1, measuring from feeder side)
R 18
R 14
R 19
R 18
Fig. 111: Disconnector/earthing switch for feeder (type 2, measuring from bay side) / linear disconnector
Non-ferrous metals
Electronic parts
Filter material *
Total weight
Iron or steel
Oil, grease
Cast resin
Plastics *
kg kg Percentage of total module weight in % per weight:
4 De-energize and earth module with insulated earthing switch and secure against re-connec-
tion before removing the earthing conductors.
4 In case of a maintenance earthing switch at the busbar de− energize and earth all busbars
before removing the earthing conductors. Alternatively measuring systems can be used
with which the earthing conductors need not to be removed. Contact the manufacturer for
further information.
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
During improper handling an internal arc can occur which releases hot gases through the
bursting protection. After opening the enclosure parts under high voltage can be accessible.
4 Follow all safety instructions! The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
Tightening torques for non−greased screws in threaded boreholes and for bolt and nut connec-
tions: Installation [} 86].
The screws which fix the earthing conductors have been secured with lock wire in the factory.
1. De-energize and earth bay and secure against re-connection:
2. Open circuit-breaker Q0.
3. Switch combined disconnector / earthing switch Q1/Q51.
4. Switch combined disconnector / earthing switch Q2/Q52.
5. Switch combined disconnector / earthing switch Q9/Q53.
Q1 Q2
Q51 Q52
1. Earth bay.
2. Close earthing switches Q51 and Q52.
3. Close making-proof earthing switch Q8.
4. Earthing the working location at the insulated maintenance earthing switch Q53.
5. Close earthing switch Q53.
6. Close circuit-breaker Q0.
7. Secure switchgear against re-connection.Lock all switching apparatus. All locations, which
have been secured against re-connection, shall be marked with the warning that re-connec-
tion is only admissible after the earthing conductors have been installed to the insulated
earthing switch.
Q1 Q2
Q51 Q52
Fig. 115: Condition of a typical bay before removal of the earthing conductor from the 4−flange module with insulated maintenance
1. Loosen screw (2) and keep it together with washers (3) for later installation.
2. Loosen screw (6) and keep it together with nut (4) and washers (5, 7) for later installation.
3. Remove earthing conductor (1).
1 6, 7
2, 3
4, 5
1. Fix earthing conductor (1) slightly with screw (6), nut (4) and washers (5, 7).
2. Tighten screw (2) with washer (3) at specified torque.
3. Tighten screw (6) and nut (4) at specified torque.
4. Secure screws with lock wire again.
5. Unearth bay.
6. The bay can be re-energized.
1 6, 7
2, 3
4, 5
7.5.3 Operation
Severe injury or death due to electric shock.
The earthing conductors connect the insulated earthing contacts to the earthing system. If they
are removed high voltage can be conducted out of the enclosure.
4 During normal operation of the GIS the earthing conduc- tors shall be permanently in-
stalled. Do not remove the earthing conductors or the short−circuit conductor and do not
loosen any screws while the GIS is energized.
7.5.4 Maintenance
Replacement of warning signs
The insulated maintenance earthing switch is equipped with warning signs. Replace these
warning signs by new warning signs if they have become illegible.
New warning signs can be ordered as spare parts. Use the following order numbers.
Rated Values
For normal operation the short-circuit conductors (17) connect the contact pins (5) via the con-
tact tubes (19) with the earthed switchgear enclosure. In position ON (CLOSED) the contact
pins (5) are moved into fixed contacts (4) so that the primary conductors of the switchgear are
earthed. The earthing switch has also the capability to interrupt induced currents during un-
earthing an overhead line with a parallel line energized.
For setting and testing of protection relays and for measuring the voltage drop over the main
conductor path, the make-proof earthing switch can be isolated from the GIS earthing. For this
reason, the contact pins (5) are fixed to the centered drive system by contact support (6)
made from insulating material.
2 5
17 6
16 7
1 8
14 12
15 13
Fig. 119: Operating mechanism and main contacts of the make-proof earthing switch
During an opening operation, the motor (12) operates the cog wheel (8) which turns the drive
spindle (13). So the drive lever (10) moves and turns the switching lever (16). By this, the
drive rod turns and moves the contact support (6) within the gas compartment. The contact
support holds all three contact pins (5) which are moving out of the fixed contacts (4) into the
position OFF (OPEN). At the same time, the closing spring (7) is charged for the next closing
During a closing operation, the closing spring (7) passes its dead center position. This gener-
ates a torque on the switching lever (16) that automatically closes the device. The contact pins
(5) move fast into the fixed contacts (4) into position ON (CLOSED).
The slot in the drive lever (10) allows for independent movement of the contact system and
the charging mechanism, once the dead center position has been passed. The end positions
are determined by inner limit stops.
The auxiliary contacts (20) and the position indicator (1) are driven by linkage (18). The power
supply of the motor is deactivated by the limit switch (9). In case the device is operated manu-
ally for emergency use, the interlocking switch opens the motor circuit. All electrical connec-
tions are made by a coded plug connector (21).
7.6.2 Commissioning
Severe injury or death due to electric shock.
When the short-circuit conductors (17) are dismounted, high-voltage can be conducted outside
the enclosure.
4 Energize the make-proof earthing switch only when the short-circuit conductors (17) are in-
stalled. Especially after maintenance work or after testing make sure that the short-circuit
conductors have been installed again.
The necessary work concerning commissioning is defined in the On Site Test Protocol
1HDG518680. Carry out this work during commissioning and record the results in the protocol.
7.6.3 Operation
Operation modes
The make-proof earthing switch can be set to one of three different operation modes. The op-
eration mode is set with the operation mode selector (1). The following modes are available.
a b c
Manual operation of the make-proof earthing switch with secondary voltage available
In emergency cases the make-proof earthing switch can be operated manually directly on the
device using a hand crank. As soon as the hand crank is inserted into the operating mecha-
nism the motor circuit is automatically interrupted.
The procedures differ depending on the fact if the secondary voltage is available or the sec-
ondary voltage is down.
4 After removing the cover access only the elements with your hands described in the proce-
dure below. Do not touch parts behind the operating elements.
ü interlocking conditions have to be fulfilled
ü device has to be unlocked
ü mode selector is in position Motor operation
1. Unlock fasteners and remove cover.
2. Make sure that the GIS section, where the make-proof earthing switch is connected to, has
been de-energized.
3. Remove padlock and locking bolt (1).
4. Pull mode selector (2) and move mode selector into position Manual operation until you
sense a mechanical resistance.
5. As soon as a mechanical resistance is reached and a signal for release of the respective
control cubicle is given move mode selector (2) further until it latches for releasing the hand
crank opening (3) completely.
6. Insert hand crank into opening (3).
7. Switch make-proof earthing switch with hand crank ON or OFF according to the direction of
rotation printed on the switching device.
8. Turn hand crank until mechanical end stop.
9. Remove hand crank.
10.Move operation mode selector into the desired mode.
11.Insert locking bolt (1) and attach padlock.
lly inter-
is down.
Manual operation of the make-proof earthing switch with secondary voltage down
4 Only personnel with sufficient qualification for this operation shall do this operation.
4 After removing the cover access only the elements with your hands described in the proce-
dure below. Do not touch parts behind the operating elements.
ü interlocking conditions have to be fulfilled
ü device has to be unlocked
ü mode selector is in position Motor operation
1. Unlock fasteners and remove cover.
2. Make sure that the GIS section, where the make-proof earthing switch is connected to, has
been de-energized.
3. Remove padlock and locking bolt (1).
4. Remove cover screw (3) with screwdriver.
5. Pull mode selector (2) and move mode selector into position Manual operation until you
sense a mechanical resistance.
6. Unlock interlocking coil (4) by pressing carefully with a screwdriver and hold.
7. Move mode selector (2) further until it latches for releasing the hand crank opening (5) com-
8. Insert hand crank into opening (5).
9. Switch make-proof earthing switch with hand crank ON or OFF according to the direction of
rotation printed on the switching device.
10.Turn hand crank until mechanical end stop.
11.Remove hand crank.
12.Move operation mode selector (2) into the desired mode.
13.Insert locking bolt (1) and fit padlock.
14.Screw the cover screw (3) back again.
Fig. 122: Manual operation with hand crank when secondary voltage is down
In order to lock the make-proof earthing switch, the cover must be removed from the operating
After locking the device it can no longer be operated neither with the motor drive nor manually
with the hand crank.
ü Mode selector is in position Motor operation
1. Switch the make-proof earthing switch into the switching position to be locked.
2. Unlock fasteners and remove cover.
3. Remove padlock and locking bolt (1).
4. Pull operation mode selector (2) and move mode selector into position Switching position
locked until mode selector latches into position.
At the same time the locking bar (3) latches and blocks the cog wheel (4).
1. Insert locking bolt (1).
2. Attach padlock (2) through hole in locking bolt.
In this operation mode the operation mode selector is blocked by the locking bolt (1). The cog
wheel (4) is blocked by locking bar (3). The removal of the locking bolt is prevented by padlock
ü Mode selector is in position Switching position locked
1. Unlock fasteners and remove cover.
2. Remove padlock and locking bolt.
3. Pull locking bar (3).
4. Pull operation mode selector (2) and move operation mode selector into the desired posi-
5. Insert locking bolt (1).
6. Attach padlock through hole in locking bolt.
Motor operation
ü Mode selector is in position Manual operation
1. Unlock fasteners and remove cover.
2. Remove existing padlock and locking bolt (1).
3. Pull mode selector (2) and move mode selector into position Switching position locked until
mode selector latches into position.
4. Insert locking bolt (1).
5. Attach padlock through hole in locking bolt.
7.6.4 Maintenance
For maintenance purposes the following actions shall be taken after the mentioned period or
number of switching operations.
4 Before starting work de-energize section of switchgear where the make-proof earthing
switch is connected to.
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
During improper handling an internal arc can occur which releases hot gases through the
bursting protection. After opening the enclosure parts under high voltage can be accessible.
4 Follow all safety instructions! The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
Tightening torques for non-greased screws in threaded boreholes and for bolt and nut connec-
tions: Installation [} 86]
4 Before starting the work, de-energize the switchgear section, check for absence of voltage,
secure against re-connection and earth switchgear section.
1. De-energize the counter contacts of the make-proof earthing switch, secure against recon-
nection and earth.
2. Evacuate gas compartment which has a common gas compartment with the make-proof
earthing switch and let atmospheric air in.
3. Disconnect plug (2).
4. Remove cover (1).
5. Disconnect supply cable (3) of anti-condensation heater.
6. Loosen screw (4) and keep together with washer (5) for reinstallation.
7. Dismount anti-condensation heater (6) and keep for reinstallation.
4, 5
1. Dismount make-proof earthing switch (7) from counter flange (8).
The counter flange (8) can be a support insulator. Alternatively, the counter flange can be-
long to the enclosure of an exit disconnector/earthing switch without support insulator.
2. Place make-proof earthing switch on a clean working table.
3. Loosen screw (1) and keep together with washers (2) for reinstallation.
4. Dismount all three short-circuit conductors (3).
5. Loosen screws (4) and keep together with washers (5) for reinstallation.
6. Dismount all three contact tubes (6).
4, 5
1, 2
1 screws 2 washers
3 short-circuit conductors 4 screws
5 washers 6 contact tube
7 make-proof earthing switch 8 counter flange
1. Loosen nut (1) and dispose of.
2. Dismount contact support (2) and dispose of.
3. Loosen screws (3) and keep together with washers (4) for reinstallation.
4. Dismount guiding assembly (5) and dispose of.
3, 4
1. Install guiding assembly (1), which has been supplied as a spare part, and fix with screws
(2) and washers (3).
2. Install nut (6) on axis of guiding assembly (1). Adjust dimension x (distance between ma-
chined surface of flange and outer surface of nut (7).
3. Attach contact support (4), which contains new moving contacts (5) and has been supplied
as a spare part, to the axis of the guiding assembly (1).
4. Fix contact support (4) with new nut (7).
5. Tighten nut (7) at torque 80 N m.
Detail: 1
2, 3
4 6
x = 135+1mm
Damage of the make-proof earthing switch.
If the counter contacts are not contacted and fixed properly, the counter contacts can be de-
formed during making. Due to insufficient current carrying capability the contacts can weld dur-
ing making.
4 Follow the sequence of the working procedure strictly. The counter contacts must be
clamped firmly on the contact inserts by the contact supports.
The procedure differs depending on the location of the make-proof earthing switch
a b
2 2
1. Loosen screws (5) of contact supports (3) which hold the counter contacts (3).
2. Unscrew all three counter contacts (1) from contact supports (2). The contact supports (2)
remain fixed to the contact inserts (1).
3. Adjust the distance between the contact supports (3) and the contact inserts (1) to a dis-
tance of 2 mm At this moment screws (5) hold the contact supports loosely.
4. Screw new counter contacts (2), which have been supplied as spare parts, on the contact
supports (3) so that they are fixed slightly but can still be moved around their axis.
5. Install the make-proof earthing switch in position ON temporarily to the flange to align the
counter contacts.
6. Switch the make-proof earthing switch in position OFF to prevent misalignment when the
make-proof earthing switch is removed again.
7. Remove make-proof earthing switch.
8. Fasten screws (5) of contact supports (3) at specified torque.
Now the counter contacts (2) are fixed firmly to the contact inserts (1) and have the full cur-
rent carrying capability.
9. Use new O-ring. Install make-proof earthing switch (7) to counter flange (8).
2 mm 2
insulator) 3 4 5
1. Loosen screw (5) of contact supports (3) which hold the counter contacts (3).
2. Unscrew all three counter contacts (2) from contact supports (3). The contact supports (3)
remain fixed to the conductor (1) together with conductor (6).
3. Adjust the distance between the contact supports (3) and the conductor (6) to a distance of
2 mm At the moment screws (5) hold the contact supports loosely.
4. Screw new counter contacts (2), which have been supplied as spare parts, on the contact
supports (3) so that they are fixed slightly but can still be moved around their axis.
5. Install the make-proof earthing switch in position ON temporarily to the flange to align the
counter contacts.
6. Switch the make-proof earthing switch in position OFF to prevent misalignment when the
make-proof earthing switch is removed again.
7. Remove make-proof earthing switch.
8. Fasten screws (5) of contact supports (3) at specified torque.
Now the counter contacts (2) are fixed firmly to conductors (1) and (6) and have the full cur-
rent carrying capability.
9. Use new O-ring. Install make-proof earthing switch (7) to counter flange (8).
1 6
2 mm
3 4 5
1. Replace lamella contacts (3) at all three contact tubes (2) by new lamella contacts which
have been supplied as a spare part.
2. Insert new O-rings (1).
3. Install all three contact tubes (6) and fix with screws (4) and washers (5).
4. Install all three short-circuit conductors (3) and fix with screws (1) and washers (2).
ounter contacts
1. Evacuate gas compartment, at which the make-proof earthing switch has been installed,
and fill with SF6 at filling pressure.
2. Carry out commissioning tests.
3. After successful commissioning tests switch the earthing switch into the desired position
4. If the earthing switch is in position OPEN, the de-energized section of the switchgear can
be energized again.
New warning signs can be ordered as spare parts. Use the following order numbers:
Operating mechanism
DC voltage V Un
Limit switch
Thermal current A 10
Operating current A 2 (L/R = 20 ms)
Connection - plug connection 4,8 x 0,8
Contacting principle - snap mechanics
Contacts - silver plated, self cleaning
Auxiliary switch
● Normally closed 10
● Normally open 6
Operating diagram
Operating diagram
Auxiliary contact, NC
Auxiliary contact, NO
R 35
Aluminum and
Filter material
Total weight
Iron or steel
Oil, grease
Cast resin
its alloys
kg kg Percentage of total module weight in % per weight:
For normal operation the short-circuit conductors (17) connect the contact pins (5) via the con-
tact tubes (19) with the earthed switchgear enclosure. In position ON (CLOSED) the contact
pins (5) are moved into fixed contacts (4) so that the primary conductors of the switchgear are
earthed. The earthing switch has also the capability to interrupt induced currents during un-
earthing an overhead line with a parallel line energized.
For setting and testing of protection relays and for measuring the voltage drop over the main
conductor path, the make-proof earthing switch can be isolated from the GIS earthing. For this
reason, the contact pins (5) are fixed to the centered drive system by contact support (6)
made from insulating material.
19 4
1 5
17 7
11 16
12 10
13 9
Fig. 138: Operating mechanism and main contacts of the make-proof earthing switch
During an opening operation, the motor (12) operates the cog wheel (8) which turns the drive
spindle (13). So the drive lever (10) moves and turns the switching lever (16). By this, the
drive rod turns and moves the contact support (6) within the gas compartment. The contact
support holds all three contact pins (5) which are moving out of the fixed contacts (4) into the
position OFF (OPEN). At the same time, the closing spring (7) is charged for the next closing
During a closing operation, the closing spring (7) passes its dead center position. This gener-
ates a torque on the switching lever (16) that automatically closes the device. The contact pins
(5) move fast into the fixed contacts (4) into position ON (CLOSED).
The slot in the drive lever (10) allows for independent movement of the contact system and
the charging mechanism, once the dead center position has been passed. The end positions
are determined by inner limit stops.
The auxiliary contacts (20) and the position indicator (1) are driven by linkage (18). The power
supply of the motor is deactivated by the limit switch (9). In case the device is operated manu-
ally for emergency use, the interlocking switch opens the motor circuit. All electrical connec-
tions are made by a coded plug connector (21).
7.7.2 Commissioning
Severe injury or death due to electric shock.
When the short-circuit conductors (17) are dismounted, high-voltage can be conducted outside
the enclosure.
4 Energize the make-proof earthing switch only when the short-circuit conductors (17) are in-
stalled. Especially after maintenance work or after testing make sure that the short-circuit
conductors have been installed again.
The necessary work concerning commissioning is defined in the On Site Test Protocol
1HDG518680. Carry out this work during commissioning and record the results in the protocol.
7.7.3 Operation
Operation modes
The make-proof earthing switch can be set to one of three different operation modes. The op-
eration mode is set with the operation mode selector (1). The following modes are available.
a b c
Manual operation of the make-proof earthing switch with secondary voltage available
In emergency cases the make-proof earthing switch can be operated manually directly on the
device using a hand crank. As soon as the hand crank is inserted into the operating mecha-
nism the motor circuit is automatically interrupted.
The procedures differ depending on the fact if the secondary voltage is available or the sec-
ondary voltage is down.
4 After removing the cover access only the elements with your hands described in the proce-
dure below. Do not touch parts behind the operating elements.
ü interlocking conditions have to be fulfilled
ü device has to be unlocked
ü mode selector is in position Motor operation
1. Unlock fasteners and remove cover.
2. Make sure that the GIS section, where the make-proof earthing switch is connected to, has
been de-energized.
3. Remove padlock and locking bolt (1).
4. Pull mode selector (2) and move mode selector into position Manual operation until you
sense a mechanical resistance.
5. As soon as a mechanical resistance is reached and a signal for release of the respective
control cubicle is given move mode selector (2) further until it latches for releasing the hand
crank opening (3) completely.
6. Insert hand crank into opening (3).
7. Switch make-proof earthing switch with hand crank ON or OFF according to the direction of
rotation printed on the switching device.
8. Turn hand crank until mechanical end stop.
9. Remove hand crank.
10.Move operation mode selector into the desired mode.
11.Insert locking bolt (1) and attach padlock.
2 1
Manual operation of the make-proof earthing switch with secondary voltage down
4 Only personnel with sufficient qualification for this operation shall do this operation.
4 After removing the cover access only the elements with your hands described in the proce-
dure below. Do not touch parts behind the operating elements.
ü interlocking conditions have to be fulfilled
ü device has to be unlocked
ü mode selector is in position Motor operation
1. Unlock fasteners and remove cover.
2. Make sure that the GIS section, where the make-proof earthing switch is connected to, has
been de-energized.
3. Remove padlock and locking bolt (1).
4. Remove cover screw (3) with screwdriver.
5. Pull mode selector (2) and move mode selector into position Manual operation until you
sense a mechanical resistance.
6. Unlock interlocking coil (4) by pressing carefully with a screwdriver and hold.
7. Move mode selector (2) further until it latches for releasing the hand crank opening (5) com-
8. Insert hand crank into opening (5).
9. Switch make-proof earthing switch with hand crank ON or OFF according to the direction of
rotation printed on the switching device.
10.Turn hand crank until mechanical end stop.
11.Remove hand crank.
12.Move operation mode selector (2) into the desired mode.
13.Insert locking bolt (1) and fit padlock.
14.Screw the cover screw (3) back again.
4 3 2 1
Fig. 141: Manual operation with hand crank when secondary voltage is down
In order to lock the make-proof earthing switch, the cover must be removed from the operating
After locking the device it can no longer be operated neither with the motor drive nor manually
with the hand crank.
ü Mode selector is in position Motor operation
1. Switch the make-proof earthing switch into the switching position to be locked.
2. Unlock fasteners and remove cover.
3. Remove padlock and locking bolt (1).
4. Pull operation mode selector (2) and move mode selector into position Switching position
locked until mode selector latches into position.
At the same time the locking bar (3) latches and blocks the cog wheel (4).
2 1
1. Insert locking bolt (1).
2. Attach padlock (2) through hole in locking bolt.
In this operation mode the operation mode selector is blocked by the locking bolt (1). The cog
wheel (4) is blocked by locking bar (3). The removal of the locking bolt is prevented by padlock
ü Mode selector is in position Switching position locked
1. Unlock fasteners and remove cover.
2. Remove padlock and locking bolt.
3. Pull locking bar (3).
4. Pull operation mode selector (2) and move operation mode selector into the desired posi-
5. Insert locking bolt (1).
6. Attach padlock through hole in locking bolt.
2 1
Motor operation
ü Mode selector is in position Manual operation
1. Unlock fasteners and remove cover.
2. Remove existing padlock and locking bolt (1).
3. Pull mode selector (2) and move mode selector into position Switching position locked until
mode selector latches into position.
4. Insert locking bolt (1).
5. Attach padlock through hole in locking bolt.
2 1
7.7.4 Maintenance
For maintenance purposes the following actions shall be taken after the mentioned period or
number of switching operations.
4 Before starting work de-energize section of switchgear where the make-proof earthing
switch is connected to.
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
During improper handling an internal arc can occur which releases hot gases through the
bursting protection. After opening the enclosure parts under high voltage can be accessible.
4 Follow all safety instructions! The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
Tightening torques for non-greased screws in threaded boreholes and for bolt and nut connec-
tions: Installation [} 86]
4 Before starting the work, de-energize the switchgear section, check for absence of voltage,
secure against re-connection and earth switchgear section.
1. De-energize the counter contacts of the make-proof earthing switch, secure against recon-
nection and earth.
2. Evacuate gas compartment which has a common gas compartment with the make-proof
earthing switch and let atmospheric air in.
3. Disconnect plug (2).
4. Remove cover (1).
5. Disconnect supply cable (3) of anti-condensation heater.
6. Loosen screw (4) and keep together with washer (5) for reinstallation.
7. Dismount anti-condensation heater (6) and keep for reinstallation.
4, 5
1. Dismount make-proof earthing switch (7) from counter flange (8).
The counter flange (8) can be a support insulator. Alternatively, the counter flange can be-
long to the enclosure of an exit disconnector/earthing switch without support insulator.
2. Place make-proof earthing switch on a clean working table.
3. Loosen screw (1) and keep together with washers (2) for reinstallation.
4. Dismount all three short-circuit conductors (3).
5. Loosen screws (4) and keep together with washers (5) for reinstallation.
6. Dismount all three contact tubes (6).
4, 5
6 3
1, 2
1 screws 2 washers
3 short-circuit conductors 4 screws
5 washers 6 contact tube
7 make-proof earthing switch 8 counter flange
1. Loosen nut (1) and dispose of.
2. Dismount contact support (2) and dispose of.
3. Loosen screws (3) and keep together with washers (4) for reinstallation.
4. Dismount guiding assembly (5) and dispose of.
3, 4
1. Install guiding assembly (1), which has been supplied as a spare part, and fix with screws
(2) and washers (3).
2. Install nut (6) on axis of guiding assembly (1). Adjust dimension x (distance between ma-
chined surface of flange and outer surface of nut (7).
3. Attach contact support (4), which contains new moving contacts (5) and has been supplied
as a spare part, to the axis of the guiding assembly (1).
4. Fix contact support (4) with new nut (7).
5. Tighten nut (7) at torque 80 N m.
Detail: 1
2, 3
4 6
x = 135+1mm
Damage of the make-proof earthing switch.
If the counter contacts are not contacted and fixed properly, the counter contacts can be de-
formed during making. Due to insufficient current carrying capability the contacts can weld dur-
ing making.
4 Follow the sequence of the working procedure strictly. The counter contacts must be
clamped firmly on the contact inserts by the contact supports.
The procedure differs depending on the location of the make-proof earthing switch
a b
2 2
1. Loosen screws (5) of contact supports (3) which hold the counter contacts (3).
2. Unscrew all three counter contacts (1) from contact supports (2). The contact supports (2)
remain fixed to the contact inserts (1).
3. Adjust the distance between the contact supports (3) and the contact inserts (1) to a dis-
tance of 2 mm At this moment screws (5) hold the contact supports loosely.
4. Screw new counter contacts (2), which have been supplied as spare parts, on the contact
supports (3) so that they are fixed slightly but can still be moved around their axis.
5. Install the make-proof earthing switch in position ON temporarily to the flange to align the
counter contacts.
6. Switch the make-proof earthing switch in position OFF to prevent misalignment when the
make-proof earthing switch is removed again.
7. Remove make-proof earthing switch.
8. Fasten screws (5) of contact supports (3) at specified torque.
Now the counter contacts (2) are fixed firmly to the contact inserts (1) and have the full cur-
rent carrying capability.
9. Use new O-ring. Install make-proof earthing switch (7) to counter flange (8).
2 mm 2
insulator) 3 4 5
1. Loosen screw (5) of contact supports (3) which hold the counter contacts (3).
2. Unscrew all three counter contacts (2) from contact supports (3). The contact supports (3)
remain fixed to the conductor (1) together with conductor (6).
3. Adjust the distance between the contact supports (3) and the conductor (6) to a distance of
2 mm At the moment screws (5) hold the contact supports loosely.
4. Screw new counter contacts (2), which have been supplied as spare parts, on the contact
supports (3) so that they are fixed slightly but can still be moved around their axis.
5. Install the make-proof earthing switch in position ON temporarily to the flange to align the
counter contacts.
6. Switch the make-proof earthing switch in position OFF to prevent misalignment when the
make-proof earthing switch is removed again.
7. Remove make-proof earthing switch.
8. Fasten screws (5) of contact supports (3) at specified torque.
Now the counter contacts (2) are fixed firmly to conductors (1) and (6) and have the full cur-
rent carrying capability.
9. Use new O-ring. Install make-proof earthing switch (7) to counter flange (8).
1 6
2 mm
3 4 5
1. Replace lamella contacts (3) at all three contact tubes (2) by new lamella contacts which
have been supplied as a spare part.
2. Insert new O-rings (1).
3. Install all three contact tubes (6) and fix with screws (4) and washers (5).
4. Install all three short-circuit conductors (3) and fix with screws (1) and washers (2).
ounter contacts
1. Evacuate gas compartment, at which the make-proof earthing switch has been installed,
and fill with SF6 at filling pressure.
2. Carry out commissioning tests.
3. After successful commissioning tests switch the earthing switch into the desired position
4. If the earthing switch is in position OPEN, the de-energized section of the switchgear can
be energized again.
New warning signs can be ordered as spare parts. Use the following order numbers:
Frequency Hz 50 / 60
Peak current / short- kA ≤ 100
circuit making current
Short-time withstand kA 40
Short-circuit duration s 3
Short-time power fre- kV 2
quency withstand volt-
age (auxiliary circuits)
Power frequency with- kV 10
stand voltage between
contact pin and enclo-
sure with disconnected
earthing brackets
SF6 minimum func- kPa 520 / 600
tional pressure / filling
pressure (at 20 °C)
Weight without SF6 kg 50
(incl. operating mecha-
Weight of SF6 filling kg 1
Operating mechanism
DC voltage V Un
Limit switch
Thermal current A 10
Auxiliary switch
● Normally closed 10
● Normally open 6
Operating diagram
Operating diagram
Auxiliary contact, NC
Auxiliary contact, NO
Total SF6 Alu- Iron or Non-fer- Porce- Plastics Cast Filter Elec- Oil,
weight minum steel rous lain/Ce- resin material tronic grease
and its metals ramics parts
kg kg Percentage of total module weight in % per weight:
1 2
1 − Insulating sleeve
2 − Contact bolt
Fig. 157: Insulating sleeve and contact bolt for make−proof earthing switch
Figure 1.1-1: Insulating sleeve and contact bolt for make−proof earthing switch
INFORMATION For operation of the make−proof earthing switch observe the information in the
product manual, which can be found in chapter Make−proof earthing switch.
For mounting the insulating sleeves following steps have to be carried out:
1. Open fasteners (2, Figure 1.1-2) and remove cover (1, Figure 1.1-2)
For mounting the insulating sleeves following steps have to be carried out:
1. Open fasteners (2, Figure 1.1-2) and remove cover (1, Figure 1.1-2)
1 − Cover
2 − Fasteners
Fig. 158: Make-proof earthing switch at the beginning of the work
Figure 1.1-2: Make−proof earthing switch at the beginning of the work
2. Release screws
1 (4, Figure 1.1-3) and keep together with washers
cover 2 for fasteners
3. Remove short-circuit conductors (1, Figure 1.1-3) and keep for re-mounting
1 − Cover
2 4. Remove Procedure
− Fasteners anti-condensation heating (3, Figure 1.1-3) and keep for re-mounting
1. Release
Figure 1.1-2: Make−proof screws
earthing switch at (4) and keepof together
the beginning the work with washers for re-mounting.
2. Release screws (4, Figure
2. Remove 1.1-3) andconductors
short-circuit keep together
(1) with
and washers
keep forfor re-mounting
3. Remove 3.
Removeconductors (1, Figureheating
anti-condensation 1.1-3) and
(3)keep for re-mounting
and keep for re-mounting.
4. Remove anti-condensation heating (3, Figure 1.1-3) and keep for re-mounting
5 4 3
1HDG518920Ben ABBProductManualGIS|Modules|1.1-3
1HDG518920Ben ABBProductManualGIS|Modules|1.1-3
4 Put the insulating sleeves (1) on the contact tubes.
5. Put the insulating
Turn thesleeves (1,ofFigure
flat side 1.1-5)sleeves
insulating on the contact
in suchtubes
a way that they can be attached on the contact
Turn the tubes
the flatas
sidefarofas it will gosleeves
insulating until stop is reached.
in such a way that they can be attached on the contact tubes as
far as it will go until stop is reached
1HDG518920Ben ABBProductManualGIS|Modules|1.1-3
1 − Insulating sleeve
2 − Alignment of insulating sleeves necessary
Fig. 161: Attaching the insulating sleeves to the contact tubes
Figure 1.1-5: Attaching the insulating sleeves to the contact tubes
1 insulating sleeve 2 alignment of insulating sleeves necessary
6. Align insulating sleeves for securing the insulation strength with the flatened side in direction of the arrow
a) Align insulating sleeve (1, Figure 1.1-6) in such a way that the flat side shows to the outside
4 lign insulating sleeves for securing the insulation strength with the flattened side in direction
b) Align insulating sleeve (2, Figure 1.1-6) in such a way that the flat side shows to the outside away
of the arrow.
from the element for manual emergency operation (4, Figure 1.1-6)
Align insulating sleeve (1) in such a way that the flat side shows to the outside.
c) Align insulating sleeve (3,sleeve
Align insulating Figure 1.1-6)
(2) in in sucha away
such waythat
the flat
flat side
showsaway from
to the the element
outside away from
for manual emergency operation in an angle of approx. 45°
the element for manual emergency operation (4).
Align insulating sleeve (3) in1 such2 a way that
1 the flat side shows
2 away from the element for
manual emergency operation in an angle of approx. 45.°
2GHG001669 en E Released Public (Original document) 4 instruction
| Operating 3
1 2 1 2
3 4 3
1HDG518920Ben ABBProductManualGIS|Modules|1.1-4
1. A
2. Mount contact bolts (1) and make sure that the position of the insulating sleeves stays the
7. same
Mount contact as(1,described.
bolts Figure 1.1-7) and make sure that the position of the insulating sleeves stays the
same as described in Figure 1.1-6
1 − Contact bolts
Figure 1.1-7: Installation of contact bolts
Fig. 163: Installation of contact bolts
1 contact bolts
1 2
1 − Insulating sleeve
2 − Contact bolt
Fig. 164: Insulating sleeve and contact bolt for make−proof earthing switch
Figure 1.1-1: Insulating sleeve and contact bolt for make−proof earthing switch
1 cover 2 fasteners
4 x6
5 x3 1 x3 3
Turn the flat side of insulating sleeves in such a way that they can be attached on the contact
tubes as far as it will go until stop is reached.
4 A correct alignment of the insulating sleeves results in a sufficiently high electrical insulation
1. Align insulating sleeves for securing the insulation strength with the flattened side in direc-
tion of the arrow.
Align insulating sleeve (1) in such a way that the flat side shows to the outside.
Align insulating sleeve (2) in such a way that the flat side shows to the outside away from
the element for manual emergency operation (4).
Align insulating sleeve (3) in such a way that the flat side shows away from the element for
manual emergency operation in an angle of approx. 45.°
2. Mount contact bolts (1) and make sure that the position of the insulating sleeves stays the
same as described.
1 3 3
1 contact bolts
1. Removal of the contact bolts.
2. Removal of the insulating sleeves.
Turn of the insulating sleeves, so that these can be pulled off.
Pulling off the insulating sleeves.
3. Installation of the short-circuit conductors and of the anti-condensation heater with the fixa-
tion material which has been demounted during removal.
The integrated current transformer is delivered in variants with or without terminals. In both
variants up to 60 secondary conductors can be connected to the cast−resin bushing insulator
7.10.2 Commissioning
Electric shock due to induced voltages
If the secondary conductors of current transformers are operated without burden dangerous
high voltage can be induced and conducted to the terminals.
4 All terminals are short−circuited and earthed for shipping. The variant without terminals has
an earthing plate installed onto the bushing insulator (3).
4 During the high voltage test and the measurement of the voltage drop of the main current
path all terminals shall be short−circuited and earthed or be cabled according to the sec-
ondary circuit diagrams.
4 After the tests and before energizing these short−circuit connection shall be removed.
1. Make sure that all current transformers are connected according to the secondary circuit di-
2. Make sure that the earthing of the secondary terminals of the current transformer are done
according to the relevant circuit diagrams.
The necessary work concerning commissioning is defined in the On Site Test Protocol
(1HDG518680). Carry out this work during commissioning and record the results in the proto-
7.10.3 Maintenance
If the terminal box is equipped with an anti−condensation heater:
During the inspection every eight years check the functionality of the anti−condensation heater
and of the ventilation openings in the terminal boxes (Anti-condensation heater [} 465]).
* The weight of the integrated current transformer can vary. The weight depends on the num-
ber and specification of the applied cores which is a project specific feature.
Total SF6 Alu- Iron Non Porc Plas- Cast Fil- Elec- Oil,
weigh min or -fer- e- tics resi ter troni grea
t um steel rous lain/ n ma- c se
and met- Ce- te- part
its als ram- rial s
al- ics
kg kg Percentage of total module weight in % per weight:
* The weight of the integrated current transformer can vary. The weight depends on the num-
ber and specification of the applied cores which is a project specific feature.
The integrated current transformer is delivered in variants with or without terminals. In both
variants up to 60 secondary conductors can be connected to the cast-resin bushing insulator
2 6 1
3 4 5
7.11.3 Commissioning
Electric shock due to induced voltages
If the secondary conductors of current transformers are operated without burden dangerous
high voltage can be induced and conducted to the terminals.
4 All terminals are short−circuited and earthed for shipping. The variant without terminals has
an earthing plate installed onto the bushing insulator (3).
4 During the high voltage test and the measurement of the voltage drop of the main current
path all terminals shall be short−circuited and earthed or be cabled according to the sec-
ondary circuit diagrams.
4 After the tests and before energizing these short−circuit connection shall be removed.
1. Make sure that all current transformers are connected according to the secondary circuit di-
2. Make sure that the earthing of the secondary terminals of the current transformer are done
according to the relevant circuit diagrams.
The necessary work concerning commissioning is defined in the On Site Test Protocol
(1HDG518680). Carry out this work during commissioning and record the results in the proto-
* The weight of the integrated current transformer can vary. The weight depends on the num-
ber and specification of the applied cores which is a project specific feature.
Total SF6 Alu- Iron Non Porc Plas- Cast Fil- Elec- Oil,
weigh min or -fer- e- tics resi ter troni grea
t um steel rous lain/ n ma- c se
and met- Ce- te- part
its als ram- rial s
al- ics
kg kg Percentage of total module weight in % per weight:
* The weight of the integrated current transformer can vary. The weight depends on the num-
ber and specification of the applied cores which is a project specific feature.
7.11.5 Maintenance
If the terminal box is equipped with an anti−condensation heater:
During the inspection every eight years check the functionality of the anti−condensation heater
and of the ventilation openings in the terminal boxes (Anti-condensation heater [} 465]).
mon gas compartment with the circuit− breaker. In case of a separate gas compartment the
current transformer has a pressure relief device (5) and gas valves (6). A gas density monitor
or a gas density sensor is installed to one of the gas connections.
The secondary cables are conducted directly into the local control cubicle. Alternatively the
secondary terminals of the current transformer cores (1) can be conducted outside the SF6
gas compartment via a bushing insulator (3) to the terminals (8) in the terminal box (7). Up to
60 secondary conductors can be lead via the bushing insulator (3).
8 1
7 4
9 2
7.12.2 Commissioning
Electric shock due to induced voltages
If the secondary conductors of current transformers are operated without burden dangerous
high voltage can be induced and conducted to the terminals.
4 All terminals (4) are short-circuited and earthed for ship ping. The variant without terminals
has an earthing plate installed onto the bushing insulator (3). During the high voltage test
and the measurement of the voltage drop of the main current path all terminals shall be
short-circuited and earthed or be cabled according to the secondary circuit diagrams.
4 After the tests and before energizing these short-circuit connection shall be removed.
The necessary work concerning commissioning is defined in the On Site Test Protocol
(1HDG518680). Carry out this work during commissioning and record the results in the proto-
1. Make sure that all current transformers are connected according to the secondary circuit di-
2. Make sure that the earthing of the secondary terminals of the current transformer are done
according to the relevant circuit diagrams.
1. Make sure that the gas compartment is filled at rated filling pressure.
2. Make sure that the gas density monitor or density sensor is connected.
7.12.3 Maintenance
If the terminal box is equipped with an anti−condensation heater: During the inspection every
eight years check the functionality of the anti-condensation heater and of the ventilation open-
ings in the terminal boxes (Anti-condensation heater [} 465]).
* The weight of the separate current transformer can vary. The weight depends on the number
and specification of the applied cores which is a project specific feature.
** The weight of the SF6 filling depends on the partitioning concept and the size of the cores
which are project specific fea- tures. Therefore the values mentioned in this table are only ap-
proximate values. The exact values can be found on the SF6 gas information of the installa-
R 11
Non-ferrous metals
Electronic parts
Filter material *
Total weight
Iron or steel
Oil, grease
Cast resin
Plastics *
7.13 Busduct
7.13.1 Functional description
The busduct is used for the connection of the GIS with remote modules or other components
like transformers or overhead lines. The figure shows one possible conductor arrangement of
the module. Depending on the layout requirements, the module can placed in different posi-
tions or be equipped with different conductor layouts.
The conductors (2) of the busduct connect both flanges (1) of the module. The flanges can be
equipped with support or barrier insulators. If the busduct is equipped with two barrier insula-
tors, the module is a separate gas compartment. In this case the busduct module is equipped
with a pressure relief device (4) and gas valves (3). In case of separate gas compartment, a
gas density monitor or a gas density sensor is installed to one of the gas valves.
1 2 3 4 1
Fig. 176: Busduct
1 flange 2 conductor
3 gas valves 4 pressure relief device
The phase position and the conductor connections are order related. The following figures
show some possible conductor and contact variants as well as conductor arrangements
Fig. 177: Busduct with 30° plug in contacts and straight fixed contacts (L ≤ 2 m)
7.13.2 Commissioning
For information concerning regarding commissioning refer chapter Commissioning in section
Tests during commissioning.
The necessary work concerning commissioning is defined in the On-site Test Protocol
1HDG518680. Carry out this work during commissioning and record the results in the protocol.
7.13.3 Installation
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
During improper handling an internal arc can occur which releases hot gases through the pres-
sure relief device. After opening the enclosure parts under high voltage can be accessible.
4 Follow all safety instructions! The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
Before starting the work check all supplied parts for completeness and for damage. Damaged
parts shall be replaced.
Tightening torques for non-greased screws in threaded boreholes and for bolt and nut connec-
tions: Installation [} 86]
Treatment of insulator surfaces, O-rings, sealing grooves and sealing surfaces: Installation
[} 86]
If not already connected to the GIS, busducts are supplied in two variants:
After installation of contact connections, insert O-rings and screw busduct onto counter flange.
1 2 3 4 1
Fig. 179: Busduct
1 flange 2 conductor
3 gas valves 4 pressure relief device
2 3
For installation remove the transport cover (1) and unscrew plug-in contacts (2). Plug-in con-
tacts are required for final installation.
After the plug-in contacts are positioned and installed to the insulator of the adjacent module,
connect the busduct so that it is straight. Insert O-ring in the groove of the insulator and ensure
that all contacts slide into each other without damage. Then bolt the flanges.
Tab. 106: Busduct
R1 R2 R3
R1 R2 m R3
R1 R2 R3
R1 R2 m R3
R1 R2 R3
R1 R2 m R3
R1 R2 R3
R1 R2 m R3
Non-ferrous metals
Electronic parts
Filter material *
Total weight
Iron or steel
Oil, grease
Cast resin
Plastics *
Optionally the modules can be equipped with a removable link which can be removed for ex-
ample in case of cable tests. The figures shows one possible position of the modules. The
modules can be installed in any positions depending on the requirements of the installation.
The conductors (2) of the X-module connect all four flanges (1) of the module. Support as well
as barrier insulators can be installed at the flanges. If the X-module is equipped with four bar-
rier insulators, the module is a separate gas compartment. In this case the X-module is
equipped with a pressure relief device (3) and gas valves (4). A gas density monitor or a gas
density sensor is connected to one gas valve.
4 1 1
3 2
Fig. 185: X-module
The conductors (2) of the T-module connect all three flanges (1) of the module. Support as
well as barrier insulators can be installed at the flanges. If the T-module is equipped with three
barrier insulators, the module is a separate gas compartment. In this case the T-module is
equipped with a pressure relief device (3) and gas valves (4). A gas density monitor or a gas
density sensor is connected to one gas valve.
3 1
Fig. 186: T-module
4 The bay and all cable exits must be de-energized and earthed during installation of the
short-circuit proof earthing device.
The X-module can be delivered in different conductor assemblies. In the assembly a discon-
necting gap can be installed by deinstallation of two conductor parts.
1 2
1 screw 2 screw
3 plug-in contact 4 X-conductor
1. Loosen the screws (1) and (2).
2. Take out conductor (4).
3. Unplug the conductor (3) of the plug-in contact (3).
4. Store both conductors for later reinstallation.
5. Protect the conductors from damage.
6. Install the corona shield (1) with prior deinstalled screws (3) to the X-conductor (2) to estab-
lish a disconnecting gap.
1 2
1 screw 2 screw
3 conductor 4 conductor
1, 3 2
Tab. 108: X-module
Tab. 109: T-module
R 15 R 15
proximated values.
R 15 R 15
R 15
Fig. 190: X-module
14 14
Fig. 191: T-module
Filter material
Iron or steel
Oil, grease
Cast resin
Plastics *
its alloys
The conductors (2) of the 90-degree module connect both flanges (1) of the module. The
flanges can be equipped with support or barrier insulators. If the 90-degree module is
equipped with two barrier insulators, the module is a separate gas compartment. In this case
the 90-degree module is equipped with a pressure relief device (3) and gas valves (4). In case
of a separate gas compartment a gas density monitor or a gas density sensor is installed to
one of the gas valves.
7.15.2 Commissioning
The necessary work concerning commissioning is defined in the On Site Test Protocol
1HDG518680. Carry out this work during commissioning and record the results in the protocol.
* The weight of the gas filling depends on the partitioning concept and the shape of the con-
ductors. Therefore, the values mentioned in this table are only approximate values. The exact
values can be found on the gas information of the installation.
R 11
Oil, grease
Cast resin
NF metal*
Al metal*
Support 18 - ● ●
7.16.2 Installation
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
During improper handling an internal arc can occur which releases hot gases through the
bursting protection. After opening the enclosure parts under high voltage can be accessible.
4 Follow all safety instructions! The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
1HDG518773Een ABBProductManualGIS|Modules|1.1-2
2GHG001669 en E Released Public (Original document) | Operating instruction
Before starting the work check all supplied parts for completeness and for damage. Damaged
parts shall be replaced.
The tightening torques for non-greased screws in threaded boreholes and for bolt and nut con-
nections are listed in Tightening torque for bolts [} 89].
The treatment of insulator surfaces, O-rings, sealing grooves and sealing surfaces are de-
scribed in Flange connections [} 88].
The bushings may be supplied with operating or installations instructions of the bushings’ man-
ufacturer. Read these documents before starting the work and follow these instructions during
1. Release transport gas N2 and remove transportation covers.
2. Fix O-ring (2) to connection flange of bushing.
3. Lift bushing (1) with suitable lifting accessories.
4. Insert bushing (1) straight into plug contact (3). Make sure that the O-rings (2) are in their
correct position.
5. Fasten screws (5) with washers (6) at specified torque to the threaded boreholes in enclo-
sure (7).
6. Install the other two bushings in the same manner.
7. Carry out necessary gas handling.
8. Check flanges for leakage.
5, 6
1HDG518773Een ABBProductManualGIS|Modules|1.1-4
* The weight of the SF6 filling depends on the partitioning concept and the shape of the con-
ductors. Therefore, the values mentioned in this table are only approximate values. The exact
values can be found on the SF6 gas information of the installation.
8 P:
Aluminum and
Total weight
Filter material
Iron or steel
Oil, grease
Cast resin
Plastics *
its alloys
kg kg Percentage of total module weight in % per weight:
The connection of the cable is realized through opening (5) in the cable termination insulator
(4). The cable termination insulator is the gas-tight end towards the cable. Cable termination
insulator (4) and insulator (1) are connected through plug contacts (2). The plug contacts (2)
enable an easy installation of the cable termination insulator.
Erroneous planning or installation of the cable connection to the GIS can result in faults or
damage. For this reason we inform about the aspects which shall be considered when con-
necting a cable to gas-insulated switchgear. This description is for orientation in case the GIS
manufacturer is not responsible for the connection of the high-voltage cable. We do not take
any liability if aspects important for certain projects are missing.
The manufacturer recommends to involve a planner for the planning of the cable connection,
who is well-informed about the particularities of high-voltage cables connected to gas-insu-
lated switchgear. The manufacturer disclaims any liability resulting from wrong planning and
installation of the cable connection.
In case of one-sided shield earthing it shall be considered that the admissible touch voltages
at the end of the cable shield are not exceeded. The use of surge arresters may be necessary.
Wrong design could result in death due to electric shock.
In case of two-sided shield earthing currents are induced in the cable shield. The cross sec-
tions of the conductors which connect the cable shields to the earthing system must be de-
signed correctly. The connection points shall be designed in way that these current values can
be conducted safely to the earthing system. Wrong design can result in overheating and fire.
The earthing points on the GIS enclosure of the cable termination are not designed for the di-
rect connection of the cable shields in general. These earthing points are intended to be used
to reduce the effects of fast transients. Do not connect the cable shields to the GIS enclosure!
It is strictly forbidden to add any boreholes to the GIS support structure. This can result in the
mechanical failure of the support structure.
7.17.3 Installation
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
During improper handling an internal arc can occur which releases hot gases through the
bursting protection. After opening the enclosure parts under high voltage can be accessible.
4 Follow all safety instructions! The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
The installation of the cables to or into the GIS, respectively, shall only be done by personnel
which is authorized for that work.
7.17.4 Commissioning
Commissioning of the bay without cable
If a bay is commissioned without cables connected, additional work becomes necessary later.
The following procedure ensures that the personnel doing that work encounters a defined situ-
ation concerning the switching status of the bay. In the meantime, the GIS is operated without
cable. Depending on the cable termination variant gas compartments might not be monitored
sufficiently at the cable connection opening in the cable termination insulator. The following
procedure avoids trouble with floating potentials during that time.
If the bay is commissioned without a cable connected, the cable termination shall be discon-
nected from the rest of the installation and earthed:
1. Make sure that the bay is de-energized.
2. Switch line disconnector into position OFF.
3. Switch make-proof earthing switch at cable termination into position ON.
4. Lock the switching position of the make-proof earthing switch with a padlock.
5. Record the conditions of the switches in the On-site test protocol Commissioning
* The current rating refers to the GIS part. For the cables different ratings apply.
R 6
Filter material
Iron or steel
Oil, grease
Cast resin
Plastics *
its alloys
kg kg Percentage of total module weight in % per weight: *
The connection of the cable (7) is realized through opening (4) in the cable termination insula-
tor. The cable termination insulator is the gas-tight end towards the cable. Cable termination
insulator (2) and insulator (5) are connected through conductors (3) and through plug contacts
(6,). The length of conductor (3) depends on the rated voltage of the cable termination insula-
tor and the availability of an isolating link. The plug contacts (6) enable an easy installation of
the cable termination insulators. Normally this is a straight contact, so that the GIS is directly
connected with the cable termination insulator.
A variant with isolating link is available. In this case the connection has a removable link. The
link is realized with a split conductor (8). The isolating link shall only be used with the special
earthing tools provided by ABB. A detailed description of the isolating link can be found in the
document Earthing accessories for IEC cable termination [} 369].
Optionally the cable termination can be installed with a sensor for connection of a high voltage
detecting device (HVD). The HVD device signalizes, if the conductors carry rated voltage or
7 7
1 − Enclosure 5 − Insulator
2 − Cable termination insulator 6 − Plug contacts
3 − Conductor
Fig. 199: IEC cable termination (here the dry-type variants are shown). IEC cable termination7 (left).
− Cable
IEC cable termination with isolating link (right).
4 − Opening for cable connection 8 − Split conductor
Figure 1.1-1: IEC cable 1 termination (here the dry−type variants are shown). IEC 2cable termination
enclosure (left). IEC
cable termination cable termination with
isolating link (rigth).
3 conductor 4 opening for cable connection
5 insulator 6 plug contacts
7 cable 8 split conductor
Erroneous planning or installation of the cable connection to the GIS can result in faults or
damage. For this reason, we inform about the aspects which shall be considered when con-
necting a cable to gas-insulated switchgear. This description is for orientation in case the GIS
manufacturer is not responsible for the connection of the high-voltage cable. We do not take
any liability if aspects important for certain projects are missing.
The manufacturer recommends involving a planner for the planning of the cable connection,
who is well-informed about the particularities of high-voltage cables connected to gas-insu-
lated switchgear. The manufacturer disclaims any liability resulting from wrong planning and
installation of the cable connection.
In case of one-sided shield earthing it shall be considered that the admissible touch voltages
at the end of the cable shield are not exceeded. The use of surge arresters may be necessary.
Wrong design could result in death due to electric shock.
1HDG918724Den ABBProductManualGIS|Modules|1.1-3
In case of two-sided shield earthing currents are induced in the cable shield. The cross sec-
tions of the conductors which connect the cable shields to the earthing system must be de-
signed correctly. The connection points shall be designed in way that these current values can
be conducted safely to the earthing system. Wrong design can result in overheating and fire.
The earthing points on the GIS enclosure of the cable termination are not for the direct con-
nection of the cable shields in general. These earthing points are intended to be used to re-
duce the effects of fast transients. Do not connect the cable shields to the GIS enclosure!
It is strictly forbidden to add any boreholes to the GIS enclosures (1). This can result in leak-
age and in extreme cases in bursting of the enclosure.
It is strictly forbidden to add any boreholes to the GIS support structure. This can result in the
mechanical failure of the support structure.
7.18.3 Installation
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
During improper handling an internal arc can occur which releases hot gases through the
bursting protection. After opening the enclosure parts under high voltage can be accessible.
4 Follow all safety instructions! The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
Because of the different insulation technology fluid filled cable termination insulators have to
be installed on site. Before inserting the cable termination insulator (2) conductor parts from
the GIS (3) must be installed on the cable termination insulator (2). Otherwise galvanic contact
between GIS and cable cannot be achieved. Before inserting the cable termination insulator
(2) corona shields on the GIS insulator conductors shall be removed. Otherwise GIS compo-
nents can be damaged during inserting of the cable termination insulator.
When inserting the cable termination insulator (2) make sure that the conductor of the insulator
is aligned with the axis of the plug contacts (6). Otherwise the spiral spring contacts inside the
plug contacts can be damaged.
7.18.4 Commissioning
Commissioning of the bay without cable
If a bay is commissioned without cables connected, additional work becomes necessary later.
The following procedure ensures that the personnel doing that work encounters a defined situ-
ation concerning the switching status of the bay. In the meantime, the GIS is operated without
cable. Depending on the cable termination variant gas compartments might not be monitored
sufficiently at the cable connection opening in the cable termination insulator. The following
procedure avoids trouble with floating potentials during that time.
If the bay is commissioned without a cable connected, the cable termination shall be discon-
nected from the rest of the installation and earthed:
1. Make sure that the bay is de-energized.
2. Switch line disconnector into position OFF.
3. Switch make-proof earthing switch at cable termination into position ON.
4. Lock the switching position of the make-proof earthing switch with a padlock.
5. Record the conditions of the switches in the On-site test protocol Commissioning
* The current rating refers to the GIS part. For the cables different ratings apply.
d 8 P: d 4 P: d 14 P: d 4 P:
Figure 1.1-2: Resistance of the main current path. IEC cable termination (left). IEC cable termination with isolating link (right).
Aluminum and
Non-ferrous metals
Filter material
Total weight
Iron or steel
Oil, grease
Cast resin
Plastics *
its alloys
Filter material
Total weight
Iron orramics
Cast resing
Oil, grease
** Depending on variant.
1HDG918724Den ABBProductManualGIS|Modules|1.1-8
The earthing accessories contain two different kinds of earthing equipment. The complete
earthing accessories are stored in a transportation case:
Earthing conductors, which are short-circuit proof for failure current, used for testing
of GIS at site according to IEC 62271-203 with installed cable
Figure below shows the earthing with earthing conductors short-circuit-proof. The current path
of the IEC cable termination (51) is opened. Corona shields (106a) and (106b) are installed to
realize an isolating gap. The isolating gap is the insulating distance between the corona
shields (106a) and (106b). The conductors (103) which are connected to the cable are con-
nected to the earthing terminal (104) which itself is connected to the earthed enclosure of the
cable termination (51).
Fig. 201: Earthing of the cable with earthing conductors, which are short-circuit proof for testing of GIS at site according to IEC 62271-203 with installed cable
Figure below shows the earthing with isolating earthing stick for potential connection, which is
not short-circuit proof, used for earthing without touching the conductors in case of testing of
cable at site according to IEC 60840 from remote substation. The current path of the IEC ca-
ble termination (51) is opened. Corona shields (106a) and (106b) are installed to realize an
isolating gap. The isolating gap is the insulating distance between the corona shields (106a)
and (106b). The short-circuit conductor for potential connection (110b) is connected to the
earthed enclosure (110c) of IEC cable termination (51) and to the earthing conductor for po-
tential connection (110a). The earthing conductor for potential connection (110a) is connected
to the terminal clamp of earthing stick (111). With the insulated handle of the earthing stick
(108), the earthing conductors (110a) are connected to the terminal clamps (111).
Transportation case
The earthing accessories are stored in a transportation case (101). It contains:
case has a manual pressure release valve. In case the transportation case cannot be opened,
use the manual pressure release valve. The transportation shall be done with a transportation
device. Alternative the transportation case can be transported by hand. For transportation by
hand use the free running wheels and the handle on the transportation case.
4 Minimal 2 persons together shall transport the case, if the handle is used.
Read the user manual (102) carefully. Use the equipment like following:
4 Follow the procedure in the document. Use the two-man rule to confirm the installations.
Count the used tools.
Check if the correct material is missing inside the transportation case during and after in-
stallations. Identify the material with drawing number.
7.19.3 Installation
Severe injury or death due to electric shock.
Installation process in this document was not followed correctly. Earthing during installation
was not performed correctly.
4 Always wear gloves. Follow the steps for installation. Take care of the remarks in this docu-
ment. Use the tools as described in the document. Use the two-man rule to crosscheck all
installation and switching steps. Pay attention to the warning symbols.
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
During improper handling an internal arc can occur which releases hot gases through the
bursting protection. After opening the enclosure parts under high voltage can be accessible.
4 Follow all safety instructions! The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
Damage of the cable termination assembly.
During installation parts can fall and damage insulating parts. During installation parts can be
scratched due to interference with other parts.
4 Always wear gloves. Perform the installations with two persons. Use the two-man rule to
crosscheck all installation and switching steps. Communicate failures directly before com-
missioning the GIS.
2 M 2 M
2 M
5 6 6
8 8
Fig. 204: Typical double-busbar bay cable exit with isolating link in cable termination
Figure above shows two earthing switches (6). One earthing switch (6) on the side of cable ter-
mination isolating link with earthing point (7) and one earthing switch (6) on remote-substation
side. These earthing switches are required for the service condition. Without the earthing
switches or a different possibility to earth both sides of the cable, the installations on the isolat-
ing link (7) cannot be performed.
People performing the installation must be trained and authorized for the work. To get trainings
contact the customer support. Only use the foreseen earthing accessories for the installation.
Check the earthing accessories:
Installation of the earthing conductors, which are short-circuit-proof for failure current
for testing of GIS at side according IEC 62271-203 with installed cable
The procedure for installing the isolating link is summarized as follows. For carrying out the
work follow the detailed description on the next pages:
1. De-energize and earth IEC cable termination and cable at all cable ends, secure against re-
connection at all cable ends.
2. Carry out the necessary gas handling at the cable termination and open the cable termina-
tion service flange.
3. Install short-circuit-proof terminal clamp (105).
4. Install short-circuit-proof earthing terminal (104).
5. First screw earthing conductor (103) to earthing terminal (104) then to terminal clamp (105).
6. Remove the separable contact.
7. Install corona shield (106).
8. Close the gas compartment and install sign (107) to signalize service condition.
9. Continue with procedure for GIS testing according IEC 62271-203.
4 De-energize and earth IEC cable termination and cable at all cable ends, secure against re-
connection at all cable ends.
Fig. 205: De-energize and earth IEC cable termination for typical double
The earthing point from the cable termination isolating link is opened in nominal condition. Dis-
connect all cable ends. In figure above two cable sides are shown. In case the cable has more
than two cable ends, all cable ends must be disconnected. Make a detailed planning of the
1. Carry out the necessary gas handling at the cable termination and open the cable termina-
tion service flange.
2. Make sure that all earthing switches are in correct position and secured against reconnec-
tion. Otherwise switching operations can cause high voltage in working area and cause se-
vere injury or death.
3. Perform the gas handling (for example for ELK-04, 145 kV according to Gashandling
[} 40]).
4. Check voltage free status of the cable.
5. Check substation in working area as well as all connected substations to the cable exit.
6. Untighten the screw connection (1) and remove the service flange cover (2).
7. Use additional help for removing the service flange cover (2), for example a crane.
8. Install short-circuit-proof terminal clamp (105).
9. Clean the contact surfaces (1).
10.Install terminal clamp (105) for the middle phase. Use the grease OKS-VP-980
(HASV403979R0001) for the connection. Tighten the screws (2) according to Installation of
the GIS [} 86].
11.Install terminal clamp (105) for the other phases. Use the grease OKS-VP-980
(HASV403979R0001) for the connection. Tighten the screws (2) according to Installation of
the GIS [} 86].
12.Install short-circuit-proof earthing terminal (104).
13.Remove oxidation from aluminum surface (1) and clean the contact surfaces. Use grease
for the connection.
14.Tighten the screws (2) according to Installation of the GIS [} 86].
15.Make sure that earthing terminal (104) connects to enclosure.
16.Make sure that enclosure has a connection to earth.
17.Tighten earthing conductor (103).
18.First screw earthing conductor (103) to earthing terminal (104) then to terminal clamp (105).
19.Clean contact surfaces (2).
20.Earthing conductor (103) for the middle phase is longer than earthing conductors (103) for
the outer phases. Only assemble the longer earthing conductor (103) on the middle phase.
Use the grease OKS-VP-980 (HASV403979R0001) for the connection.
21.Tighten the screws (3) according to Installation of the GIS [} 86].
22.Install the earthing conductors for the outer phases (103). Use the shorter earthing conduc-
tors (103). Use the grease OKS-VP-980 (HASV403979R0001) for the connection. Tighten
the screws (3) according to Installation of the GIS [} 86].
23.With installation the earthing conductors the earthing connection in the cable termination is
closed (1).
24.Remove the separable contact
25.Check the earthing connection before opening separable contact (4).
26.Open separable contact (4) by untighten the screws (3). The connection between the spiral
springs (2) and the separable contact (4) opens. The separable contact (4) directly opens in
both sides. Take care that no part falls.
27.Store the removed contacts (4) in the transportation case (101, Figure 1.1-3) during service
condition. Use the free spots of the installed accessory to store the removed contacts (4).
28.Opening the separable contact (4) opens the connection between GIS cable exit and cable.
GIS cable exit and cable have an isolating gap (1).
29.Install corona shield (106).
30.Use the grease OKS-VP-980 (HASV403979R0001) for the contact surface of the corona
shield (106).
31.Push the corona shields (106) on the spiral spring (1). Push the corona shield (106) up to
the end. To remove the corona shield (106) use the threading inside the corona shield.
32.Install the corona shield (106) on GIS side as well as cable side.
33.Check if all accessories are installed correctly.
34.Check if the correct accessory was removed from the transportation case (101).
35.Clean the gas compartment adequately. Make the gas compartment ready for gas han-
36.Close the gas compartment and install sign (107) to signalize service condition.
37.Install the O-ring (2) for the service flange.
38.In case a pressure relief device is installed, check if the drying material needs to be re-
newed (for example for ELK-04/145 according to Gashandling [} 40]).
39.Install the service flange cover (5) with the screw connection on the service flange (3), (4).
40.Use additional help for installing the service flange cover (5), for example a crane.
41.Install the holder for sign (109) with the top screw connection of the flange (4).
42.Install the sign for service condition (107) on the holder for sign (109). The sign indicates
the service case. In case the sign is not installed, service case can be forgotten. Do not in-
stall the service sign with pressurized gas compartment.
43.Tighten the screw connections (3) (4) according to Installation of the GIS [} 86].
44.After installation and checking, perform the gas handling (for example for ELK-04/145 ac-
cording to Gashandling [} 40]). Filling pressure is the nominal pressure of the gas compart-
45.Continue with procedure for GIS testing according IEC 62271-203.
46.Make a detailed planning of the further steps for GIS testing.
1 105
1 2
4 Do not remove the earthing connections. Use the two-man rule to crosscheck all installation
and switching steps.
M M 4
The final picture of the installation of the earthing accessory for earthing conductors short-cir-
cuit-proof for failure current can be seen in figure below.
Fig. 213: Final picture of the installation of the earthing accessory for earthing conductors short-circuit-proof
Installation of earthing with isolating earthing stick for potential connection only, which is not
short-circuit proof, used for earthing without touching the conductors in case of testing of cable
at side according IEC 60840 from remote substation.
The procedure for installing the isolating link is summarized as follows. For carrying out the
work follow the detailed description on the next pages:
1. De-energize and earth IEC cable termination and cable from all cable ends, secure against
reconnection from all cable ends.
2. Carry out the necessary gas handling at the cable termination and open the cable termina-
tion service flange.
3. Install terminal clamp of earthing stick for potential connection (111).
4. Screw earthing conductor (110b) to cable termination enclosure and use insulated handle
(108) to connect earthing conductors (110a) to terminal clamp (111).
5. Remove the separable contact.
6. Install corona shield (106).
7. Use insulated handle (108) to remove earthing conductors (110a) from terminal clamp (111)
and remove short-circuit conductor (110b) from cable termination enclosure.
8. Close the gas compartment and install sign (107) to signalize service condition.
9. Continue with procedure for cable testing at side according IEC 60840 from remote substa-
The detailed description of the procedure is the following:
1. De-energize and earth IEC cable termination and cable from all cable ends, secure against
reconnection from all cable ends.
Follow the section “1. De-energize and earth IEC cable termination and cable from all cable
ends, secure against reconnection from all cable ends”.
2. Carry out the necessary gas handling at the cable termination and open the cable termina-
tion service flange.
Follow the section 2. Carry out the necessary gas handling at the cable termination and
open the cable termination service flange".
3. Install terminal clamp of earthing stick for potential connection (111).
4. Clean the contact surfaces (1).
5. First install terminal clamp (105) for the middle phase, then for the other phases. Use the
grease OKS-VP-980 (HASV403979R0001) for the connection.
6. Align the clamps (111) according to the tolerances with flexible standard measuring tools:
– In the point of minimal distance from the clamp (111) to enclosure wall (3), a distance
of 42 mm is required.
– From center to center between the outer clamps (111), a distance of 235 mm is re-
The middle clamp shall be in line to the service flange.
– The alignment of the clamps (111) makes the accessory able to withstand the speci-
fied voltage rating.
– Without aligning the conductors correctly, a flashover can occur during testing and
damage the cable termination assembly.
1. Tighten the screws (2) according to Installation of the GIS [} 86].
2. Screw earthing conductor (110b) to cable termination enclosure and use insulated handle
(108) to connect earthing conductors (110a) to terminal clamp (111).
3. Remove oxidation from aluminum surface and clean the contact surfaces (2) (figure below).
4. Connect the short-circuit conductor of earthing stick for potential connection (110b) to the
enclosure. Use the grease OKS-VP-980 (HASV403979R0001) for the connection. Tighten
the screws (3) according to Installation of the GIS [} 86]. Connect the short-circuit conduc-
tor (110b) to enclosure. Make sure that enclosure has a connection to earth.
5. Install the connection clamp (5) on the insulated handle (108) according figure below). Push
connection clamp (104) in insulated handle (108) and turn connection clamp (104).
6. Both parts are connected via bayonet mount. Make sure, that the bayonet mount between
connection clamp (5) and insulated handle (108) is fixed.
7. Use the insulated handle (108) to hang connection clamp (5) in the terminal clamps (111).
Never touch the insulated handle (108) across the hand limit (4), because it reduces the in-
sulation distance.
8. Rotate the insulated handle (108) until rotation is not possible anymore. Rotation tightens
the connection between connection clamp (5) and the terminal clamps (111). Set the con-
nection tight.
9. Remove the insulated handle (108) from first phase by using the bayonet mount.
10.Continue with the same procedure for each phase, until each phase is earthed.
11.After earthing the last phase remove the insulated handle (108) completely from the assem-
bly by using the bayonet mount.
12.Installation of the earthing conductors closes the earthing connection in the isolating link
13.Remove the separable contact.
14.Make sure that the earthing connection is fixed.
15.Follow the section “6. Remove the separable contact" to remove the separable contact (re-
fer to figure below).
16.Opening the separable contact (4) opens the connection between GIS cable exit and cable.
GIS cable exit and cable have an isolating gap (1).
17.Install corona shield (106)
2 111
42 ±2 4 2 ±2
235 ±4
Fig. 214: Installation of terminal clamp of earthing stick for potential connection (111), (Dimensions in millimeters)
M M 111
5 110a
Fig. 215: Installation of earthing conductor (110b) to cable termination enclosure with insulated handle (108)
M M 4
Follow the section “7. Install corona shield", refer to the following figure.
1. Use insulated handle (108) to remove earthing conductors (110a) from terminal clamp
(111) and remove short-circuit conductor (110b) from cable termination enclosure.
2. Check if all accessories are installed correctly. Check if the correct accessory was removed
from the transportation case (101).
3. Make the gas compartment ready for gas handling. Clean the gas compartment ade-
4. Install the fixed connection clamp (4) on the insulated handle (108). Push insulated handle
(108) in connection clamp (4) and turn insulated handle (108). Both parts are connected via
bayonet mount. Make sure that connection clamp (4) is fixed with insulated handle (108)
with the bayonet mount.
5. Untighten the connection between terminal clamp and connection clamp (4) by rotating the
insulated handle (108). Rotate the insulated handle up to the point where no rotation is pos-
sible anymore. Never touch the insulated handle (108) across the hand limit (4), because it
reduces the insulation distance.
6. Remove the earthing conductor (110a) from the terminal clamp (111) by using the insulated
handle (108).
By removing the earthing connection, a spark may occur. The spark occurs due to induced
voltages in the cable. The spark has low energy and will disappear after a short time.
4 Do not get near to the conductors. Do not touch the conductors after opening the earthing
connection. Always wear gloves. Use the two-man rule to crosscheck all installation and
switching steps. Remove not needed parts from the installation area to minimize trip haz-
1. Open the bayonet mount between connection clamp (4) and insulated handle (108) in safe
2. Use the same procedure for each phase. For each phase use the insulated handle (108) to
remove the earthing conductor (110a) from the terminal clamp (111).
3. After deinstallation of all earthing conductors the connection from short-circuit conductor
(110b) and cable termination enclosure can be opened. Untighten the screw connection (2).
Only open the connection when all earthing conductors are deinstalled.
4. The procedure opens the earthing connection (2) for cable on GIS side without touching the
conductors. Earthing connection needs to be removed for cable testing according IEC
5. Close the gas compartment and install sign (107) to signalize service condition.
M M 108
4 Do not get near to the conductors. Do not touch the conductors after opening the earthing
connection. Always wear gloves. Use the two-man rule to crosscheck all installation and
switching steps. Remove not needed parts from the installation area to minimize trip haz-
Follow the section “8. Close the gas compartment and install sign (107) to signalize service
condition (109)". Refer to the figure below for closing of the gas compartment.
1. Continue with procedure for cable testing at side according IEC 60840 from counter-substa-
2. Make a detailed planning of the further steps for cable testing.
The final picture of the installation of isolating earthing stick for potential connection only, which
is not short-circuit proof, used for earthing without touching the conductors can be seen in fig-
ure below.
Fig. 220: Final picture of the installation of the earthing accessory for Isolating earthing stick for potential connection only, which is not short-circuit proof, used for
earthing without touching the conductors
Make a detailed planning for the switching steps in the grid section. During deinstallation of
the earthing accessory check the following points before commissioning:
● Visual check of the spiral spring contact. Replace the spring contact in case of plastic de-
formation of the spiral springs or damage of the outer surface.
● Check the material for completeness after the deinstallation, refer to Transport and Storage
[} 372].
Make sure that the cable termination is prepared for nominal service condition according to
figure below.
● The separable contact is closed (1) and the screws are tightened according Installation of
the GIS [} 86].
● The earthing connections in the cable termination are removed (2).
● The service flange cover is closed (3) and the screw connections are tightened according
Installation of the GIS [} 86].
After the deinstallation the GIS must be commissioned. Perform the following tests:
● High voltage test according IEC 62271-203:2011, C.3.1.3 Application of service voltage.
The part of the GIS to be tested shall be energized by the service voltage through the
largest possible impedance in order to reduce damage caused by a possible disruptive dis-
charge. A test period of 24h is recommended.
● Check of gas tightness according to 1HDG518640 for the closed service flange (3). Check
all sealings of the closed service flange (3).
4 Follow the steps for commissioning. Perform the tests for commissioning as specified.
Tab. 122: Isolating earthing stick for potential connection only, which is not short-circuit proof, used for earthing without
Aluminum and
Total weight
Filter material
Iron or steel
Oil, grease
Cast resin
Plastics *
its alloys
kg kg Percentage of total module weight in % per weight:
7 2 4
6 6
1 transformer 2 oil-SF6-bushing
3 standardized terminal 4 oil-filled encapsulation
5 standardized flange 6 optional parts belonging to transformer
7 SF6-filled encapsulation 8 flange belonging to GIS 3-phase to 1-phase
9 adapter 10 transversal insertion unit
11 earthing conductors
7.20.2 Installation
Work on high voltage devices implies certain risks which can result in severe or lethal
injury if the safety rules are disregarded.
Wrong behavior can cause an internal arc which releases hot gas through the bursting protec-
tion. After opening of the enclosure parts under high voltage might be accessible after wrong
4 Follow all safety instructions! The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
At the beginning of the installations check all parts for damage and completeness. Replace
damaged parts.
The tightening torques for non-greased bolts in threads and holes are listed in the product
manual chapter Installation in table Tightening torques for non-greased bolts.
The treatment of insulator surfaces, O-rings, sealing grooves and sealing surfaces are de-
scribed in chapter Installation in section Installation of the GIS.
4 De-energize relevant section of switchgear. Secure against reconnection. Verify that instal-
lation is dead. Carry out earthing and short-circuiting. Provide protection against adjacent
live parts.
Make sure that these measures have also been taken on the other side of the transformers.
Otherwise lethal voltage may apply to the transformer terminals.
The installation of a direct transformer connection requires an accurate alignment of the trans-
former bushings (1). Otherwise these inaccuracies might increase over the whole installation
so that the busbars of the GIS bays cannot be coupled anymore. Before starting work the cor-
rect alignment of the oil-SF6-bushings must be checked.
1. Check dimension A of the axis of the oil-SF6-bushings (2). This dimension must correspond
to the phase distance of the 3-phase to 1-phase adapter module provided with the GIS. The
admissible tolerance is ± 3 mm.
2. Check the levelness of the flanges (3). An angular deviation referring to the levelness is not
3. In case the alignment of the bushings does not fulfill the requirements stop the work and
contact the factory.
4 Use lifting devices and accessories which have enough carrying capability. Follow the in-
structions in chapter Gas-insulated switchgear in section Safety instructions.
For new installations it is recommended to start the installation at the transformer connection.
This avoids problems with the coupling of GIS and transformer. If the installation has several
transformer connections check continuously during installation if the positions of the GIS bays
connected to the transformers is within the limits so that the coupling of the busbars will be
possible later.
1. Put contact (2) on top of the terminal of the transformer bushing.
2. Align axis of the contact to fit the axis of the bushing.
3. Fix contact with screw (3) and washer (4). Apply specified torque.
4. Repeat work at the other poles.
5. Insert transversal insertion unit (3) into enclosure (2).
6. Make sure that ring (4) and O-ring (5) are inserted. A. later installation will not be possible
7. Put new O-ring (1) onto groove of enclosure (2).
8. Put enclosure (2) onto bushing flange (8). Make sure that O-ring (1) is in correct position.
9. Fix enclosure (2) to flange (8) with screw (6) and washer (7). Apply specified torque.
10.Repeat work at the other poles.
11.Move 1pole to 3pole adapter (1) into its final position. Adapter (2) and contact (3) shall be
already installed in the factory.
12.Check distance between bottom surface of adapter (2) and bottom surface of enclosure (8).
It shall be 655 mm for all three poles.
13.Check exact alignment of axis (7) for all three poles.
14.Put half contact (1) to the shown position to connect contact at bushing (8) and contact at
GIS (9).
15.Put fixing element (4) between contact at bushing (8) and contact at GIS (9).
16.Fix half contact (1) to fixing element (4) with screw (2) and washer (3). Apply specified
17.Put half contact (5) opposite of half contact (1).
18.Fix half contact (5) to fixing element (4) with screw (6) and washer (7). Apply specified
19.Repeat work at the other poles.
20.Insert new O-ring (4).
21.Close transversal insertion enclosure (1).
22.Install fixations (2). Keep space for four fixations with earthing conductor (3).
3, 4
4, 5
6, 7
1 O-ring 2 enclosure
3 transversal insertion unit 4 ring
5 O-ring 6 screw
7 washer 7 bushing flange
6 4
655 mm
5 4
2, 3
6, 7
655 mm
– Fix distance bolt (1) and washer (2) to flange. Apply specified torque.
– Insert screw (3) and washer (4) at opposite flange. Attach loosely washer (5), nut (6),
counter nut (7) and washer (8).
– Turn screw (3) into distance bolt (1) until dimension 655 mm is adjusted.
– Tighten nut (6) and counter nut (7). Apply specified torque.
1. Repeat for remaining fixations at this pole.
2. Repeat work at the other poles.
3. Install fixations with earthing conductors (4) at the remaining four places
a b c d
4 3
6 6
1 7 7
– Fix distance bolt (1), washer (2) and earthing link (9) to flange.
Apply specified torque.
– Insert screw (3), washer (4) and earthing link (9) at opposite flange. Attach loosely
washer (5), nut (6), counter nut (7) and washer (8).
– Turn screw (3) into distance bolt (1) until dimension 655 mm is adjusted.
– Tighten nut (6) and counter nut (7). Apply specified torque.
– Fix earthing conductor (10) with screw (11), washer (12 and 14) and nut (13).
1. Repeat for remaining fixations with earthing conductor at this pole.
2. Repeat work at the other poles.
3. Before commissioning carry out the necessary gas work.
4. Before commissioning make sure that the blocking elements at the compensators on the
transformer side have been removed.
a b c d e
9 13, 14
11 12
4 3
1 5
6 6
7 7 10
2 8
11 12 9
13, 14
* SF6 filling weight depends on the partitioning concept and the installed conductors. The val-
ues in the table are approximate values. The exact values can be found on the GIS labelling.
Aluminum and
Total weight
Iron or steel
Filter mate-
Oil, grease
Cast resin
its alloys*
kg kg Percentage of total module weight in % per weight:
● > 1 , ○ < 1 , + = depends on type
Direct 207 2 ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○
The module can be installed in different positions depending on the requirements. Besides the
illustrated type, the module can also be configured with a transverse installation unit. The type
with the transverse installation unit allows the bay-coupling and offers some flexibility during
the assembly. The type without the transverse installation unit is used as buffer or intermedi-
ate gas compartment by default.
The conductors (2) of the extension module connect both flanges (1) of the module. There are
different types of conductors used, according to the type with or without a transverse installa-
tion unit. The flanges can be equipped with support or barrier insulators. If the extension mod-
ule is equipped with two barrier insulators, the module is a separate gas compartment. In this
case the extension module is equipped with a pressure relief device (3) and gas valves (4). A
gas density monitor or a gas density sensor is then installed to one of the gas valves.
5 1 2 1
Fig. 230: Extension module (above) and extension module with transverse installation unit (below)
7.21.2 Installation
This product manual mainly refers to activities which are necessary for the installation of ex-
tension bays. For a detailed description of certain work or operations, also occurring during
the initial installation of bays, it is necessary to gather them from the documentation belonging
to the project.
4 Follow all safety instructions! The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
The extension module is assembled and integrated into the GIS layout in different types, de-
pending on its function. As a buffer gas compartment, for example between the circuit-breaker
and the disconnector / earthing switch (see cover sheet), the extension module is assembled
factory-provided. The type with transverse installation unit, which is used also for the extension
of substations and as a buffer gas compartment for special maintenance concepts between
two bays, is assembled to some extent on site.
The amount of work on site depends on the chosen configuration of the shipping unit. Depend-
ing on the configuration, the extension module is delivered assembled to one side of the bay or
separately as a single shipping unit
1 2
Below is described the initial situation of assembling the extension module as a separate ship-
ping module, which must be integrated between two modules on site (coupling of the future
bay). If the extension module is already mounted to the future bay factory-provided, the mount-
ing starts with step 11. on page 9.
As a separate shipping module, the extension module is sent to the construction site assem-
bled on one insulator and closed with a transport cover. The contact system is then completely
integrated into the housing.
The flanges of the bays which shall be coupled are equipped with an insulator and a bus bar
end cover on one side and with a transport cover on the other side.
4 The two bays must be adjusted and placed into the right position for the coupling. The bay
axes must get aligned for this purpose.
848 mm
Fig. 232: Adjusting of the bays to be coupled. Distance and alignment must be considered
1. The transverse installation unit of the disconnector/earthing switch of the new bay is fixed
factory-provided with the compensation units. The adjustment of the transverse installation
unit should be at 348 mm distance (see bay coupling 145).
2. To assemble the extension module between the two modules, the distance between them
should be 848 mm, measured from the casting flanges. Due to the compensation units of
the transverse installation unit of the disconnector/earthing switch and the extension mod-
ule, the tolerances during assembly in the range of +/ 5 mm are possible.
3. When the new bay is in the correct position it will be fixed. The transport and end covers
can be disassembled after fixation. When the bus bar end cover is disassembled, the di-
alectical shields (1, figure below) must be removed.
Fig. 233: The bus bar end cover of the existing module must be disassembled including the shields (left side), the transport cover of the disconnector/earthing
switch must be opened (right side)
1 dialectical shield
1. The extension module must be integrated between the existing and the new bay for the
coupling. The extension module must be provided according to this. To reach the contact
shells, the transport transverse installation unit must be opened.
2. Loosen nuts and screws of the transverse installation.
3. Loosen screw connection from enclosure, disassemble threaded bolts and the compensa-
tion units and open the transverse installation unit.
4. Disassemble conductor shells.
5. Remove transport cover with assembled contacts.
6. Disassemble plug contacts from transport cover.
Fig. 234: Open the transverse unit for loosening the contact shells
4 After the contact shells are removed the plug contacts mounted on the transport cover are
now freely accessible. These contacts must be disassembled from the transport cover and
can be assembled on the flange of the existing bay, which should be coupled.
Fig. 235: Remove contacts from the transport cover and assemble them on the flange which should be coupled
4 Disassemble the transport cover on flange 1 of the extension module, too. Depending on
the plug contacts (1, figure below) for the disconnector/earthing switch of the future bay be-
ing assembled factory provided or not, they must be fixed on flange 1.
1 plug contacts
4 For starting the coupling process, the transverse installation unit of the disconnector/earth-
ing switch must be provided with the attached compensation units. The transverse installa-
tion unit must be adjusted with the specified dimension of 348 mm (see bay coupling 145)
in this case.
348 mm
4 The extension module with inserted transverse installation unit must be pitched inside the
space between. It is important to ensure that there are no collisions with the conductor parts
and the bolts. Due to the generous clearance it should not be necessary to screw in the
bolts of the disconnector/earthing switch. To avoid metallic abrasion during the coupling
with the transverse installation unit of the disconnector/earthing switch of the new bay, it is
recommended to screw in the bolts on the extension module (1, figure below).
2 3
Fig. 238: Pitch in the extension module and connect flange 1 with the transverse installation unit
4 When the extension module is pitched in between the two modules, the coupling with the
transverse installation unit and the conductors (3, figure above) for the plug contacts (2, fig-
ure above) of the disconnector/earthing switch must follow. Hereby take care not to dam-
age the spiral contacts. The previously screwed in bolts (1, figure above) must be adjusted
to nominal position and connected with the compensation units of the transverse installation
Fig. 239: Extension module is combined via flange 1 with the disconnector-earthing switch of the future bay
4 As soon as the coupling of the extension module with the transverse installation unit of the
disconnector/ earthing switch is finished, the coupling with the nearby module of the exist-
ing bay can begin. Therefore, the flange connections from flange 1 and flange 3 must relate
to each other. The contacts must relate to the corresponding conductor shells for it. The as-
sembly must take place through the opened transverse installation unit of the extension
2 1
Fig. 240: The conductor shells (right) are combined with the contacts through the opening of the transverse
4 When assembling the contacts, it is recommended to fix the mounting discs (1, figure
above) to the bigger contact shell (2, figure above) When putting on the flange connection it
must be ensured, that the grub screw (1, figure below) of the flange contact on flange 1
sticks in the suitable hole of the contact shell. This ensures that the contact shell does not
spin around and that the contact system is always in the best dielectric adjustment. The
screws must be torqued carefully to avoid damages of the spiral contacts.
Fig. 241: The grub screws in the fixing contact (left) ensures the right position of the screws within the
1 grub screw
4 When the coupling of the contacts is done, the transverse installation unit can be closed
and screwed down. Bring the previously screwed bolts of the insulator back to nominal po-
sition. Fix the enclosure of the transverse installation unit and the compensation devices
with them.
Fig. 242: After coupling of the contact system close the transverse installation unit and assemble the compensation devices and earthing bridges
4 The compensation units are tightened from the side of the extension module. The correct
sequence and the necessary screw-in depth must be considered during the assembly of the
compensation units and the other provided fixing material.
4 Adherence of the relevant working steps from the document Bay coupling 145.
4 The coupling is complete when the transverse installation unit is fixed correctly on both
sides. After activating the compensation units the commissioning can begin.
7.21.3 Disassembly
This product manual mainly refers to activities which are necessary for the installation of ex-
tension bays. For a detailed description of certain work or operations, also occurring during
the initial installation of bays, it is necessary to gather them from the documentation belonging
to the project.
4 Follow all safety instructions! The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
Initial situation
The transverse installation unit of the illustrated extension module must be opened in order to
remove the disconnector/earthing switch, respectively the complete bay on the left, because of
maintenance reasons. Below just the disconnector/earthing switch is shown.
Fig. 243: The left side shall be removed, the separation results from the extension module (middle)
This product manual mainly refers to activities which are necessary for the installation of ex-
tension bays. For a detailed description of certain work or operations, also occurring during
the initial installation of bays, it is necessary to gather them from the documentation belonging
to the project.
4 Only carry out the work described in this chapter, if all instructions, safety information and
warnings from the product manual were read and understood, especially the chapter Gas-
insulated Switchgear and section Security instructions. Teh manufacturer denies any liabil-
ity due to improper handling.
The detailed specifications regarding gas coordination for the works to be done must be ex-
tracted from the document Gashandling.
1. Ensure that the necessary gashandling was made and the related sections of the bay are
de-energized (Gashandling [} 40]).
2. Turn the interlock screw (1, figure below) of the compensation unit against the spring pack-
age and strain it so that it will not expand abruptly during disassembly. The final state is
reached when the tightening torque of the nut rises suddenly.
1 interlock screw
4 Loosen the union nut between the flange bolt and the screw of the spring package and
screw it as far as possible to the direction of the compensation unit, to release the tension
of the flange.
4 Loosen the fastening nut on the bolt and screw the threaded bolt out of the flange and
thereby out of the union nut.
4 Remove the fastening screw of the compensation unit (the compensation unit is free now).
4 Remove the compensation units and the earthing bridges separately.
4 As soon as all compensation units and earthing bridges are removed, the single rings and
sealings of the transverse installation units must be slackened, so that they do not block the
enclosure of the transverse installation units during insertion. Fix the screw connection (1)
of the disconnector/ earthing switch with the relevant tightening torque again, to ensure the
fixation of the insulator to the housing.
1 screw connection
4 Insert the enclosure of the transverse installation unit (the contacts within the extension
module are visible and can be reached).
4 Ensure zero potential and the earthing of the de-energized modules. Corresponding refer-
ences in chapter Gas-insulated Switchgear, chapter Safety instructions must be followed.
4 Disassemble the contact shells.
Fig. 250: Disassemble the contact shells through the opened transverse installation unit
Squeezing of hands due to the heavy conductors within the narrow assembly room.
Cause The contact shells can heavily be removed out of the extension module, due to their
material and shape.
1. For the disassembly loosen the smaller contact shell at first and remove it carefully (step 1.
and 2. figure below). At the same time push the bigger shell including the mounting discs on
the flange connection to adhere it.
2. As soon as the smaller contact shell is removed from the module, the bigger shell including
the mounting discs can be turned carefully to the downside (step 3.).
3. After that, loosen the contact shell including the mounting discs from the flange connection
carefully (step 4.) and remove it from the module.
4. Use the same procedure for the other phases.
1. 2.
3. 4.
Fig. 251: During disassembly at first remove the smaller (lower) contact shell carefully (1. and 2.)
1. If the contact shells are disassembled, the plug contacts on the insulator of the disconnec-
tor / earthing switch can also be removed. The module respectively the nearby bay itself,
can be pulled out, if the disconnection is realized also from its own transverse installation
module of the disconnector / earthing switch.
2. The remaining contacts must be disassembled from the extension module. These will be
needed during a new coupling of the again integrated bay.
4 Before energizing the bus bar, ensure the dielectric strength of the insulator between exten-
sion module and the disconnector/earthing switch. Therefore, appropriate shields (1) are
assembled on the insulator of the extension module, which will be closed with a pressure
resistant cover (2) afterwards. It is recommended to reassemble the transverse installation
unit completely (including the compensation units, which can be locked, respectively not ac-
tivated), so that the assembly is ready for a later coupling.
Fig. 253: After the shields are mounted on the insulator (left) the transverse installation unit can be re-assembled and closed pressure-resistantly
1 shield 2 cover
* The SF6 weight depends on the separation concept and the geometry of the conductors. The
numbers mentioned in this table are approximated numbers. The exact numbers can be found
on the SF6 plates on the bay.
R 6 R 7
Total weight
Iron or steel
Filter mate-
Oil, grease
Cast resin
its alloys*
Exten- 120 4 ● ○ ● ○ ○ ○
Barrier 26 - ● ●
Support 18 - ● ●
The inductive voltage transformer complies with the relevant IEC-, ANSI- and IEEE-standards.
Usually it has two secondary windings and one auxiliary winding for earth fault detection. The
ratings are project-specific.
The inductive voltage transformer is separated from the adjacent GIS compartment by means
of a barrier insulator (5). It is equipped with two gas valves (4), a gas moisture filter and a
pressure relief device (2).
As an option, the voltage transformer can be equipped with an integrated isolating device (IID)
so that the voltage transformer active parts can be isolated from the switchgear. The isolation
device is manually operated and secured with a padlock to avoid operation while the
switchgear is energized. If the VT is equipped with an IID the IID specific safety, commission-
ing and operating instructions must be adhered to (Commissioning [} 437], Operation of the
integrated isolating device [} 438]).
7 1
Fig. 255: Three-phase encapsulated voltage transformer eVT2 with manually operated integrated isolating device IID
7.22.2 Installation
Loss of isolating capacity. Damage of the voltage transformer.
The voltage transformer is equipped with an isolating foil which was impregnated with insulat-
ing gas during manufacturing. Evacuating the voltage transformer may lead to insufficient iso-
4 Do not reduce the pressure of the insulating gas below 150 kPa abs.
The voltage transformer can be mounted on several places of the switchgear. Possible mount-
ing locations are:
7.22.3 Commissioning
Severe injury or death due to internal arc.
If the position of the isolating device is not in the exact position OPEN or CLOSED and the
voltage transformer is energized an internal arc can occur. An internal arc can also occur, if the
isolating device is operated when the voltage transformer is energized.
4 Operate the voltage transformer only if the integrated isolating device is in position
4 Operate the isolating device only if the switchgear section has been de-energized and
Severe injury or death due to high voltage at the terminal block of the voltage trans-
Some voltage transformers are equipped with test disconnect terminal blocks. If the connection
in these terminal blocks between the primary earth wiring of the voltage transformer and the
cubicle wiring is disconnected the earthing of the primary voltage transformer winding is not ef-
fective. High voltage will be conducted to the terminal blocks and causes an electric shock.
4 Do not energize the voltage transformer with the disconnecting gap in test disconnect termi-
nal blocks open.
4 Cover the terminal block with protection cover and warning sign.
Loss of isolating capacity. Damage of the voltage transformer.
The voltage transformer is equipped with an isolating foil which was impregnated with SF6 dur-
ing manufacturing. Evacuating the voltage transformer may lead to insufficient isolation with
4 Do not reduce the pressure of the insulating gas below 150 kPa abs.
1. Check voltage transformer for external damages. In case of any damages contact the man-
2. Check shock indicators.
In case the shock indicators were activated, contact the manufacturer.
3. Check if connections in the terminal box are consistent with project-specific circuit diagram.
4. Check if earthing of primary and secondary winding are consistent with project-specific cir-
cuit diagram.
5. Check if micro circuit-breakers of secondary circuits work.
6. Fill voltage transformer with insulating gas of the correct gas composition at filling pressure.
Observe strictly that the voltage transformer never shall be evacuated.
Check in the drawings of the secondary circuits if the voltage transformer is equipped with test
disconnect terminal blocks. In case the voltage transformer is equipped with test disconnect
terminal blocks:
1. Check that the disconnecting gap of the terminal block is closed. If not, close disconnecting
2. Check that the switch interlock is inserted. If not, insert switch interlock.
3. Check that the cover including the warning sign is installed on the terminal block. If not, in-
stall the cover.
4. Record the result in the On-Site Test Protocol 1HDG518680.
Severe injury or death if isolating device is operated when voltage transformer is en-
Switching the energized voltage transformer can result in an internal arc.
4 Make sure that the switchgear section, where the voltage transformer is connected to, has
been de-energized and earthed.
4 Operate the voltage transformer only if the integrated isolating device is in position
4 Operate the isolating device only if the switchgear section has been de-energized and
Total Insulat- Alu- Iron or Non-fer- Porce- Plastics Cast Filter Elec- Oil,
weight ing gas minum steel rous lain/Ce- resin material tronic grease
and its metals ramics * parts
kg kg Percentage of total module weight in % per weight:
It is based on a modular design and can be installed in any position for protection application
and must be installed in horizontal position for metering application. The primary sensors con-
tains two fully redundant Rogowski coils as current transducers and two fully redundant ca-
pacitive dividers. They are built into the pressurized gas−insulated switchgear enclosure.
The installation of the low power instrument transformer in a GIS is possible in indoor and out-
door application.
The low power instrument transformer CP04 is designed as a combined device for current and
voltage measurement. The Rogowski coil (1) and the capacitive tap (2) are mounted as a unit
on a support plate (3) and mounted in the gas compartment of the housing (4).
6 5
In standard applications, the transformer is mounted on the outgoing flange of the cir-
cuit−breaker. Always the transformer has a separate gas compartment including burst protec-
tions (5) and gas connections (6). A gas density monitor or a gas density sensor is installed at
one of the gas connections. The cable connections of the Rogowski coil and the capacitive
voltage tap are routed to the sensor board (8) via a gas−tight cable bushing (7). Furthermore,
an additional gas density sensor (9) is required for temperature and gas density measure-
ment, which is used exclusively for data evaluation. This gas density sensor only supplies
measured data to the sensor board (8). On the sensor board there is a socket (10) as an inter-
face to the secondary converter (11) in which the analogue signals are converted into digital
signals. Afterwards the signals are transmitted via optical fibres to the Merging Unit located in
the control cubicle. It serves to evaluate and display the digital data. The secondary converter
is supplied with power from a separate current/voltage source. Secondary Converter and
Merging Unit are described in documents 1HC0031427 CP−SC Reference guide and
1HC0031429 CP−MUP Reference guide.
In case of a low power instrument transformer with support insulator on one side, pressure re-
lief device (5) and gas connections (6) are not applicable.
onitoring data
st be installed
gowski coils as
tdoor applica-
ed as a unit on
the trans-
ed exclu-
e calibra-
e signals
In the non−redundant variant only one set of Rogowski coils, capacitive tabs, secondary con-
verters, gastight cable bushings, sensor boards, density sensors and plug sockets are in-
7.23.2 Commissioning
Use of incorrect gas pressure filling in the modules can result in severe injury or
If the gas filling pressure is too low, an internal arc can occur which releases hot gases. Over-
load of pressurized parts due to false filling pressure, especially during work on barrier insula-
tors can result in bursting of GIS parts.
4 Strictly follow the gas handling instructions! Assure the use of the correct gas filling pres-
1. Ensure that all low power instrument transformers are connected according to the sec-
ondary circuit diagrams.
2. Ensure that the gas compartment is filled at the nominal filling pressure.
3. Make sure that gas density monitor or sensor is connected and working.
The necessary work concerning commissioning is defined in the On Site Test Protocol
1HDG518680. Carry out this work during commissioning and record the results in the protocol.
7.23.3 Operation
There are no direct functions on the device. All functions of the device must be performed on
the merging unit in the control cubicle.
4 Refer to the Operating instructions of the merging unit for low power instrument transform-
ers (Doc. no. 2GHG001704).
7.23.4 Maintenance
Contact with hazardous supply voltages results in death or severe injuries
Assemblies of the product are energized with hazardous voltages
CP primary coverter
No re−calibration is needed. All its components are designed for more than 40 years operating
time without significant inaccuracies. Please refer to the station manual for maintenance of
other primary equipment.
CP secondary coverter
No re−calibration is needed for CP-SC which are used for protection, measurement and meter-
ing applications. For certified revenue metering, however, a new factory calibration or an ex-
change of the CP-SC every ten years is recommended.
In case of re−calibration, the secondary converter should be replaced as complete unit with a
recently calibrated secondary converter from ABB. The old secondary converter should be
shipped back to the factory for re−calibration. The sensor boards should not be replaced, as
the re−calibration of the sensor board would be necessary, but cannot be performed on−site.
The exchange of the secondary converter must be done in voltage−free and earthed condi-
The date for recalibration of each secondary converter is part of the calibration protocol. The
customer is in charge to supervise the calibration intervals themselves.
Check the ventilation of the secondary converter housing regularly during the inspection.
Merging unit
No maintenance or calibration is necessary.
Before disassembly, the device must be disconnected from the power supply and earthed, as
otherwise the plug connector to the converter has free potential.
In the event of a defect on the sensor board, the entire device must be re−calibrated, as all cal-
ibration data is permanently stored in the sensor board. Therefor it has to be disassembled
and shipped to the factory.
Incorrect measurement results or complete failure of the sensors.
Non−observance of the instruction 1HC000971.
*) the values given in the table are therefore only guide values.
EVT Rated values 1.2 / 1.2 (1.5 for 30 s) / 1.2 (1.9 for 30 s) /
The CP04 rating plate (12) informs about ratings and technical data of the CP04. Two different
rating plate types exist depending on the usage ("metering & protection" or "protection only").
Not mentioned in the rating plate is the type of protection against accidental or inadvertent
contact and against ingress of water or foreign bodies: IP 65.
Resistance values of the main current path of the low power instrument transformer
Non-ferrous metals
Electronic parts
Filter material
Total weight
Iron or steel
Oil, grease
Cast resin
The surge arrester is a three−phase encapsulated surge arrester which is a separate gas
compartment. The gas compartment is sealed with barrier insulator. Baseplate and enclosure
are from aluminium. A pressure relief device and gas valves are provided. A gas density moni-
tor or gas density sensor is installed to one of the gas valves.
The active parts of the surge arrester consist of several serially connected metal−oxide resis-
tors. The metal−oxide resistors have a non−linear resistance property. At the maximum oper-
ating voltage UC only a small capacitive current flows. At higher voltages the resistance
changes to a very low value practically without delay. In this way any further increase of volt-
age is limited to the specified residual voltage values. Once the surge wave has ended the ar-
rester returns to the non−conductive state. The length of the resistor stakes depends on the
project specific data.
The surge may be equipped with a surge counter consisting of a monitoring units and sensors.
Monitoring units and sensors are connected by signal cables. The sensors are installed in the
current path between the resistor stack and earth. The sensors measure the surge current
through conductor. Conductor is connected to the earthed enclosure by earthing conductor.
For earthing of the surge arrester refer to chapter Installation (Earthing [} 95]) and the project
specific earthing plan.
7.24.2 Commissioning
Severe injury or death due to electric shock.
The conductors of the insulating bushings are connected to the resistor stacks in the gas com-
partment. If these con- ductors outside the gas compart are not earthed high-voltage potential
is conducted out of the enclosure.
4 Energize the surge arresters only after all bushings are connected to earth potential with
the specified conductors. Use only the original conductors provided with the GIS.
1. Make sure that the surge arrester data on the rating plate fits the operating voltage of the
power system where the surge arrester is installed to.
2. Make sure that the conductors of the insulating bushings are connected to the earthed en-
closure of the surge arrester.
3. In case of surge counters: Make sure that the conductors are earthed behind the surge
counters. Otherwise surges cannot be detected.
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
During improper handling an internal arc can occur which releases hot gases through the pres-
sure relief device. After opening the enclosure parts under high voltage can be accessible.
4 Follow all safety instructions! The manufacturer denies any liability due to improper han-
Specific instructions regarding transport are found in the chapter Container, section Transport.
This chapter describes the special requirements of the Integrated GIS regarding transporta-
tion, storage, erection, commissioning, operation and maintenance.
The GIS (1) is installed onto the skid within the container housing (2). One or more cubicles
for the control of the GIS (5) and for the electrical supply of the container (6) are also installed.
The container (2) may be optionally installed onto a steel support structure (3), where the en-
trance is reached by means of stairs and walkway (4), as shown in the example.
The container (2) may be optionally installed onto a steel support structure (3), where the entrance is reached by
means of stairs and walkway (4), as shown in the example from Figure 1.1-1.
The container can be accessed through the door (1), which is equipped with a lock.
For the very rare case of an internal arc occurring within the GIS, a pressure relief device is in-
stalled: it can be integrated into the maintenance cover (4) or implemented as a hatch in the
side wall (2). During an internal arc within the GIS, the bursting disks of the gas compartments
may open, releasing this way a certain amount of insulating gas. This released gas increases
the pressure inside the container significantly. To keep the pressure inside the container within
acceptable limits in such a case the pressure relief device (2) is opened, so the gas can
stream out of the container.
To increase the stability of the container structure during transport, tension rods (3) shall be in-
stalled to the sides of the container. During operation of the GIS at least the tension rods (3) in
front of the pressure relief device (2) must be removed.
For maintenance purposes the maintenance cover (4) is installed in the roof of the container.
After removal of the maintenance cover, the interrupting chambers can be lifted through the
opening in the roof of the container and be replaced.
The container consists of two parts: the container housing (1) and the container skid (2),
formed by a floor (3) and a base frame (4), as shown in the figure. The container may be op-
tionally installed onto a substructure (5), whose installation is performed on site.
1HDG518301Ben ABBProductManualGIS|Modules|1.1-4
7.25.2 Transport
The Integrated GIS unit, consisting of the GIS bays installed onto the skid within the container
housing, shall only be transported separated from its substructure, which will be assembled on
In the case of having two or more containers, they will be transported separately and coupled
and sealed on their long sides on site.
The crane and lifting accessories must provide the necessary capacity to lift the whole Inte-
grated GIS unit weight.
The weight of the Integrated GIS unit can be found in the chapter Layout Drawings.
1HDG518301Ben ABBProductManualGIS|Modules|1.1-5
1. CLOSE circuit-breaker (main contacts closed).
2. Decommission circuit-breaker operating mechanism (disc spring assembly pressure re-
3. Switch combined disconnector / earthing switch to neutral position (main contacts open).
4. OPEN make-proof earthing switch (main contacts open).
5. Activate shock indicator.
6. Depending on country requirements, introduce gas in compartments to transport pressure
150 kPa (0,5 bar (rel.)), contrary to the chapter ashandling and to the document Transport
1HDG518621, which define N2.
7. Provide enough bottles of insulating gas for filling the GIS at the new erection site.
The circuit-breaker operating mechanism and its decommissioning is described in chapter Op-
erating mechanism HMB-1, Operating mechanism HMB-1s, Operating mechanism HMB-2 or
Operating mechanism HMB-2s, depending on the circuit-breaker operating mechanism used
in the GIS bays.
1 1
1 − Tension rods
Figure 1.1-4: Mounting of tension rods
Fig. 264: Mounting of tension rods
1 tension rods
1. Chains or sling sets line with hoisting beam.
2. Chains or sling sets line without hoisting beam, with one or two crane hooks.
A detailed description of the lifting process is found in the chapter Container, section Transport
and subsection Lifting of the container.
Exceeding the maximum load rating of the lifting ring can cause serious damage to
the container.
Loading a lifting ring over its maximum load rating.
4 Action All work related to lifting process is found in the chapter Container, section Transport
and subsection Lifting of the container. The description shall be followed strictly!
1HDG518301Ben ABBProductManualGIS|Modules|1.1-7
Lifting the container without the tension rods being installed can cause serious dam-
age to the container.
During preparation of the container before lifting, the instruction of fixing the tension rods was
4 All tension rods must be fixed and preloaded as described in the chapter Container, section
Transport and subsection Lifting of the container. The description shall be followed strictly!
Lifting the container ignoring the indicated minimum lifting angles can cause serious
damage to the container.
Lifting the container with an angle with the horizontal lower than its specific minimum.
4 All indicated minimum lifting angles must be considered as described in the chapter Con-
tainer, section Transport and subsection Lifting of the container. The description shall be
followed strictly!
1. HGVs (Heavy goods vehicles)
2. Ships
A detailed description of fixing the container for transport is found in the chapter Container,
section Transport and subsection Fixing of the container.
Ignoring the recommended fixation points for transport can cause serious damage to
the container.
Not fixing the container at the lifting recesses and the corner castings.
4 All work related to fixing the container for transport is found in the chapter Container, sec-
tion Transport and subsection Fixing of the container. The description shall be followed
Ignoring the recommended fixation process for transport onto HGVs or ships can
cause serious damage to the container.
During transport on HGVs or ships, not fixing the lower corners diagonally with two pairs of
lashing straps and not using at least four lashing straps to lash down the lifting eyes.
4 All work related to fixing the container for transport is found in the chapter Container, sec-
tion Transport and subsection Fixing of the container. The description shall be followed
These additional security measures regarding the fixation process for transport must be con-
1. Support container equally at its longitudinal floor plate holders for transportation with rubber
2. Transport container only in horizontal position.
Transport speed
The maximum speed allowed during transport of the Integrated GIS unit depends on the condi-
tion of the road and the technical specifications of the Integrated GIS unit.
The weight and dimensions of the Integrated GIS unit can be found in the chapter Layout
4 The speed and manner of driving must be adapted to the condition of the road and the
technical specifications of the Integrated GIS unit. Storage
Ignoring the recommendations regarding storage can result in death or severe injury
of people working within the container or in the vicinity of the container.
Not storing the container on an appropriate foundation.
4 Action Do not store the container on ground without an appropriate foundation, able to with-
stand all loads that the structure might be exposed to during storage. Make sure that the
leveling tolerances of the foundation are within the limits, otherwise the structure might
slant or collapse.
The following steps must be considered to storage the Integrated GIS unit:
1. Store container on solid surface only (concrete, asphalt, steel construction).
2. Provide proper foundation capable of withstanding the container load and additional loads
during storage (wind, snow, working staff).
3. The minimum support is one plate under each edge of each reinforced area at size 150 mm
x 200 mm which are leveled ± 2 mm. Depending on the soil, support capability plates of
larger area shall be used.
4. Seal all openings hermetically during storage.
5. Lock doors.
If the recommended measures are not considered, condensation may occur, result-
ing in a lack of isolation inside the GIS. This may lead to an internal arc when the GIS
is energized, releasing hot gases through the bursting protection and can result in se-
vere injury or death.
Not considering the measures to prevent condensation.
4 During storage connect the container to the control voltage power supply. During storage
operate the heating of the container and the heating of cubicles and operating mechanism.
If the recommended measures are not considered, the batteries of the lights and fire-
fighting system may be damaged.
Not considering the measures to prevent damage of batteries.
4 During storage connect the Integrated GIS low voltage devices to the low voltage power
Damage to electrical equipment can occur if minimum storage temperatures are not
adhered to.
The temperature inside the container falls below the minimum allowed temperature during stor-
4 If ambient temperatures fall below the minimum allowed temperature during storage, the
container needs to be heated up.
Figure 1.1-5: Minimum support structure for storage (plates under each reinforced area; 150 mm x 200 mm)
Fig. 265: Minimum support structure for storage (plates under each reinforced area; 150 mm x 200 mm)
1HDG518301Ben ABBProductManualGIS|Modules|1.1-12
Ignoring the recommendations regarding storage can result in death or severe injury
of people working within the container or in the vicinity of the container.
Not storing the container on an appropriate foundation.
4 Do not store the container on ground without an appropriate foundation, able to withstand
all loads that the structure might be exposed to during operation. Make sure that the level-
ing tolerances of the foundation are within the limits, otherwise the structure might slant or
The proper installation requires a solid foundation which is capable of withstanding the steel
structure and the GIS container loads. The foundation must have the following characteristics:
1. Capability to withstand the weight of steel structure and container including GIS.
2. Capability to withstand additional load due to wind, snow, weight of service or operating
3. Capability to withstand the dynamic load generated by the circuit-breaker during switching
4. Levelling tolerance of foundation surface less than ± 2 mm per meter.
The operator of the GIS is responsible for the verification of the soil support capability and, if
necessary, for the appropriate design and provision of a foundation. Consult a civil engineer for
the evaluation or design of a proper foundation. Depending on the legislation of the country,
where the installation is erected, official construction permits, and approvals may be required.
Furthermore, the operator is responsible for the safety at work, the use of proper safety equip-
ment and suitable tools. Operator must observe the following standards:
1. EN 1090-2 (class EXC2): Steel structures part 1.
Execution of steel structures and aluminum structures.
2. ISO 10721-1: Steel structures part 1. Material and design.
3. ISO 10721-2: Steel structures part 2. Fabrication and erection.
4. Relevant local standards for erection of steel construction.
First assembly of steel structure
The drawings of the container manufacturer can be found in the chapter Container, section An-
nexes and subsection Drawing.
1. Select a location to place the container. The location needs a connection to the earthing
grid of the power system. If a connection is not available proper earthing must be realized
by earthing rods etc.
2. Check the soil support capability where the container shall be placed. If necessary erect
suitable foundations to prevent slanting. For the evaluation of the soil support capability
consult a civil engineer. In addition to the container weight take also snow load, wind load,
additional weight of personnel and equipment into account.
3. Check the location for wind loads. In extreme cases the weight of container and steel struc-
ture might not be enough to prevent tilting or moving of the container. In these cases, the
container must be additionally fixed to the ground to prevent moving or slanting. For the
evaluation of the wind load consult a civil engineer.
4. Check the location for snow loads. The container is designed for snow loads of 500 kg/m
at maximum. If higher snow loads are expected take care that snow exceeding this limit is
removed from container top regularly.
5. Prepare the surface of the ground where the container will be erected so that the support
points are leveled at ± 2 mm.
Erection of steel structure and container
It is assumed that before installation of the Integrated GIS unit, the support steel structure,
stairs and walkway are already assembled:
1 − Earthing terminal
Figure 1.1-6: Connect container to earthing grid of power system
Fig. 266: Connect container to earthing grid of power system
INFORMATION Further information of the steel structureearthing
and container
terminal erection process is found
in the chapter Container, section Operation.
Further information of the steel structure and container erection process is found in the chapter
Container, section Operation.
4 The torque specified in the table is only for the container and steel structure. For the GIS
different torque values apply. For the torque values for the GIS refer to the chapter Installa-
Size Size
M12 78 N m
M16 195 N m
M20 394 N m
Tab. 135: Recommended torque (for container and steel structure only, screw quality 8.8) Commissioning
4 After each transportation and erection of the container a complete commissioning proce-
dure of the GIS shall be carried out.
For commissioning refer to the chapter Commissioning in the GIS product manual.
All tests performed must be documented in On-Site Test Commissioning GIS protocol
Test Remarks
HV test recommended
PD test optional
Voltage drop measurement mandatory
Gas tightness test mandatory
Gas quality test after gas handling mandatory
Density monitor test mandatory For compartments installed on site
Mechanical tests mandatory Tests which were already done while
manufacturing routine testing and doc-
umented in 1HDI515800 don’t have to
be repeated.
LCC test mandatory Tests which were already done while
manufacturing routine testing and doc-
umented in 1HDI515800 don’t have to
be repeated.
Electronic protection test mandatory
Test Remarks
Visual inspection Operation
Undetected damage can result in severe personal injury or death when the GIS is en-
Possible damage during transportation may have occurred.
4 After each transportation and erection of the container a complete commissioning proce-
dure of the GIS shall be carried out. Do not energize and operate the GIS without proper
Operating the container without being the earthing terminal connected to the earthing
grid of the power system can result in severe injury or death.
During erection of the container, the instruction of connecting the earthing terminal of the con-
tainer to earthing system of substation was ignored.
4 During erection of the container, connect the earthing terminal of the container to earthing
system of substation.
Because there is limited space inside a container, the hot gas can directly affect per-
sonnel causing severe injury or death.
During an internal fault inside the GIS the bursting disks of the gas compartments can open
and hot insulating gas can stream into the container.
4 As far as possible do not enter container and keep the container door locked when GIS is
The heating of the container is equipped with thermostats. Set the thermostats so that an op-
eration at temperatures below +5 °C is prevented.
Temperature monitoring
4 Monitor temperature sensors and repair heating, ventilation and air conditioning system if
1. Press crossbar handle at the inside of the container door.
2. The door opens even if container door is locked. Maintenance
Instructions regarding repair of the container walls are found in the chapter Container, section
Repair of module walls.
Instructions sealing material for the container are found in the chapter Container, section Seal-
ing material.
Ignoring the safety measures can result in death or severe injury of people working
on top of the container.
An accident may occur when accessing to the top of the container if the safety measures are
not considered.
4 When accessing the container top use a personal anti-fall guard for each person. Observe
the rules for a safe use of ladders. Clean container top from slippery material as snow, dirt
before accessing container top.
Ignoring the safety measures can result in death or severe injury of people working
on top of the container.
An accident may occur when accessing to the top of the container if the safety measures are
not considered.
4 The maximum number of persons to access the container roof is two. Do not store any ma-
terial on the container top. Otherwise the permissible load on the container top may be ex-
Please consider the following safety measures when operating the maintenance cover:
1. Clean container top from snow and any dirt which makes the container top slippery.
2. Access container top using a ladder.
Please consider the
3. following
Fix yoursafety measures
personal when
anti-fall operating
guard to the the
on the top ofcover:
the container. At maximum two
1. Clean container top from
persons can snow
work and anycontainer
on the dirt which top.
makes the container top slippery
2. Access container top using
4. Unscrew a ladder
the bolts (2) of the maintenance cover (1).
3. Fix your personal anti−fall
5. Lift the guard to the
maintenance ring(1)
cover onat
the topeye
the of the container.
bolts (2) and store the maintenance cover on the
At maximum two persons are allowed to work on the container top
4. Unscrew the bolts (2) of the maintenance cover (1)
6. During maintenance of the circuit-breaker do not store any material on the top of the con-
5. Lift the maintenance
tainer. cover (1) at the eye bolts (2) and store the maintenance cover on the ground
6. During maintenance of the circuit breaker do not store any material on the top of the container
1 2
1 − Maintenance cover
2 − Fixing screws and eye bolts for lifting
Fig. 267: Maintenance cover
Figure 1.1-7: Maintenance cover
Variant 1
1 2
1 wires 2 radiator
The anti−condensation heater variant 1 consists of a wound wire, which lies in form of a me-
ander between two silicone plates.
Variant 2
1 wires 2 radiator
- Disconnector / earthing switch W 15
- Make−proof earthing switch W 15
- Disconnector W 15
Filter material
Iron or steel
Plastics (1)
Oil, grease
Cast resin
its alloys*
1 5 8
6 4 7
The gas density monitor measures the gas density of the connected gas compartment. The
purpose of the gas density monitor is to ensure a sufficient gas density for the operation of the
GIS. The gas density monitor indicates a lack of gas by generating a signal to inform the oper-
ator. The signal consists of two stages.
The gas density monitor has three contacts (1 x warning-stage 1, 2 x blocking-phase 2), which
are directly conducted to the operating mechanism cabinet of the circuit-breaker, where they
are processed.
The gas density monitors provided for the other gas compartments of the GIS have three con-
tacts as well. Normally, two of these, namely those inside the control cubicle of the GIS, can
be used to indicate warning signals. (1 x warning-stage 1, 1 x collective indication-stage 2).
For information about the pressure levels refer to chapter Gas−insulated switchgear in section
Measuring principle
The gas density to be supervised in the gas compartment (5) is continuously compared with
the gas density of an identical gas in the reference volume (4). Since the gas in both volumes
has the same temperature, the densities can be compared through a comparison of the pres-
The differential pressure between the two gas volumes (4) and (5) moves the metal bellows
(6). This movement is transferred through the operating rod to the micro switch (8). The micro
switches (8) are electrically connected with the screw terminal (3) and release at pressure
drop the respective signal. The terminal (3) can be mounted and dismounted without any
Tendency Indication
The gas density monitor has a tendency indication. From this display the measured range and
an indication of the actual pressure value can be read from a scale. The switching points are
marked with colour gradients (green/yellow, yelow/red) on the scale. The colored ranges sig-
Pressures of the GIS and the recalculation to the ambient temperatures: Gas pressures [} 36]
7.27.2 Maintenance
The gas density monitor must be checked in regular intervals of a maximum of 6 years for cor-
rect functioning.
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
If the gas density monitor has to be de−mounted for testing: An incorrect de−mounting can
cause loss of insulating gas which may cause an internal arc which releases hot gases through
the bursting protection.
4 Testing of the gas density monitor shall only be carried out if the gas compartment of the re-
spective gas density monitor is de−energized and earthed.
Rated values
Operating voltage V 250 (AC) 250 (DC) 220 (DC) 110 (DC) 24 (DC)
Switching capacity of the micro switch (resistive) A 10,0 0,1 0,25 0,5 2
Non-ferrous metals
Electronic parts
Insulating gas
Total weight
Iron or steel
Plastics (1)
Oil, grease
Cast resin
kg kg Percentage of total module weight in % per weight:
1 5 10 7 3
4 5 9
2 2
The Hybrid Gas Density Monitor (HGDM) combines a gas density monitor with a gas density
sensor in a single housing. The monitor function and the sensor function operate indepen-
Density Monitor
If the gas density falls below a predefined value, the gas density monitor generates a warning
signal consisting of two stages.
The gas density monitor provided for the gas circuit-breaker compartment has three contacts
(1x warning-stage 1, 2x blocking-stages 2), which are directly conducted to the operating
mechanism cabinet of the circuit-breaker, where they are processed.
The gas density monitors provided for the other gas compartments of the GIS have three con-
tacts as well. Normally, two of these, namely those inside the control box of the GIS, can be
used to indicate warning signals (1x warning-stage 1, 1x summary warning-stage 2).
Density Sensor
The gas density sensor is based on a measuring with oscillating quartz. The constant reso-
nant of a quartz oscillating under vacuum is compared with the resonant frequency of an iden-
tical quartz situated in insulating gas. The so calculated values will be transmitted by a RS485
interlace with the MODBUS RTU protocol. It can be queried values like density, pres-sure and
Electrical Indication
The gas density to be supervised in the gas compartment (5) is continuously compared with
the gas density of an identical gas in the reference volume (metal bellows with reference gas
(4)). Since the gas in both volumes has the same temperature, the densities can be compared
through a comparison of the pressures.
The differential pressure between the two gas volumes (metal bellows with reference gas (4))
and gas compartment (5) moves the metal bellows (4). This movement is transferred through
the operating rod to the micro switch (7). The micro switch (7) is electrically connected with the
screw terminal (3).
The gas density sensor (9) generates different measurement values, that can be interrogated
by a MODBUS RTU Master (like MSM system). The measurement values are available by
RS485 interface over a data cable which is connected to terminal X2 with screw terminal (3).
The data cable is also used for the voltage supply of the sensor.
Due to the long-term stability of the gas density sensor no re-calibration and maintenance are
necessary. The screw terminal (3) can be mounted and dismounted without any tools.
Visual Indication
The gas density monitor has a pressure indication. From this display the measured range and
the actual pressure value can be read from a scale. The switching points are marked with
colour gradients (green/yellow, yellow/red) on the scale. The colored ranges signify:
Pressures of the GIS and the recalculation to the ambient temperatures: Gas pressures [} 36]
4 Check, if the sealings (11) of the density monitor are at their place and are in proper condi-
Global warming
Release of Greenhouse gas.
The optimal procedure is to mount the hybrid gas density monitor before evacuating the gas
compartment. By this means the HGDW is evacuated together with the gas compartment and
the remaining air in the sensor-detector is removed. Therefore, there is no transient response
while filling the gas compartment and the function of the sensor can be tested directly.
1. Installation of HGDW.
2. Evacuation of gas compartment.
3. Filling with insulating gas.
In case the procedure mentioned above is not possible resp. a hybrid gas density monitor has
to be exchanged the test shall be carried out after 5 days, at the earliest. Conventional func-
tioning is given immediately.
1. Installation of HGDW
2. Wait for transient response (approximately 5 days)
Once the sensor-detector has its transient response, it reacts directly to pressure changes in
the gas compartment.
1. Measure gas pressure in gas compartment with gauged manometer.
2. Measure ambient temperature.
3. Re-calculate to 20° C standardised gas pressure.
4. Determine the gas pressure value of the sensor.
5. Check standardised gas pressure with sensor value for compliance with tolerance.
The test of the gas density monitors / sensors is to be documented in the site test protocol
Commissioning 1HDG518680 in section Gas Density Sensor.
7.28.4 Maintenance
The gas density monitor must be checked in regular intervals of a maximum of 6 years for cor-
rect functioning.
Work on high voltage switchgear which can result in severe injury or death.
If the gas density monitor has to be de−mounted for testing: An incorrect de−mounting can
cause loss of insulating gas which may cause an internal arc which releases hot gases through
the bursting protection.
4 Testing of the gas density monitor shall only be carried out if the gas compartment of the
respective gas density monitor is de-energized and earthed.
Manufacturer Trafag AG
Enclosure material − AlSi10Mg
Ambient temperature °C −40 up to +70
Tensioning torque for screw cap Nm 50
Weight g appr. 1050
Maintenance − none
Degree of protection − IP 65
Electrical connection − Screw terminal
(± 1% at 70−80% of apparatuses)
Stability per year % < ± 0,3
Electrical connection mA 6.5..20
Rated voltage V 2-wire, 10..32 (DC)
Operating voltage V 250 (AC) 250 (DC) 220 (DC) 110 (DC) 24 (DC)
Non-ferrous metals
Electronic parts
Insulating gas
Total weight
Iron or steel
Plastics (1)
Oil, grease
Cast resin
Voltage detection systems are normally used in bays which are not equipped with a voltage
transformer. The main application is to observe the voltage−free state of a high voltage cable
before closing the earthing switch with short circuit making capacity.
The voltages of all three phases are measured separately via capacitive voltage sensors and
are transferred through coaxial cables to the detection unit. The detection unit shows the volt-
age−free state by relay contacts. For additional information the detection unit provides a dis-
play on the front panel.
The requirements for voltage indication acc. to IEC 61243−5 are fulfilled.
4 Before all work, the according parts of the GIS must to be earthed. All work on the HVDS
shall be carried out only by trained and specially authorized staff. For training, contact your
local customer service.
4 During all work on the GIS the safety rules have to be followed strictly (1HDG 518 020).
Damage of GIS parts by partial discharge.
Not correctly connected HVDS sensors cause partial discharge. Also the bay control elec-
trodes on the barrier insulator may be sensors.
4 The sensors shall not be operated opened during operation. In case no detection device or
trim capacitors respectively are connected, the sensors shall be earthed directly on the ter-
minal boxes. The fault never shall be rectified with applied voltage.
During a partial discharge measurement all sensors shall be connected to earth directly inside
the terminal boxes.
HV Off
PE No Error
Surge arrestor
The figure shows the typical system architecture for detection device located inside the local
control cubicle (LCC). For each phase a sensor provides a small measurement voltage. Surge
arresters inside the terminal box suppress transient voltages coming from the high voltage
From the terminal box the signals are conducted to the detection unit through coaxial cables.
Capacitor modules allow adjustment to application specific configuration.
Measurement of voltage
The figure shows the schematic for a single phase voltage detection according to the figure.
The electrode builds in combination the high voltage conductor a capacity C1. This capacity
forms together with the capacities on secondary side (C2 + CE + CA + CI) a capacitive voltage
divider that transforms the high voltage UHV to a small measuring voltage U2.
The ratio between primary voltage and measuring voltage is given with
C1 1
Detection device
According to IEC 61243−5 the voltage evaluation for voltages below 0.1 x Ur shall not react
but for voltages > 0.45 x Ur has to react. This means that in the range of 0.1 x Ur ≤ U ≤ 0.45 x
Ur detection is possible but not necessary.
The trim capacity CA is calculated project−specific to comply with the required limits.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
● Contact No Error: This contact is closed when the detection device is powered by auxiliary
voltage and all three phases are in the same state (either Voltage free" or Voltage
● Contact HV Off: This contact is closed when the detection device is powered by auxiliary
voltage and all 3 phases are in the state Voltage free"
When auxiliary voltage is missing both contacts are open.
● HV ON: This red LED is high lighted when at least one phase is in state Voltage present"
● HV OFF: This green LED is high lighted when all 3 phases are in state No voltage"
● Error: This red LED is high lighted when the phases are not in the same state
● Power: This red LED is high lighted when auxiliary voltage is present LC−display
The detection device provides a liquid crystal display (LCD) to visualize the state of each
phase separately. For indication a flash symbol is used.
45 % of Un
U > 45 % of Un Voltage present" and
Tab. 148: LC-display
U = Phase to earth voltage
Un = Normal service voltage
The energy of the input signals is sufficient for operation of the LCD. Therefore, a visualization
of voltage state is possible even without auxiliary voltage. Mounting
The detection device can be placed either in the local control cubicle or directly at the GIS, us-
ing a small enclosure.
The device snaps into a panel cut−out with dimensions according to technical data given be-
7.29.6 Applications
The HVDS is available for gas isolated switchgear type ELK−04 in indoor applications.
The maximum distance between capacitive sensor and detection unit is limited to 12 meters.
It is not recommended to use HVDS in combination with partial discharge (PD) measurement
systems, since the active measurement of the detection unit will disturb the partial discharge
measurement. During partial discharge measurements all sensors shall be connected to earth
directly inside the terminal boxes.
7.29.7 Installation General
1. The coaxial cable must not be cut to length. Excessive cable can be coiled up (for example
behind LCC) and fixed.
2. Only cable glands with screen connection should be used.
3. The shield of the coaxial cables must be connected to earth at every cable gland.
4. The capacitor modules are determined depending on the installation configuration; in some
configurations no capacitor modules are needed.
Criteria are: Mounting type of the detection device, rated voltage of the installation and also
the type of measurement (whereas there may be differences depending on the type of the
cable sealing end).
1. Assemble detection device into the front panel cut−out.
2. Feed the coaxial cables through the cable glands. The end of the coaxial cable with two
faston terminals is directed to the detection device. Do not tighten the cable glands until all
cable work are finished.
3. Mark the coaxial cables on both ends with phase designators according to wiring plan.
4. Connect the 4.8 mm female faston terminals of the coaxial cables to signal inputs XL1..3 of
the detection device.
5. If capacitor modules are used:
The capacitors are connected between the wide 6.3 mm male faston terminals of the coax-
ial cables and the male faston terminal (protective earth) of the detection device.
If no capacitor modules are used:
The 6.3 mm male faston terminals on the coaxial cable have to be protected with adequate
resources, that is shrinking hose or dummy plug, against unintentional contact.
6. Connect the earth potential of the LCC to the male faston terminal PE of the detection de-
vice. The earth wire must be short as possible; if necessary this wire must be cut to length.
7. Connect signal outputs and power supply to terminal block X1 of the detection device ac-
cording to wiring scheme.
8. After the position of the coaxial cables is fixed, the screen of the coaxial cables must be
connected to earth potential at the cable glands.
gnals. To
1. Lay out the coaxial cables loosely to the terminal box and open the terminal box.
2. Connect the cable screen to earth potential at the cable gland:
3. Remove approximately 10 mm of cable sheath.
4. Insert cable into the gland until contact is made between gland and cable screen. Tighten
the nut.
5. Screw−on the cable core together with the surge arrestor at the electrode terminal.
6. Screw−on the opposite end of the surge arrestor to the terminal box housing.
7. Close the terminal box. Take care that the sealing is in place.
the detection
The electrodes of each phase are connected via adapters and coaxial cables to the terminal
box. In the figure the side view of an ELK−04 barrier insulator is displayed. One can see the
inner conductors and the electrodes opposite. The adapters connect to one electrode each,
the remaining screw holes are not connected and are covered by plastic screws.
The adapters provide an N−style plug. The coaxial cable coming from the terminal box is con-
nected to this plug.
1. The earth screws on the barrier insulator are covered with silicon, which must be removed
with an appropriate tool before later work.
2. Remove all earth screws around the barrier insulator.
3. Screw in one adapter for each phase according to the figure. Depending on space condi-
tions, other screw holes can be used to connection as long as each adapter connects to a
different electrode.
4. Insert plastic screws into the remaining holes.
5. Cover the screws and adapters with silicon.
6. Mount the protection cover over each adapter.
1. First mount the terminal box to the flange.
2. Insert the coaxial cables into the cable glands of the terminal box and make sure that the
screen of the coaxial cables is connected to earth.
3. Connect the coaxial cables to the adapters according to the phase definition. Remaining
cable length must be coiled up.
4. Secure the cable and plugs against loosening.
7.29.8 Commissioning
Commissioning includes a functional test and verification of threshold values. Verify cabling
before energizing the switchgear.
During partial discharge measurements all sensors shall be connected to earth directly inside
the terminal boxes, since partial discharge measurement may be distorted.
Functional testing is supported by an integrated function of the detection device. Only when
the input current from the capacitive tap is above a defined level, Maintenance test o.k." is dis-
This test requires to a) earth the high voltage line and b) energize to the system with rated
voltage. The detected state of the line is displayed by LED’s and flash symbols on the LCD.
At earthed condition the flash symbols must be dimmed, additionally the LED’s must be illumi-
At rated voltage the filled flash symbols of all three phases must be visible, additionally the
LED’s must be illuminated.
The test is passed if the measured signal is in the range between 8.9 and 40 Volts R.M.S.
This test can be performed phase by phase, for example when a single−phase voltage gener-
ator is used.
4 Before any work the affected switchgear parts have to be earthed. Only connecters with
protection against contact shall be used.
7.29.9 Maintenance
The detection device is maintenance free.
To check functionality of the system a functional test can be performed (Functional test
[} 485]).
During partial discharge measurements all sensors shall be connected to earth directly inside
the terminal boxes, else the partial discharge measurement may be distorted.
● Detection device
● Trim capacitors
● Surge arrester
LED Power is off Auxiliary voltage source is missing. Check connection to auxiliary voltage
When HV line is not energized the LED The detection device detects at least one input as HV On. Identify the affected
HV On is on phase on the LC−Display.
≤45 % of Un
No HV On No No No Close Close ○ ○
≤45 % of Un
≤45 % of Un
U > 45 % of Un On No Yes No Open Open ○
≤45 % of Un
U > 45 % of Un On No No Yes Open Open ○
≤45 % of Un
Kind of protection IP 54
Operational temperature °C -25 °C ... +55 °C
Auxiliary voltage V DC/AC 24 ... 230
Power consumption VA Max. 1
Breaking capacity of relays 250 VDC; 0.3 A ohmic
Non−ferrous metals
Electronic parts
Total weight
Iron or steel
Plastics (1)
Oil, grease
Cast resin
kg kg Percentage of total module weight in % per weight:
Danger of failure of insulation resulting in internal arc which could cause severe injury
or death to people.
Loosening the screws of the flange (3) causes gas leakage in the affected module.
4 For the usage of the lifter for arcing sensor only remove the designated closing cap. The
manipulation of the screws of the flange (3) with a tool is prohibited respectively shall only
be done by expert staff and when the bay is de-energized and ventilated.
4 Do not look into the module if the arc sensor adapter is removed and the bay is in opera-
4 5 6 2 3
Tightening torques for non-greased screws in threaded boreholes and for bolt and nut connec-
tions: Installation [} 86]
Treatment of insulator surfaces, O-rings, sealing grooves and sealing surfaces: Installation
[} 86]
The arc sensor interface (ASI) is the interface between the sensor of the arc detecting device
and the gas compartments of the GIS.
The ASI consists of a glass pane (1) which is pressed between two gaskets (2) by flange (3).
The flange (3) is provided with an arc connection piece (4) for fixing the sensor and a guide
tube (5) to hold the optical waveguide of the sensor.
If the sensor of the optical waveguide isn’t screwed into the ASI, a cap (6) protects the thread
and the guide tube of dirt and damage.
The ASI can be mounted depending on bay layout and available space onto varying places of
the housings of the gas compartments.
4 During normal operation of the GIS not all screws for earthing / fixing of the control elec-
trodes shall be dismounted.
1. Remove contact screw and contact spring (1).
2. Insert sensor adaptor (2) and tighten it firmly.
3. Check galvanic contact of sensor adaptor (2) conductor to enclosure.
4. Screw cover onto sensor adaptor.
1 2
1 − Contact spring